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File: 65 KB, 640x428, sardines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5135466 No.5135466[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys like your canned sardines?

Large or small?
Plain or smoked?
Packed in water, vegetable oil, olive oil, tomato sauce, or other?

Personally I prefer large smoked sardines, packed in vegetable oil (mostly seems to be soybean oil around here).

>> No.5135481
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Olive oil aged sardines or it goes in the trash

>> No.5135494

I normally like olive oil, but I don't usually like olive oil sardines, I think it gives an unpleasant flavor. Maybe I've just never had good ones.

>> No.5135507

I like them laired onto of a heavy crème cookie.
Then I put another cookie on that. And then I eat it.
With some homemade bathtub gin.

True story.

>> No.5135522
File: 50 KB, 465x698, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw cooking mackerel for the first time
Same god-tier nutrition as salmon, full of protein and omega-3 fatty acids
Nice full flavor, unlike all those white flaky fish that don't taste like anything
Dirt cheap and like half the price of salmon

>> No.5135530

Oh god yes, I love cooking mackerel. I get great whole fresh ones at the Korean market near my work.

>> No.5135550

I sincerely hope that "cookie" means something different in your language/dialect than it does here, because otherwise that's fucking disgusting.

>> No.5135947


>> No.5136071

smoked in olive oil
caught off the coast of Portugal

>> No.5136106
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>not making a cookie sandwich with your mackarel

>> No.5136148

Cento makes the best sardines I've ever tasted, packed in olive oil. Fucking massive, meaty sardines. Out-fucking-standing. Put every other sardine I've ever tasted to fucking SHAME.

>> No.5136154

He said cookie, not cookee you fucking retard.

>hurrr r u making a choclate chip cookee with fish durrrrr

>> No.5136174

There's no such thing as a "cookee" you fucking retard.

>> No.5136204

You're a fucking cookee.

>> No.5136332

I buy the $1 per tin ones that are canned with jalapenos.
Mash them up, pile on sliced onion between white bread.
Mmm, poor person food.

>> No.5136341
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>olive oil

pic related is what i like to pick up at the store.

>> No.5136363

whatever you know what he meant.

Big fucking deal, I made a typo. Fuck off and keep thinking someone is making fish cookies.

>> No.5136371

Do you all eat the bones? I always split mine in half and take the spine/ribs out. I like them canned in olive oil. Smoked or canned in tomato sauce. I spread them on a piece of foil and put them in the oven for a bit and then broil them so they get crispy. Nom nom! Slam those fuckers on some toast or a little spinach salad. So good.

>> No.5136378

I seriously have no idea what you meant. What the fuck is a cookee? That's kind of the basis of your entire argument...

>> No.5136386

the bones is the healthy shit mang, good for ya. crungh em on down! although i don't like the big ones because i don't like feeling fish vertebrae

>> No.5137320

I don't like those, they're too mild for my taste. I much prefer the larger ones.

>> No.5137377
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Hot sauce, mustard, or chiles. If not, oil and I'll add one of the aforementioned myself.

Forked out on crackers.

>> No.5137385

No, I actually still have no idea what you mean. "Cookee" isn't a real word and "cookies" are sweet things, at least in American English.

>> No.5137389
File: 9 KB, 319x224, 1390716388323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this thing in a can of brunswick sardines in water. Is it seaweed? The batch of tins I have all reak (not of fish) and are sticky and have visible brown residue on the bottoms. I eat them for the EPA, DHA, D, B12 and calcium but this kind of shit is forcing me to consider alternatives.

>> No.5137393


>> No.5137394

I have no clue what you have drawn there. If the sardines aren't good though, then you should just throw them out and get a new batch.

>> No.5137414

packed in oil, fried til crisp, Just dump whole can in hot skillet, squeeze of lime and hot sauce and pile on saltines

>> No.5137460
File: 40 KB, 400x400, 1302920078689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought some tonight and tried to feed some to my two cats. shit had bones and spines and colon in it. gross. i picked that shit out and the cats still wouldn't eat it. fucking primadonnas.

>> No.5137474

I found the same thing with the same brand, I'm not sure if it's the thin plastic wrap around the tin sticking to the aluminium can or a small leak in the can. I'm not brave enough to risk eating them so I put the tins in my fishing tackle box and I'll use it as chum next time I go fishing.

I like the John West sardines, they always have consistent quality, the really cheap sardines are not god imho.

>> No.5137667

that's the brand i bought. it had spines and all kinds of junk in it.

>> No.5137753

So which brands of sardines have guts and which ones don't? I'm new to sardines and I've only ever eaten the clean trader joe's variety. Which is how I like it, I'd rather not eat innards.

>> No.5137768

Buy em fresh cook em halfway after cleaning and such cook off currants onions add white wine reduce till no wine left cover while hot store for 7 days in fridge make polenta and salsa verde and enjoy my saidine saor

>> No.5137781
File: 1.23 MB, 3008x2000, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cat eats them. Sometimes I just feed him the viscera and the mushy undersides because I'm still averse to them. The spines make a very satisfying mush between my teeth. I had some canned salmon before, too. An extremely satisfying treat for people who like to mush vertebrae in their teeth.

I found a picture similar to what was in my can, except it was cut in half and cooked. Fuck Brunswick.

Brunswick packs them decapitated and often one of the four will still have the back fin. Most have the other fins. They all have what God gave them inside. These are Atlantic herring. The ones with flavouring are okay, but you get one less fish. The ones in water are best cooked in hash or something, unless you really like the metallic taste and fish stink of partly decomposed baby herring and seaweed. Also the can stinks, and is covered in some kind of glue crap. They sell smoked herring fillets in thinner, longer tins that are pretty good.

>> No.5137842

wow. I want some of what you have in your pic. What brand is that? I have never seen them with heads. Those are absolutely beautiful.

>> No.5137856

I think those are anchovies.

>> No.5137865
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I eat them usually once a day. they cost about a buck and are really healthy. Only downside is you might get fishy breathe. It's a really good snack when you're at work and it's energy.

>> No.5137868

Are they? Fuck. They look a little big for anchovies. I've been looking for whole sardines for a long time simply because fishheads get me HARD.

>> No.5137869

>It's a really good snack when you're at work
and you want your coworkers to hate your guts. I tried eating sardines at work once. Only once. I was nearly lynched. Though they have no problems stinking up the place with their popcorn and their vegan whatevers.

>> No.5137874
File: 64 KB, 1152x514, 1384411259180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw these tiny fish kept me alive for a year

I absolutely love them.

I once saw an exhibit of them at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. I wanted to eat them all, lol.

>> No.5137878
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No fish at work. Thanks.

>> No.5137884
File: 2 KB, 126x163, 1278085756734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i used to eat them in grade-school and everyone thought i was disgusting

i'm so sorry everyone i never knew

>> No.5137891
File: 12 KB, 320x240, letterman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck them. Sardines are the jam. Just don't bring them to work.

The only fish you can bring to the office is a freshly made tuna sub. Sardines with pico and crackers is OK if you work outside, though.

>> No.5137968

>Spicy Tomato Sauce
I pair them with a big ol' scoop of white rice, maybe some nice crusty bread to soak up the sauce. That's a meal fit for a king. I usually keep the sardines room temperature. It just seems to go well with the steaming hot rice.

>> No.5137998
File: 37 KB, 400x300, sardinillas610cabo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little, plain, ready to eat straight out of the can, with a hint of chili, on a slice of bread with a slice of tomato.

>> No.5138000

That sounds wonderful.

I love my coworkers but they have shit taste in food, so they bitch when I bring curries and shit to work. Sometimes when I have a 5-5.5 hour shift and no lunch break, I just bring a can of fish and a mini-batard and eat that on my break. Fuck everyone who complains.

>> No.5138010

Large, tomato sauce if I can find 'em, though can only really get water or oiled packed for some reason, no clue why. Usually put on top of rice, or just a sandwich if I'm feeling lazy. Also like mustard once in a while as weird as it is.
Never had smoked, will try and find them next time I shop.

Sucks that I could never eat them as a kid. School mates hated the smell, and my older brother would literally slam my head into the floor if I opened a tin around him at home.

>> No.5138016

When I even mention sardines my mother runs away. Apparently when her sister was pregnant something something she doesn't like the smell of sardines now.

>> No.5138505

That sounds awful, none of the respectable brands have any of that shit. Throw out all of these "Brunswick" cans and get some sardines that aren't the absolute bottom of the barrel.

>> No.5138514

Am I the only one here besides the OP who prefers smoked sardines? Those things are absolutely delicious, they have such a rich flavor.

>> No.5138540

I prefer smoked herring over smoked sardines. Something about having liquid inside a can of smoked fish puts me off a little bit, though.

>> No.5138573

How do you consume them when they've got bones? Keep putting off buying sardines and pilchards just due to the bone worry. Wanting to have them as a snack or sommit.

>> No.5138591

Just eat the bones. They're about the same consistency as the sardines themselves, so you don't need to crunch through them.

>> No.5138598

Just eat the bones. They're soft. If you weren't looking you probably wouldn't even notice they're present.

Not like those big vertebrae when you get canned salmon. You know when you're crunching through one of those.

>> No.5138611

You just eat them. They're pressure cooked, so the bones are soft and crumbly. If you the fish whole you won't even notice they're there.

>> No.5138614

Good to know. My experience with bones in fish have been Mackerel (which always seem to find a way in) or from shit I've caught but not deboned 100%. Try as I might, there's always the stabbing of the gums.

>> No.5140115

You're an asshole. I love sardines, but if the guy in the next cubicle opened up a tin I would probably murder him.

>but they don't smell that strong!

>> No.5140469
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These little motherfuckers on toast. With salt and pepper.

>> No.5140706
File: 56 KB, 400x400, 1001029_020100000076_A_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mustard sauce ones on saltines.

Ate it as a kid, never bothered to try any other kind. Hot suace one sounds kinda good, never understood the olive oil one.

>> No.5140730

I dug graves for a while with a Mexican guy. He'd bring a can of mustard sardines and some crackers with him for lunch sometimes, and eventually I tried it myself. Started doing the same.

>> No.5140753

ugh beach cliff is the shittiest brand! i understand why you don't understand olive oil.

>> No.5140768

When you're poor you learn to stop being so fucking picky.

>> No.5140772

When you're poor you seldom eat sardines, because they have a terrible calorie/$ ratio. Unless you're not really poor, of course.