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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 12 KB, 203x152, _40638809_friedmarsbar203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5032310 No.5032310[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

welcome to Scotland /ck!

lets fry everything!

i will begin with mars bars..


>> No.5032537


Eating those is painful.

>> No.5032549

>show is about an aussie cooking

u wot

>> No.5032568



Their both just drunk islanders with strange accents...what's the difference.

>> No.5032593

the sunburn

>> No.5032602

>Their both just drunk islanders with strange accents...what's the difference.

There is none. They were both bitches to the crown

>> No.5032714
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I doubt eating those is as painful as hearing him talk

>> No.5032745

>I have never made this recipe before
>I have never even tried this recipe before

Fat guy's lies

>> No.5032940
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>> No.5032945
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deep fried pizza

>> No.5033102

Call me when they're deep frying McRibs.

>> No.5033166

What an awful video.

>> No.5033173
File: 67 KB, 600x399, HootersFriedPickles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never had fried pickles, but I can imagine they're amazingly delicious.

Too bad the only place that has them in my town is Hooters. But I'm too embarrassed and shy to go into one.

I'd have to walk in with a group of bros. But I don't have any bros.

>> No.5033189

Aberdeen here, Deep fried X is an abomination to this country

>> No.5033318


fucking plebs they should of took out the items in the sandwiches and fried them separately

>> No.5033336

I hope they're just making fun of Epic Meal Time and not actually trying to copy them.

>> No.5033369

yeah making fun of epic meal time and far exceeding them in the process. Let's face it epic meal time is really fuckin bad

>> No.5033370

Yes, yes they are.

>> No.5033479

my sherlock holmes has gained some weight

>> No.5033488

lol fat fuck "please believe me, these mars bars isnt why im fat"

>> No.5033504

Ha! I went to a Hooters once alone, couldn't figure out why the waitress turned into a bitch 30 minutes into my meal, when I got up I noticed my zipper was broken, she just thought I was a perv. That was quite the amusing day.

Also, just started trying fried pickles, they are pretty fucking awesome. My problem is there are 3 or 4 places that serve them in my little town. The temptation sucks.

>> No.5034604
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>> No.5035249

Damn, that looks good.
The only deep fried food i've ever had is chicken or chicken fried steak.
and maybe funnel cake, i'm assuming that's deep fried.

>> No.5035252

>assuming you're going to make more than two at a time...
Who ARE these people that go around deep frying candy bars.

>> No.5035559

I'm going to Scotland this summer. Apart from the munchie boxes and deep-fried stuff, what stuff should I definitely eat?

>> No.5035850

Makes me want to vomit

>> No.5035862

Do Scots ever drink anything other than Irn Bru?

>> No.5035865

Their tap water tastes good. No, they don't just drink Irn Bru, they like alcohol too

>> No.5036502

>Their tap water tastes good.
no, theres flouride in the fucking tap-water

>> No.5036678

Yes. Prescription methadone.

Such humble people.

>> No.5036693


>> No.5036701

I'm a britbong lived in Texas when I was younger and we went to Hoffbrau and my uncle ordered fried pickles and I've loved them since

>> No.5036709
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>> No.5036745

Aye, ye kinnae be spending unfried money, laddie!

>> No.5036779

That file name.


>> No.5036792


I love fried turd!

I love fried licorice!

I love fried black pudding!

I love fried burnt hot-dog!

I love fried black penis!

There, ive made every possible response to what that shit is

>> No.5036808

God damn the Irn Bru makes these pictures the most Scottish thing in image format.

>> No.5036877
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That is fucking disgusting

>> No.5036901
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>> No.5036923
File: 162 KB, 1600x1200, friedpizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5036942
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Fried Oreos is one of my favorite carnival foods.
My dad bought a deep fryer years back, so we had a night we dedicated soley to deep frying.
We fried some chicken, alligator, frog, pickles, fun size snickers, Oreos, and a tried a Twinkie, but the cake soaked up all the oil.

>> No.5037036

Fried pizza and chippy brown sauce. That's the stuff dreams are made of.

>> No.5037042

I think that's curry sauce

>> No.5037047

It's obviously gravy, ur'e chattin shit m8

>> No.5037053

Dunno about food, but if you visit glasgow, wear a rangers jersey to fit in.

>> No.5037068

I think you mean "stab vest"

>> No.5037069


>> No.5037085


Enjoy your visit to the cultural wasteland arsehole of the UK

>> No.5037099

I hear that low purity heroin is considered a delicacy. When in Rome...

>> No.5037103

It's chippy sauce

Half brown sauce, half vinegar pre-mixed

>> No.5037115
File: 21 KB, 460x288, better have a little sippy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buckfast has become associated with anti-social behaviour in Scotland and has entered the popular lexicon with nicknames such as "Wreck the Hoose Juice", "Commotion Lotion", "Mrs. Brown", "Buckie Baracas" and "Coatbridge Table Wine".

>In January 2010 a BBC investigation revealed that Buckfast had been mentioned in 5,638 crime reports in the Strathclyde area of Scotland from 2006–2009, equating to an average of three per day. One in 10 of those offences had been violent and 114 times in that period a Buckfast bottle was used as a weapon.

>> No.5037125

>One of them is has to do what England tells them
>The other has the Union Jack on their flag and the Queen on their money
Yep, still both bitches.

>> No.5037126
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>Wreck the Hoose Juice

>> No.5037135

Is that because of the drink? Because I'm pretty sure they'd still be glassing people in the street if they drank vintage wine

>> No.5037143
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>> No.5037163
File: 124 KB, 500x487, true-mans-drink[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buckie, my first love - three bottles a day, for good health and lively blood.

We called it the Bottle of Fight the World.

>> No.5037168

I only just realised love and blood probably doesn't rhyme for people without the proper accent.

>> No.5037173
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I always read british posts with an exaggerated accent in my head

>> No.5037174

We all do, but which one?

>> No.5037177

Whatever accent Anthony LaPaglia is using in Frasier as Daphne's brother


>> No.5037183
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>> No.5037196

7 - 5 %
So it depends on the batch? Or are the "brewers" just retarded?

>> No.5037201



>> No.5037205


>> No.5037206

In that case it would be 5-7%.
I think it's supposed to be a period so it's 7.5%.

>> No.5037208

Buckfast is an odd one. It creeps up on you. In my youth, I've drank bottles of the shit, everytime with similar results: losing my shit. Other drink just made me drunk, but only two drinks make me energetically drunk, and they're Jaeger and Buckfast.
Possibly the most fun drink to pregame with in the world.

>> No.5037210

The photo is taken from an angle. That is a white square, though misplaced for marketing flare.

I never thought I'd meet a person who struggles with geometry more than me.

>> No.5037214

I dunno, I've been ridiculously drunk and slept in shop doorways, pissed in graveyards and argued with police over traffic cone hats but I've never had the urge to give someone a glass bottle facial. It's down to personality, not the alcohol

>> No.5037220

That's a fucking hyphen dude. It's in the middle of the 5 and the 7. You're fucking stupid.

>> No.5037227

No, you're just so immensely stubborn that you refuse to admit you're wrong. The drink is 7.5 ABV. The period is in a dumb place because its swill marketed to ghetto rats.

Occam's razor, no one would make a seven to five percent beer and put it on the front of the can like that. Pretty sure it isn't even legal.

>> No.5037230

No you just don't know what a rectangle is, and that is obviously a rectangle between two numbers which would turn it into a hyphen. Sorry the people who made it are too fucking dumb to realize the difference between decimal points and hyphens.

>> No.5037229

A friend of mine ate six in a row once on a bet.

Needless to say he was violently sick afterwards.

>> No.5037235


You're either mentally challenged or quite the troll. As I said, it wouldn't even be legal to label it the way you insist it is.

>> No.5037238

Well then I guess it's illegal because that is definitely a hyphen. I'm not sure why you're defending such a shitty drink anyway. u r dumb.

>> No.5037250


>> No.5037252
File: 6 KB, 391x229, hyphen_4050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah when people put an underscore between two numbers it's the same as multiplying them right? No. You're fucking stupid.

>> No.5037260

Underscore? I thought you were talking about hyphens.


>> No.5037269

I've never even got in a fight, but different drink will do different things to you. As a young lad it was spirits, bucky, and cooking sherry mixed with cola. Messy, fuck-acting, breaking shit, etc etc etc. Then just guinness for years and years, maybe some cider. Rotten hangovers, generally complacent but talky. Now, I've moved to canada, it's all crafts and pilsner, and the odd crown royal, and I don't even get threatening hangovers, and am rarely more than giggly and a little stumbling, even after a good 15 tins.
I will agree that personality has something to do with it, but I've seen the tamest of lads with pints go off the rails from spirits, or people turning into a crying heap from wine but be totally fine with whiskeys. Same as most substances, I guess: Type, set, and setting, as well as headspace.

>> No.5037274


Hyphen't you all got something better to do? Or do ye not know where to ...draw the line?

>> No.5037276

Dashing post. 9-9/10

>> No.5037279

do ya got chiko rolls?

>> No.5037317
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>> No.5037326

Does Scotland seriously think they even fry shit?

Go to the Texas state fair. That is where people are actually frying things.

>> No.5038992

what is that? coral reef from spongebob?
they're pretty fucking good, zesty and crunchy make a good combination

>> No.5039002

I watched all of that recently. I love it.

First couple of series are slightly better, though the inquiry episode was pretty amazing. You really feel for Malcolm despite him being condensed evil for most of the show, I mean, it's not his fault. It's just what is demanded of him, really.

>> No.5039060

any good batter recipes?
I want to try deep frying something

>> No.5039665

he looks like Benedict Cumberbath

>> No.5039735

That guys scottish accent pisses me off.
why can't they speak right?

>> No.5039743

You should watch any programme with Tony Singh. He's a self-professed "Edinburgh boy," even though he's a big, fat bearded Sikh and doesn't have any track marks on his arms.
So here's this Indopak guy with a turban and beard wearing a kilt and speaking with one hilariously Scottish/Indopak combo accent. It's endearing. Though I find the Scots/Geordie accent in general annoying, his is nice.

Spice Men is a good one to start with. He does that one with Cyrus Todiwala. He's also on Great British Menu.

>> No.5039777

Tony Singh has a mild, middle-class glaswegian acccent, you spastic. He just owns a takeaway in edinburgh

>> No.5039839
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>thinkin Scotland got shit
It's like you asked for this

>> No.5039849

He calls himself "an Edinburgh boy." Also
>implying Edinburgh isn't in Scotland
Have you ever derped so hard that someone thought you were a Scotsman? Cuz you just did. You northerners are just... dumb.

>> No.5040003

England here, thanks for ensuring British food is never taken seriously.

>> No.5040010

>Who ARE these people that go around deep frying candy bars.

Crazy Scots,that's who.