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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5065076 No.5065076[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Maybe this isn't the board to ask, but does anybody here cook for their pets? I was thinking of cooking my dog her own food, but I'm not really sure where to start.

>> No.5065080

Cook things that you and the dog can eat together.

>> No.5065086

chicken or lamb and brown rice with carrots. Add some flax oil or fish oil before serving it.

>> No.5065090

I do, my dog and I have been vegan for five years, she might have eaten something I have no clue.

>> No.5065088

Well, the thing is I'm vegan, but I'm not a dumbshit so I know I can't switch my dog to that. Thank you anyways for the suggestion though.
Could I do that everyday? Or would I have to switch it up sometimes? I don't want to feed her generic pet food anymore.

>> No.5065101

>I'm vegan

Bake a cake using applesauce instead of eggs.
You can still eat it and your dog will love it.

>> No.5065100

Forgot to say that my butcher shop sells frzoen cubes of chicken, lamb or beef to use as pet food. So you can check a butcher shop and see if they have that. (It's basically scraps ground up and frozen in block form). I buy the chicken and lamb for my dog, and she loves it. I just defrost a couple blocks, and mix with cooked rice and carrots (sometimes sweet potato or winter squash too), and pour a little flax or fish oil on it before I give it to her. I also keep a good quality dry dog food on hand in case I run out of the blocks. She LOVES it, and (since I know because I have to pick it up), her poops are much better with homemade food vs. store bought.

>> No.5065109

What do you make for your dog if you feed her vegan food? I mean, I don't eat animal products, but I'm sure my dog needs to. I don't want to risk her health, as she's been on store bought food ever since she could eat.

>> No.5065115

DOGE!!!!!!! CUTE DOGE!!!!!!!

Happy New Year to you and your doge!

>> No.5065117

Chocolate cake.

>> No.5065122

Yeah, you can do that every day. You can mix up the veggies a bit, swap out carrots for sweet potato, or green beans, or even pumpkin, apples, and pears. Just remember that they have to be cooked, dogs shouldn't eat them raw, and you might look up a list of foods that dogs CAN'T eat, so you can avoid making your pup sick.

>> No.5065123 [DELETED] 

What are you some kind of faggot? You want to put your political shit on your dog? Dogs eat meat you fucking homosexual weirdo. Faggots and niggers such as you shouldn't be allowed to own dogs!

>> No.5065129

This. Dogvegan owners should be hanged. And eaten.

>> No.5065128

You are risking her health by giving her that filth, in most cases its not even meat, just starches and a meat aroma. Dogs eat whatever they get their paws on and don't protest in any way to the foods human give them.

I usually give her a blend of rice, lentils, home made peanut butter, some hemp seeds or flax seeds mixed some rapeseed oil, and she always eats scraps like fruit and other vegetables.

Look it up.

>> No.5065136

aw, this is so nice of you.
I know some people will buy deli food for their dogs. Like they can handle eating a piece of ham or something every now and then.

>> No.5065139

Why? Feeding your dog dried pellets consisting of grains, grains, and shitty dried meat residue is no better.

>> No.5065140

Okay, thank you.
Ah okay. Is your dog healthy? I wouldn't mind switching her to a vegan diet if I could be sure that it's perfectly fine for her, but I don't want her to be lacking anything she really needs. I'll look up some more recipes though, thank you.

>> No.5065143
File: 74 KB, 184x208, oh my.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahhaha you think you're being an asshole

>> No.5065151

did retards in this thread really try to stir up shit about vegan dogs?
are you fuckers kidding?

>> No.5065152

Anytime vegan is mentioned on /ck/, there can and will be a shitstorm in said thread. It's pretty much guaranteed.

>> No.5065160

I do that to my dog all the time. He hates it.

>> No.5065167

Really? Mine sleeps under the covers all the time with her head on the pillow just like that. If I don't let her under them, she stands by my head until I do. She was actually sleeping until I took the picture, but she woke up because she heard me move around when I was taking it.

>> No.5065241

Well, mine goes under the covers completely when I sleep, but he hates laying on his back like in the OP pic.

>> No.5065247

I feed my dog raw but she gets some cooked meat and eggs too. Just look up what ingredients are safe for dogs, don't give too much of anything too rich to prevent diarrhea. Pumpkin is good for digestion as well.

>> No.5065248

This. The poops are almost never smelly, it's great.

>> No.5065352

yes shes very healthy, we do however take our B12 shots on the same day.

Her coat is so shiny and pretty, and her breath is clean and pleasant.

>> No.5065365

How do they taste?

>> No.5065383

>yes shes very healthy, we do however take our B12 shots on the same day.
Just like nature intended. Lucky dog!

>> No.5065903

no no NO, dogs need meat, if you want to be vegan go right ahead, but dogs need animal protein to be healthy

Call your goddamn vet instead of getting on the goddamn internet where any fucking fool of a person can give you shit information to eat up

>> No.5065910

Our dogs get 1 cup wheat free high protein dog food, along with a generous portion of homemade food. The homemade food is boiled chicken, brown rice, carrots and green beans. We usually make about a months worth at a time. Add to this 1 tsp of oil supplement and 2 tbsp of DinoVite supplement.

>> No.5065928

>no no NO, dogs need meat, if you want to be vegan go right ahead, but dogs need animal protein to be healthy
Nope. They aren't obligate carnivores, you are thinking of cats.

I would recommend feeding your dog a vegan diet and think it is actually somewhat cruel and misguided, but your dog could lead a healthy life if you monitored its diet and went about it with an educated mindset.

>> No.5066031

>being this autistic

>> No.5066043

>predatory pack animal
>likely started to accompany man by following us, eating meat scraps we left behind
>make it eat vegan food
You vegans are just terrible people.

>> No.5066211

>monitored its diet
...or just feed it nice lean meat and forget about it.

>> No.5066252

I chop up a couple leftover vegetables from dinner, add a couple almond slices and voila! Hamster salad.

Then she just shoves it all out of her food dish to get at the seeds.

>> No.5066256

Anybody else read OP as "Maybe this isn't the board to ask, but does anybody here cook their pets?"

>> No.5066263
File: 179 KB, 854x859, 1387260089249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are actually people in this world who would COOK for their animal
>there are people who treat their animal like they would treat a human baby
>mfw after pampering their animal for too long it will eventually start biting people and have to be put down

This is the most fucked up shit ever. It's a fucking animal, it won't mind eating the same shit every day.

>> No.5066268

I'm sure the animal has preferences

>> No.5066275

>dog gets fed homemade food instead of bagged doggie crack
>THAT will make it start biting people
>this idiot logic

What are you, some kind of moron?

>> No.5066282

It's sad that people degrade themselves to a level where spoiling an inferior being seems to be the only spring of happiness. It makes them look like fools. And they don't realize the implications and consequences of their actions. I tip my fedora to you.

>> No.5066289

You're an idiot. Not only do you have no idea what you are talking about in terms of animals, but you also seem to be suffering from delusions of grandeur, aka narcissistic personality disorder. You know what's sad? Your posts. Your posts reek of desperation.

>> No.5066293

I'm doing fine, m8. It seems like you are the one that gets overly aggressive at a stranger over the internet. But why don't you cook a nice meal for your pet and talk this thing over?

>> No.5066297

Of course you think you're doing fine. That's typical of a narcissist. But everyone else can easily see you're defective.
Also, you're quite ignorant about the care of animals. Maybe you should pick a different thread to focus that sophomoric logic and attitude on. One more suited to your....abilities.

>> No.5066313

Judging by your overestimation of your psycho analytic skills, I can assume you're female? Because it makes so much sense to apply kitchen psychology to a few posts on the internet.

>inb4 hurr i knew you were sexist too

>> No.5066318

Holy shit, both of you shut up. You're acting like children.

>> No.5066324

>I can assume you're female

You know what happens when you assume, right? Or do I have to tell you? Like I said, you have a very sophomoric attitude, and can't (and should't) be taken seriously. You're comment about kitchen psychology is absolutely hilarious, since I believe it was you who started commenting on the psychological traits and effects of people who make their own dog food. You really should just stop, you're making an ass out of yourself.

>> No.5066338

>You really should just stop, you're making an ass out of yourself.
Pot, kettle. Kettle, pot.

>> No.5066536

random person, I think you're the defective retard thats trying way too hard to defend your anonymous self for no real reason.

>> No.5066606

You should really stop trying so fucking hard to uphold your reputation on a fucking ANONYMOUS imageboard. Not to mention you try very hard to sound smart and then go fuck up a simple distinction like "you're" and "your".

You really shit the bed.

>> No.5066609

or you could sell your pets and cook food for the homeless?

>> No.5066614


Dogs can't choose to not get a job or to collect welfare

>> No.5066617

My room mate cooks for two every night, her and her doge. She cooks up whatever she wants and he gobbles it up, it's apparently really healthy for him. She's a hot slut who cooks a decent meal too.

>> No.5066620 [DELETED] 

>Dogs can't choose to not get a job or to collect welfare
DOGS and other PETS cause MASSIVE pollution just to make your and millions of other pompous fucks feel good about themselves by having CONTROL above some animal

why do you get so much SATISFACTION of IMPRISONING AND CONTROLLING an animal?

and why do you ruin my environment for it?

a lapdog causes more environmental destruction than a large jeep!

>> No.5066636

FWIW, I feed my Husky the raw diet for years before I moved out. My parents kept her. She is going on 8 and is in wonderful health, not overweight.

My mom's other dogs are 3 rat terriers that range between 10 and 12 years old. They were fed table scraps and other processed foods over the years. They developed pancreatitis.

Be careful what you feed your dog, OP. Use the cleanest ingredients possible. The less meats the better. I gave my Husky treats of raw salmon maybe once or twice a month. I supplemented essential fat/oils with pills/liquids that I actually mixed in with her food. I got that shit down to a science because I was afraid she would develop dysplasia.

>> No.5066638


Why on Earth would people be nice to people?????

Some of them eventually start lying, cheating, swindling, killing, fornicating out of wedlock, partaking in the nose candy, etc.

Get the fuck out of here, elitist.

>> No.5066639
File: 27 KB, 362x332, 1386435016568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>owning a dog
All of my what.

>> No.5066640

Dog food.

5 kg beef mince, lots of gristle
5 onions
whole head of celery
6 carrots
1 kg of livers, hearts whatever
1 kg of rice.

Sort of cook it all together like a risotto.

Also don't season it.

Chuck some pig blood in and you'll keep Islam away

>> No.5066647


I know right? I've a vegan aunt and uncle, yet they keep carnivorous cats.

>> No.5066655

My parents cook for their dog due to her allergies. She has boiled chicken breast mixed in her special diet dry food with a little water.

>> No.5066689

Not regularly, but I make the dog a steak and the cat some grilled tuna for Christmas. That's about the only time I cook specifically for them.

They both get table scraps though.

>> No.5066696

hahahaha! Yeah your cat knows that it's Cristmas!
Are you that retarded?

>> No.5066698

NO. If you feed your dog onions, you're too stupid to own a pet. 9/10, I mad.

>> No.5066701

>Dog food.
>5 onions

you sure you are not making dog poison?

>> No.5066702

Of course the pets don't know it's Christmas, but I do and I like to spoil them.

>> No.5066709


Oh look, it's another retard grasping at straws to feel superior. How completely unsurprising.

>> No.5066735
File: 86 KB, 400x300, 1377568300716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this time and money wasted for a pet who cannot even appreciate the fact that somebody cooks a meal specifically for them

>> No.5066743

I used to make my dogs a batch twice a week for a couple years, when one of them was ill and cold not digest kibble or canned well.
I'd pressure cook whatever protien I felt like, chicken leg qrts, pigs head, meaty beef bones, fresh fish ( fish got steamed whole in a skillet ). Id pick all the meat and cartielage, toss the bones, use the stock to make brown rice or oats and with a couple cups of blended veggies.
They loved it.

>> No.5066746

>implying pets don't give you love and affection for doing nice things for them
>implying cooking for people is any better

At least the pet won't complain about too much or too little seasoning. How the meat it too dry or too rare. Or that they don't eat <insert common food item here> so you have to prepare a second dish just for some douche

>> No.5066750

How often do people complain about the food you make?

>> No.5066753

You shouldn't put any seasoning on your pets food
That being said, just serve the dog raw meat. A lot of people are starting to do it and as long as you balance it out, it's great for the dog

>> No.5066759

>implying it costs more per pound than buying kibble.

Most generic or standard kibble sold at the store is terrible for dogs. It's basically junk food for dogs, like potato chips or candy is for humans. And if you want to buy something that's not junk, it's going to cost you. Making a big batch of rice with carrots and green beans, and adding some kind of cheap protein like chicken scraps, canned mackerel, beef soup bone, etc. is much cheaper per pound. Commercial dog food has only been around for about a hundred years or so. Before that, people made their own dog food too. (Usually a mix of meat scraps, milk, and bread) Old farrier manuals called for people to feed their dogs a mix of meat, vegetables, and bread or cooked grain. There's absolutely nothing unusual about cooking food for your dog. I don't know why people think it's odd in any way.

>> No.5066800
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Fuck vegans

>> No.5066810
File: 74 KB, 650x433, 1297485988023_ORIGINAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this isn't the board to ask, but can I feed sriracha flavored meat to my dog?

>> No.5066811

Me personally? None, because I can cook and if someone bitches they won't be invited back. But I've been at enough dinner tables and worked in enough restaurants to know that there is a picky eater almost everywhere.

>You shouldn't put any seasoning on your pets food
I was just making a point.

>> No.5066813

>feeding spicy food to your dog

Enjoy those shits and gas

>> No.5067244

OP here, thanks to everybody that answered, I'm sorry this thread when to shit though.

Even looking at it economically, it's not wasted money if it keeps your pet healthier, so therefore you don't have to pay any vet bills.