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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5008669 No.5008669[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Describe the last coffee you had, /b/

>black, no milk, no sugar
>used an old drip machine
>tastes like fucking battery acid holy shit this is disgusting

>> No.5008675

>ever adding milk
>ever adding sugar

Learn to drink coffee the real way and you won't regret it.

>> No.5008676

made a cup with my moka pot

>> No.5008678

overpriced latte at railway station cafe. Below average quality, styrofoam cup, common coffee from standard machine (steam), rather good milk (normal milk, not some creamers or condensed or shit).

>> No.5008681

>with milk and sugar
>got that almost caramel taste

i only get that once in a while

>> No.5008697

> black Peruvian blend
> used a pot, just like God intended

>> No.5008700

>french roast
>french press
>nothin' in it.

>> No.5008705

Iced mocha at Starbucks.

>> No.5008707

lavazza oro whole bean
double shot cap with some sugar.

best homemade coffee I've ever had in my life. invest in a burr grinder and espresso machine.

>> No.5008711

Cup of hazelnut with french vanilla creamer. Had it ages ago though, not a big coffee fan.

>> No.5008714

Drinking a cup right now... just some medium roast from the Keurig with milk and honey.

>> No.5008723

> invest in a burr grinder
> invest
only if you are a retard hipster can you spend more than $20 on a grinder
> and espresso machine
buy an espresso! get shit-tier over-extracted coffee every god damn time you want! no need to go to Starbucks anymore!

>> No.5008728

>only if you are a retard hipster can you spend more than $20 on a grinder
lol tell us more about coffee. You probably don't even know what a burr grinder is (inb4 quick Wikipedia reference).

>> No.5008729

>hasbean Nicaragua Finca Limoncillo Washed Yellow Pacamara
>coarse grind
>black no sugar (duh)

>> No.5008730

in babby words, so you can maybe try to understand
a burr grinder is actually just like a flour mill, only it's not big as a house, so you can use it with your hands
inside it has two disks with teeth (burrs) on them,
the teeth grip the beans
the disks rotate and so the grinder mashes the beans into smaller pieces

>> No.5008731
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made with pic

>> No.5008739

moar babby words:
an espresso machine uses something called superheated steam, at high pressure, to leech out the juices from the coffee grinds
- superheated steam is called superheated because it is over 100 degrees Celsius in temperature (hotter than boiling water, dig? superheated)
- coffee beans contain lots and lots of substances, some of which (tannins mostly) are very very bitter and taste like burnt wood, basically. ever licked a burnt-out match? I bet you have. yeah. like that.
- these can only get out of the coffee grinds and into your brew at a high temperature and pressure



>> No.5008743

Strong Kenyan ground coffee, in a french press.
Added some Scotch.

>> No.5008747

Free cappuchino from the machine while standing in the line in the bank.

[spoiler] I sometimes go grab myself a cup of free coffee when just walking past that particular bank

>> No.5008751

Extremely fine ground coffee from a sample pack from a thing I went to. Made in french press too strong as well. Me and my brother drank it out of big bowls. It was literally black and the most bitter and acidic I ever had.

>> No.5008752

for reference
hand-cranked mill, $5 FOB Qingdao
add $5 more for shipping and tax
add $10 for a nice 100% net profit

>> No.5008755
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Iced Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks. I also work at Starbucks. I'm working right now

>> No.5008757

honest question: is Starbucks corporate doing its best to kill everyone, or do they have you guys pour shit-tons of sugar into everything just because?

>> No.5008760

People love their coffee-flavored milkshakes.

>> No.5008763
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> people

>> No.5008767

Black coffee is an acquired taste, and like most acquired tastes your body is rejecting it until you get used to it happening. Stop doing this to yourself and embrace cream/sugar like normal people. You're not impressing anyone.

>> No.5008768

I'm wondering if that thing can maintain a consistent grind size.
That's usually the biggest problem with cheap burr grinders.
It'd be a steal if it could.

>> No.5008774

why would it NOT maintain? what is there to jiggle, in that setup?
> It'd be a steal
a steal would be finding a used one at $10
this is just a normal price

>> No.5008776


Did you miss the part where it said "minimum order 500 pcs"?

>> No.5008782

did you miss the part where I specifically stated that you need to buy more than one?
I was just suggesting a decent retail price for Stateside
where I live, I can get something similar for about 15 bucks, because my country's industry has not been "outsourced" in its entirety, so we still have steel mills and foundries and tooling factories and shit like that

>> No.5008799
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I just ate the grounds. It tasted bitter

>> No.5008807
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>splash of regular soymilk
>used french press
>smooth, achieved something like crema, potable/10

>> No.5008815

Cafe Bustelo in a Moka Pot.
I made an Americano with it.
It was OK.

>> No.5008819

>french press

I don't think you know what crema is

>> No.5008821

I drink my coffee black in the morning and with milk throughout the day

>> No.5008828

I had instant coffee, it was plain. It tasted ok.

>> No.5008835

well, he said "something LIKE crema" so he must at least know what crema's not.

>> No.5008843

I'd love to see how brown your teeth are

>> No.5008867


I love these idiotic rage posts. It really makes /ck/ its own popcorn flick.

>> No.5008870

You wrote this before you had your morning coffee, didn't you?

>> No.5008886


>> No.5008987

>french press
>pumpkin pie blend preground (sue me)

Fragrances the whole room.

>> No.5008991

>Made in my turd 4 cop dripper I have in my campus apartment
>Just nothing special folders
>Made it strong so it tasted okay

>> No.5008999


Enjoy your diabeetus from having to have sugar in fucking everything like a child.

>> No.5009002
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>Black coffee is an acquired taste

>> No.5009003


Kidding? I had instant coffee every morning before I got my french press. It's bitter and awful. I had to add milk and sugar and/or creamer just to cover up the taste. I mean, I had it black a few times when I was out of additives. Drinkable, but holy shit bitter.

>> No.5009007

Nescafe packets taste pretty good although they have a really thin texture.

>> No.5009036

Hmm...you must just be an asshole, then. So much for giving you the benefit of doubt.

Please trip up so I can filter you.

>> No.5009042
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Real men don't filter their coffee

>> No.5009051

How about I keep some sand instead of sugar too, eh?

>> No.5009053

where would you keep it? do you have a sandbox?

>> No.5009060

Highlander Grogg w half-and-half: delicious!

>> No.5009061

Maybe you guys can help me here.

I have a French press, and it seems like a crapshoot to get thick, inky black coffee, which is what I like the best. Is there a surefire process to getting black as fuck coffee?

>> No.5009063

Not really from a press

A percolator could grant your wish, though.

>> No.5009065

Use more grounds.
Or have turkish.
I don't know what you mean black as fuck though.
Stronger? More body? Bitter?

>> No.5009070

Body and strength.

>> No.5009071
File: 60 KB, 720x407, turkish coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need a proper turkish coffee

>> No.5009072

I suggest you try doubling the amount of grounds you use than.
But turkish is definitely a good choice since there's extremely fine grounds in the cup itself.

>> No.5009073


I know what you mean. Everything I get out of mine is more amber-colored.

Idk, more grounds, brew longer.

>> No.5009074

why do black coffee drinkers think they're master race?

i drink it black but only because of weight loss

it tastes good both ways

>> No.5009078

Fuck, I think I've had this before. So good.

I'll try it out, thanks.

>> No.5009082

Because children rarely like black coffee, so if you do it shows you're not a child.

>> No.5009086

I stopped drinking coffee for months so as to no longer need it. After not drinking coffee for a while and suddenly picking it up again I noticed situation's still the same, I need coffee cause it clearly boosts my mood and energy. Oh well.

>> No.5009093
File: 15 KB, 326x246, strong black coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strong, black, Food Lion Brand French Roast

Pretty good stuff
4.79 a 12 oz bag, blooms every time so far

>> No.5009105

A little sugar/milk is understandable, but I cringe whenever anyone asks whether I want room.

I haven't needed more than a tablespoon since I was ten, but these fat fucks somehow need a third of the cup for cream and sugar?

Also, I get cravings for coffee drinks like cappucinos and such, but all the shit here is way too light. No stronger than chocolate milk.

Black/dark roast masterrace btw

>> No.5009116

I think I read once that the more roasted it is the less content of caffeine within the coffee. Meaning the high caffeine content is in the greener bean. I could be wrong not sure, lol.

>> No.5009117

Actually you can adjust the flavor yourself by knowing how much is too much and how much is just right.

>> No.5009120

Thundermuck coffee with sugar-free vanilla powdered creamer. Roasted half a mile from me.

>> No.5009122
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Last coffee from a shop is pic related cappuccino. This morning was a black french pressed Rwandan coffee from Costco/Kirkland. Good, cheap beans I must say.

>> No.5009124

Green Mountain french roast
Little creamer
Little sugar

>> No.5009131

>ever adding water
>not eating the whole beans


>> No.5009135

>light roast from schools coffee shop
>cream and sugar
>tasted like moldy vomit in a cup

Never again. Ive started getting shots of expresso in hot chocolate because the coffee, lattes, and everything else is so damn awful

>> No.5009141

A small mocha from Starbucks

Fuck you, I was in a hurry and there was nothing else around.

>> No.5009143

I tried eating the beans whole one time when I was a kid holy fuck that was nasty. Like licking an ashtray.

>> No.5009180

Black from my nescafe machine this morning, it was fine I guess.

People who make a big deal out of the fact they only drink black coffee are the ultimate in fedora.

>> No.5009185

Doesn't change the fact that you ordered a mocha, faggot.

>> No.5009236

Chemex filters remove the acids and oils that make coffee bitter, and prevent it from going rancid during the day. This means I can actually store my brewed coffee in the fridge and microwave it later without the compromise of that "old coffee" tar taste.

I favor the flavor of cold-extractions to hot: In one, I steep a 5:1 water-to-grounds ratio under 80psi of n20 for two hours, before rapidly releasing the pressure. The cavitation gives me a concentrated 19% extraction that I then filter through the chemex, dilute 1/1, then just take out of the fridge and microwave when I want a hot cup.

If I don't feel like wasting the n20, I'll boil a 4.43:1 in my vacuum chamber, then cavitate with plain air. The taste is nearly the same, but yields a cloudy cup...whereas the pressurized extraction is clear, like a scotch.

When I feel like doing it the old-fashioned way, the proportions are 15:1 water-to-grounds. I'll kettle some filtered water to 94*C, burr-grind 10g of some beans that were roasted in the last week, pour some of the heated water over them to bloom them, wait 45 seconds (or until blooming has stopped), then pour the rest of the 150g portion over the grounds. Once brewed, I pour the coffee into a glass cup (Not a mug - Handles are for people with alzheimers who spill shit. If it's too hot to hold, it's too hot to drink). Grinding and brewing your own fresh coffee with these directions only takes about 3-5 minutes, total, once you're used to it. Then I just let the coffee cool to a comfortable drinking temperature, and enjoy while shitting.

>> No.5009275

Holy autism.....

>> No.5009293

>four sugars
>shot of vodka and a little rum for flavour

i had a panic attack (i'm ocd and i locked myself out of my house) and i just needed to bring myself back around

i'm usually a tea drinker

>> No.5009298

>rum for flavour
pig disgusting

>> No.5009377 [DELETED] 

>he's only ever had Smirnoff and Captain Morgan's

>> No.5010297
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You heard right. Fucktards drinking tar and thinking they're getting more caffeine.

>but muh french roast...

Suck a dick.

>> No.5010322

How is he autistic, because he wrote a descriptive post that was over 2 sentences long?

>> No.5010329

>drinking coffee for the caffeine

Run a long little kid, I think your dad left a half full beer upstairs that you can scavenge.

>> No.5010373

>Hazelnut coffee
>Used my GF's coffee maker
>Sugar free creamer

Wasn't the best, but it was 2°F outside and the warmth alone made it great.

>> No.5010387

lol Americans and their fear of the environment and climate

>> No.5010401


Americans and their weird measures that nobody else understands, so they can feel in their hugbox where they are not evil and jews are nice.

>> No.5010402
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>Describe the last coffee you had


>> No.5010407 [DELETED] 

muricunts are just stupid as fuck in general

>> No.5010410

I used old coffee beans in my Aeropress. Added some creamer because that shit is old as hell.

>> No.5010437

>sweetened condensed milk in the base, ala Vietnamese coffee
>KRUPS espresso machine (I need a phin)
>Strong yet with a sweet flavor that made it quite good


>> No.5010440
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Did I say that was the only reason why people drink coffee? Don't think so chief. I personally prefer turkish/Greek style. I do so for the flavor. But that doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of people on this planet grow up with some strange idea that the darker and blacker their coffee is the more caffeine it has.

>> No.5010605

This is bait. It has to be.

>> No.5010609

>dat obsession

>> No.5010713

Do you guys ever add coconut cream to coffee/tea? I have ever since temp has dropped... SO GOOD

last coffee i had: instant, with coconut cream & honey... I HATE AGUAVE NECTAR the taste is not the same

>> No.5010720
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>French pressed
>Dark roast

I'd add milk, but my lactose intolerance isn't a great combination with the diuretic properties of caffeine.

>> No.5010741

The regular amount
3 spoonfuls.

The perfect temperature to draw out the taste...is 175.31 degrees.

>> No.5010790

French pressed.

Silky, not as hair-on-chest black as it should've been. Didn't let it steep long enough. Still flavorful though.

Black, fuck sugar/cow tit juice.

>> No.5010810 [DELETED] 

That coffee will be 200 bells, please.

>> No.5010820

That'll be 200 bells, please.

>> No.5011024

Imagine a nonalcoholic white russian.

>> No.5011115

suck it, poney-boy

>> No.5011116

> enjoy while shitting
well played
much like your coffee, this pasta will take a long while to get stale

>> No.5011174

A decaf, breve, gingerbread, white mocha.
My friend works at Starbucks.
Does decaf count as coffee?

>> No.5012267
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I giggled

>> No.5012279

real men also don't add tons of sugar to their coffee ground soup mix

so, I guess, the moral of the story here is that turkish coffee is not for men

>> No.5012326

A medium French Vanilla Community Coffee.
It's been awhile since I had coffee, but that was some good shit.

>> No.5012335

If you ask Turkish coffee with sugar in a reputable establishment in Turkey, you will be called a woman. Only sissies and stupid fucks who can't manage to make it properly add sugar to it, because sugar makes it easier to get the foam.

>> No.5012350

Okay, go ahead and call me a filthy pleb or whatever /ck/ calls people with no taste, but I've grown up with a plain coffee maker and don't know better. How does one prepare a good cup of coffee.

>> No.5012387

>Coffee I brewed too much of yesterday and put in the fridge
>Peppermint creamer
>fucking deal, it was delicious and refreshing

>> No.5012398

>new medium roast
>french press
>whipped cream on top

Underbrewed but very tasty 7/10

>> No.5012412


French press brah

Find actually decent beans, this is just scratching the surface really there is a whole 'nother world about coffee

>> No.5012436

>Talking to girl about a cafe hidden nearby, lost somewhere in the winding streets in the midday's drunken stupor, which sells turkish coffee
>Do you mean chai?
>She lived in Turkey

>> No.5012445

>more portable
>comes in travel versions
>dat style
>more control
Holy shit I need these yesterday.
Welp! Time to research coffee.

>> No.5012453

Can I make turkish coffee by grinding up muh grounds for the french press in a pestle and mortar and then doing it in the correct manner? I have tried that and failed, I want to know if it's an issue of grounds or me.

>> No.5012456

That's so great to see Starbucks is hiring people with Downs syndrome.

>> No.5012464

Black coffee is not a single taste. Why do people talk about black coffee like it's some kind of standardized thing?

Depending on the origin of the coffee beans and how the beans are roasted, examples of flavors to be found are berries, tobacco, lemon, spice, chocolate, earth, tropical fruit, caramel, etc. Black coffee doesn't have one flavor!

>> No.5012656

So I like coffee that's really "there" like strong, but strong in the sense of you can really taste the "roasted" quality. And recommendations for this?

>> No.5012698

>Ethiopian from a local, very small roaster
>Prepared in my Bee House cone
It's not a terrible coffee. It's very simple without much complexity or acidity. No real flavors or notes I can pick up. They are not that great at roasting coffee, but its 13 dollars for a pound and its very fresh. Better than 17-18 for 12 ounces. I don't mind paying that, but it sucks to pay that much for coffee every other week.

>> No.5012700

>microwaved cuban coffee that was lying around and microwaved milk of the same amount for two minutes. poured them together and it exploded making a mess

im retarded

>> No.5012702

Have a french roasted coffee and/or use a percolator.

>> No.5012711

whatever coffee grind i had in the cupboard
a spoon full of sugar

filled half way with coffee and the other half with baileys
could hardly taste the coffee

>> No.5012722

Freeze dried store brand, two spoonfuls, 1 1/2 sugars, splash of milk. Better than that dirty dishwater they call coffee in America.

>> No.5012736

why do you faggots always have to add anti-America shit your your posts

>> No.5012748
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This morning I snuck my only cup today from the Sales guys office pot. Theres one for my team but it's the container halfway filled to the brim in the filter... I dont need to shake at work, just wake up a bit and bullshit my way through another day.

Folgers is the office coffee. Brewed in the standard large office machine with 3 burners and the hot water on it.
I had it with some white sugar from a cardboard cylinder and some powdered creamer from another tube.

They have those mini-moos at work, but milk like that, if it isn't real refrigerated milk, makes me gassy and bloated.

>> No.5012761

I had DD withcream and sugar. nothing special.

Had the privilege of drinking "grandfather brew" once. Apparently western frontiersmen and ranch hands would never throw out all the grounds when they made coffee, always keeping half for the next batch.

It was interesting.

>> No.5012765

Dash of salt with a half teaspoon of sugar.

>> No.5012777

We get it, you don't like America, stop being a retard.

>> No.5012783

>From a popular breakfast spot 10 minutes from my house
>Actually really fucking good

The eggs Benedict was shit though.

>> No.5012785

It's anti-american coffee. Stop being so sensitive. No wonder you can't stomach proper coffee.

>> No.5012930

normally I drink my coffee with whole cream but I ran out so black

>> No.5013317
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>I have tried that and failed

Mashing the beans to a flour-like consistency is the correct grind, so you're either brewing wrong or your coffee is too stale.

Do you have a proper wide-bottomed pot (eg: an ibrik)? The way the pot flares out at the bottom helps to hold back most of the grinds from ending up in the cup.

Fill your cup (assuming a 2oz demitasse) and pour that into the pot.
Put the pot on an element/burner and bring it to just before simmering.
Turn the heat down to medium.
Take the pot off heat and add one heaping tsp of fine grinds per 2oz of coffee you're making.
Mix thoroughly and then return to heat.
Watch it carefully because it's going to froth up, and once it starts frothing it'll overflow quickly.
Froth a total of three times, taking away from heat between each for a moment to allow the froth to settle.
Remove from heat and let sit a minute for the grinds to settle as best they can.
Pour into cup carefully.

>> No.5013469

2 hours ago, black
ate some hard bread with it, got the taste of chanterelle somehow.
left me feeling better though, couldnt sleep

>> No.5013489

Turkish coffee with sugar

t. kebab pro

>> No.5013501

local roaster, preground ethiopian blend
brewed by aeropress

damn fine cup, i've been getting the hang of the aeropress over the last few months. used to use way too much grounds and still manage to fuck the coffee up so it was weaker than i liked. these days i go through a 12oz bag every 2 weeks, and i get the stuff for like 8 bucks. comfortable habit.

>> No.5013506

Maxwell House Wake Up Blend, automatic drip brewed at double strength over ice for near-instant ice coffee, sugar sweetened and taken with whole milk and skim foam.
How pleb am I?

>> No.5013526

1 desert spoon of Moccona instant freeze-dried coffee.
600ml distilled pure water. (I have a cask at my desk)

Yes, at room temperature.

No it's not great, but it keeps me going at work and I don't have to get out of my seat.

>> No.5013542

Did you find your spoon in Saudi Arabia?

>> No.5013543

I used coffee that I brew for cold coffee in my Hot Chocolate. Pretty good.

I'm not really a fan of cold coffee, but when you make it yourself, it's pretty damn good, especially if you brew it the right way.

>> No.5013544

>inb4 cold-brewed rancid brown water is the right way to make iced coffee

>> No.5013547

what are you talking about?

>> No.5013548
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Black, through coffee filter. Gorgeous.

>> No.5013553

Just that /ck/'s resident retards like "cold-brew" coffee, which is a wholly disgusting thing.
"Cold brewing" is ground coffee soaked in room temperature water for 12 hours or cold water in the fridge for 24 hours, no heat, then strained.
There are claims it tastes less acidic (while cold brew coffee has curdled milk for me twice). There are claims it tastes less bitter (it needs more sugar than standard coffee to make it palatable). There are claims that it extracts more of the flavour compounds (this is simply not true).
The result of the process is a harsh-tasting, thin liquid that requires a fuck tonne of sugar and dairy to make remotely pleasant. It's awful.

>> No.5013554

>be 5
>grandma has a "psychic" visiting
>offers to read my coffee (in my country they read coffee rather than tea)
>I hate anything bitter but stick through a whole cup cause I want to know my future
>puke all over the table
And that was the last full cup of coffee I've had. I try it every once in a while but it still makes me want to vomit

>> No.5013692
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Hey /ck/ what's a good espresso coffeemaker I can buy for the house?

My old one got busted and it was a piece of shit anyway, so I don't want to get stuck with a shitty one again.

I don't like those automatic ones that don't let me press the coffee manually, but I do prefer if it has an automatic grinder.

Is there even a good brand I can trust? I literally know nothing about this stuff, but I do love me some coffee.

>> No.5013703

No built in grinder but la pavoni makes some good manual espresso machines.

>> No.5013717

From a quick search I can gather they are also incredibly expensive, even their cheapest stuff goes around for €300, and all the way up to €900+. Sorry if I wasn't specific, but I can't see myself going for more than €150, which sadly seems to be hit or miss for that price range based on amazon reviews.
Still, thanks for the reply, at least now I know what's the big boss of espresso machines.

>> No.5013764

black with one packet sweet n low

>> No.5013779
File: 11 KB, 250x250, gb-moka-pot-250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> €150

Get a moka pot at that price range.

Also La Pavoni isn't really "the big boss" but they're nice home machines. Big boss would be something like La Marzocco or Kees van der Westen.

>> No.5013791

>moka pot for €150

I never really tried coffee in moka pots, not really a thing here, but aren't those kind of stuff supposed to be inexpensive? like 10-20€ or so.

>> No.5013795


Traditional cold-brewing, as you have described, certainly leaves plenty of room for error, contamination, and rancidification. I assure you, however, that "cold-brewing" using cavitation (as mentioned in an above post) will yield a clean-tasting high extraction. The short-brewing time and filtering of the slurry through a chemex will both prevent rancidification and filter out the bitter acids and oils that cause coffee to go rancid - Leaving you with coffee you can confidently store in the fridge to microwave while shitting.

>> No.5013800


You'd be right. Cheap espresso machines aren't much better (if at all), so there's not much point in spending the extra €130 just for something that outwardly resembles an actual espresso machine. You're better off spending that extra money on a grinder.

>> No.5013804

Alright, I'll keep that in mind. Either way I'll be buying a grinder, apparently machines with built-in grinders have their prices way way inflated.

>> No.5013877

Instant coffee with no milk or sugar

I-i'm Finnish, it's acceptable

>> No.5013879

That's a bit but not far off what I did, I'll try grinding finer and doing precisely as you say. I put the grounds in cold water before, because some website said so, it frothed up at first but wouldn't the second time and didn't have the richness of flavour it has had when a proper foreign person has made it for me.

>> No.5013927

I've tried that, it's not bad. Still no worth shit compared to Monmouth but I'm broke this month.

>> No.5013946

>Mfw amerifats have a 'coffee pot' full of black filtered coffee that they reheat


>> No.5013950

It hurts to watch it on tv shows

>> No.5013951


brewed a pot of starbucks verona with some ground cinnamon and clove in the brew basket. put it in a thermos and took it to work with me

>> No.5013952

Starbucks breakfast blend free from my leasing office, with one vanilla creamer to cool it off a bit. Those starbucks machines are pretty great, they grind the beans fresh for each cup.

>> No.5013956

Wasn't supposed to be a reply, my b.

>> No.5013965
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>dark roast masterrace
>every coffee tastes the same regardless of origin

>> No.5014983

>Quit smoking last year
>Be addiction free for the better part of a year
>Get back to drinking coffee

Why is coffee so perfect, /ck/?

>> No.5015013

Coffee isn't particularly bad for you, so who cares.

>> No.5015026

My leasing office/club house has one of those too. Can't go in there without getting coffee, lol. They usually have one of the tvs turned to news or sports, and I'll get a cup of coffee and sit on a sofa and watch the news and read a newspaper.

>> No.5015056

>eating the beans
>not eating the root of the plant

>> No.5015069


>Describe the last coffee you had, /b/

Peet's coffee. Major Dickason's Blend. Black.

Best coffee ever.

>> No.5015081

>not eating the fertiliser.

>> No.5015088

>Discolored water

Pick one

>> No.5015086

>not eating the soil in which it grows

>> No.5015091


Percolator is your best bet. Not an electric one, an old-school stovetop percolator.

>> No.5015170

I pick coffee.

>> No.5015176

>wal mart dark coffe cuz we broke
>French Press
>tastes like warmed-over diarrhea
>drink all of it

>> No.5015203

>one spoon of freeze dried coffee
>some water
>in another glass put some condensed milk in and ice cubes to fill the top
>pour hot boiling shit over ice cubes
>tfw no coffee machine
tasted great to my pleb tounge though

>> No.5015225

holy shit i love that exact coffee it's great

>> No.5015229

Moka pot with some skim milk foam

>> No.5015267
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>flat white, no sugar
>at cafe and had an aussie breakfast (poached eggs, ofc)
>coffee comes with a Lindt mint chocolate piece
>mint chocolate is my nigga

>> No.5015280
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>Want to start drinking coffee
>its bitter as shit

fuck, same shit with alcohol

>> No.5015302

If it's excessively bitter, you're either using poor quality coffee, too little coffee and over-extracting it, or you're allowing the coffee to heat again once it has been extracted (which is an easy mistake if you're using something like a moka pot, siphon brewer, or traditional appliance drip maker).

Or perhaps you're a supertaster, in which case you just have to work past the flavor.

>> No.5015320

>Or perhaps you're a supertaster
That's most likely the issue here.

>> No.5015363

Americano pod coffee with 2 spoons of raw sugar.
niggers and jews

>> No.5015368

Alcohol is bitter to you?

>> No.5015378


french roast. the S&M bondage of coffee roasts.

Pairs well with cigarettes and hangovers.

>> No.5015389

>Black, some Starbucks Keurig bullwhip
>2 sugars
>good lord this is bitter and pretentious

Can somebody explain the appeal of Starbucks coffee that isn't about the atmosphere?

>> No.5015392

The milk and sugar they put in it.

>> No.5015399

Do you even know what that word means?

>> No.5015409

monsooned malabar, high quality boiling drip through gold filter, cream ,no sugar.

>> No.5015435
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instant with liquid saccharin

>> No.5015442


>> No.5015446

>Didn't add shit to it cause I'm not a faggot
>Made in a bad ass old electric percolator
Tasted like Heaven

>> No.5015450

The appeal of Starbucks is the coffee, which is quite decent.

>> No.5015451

Black with a little sugar. Came from my wife's Keurig. Don't know the brand or anything.

>> No.5015457

i ate some instant coffee from the jar. no cup was used. just poured granules into my mouth.

>> No.5015517

Was my most recent coffee too, except with half & half and sugar. It's good any which way. Even through a Keurig machine it was decent

>> No.5015521

I make a cup with an aeropress and drank it at 3 pm like every fucking day because I can't ever seem to have any energy between 2-5 pm.

>> No.5015592


That's because your body is accustomed to having a dose of caffeine between 2-5PM.

>> No.5015601

it was happening long before I started having coffee then

>> No.5015613


>> No.5015661

Currently sipping a strong skinny flat white without sugar in a Melbourne cafe., contemplating what I should cook for a guest tonight. Not a weeaboo, but I'm thinking I'll whip up a couple of okonomiyaki witk udon. Thoughts?

>> No.5015663

Currently sipping a strong skinny flat white without sugar in a Melbourne cafe., contemplating what I should cook for a guest tonight. Not a weeaboo, but I'm thinking I'll whip up a couple of okonomiyaki with udon. Thoughts?

>> No.5015669

> last coffee you had /b/
> coffee you had /b/
> had /b/

>> No.5015670

Ah crap, thought I could pull a ninja abort and fix my typo ;_;

>> No.5015673
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>Iced Coffee (Nascafe Gold and cold milk mixed)
>Muscovado sugar

>> No.5015683

So is there any redeemable quality to using a electric percolator? There's a number of people who swear by the thing, but I hear it cooks out the flavor of coffee while some say that the electric ones don't go beyond 205F/95C.
Can anyone with percolator experience tell me if there's any reason to buy anything beyond maxwell house for it?

>> No.5015690

Are you me
I really think you are me

>> No.5016183

>Medium roast
>Espresso shot
>Dollop of foam on the top for the texture

>> No.5016190

Dark roast, black, no sugar.
Pod machine.

Come at me. I don't really give a fuck as long as it's acceptable these days, it's only two double cups in the morning to open the lower hatch and wake me up anyways.

>> No.5016196

> at neighbors house
> offers me coffee
> have with milk and sugar
> fucking amazing flavor unlike any coffee i've had
> grows that shit in a pot in his backyard

>> No.5016232
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Jeanne d'Arc café de l'Avent (orange, cinnamon cocoa).
I used a machine that has a lower pressure than an espresso one.
(I like it better this way, and had the machine for free.)

>> No.5016238

>maxwell house bucket from my refrigerator
>$10 drip machine i bought last summer
>taste fine because it's all i've ever known

>> No.5016260


you're dead, cunt. DEAD.

>> No.5016295

Cheapo store brand instant sweetened cappuccino sachet

Delicious, functional

Come at me

>> No.5016571

Thor's Hammer (blend) from Merlin's Coffee in Hanover PA (Plug plug plug, but don't go to the one in Gettysburg, his fat cunt wife runs it and she's a fat cunt), a very dark roast, but it comes from a roaster with 30+ years of experience and a penchant for dark roasts so it's actually really tasty and not bitter at all. And it has a ludicrously high caffeine content for a dark roast, so I can only assume he laces it with methamphetamine.

Anyhow, ground in a Hario Skerton to espresso consistency and brewed at 95C in an aeropress (inverted) for 30 seconds. Mm-mm that is some delicious coffee mud.

Usually I'd drink it black but I have a physics final in 2 hours so I took it with a drop of raw milk and a splash of Spicebox vanilla whiskey.

>> No.5016763

>Muh coffee
Espresso, obviosly black.

>> No.5019230

Thinking of getting a coffee machine for Christmas, up to £150, any advice? I was thinking of this one, is it shit?


>> No.5019246
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>work in a grocery store
>the only option for coffee is a Keurig machine
>pay $1 to use these pussy-ass k-cup things
>watch as melted plastic and carbon hydrofluoro-carbons drip into my cup along with the light beige, lukewarm water masquerading as coffee
>stir in a pack of sweet'n'low because the sugar is gone
>pour in 1% milk because the cream was gone

I hate these fucking things.

>> No.5019249

don't take the piss. that's not a coffee machine.


>> No.5019265

oh, didn't read the budget


>> No.5019371

italian mocha, italian coffee, espresso nero. no sugar in it!

>> No.5019388
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>Wake up, get boiling some water
>Put on acu bottoms, boots and shirt
>Grind up some beans
>Put beans and water in my press
>go rouse the wife
>press plunger
>check email
>pour our cups
>spoon of suger
>splash of cream
>Slap wife's ass
>Drink coffee

Coffee is always better from an actual ceramic container. I figured out that those paper cup things do something with the flavour after doing a side by side at a local coffee joint.

>> No.5019389
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>workplace has two coffee machines
>one makes good coffee the other one extremely shitty coffee
>morning shift
>huge line in front of the good machine
>team meeting starting in 1 minute

>> No.5019419
