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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4989382 No.4989382[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Dear /ck/. I think I just invented a new way to make pizza. Picture related.

So yesterday I was watching TV and eating a Dominos pizza. I couldn't find the ingredients list on the box so I went to my freezer and got out the frozen pizza that I bought from the supermarket (yes, I do love pizza) and looked at the ingredients list. Then I realized I could probably recreate the basic idea of a pizza using ordinary kitchen ingredients like sliced bread and pasta sauce.

I admit, my pizza won't taste nearly as good as the real thing but it's still pretty tasty.

So here's my recipe. It only requires 5 ingredients and takes only 3 minutes to prepare.


>> No.4989383


1 slice of white bread (8 cents)
Get the cheapest bread you can find since the taste won't matter.

20g (one slice) cheese (19 cents)
I used block cheese since it's a bit cheaper. Sliced processed cheese will work too. Grated cheese will also work but all the ones I found in the shop were too expensive.

20g pasta sauce (9 cents)
This is about enough to completely cover one side of the bread. Get whatever is your favorite pasta sauce. If you don't have a favorite brand, then just get whatever happens to be the cheapest.

20g precooked meat (18 cents)
I used precooked sausages for price and convenience. 20g is about a third of a whole sausage. Although any precooked meat will work too, such as ham. Just don't use raw meat.

10g diced onion (4 cents)
Unless you want to chop your own onions, get a bag of frozen diced onions. It's a tiny bit more expensive but infinitely more convenient. Oh, and don't bother defrosting them beforehand because it'll go straight into the microwave with everything else. 10g is about a tablespoon.

Total: 58 cents (actual total was a bit lower in my case since the sausages, onions, and cheese were on sale)


>> No.4989388

this thread makes me want to kill myself

>> No.4989385


1. Toast the bread in a toaster. Otherwise, you'll end up with soggy bread.
2. Cover one side of the toasted bread with pasta sauce. Easy.
3. If you are using sausages like me, get about a third of a single sausage and cut coin-sized slices off the sausage and put them on the pizza so it looks like pepperoni. Do this until the pizza is completely covered. If you are using ham, then just chop it up and put it on the pizza in the same way.
4. Next put the diced onions on the pizza. Again, make sure it's spread around the pizza.
5. Put the cheese on the top of the pizza so that it covers the meat and onions.
6. Now put the whole thing in the microwave and zap it on high for 1 minute.
7. Pizza!

Tip 1: You can also add capsicum, olives, BBQ sauce, herbs, etc. to make it more realistic if you have them.

Tip 2: Try putting the meat and onions on top of the cheese instead of under it.

>> No.4989392
File: 73 KB, 500x375, clip (2013-10-11 at 09.15.36).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking fascinating

>> No.4989390


>> No.4989404

brilliant op, absolutely brilliant, such an innovative deconstruction of a celebrated classic.

>> No.4989410

I made this ghetto shit when my mother was out of the house for the 10 hours a day to keep our poor asses off welfare.

Congrats nigga you got the poorest of poor kid food

>> No.4989411
File: 74 KB, 308x314, 1381104619386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...are you fucking serious OP?

>> No.4989418

Why do I feel like this is that one troll we all love who's trying a new trolling method.

>> No.4989422
File: 34 KB, 364x355, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm... I was the one who originally made this thread on /b/. >>>519112120

Someone else (not me) copied my thread onto this board. The OP of this thread isn't me.

Anyway, I posted this on the other thread as well:

"OP here. The inspiration for my pizza was a beef & onion pizza from Dominos. I agree it would look better if it was done in the oven but that would take ages.

Also try substituting mushrooms if you don't like onions or if the pasta sauce is already too onion/garlic-y."

I don't know why this thread is here. Or that this board even existed. I always post on /b/ and very rarely, /sci/.

>> No.4989425

correct link:

>> No.4989430


>Seriously post this on /ck/ those faggots love food

>> No.4989433

i cant believe someone thought this counts as food

>> No.4989440

Seriously... this is 4th grade tier.

I thought it was a troll at first.

>> No.4989444

>going onto /b/

>> No.4989445

This seems like a style of sandwich more than a pizza. OP's doesn't look that great, but it's impossible to say from just a pic. But the idea of toasted sandwiches is sound...it's just going to depend on the quality of the bread, cheese, sauce and other toppings.

>> No.4989446


Good ol' ghetto pizza... A few remarks for you, OP:

1. Lightly toast your bread with a soft brushing of olive oil. It'll help make the bread taste better

2. Try reducing the spaghetti sauce a little bit by pouring the sauce in a pan and cooking out some of the liquid at medium high heat. This will help thicken up the sauce and concentrate the flavors

3. Toaster-oven it, don't nuke it. This will make your ghetto pizza come out crispy. preheat your toaster oven for 400F (204C) then let it cook until the cheese has melted and your toppings have a nice brown on top.

With just a little more effort, nasty stoner food has become semi palatable normal people food

>> No.4989682

look into croque-monsieur, OP

>> No.4989685

hurr durr cooked elbow macaroni + cheese slices = mac and cheese

what does that recipe produce other than a shitty pizza?

>> No.4989737

If you like a thin crust style pizza, use a tortilla instead of the bread slice

>> No.4989792

I used to do this with naan bread. Grill for 1-2 mins each side to cook it, then spread with 1tbsp passata, a couple of thin slices of irish cheddar and some sliced ham or chorizo. Grill for another few minutes to melt cheese.

It tasted all right, but I only did it a few times as pizza nauseates me. At the time I was quite ill so was unable to stand up in my kitchen long enough to make real food without collapsing.

>> No.4989799

ITT: OP discovers cheese toast

>> No.4990277

OP only on here because /b/ was not impressed.

>> No.4990283
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>> No.4990286


>calls it ghetto pizza
>uses terms like "soft brushing of olive oil", "reduce" and "toaster oven"


>> No.4990294

The idea is to elevate the ghetto pizza.

>> No.4990297

I use English muffins, you can buy "pizza sauce" in a squeeze bottle too. I always keep pepperonis in the freezer since I like cheese and the husband likes peperoni, so I always just buy the cheese pizza and add th meat to his side.

English Muffins are the way to go, though.

>> No.4990299


What for?

>> No.4990301

>Not wanting your pizza to get an education and make something of itself so it can get out of the ghetto

>> No.4990303


What if it wants to be ghetto? What if it wants to record albums about its tough life in the microwave and how all those delicately olive-oil brushed doughfuses don't know shit about the rocky life of a slice of toast covered in sausage

>> No.4990306
File: 572 KB, 245x176, 373194.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, you're six...and your mom won't let you use the oven when she's gone.

>> No.4990403

ITT: People are fooled into believing that this highly abstract piece of conceptional art is actually some kind of pizza.

>> No.4990443

>reinventing the wheel

pls op, never give than to any living organism. the fact that bacteria are living off that, makes my heart hurt

>> No.4990454

Good idea for student cooking, but not new, i did this back in 1985 got the idea from someone else then.
Also I've used flour tortillas for a "thin crust pizza", if you put it in a frying pan it gets stiff enough to pick up just don't go heavy on toppings

>> No.4990466

I knew a Jewish guy who did this in college but used matzoh instead of bread when he couldn't eat bread.

>> No.4990474
File: 1.25 MB, 300x166, disgusting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do not belong here, OP

>> No.4990487

top lel

>> No.4990484

>tfw I actually used to make this all the time during my first year of university before I learnt how to cook

I used to use white bread (toasted), chorizo, mexicana cheese, scotch bonnet sauce and some paprika, shit was good.

>> No.4990496

This is sad.

>> No.4990522

>uses terms like "soft brushing of olive oil", "reduce" and "toaster oven"
What nigga don't know bout toaster ovens

>> No.4990525


Yeah well fuck you guys, when I tried it out my toaster turned into a puddle of molten plastic.

>> No.4990544

Next time you should turn the toaster on its side

>> No.4990553

Wooow. Thinks ohpee. Thets amazning recipt.
!0/!0 wil meke

>> No.4990556


I lol'd heartily. God bless you, /ck/

>> No.4990563
File: 90 KB, 1200x900, custom_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP from the thread from /b/ here. I agree the original picture looks kind of gross.

So I tried it again but this time with the cheese underneath the meat and onions. Looks and tastes much better.

I don't want to use the oven to cook something so small, plus its summer here and the house is already too hot - but if you have some time to spare and want it to look and taste better then use an oven instead of a microwave. If you have even more time, cook the onions separately on a stove until they start to turn a bit brown. And since they'll get crispier in an oven, only toast the bread halfway.

Also try adding (sliced) mushrooms. I don't have any at the moment but I would imagine meat+onions+mushrooms would taste much better and be more pizza-like than just meat+onions.

>> No.4990565

I don't think you know what a toaster oven is, do you?

>> No.4990575


Oh, you can try to trick me but I won't fall for it again. The toast will be catapulted right onto my floor. Nice try there, bud light.

>> No.4990587
File: 6 KB, 251x249, 1262578805023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the original picture looks kind of gross
>So I tried it again but this time [...] Looks and tastes much better.

>> No.4990590


Do you have a toaster oven? Because, you know, you can toast, your bread with olive oil, without it causing a fire

>> No.4990593


I had a toaster and an oven, you can read the result here >>4990525.

And don't get me started on the deep-fried soup you fucks

>> No.4990597

You have to imagine it with mushrooms and baked in an oven. Then cut it into a triangle and it'll look pretty close to a normal pizza.

They're like a mini oven right? That would be ideal. I only have a normal big oven and a microwave, so I'm using the microwave.

>> No.4990600

also forgot to mention this is /b/ OP

>> No.4990602

Correct. You can probably still get them on sale right now if you go to amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Cuisinart-TOB-40-Classic-Toaster-Broiler/dp/B004JMZGM2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1386012624&sr=8-1&keywords=toaster+oven

You should probably follow that link too

>> No.4990605


Sixtyseven USEuros for a smaller version of my oven? Wat

>> No.4990627


It's worth it. Toaster ovens are so convenient. If you're a poor college fag (which I assume you are since you posted that), you can cook/reheat smaller things like an oven without having to heat up that old behemoth

>> No.4990637


They really are fantastic. I kind of miss my old one, it was just great for baking fries or other frozen food. Really quick at it, too.

>> No.4990641
File: 224 KB, 1024x900, thatsmoarlikeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed your picture, OP
over 9000 hours in paint

>> No.4990689

It's a brand name so it's needlessly expensive, you can get them for far less.

>> No.4990708

Dude it looks like you came on a bunch of rocks

Seriously, what the fuck is that?

Also, tortilla pizza master race

>> No.4990713

Pizza bread has already been invented. And you're supposed to use french bread.

>> No.4990716

that pizza looks kinda shitty actually.

The cheese is way overcooked and looks rubbery. Crust looks soaked with oil from pepperoni, and has no char on it.

Pizza Margharete all day every day

>> No.4990830
File: 32 KB, 500x498, 1361462829291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggah i know how to make cheese on toast.

>> No.4992453

i love this thread

>> No.4992467

i lol'd

>> No.4992472

>>Dominos pizza
tl;dr SHILL!