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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.79 MB, 3995x2996, runny-egg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5016278 No.5016278 [Reply] [Original]

How do you like your eggy wegg?

>> No.5016280

Not 3995x2996

>> No.5016283

a little more done than OP
thin slice of ham underneath

>> No.5016288
File: 129 KB, 1600x1067, Yam Mamuang Minor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked them fried or boiled, with the yolk cooked until it's gelled but still translucent.

>> No.5016294

I like all kinds of eggs
Scrambled with cream is definitely the most luxurious
If we're talking fried I like the yolk still fluid, but only barely.

>> No.5016307

>nearly 2014
>not eating your eggs in glorious high definition

>> No.5016313

I prefer fried egg on bread, a bagel, or a burger

It's just one of those things that can only go right

>> No.5016315

It all comes down to how hungry you are, I mean a HD egg is gonna fill you up a lot than a 480p egg.
Those extra pixels are very filling, and sometimes I don't want to eat that much

>> No.5016317

>drop egg in pan
>break the yolk and spread it around over the top of the whites
>add toppings
>fold it over into an omelette
>white on the outside, yellow on the inside
it adds nothing to the eggs but it does look nice

>> No.5016318

Yeah but the clarity of flavour from an HD egg is just leagues apart from a standard one. I'd much rather split a super HD egg with a few buds than eat an entire pixelated piece of shit egg.

>> No.5016321

>HD eggs
Typical consumers, buying into to typical marketing bullshit
When will you stop eating their lies?

>> No.5016323

Thanks a lot OP, now I gotta climb out of bed and cook some up.

To answer your question, I like mine just like your pic related. If I'm making a sandwich though, I puncture the yolk from the get go to avoid the mess that is a runny yolk.

>> No.5016350

This guy gets it

>> No.5016360

Is HD eggs really real?

>> No.5016363

Pure placebo. I get regular eggs from monoprice for $2 per dozen.
>shilling intensifies

>> No.5016772


Medium cooked, sprinkle of salt and pepper on the yolk, and nugget of mustard.

>> No.5016778

Yeah, but you need HD chicken for them and they are a timeconsuming breed, needing like 20000x50000pxl room each and lots of food.

>> No.5016799


How can HD eggs be real if our frying pan isn't real?

>> No.5016800

If you're not cooking True HD eggs in a Kitchenaid pan then you may as well have bought brown eggs because you're a huge idiot

>> No.5016836
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juggled, not cracked

>> No.5016841

Two fried over easy, dip half a piece of toast in each of the yolks and then finish of the remaining egg on top of the remaining toast halves.

That's how I eat it every single time. Also with a nice glass of cold milk.

>> No.5016852

How HD are we talking?
I mean you could be buying a dozen 720p HD eggs
or you could be buying a dozen 4k HD eggs for the same price

You gotta pay attention if you want to get the best deal, they're trying to take advantage of your ignorance to keep you from getting the real good stuff

>> No.5016877

On an everything bagel with taylor ham, lettuce and mayo.

>> No.5016883

Schmangled with cheese.

>> No.5016915

I wish I could get into HD eggs but I just don't have the stovepower to render them in time before I gotta go to work.

>> No.5016922



>> No.5016935

Overdone, scrambled with onions and cheese.

>> No.5016951

You just gotta overclock your stove, that should allow you to render them in real time.
Unless you don't have multiburner enabled
you need that shit to work with top notch modern day eggs

>> No.5016955

HD eggs are great, but without a Blu-Ray pan to cook them in... why bother?

>> No.5016968

Well yeah but you gotta have the HD oven HD pan or else you might as will Watt them in 240i.

>> No.5016974

this guy gets it.

>> No.5016985

Over easy, or in an omelette with cheese and what ever leftover meat/veg I have in the fridge

>> No.5018154

Over easy with a runny yolk.

>> No.5018157
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I'm not going to lie, the biggest reason I cook mine over easy is because I'm too much of a retard to get sunny side up right. The yolk always over cooks by the time all the whites are finishes properly cooking, no matter what temperature I try.

What am I doing wrong?

>> No.5018169


You're doing it right. It's impossible to have a nice runny yolk without any disgusting fetus matter without cooking it over easy.

>> No.5018173

Damn, that's lame. Guess I'll stick to over easy.

>> No.5018180

Whites need to be fully cooked, yolk runny. Unfortunately, achieving this is near impossible. I settle for scrambled or deviled.

>> No.5018312

>not knowing if you have a lid and press it over your pan the steam will cook the top of the yolk and get rid of the gooey white stuff

plebs all of you

>> No.5018321

I feel like a colossal idiot
That should make things a lot easier
Thank you kind anon

>> No.5018325
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Anything soft; poached, basted, boiled, whatever. I fucking love eggs

>> No.5018342

I found that you can add just a tiny bit of water and use low heat with the lid so you don't burn the bottom of the egg

>> No.5018343

>achieving this is near impossible
use a spoon to pour hot oil on top of the egg

>> No.5018350
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What the hell is going on in this thread?

>I picked the wrong time to smoke

>> No.5018354


Alternatively: Once the whites firm up a bit, just tilt the pan in slightly to run the top of the whites off the sides. works well for me

>> No.5018356

Well done.

Opposite of how I like my steak.

>> No.5018385

I like my eggy wegg scramby-wambied.

>> No.5018388

Everyone who played Metal Gear Solid 4 knows how to make a sunny side up egg correctly

>> No.5018425

Cooking eggs without flipping them is the easiest shit ever. Some other anons already mentioned it, the lid thing, but there's another trick.

Get that pan fucking hot. I mean, really hot before you drop that egg in. Put enough butter to just lightly cover the bottom of the pan in, and then drop the egg in, cover it with a lid, and turn the heat off.

5 minutes later you have a great egg with a runny yolk. You want it medium, do just under 6 minutes, you want it cooked all the way through, 7 minutes.

Bam, easiest eggs ever.

>> No.5018428

I'm a freak of nature who doesn't like eggs.

I'm sorry.

>> No.5018431



But seriously, how can you not like eggs at all?

>> No.5018437

My mother doesn't like them either. I must have inherited an incredibly defective gene.

>> No.5018438

I think your family is just shit at cooking eggs.

They can be made all kinds of ways, and they taste great in almost all of those ways they can be made.

>> No.5018440
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>crush eggs in hands
>stir the fuck out of the yolk for no reason
>do you want any snake?
>make him eggs anyway
>forget about eggs for 20 mins while I wonder where mommy went
>where's mommy
>I just want mommy

>> No.5018443
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>> No.5018448

Well guys, I'm >>5018157 and I just wanted to thank you for the tips. I'm going to try it. I'm honestly kinda new to cooking so I'm learning but it seems like asking even basic questions here gets you flamed so...it's hard to.

But anyway, thanks again. I appreciate it.

>> No.5018512

Scrambled with cheese and either Cholula or Sriracha.

Hard boiled with dill, paprika and worcestershire.

>> No.5018513
File: 99 KB, 650x440, 1315919331899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boiled or fried, and the yolk should be about halfway cooked so that it's mostly firm but still mushy in the centre. Put it on fresh slices of dark bread with some butter and salt, a bit of ketchup if they're fried. Large glass of skimmed milk on the side, and I will fistfight anyone who claims it's inferior to whole milk.

>> No.5018514

>Can't cook an egg
>Can build a mach 37 suborbital scramjet

>> No.5018516

Sometimes when I cook something and realize right when it's done "Wow I really want to put an egg on this" I put a few drops of water in a little clear ramekin and crack and egg in and microwave until it turns cloudy. The small bit of water and clear cooking vessel are what allow this to work.

>> No.5018543

With embryos in them.

>> No.5018591

Pickled with beets

>> No.5018859

cooked till all the white parts and some of the yolk is solid, S&P and a few drops of Tobasco and jam.
cream cheese, onions, mushrooms, red bell pepper and ham with a few drops of srisri or sambal and a bit of sweet condiment like ketchup, jam, BBQ sauce, onion relish, thousand island or whatever else I can find.
>egg salad sandwich

>> No.5019096

The entire side of my fathers family will only eat the egg yolk and throw the white in the trash. Apparently his dad hated egg white and would always feed it to the dog. It spread to his kids and down to their children. I am the only one who will eat the egg white.

>> No.5019100

i hate it when the egg is runny like that.

i like the egg fried as long as it is very firm and well done, using one of those machines. or else scrambled.

best is a firm fried egg (no runnyness whatsoever) on a sausage burger, like the Sausage Egg McMuffin. No cheese though please.

>> No.5019104

>I am the only one who will eat the egg white.
Honey, sit down, we need to talk.

You were adopted.

>> No.5019392

hello, me

>> No.5019404

>heat pan to maximum temperature
>put in some bacon (or butter if i'm only having eggs)
>fry the egg in the bacon grease/butter untill it's golden from the outside but the yolk is still runny
>eat it with rye bread

>> No.5019407

Probably for the best. That family sounds stupid.

>> No.5019453

I do this occasionally
cooking eggs in bacon grease makes godly eggs

but often times I am far too impatient for breakfast

>> No.5019506

It's great to cook steak-umms before eggs too. No oil required. Enough fat gets cooked into the pan to make the eggs or whatever else. And it is delicious.

>> No.5019542

Hard boiled in a sandwich.

>> No.5019550
File: 544 KB, 2048x1536, ostrich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5019563

egh that looks terrible. even the white has that overcooked green twinge to it. bigger isn't always better, just make fuckin ostrich omelets

>> No.5019626

Scrambled + mix with chorizo for GOAT taco

if no chorizo, poached is the best. i used to like fried but not so much anymore

>> No.5019750

have a cover to put over the egg and trap some water in there so it steams it. I use a pot lid. The amount of water isn't easy to fuck up, just use common sense.

>> No.5019773

I have a huge hard-on for eggs benedict, so I like to poach my eggs runny and stick it in the oven for a bit along with the muffin, cooked bacon, and top it off with a slice of cheese to melt all over that rumpledumptiousness.

>> No.5019779

Any tips for my over-easy eggs?

Half the time I flip them and the yolk breaks open, drives me nuts.

>> No.5020051

put a lid over it for a min or so before you flip.

>> No.5020065

Over very easy with all of yolk runny and a bit of the whites aroumd the yolk still slimy.