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5046084 No.5046084[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just as a friendly reminder, if you go to a restaurant five minutes before they close you're a big gaping asshole.

>> No.5046109

Nope. Open is open.

>> No.5046116

Nope. You're an entitled wheedling greenhorn who doesn't understand the concept of operating hours.


>> No.5046123

i try to avoid fast food places if they are closing within 20 minutes. seen to many friends pull old discarded food from the "bin" and deep fat fry it. hot dogs. burgers. what ever.

>> No.5046125


>big gaping assholes

>> No.5046130


>> No.5046138

Spoken like people who enjoy eating garbage.

>> No.5046150

The chefs expect people to come about half an hour before closing time at the latest.
If a restaurant closes at 9, then that doesn't mean that customers to keep coming up until 9, it means that people should be leaving by 9.

>> No.5046151

guess what? You don't have the world figured out at 19 like you think you do. If you're this assmad about serving a customer after you already wiped off the slicer, I've got news for you: you are not ready for a real job in the real world with real challenges.

>> No.5046171

You do realise people have lives outside of their jobs. Well maybe not social retards like yourself but people actually have families, friends, social lives etc... any decent person would probably take this into consideration before ordering a well done steak 5 minutes before closing time, shit, I would. Dont know what world you live in mate

>> No.5047122

>you are not ready for a real job in the real world with real challenges
holy hell, do you even read the ridiculous shit you post?

>> No.5047125

I've worked retail and food service before. I am the most conscious person in my social circle of closing times, and regularly choose a new place to give workers a break. So I get it.

But I have a problem when you expect not to be held accountable to your job description.

>> No.5047147

All the restaurants at my area close the kitchen/grill 30 minutes before the rest of the restaurant. This prevents asshole moves but also allows time for people to come in for a quick drink if they'd like.

I'm sorry your part of the country hasn't figured out this truly revolutionary way of thinking.

>> No.5047169

Cheffag here, I have straight-up fired cooks for bitching about late tables and then half-assing it. It's a fact of life, fucking deal with it. You should always expect to be there for however long it would take someone to get there at closing time and have a three course meal. Do they get a discount? No? Why should they get a sub-standard meal then? Your most important plate of the night isn't the first one, or the best one, it's the last one.

I tell all of my staff when they first start that we don't "close". We have a last seating, and that's at 10:00 on weekdays and 11:00 on weekends.

>> No.5047205

You talk like someone giving a speech in a mediocre movie. I like you.

>> No.5047207

I used to work for a chef who fired me because I bitched about a customer coming in at the last minute and I half assed it

>> No.5047208


You find that chef work does that to you. Everything you say is suddenly laden with portent and wisdom.

Still, there's nothing that gets on my nerves faster than a cook that complains about cooking.

>> No.5047209

Having worked in a restaurant, I can understand how this may be a nuisance. Having eaten at restaurants, I also think it's rude to give customers attitude because you seem to think that I am somehow infringing on your time. You're still getting paid...so you should still do your job as best as you normally would.

The Wendy's by my old apartment closes at midnight. Once my boyfriend at the time and I went at like 11:45 (it was the only last minute food we could get outside driving all the way to the other side of town for TB). All the lights were still on, and they were SUPPOSED to be open. We get to the drive though menu, and an employee shuts off the lights. Fifteen minutes before closing, and waits to do it until we've pulled up to place our order. Are you fucking kidding me? You're that lazy?

People like you, OP, who think they shouldn't have to do their job to the same standard every time, are the worst kind of employees. I've worked in customer service for a long time, so I'm familiar with how big of douchebags people can be, but it's your job to serve food until closing. Doesn't matter if it's 8:55 or not. If it really inconveniences you to what is in your job description, maybe you shouldn't start closing down early and you won't have to redo your work.

>> No.5047215

Translation: OP spends a lot of time with big gaping assholes on his mind.

>> No.5047248

Most restaurants, or at least the ones I go to, list the time that they stop seating. The sign on the door might say "Closes at 9" or whatever, but that really means that they stop letting new people in at 9. Anyone already inside gets to stay and have their meal.

>> No.5047255

After working in kitchens for 8 years and becoming a certified red seal chef, I can honestly say I fucking hate customers. Fuck all of them.

I quit being a chef because it was a go nowhere job though.

>> No.5047258


You sound like a real "NO FUN ALLOWED" kind of guy. Id hate working for you.

>> No.5047397

Used to work in the industry on the kitchen side, so I agree with this.
I'm going to assume, a lot of the people saying 'operating hours' 'job description' etc, have never worked in the 'biz', and will just say they did/do in order to garner some sort of credibility.
When you are booked to work until 9pm (restaurant designated closing time for the sake of argument), any normal human being would expect to be leaving at 9pm, not starting a second clean up at 9pm.

A person, working in that industry, has every right to bitch. Everyone in any industry bitches about things in their industry that are bitch worthy.
Telling the workers to suck it up and 'get a real job' if they wanna bitch, have obviously never worked for anyone. They have just been given everything to them on a platter, and have no compassion for the working man. Sometimes going home on time is more important than earning your employer another few dollars.

Maybe if these hard workers were paid what their skill level warranted, and were given the respect any hard working person deserves, they might have the same aforementioned compassion for the hungry customer in the dining room.

I back the workers in the under appreciated industries. People with more money than brains could do with a few weeks in the heat to humble them down a bit. Be nice to those who work FOR you, and you will see they are nice to the people who PAY them. Understand the wage versus effort gaps in these service industries. That nice clean toilet you shit in, was cleaned by a guy getting shit on by his boss.

>> No.5047401

This guy is a bro.

If you are still willing to seat my hungry ass, I want food. Don't like it? Close earlier.

>> No.5047409

This guy is a McDonalds burger flipper

Red Speak chefs know they have a last seating. Someone read too much /ck/ this week.

>> No.5047410

**Seal not spark

>> No.5047416

Chef/restaurant owner. Any customer that comes in while we are open will be served, NO MATTER WHAT. Do I however go to restaurants right before closing, ABSOLUTELY NOT! Your average customer isn't an asshole, however I am not ignorant of the ways of a kitchen and would consider myself an asshole if I held everyone up

>> No.5047420

>wah I can't go to the club with muh fwrrieenddss

fucking normalfags

i hope they make you work late every night until your next semester starts you spoiled little shit

>> No.5047431

customers suck! how dare they go to a place for food that says it is still open! dont you faggots realize the open sign is just advertising the employies hours and not the actual time you can come in and safley order food! fuck you dumb ignorant faggots! next time someone comes in 30 minutes before close while im busy making plans to get off work early and get drunk with my non homosexual friend i touch sperms with imma spit in your food you fuckin dick!

>> No.5047435

>Get there an hour or three before closing but they are already closed.
>Months later business is shut down.

>> No.5047437

This is a pretty redundant insult

>> No.5047438

restaurants should never close

>> No.5047440 [DELETED] 


It's actually a lot of work between opening and closing for places that do breakfast.

It's sometimes worth it to gamble a few dollars for a few hours every night just to save the trouble.

>> No.5047441

tbh I feel like most places are capable of saying "Oh, we're not serving anyone, sorry" or "oh, we're no longer seating people, apologies" when they're in that position

and I think that's reasonable. i don't see anything wrong with going in during their advertised hours. if they don't want to serve me, they can say no.

>> No.5047447 [DELETED] 


Closing and opening.

Shut down all the stoves, ovens and burners. Refrigerate everything. Then do it all in the inverse.

I think the power savings of staying open 24/7 cover the power and time needed to re-open, plus the trouble, even if you only get one patron during the 11PM - 5AM shift.

Then it's breakfast. Almost guaranteed to break-even and more. Wait 'til lunch, then dinner and latenight.

I think any good restaurant should be open 24/7.

>> No.5047448


Spoiler alert: all the good chefs are NO FUN ALLOWED. I know you're used to your two-bit bar and grill where the sous chef smokes you out in the walk-in and you can grab the hostess's ass when she goes back to the dish pit and everyone's a pirate and has a flask stashed in their lowboy and you all aspire to spend a third of your paycheck on cheap beer and vidya, but it's not like that in the real world. You're not allowed to even talk in nice kitchens unless spoken to. If you even think about making a face about a late table, there are a dozen (or two or three) cooks with crisp resumes waiting to replace you that have no such selfish delusions.

Considering that, I'm actually sort of a fun chef. I just don't tolerate lazy cooks who complain about cooking. It shows that, at the core of your being, you don't like cooking for a living. If that's the case, you should pursue opportunities in another industry that you might find more fulfilling.

>> No.5047450

This thread is proof of a sense of gross self entitlement and lack of compassion for fellow human toilers.
A job is a job, yes. But denying someone the main bitch of their job, is pure hypocrisy. I would bitch too if someone dropped a new build on my lap at the end of the day, after the shop had already been cleaned.

These people have every right to bitch about self entitled douches who think their dollar is more important than feeling some respect for the working class. Understand the industry you feel entitled to, and reimburse them accordingly. I bet these people don't even tip their cashiers during the holidays. They put up with your shit everyday, and that should never be an unwritten part of their hob description... you ass.

Now notice the types of people who respond to this.

>> No.5047453

i went to a carls jr in the ghetto that after the lunch rush turns its deep fat fryer on low and serves fries that leak oil all over cars upholsteries and are rude and pick thier nose when serving people who are not wearing 80 dollar shirts. idk why lunch hour is so slow for them now. ohh well im sure the other carls jr. do well enough to support failing stores and write it off as a loss and get a tax break. food

>> No.5047455

Amen op. been as long time since I worked full time in place ( fast food or a real sit down place )You walk in at 5 min until closing and demand a full service meal? after the kitchen has been cleaned and cleaned? no way. the customer is not always right. you walk in 5 min until closing time and except a full meal? I don't think so. come back tomorrow, or not at all. You had all day to think of that. like wise, I have been a manager at a road side motel.I would do anything to help people,that's my job. but don't scream at me if you show up a 5 min to midnight with out a reservation and expect a ground floor non smoking pool side room for 39.95 get real.

>> No.5047458

i know right! better to let a customer in during buisness hours and be a dick to them instead of waiting until closing time and cleaning everything like your supposed to. corporate office would flip if they found out the reason why you never get customers 30 minutes before closing is cuz you and your manager buddy are a dicks!

>> No.5047465
File: 55 KB, 627x352, ITS RAW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You're not allowed to even talk in nice kitchens unless spoken to. If you even think about making a face about a late table, there are a dozen (or two or three) cooks with crisp resumes waiting to replace you that have no such selfish delusions.

Watch out guys. We have an internet badass on our hands.

All the best chefs and cooks Ive worked with are all total bros with each other and joke around and have fun WHILE working on the line and pumping out fuckloads of delicious food all night long.

It makes me laugh my ass off when I see stupid bullshit like Hells Kitchen on TV and people think that having a screaming angry chef acting like a drill sergeant with all the cooks responding with "YES CHEF!" to his every word is how kitchens are supposed to be run.

Best chef I ever worked with was a short little old greek dude that would be sipping on red wine all night long every night, and he was constantly laughing and cracking jokes. He could cook fucking circles around anybody.

>> No.5047472
File: 164 KB, 675x541, chef mushrooms.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get so many steaks sent back we had to put a fucking chart with pictures in our menu showing levels of steak done-ness because customers are fucking stupid

>suddenly stop getting steaks sent back

Remember kids. The majority of the human population is dumb as a bag of rocks. And usually customers in any kind of establishment are the majority of the human population.

>> No.5047473

After busting your ass for 12hrs+ with 4 or 5 more days to do, yeah, a table coming in 5 minutes before you are going to leave is fucking irritating. It's not "waa I hate my job and wanna go get drunk" it's "I am fucking zapped and I haven't eaten all day, I just want to go home, eat, chill for an hour then get a few hours sleep before I'm back to do it all again tomorrow". It's part of the job but anyone who says it isn't annoying either isn't putting in the hours their chefs do, or is simply full of shit.

>> No.5047477


Well, that's why I consider myself a fun chef, because I do laugh and crack jokes and make fun of the poncy servers.

I'm just saying, you try complaining about a late table in any restaurant with a michelin star and you're out on your ass in a heartbeat.

>> No.5047486
File: 273 KB, 320x240, huh huh huh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I'm just saying, you try complaining about a late table in any restaurant with a michelin star and you're out on your ass in a heartbeat.

Hahaha. No. Dont give me that shit. Ive worked in places with stars nigga. Im currently working in a place with 2 stars. The head honcho chef himself curses like a sailor when we've been working all fucking day long and a table walks in 5 minutes to closing going LOL CAN WE STILL GET SOME FOOD. Hes tired. All the cooks are tired. The servers are tired. Everybody wants to go home and relax, but cant because these fuckers want to come in and sip wine for an hour sampling hors doeuvres.

If you really do act like you say you are acting, you're a shit chef. Get rekt son.

>> No.5047502


Oh yeah? Which restaurant? Which chef? I think you're full of shit.

And why am I a shit chef? Because I serve customers who come in during operating hours? Get fucked, pleb.

>> No.5047507
File: 33 KB, 522x346, food library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out guys, we've got an internet fight about to start between two guys pretending to be chefs.

Lets see how many times the word "faggot" is used.

>> No.5047549

>holy hell

>> No.5047598

>feel some respect for the working class

What's it like living in a world where literally everything is somehow a political affront to your very being?

>> No.5047607

yeah, being a filthy normal is bad enough without being a faggot too

>> No.5047640

'nother ex-food servicer weighing in on the custy's side. Wherever I worked, from dives to top-tier, I just told myself what chef-boy above said - "close" really means last seating. If that was 10, I'd expect to be there until at least 11 - if I got out earlier, hey, bonus! But most of this attitude comes from management/location culture. If everywhere laid it on the line up front, I think most servers would be ok with it.

>> No.5047697

I worked in a restaurant and now in a pharmacy and this shit is fucking ridiculous.

Oh I'm sorry your retarded brain can't seem to fathom the concept of time. You come into my pharmacy 10 minutes before we close expecting me to fill a RX you've had for two weeks now? Yeah nah, fuck you.

You expect me to cook an entire meal for you 5 minutes before we close? Yeah nah, fuck you. Those hours on the door? Those are the OPERATING BUSINESS HOURS DIPSHITS ANYTHING PAST THAT HOUR MEANS NOTHING IS OPERATING

Fuck you and all your dumbasses. Learn how to fucking manage your time and learn how to fucking read a sign.

>> No.5047719

>then that doesn't mean that customers to keep coming up until 9, it means that people should be leaving by 9.

Nooo it doesn't. It means doors close at 9 and most places will be open a little later because not everyone will be done exactly at closing time.

>> No.5047720

when i worked at a michelin starred restaurant we did not have this attitude. the idea was that we stopped cooking when the order stopped coming in. maybe the front of house had some problems with this, but i just got used to leaving at 1 am on big nights.

>> No.5047729
File: 22 KB, 450x300, IN THE BANJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT people who are too stupid to do anything else so they try to justify how tough they are for working long hours in a kitchen

>> No.5047756

What does that say if I jack off to gaping assholes all the time? If I go after a girl who enjoys frequenting restaurants at the last minute, will her asshole gape extra wide for me?

>> No.5047928

So we get a decent, logical, fair answer.
And then we get these two cunts

>> No.5047937


>> No.5047941

youre a bitch, and youre bf has a small dick so stop trying to order two triples 5 mnutes before close cunt

>> No.5048135

I worked in a take-away place at my University for a few years. If someone came in just before closing at the place I worked at, one of two things would happen:

I would be working the register and since they pay with university fun bucks off a card I would charge them for like six (astronomically overpriced) drinks instead of just one. They didn't get receipts and nobody asked for a receipt so I got away with it all the time. Was my personal favorite way of handling it.


I would be working the expo counter, where I gave the food to the customer. I also would prepare side dishes or something while the other stuff was made, and reached for the now-cold side dishes that were removed from their heating elements because fuck you we close in 5 minutes and have another hour of cleaning up to do before we can go home.

tl;dr don't go to restaurants 5 minutes before they close, you're getting screwed if you do.

>> No.5048427

Working at a restaurant, you are never "booked" to go home at closing. That is a NOT a thing that happens in the service industry. If you think it is, you either have not worked it or you have a terrible fucking attitude.

If a restaurant is open, let's say 7-9, that does not mean staff gets to come in at 7am and leave at 9pm. That means YOU SERVE CUSTOMERS FROM 7 UNTIL 9. At 9, you start clean up and you go home when your work is done. Just like staff comes in before 7 for prep. Operating hours aren't YOUR schedule. Period. They are the hours you serve customers. There is work to be done before and after that time. Always.

>> No.5048452

>All this arguing
I was about to take a side here, but then I realized something. I worked in the food service industry for quite a while. The only solution to any arguments/problems that come up is to just leave. Obviously that's not an option for a lot of people, but man am I glad I got out. Restaurants suck in every way - owning them, running them, working in them, eating at them. Customers suck, workers suck, managers suck, rules suck, and the whole thing is mostly degrading.

Unless I'm going to a nice restaurant to sit down and have a fancy meal (and treat the waiter or waitress with respect), I treat restaurants like I treat grocery stores: in and out as fast as possible.

>> No.5048454


this. I'll still serve you because it's my job, but it's fucking aggravating when you linger for an hour after close over your margaritas. I've seen people bang on the doors after they've been locked, and then slip in when the last customers leave and expect to be seated. fuck that.

>> No.5048461

Cry me a river.

>> No.5048462

I only got pissed cus this one time I had to stay till like 2 am.
and our boss was a dick who stops our clocks at1230 every night.
we close at 12 and we have 30 min to clean up
after 1230 thatsyour time.
so when a huge ass group of 60 showed up at fucking 1145 you bet your ass I was pissed.

>> No.5048464

>had to stay till 2
>stopped our clocks at 1230

That's illegal, you know.

>> No.5048466

Report that to the unfair labor board. If you don't you're at fault for being taken like a bitch.

>> No.5048470

Live better work Union.

>> No.5048474

If they don't want people coming in five minutes before close, they shouldn't still accept customers at that time.

Fuck you and your laziness.

>> No.5048481

>You do realise people have lives outside of their jobs.

And this is my concern how? What you do outside work hours is your business. When you're at work, do your fucking job and spare me the commentary about what time it is. Don't work closing shift if you don't like it.

>> No.5048483


then close would be at that time, dumbass.

>> No.5048485

>A person, working in that industry, has every right to bitch. Everyone in any industry bitches about things in their industry that are bitch worthy.

You might have a right to bitch, but no one is obligated to give you sympathy for it. Especially when you're bitching to a bunch of random strangers online.

>> No.5048487

>spare me the commentary about what time it is

spare YOU the commentary? nobody serving you is going to mention that you're a huge dick for coming in 5 minutes before close. nobody is going to complain to you. so you happen to get on the internet and someone says something and you're that much of an entitled fuck to demand that YOU be spared the commentary?

OP's claim confirmed.

>> No.5048493

Your tears are so sweet. Please continue.

>> No.5048502

when people come in late or linger near close so I can't finish cleaning the lobby, it's definitely frustrating and I get upset. Probably more than I should. Later, I usually end up feeling bad about it, or paranoid they might complain if I had any extended interaction with them.

But I'm tired and just want to go home. Having worked in a restaurant, I can say I'll never go in a sit-down place with less than an hour before close, 30 minutes at a fast food/drive-thru.

>> No.5048553

You should be pissed because your boss was illegally fucking you, not for any other reason. Should have called the fucking state DOL on him.

>> No.5049810

>All these mad kids over doing work
Closing time is when you stop serving. If you want to stop working earlier, close earlier.

>> No.5049836

Why does a business have their hours posted until 5 minutes after these people arrived? You just failed the first test of owning a business.

>> No.5050254

OKay, I have to weigh in on this.

For one, I worked in kitchens for 6 years, from dishwasher up to manager (no fast food, but bar/grill kitchen pirate style) -

AND, I have to agree with the cool chef guy. It's called WORK ETHIC. Don't like working split shifts? Open to close? Having trouble getting up in the morning? Making in through your shift without turning into a raging prick at the end of the night? GO THE FUCK HOME. Get a job in another industry.

Would *I* go in somewhere 5 minutes till close? No. Because I've been there. But I never complained when people did it. Besides if you are good and breaking down your kitchen or closing out the till and get a vibe for the customer flow of your place you figure out what parts you CAN close down pretty safely and do the rest the minute closing time hits. A business's posted hours are when they do business... am i supposed to calculate all the employees possible evening plans to figure out the latest i can come in? Give me a break... I've had bosses that forbade smoke breaks... and you know what, i prefer it when managing a kitchen, it keeps people focused, if you dont like that policy you can go somewhere else... the owner sets the hours, not the cook. If it says 11. That's 11. if you want to leave at 11, put a sign out that says CLOSES at 10. but thats just foolish. A bunch of whiny can't hack it cry babies in this thread

>> No.5050270


BUT ITS AN EMERGENCYYYYYYYYY that's why I waited until you closed to drop off

fucking every night at 9:01, I don't miss that job (at least I get to keep my tech license though)

>> No.5050285


Yeah, but that's 9:01. At 9:01 you ARE closed and you can say no. at 8:59 you are OPEN

>> No.5050294

Only a fucking cunt would go to some place and order something one minute before closing. That's not being whiny, only a thoughtless fucking cunt would place an order like that.

I'd never order anything from a restraurant within a half hour of closing, some places are cool and give you a proper time, kitchen closing and restaurant closing times.

I've never worked for a restaurant but I know not to be a rude cunt.

>> No.5050296

agreed.there are some real babies in this thread. if you can't manage a 14 hour day in a kitchen then being a chef isn't your beef (lol) and you probably don't give a shit about food.

>> No.5050298

I concur.

>> No.5050303

To what end are you killing yourself in some fucking kitchen?

>> No.5050306

its not for everyone. in this field of work experience separates the novices who are about the minutes until close from the professionals who care about the quality of product that their customer is eating. it makes such huge difference. if you think of it as "killing yourself in some fucking kitchen" than you don't have respect for the trade or the passion to make what you're doing matter. cooking is so vast and powerful that entitled noobs are separated from those who truly want to learn the craft.

>> No.5050309

Being a cuntybaby is killing yourself in some shit kitchen instead of learning math and doing some programming. It's much more relaxiing and entertaining, and fuck all 14 hour days. I make sure contractually I get paid hourly, a lot of money hourly.

$80-90 USD and this shit is simple, usually I can work from home also, though it's best to show up in the office, to make a presence.

>> No.5050311

Yea, being a chef for real is serious business and requires lots of dedication.

I had another non cooking job and was put into the position of running the entire store more or less myself while we hired new people, I was there all day, like 5-6 days a week. I was tired as fuck, but making so much money I couldnt even spend because I was so tired I didn't give a shit. Some nights if i closed and had to open and was too tired to walk the 2 miles home, I just got a 6 pack and slept in the back of the store, and did it all over the next day.

Sounds like a lot of the people bitching about customer entitlement in this thread are the ones who themselves feel entitled to just lock up shop whenever they want.

I think you guys should try moving to a hippie town like Eugene, Oregon, you got plenty of places run by hippies that literally have their hours posted like "OPEN: Noonish CLOSE:8ish" - its annoying because you never know if they are gonna be there, but at least it honest, and maybe more of what you are looking for - but when you work elsewhere you are open and taking people as long as that sign says you are open -

IN FACT! This shows you how much I hate your whining - my restaurant closed at 11, BUT if we had customers already eating, and were doing business, we would continue to take orders, for delivery and to go, because FUCK IT, more money and we were already there.

Lazy fucks in this thread.

>> No.5050312

Understood, I'd just rather cook for myself, my babe, and my family. Running around some kitchen doesn't pay and therefore serves no purpose to me.

>> No.5050316

Yeah writing computer programs for a company doing billions of dollars a day in money transfers is serious business, running around a kitchen like a headless chicken is nothing.

Then there's dealing with government regulations and laws and if you fuck up the company can get tons of high level fines and sued.

Just sayin'.

If you fuck up, what's would happen, nothing really.

>> No.5050318

So with all that money you are making you never wanna go out to eat? If we all become programmers who is gonna cook your food when you go out?

>> No.5050320

If you fuck up hard in a kitchen people can die from food contamination. Sounds more risky that beuercratic bullshit to me

>> No.5050322

I learn to cook my own food. I get takeout from time to time, but unless I'm trying to impress some chick, I don't bother with sitdown places, that's a waste of my time.

>> No.5050325

What I said isn't beauocratic bullshit at all, if you fuck up, people lose money. You might get sued at a low level, but people can seriously lose money if programs fuck up and aren't written to last at least 50 years.

That's no bullshit.

>> No.5050326

Justice is a shadow the powerful cast upon the weak.

>> No.5050328

Yeah, but people don't die.

Also, back to the point of this thread...

At you 80-90$ an hour job, do you get to just "stop programming" and slow down work flow an hour before your alloted time each day, just to make it easier for you to actually quit on time?

>> No.5050335

no one cares brah

>> No.5050352

No, you half-a-tard. It's possible to have separate times that you stop accepting new customers and that you close the doors and kick everyone out.

Or it's possible to stop seating people for a meal, and still allow them to get drinks at the bar or something.

Or is that too complicated for you to comprehend?

>> No.5050356

>spare YOU the commentary? nobody serving you is going to mention that you're a huge dick for coming in 5 minutes before close.

You're right, you don't have the balls to say anything about it to my face in the store, so you come online to piss and moan about it to strangers, and then you get upset when nobody online gives a shit either.

Here's a clue dumbfuck, there are parts of everyone's job that suck. Every single person in the world. That's just the way jobs work.

If you want to bitch about your job, and you expect sympathy for it, do it to someone who cares about you. Because anonymous strangers online don't. Our jobs suck just as much.

>> No.5050361

>You sound like a real "NO FUN ALLOWED" kind of guy. Id hate working for you.

wow. your generation is as bad as people say it is.

it's a fucking job. it's called work because it isn't play time.

that chef gave the best answer in this thread so far; no surprises for customers, no surprises for workers except that they might get off a few minutes earlier one day and a few minutes later another day.

god i hate idiots like you.

>> No.5050378

I live in Japan and we have this really cool system it's called a "last order" which means about 30 mins before closing they stop accepting new orders and new customers

Get your shit together amurrica

>> No.5050382

There are restaurants that do this in the US, it's just not that common.

>> No.5050390

This guy has it right. Common decency.

>> No.5050401

I don't really see why this is such a big problem. If you don't want new customers to order food too close to closing time, don't let them in. If you want to let them in, you could simply inform them about the situation, that you are closing up in half an hour or whatever, and tell them what is and what isn't available if certain areas of the kitchen are closed or it takes too long to do the dishes. From a customers perspective I see it as something similar to squeezing in a guest when the table is reserved in half an hour and they can't sit around and dawdle.

>> No.5050409


no. it has nothing to do with decency. it's like what >>5050378 and a few others have said. the stupid ass restaurant needs to stop seating at some point, but up to that split second it is fine to enter the restaurant.

why should I have to try to predict how early to go in before "closing" time? it might be one hour in one place and 15 minutes in another. the damn manager KNOWS the answer, and stops seating when he or she should.

as for the employees, part of your job is not knowing the exact minute that you leave work. if you can't handle that, get another job.

>> No.5050412
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I agree that if someone is being paid for their time, that they should have to do the job no matter how late. If it goes over opening hours, then the employee should get overtime.

However, I also think it takes a really stupid fucking person to show up at a restaurant 10 minutes before it closes and seriously expects to get the same level of service than when the restaurant was open at peak dining hours.
There's likely to be less waitstaff and chefs on duty during that time, so your food will take longer and service will probably be slower because the employees are understandably tired (no, it doesn't matter that the restaurant is less empty).
The food quality is probably shittier since the ingredients are old, or if it's fast food some of it has been left out for hours.

And whether people like it or not other human beings have emotions too. One of them is sweet, unbridled vengeance. Some of you itt are kicking and screaming about how humans -ought- to act in regards to work ethic, but it's stupid to do something so inflammatory and expect no repercussions.
It reminds me of people who yell at fast food workers because they can, and then get all pissy at the prospect that a disgruntled worker probably spat in their food.
Customers shouldn't put themselves in these situations if they're paranoid about not getting the proper bang for their buck.

>> No.5050414

>why should I have to try to predict how early to go in before "closing" time?

Or just practice common decency so you don't have to wrack your poor malnourished brain.
Wait... maybe 'common' is the wrong word here.

>> No.5050415

>why should I have to try to predict how early to go in before "closing" time?
What precisely is so hard about having the common sense to assume giving yourself at least an hour before closing is probably a good idea? I guess I can see if you're that desperate for a meal, but for any other ordinary occasion it's just stupid to wait until fifteen minutes before closing..

>> No.5050416

Dat hivemind.

>> No.5050417

It's your fucking job.

>> No.5050421

Huh... maybe it's more common than the knuckle dragging society leeches in this thread make it out to be.

Put your fellow man before your poor empty stomach and self entitlement, and you'll have all the answers you need to deal with customer service in a respectful and appreciative manner.

>> No.5050446

to work the hours of opening

>> No.5050451

Around here nearly all restaurants have the sign "Kitchen closes 30 minutes before closing time"

>> No.5050474

But what if it is an emergency and they just came from the ER with a script?

>> No.5050478

This entire thread makes me hate every single one of you.

>> No.5052150

old fag here, and I mean old. I've pretty much worked at restaurants my entire working life and i have to say i've seen so many floor swept chicken wings, spit on toast points, licked and prodded foods... Most of that stuff lands on folks who come a minute before closing. years ago i straight up saw a guy bust a nut in a cup of gumbo for some pretentious fag who made an uproar about not getting seated a minute before closing. I quit soon after, but the point is... some dude who came in late ate a fresh bowl of cum gumbo. So you know... courtesy? I mean, unless you like your food being fucked with.

>> No.5052168

Went to a local restaurant 10 minutes before it closed, just because of this thread. I ordered a drink, appetizer, salad, main course, then or then the most painful of all.Souffle, oh the look on their face. They were pissed.

This is all because of you OP. I did this because of you.

>> No.5052178

What the hell kind of crazy restaurants have you worked for? Given what you wrote, they sound like patronized by niggers.

White people don't spit on the floor like that.
Only niggers do that shit.

>> No.5052182

Courtesy? How the fuck is coming to a restaurant before it closes not courteous?

>> No.5052199

>she's a bitch because other people don't do their jobs

>> No.5052201

Also a chef. This is the only attitude to have. And real cooks and chefs don't bitch because they love to cook. If you're all about getting out of there as soon as you can, and cooking because it pays better than washing dish, then we don't want you.
And there's no working out of the walk-in either.
You break down your station when you're done, not when you think there won't be any more tables.

>> No.5052203
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I wouldn't chance that shit with fast food. They employ the notoriously worst people in food service. I can't imagine what those bastard teenagers do to your food when you piss them off.

>> No.5052207


>telling people when they should eat

OPERATING HOURS ARE OPERATING HOURS. NOTHING MORE NOTHING LESS. I'm going to go to restaurants late as fuck on purpose because of this thread. And don't worry, I don't really give a shit if my food gets "messed with".

>> No.5052247

And that's perfectly fine. But if a place doesn't have a policy like that, the employees have no right to bitch because people come in at any time they're open.

>> No.5052280

What shits me is when the docket machine pushes out another docket at 5 to closing and the shit cunt plate carriers didn't have the balls to come and tell us that they seated more people

>> No.5052299

This is why I follow established restaurant etiquette. Not because I thinks it's right or fair, but because they will poison you if you don't.

>> No.5052849

> sounds like you work at Popeyes or KFC. I've been a cook and the only food i ever fucked with was when some bullys from my old high school came in, they had it comming -
Would never fuck with a regular customers food, except maybe give them less than choice cuts or plates if they were a dick, but nothing that extreme - if thats the way they are gonna be they should have a sign saying "food will be fucked with 15 minutes till close" or just close earlier

>> No.5052880

You people can't fucking read. He isn't saying if you show up at the last minute you shouldn't be served, he's saying if you do that you're an asshole. Which is true.

>> No.5052949
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>Go away! We don't want your fucking money and will poison your food because you inconvenienced us during business hours!

>> No.5053239

I agree with this, but it's still a dick move to come in within a few a minutes of either time extreme and fuck the menu six ways to Sunday.
It's true I'm happy if I can get my shit cleaned up and finished even within operating hours if there's a 0% chance another customer will arrive, and yes I will snarl and screech with gnashing of teeth if one trolls in off the street in the last thirty seconds, but they are allowed to do that because we set the hours down ourselves and there is no other reason to deny the customer (other than my convenience) service.
As cooks we've entered this job because we *don't* care about the hours; we don't care others are having fun and sitting and eating while we work our ass off; we will miss our own birthdays and sacrifice sleep for this near-thankless job. Why? Because we're crazy, and it's cool to be around other crazy people too. We have every right to bitch, but we have no right to be lazy or break the rules.

>> No.5053248

why dont they set the closing time 5 minutes early? not like i came in five minutes late. fuck you.

from now on w/e i get an urge to order food at something:55 im gonna at least make the call and be like "i wanted to order some food but im scared that my food will be fucked with since yall bout to close so ill just go eat elsewhere. k, bye"

>> No.5053251

>white people
>in the kitchen
jajajajajajaj choo funeee senor

>> No.5053309

I can understand going to a fast food joint and ordering food to go just before closing time but I don't understand all the "huradurr I'm gonna go into a restaurant, be seated, and eat just before closing because according to business hours they're still open" faggotry. If you think they should honor their posted hours like any other business, which seems to be the argument, then by that standard once closing time hits they should throw your food in a to-go carton, hand you the bill and push your ass out the door. Retail establishments don't stay open past business hours, they remind you they're closing and ask you to make your way to a register. If you don't they eventually (as in less than half an hour as they do recovery) ask you to leave as they've cashed out and closed the registers anyway.

>> No.5053313

This is why the restaurant I work at closes a half hour before it's supposed to close.

>> No.5053316
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I've worked in a lumber yard, and people will come in minutes before closing, after you have put away forklifts etc, with full packs that they need loaded.

They will then pick through entire piles of lumber, unaware of the fact that I am wishing death upon them. We don't get paid overtime for most of this, and it just ruins your night and makes you hate your job tomorrow. Customers should have more consideration.

>> No.5053326

>Management should have more consideration.


>> No.5053340
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>> No.5053502


I'm not saying that if you want to start cleaning up before the restaurant is actually closed and bitch when customers come in and interfere with that that you should be fired. I'm just saying you're a lazy entitled cunt. Which is true.

>> No.5053509

>dont get paid overtime

thats a management problem not a customer problem

>> No.5053515


Why would you get paid overtime? You get paid per week, not per diem.

Someday, you'll actually need a job when you can't get one, and you'll realize how complacent you really were. Seriously, what could be easier than staying an extra hour just to help (or, in the case of this thread, cook for) one person? It's free fucking money.

>> No.5053591

Lumber yard sounds hourly to me.

Unless your daycare is busting your chops for getting there late to pick up your kid, why go all pussy about doing your job for a few extra minutes? You're probably one of those faggots weaving in and out of traffic, passing everybody up, just so you can be sitting on your big fat ass in front of the tv 5 minutes earlier than everyone else.

>> No.5054633

They should have a kitchen closing time then. The restaurant may close at 9 but there's nothing that says the kitchen closes at 8:30

>> No.5055204

>free fucking money
>I don't think these things mean what you think they mean.

>> No.5057275

Congrats on being a slave to your shitty job

>> No.5057481
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if that was the case, then people would be denied service if they came after 8:30 mark.

>> No.5057494

People doing something they love as work isn't a "shitty" job. Most real chefs I know love their work and put an enormous effort into it, as it's their passion. You sound like a joyless person with nothing inside but a soul sucking vacuum of misery.