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5104543 No.5104543[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of this delicious Canadian snack?

>> No.5104547
File: 16 KB, 200x200, 1389347562224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be hungry
>visit /ck/ on a whim
>see this
tasty m8

>> No.5104553

Its the greatest.
Canadian here.

>> No.5104554

Grew up in FL. Never had poutine. First time I even had cheese curds was about 2 years ago when I went to a wedding in wisconsin

>> No.5104559

You should try jerk chicken poutine. That shit is the fucking bomb.

>> No.5104573

Poutine is a glorious example of overkill. One taste takes me right back to being a teenager in Montreal during the long, windy, cold winters they have there. And people around me are speaking French with that crazy redneck accent the Kebs have.

But it's a regional trash dish, like a Philly cheesesteak or Chicago pizza. Worth trying for novelty's sake, but not really that great.

For a less trashy taste of Quebec I'd go with a tourtiere or a bowl of French Canadian pea soup..

>> No.5104580

Two fantastic dishes.

>> No.5104581

How is it overkill? I absolutely love poutine, not as a novelty, but as a regular dish I have weekly!

>> No.5104593


I'd try poutine, but the cheese curds are freaky -- never seen those. Like... wtf is this shit?

>> No.5104605

So good, but more than a few bites is kinda sickening.
I had it a bunch of times visiting my SO in canada.
Somehow the poutine at Pommes Frites in manhattan was better.

>> No.5104606

Milk solids before they are aged to make various types of cheese.
Also, what Miss Muffet had for lunch.

>> No.5104607

this thread is relevant to my interest:

I'm planning 5 days in Montreal this July... and have a few places picked out to try poutine - but where are the BEST (and not like the place I saw that had like foie gras style, Im talking the way the locals do it on a late night kinda budget)

>> No.5104638

>How is it overkill?
This kind of food is delicious in the meanest possible way. It's a huge blast of fat, salt and white carbs - heavy, bland and completely lacking in nuance or refinement. Perfect teenage stoner food, especially if you live in a cold place.

Like a cheesesteak and Chicago pizza these qualities make poutine a fun indulgence, because it just mashes a palm across your brain's pleasure buttons. It's a crude pleasure.

There's nothing wrong with crude pleasures, but we are surrounded by them. They're not the kinds of things we have to actively seek out. Which makes them hardly noteworthy.

>> No.5104653

If you can go to quebec, try ashton
maybe there is one in montreal, didnt check

La belle province is fine too

stay away from mcdonalds poutine

>> No.5104654

Fuck man, Poutine is poutine. Just get some when you're there, and scratch it off your list. Same goes for a shish taouk sandwich and some smoked meat. Then go have a Fairmount bagel. Have some cretons on bread for breakfast one morning, and a can of Habitant pea soup for lunch. There's your trashy Montreal indulgences scratched off the list. (Stay away from the pizza there, they can't do it right).

Then go to some good restaurants, because they have a fantastic restaurant scene there.

>> No.5104659

Mcdonalds poutine was absolutely disgusting.

>> No.5104661

>fairmount bagel
>shwartz smoke meat
>shish taouk

nigga das great taste

do what this anon says, it's gonna be great

of course... that's my point

>> No.5104665

She had something more along the line of cottage cheese. But basically cheese curds are like big chunks of cottage cheese without the whey they are suspended in. Big dry cottage cheese.

>> No.5104666

I think that if it didn't have the term "pizza" attached to it that Chicago deep dish would be pretty fucking popular. New York is just the most populated city which pretty much deems that it'll both have the most autistic people and determine what's okay or not okay.

I give it 5 years before new york style mexican food is a thing and 15 years before we accept ground beef tacos thrown over a plate of fries as mexican food.

>> No.5104672
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This is now Putin thread.

>> No.5104673

I know, i get it here.

>> No.5104675

poutine is the physical manifestation of the concept of degeneracy.

>> No.5104685

It's only really available in gastropubs and although I have no issue with gastropubs, we have 100s of them now and I doubt I will ever try this dish until some place props up that gets high acclaim for their putine specifically. I simply do not give a fuck about your national cusine if you're charging me $10, which is why only mexican, thai and chinese is popular.

>> No.5104684

I have a local mexican restaurant that makes Carne Asada Fries. Basically they just give you a bunch of fries then cover it with cheese, guacamole, sour cream, and like two pounds of carne asada. Ate the whole thing when I was stoned once, shits delicious.

>> No.5104690

Yeah I should have had a space between the two parts of that post. The cheese curd description was meant for the other guy.

sage because unrelated.

>> No.5104697
File: 118 KB, 500x375, wiscburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheese curds are kinda shit and disappointing. The best thing that Wisconsin has to offer is that a cheap sloppy cheeseburger and a $1-2 dollar beer is available ever 200000 feet.

Most underrated state in the US

>> No.5104707

I grew up in Green Bay. Honestly, cheese curds are in the top 5 things I miss. I left before I turned 21, so I haven't had too much experience with drinking there, but my parents were the type to let me have a beer every once in a while.

>> No.5104711

I'm British, went to Canada for 4 weeks and my friends pushed me to try it, despite how disgusting it sounded.

It's fucking GLORIOUS. Holy fucking shit I did not expect that much taste hitting my mouth.

>> No.5104717

I'm a Chicagoan so we're supposed to hate each other but I just love the unabashed cheap/bar food of wisconsin


people just cannot understand it unless they've experienced it.

>> No.5104729

>I give it 5 years before new york style mexican food is a thing
This may surprise you. I've lived in New York since '93, and aside from a few high end examples Mexican food here was a fucking joke. Friends from California would move here and laugh (or cry) over it. We had tons of Mexican joints run by Chinese (ffs), because all the good Mexican gooks were cooking in French and Italian kitchens.

But things have changes over the last decade. You can actually get decent Mexican in Manhattan if you know where to go, and some neighborhoods in Brooklyn can give LA a run for its money. (I say this having lived in LA, and now living in one of those Brooklyn neighborhoods).

Jesse at Brooklyn Taco is ambitious, doing great food and getting a fair bit of press. I would not be the least bit surprised if Brooklyn Mexican became a thing in the next five years.

>> No.5104730

I have had 3 of those.

Don't worry, I hate chicago enough for the both of us.

>> No.5104741

>good Mexican gooks
*good Mexican cooks

awful typo, sorry.

>> No.5104754

I love Chicago enough for you and 2 other people. I'm just one of those people that actually grew up here and can appreciate other things instead of someone moving in from iowa and zealously defending us. Wisconsin isn't considered much of a travel point but if you move to Chicago and have a car you should go up to wisconsin every once in a while to buy cheese and brats and drink cheaply. Hell, everyone. There's no reason to go to any other state otherwise. Indiana has overpriced fireworks, the uppers have pasties and detoilet has canada across the street. Elsewise I don't see much to this section of the world outside of the bar and drinking culture and fantastic burgers.

>> No.5104802

>I don't see much to this section of the world outside of the bar and drinking culture and fantastic burgers.
I'm no fan of Wisconsin, but I end up there often because in-laws. One of the best cheesemakers in the country (Holland's Family Cheese) is in Throp, WI. Middle of fucking nowhere, but fuck is the cheese good. Also the whitefish the pull out of Lake Superior is unbefuckinglievable. And given the number of Amish and Southeast Asians up there the farmer's markets are full of good stuff in summer.

But, like Montreal, I don't want to be anywhere near WI (or Chicago, for that matter) during winter.

>> No.5104807

mexicans are the best cooks. virtually every restaurant in chicago regardless of what cuisine is involved is a bunch of mexicans who were smart enough to make it this far, which I think separates the city from New York or LA.

>> No.5104814

we benefit by not following the food trends,but it's only a matter of time before money speaks and the wild life gets thrown on a value menu

we benefit by being the only people that can make a fucking cheeseburger worth a damn that doesn't require toothpicks and random vegetables.

>> No.5104833

>mexicans are the best cooks
No argument from me there.

>> No.5104840

What is the other argument?

>> No.5104913

Pea soup cooked in a dutch oven is probably the most delicious Canadian food there is - especially after a nice long day of kayaking.

>> No.5104920

the mexicans in kitchens are all prep cooks, meaning they do shit like slice onions, etc. not the real cooking. they use them because its very cheap labor

>source: i've been in the kitchens of dozens of chicago's finest restaurants

>> No.5104928

In NYC they're on the line, and some of them are frighteningly good French cooks.

>> No.5104929

Being a line cook isn't very impressive.

>> No.5104978

Went to vancouver and it wasn't anything special. And holy shit you fagnadians have a lot of Asians and homeless there.

>> No.5105032

I live in Montreal. Go to:

- Decarie Hot Dog
- La Banquise
- Tous les Jours (I forgot the name, but they sell one of the best hamburgers ever)
- Schwartz always has a long line piling up but it's worth it.
- Main Steak & Deli

>> No.5105034
File: 82 KB, 480x640, patatoorlog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inferior poutine
>not superior patat oorlog

>> No.5105057

Yea, Vancouver is FOB town man. They all start in vancouver and move out to the rest of Canada.
Including myself.

>> No.5105064

No spoilers. I should have known that.

>> No.5105129

The homeless are almost all concentrated in a 2 block stretch of Hastings.

>> No.5107492

What the hell is pata oorlog?

>> No.5107524


Basically french fries, curry sauce ketchup, mayonaise, saté sauce (peanut sauce) and diced onions.

Oorlog means "war" which describes the conflicting flavors. It's actually good but I prefer mayonaise and chili sauce on top.
Good choice thou.

>> No.5107530

Shit man, that actually sounds really good. It's a shame I'm allergic to mayonnaise, I would be eating that like crazy.

>> No.5107755

What are you allergic to in the mayonnaise?

>> No.5107762


I'm allergic to the sage you just put in it.

>> No.5107828

Eggs. Shitty allergy man.

>> No.5108181
File: 75 KB, 600x394, 514-reet-kapsalon[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not posting the abomination called kapsalon.

>> No.5108192

>being allergic to eggs

i don't know how you've managed not to off yourself anon. eggs are in everything I love

>> No.5108205

>people mad about McDonald's poutine

Hey it's not quality, or intending to be, but it tastes like Canadian pizza place poutine and I'm fine with that. The cheese curds isn't even that bad

>> No.5108386

Well, I've been allergic to them my whole life, so it's not like I've ever tried anything with eggs in it before.

Besides, eggs look disgusting to me, so yellow and they smell horrible

Have you tried authentic poutine before anon? The difference of taste is on an astronomical level.

>> No.5108405

La Banquise

>> No.5108437


By authentic, do you mean the chemical, grease bucket shit they serve you in queubec, or the refined version that has been produced across the country

Also Au Pied Couchon is overrated shit, and their foie gras poutine is a waste of calories and time. As is almost every other dish they serve.

>> No.5108495

I don't live in Quebec, but I do mean the greasy stuff. What can I say, I like it.

>> No.5108542

Well you did the spoilers wrong anyway.

>> No.5108547

I live in Quebec and there is no difference between the poutine served here and in other parts of the country.

>> No.5110315

Canadian here, best shit ever.
I find it's WAY better homemade than buying it store-bought. I mean, all you really need is potatoes, cheese curds, and gravy to make them...
>McDonalds poutine is FUCKING DISGUSTING

>> No.5110316

Living in BC btw (yes, the province with the good weed)

>> No.5110319


I've been craving some.

A new place just opened up here, and is charging 10$ for their poutine.

So I guess I won't be eating any.

>> No.5110324

>charging 10$ for their poutine
Go find the guy who runs the place, and kick him in the fucking jaw for me please. Do it harder if he looks Jewish.

>> No.5110327


I think its because they are using duck fat french fries, and duck fat gravy. No idea if they use actual cheese curd or not

>> No.5110336

I'll be eating this for dinner tomorrow.

My apartment complex had to have the water adjusted and they're advising us to boil the water for 4 days starting yesterday and doing dishes is a pain in the ass now.

Will be getting kapsalon tomorrow night.

>> No.5110482

Bumping for Le Mam Bolduc

Their traditional poutine is great, but you should also try the poutine au poivre, fucking delicious

>> No.5110511

Throw up fries, looks gross. Makes me wanna puke everytime I see one
>tfw I gagged when I scollred past this

>> No.5110830

You guys know smokes pouterie? That place is wayyyyyyy overpriced.

>> No.5110835


Poutine needs meat.

Fries and cheese with some gravy? Eh.

>> No.5110923

I love it and it's hard for me to resist, which isn't so good for my delicate curves.

>mfw go to Pizza Hut and see poutine pizza

>> No.5111467

what. seriously? poutine pizza?

>> No.5111529


The only thing that could make it better is if it was American.

I love poutine. Every time I go to quebec I eat it at least twice a day.

>> No.5111529,1 [INTERNAL] 

Screw you canandian fagnadians