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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5092910 No.5092910[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5092920
File: 82 KB, 608x404, water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5092922

>everything we consume is made of atoms, and molecules, that combined to form chemicals

anyone who isn't retarded already knows this

>> No.5092945

but liberals!

>> No.5092972


But things with scientific sounding names scare me and therefore are bad.

>> No.5092973

you could argue that natural foods are full of natural chemicals, and you might be right.

however, it doesn't mean that people should eat soap and drink blinker fluid.

when people say "ewwww! chemicals in my food!" they usually mean additives like yellow 5, high fructose corn syrup, and other nasty junk that they don't want to be eating.

water may very well be a chemical, drink too little, you die of dehydration. drink too much, hyperwaterpoisoning electrolytes or something = death.

is walking into the woods and getting bit by a snake, a natural experience?

there are many good and bad natural things, but my point is that people usually mean this:

>I want a banana 100% natural with no chemicals

what they mean:

>no bells
>no whistles
>no tricks
>no trucks

its like salted butter, alot of people just want to buy butter, but then they realize some jerk put extra salt in it, so they stop buying that brand, and buy another brand that stuck to the pure values of what real plain simple pure natural butter should be.

that is what people are doing right now. people are ceasing to buy things they don't like, and buying things that they DO like.


I am NOT a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5092982
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its silly to make the assumption that just because some uneducated people get scared when they see "sodium" on the label, that all people who avoid additives or "muh chemicals" in the foods they eat, that ALL people are stupid morons who are afraid of silly things.

this is a troll thread and I will explain why.

by making this assumption, the troll or pic related, attempts to imply that all people who want to make decisions about the way they eat, are simply too stupid to have the right to say "I wont eat this because I don't trust it"

you know what? if people don't like something they have the right to avoid it.

I wont eat high fructose corn syrup, and you shouldn't care.

I am NOT a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5092988

Most people ARE stupid morons who are afraid of silly things.

It's not that they don't like it, for example corn syrup has a different taste than sugar; it's that they're uneducated fucktards.

>> No.5092995


>> No.5093000

>all food has chemicals, nothing is natural, reality is a lie

The distinction comes from a food constructed perfectly by nature versus a food constructed by dumb humans who don't know the repurcussions of their actions and ingredients until it's too late

>> No.5093004

I can understand your point of view, but it is silly to assume that ALL people are stupid.

there are plenty of soccer moms watching dr.ooz and shopping at whololo foods just because it makes them feel cool or smart, but there are genuinely many real people out there who really have a passion for eating healthy and really do know better.

how do I know this? well, besides meeting other people and talking to them and realizing that they have a brain in their heads, I know that there are other smart people out there that aren't morons like those you are talking about, because you yourself have an opinion about other people.

if you are smart enough to tell me "HELP. I SEE STUPID PEOPLE" then by giving you the benefit of the doubt I can carefully assume that you may be one of the smart ones.

so that makes two already. you and me. smart.

we are not alone, and while it may feel like we are the minority(and we might be just a bit) there are other smart people out there that shope the wholefoodwops with purpose and meaning, and to be honest, I don't mind seeing other "stupid" people shopping along side me.

people are just people. if they want to eat healthy, let them.

>> No.5093007

Most != all.

>> No.5093017

I didn't learn programming language, but are you further asserting your opinion that smart people are the minority and that stupid people severely outnumber smart people?

is that what you are saying? sorry If I am wrong.

If I am correct, I will say this:

we are trying. humanity is like a 5 year old trying to build a sand castle too close to the water at the beach. the waves just keep on coming and no matter how fast the kid builds, the waves just keep eroding their sand castle. yet humanity is a work in progress, and soon we will move the castle further from the water, and maybe make it out of wood, and then stone, and then metal, and then composite, and then super materials, and beyond.

however stupid and messed up we all are, we will prevail. somehow. ( unless the retarded world governments nuke each other and the whole world out of political stupidity) then we start alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll over.

But I am hopeful that we wont make that mistake again.

>implying this hasn't happened many times before and we haven't lost all our technology and had to start over many times, losing all records of history in the process.

but one of the things that gives me hope is the fact that we are still here. humanity isn't gone.

how are we still here?

>> No.5093021
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also on topic: I like bananas.

>> No.5093025
File: 1.10 MB, 3264x2448, 26345234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also thanks mod, ahead of time. you don't have to, just needed to talk with this troll. not my fault it went a little adrift from /ck/ stuff

image for mod. enjoy ok. lov u

>> No.5093026

Why do you keep making arguments against non-existent statements?

>> No.5093031

>everything is a chemical therefore no chemicals can be bad

faulty reasoning general

>> No.5093033
File: 115 KB, 500x447, 577656376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this you?
because if it is, you should learn english, so that I can properly respond.

do you like the picture of this food?

>> No.5093037


>implying anything is bad for you

Everything in moderation

>> No.5093038

>implying anybody ever said that

>because if it is, you should learn english, so that I can properly respond.

The Ironing 2: Ids habbeding

>> No.5093048

>>implying this hasn't happened many times before and we haven't lost all our technology and had to start over many times, losing all records of history in the process.

its amazing how one looney tune statement can completely destroy someone's credibility

>> No.5093047

not everything.

>"oh its ok its just a little lava"

no thanks.

>> No.5093052
File: 50 KB, 696x613, 3523453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talks to everyone in computer code and sarcastic irony speak
>expects everyone to understand
>disappointed when people try to take them literally and actually have solid communication
>blames them

yes for sure this is 4chan

>> No.5093057
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>> No.5093059

>I don't understand thing so nobody understands thing

>> No.5093067

>expects everyone to understand thing
>someone dont

>> No.5093068

it was implied in all these posts


not all chemicals are carcinogenic or toxic, or have some otherwise deleterious effect on health

>> No.5093072
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>> No.5093075

>The government expects people to understand highways are for cars
>A pedestrian is hit by a car

>> No.5093079


Too much lava is bad, but a MODERATE amount won't hurt you

>> No.5093084

>Could Google something that's already easily understandable
>Instead bitches about it so he doesn't have to defend his retarded arguments anymore

>> No.5093094

>green text

>> No.5093103 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 607x605, 365464356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

< this thread

>> No.5093179


>> No.5093245
File: 147 KB, 1270x880, lurpak1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its like salted butter, alot of people just want to buy butter, but then they realize some jerk put extra salt in it, so they stop buying that brand, and buy another brand that stuck to the pure values of what real plain simple pure natural butter should be.

stupid faggots.

>> No.5093254
File: 90 KB, 786x600, 1389485513204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come at me, bro.

>> No.5093293
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>> No.5093308

>made by Arla

Arla is ½ Danish, broski.