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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5106084 No.5106084 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else use this on stuff? Its amazing on airpopped popcorn with olive oil.

>> No.5106091

I haven't bought any in a long time, as MSG from the asian market is much cheaper. Somehow I found another old container in the spice cabinet so I'm using "Accent" again.

>> No.5106138

Just an anecdote and some facts about MSG: I have read the abstracts from actual clinical studies about its consumption. In short, a subset of the population is sensitive to MSG and can indeed get nausea/headache symptoms, but only in extreme doses of several thousand milligrams.

I knew this but doubted I was even sensitive to it. Then I was using a bunch one night at home while experimenting with a cracker recipe for a class called food product development. The idea was a bacon flavored cracker, so I wanted to use some MSG to give it that meaty umami flavor.

Well I don't know if it was the red food dye, MSG, cocounut oil, sugar, BAC-OS imitation bacon bits, or a combination of these, but I vomited violently for several hours. I think I actually must have had too much MSG, so please consider being conservative unless you know how much you can handle.

>> No.5106144

I put a bit in anything I want umami in.

>> No.5106953



You mean savory.

>> No.5106994

>Get a cookbook from a yard sale that was published in the 1950's
>Every recipe says to use Accent
"What the fuck is Accent?"
>The legend in the back of the book explains that it's MSG
"lol, what the fuck 1950's, get it together. They probably don't even still make this stuff!"
>Next day at the grocery store intended for Mexicans and Blacks, across the street from a White establishment
>Accent is just, like, right fucking there

Needless to say, I bought some.
(Girlfriend refuses to let me put it on/in food I cook)

>> No.5106998

*closes eyes and crosses arms*
No, anon, it's the sensation of flavours, you know when you eat a small lump of parmesan and you tense your whole mouth around it because the sensation is so great?
It's like when I lock my lips around my boyfriend's head and taste the salty cum pump out, it's a sensation of savoury delight.
/hipster weeaboo rant concluded

>> No.5107003

>girlfriend won't let me waaaaaaaaaaaaah!
If you're not just humouring your breasted counterpart and believe she wields any actual power, you are a twat of the highest order.
Grow a pair of bollocks and cuntpunt her opinions straight back up her snatch. Women should be beaten and not heard.

>> No.5107009

>I cook
Well unless she has a medically established allergy then she's a bitch, also you can put what you like in what you cook.
Here's an idea- don't tell her or let her see you put it in food!

>> No.5107020

Savory is a herb.

>> No.5107087

Words never had more than one meaning?

>> No.5107196

and you belong under my car, changing the oil and moving around all the heavy furniture in my home until it suits my ever-changing female whims

>> No.5107217


it's what makes nacho cheese doritos delicious

>> No.5107228


>> No.5107290


>actually adding MSG in your self-prepared food

Oh god what you guys crack me up

>> No.5107293

>thinking MSG is bad for you in limited quantities

the 90's called they want their bro-science back

>> No.5107300


>implying I said anywhere anything about it being "bad for you"
>implying you need MSG if you want to make your food taste fantastic

All you need is good ingredients and some cooking skills. Oh boy and I thought this was /ck/. Then again, this is instant Ramen central so, oh well.

>> No.5107302

I use it whenever I try to make chinese food

>> No.5107304

>being this retarded

I'm guessing you don't know what MSG is used for then.

>implying you need salt if you want to make your food taste fantastic

that's how you sound.

OP was talking about adding it to fresh popcorn. Are you saying you wouldn't put salt on popcorn? MSG is a common replacement.

>> No.5107305

>I can make good food without seasoning
oh boy is right, faggotron

>> No.5107307

>Are you saying you wouldn't put salt on popcorn?


>MSG is a common replacement.

Doesn't make it good at all


>Abloobloobloo the only seasoning I know is MSG :(

>> No.5107311

oh i see, you're just pants-on-head retarded.

Carry on 12-year old.

>> No.5107314


>calling somebody retarded for not using MSG and actually knowing how to cook and properly season the food

Mhhhh /ck/, the best cooks in the world

>> No.5107315

It's a seasoning, you fucking retard.

>> No.5107318

>Mhhhh /ck/, the best cooks in the world
Nope. Just better than you.

>> No.5107316


It's bullshit, that's what that shit is.

>> No.5107321


Dude, putting Ramen seasoning over everything isn't being a good cook.

>> No.5107323


Indeed. That doesn't make it a good one though.

>> No.5107324

what time is it in australia anyway? shouldn't you be in bed?

>> No.5107325


Wat. I didn't call you a cunt now did I?

>> No.5107328

>I will decide what is good or not

>> No.5107335

>I will decide what is good or not

>> No.5107337

I'm guessing you hate chinese food then

>> No.5107463

Most tasty foods have natural levels of glutemate i them. There is nothing wrong with adding msg to stuff if you have it handy.

It's just another poorly understood ingredient unfairly stigmatized by hypochondriac housewives and their talkies.

>> No.5107512


Nah. If I make it myself, I don't use MSG.

>> No.5107529

I bet you season aggressively with dat edge

>> No.5107533

why do we have receptors for MSG?

>> No.5107541


You remind me of those blowhards who were all about absinthe right before its legalization. I bet you were terrified of msg two or three years ago, before, you know, your ascension into enlightenment.

>> No.5107543

We have receptors for a lot of things. Doesn't mean they're good for us.

>> No.5107556

I use MSG in cheap canned broth to give it a boost of flavor, just a little bit.

>> No.5107560

Nah, I just assumed it was bad for you somehow but never cared, until I googled msg out of curiosity and realized everyone worrying about it is an idiot.

>> No.5107710



>> No.5107721

>Most tasty foods have natural levels of glutemate i them.

Yes, they do. And there is literally no need to add even more to the food.

>> No.5108026

it's the perfect compliment to fast food, I keep in handy in the car

>> No.5108052

/ck/ has been so easy lately. Even an anti-MSG troll is getting you riled up.

>> No.5108070

>lel it was all a troll

>> No.5108080


It wasn't me, friend. I have and use MSG. But this is probably the same dude who was doing this in another thread yesterday. He's not actually making any points, just making fun of things everyone else says and you guys all get rectal raged.

>> No.5108085

>He's not actually making any points, just making fun of things everyone else says and you guys all get rectal raged.

Are you talking about this thread, or all of 4chan?

>> No.5108086
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