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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5010828 No.5010828[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm getting pretty annoyed at trying out some burger recipes each week and them turning out to be pretty meh tier.

Might as well ask here how you guys make your homemade burgers. I have the basic ingredients that everyone seems to be using with recipes found on Google, defrosting some beef right now.

>> No.5010834

what's so hard about egg, bread crumbs, and worcestershire sauce?

>> No.5010836

Cook them over charcoal fire. Toast your buns too.

Alternatively, get one of those awful meatloaf seasoning packets from the grocery store and mix that into your ground beef.

>> No.5010839
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Using them in burgers, probably. He asked for burgers, not meat loaf, Britbong. Stop fucking up a good burger thread with your binder inanities.

>> No.5010840

This is very important

toasted buns are infinitely better than untoasted buns

>> No.5010843

Pretty much. The last recipe that told me to use those the patty was just so mushy it definitely was just meatloaf on a bun

Already do that

>> No.5010845

dice some onions, mix that into your meat (not too many). I also use Adobe seasoning. Just mix it all together, fry in a pan or cook on a grill. Tasty and simple.

>> No.5010846

The best burgers IMO aren't made of beef. Get you some bison, son.

You're /suppose/ to mix ground bison with some beef to get the meat to stick better (bison is less fatty) but I just mix and egg with the meat and then flip with care.

No seasoning needed, the stronger flavor of the superior meat speaks for itself. Simple toppings too, lettuce tomato, or just a couple speaks of mustard.
That's what's up.

>> No.5010847

What do you do to make your patties?
Do you just slop some meat together and call it a day?

Always at least dice some onions and put them in,

>> No.5010852

Nah minced garlic usually. I just top off my finished burger with onions

>> No.5010853


The breadcrumbs are limey nonesence, but a splash of worcestershire does do the beef some good. That plus some salt and pepper is all my father ever used in his burgers.

>> No.5010855

caramelized onions or normal?

I've found caramelized onions on burgers are godly

>> No.5010858

Normal but oh that sounds nice I might try that

>> No.5010872

Lipton onion soup mix, one packet per pound

>> No.5010976

>trying out some burger recipes each week and them turning out to be pretty meh tier.
Could you give us an idea of what's gone wrong, or what you find about them that was meh, might give us a better idea of what the issue with the recipes you've already tried, like whether it the patties themselves or the burger around it as well? Plus it might help give and idea as to your preferences.

You don't need egg in normal burger patties. The only time it would be necessary is if you overload the mix with a bunch of other stuff (like Hemingway's favourite burger recipe posted a couple weeks back) and need to compensate with additional binding.

Meat + seasoning, or with just a few simple additions (like fried diced onion, crushed garlic, chopped chives), will bind together on its own just fine.

>The breadcrumbs are limey nonesence
Not entirely. Apart from if you want to bulk out the burger cos you're cheap, if you moisten a small quantity of breadcrumbs with milk before you blend them with the ground meat they help the patty stay moist even if cooked to well-done.

>> No.5011004
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My personal favorite burger patty is a 50/50 mix of ground lamb and beef, partially because i can get it for a great price at a local turkish market. Combine that with some sauteed mushrooms and proper swiss cheese on a toasted bun and you have a great burger. Patty should just be the ground meat seasoned lightly right before you cook it medium rare.

>> No.5011013


Probably more your fault than the recipe's. A good burger is only as strong as its weakest link. No processed paste buns made from enriched white flour. No $1/lb pink slime meat paste patties. If you want a burger to taste as good as something you get from a restaurant, then you need to spend about half as much on it as you would at the restaurant.

>> No.5011015

You can also just add a little bit of butter or bacon grease to the bison before you fry it.

>> No.5011025

Make your patties the day before and chill them formed into thinner patties
Score them after placing them on cast iron on medium with salt/pepper/garlic
toast buns with butter/oil
honey mixed into dijon mustard, lettuce, tomato, pickle, caramelized onions, avocado; in that order

put the meat on top of that, some shredded chedder on top of the meat, then the other half of the bun.

>> No.5011043

>The breadcrumbs are limey nonesence Not entirely. Apart from if you want to bulk out the burger cos you're cheap, if you moisten a small quantity of breadcrumbs with milk before you blend them with the ground meat they help the patty stay moist even if cooked to well-done.

That would be the bullshit. It's fucking bullshit. It's not a burger, it's meatloaf sandwich. If you want to bulk shit with bread crumbs, make blood sausage or bangers. Keep it the fuck out of one of the simplest of all sandwiches -the hamburger.

>> No.5011051

>defrosting beef


frozen ground beef is not going to make a good hamburger no matter what you do with it

>> No.5011082

Pork and veal mince is nicest imo, v. Lean but still flavorsome as Fuck. Mix with minced garlic, sliced chilli, sweated onion dice, mozzarella and parsley. Grill and then roast, enjoy the best burger you'll ever eat
Put it on brioche if you a real nigga

>> No.5011096

>balsamico'd onions
>pineapple (is good sometimes, get over it fags)
>goat cheese + fig marmalade
>honey mustard
>dried tomatoes
>rocket and fresh tomatoes
>camembert and cranberry sauce
>potato chips

Just some inspiration.

>> No.5011302

Gross. Flavor is in the fat. Enjoy your dry nasty patty

>> No.5011310

little bit of diced onion and garlic, salt, pepper mixed in with the ground beef
when it's just about done throw some crumbled blue cheese on top and cover it with a lid
serve with onion lettuce tomato and spicy deli mustard

>> No.5011316

>how you guys make your homemade burgers.
I don't. I enjoy a good burger as much as the next guy, but I have no desire to make fast food in my home kitchen. If I want fast food I can get it easily enough. If I'm cooking a home cooked meal it's going to be a home cooking kind of dish.

>> No.5011328

Oh god that post
>Implying burgers are fast food and somehow therefore no worth cooking
What kind of logic is that? Burgers are amongst the most common items for grilling at home.

>> No.5011339
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>I have no desire to make fast food in my home kitchen

If you're making it in your kitchen it's not fast food anymore now is it?

>> No.5011346

>Implying burgers are fast food and somehow therefore no worth cooking
Not worth cooking for me. The fact they're so common is the issue. I can get a pretty good burger out almost anywhere. Why bother to make one at home? There are so many other things I like to eat that I'm pretty much only going to get if I make them at home. I'll cook those things, because eventually I'll be out and just grab a burger anyways. I don't need to eat burgers so often that I have to make them at home.

>> No.5011350

buy wagyu patties
push onion into one side
fry normally
when one side is done, flip it over and melt the cheese on top

>> No.5011351

>That would be the bullshit. It's fucking bullshit.
Your opinion, wrong though it is, is duly noted.

A SMALL QUANTITY of breadcrumbs doesn't take a burger patty into a meatloaf-type consistency.

Dude, this >>5011339

FFS, fail at logic much? ;-)

>> No.5011352

because like anything you can cook, you can make it perfectly suited for your tastes?

>> No.5011356

>buy wagyu patties
For all intents and purposes that's not possible outside of Japan, and even then you need deep pockets so good going there on the practical suggestions chum *thumbsup*

>> No.5011361

use bagels instead of burger buns
patent pending

>> No.5011362

>you can make it perfectly suited for your tastes?
Exactly. And for me a burger is something I eat because I'm in a situation where it's the best option. Then I enjoy it. At home I can have whatever I want, so I follow my tastes. Which means I never make hamburgers, because there are so many better things I can make.

>> No.5011363

um no

>> No.5011365

either make onions separately and use them as topping, or use raw. NEVER MIX them in with the meat.

>> No.5011368


>> No.5011369

caramelized are fucking delicious

>> No.5011375


>> No.5011377

Goddamn, I'm Caribbean and I find any meal that uses that shit is half-assed as fuck. I only use to season avocados when I'm to lazy to make a gaspacho and eat them in a sandwich.

Adobo is worthless for patties.

>> No.5011380

that's not a burger but some faggy hipster fusion shit. Let me guess, you also marinade steaks?

>> No.5011386

lmao, so you consider real 100% beef burger cooked at home same as the pink slime paper thin shit?

>> No.5011388

Um, you're not understanding. I think he was just making a list of stuff you could put on burgers, not just all together on one. At least, that's how I see that post.

>> No.5011389

>>can get a pretty good burger out almost anywhere.

confirmed for not enough taste buds

>> No.5011393

let me get over the fact that you can not buy wagyu outside of japan, you can get the meat from the same breed though.

richfag with no taste

>> No.5011399

>defrosting some beef right now.
that's your first fuckup right there. don't freeze the meat.

1) form a patty.
2) indent the center so it doesn't bulge up
3) generously salt/pepper the exterior
4) sear on the highest possible heat for 2 minutes. flip
5) repeat step 4, but 1 minute. add cheese if you plan on having a cheeseburger after the last flip and cover with a lid to ensure it melts properly.
6) plate and eat

>> No.5011402

>>5011310, here, I never said anything about waygu. I just use 80/20 ground beef.

>> No.5011403

it's like calling sparkling wine from Napa champagne

>> No.5011410

Yup, that's how I meant it. As an inspiration. To put all this stuff on one burger would be faggotry.

>> No.5011409

alters the taste, the onion cooks inside of the burger, then the burger looses it's meat dominant taste and is overshadowed by the cooked onion taste. I love onions though.
It's like putting bleu cheese on steak, love blue cheese, but the steak flavor is wasted.

>> No.5011413

buy imitation wagyu patties
push onion into one side
fry normally
when one side is done, flip it over and melt the cheese on top
I use onions because I like onions
>steakfag trying to talk about taste

>> No.5011416

even if that, what's the point? All of those flavors are too dominant and will overshadow the grilled meat flavor.

>> No.5011419

Most these kids struggle 2 make icecubes .

>> No.5011422

>It's like putting bleu cheese on steak, love blue cheese, but the steak flavor is wasted.
I'll agree with you on that.

>> No.5011425

if you just want to taste the meat then don't bother with the rest of the burger

>> No.5011424


I could go on, but you are not arguable, you stubborn burger nazi. Enjoy your always-the-same boring burgers.

>> No.5011433

>confirmed for not enough taste buds
Perhaps. I see it as this: with so many delicious things to eat in this world I'm not wasting my time at home making something I can find everywhere when I go out. It's the same reason I don't bother making pizza, anything deep fried or subs at home. Because I eat plenty of that shit out. Last thing I want to do in my own kitchen is recreate fast food - part of the reason I cook is so I don't have to live on that stuff.

>> No.5011442

>I'm not wasting my time at home making something I can find everywhere when I go out.
>burgers at a restaurant/fast food is the same as what you would get cooking at home

but that's wrong, you fucking retard.

>> No.5011446


Sounds like you have nothing but the most god awful restaurants in your area. I'm really sorry but I'm not going to apologize for spending my kitchen time making something that's actually fun instead of frying some fucking burger patties.

Not even the guy you were responding to.

>> No.5011447

>you have nothing but the most god awful restaurants in your area
I live in the midwest.

>> No.5011449

oh, so yea, godawful restaurants. sorry to hear that.

>> No.5011451


Why would I go to a restaurant when I can make better food for less money at home?

>> No.5011459

I have been to numerous fast food places and restaurants.
Had a hard time finding something tasty, disregarding the price.

I personally love charcoal grilled burgers with wooden chips fro little smoke flavor, it adds on the meat flavor and compliments it nicely.
For best meat, obviously grind your own. Buy some nice round, brisket etc. experiment. The more fat you get the juicier they will be, but also the more will they shrink; however, the smell of burning dripping fat is mesmerizing.
The only thing I would ever put in burger is bacon, but since it will be smoked, it will have loads of flavor. Season burgers with salt, maybe pepper and that's it.

I love all of the shit listed here, but that doesn't mean it belongs in the burger.
mustard/ketchup/mayo is up to you, but at least buy good quality condiments and not the store brand crap.
I love onions raw or caramelized. Lettuce is nice, and tomato ads onto juiciness if you like your burgers really really done (not me)
that's it

nothing overpowering like goat cheese or swiss
obviously melted
I prefer mild cheddar or even provolone
I even use a torch to "brown" the cheese a little

no one likes soggy squishy bun
lightly toasted, mire on the side that comes in contact with the meat.
I like sesame buns, but really am open to any just to try.

I eat burgers for the meat and the flavor of the meat.
To some it may seem stupid and bland, but good luck trying to buy burger that has flavor, and is juicy. In fact, good luck buying burger so good that you don't have to put anything else on it.

>> No.5011461

No you can't.
I mean, I know you like to think you can.
But you can't.

>> No.5011464

making pizza at home is hard as fuck especially if you live in an apartment. Pizza oven is essential.

>> No.5011467

>Sounds like you have nothing but the most god awful restaurants in your area.
It's the opposite problem. I live in NYC, where a burger is a lazy choice, given all the options out there. I've had the burger at Peter Luger's and the burger at the Spotted Pig. Both are delicious. But fuck, man, with so many other (better) things out there to eat why would I order a burger at a good restaurant again, let alone make one at home?

Time will come when I'm traveling and it'll be the only option. I can wait until then to have one.

>> No.5011465


Socializing. Trying new things. Convenience. Fun.

Also the less money argument mostly applies if you're cooking bulk one-pot meals. Anything requiring a complicated set of specialized ingredients is going to be about the same or even cheaper at a restaurant. I'm not talking about iceberg lettuce, supermarket tomatoes, and ground beef.

Then again I live in one of the best restaurant cities in the world, if not the best, so it's nowhere near as simple as "saving money on hamburgers".

>> No.5011468


Man. You just can't lose face, can you?

>> No.5011473

2 different posters agreeing that you're delusional.
You're delusional.

>> No.5011483


Because burgers are good? Because after eating zen buddhist vegan food and armenian/lebanese fusion and ddukbokki washed down with artisan makgeolli 300 days a year, sometimes you just want a shitty burger and beer from a plastic cup, and it just seems dumb to buy a pack of buns and a bunch of ground beef just for that?

I live in NYC too.

>> No.5011486

LOL yeah enjoy that "Wagyu" .... I can get american "wagyu" in some places in the city and its over 50 dollars a pound and worth every penny... getting a few pre made patties for 7 dollars ... your not getting anything even close to wagyu...

>> No.5011500

it's still better than typical burger patties

>> No.5011514

Does indenting the center really help? I hate the way they get massive.

Also another tip is cooking them in the oven instead of on the stove. They are so tender and juicy in the oven. Just make sure you cook it on a rack over a pan instead of sitting on a pan directly or it will be fucking grosser than a slab of dead animal already is

Im gonna go warm up boxed white castle now

>> No.5011520

I agree with you here, but emphase on the SOMETIMES. You or some other poster claim that it's ALWAYS better to get burger at a place. That's not the case. Sometimes you crave the nice burger you know you can make, with exactly the piece of meat ground up that you want, with exactly the ingrediences and the cooking style you want.

Ceckmate atheists.

>> No.5011521

>I live in NYC too.
And it looks like you're agreeing with me.

>> No.5011539


Only with nasty bland cow, pleb.

Bison meat actually has a flavor, so it doesn't need to be full of lard.

>> No.5011541 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5011574

Damn this thread is still up?

Anyways I was reduced to grill pan because it's snowing like shit outside. Tasted okay but they were missing flavor.

What does /ck/ think about liquid smoke? I just thought of doing that next time I can't grill outside

>> No.5011584
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What the fuck?! This is /ck/...I thought at least a couple of you might not be total morons. You people are made of fucking idiocy and bad taste.

Making an amazing burger is easy:

1. Get good meat.
If you get a chunk of brisket and one of sirloin, chop it up yourself. Or, if you are too lazy get meat dept at your store to grind it for you. They do this. Ask for a coarse grind. Ideally, it should be 75% lean and 25% fat.

2. BEFORE forming the patties, spice that meat with FRESH ground pepper and kosher salt.
Don't be a pussy during this step and go hard with your spicing. Pretend this is a steak.

3. Cook that shit on a cast iron pan that is really fucking hot.
This will get you dat Maillard reaction and will make things deliciouser

4. Cook no further than medium rare.

Congratulations, you've just made a fucking awesome burger.

>> No.5011623

>2. BEFORE forming the patties, spice that meat with FRESH ground pepper and kosher salt.

>> No.5011628

Exactly what people are alluding to: people THINK they can cook good burgers at home more than they actually CAN.

>> No.5011637

A, and you think some random guy at a fast food place knows it better?

>> No.5011642

They follow a specific recipe perfected over decades

>> No.5011643


>> No.5011645

And we don't? My dad made burgers long before you were born, and they are the shit! Mine are different, but just as good, I used his recipe and tried my own stuff. That's the whole fun in cooking and something you'll never experience eating at McFat.

>> No.5011650

You're embarrassing yourself now.

>> No.5011656

>Embarrasing himself for cooking instead of eating fastfood on a cooking board
You got something mixed up there son.

>> No.5011660

I'll "um no" right back at you.

You obviously haven't heard that most wagyu outside of Japan isn't, and when it is it's not a patch on the quality of the stuff in Japan because it's raised and fed in a completely different way.

Breed alone doesn't mean squat.

In the US in a restaurant setting or from the butcher, it can literally be anything since there are no regs governing it. So if you've ever had a kobe slider or something in a restaurant it may have been good beef, but it's 99.999% sure it wasn't wagyu.

>> No.5011662

Nah son.

You really have no idea how to do it right.

>> No.5011663

Please stop.

>> No.5011664
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>either make onions separately and use them as topping, or use raw. NEVER MIX them in with the meat.
Up yours! YES

"Don't like what I don't like" asshats are the cancer that I want to cut out of /ck/ with a rusty $2 steak knife.

>> No.5011667

I know, right? I mean, my DAD mixes in egg and breadcrumbs into his burgers and we all know HE can't be wrong.

>> No.5011678

>What does /ck/ think about liquid smoke?
Always leaves a noticeable chemical taste. I do not use it.

>> No.5011688

No. If you don't know why you should salt the beef BEFORE forming you need to go do some research, not blindly following an accepted practice. Many accepted practices in cooking turn out to be BS dude, never forget they used to tell us that high heat sealed meat juices in!!

Re. salting before forming the patties, if you want a pointer I'll give it to you: it helps the meat bind together. Now go look up why and you've learned something for the day.

>> No.5011701

all my lols

>> No.5011707

No more arguments. Nothing to do here anymore.

>> No.5011738

I am pleased that at least someone here knows what's up

>> No.5012851

>Making an amazing burger is easy

Yes, so easy that thousands of restaurants do it every day. Stop going to Five Guys, maybe?

>> No.5012859
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Here's the image you're looking for

>> No.5014037

So you didn't want to learn anything new today. You could have just told us your mind was closed and saved a lot of bother.

>> No.5014080

Instead of bread crumbs you can also use oatmeal.

I put egg oatmeal salt paper Wochester liquid smoke a dash of a1 and some chopped up onions and some chili powder in the cheapest hamburger I can find. Mix Well and press out to Patties. Throw in on the Foreman,knockoff grill and moon. Delicious hamburgers in under 30 minutes even when its snowing outside. If using light bread for buns remember to toast it.

>> No.5014093


>> No.5014116

>salt helps bind the meat together

Not the same person, but I'll say it again: dungoofed.jpg. Overmixing and repacking the grind will get you a dry burger, and mixing it solely to distribute salt? Under the pretenses that it will help bind? You might as well add an egg you're so retarded. That's as good as "sealing in the juices."

If you don't know how to form a burger patty so that it sticks together and use a proper amount of heat (you even say to make it "really fucking hot"), and you think fucking SALT is the magic that's going to hold it together? Oh fuck son, I gots the giggles.

>> No.5014121

That's a really nice meatloaf recipe, and I'mma let you finish, but meatloaf.

Meat. fucking. LOAF. sandwicH. yo!

>> No.5014129

OP, usually someone will pop up with this in a burger thread, but I didn't see it, and kind of like what I was saying in >>5014116, you don't want to overmix the meat. If you pack it too tightly, you're going to get a dry tasting burger. Loosely pack to just the point where it stays together. I don't mix things in, because I'm afraid it's going to be too dry. I mean, you're making a sandwich. You can put onions on the sandwich. You can spread some diced garlic pieces across the top and just press them in lightly, cook it a little bit, and then melt the cheese on the garlic side (that's what I do). I think mixing the meat (unless you refluff it, or keep the grind really loose, or however you want to phrase that) really fucks with it and the magical little areas for steam and grease to accumulate around the inside of the burger. Boo binders. Yes burger toppings. Toast your bun. The end.

>> No.5014206

>Not the same person, but I'll say it again: dungoofed.jpg.
You don't know either then.

>and you think fucking SALT is the magic that's going to hold it together? Oh fuck son, I gots the giggles.
You need remedial reading lessons there boy? "salt helps bind the meat together" —emphasis on HELPS— does not equate with "magic binding ingredient" you ass.

I know it's perfectly possible to make burgers that hold together with just ground meat, seasoning the outside only. I do them that way sometimes too.

But no less a cook than Heston Blumenthal is one chef who salts a portion of the meat for his burgers prior to forming the patties, and he states why. If you want to continue to state flat out that it's a goof in the face of that level of opposition then go argue the science with him, k?

>> No.5014235
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Confirmed god-tier

>> No.5014251
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Holy fuck buddy. I am so depressed now.

>> No.5014255
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Black and blue hamburger cooked to med-rare and coasted to medium

whole grain mustard on a challah roll cut in half

romaine lettuce

sweet onions sliced thin

Now you have a god-tier burger. fuck tomatoes and pickles

>> No.5014262

I use a mix of grinded pork and beef along with an egg, and if I feel like it fine chopped yellow or red onion. It turns out good most of the time (but I like to experiment with the damn seasoning so I never get the same taste)

>> No.5015276

More recipes.

>> No.5015313

25% fat content ground sirloin
make into patties
season generously with freshly crushed pepper and salt
place pat of butter on top
let rest

take three rolls of the dice closer to early death from heart attack

>> No.5015334
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>> No.5015356

Isnt that just a burger with no buns but pita bread?

>> No.5015395
