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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 41 KB, 348x536, Guinness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5064132 No.5064132[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is this so damn creamy?

>> No.5064134

I don't know, but I love that it is. Draught is by far my favorite Guinness variety. Smooth and creamy.

>> No.5064147

Killkenny is better

>> No.5064148

It's the Nitrogen gas that gives it it's creamy head. Most beers use Co2, which has larger bubbles. Nitrogen has much smaller bubbles which leads to that thick creamy head guinness is known for.

You can find other beers with similar qualities as long as they have a nitrogen pour. Look for the extended black nozzles attached to the taps at your local bar. Most places will only feature guinness, but if you go to a place with a lot of taps you can find other beers.

My local place has a IPA on nitrogen. Its an amazing contrast between the hoppy beer and the creaminess.

>> No.5064182

I really like killkenny but guiness has it's place

>> No.5064193

Its the beer you can chew.

>> No.5064250

>Its the beer you can chew.
I don't know why people always say things like this. I've heard, "I can only drink 1-2 and them I'm full" many times.

Guinness is NOT "thick, heavy, and a meal in itself". It is watery, has a low ABV, and little carbonation. It is the Corona of stouts.

>> No.5064256

>i've never drank a guiness in my life, and i've got shitty taste in beer

>> No.5064291

My experience with people that say this is that they often get a "filling" feeling from the thick head.

That feeling sticks with them throughout the drinking process.

From what i've gathered Guiness and other Stouts even have a lower calorie count per cl then other types of beer.

>> No.5064294

Your mom gets a 'filling' feeling from my thick head

>> No.5064310

I hear you. I'm just as autistic about when people say that shit. What kind of retards are they?

>> No.5064355

He's right though. Guinness tastes like bitter water. It on the same level as budweiser in my opinion, but at least bud isn't as overpriced as this shitty "stout"

>> No.5064366

I've drank Guinness in Ireland and had 8 cans last night. You obviously drink Bud or Coors Light if you think Guinness is a heavy, bold stout.

>> No.5064374

this is the correct answer

>> No.5064749
File: 5 KB, 168x200, murphys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit right here

>> No.5064759


Creamy? It's bitter dirt water.

>> No.5064799

I like how the more popular something is, the more hate it gets.

If it were some small-time brand, those of you who seem to hate it so much would probably think its just fine. lol faggot herds.

>> No.5064809

You'll find theres maybe 70% lovers 30% haters due to personal tastes. The more popular it gets the larger those two groups are

>> No.5064819

Guinness is a weak-tasting, low ABV stout. I like it because it is refreshing, but you'd have to be retarded or uninitiated with beer to think it is a strong, thick stout.

>> No.5064824

>You'll find theres maybe 70% lovers 30% haters due to personal tastes. The more popular it gets the larger those two groups are
>The more popular it gets the larger those two groups are

So McDonald's consists of 450% lovers and 140% haters? WTF are you even saying?

>> No.5064829

go back to sucking dicks, homo

>> No.5064857

I think he meant the group of haters gets larger, not both percentages

>> No.5064868

I never stopped.

>> No.5064902
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>> No.5064912

>the larger those two groups are

>> No.5064914

To be sure, tis the crisp water O'Eire what be causin' this laddy.

>> No.5065023

That's what she said.

>> No.5065618
File: 1.18 MB, 2448x3264, IMAG0028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stout oatmeal cream variety master race reporting in

>> No.5065776

Is there something I'm missing to beer?

I've had good beers, I've had ok beers, I've had shitty beers.

They all taste the fucking same.

>> No.5065784

i honestly don't get how someone could think they all taste the same
maybe if you drink nothing but xtrem hop 2xl but this is a guinness thread
it's just different

>> No.5065792

I've had guinness and PBR right next to each other. I've had all kinds of other shit too, there is little to no difference between them.

The only differences I can really pick out are that some are either "thicker" then others or more hop-y. That doesn't really qualify as much/enough of a difference to me.

>> No.5065797

i don't get it
maybe you just can't taste beer
it's not even an aquired taste thing, it's just different beers taste different

>> No.5065810

I can drink so many damn guinesses.

>> No.5065833
File: 150 KB, 336x270, Chocolate-Stout-and-fruit2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stouts are great.

>> No.5065838

>I've had guinness and PBR right next to each other. I've had all kinds of other shit too, there is little to no difference between them.
You have problems with your taste buds, not even joking.

If I want a watery, refreshing beer in large quantities I go for Corona in the summer or Guinness in the winter. I can drink a lot of Guinness and it doesn't make me feel full or gassy. I had 9 tall cans last night, felt good.

>> No.5065845

Kill yourself.

>> No.5065854
File: 106 KB, 500x750, 1388640463644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robotic Hitler 1488% race reporting in.

>> No.5065937

This. Compared to most (good) stout, Guinness is very thin and weak. Irish dry stouts do tend to be a bit less rich than most styles (at least in my experience), but Guinness is just a terrible example of that style. Calling it the Coors Light of stout isn't really far of the mark.

>> No.5065939

>Can't taste a difference between PBR and Guinness
Jesus can you even taste things?

>> No.5066182
File: 326 KB, 1404x1600, 1388651373212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ still on the Old Rasputin train?

>> No.5066534

I still like it.

>> No.5066543

buffalo sweat guy here.


I wish we had old rasp by the bottle here... tap only unfortunately...

>> No.5066552

Tried it but it didn't really do anything for me.

>> No.5066554

what stouts are good? I've had old rasputin, samuel smith's oatmeal stout, st. peter's cream stout, and young's chocolate stout. I thought they were all pretty good.

>> No.5066619

tallgrass buffalo sweat
Deschutes obsidian stout
Odell cutthroat stout
left coast voodoo stout
fuck moojoos and anything by Wasatch or most chocolate stouts...

>> No.5066621

pardon me, cutthroat is a porter. but so is every stout. if you like stouts, porters are their little brother. stouts are just extra bitter porters.

>> No.5066631
File: 612 KB, 250x245, 1370973898009.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buffalo Sweat

>> No.5066634

My personal favorite is Left Hand's Milk Stout

>> No.5066752

Guiness? What?

That shit is extremely light compared to some other stouts.


If you think Guiness Draught is bitter you've never drank any heavier dark beer. Draught is probably one of the least harsh/bitter beer I've drank.

This is right, I don't know how people are saying it's strong/bitter or whatever.

It's light and creamy, the flavor is still there though.

Are you dumb?

The 70%:30% ratio stays the same, as the amount of people gets larger.

>> No.5066755

they use nitrogen gas, it makes it creamier than CO2

>> No.5066770

I'm saying the only flavor that comes through for me is a slight bitterness. And it's not creamy at all. Bitter water.
I've had plenty of other stouts that actually had flavor to them to balance out the bitterness. Most of the beer I drink in the winter are stouts.

>> No.5066790
File: 106 KB, 592x410, MilkStoutNitro1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit right here

>> No.5066821

Murphy's >>>>>>>>>>>>> Guinness

The only reason Guinness is as popular as it is is due to their very successful marketing

>> No.5066853

>If you think Guiness Draught is bitter you've never drank any heavier dark beer. Draught is probably one of the least harsh/bitter beer I've drank.
Nice hyperbole. Being able to detect bitterness =/= "omg this is soooo bitter!!!!"

>> No.5067480

Where the hell do you guys buy all this stuff?

>> No.5067541

>bf loves that shit, drinks it all the time
>lets me try it
>bitter and disgusting

For what purpose?

>> No.5068432

youre not worthy yet. you have to earn it.

to the thread, i recently visited ireland and drank a lot of guinness on draught. it is definitely a very creamy beer, but not one that i'd necessarily choose to drink. its sweet and almost choclatey, which i dont particularly care for.
im from california, so i get spoiled with alot of delicious hoppy IPAs.

>> No.5068452

btw im a gril/Screak

>> No.5068480

Sceak, fuck.

>> No.5068519

try moving out of the boonies

>> No.5068534

>implying there aren't a bunch of homos on /ck/

>> No.5068557

Uh-oh, bitter neckbeards are starting to crawl out of the woodwork at the mention of relationships.

>> No.5068577

Sceak is back. Really, he's back here.

>> No.5069043

Left Hand Milk Stout Nitro is pretty tasty.

>> No.5069044

This shit is perfect, but I'm so fucking pleby. There were a couple of times when I did the pour perfectly and got a lot of head, and it tasted perfect, but most other times I fuck up somehow, and it's silly because that shouldn't be able to happen. Regardless, when drank right, this is my second favorite beer after Dogfish Head 60 minute.

>> No.5069045

There's a store called Jungle Jim's where I live that has the biggest fucking beer collection I've ever seen. They have the biggest collection of everything really. If you're ever in Cincinnati, give it a try.

>> No.5069073

>guinness is for plebs
>my hipster stout is better than your hipster stout

>> No.5069096

Probably all the cream.

>> No.5071376

im drinking the 90 minute right now.

i was really excited to try it after hearing how great it was, but its not hoppy enough for me. too much barley.

>> No.5071382

Fuck, that sounds delicious for an IPA.
Does it make it similar to say, a hoppy cream ale?

>> No.5071455
File: 175 KB, 1600x1200, Boddingtons - Pub Ale 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This right here.

Every 3 or so months I go over there and just load up on a wide selection variety of beers.
I think I've sampled the whole sum of the worlds beers, just by purchasing from Jungle Jims.

Of course, what would I know, I actually enjoy Boddingtons.
I've never met another person that would admit to liking Boddingtons.

>> No.5071563

I'm drinking Firestone Walter's Union Jack IPA. They're a brewery from Paso Robles, California.

Absolutely delicious. Extremely hoppy and piney. Basically everything I want from an IPA, I can get from this beer. This would be my go-to if it were a little easier to obtain. But if you get the chance, take it on this beer. The head is white, thick, and sticky. I'm in heaven with this one.

>> No.5071568

Guinness is bad beer because it is less than 7% alcohol. You don't get your money's worth with Guinnness. It's way too expensive, don't be fooled.

>> No.5071573
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its fine for getting loaded on during a sports game. I wouldn't say I LIKE it though. if I'm doing some serious beer drinking in the pub it has to be Smithwick's

>> No.5071576
File: 126 KB, 450x338, rochefort10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard this was a good beer thread

>> No.5071580

smithwick's is fucking gnarly. it'll do the job, but its just piss.