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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5112173 No.5112173 [Reply] [Original]


and you????

>> No.5112178

No. Where are the fucking seeds.

>> No.5112180

Firstly, properly explain this picture.

>> No.5112186


They cut the apple about half an inch off the core. I'm pretty sure the apples still have seeds. You just can't see them.

>> No.5112197

They probably do not produce seeds so you can't grow your own.

>> No.5112218
File: 632 KB, 1443x811, hail-science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5112226 [DELETED] 

I knew the jews were behind this.

>> No.5112228

Ya man, HOW DARE THEY try to protect their multimillion dollar investment?

>> No.5112235

Sure, why not? Looks tasty.

>> No.5112243

Did I fucking say I had an opinion about it you sarcastic fuckwad?

>> No.5112256


But you'll eat apples that naturally do not turn brown, right?

Whether the genes that prevent the production of the enzyme in question were naturally occurring or not is inconsequential.

In fact, you could argue that it is more humane than breeding it the old fashion way as you don't go hundreds of generations forcing it to procreate a certain way and killing all the "failures".

>> No.5112267

Yeah that sounds terrible.

How dare they.

>> No.5112269


Not OP, but the apple on the right likely has a delayed ripening recombinant gene. Meaning it doesn't produce or produces less enzymes associated with the destruction of our ideal apple image. In the case of the picture, oxidation or browning is inhibited (possibly by reducing polyphenol oxidase concentrations in the fruit)

>> No.5112270

you can do that with ceramic knives on a normal apple

>> No.5112271

Apparently this was done just so kids won't complain about their lunch fruit being "yucky"... but I'm willing to be McDonald's is highly invested in this shit, given that they try to market shitty preservative covered apple slices to kids now, for more than the price of a single apple.

>> No.5112276

well it makes sense
that fucking browning is a constant threat to meal aesthetics

>> No.5112277
File: 36 KB, 550x366, franknmac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They need to start working on skinless apples.
get all those toxins off

>> No.5112279



Reduction in cell damage will slow down the rate at which it browns, but as long as it produces the enzyme, it will do so in a couple minutes at most.

>> No.5112286

and seedless watermelons!

>> No.5112291


You cant grow most food apples from seed anyway, 98/100 times you get a horribly bitter crabapply thing to grow rather than the variety you got the seed from.

>> No.5112307

so how do they do it
they cant be modifying each individual seed and they cant be usin like an infertile source, cuz they won't be able to get more of it without individual modification

it's gotta be a self-reproducing apple or they'd just run out
maybe you're just growin it stupid

>> No.5112310


>> No.5112312

Great, so there go our antioxidants. Let's make food "better" by making it prettier and taking everything actually healthful out of it.

>> No.5112319

ok fine
maybe they have one source
but that shit aint okay nosiree
i dont abide
fuck no

>> No.5112320


Most food apple varieties are from the small % from seed that don't taste like ass. For most of time people raised apples for making hard cider and the good tasting apples where chance mutants that acted as a bonus to your orchard. Good varieties where perpetuated by grafting it to rootstocks of shitty tasting apples and thus you had the variety infinitely unless all where somehow killed off or forgotten.

tl;dr, red delicious apples come from trees grown from twigs of older red delicious apple trees grafted to crabapples/shitapples.

>> No.5112322

Antioxidants have absolutely nothing to do with this...

Why are people so fucking stupid about GMO?

>> No.5112325


That's why we artificially "fortify" processed foods with nutrients and minerals! In the case of raw foods, genetic manipulation can cause them to produce vitamins like beta-carotene, but generally we have bred raw foods to taste better (i.e more sugars).

>> No.5112330

>Being "humane" to apples.

>> No.5112331

The thing is, apple trees only bear fruit for so many years. After that, you graft the branches, tear it down and plant a new one there.

Full disclosure: The name of the place I used to live literally translates to "The Apple Orchard".

>> No.5112339


hell yeah i would...

why would i want it to turn brown? it's just a chemical reaction that makes it shitty.

if they remove the browning its better.

GMOs 4 lyfe.

Gmos are way better then irradiated food and pesticides. Let's worry about that. If you are against GMOs I guess get rid of your dogs and cats cause they should have been wolves and jaguars until stupid breeders fucked with them and made them all friendly and shit...

>> No.5112341



Plants communicate with each other through various means.

The idea that veganism is any more humane is delusion. What matters are the living conditions of our food.

Imagine, if you will, a field of pigs, shoulder to shoulder and ass to ass, being plowed through by a machine with spinning blades five yards wide. Imagine particles of blood and flesh filling the very air around the machine.

That's what we do to plants.

>> No.5112349


plants dont feel pain dufus. even if they communicate it would be about as dramatic as a light bulb going out of use and nowhere near as a slaughtered pig.

>> No.5112375


>> No.5112387


Pain is just a signal. If plants communicate to others in their vicinity about being harmed, then there would be some sort of signal.

The fact that we're still only beginning to learn about plant communication shows how much we've been underestimating their capabilities as organisms.

For all we know, they might live as families, feel attachment or even loss for their relatives.

>> No.5112401

Pain is just a signal, yes. However, in order to *feel* pain, a brain is required. The same is true for feeling attachment or loss. A comatose person has pain signals run through their body but they don't feel any pain because there brain is "off".

>> No.5112419


For all I know, you're a giant faggot. I'm a meateater and I don't want you representing my side. Go somewhere in the neutral zone with asexuals on an exclusive tofu diet

>> No.5112428
File: 5 KB, 451x126, thx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for making this easy for me, and starting off my list.

>> No.5112438


The comatose analogy is flawed. They have signals running through their bodies, but they serve no function as long as the brain is out of commission. In the case of plants, these signals are fully functional. Or is your point that mincing up comatose animals whole is humane? lol

Seriously, though. It's not as cut and dry as we previously thought. Especially in the cases of large groves of trees that are all linked via the roots. Hell, the largest living thing we know of is a giant mushroom taking up a significant portion of Oregon.


I'm not representing anyone's side.

Regardless of your diet, you're killing something to get that nutrition and I choose not to disregard the lives of any of my meals.

>> No.5112453

Plants don't even have brains. You're retarded.

>> No.5112490


Their bodies produce the chemical signals just fine without a brain. They can still reorient themselves towards the sun (Either growing out of permanent shade or, in the case of the sunflower, actually track the sun as it passes, keeping the maximum exposure at all times), grow their roots in the direction of water and all sorts of other tasks that they need to strive.

Your worldview is boringly small.

>> No.5112542

Yes, but the chemical signals are meaningless from the perspective of treating them humanely. Without a brain, there is no point in treating plants humanely, because they literally can't feel the difference. It's like saying we should treat a doorknob humanely because it can get broken.

>> No.5112551

Let's look at it this way. Pain is generally a signal that exists specifically to take an injured function out of commission until it heals out, in order to minimize further stress and/or damage. If we presume this definition to be true, then, at the very least, then we might also presume that this form of pain does not exist in many plants, simply on the basis that many plants make no significant attempt to -follow up- on the signal's purpose and thus, the signal would serve no legitimate function.

Also you're making some really fucking stupid points like the family thing. Like seriously what the hell this isn't some pop-fantasy, families don't just exist everywhere because humans developed the notion to fit their specific environment and capabilities. There's no what-if plants have families toooo! because if they had any sort of awareness of their neighbors and offspring, they would quite obviously develop an entirely different understanding of interaction
Devil's advocate doesn't work if you're going to be fucking stupid about it. It's not fun and it's not fruitful

>> No.5112564

Doorknobs aren't alive, and they haven't kept us alive since our species inception.
Plants deserve some respect.

>> No.5112571

As if that has anything to do with the argument. Pain matter because you can feel it, not because it's a signal.

>> No.5112596


As far as the family thing is concerned, I just said "For all we know". We're only just now learning about plant communication. Who knows how deep that rabbit hole goes.

For singular plants, it's doubtful to be very meaningful, but when it comes to the aforementioned Honey Mushroom in Oregon or ancient groves like Pando http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pando_(tree) ... Then the potential implications are huge.

With all those trees communicating with each other through their roots or chemical signals, it wouldn't be that dissimilar from a neural network.

>> No.5112598

This is seriously one of the most stupid posts I've seen on 4chan. Congratulations!

>> No.5112601

What do I win?

>> No.5112602

>We're only just now learning about plant communication. Who knows how deep that rabbit hole goes.
sure fine but think for a second about why we developed a family structure in the first place, as opposed to anything else. Or more specifically, why did we -shift- into a family based structure from our previous clan/herd based format?

Bringing up shit like plants might have a family structure too! is, again, not fun or fruitful to discuss because the basis of the idea ignores everything that actually goes into social theory. The -Family Unit- is obviously not the only way (or most intelligent) to go about social division.

And fine maybe you were just making broad statements, not actually meaning to make any specific comments on where you think it might lead
but this whole subsection of the thread has gotten entrenched on specifics so whatever

>> No.5112609

>what is round-up ready

>> No.5112610


It was just an offhanded remark. The conversation was whether it was any more humane than meat, which I don't feel it really is.

>> No.5112623

I'm not scared of science and progress, but apparently theres a lot of barbarians that are still left out there.

>> No.5112633

Even if we discover that plants have feelings, what do you expect me to do, just stop eating and die? You're all far too gone to care at this point. Just imagine that you've already attributed to the deaths of thousands of animals. Theres no redeeming that, so why stop? At least thats how I see it.

>> No.5112640


That's the exact opposite of my point.

Don't misunderstand, I eat meat on a daily basis.

>> No.5112663

GMOs are usually not unhealthy.

>> No.5112671

you've never had a seedless watermelon?

>> No.5112685


as far as we know currently they aren't unhealthy at all

>inb4 french rat "study" that was never submitted for peer review and which was dismissed by the science community

>> No.5112718


Seriously, people don't realise we've been fucking with food for millenia.

You think a natural banana looks anything like what you buy in the store?

You know carrots are actually meant to be purple, right?

You think wild pigs look anything like the ones we get our bacon from?

You ever seen what corn originally looked like? It's fucking hilarious.

GMOs are just the next step in us fucking with food FOR OUR BENEFIT.

The companies who make GMOs aren't going to make food that has no damn nutrition in it. That's simply not in their interest; nobody is going to fucking buy apples if they're no longer good for you. If you think GMOs are going to give you cancer or something, you're retarded. They can't keep selling food to a dead population, you retard.

>b-but muh salmon genes in muh tomatos!
Yeah, now we can grow tomatoes in regions that previously couldn't. If we get a few random extra-cold days, we're not going to lose the entire fucking crop of tomatoes. This means tomatoes will cost less for you to buy. This means poorer people can afford to buy some nutritous food for a fucking change.

If you are against GMO foods, you're a fucking asshole.

>> No.5112726

>doesn't know shit about neural network
>compares it to plants

take biology lessons again
please stahp

>inb4 we only use 10% of our brain

>> No.5112732


uh yeah, I agree

I'm >>5112685

>> No.5112770
File: 72 KB, 360x309, CornProgression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The left is what corn cob is supposed to look like. The Far right is what a corn cob that you would buy in your "stores" today look like.. Enjoy your genetically modified trash you pieces of shit, I'll enjoy my diet of foraging for untainted foodstuff and dying at the ripe age of 40.

>> No.5112773

I hope nobody honestly believes this.

>> No.5112832

That example doesn't work so well, as corns have been cross bred over the years. It's pretty much harmless, like an heirloom spud or apple.
The stuff that will fuck you up is when they modify the DNA of the plant to include natural pesticides that weren't originally in edible crops.

>> No.5112835

except studies show that that doesn't do shit to people, at least not reliable studies because we aren't invertebrates

>> No.5112868

What if a Frenchman eats it?
It could take decades of actual humans eating this stuff to find out whether it affects us. By the time we know about it the only producers left could be using strains developed by that American company everyone whinges about.

Anyway, cross breeding corns to make them bigger, sweeter etc; isn't harmful, but if a strain is more susceptible to certain diseases or bugs it can introduce those vulnerabilities. That's probably the only downside.

>> No.5112882

holy shit hahaha what are fucking vegans going to eat, air? oh wait no that has feelings too!!! holy shit lmao what a bunch of retards.

>> No.5112906

Sounds fucking brutal.

All pigs should be slaughtered like that, they could sell tickets so people can watch the harvest.

>> No.5112930

I was going to go vegetarian/vegan but then I realized that I was drawing a line between plant and animal, and if I can draw a line there why not draw it somewhere closer to my values? Now I just try not to eat mammals. Birds are okay to eat although I will treat them civilly. Fish and reptiles can rot in hell, scaly fucks. Anything without a backbone I don't even really consider "living."

>> No.5112950

I agree, Vegans should starve.

>> No.5113011

it is so fucking obvious you have absolutely no experience in biological sciences

>> No.5113893


>The idea that veganism is any more humane is delusion.

Okay, let's say we have two groups. Group 1 smashes computers with a baseball bat. Group 2 smashes computers and puppies with a baseball bat. Is Group 1 no more humane than group 2 because they smashed some computers?

What you're saying is like "yeah, I rape children and beat up old people, but YOU stepped on some grass the other day when a sign CLEARLY said not to! We're even" and then "but didn't you step on the grass too on top of those other things you do?" "YEAH, BUT SO DID YOU"

>> No.5113899

You're not good at analogies.

>> No.5113903


You're not good at defending your lifestyle choices

>> No.5113912


Whether you eat plants, animals or both, you're still killing living beings to survive. The distinction you make is arbitrary.

>> No.5113916

You're very good at assuming you know what my lifestyle choices are. Just because someone thinks your analogies are rubbish doesn't mean that they're not vegetarians. I don't need to defend my lifestyle choices but you need to come up with a better analogy if you intend to sway anyone, is all.

>> No.5113926


>Whether you eat plants, animals or both, you're still killing living beings to survive

We're still talking about a group that only eats plants vs a group that eats both plants and animals, and even kills plants to feed those animals to kill them, and you're trying to act like both are equal

>The distinction you make is arbitrary.

The thing is though, plants did not evolve the way animals did. Plants don't feel the same fear or pain response because they can't make use of it. An animal feels fear to inspire it to make a quick decision and get out of a bad situation. A plant is rooted in the ground, it can't even move in place, it has no use for this information. A plant is like a biological computer. It knows how to grow and it knows how to repair, but that's all it can do. I can send you an email and say our computers are communicating with each other, but we both know what we actually mean, and it's incomparable to animals. You're making a false comparison just so you can tell yourself "I'm no worse than the guy mowing his lawn"

>> No.5113939

Much better analogy. Very good, in fact. >>5113893, though, is still a rubbish analogy.

>> No.5113944

Would eat. I don't see the problem with genetic modified foods. Isn't it just fast forwarding selective breeding??

>> No.5113953

yes, its something humans have been doing for fucking thousands of years

>> No.5113958

would berry

>> No.5113988

So tired of these hippy babies trying to hold back science

If I ever win the lottery, Im going to make huge investments in Monsanto just to spite everyone.

>> No.5113994
File: 49 KB, 358x267, ........jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but sadly the general public (Mostly in America) still sees science and progress as some dark magic, or evil boogeyman thats going to harm their children, threaten their way of life, or 'goes against God'.
Thats not just a fedora tip to religion here. Even atheists join the retard pile of unwashed masses who believe tampering with genetics is 'immoral' or socially wrong.
Instead of waving torches and pitchforks like they did a few hundred years ago, now they wave picket signs and bitch about it on the internet.

>> No.5114058

>Science is bad and scary and I don't wanna!
Cowardly fool.

>> No.5115992

Fuck that, make me some shell-less lobster/shrimp/clams/other shellfish so that they aren't classified as shellfish anymore so they can be considered kosher so my Jewish friends can try them.

>> No.5116024

If its tasty I'll eat it and enjoy it.

>> No.5116030

Goddamn it I hate hippies.

>> No.5116033


Go back to your grass hut you damned ape.

>> No.5116057

I don't mind GMO if it wasn't for the fact that the companies behind it are evil as holy fucks. Why would Monsanto take patent on not only every single one of their crops, but also all kinds of research about them? How is that even possible/legal, and not just a jewish way of protecting something hey don't want other people to know about?

Also taking shitloads of farmers out of business and getting their own farmers in a huge debt, causing suicide rates among farmers to smash through the roof.

There's a lot I don't agree with, and until I know what's going on, I'm fine with what I've had before.

>> No.5116083

Its fucking business, they are a company trying to make money.
Evil is a subjective term

>> No.5116094
File: 168 KB, 446x357, 1369363366215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's okay to kill people and ruin lives as long as you make money

Careful, you might cut yourself.

>> No.5116096

>Its okay to kill people and ruin lives as long as you make money
The farmers kill themselves and made bad business decisions. They did it to themselves

>> No.5116099

Mosanto marketer pls go.

>> No.5116103

considering the reason why apples turn brown and how you prevent it in cooking, there's no way that apple actually taste good.

>> No.5116105

Stopped reading at jewish.

/pol/ please go

>> No.5116114

>Bwaahhhh I don't like to hear what the jews do

>> No.5116142

>Implying you have to be jewish to make money

>> No.5116147

Just eat the damn apple

>> No.5116206

Fuck their multimillion dollar GMOs

>> No.5116208

This is the worst analogy I have ever read

>> No.5116219

>Scientists modify a drug that makes people less sick
Brilliant. Triumph of modern medicine, will save countless lives
>Scientists apply same reasoning to food, modify apple tree so that the specific reaction that causes browning doesn't appear in it's apples
Crime against nature! Science has gone too far, who gave us the right to alter things even though we do it with literally everything else, and also have done it with food for millenia?!

>> No.5116221

Medicine goes through rigorous testing, has numerous regulations, and the drug companies are obligated to look for any and all side effects and report them.

Food companies are fighting their hardest to not even let consumers know that anything has been done.

>> No.5116228

>Medicine goes through rigorous testing, has numerous regulations, and the drug companies are obligated to look for any and all side effects and report them.

That's because drugs deal with how our body works, and interacts with it on a cellular level, a lot of things can go wrong.

Modifying food is near harmless compared to that. Take this study for example, you're taking a specific enzyme in an apple which we do not want, and telling the apple tree not to produce apples with that specific enzyme. That's it. People are not going to get sick because a near useless enzyme isn't in their apples anymore. There should be more oversight and testing to make sure, but minor things like this have near zero chance to go wrong. It's food, for fuck's sakes. Unless they make it poisonous or otherwise harmful to people the worst that can happen is that people get less nutrients from it

>> No.5116230

>ass to ass, being plowed

This is my fetish.

>> No.5116233

You know this because of the rigorous testing they do right? Or are you speaking out of your butt?

>> No.5116236

>you're taking a specific enzyme in an apple which we do not want, and telling the apple tree not to produce apples with that specific enzyme
You're telling it to produce it several times. Literally. The DNA is implanted with several more copies of the gene sequence that codes for that enzyme. That somehow causes the plant to stop producing it (because inhibitor agents kick in).

>> No.5116256

I stand corrected, the point stands, though.

You're confusing food with medicine, again. There's no way a modified cucumber could, for example, cause liver failure. Food has to survive as a living thing, and has much less capability for harm than something made to affect your bodies chemistry and organs, you'd have to either be entirely careless (which they are not) or intentionally trying to cause any amount of harm

>> No.5116268

if it really such a big fucking deal it you dont want brown apples just put it in lemon juice or some shit like god damn i learned that in 8th grade

>> No.5116272

>using chemicals to modify your food


>> No.5116273
File: 24 KB, 350x300, lolbaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw USA still doesnt have GMO labeling like every other civilized nation on earth

>> No.5116274


Consumers cannot be trusted to make decisions in their own best interest. That is the domain of massive corporations known for some of the worst environmental and humanitarian horrors of the 20th century. Why do you hate SCIENCE?

>> No.5116596

>Great, so there go our antioxidants.
What'll really piss you off is when you learn how little evidence there is to support the supposed health benefits of antioxidants in the first place.

There is literally nearly no data to support the claims the media and food companies have thrown at us for the past 20 years or however long it's been.

>> No.5116628
File: 915 KB, 245x285, 1377202941641.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw foreigners refuse to accept science but continue to place their complete faith in a nanny-state government

>> No.5116789


Fuck that, make unjewish jews. They can eat regular shellfish and they won't be constantly trying to swindle the goyim.

>> No.5116799
File: 58 KB, 132x140, inconspicuous hand rub.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>befriending the jews


>> No.5116808

You dummy, it's not about accepting science, it's about having faith in corporations. And I think we definitely have too much of the latter in the USA.

>> No.5116813

>changing the genetics of the fruit for one shitty trait


>> No.5116814
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>> No.5116823

They are using genes from other organisms, no more or less natural than adding lemon juice

>> No.5116839

But anon, frogs are vertebrates.

>> No.5116931

Polyphenol oxidase is a defense mechanism. Suppressing this for the sake of solving a so-called "problem" created by marketers is unnecessary at best and irresponsible at worst.

It reminds me of Dyson's "air buffeting" ploy.

>> No.5116950

Seeds are usually what causes this kind of browning, because the seed eats the apple for nutrition. So I feel that maybe they removed the seeds to prevent the browning.

>> No.5116953

>broscience 101

>> No.5116959

In all fairness, they do feed a shit load of people for cheap. They're like a modern day jesus, or antichrist. Depending on how you want to look at it.

>> No.5116962

You probably think there would be no jobs in most towns if Wal-Mart didn't exist.

>> No.5116973


>> No.5116976

why wouldn't you an apple that actually looks bad inside when it's been cut and is overall bad?
The only appeal those apples have is from the seller point of view, that can sell you spoiled shit that will look nice until you take a bite.

>> No.5116992

Dammit /pol/, not all Jews are like what you think.

>> No.5116996

Buddha was a faggot

>> No.5117002

I don't get it

Are people so violently disgusted by the sight of brown on their apples that there's an actual market for this?

>> No.5117007

They are making up a problem to create a market for their product.

>> No.5117455

>you'll eat your brown mushy apples and like it!

>> No.5117473

I don't get it either. The brown is just a sign that the apple has been exposed to air for a while. It's not something that bothers me when I'm just eating a fucking apple.
Now those random mushy ass nasty apples, getting rid of them is something I can get behind.

>> No.5117479

Picky children, apparently. And fast food chains?

>> No.5117492

>Are people so violently disgusted by the sight of brown on their apples that there's an actual market for this?

>> No.5117519

>Or is your point that mincing up comatose animals whole is humane?
But it is more humane

>> No.5117524

There's more than enough food to feed everyone on this planet right now. GMOs will make no difference except line the pockets of corporate fucks with more gold.

>> No.5117530

>Yes, but the chemical signals are meaningless from the perspective of treating them humanely

All you are is a series of chemical signals
your personality, your hopes, you dreams. all chemicals
a brain is humanely no different than a heart, or a stamen or a flower

>> No.5117535

>Pain is generally a signal that exists specifically to take an injured function out of commission until it heals out, in order to minimize further stress and/or damage.
except no
pain is merely a signal that damage has occurred. that is all

>> No.5118967


But /lgbt/, it's not an idea exclusive to /pol/. It's a growing realization of a global threat.

>> No.5118983
File: 322 KB, 546x700, 1377817331373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*tips tinfoilhat*
But no, far from it. Although there are several retards that think that way.
Back to your containment board, please.

>> No.5118992


how butthurt do you have to be to use that

>> No.5119067
File: 356 KB, 1632x920, 2013-01-17 07.32.30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keepin' the doctor away.

>> No.5119105

How butthurt do you have to be to think that image is fruit of someone's butthurt? Redirecting idiots to their shitholes doesn't require any amount of butthurt. There is a back to /v/ and back to reddit one.

>> No.5119117

it's actually catechol oxidase, which leads to the production of the browning agent (and preservative/mild antibiotic) benzoquinone. i did a bio lab on it.

>> No.5119172

Why the hell not? It's not failing to turn brown because it's infused with polypropylene or anthrax or the gummy smegma off satan's taint. It's just an apple without a few flavorless compounds that turn brown when exposed to oxygen.

>> No.5121385

I would pay to see that

>> No.5121415
File: 43 KB, 400x363, 1390270637081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5121416

>Antioxidants have absolutely nothing to do with this...
>Why are people so fucking stupid about GMO?
Polyphenol oxidase is technically an antioxidant. Why are you so fucking stupid?

>> No.5121417

the fuck is that?

>> No.5121419

Is this actually an issue for you? Do you cut up and apple or take a bite out of it and return an hour later and get disgusted by the brown color?

>> No.5121444

put a bit of lemon juice on the cut part.