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File: 49 KB, 512x349, nc-smoking-banjpg-af69341b2ac628a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4984548 No.4984548[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Firstly, the purported dangers secondhand smoke is largely bullshit. Secondly, it should be the business owner's decision whether to allow smoking or not in his restaurant or bar.

>> No.4984551

most people dont want to smell smoke while they're eating

but yes it should be the owners decision

>> No.4984556

>buttdevastated chimney detected

Just because you can't smell or taste your food anymore doesn't mean the rest of us in the restaurant want to live like that.

>> No.4984560

our city passed an anti smoking ban.

Even in your own car, you can't smoke if there are other people in it who don't.

>> No.4984562

Then you should choose to eat at a restaurant that doesn't allow smoking. Not have the government make the choice for us.

>> No.4984572

I think that businesses should be given the options to have smoking sections. At the very least drinking places. I mean, not every place can manage to have a garden or similar.

Honestly I don't really care as long as people don't spit at me on the street for smoking like you see people do in Amurica.

>> No.4984573

>the purported dangers secondhand smoke is largely bullshit
[citation non-existent]

>> No.4984580

agree wholeheartedly op

>> No.4984597

While i philosophically agree with you, its pretty not having to worry about everywhere you go out smelling like complete shit

>> No.4984598

>Secondly, it should be the business owner's decision whether to allow smoking or not in his restaurant or bar.
Will the business owner be liable for the health of his/her employees?

>muh freedom

>> No.4984602

>Will the business owner be liable for the health of his/her employees?
Its not like they are slaves.

it would be one thing if you exposed children to this shit, but no way should they be liable for fully consenting adults

>> No.4984603

I strongly agree with you OP, on both points.

I'll always wait until someone has finished eating before I light up, and if I don't know that they're alright with it, I'll ask if they mind me smoking. I know it bothers some people and it's not hard to go without for an hour or two.

But not being able to smoke in ANY part of ANY pub, EVER? That's just fucked up on a level I'm not used to. The result of this where I am has been mostly to make people stay at home, and in many cases this means smoking and drinking in front of the kids, whereas before they'd have done it in a child-free environment. And the kids almost always follow the parent's example.

So many pubs have gone out of business as a result, and a lot of these pubs were fundamental in keeping a community together, they were a place where people would meet in groups and discuss local events/problems, and the erosion of this is a million times worse than having to sit near an indoor smoking area while you drink your white wine. Not to mention the lives ruined by bankruptcy trying to keep a pub going with no customers.

If we (Brits) lived in a democracy, there would've been a vote on this shit. I don't remember being asked or even told that this was gonna happen, it was just overnight: "Sorry sir, I'm afraid you'll have to take that outside. New regulations."

Fucking any nanny statists saying the government was right to sneak this through should be shot, as should those sly fucks who enforce the ban by hanging around pubs looking for violations of the ban and fining the pub's owner. Scum.


>> No.4984605
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Look mamms! I'm trollan /ck/1

>> No.4984606

>So many pubs have gone out of business as a result
People stopped going to pubs entirely because they couldn't partake in an additional addiction?

>and a lot of these pubs were fundamental in keeping a community together
The community was kept together by a psychoactive drug? England.

>> No.4984607
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>Tobacco smokers complaining about anything.
It's a legal substance, lucky bastards.

That said I personally love the smell of good rolling tobacco, and if an owner/manager wants to allow people to smoke then that is all that matters in that establishment, don't go there if you don't like it.

>> No.4984608

>Its not like they are slaves.
>it would be one thing if you exposed children to this shit, but no way should they be liable for fully consenting adults
I bet you also think the government shouldn't be funding research and public education relating to carcinogen exposure.

>> No.4984609

For smokers the opposite is true, especially in clubs. Smoking used to mask a lot of the other smells like BO, stale beer and pissy toilets. Non-smokers may prefer those smells but smokers certainly don't.

>> No.4984610

So we should have our choices of food limited because you cant go a goddamn hour without smoking, stinking up the place, and trying to give us cancer? And as for "largely bullshit" the only research that says that is research funded by the tobacco industry (88 TIMES more likely to find SHS isnt causal related to cancers than independent research)

>> No.4984612

I really want to agree with you, but I was in an Indian casino this summer briefly that still was allowed to let people smoke, and it was really fucking awful

>> No.4984615

Stale beer smell seems preferable to cigarettes

>> No.4984616

I mean who the fuck doesn;t already know that?

Do really really need to spend tax payer money on something literally everyone is already aware of?

>> No.4984618

>People stopped going to pubs entirely because they couldn't partake in an additional addiction?
No, but enough people stopped going as often, which (combined with the rise of pubco corporations ripping off pub landlords) put a huge strain on many pub's economic viability. A shitload have closed since the ban and a lot of landlords blame the ban.

>The community was kept together by a psychoactive drug?
No, the community was kept together by having a common space to meet up and discuss local matters, especially in more rural areas. Now these pubs are either closed or hostile to smokers, people stay home more, there is less socializing which is obviously bad for a community.

>> No.4984622

>trying to give us cancer
Your credibility just dropped even further.

>> No.4984623

what the fuck sort of redneck backwater are you from?

Everything I have heard suggested that smoking bans ended up being beneficial to business. Turns out people like consuming things more frequently when a place doesn't smell like complete utter shit

>> No.4984627

How far did you get in school, OP?

>> No.4984628

No one's stopping you from stuffing your face all you like at any restaurant. What's more important is that the proprietor be allowed to accommodate smokers if he wishes. It's his money, his business, his rules. You're clearly the type who is not disturbed when the government takes away our rights as long as it doesn't happen to inconvenience you, so what more is there to discuss?

I might as well throw in that my argument isn't contingent on whether or not secondhand smoke kills you dead or not. I happen to believe that the research behind it is filled with junk science.

Note that

>> No.4984632

smoking thread on /ck/? fuck you you asshole. I hope you get cancer and die a painful death. fucking faggot with your faggot addictions.

go stink out your fucking coffin. people like you should be neutered and/or killed off.

oooh i need my nicotine fix..... oooooh poor me.

who gives a fuck about your addiction. go fuck yourself you disgusting stinking scum of a human.

>> No.4984633


I have nothing against smokers. I'll happily sit next to a whole bar full of them. I even like the smell to some degree. But I'm going to drink a hell of a lot more if I'm in a place that doesn't allow smoking. The smoke causes my eyes to get really heavy and coupled with booze, I'm ready to hit the sack pretty early. I'll close a bar down at 2 without the smoke.

>> No.4984635

Restaurants should be able to choose which kind of customer they cater for. If so many people avoid their smoking-friendly restaurant that it affects profits, then they'll likely be replaced by a non-smoking establishment.

>> No.4984637

We aren't discussing what may or may not be profitable for a business, but the fundamental rights of a business owner.

>> No.4984640

Do you include cigars in that angry, sputtering, rage filled post?
I know a few people who only smoke them (taste them) on special occasions and they aren't addicted.

>> No.4984642

I think its telling that restaurants and tavern leagues are not lobbying for a lift of the ban

>> No.4984651

The thing is, they aren't your rights if it's not your city. You applied for a license to operate a business there, which means you must abide by the policies the local, state or country government imposes.

>> No.4984655

Way to state the obvious. The issue is that these laws are bullshit.

>> No.4984657

OP, as someone who has asthma and has to avoid fuckers like you constantly, may I say a hearty FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING STUPID FUCK.

>> No.4984658

I feel like this is a good time to bring up how corrupt and ridiculous the concept that you must buy a license to do business is. Cities should only be allowed to control zoning, not shake down citizens for the right to do business

>> No.4984661

A lot of laws are bullshit. Which makes this thread futile and pointless. If it's something you're passionate enough about, then it's time to pool resources and get that lobby going.

>> No.4984665

anti-smoking laws are anti freedom and by definition, anti-american

Mr. America

>> No.4984666

Everything you have heard seems to be wrong, unless it was in relation to a different country. In Britain, pub closures quadrupled after the ban.

>"Five years after the introduction of the smoking ban in England, almost seven out of 10 licensees want the legislation amended to allow for separate smoking rooms in pubs".

>> No.4984683

>Do really really need to spend tax payer money on something literally everyone is already aware of?
How would people know second hand tobacco smoke is unhealthy if not for third party research and dissemination?

>> No.4984688

The unemployment and tax losses as a result of pub closures (which sell ethanol, a huge burden on society) will never equal or exceed the gains resulting from a reduction in healthcare costs resulting from less exposure to tobacco smoke.

Only retards would think pub closures are a huge burden to society.

>> No.4984689

>How would people know second hand tobacco smoke is unhealthy if not for third party research and dissemination
This research is conclusive and common knowledge. Absolutely no reason to spend future money on it (not that they were wrong to spend money on it at one point in the past)

>> No.4984690

So what are you arguing about?

>> No.4984695
File: 203 KB, 950x1300, 110314-Beer-Clear-2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which sell ethanol, a huge burden on society

Moderate drinkers are healthier and live longer than abstainers

>> No.4984698

Ethanol isn't a burden on society? Please provide evidence that the social costs do not exceed the social gains. The burden of proof is on you.

>> No.4984702

When my neighborhood (KCMO) introduced a smoking ban a bunch of bars shut down and re-opened a few miles in the adjacent suburbs that do allow smoking. Those that stayed often built patios and introduced outdoor service. It didn't seem to affect the restaurant scene much, but smoking was, is, and always will be a big counterpart to drinking.

>> No.4984704

>The burden of proof is on you.
um, why?

You are the crusader, sound like you must be some sort of religious zealot.

>> No.4984706

define social costs/gains
you can't because sociology is bullshit

>> No.4984709

>um, why?
In 1992, the social cost of alcoholism in America was $148,000,000,000. Please find evidence of ethanol benefiting American society that exceeds this value (21 years ago).

>> No.4984711

yet no medical association in the world advises people to begin drinking. Why? Because the mild benefits to moderate drinkers are outweighed by the extreme costs borne by problem drinkers

>> No.4984712

>define social costs/gains
Healthcare costs.

>> No.4984716

>he social cost of alcoholism in America was $148,000,000,000.
Gonna have to explain that one. Its almost certainly bullshit

>> No.4984718


>the purported dangers of secondhand smoke is largely bullshit

So says the tobacco lobby

>> No.4984720

problem drinkers are a ridiculously small portion of people who drink, to set public policy based on such a small minority is just dumb

>> No.4984721

actually, the burden of proof is on you since you're making the accusation (that ethanol is a burden on society)

>> No.4984722

>how do I look up data in Google Scholar

>> No.4984723

>actually, the burden of proof is on you since you're making the accusation (that ethanol is a burden on society)
This is a known fact.

>> No.4984724

>you should have to find a source for MY information

>> No.4984726

beer was the very thing that created society, how could it possibly be a burden?

>> No.4984727

>CDC reports excessive alcohol consumption cost the U.S. $224 billion in 2006
Durrrr not cancer isn't a big deal and doesn't have a social cost, just ignore it

>> No.4984728
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Jesus, anti-alcohol religious southerners are the worst

Notice how all of the nicer states drink more and live longer than the shitty southern ones

>> No.4984729

If you can't provide data for your opinion don't even get involved in an argument.

How cute, a Discovery Channel argument. Or did you get it from Cracked.com?

>> No.4984731
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As a smoker, I think the ban on smoking indoors is fine. I don't like second hand smoke either. I like going outside to smoke, even if it's cold.

That said, the people who walk by when I'm smoking outside (plenty far away from the door) and do their little fake cough, or make a remark, are fucking hilarious. I don't give two shits and I'll make sure you know that. I'm not smoking it at the bar, table, or office next to you. Your dumb ass decided to walk right by me. If you don't like the smoke smell outside, you can stay at home.

>> No.4984732

violent criminals are a ridiculously small portion of people, to set public policy based on such a small minority is dumb

>> No.4984733
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>> No.4984737

It's like you have no abstract thought. Maybe you just weren't educated properly? Did you attend a reputable and demanding post-secondary education school?

>> No.4984739

>If you can't provide data for your opinion don't even get involved in an argument
i actually haven't been involved in the argument, but it's pretty stupid to provide a fact or figure of any kind and then tell someone, "lol just look it up" when they question it.

>> No.4984740

The evidence is very strong that civilization first formed around grain farms for primitive beer.

Beer is the very staple of human civilization

>> No.4984742

So you don't know how to type in keywords in a search engine?

>> No.4984743
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that receding hairline, poor guy

>> No.4984744

so you don't understand how to post a link?

i'll bet you think lawyers go into court rooms and just say, "he judge my client is innocent. i mean, just look at the guy."

>> No.4984745

Farmed grains created society and beer, beer did not create civilisation, although I'm sure it helped.

>> No.4984746


>> No.4984747

>gains resulting in a reduction of healthcare costs justifies legislation
So when are we banning unhealthy foods? Alcohol? When are we making exercise mandatory for all able-bodied people?

Just kidding, but yeah pub closures are actually a huge blow to any society with culture and a sense of community. If you'd ever been in a working men's club or had a local/regular pub yourself you'd know how much a pint with your friends at the end of the working day means to an honest labourer.

People these days know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

>> No.4984748

the human desire for beer created farms and through them towns and society

>> No.4984749

If you believe every human civilization resulted from this you are actually retarded.

>> No.4984750

>Farmed grains created society
they started farming grains specifically for beer,not the other way around

>> No.4984755


Provide peer-review publications showing a net gain in society resulting from ethanol consumption.

>> No.4984756

>they started farming grains specifically for beer,not the other way around
Based on what evidence? Shards of pottery containing beer? Archaeologist pseudo-scientists? A Netflix documentary you liked?

>> No.4984757

Let me guess, you watched that god awful documentary?

>> No.4984759

>reading comprehension

i already explained that i wasn't involved in the argument to begin with, just noting your lack of provided evidence. maybe the guy you were originally arguing with will come back.

>> No.4984762

No of course not. Some cultures fermented fruit and rice, or grew drugs.

>> No.4984763

>i-i-i-I wasn't arguing in t-t-t-the f-f-first place

Good stuff.

>> No.4984765

here is my post explaining that i was not, in fact, involved in the first place, friendo.


>> No.4984770

>Provide peer-review publications showing a net gain in society
Please define gain, and how we would possibly quantify such a thing.

>> No.4984776

>Please define gain

Healthcare costs. Are you that dense?

>> No.4984777
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>but my baptist pastor told me alcohol was the devil

>> No.4984780

but the importance of beer goes well beyond healthcare

Plus drinking moderately makes you live longer, so of course healthcare will cost more, but its less per year of your life

>> No.4984781

healthcare is the only way ethanol can provide a net gain to society right now?

that's pretty naive of you.

>> No.4984782


what a silly thing to focus on

>> No.4984783

Cool sources and ability to reduce complex epidemiological concepts to single factors.

>> No.4984784

Its hilarious how rednecks are basically the only subsection of white americans that still smoke, yet they drink the least amount of beer

>> No.4984785

Thanks for playing.

>> No.4984786
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>> No.4984787


>Plus drinking moderately makes you live longe

No, you idiot. There's nothing magical about wine that improves your health. Wine has some positive attributes because it's made of grapes. If your diet is already shit then wine will improve it, but if you regularly eat plenty of fruits and vegetables then all it will do is worsen your health. It's just like coconut oil where the only studies that show a benefit are when you replace butter with it, but already healthy people who start eating it have their LDL cholesterol rise

>> No.4984788

Seems like you have moved the goalposts quite a bit from, whether beer has a net benefit to society now to what it does to healthcare costs (as if there was even such a way to quantify that)

>> No.4984789

>There's nothing magical about wine that improves your health. Wine has some positive attributes because it's made of grapes.

>you in charge of understanding fermentation
nope, there are plenty of beneficial byproducts of yeast fermentation in beer and wine that are not present in grapes or barley

Also moderate ethanol consumption in and of itself is beneficial to humans, especially for your bones

>> No.4984790

the fuck is up with the giant red zone in southern california?

>> No.4984791


>> No.4984792
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>> No.4984793

huh, i always thought mexicans just drank a bunch of tequila and fell asleep under their giant hats on sunday

>> No.4984794


>> No.4984795


Such as?

>> No.4984797

google it

>> No.4984798

ITT: employment and business profits don't count as societal gain

also if you even look at cigarette smoke, you will get cancer.

and finally, church and beer don't go so well together.

>> No.4984799

Someone makes a thread about fast food:

> gtfo viral marketers, corporate jews

Someone makes a thread about whether or not people should be allowed to smoke in restaurants:

> muh freedoms, I love big tobaccos, big tobacco is my friend

God dammit, you guys.

>> No.4984801


You presented a claim, give me an example to google

>> No.4984803

That feel when old enough to remember the days when McDonald's had ashtrays at every table.

>> No.4984807

shit man, i feel old enough remembering "you want smoking or non smoking?"

you really want more fast food shill threads?

also in that big mac ban thread, plenty of people pulled the "muh freedoms" out, though that article was obvious satire...

>> No.4984812

>ITT: employment and business profits don't count as societal gain
Those profits don't even come close to the social burden of tobacco.

>> No.4984813

>social burden

real specific

>> No.4984819

I feel like this discussion has strayed from the original and most relevant point, that being, in a free society, bar/pub/restaurant owners have the right to cater to any law-abiding group of customers they choose, and that includes smokers.

It doesn't infringe the rights of non-smokers (or anyone else) to operate an establishment that permits smoking, since non-smokers have a choice of which establishments they can attend, nor does it infringe the rights of employees since people can choose not to work in a smoking environment.

It DOES infringe the rights of the bar/pub/restaurant owner to impose an outright ban on the consumption of a legally available substance on his/her premises, since it affects his/her business and ability to earn without enforcing anyone elses rights.

>> No.4984820

Actually, tobacco results in a net gain to society by killing smokers not too long after they retire. Insurance actuaries have long known that the cost of providing care for a geriatric until death is greater than the cost of providing medical care for someone dying of a smoking-related illness.

>> No.4984829
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>> No.4984831

In my humble opinion, the social burden of a state that overreaches it's authority by legislating against the rights of businesses and individuals, far outweighs any social burden provided by tobacco.

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it m8

>> No.4984839


I agree.

>> No.4984840


No, I don't really want more fast food threads. Not at all. But at the same time, who cares if smoking is banned in restaurants? The free market, especially the food and liquor industries, are controlled and regulated to hell and back again. As a cook, I care more about the variety of products, the quality of the products, whether or not I can buy raw milk cheeses, whether or not I can buy wild boar, elk, etc. than I give two shits about whether or not my customers are content in their ability to smoke or not to smoke. As long as there is a decision, and it is either allowed or disallowed, I don't have to negotiate with people. 'Sorry, this is non-smoking'. 'Sorry, they can smoke here if they choose'. My job is food, not mediating people's personal drama. If they want to go outside between courses and blow out their palates with a cig, that's their business, they're the ones paying the bill.

>> No.4984843

I remember a time where you could smoke in bars, I remember a time when you could smoke in malls, I remember a time when you could smoke in schools. Okay I'm not that old but all these memories will be lost like tears in the rain.

Time to die.

>> No.4984845


Anyway, I heard Doug Stanhope say that he was legally allowed to smoke on stage in a bar during his act because he was protected by freedom of expression or something like that, like he can say it's part of his act and it's all cool.

What if I did a "stand up comedy" performance where I said to the audience: "I'm gonna need some volunteers - anyone who wants to smoke in here can join me on stage, bring your tables and chairs, it's technically part of the performance and therefore legally the club owner can't be fined." And a bunch of guys got up and enjoyed a cigarette with their beer as they watch me do my "act."

My act is sitting with my mates and drinking and smoking for 4-6 hours. The bar owner gives me a free drink as payment for my performance.

Would that work as a loophole?

>> No.4984863

Round here, IIRC, smoking is only banned in bars that have paid employees (because it's not fair to them with secondhand smoke, is the rationale). So there are bars where you can smoke but they have to set it up as a co-op kind of thing, so everyone who works there is technically a part-owner, not an employee.

>> No.4984873

statist genocide best day of my life

>> No.4984877
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>> No.4984885

I don't care if you like to smoke. Sit in your room and smoke yourself to death. What gets me is how many people I pass on the narrow walkway from the train station to work, immediately after which is a pharmacy conjoined to a city hospital. The nerve of people exposing others to smoke, including the elderly and those walking out of the hospital/pharmacy on the way to the train, is too much for me.

Last week sucked too. Horrible cold and I had to keep passing all these fucking smokers who seem to think their addiction is someone else's problem. No one asked you to start smoking, so don't let us have to suffer for it. The only few times I've smoked were in night clubs, bars, and private residences, never somewhere where the general populace would have to suffer something they never asked for.

>> No.4984890
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I think gay pride parades are more dangerous than second hand smoke but you don't see people banning those do you? Well, maybe in a first world country like Russia but the point is what is bad for you is subjective.

A heavy smoker can quit cold turkey and within a decades time can be in perfect health again.

>> No.4984891

>catching a whiff of highly diffused cigarette odor outdoors
>muh suffering

>> No.4984897

>highly diffused
>not someone blowing smoke literally into my face as I walk
I don't think you understand when I say narrow, I don't mean an boulevard in America. Some countries are really fucking cramped in urban areas.

>> No.4984905

>I got smoke blown in my face last week
>muh suffering

>> No.4984909

well, yes?
I'm sorry, am I not allowed to be bothered when someone hasn't the decency to respect when I'm sick by not stomping on my health? Can I come punch you in the face, is that socially acceptable now?

>someone came to my door and assaulted me
>muh suffering

>> No.4984911

>an boulevard
Where is An Boulevard? I know it's in America but where?

>> No.4984916

you can be bothered all you want, but the smoker still retains the right to smoke in outdoor public areas. well, at least in murrica, don't want to make that generalization in case somebody's home country has some wacky, "only smoke in your own home" type of law.

>> No.4984961
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>ITT: employment and business profits don't count as societal gain
They don't!

>> No.4984963

>in case somebody's home country has some wacky, "only smoke in your own home" type of law
I expect you'll change your tune when cannabis is legalized in your state/country.

>> No.4984966

get fucked commie, it most certainly is

>> No.4984970


>> No.4984998

real cute. I was starting to type "an American" and then stopped halfway and that happened.

I don't live in America. In my country it is forbidden to smoke in most cities outside of designated smoking areas, but that doesn't keep people from smoking in areas heavily trafficked by the young, old, and potentially sick. I'm fuzzy on the city laws, because public smoking is largely governed by social culture rather than law, but I know that there are smoking zones in some cities (which often cause a lot of problems due to where they're located and how many people may be in them at once) and at least one city I went to had a "no smoking anywhere" law heavily in force. In any case, no one should feel decent smoking in the face of anyone else when outside of a rationally determined smoking zone. This especially includes sidewalks and walkways with heavy traffic, especially near train stations and hospitals.

>> No.4985680

Bump for pertinent discussions.

>> No.4985695

Your bigoted opinions have nothing to do with the argument. There is EVIDENCE saying second hand smoking is harmful.

>> No.4985718

I am a socialist and I can agree with that.

>> No.4985759

>There is EVIDENCE saying second hand smoking is harmful
There's evidence that crossing the street is harmful.

>> No.4985765

Which doesn't change the fact that second hand smoking is harmful.

>> No.4985766

>There is EVIDENCE saying second hand homosexuals are harmful. You might get aids anon.

Would you rather have aids or cancer?

>> No.4985807

> my uncle smokes a pack a day
> he and my grandma live together so when I go see them I stay for a few days because holidays
> can immediately feel that breathing is different, the air is a bit thicker, just like when I visited Missouri and the humidity was so high it was like breathing water
> by the end of the first night I have a runny nose and a headache
> next morning I wake up with a cough, a bit congested
> cough persists all day
> by nighttime I'm hacking up mucus and I take a cup full of robutussin.
> doesn't really help, kind of have a rattling noise in my chest by the third day
> go home that day
> can immediately breathe better in my own apartment
> take another dose of meds
> cough, headache, etc are gone by the next day.

This has happened over a dozen times because I'm too polite to tell my uncle his second hand smoke fucks with my lungs.

My grandmother also has a lot poorer circulation in her body because of the second hand smoke which restricts her blood vessels.

My mom always smoked and I had a very unusual amount of sore throats and ear infections as a kid. I had very miserable allergies and guaranteed one big, terrible ear infection a year. They almost put tubes in my ears.

Guess what? Ever since my mom died and I have been living alone, I have not been sick more than once in five years. My allergies are virtually non existent beyond a few sneezes when I react to something. My face doesn't fill with snot for weeks like it used to. In all, I'm pretty sure second hand smoke fucks people up just like smoking directly does.

>> No.4985812

>the purported dangers secondhand smoke is largely bullshit
gonna need a valid source for that
>it should be the business owner's decision whether to allow smoking or not in his restaurant or bar
that's your opinion and im pretty sure there is a reason for why that isn't

>> No.4985825

>that's your opinion and im pretty sure there is a reason for why that isn't
"Daddy government, help me to be safe from myself"

>> No.4985834

Asthma is a real problem in both the developing world as well as in first world countries. whether it's because of pollution or anything else this is a real danger of smoke to anyone who has this affliction..

>> No.4985842

Don't care.
Stay home in your little smokeless bubble then.

>> No.4985844

I don't even smoke but In my opinion the owner should at least have the option to have a smoking area that is sealed off with separate ventilation. The way things are right now most places would probably do that anyway if there were no laws against smoking indoors in order to keep all of there customers.

>> No.4985846


>> No.4985879

>Stay home in your little smokeless bubble then.
Thanks to progressive legislation, anon doesn't have to.

Does this upset you?

>> No.4985882 [DELETED] 

Faggots like you are the people ruining society for the rest of us.

I hope you suffer greatly when you get your inevitable lung cancer.

>> No.4985884

Says the person whose food and drink are extensively tested and regulated by government regulatory bodies.

>> No.4985885

Right back at you, fuckface. If you want to kill yourself with smoke, stay in your smelly, tar soaked house with your diseased self, because we don't fucking want you mixing with polite society.

>> No.4985886

>Faggots like you are the people ruining society for the rest of us.
I do what I can and petty legislation by knee jerk, feel good politicians won't slow me down a bit.
Have a nice day.

>> No.4985890
File: 19 KB, 292x315, 1351400287733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else not smoke but love the smell of smoke whenever you go into a restaurant/bar?

guess its because I grew up in a family of smokers, makes me feel cozy

>> No.4985895

Smokers are much tougher than non smokers. This is an indisputable fact.
Come at me.

>> No.4985896

You too you fucking faggot.

>> No.4985910

LOL, no. Smokers are indisputably weaker, less able to push themselves in athletic activities, have loss of taste and smell, weaker teeth, brittle hair and skin, discolored fingers, and the smell of pure death emanating from their pores. You'd be the first one eaten in the zombie apocalypse (well, right after the obese fuckers). Also, enjoy your emphysema and COPD.

>> No.4985916
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Amusing post, friendo.

>> No.4985921
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>> No.4985924
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>> No.4985928
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I got chunks of guys like you in my stool

>> No.4985930
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Motherfucking patton

>> No.4985935
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fedora master race says otherwise

>> No.4985936
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>> No.4985961
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>> No.4985971
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You know, my having a cigarette or cigar every once in a while when I drink is probably pretty much negligible compared to the other crap present in my lifestyle; especially my awful diet.

I think smoking inside is kind of unpleasant, though, as the smoke gets trapped and makes everything around it smell like it. Should still be up to a property owner whether or not people are allowed to smoke inside or whatever.

>> No.4986028

>posting pictures of characters in movies to prove smoking is cool

Are you 12?

>> No.4986031

I'm 29

>> No.4986047

>posting your age
You are either a teenager or autistic

>> No.4986057

How are people comfortable having a government decide where you can do things when owners of that venue can not?

People this this is okay?

>> No.4986066

Why is /fit/ so bad at posting

>> No.4986087

Or both.

>> No.4986096

So people stopped using money on expensive pub beer and spend it towards something else

big deal....

>> No.4986100

Because sometimes, a government does that for the benefit of the citizens as opposed to the business owners. Otherwise, things like child labor would still exist.

>> No.4986114


How are people comfortable having a government decide what products you can buy, or where you can dump your toxic waste, or whether or not your employer should be able to work you to death?

Because sometimes, just sometimes, society needs to be able to function with a small degree of order instead of everyone just doing whatever they want and damn the consequences.

Is the government responsible enough to handle this? No. Do they do a perfect job of it? Not at all. Is it better than the alternative of having literally no limits on the amount of dickery that people can get up to? Probably.

>> No.4986126

ITT: Lung-Cancer Fags

>> No.4986138

I'm a teacher

>> No.4986232

There should be someone regulating important things such as toxic waste disposal and others, yes, no one is arguing against completely removing all regulations.

However, to say that people cannot smoke in my restaurant or bar, my private property, is absurd. What are they going to say next? I can smoke in my own home that I bought?

There is an easy way to avoid secondhand smoke: don't go to restaurants or bars that allow smoking. Government is not your bully to change everyone around you to a more pleasing scent.

>> No.4986314

>why does the government get involved
>why do we even have a government?
they regulate shit so we all wont get fucked
if it werent for them there wouldnt be safety requirements for cars foods pretty much everything

>> No.4986346


>I have an inherent right to blow poison into the air

>> No.4986369

smoking inside is disgusting. go outside if you want to blow out poison

>> No.4986378

BBQ and campfire smoke is WAY worse than secondhand cigarette smoke.

You gonna ban BBQs and campfires now?

>> No.4986383

[citation needed]

>> No.4986390


campfires are outside in the open and well ventilated. they also don't make everything smell like shit

>> No.4986414

if secondhand smoke isn't harmful then you could breath it 24/7 and never develop health problems, right?

>> No.4986427

Still, inhaling that smoke isn't good for you, yet you're forcing me to inhale it when I walk past your garden party. But do I run crying to the government demanding they put a stop to it? No. Meanwhile, a venue with clearly marked "smoking" signs gives you the choice of whether or not to enter and inhale that secondhand smoke.

And I really don't think passive smoking is as deadly as you seem to think it is unless you're recovering from cancer or have lung disease. The oldest people in the world are smokers, the oldest woman in recorded history smoked for 96 years. And that's not secondhand smoking, that's straight into the lungs, so maybe you're being a bit of a baby, crying and gasping that you can't breathe because of the poison, OMG I'm going to die I can feel it, my insides are mellltinnng...

>they also don't make everything smell like shit
There are people (even non-smokers) ITT who've said they like the smell of tobacco smoke, as do I, so clearly that's personal preference. Should we ban curry houses because some people don't like the smell of curry?

>> No.4986430

>purported dangers of secondhand smoke are largely bullshit

Then why was it in elementary school that the kids who had parents that smoked always got sick more than anyone else?

>> No.4986434

You can't do anything 24/7 and NEVER develop health problems, we have a limited lifespan.

>> No.4986439


>> No.4986452


>implying breathing isn't damaging

Its one of the things that contributes to our limited lifespans

>> No.4986455

So you're saying that even though you're breathing 24/7 you'll NEVER develop health problems. You'll live forever then? Never get sick from ANYTHING? That was the joke I was making. Let me know if you need it to be made any clearer.

Of course nobody expects anyone to breathe secondhand smoke 24/7, that's ridiculous. Nobody even suggested you should be MADE to smoke it for a single second, just that there should be places where people can go to smoke. As has been repeated over and over, it's about choice. YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO INTO THE SMOKING ROOM! Fucking hell, it's like we should ban cars because you need to be protected from throwing yourself in front of them.

>> No.4986463

I'd honestly be around someone that dips/chews instead of someone that smokes.

The fucking smell just seeps into your clothes and hair. It is fucking awful and I don't know how smokers deal with it. It must be that crippling addiction.

With those e-cigs there isn't really an excuse anyway. I know loads of people that use those and they don't bother me.

>> No.4986470

Nah people are stupid and need to be told what to do.

>> No.4986475

Smoking outside in public should be banned too, smoke at home or gtfo, fucking stinkers.

>> No.4986492

>smoke at home or gtfo
To where exactly?

>> No.4986514


>> No.4986523

probably to home

>> No.4986537

>safe from myself
"Hey man can you stop smoking in my face"
"That's your fault"

>> No.4986544

/ck/ is not /pol/ please go away

>> No.4986549

>Firstly, the purported dangers secondhand smoke is largely bullshit

>Secondly, it should be the business owner's decision whether to allow smoking or not in his restaurant or bar.

>> No.4986566
File: 22 KB, 500x375, japanesesmoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoke at home or get the fuck out to home? Doesn't make a lot of sense.

I'm a smoker (1-2 roll-ups a day, more if I'm drinking) and I get along great with non-smokers, maybe because I try to be considerate with my smoking. I'll wait until I'm alone or with other smokers, go outside or ask if people mind if I smoke. Ex-smokers can be a little preachy sometimes, but you have to respect their resolve.

But holy shit, the ANTI-smokers. Bunch of hysterical, bitching faggots. It's like the Westboro Baptist Church are picketing my cigarette.

>"OH my precious little NOSE! OH my delicate choking LUNGS! Maybe if I hide my face in my sweater... No it's no good, RUN CHILDREN, RUN FROM THE POISON CLOUD, HE'LL KILL US ALL!"

Pretty sure they're the same people who scream murder if they find a hair in their food and make you take your shoes off when you enter their house. Self righteous 10th level vegans who can't see someone having a good time without telling them why it's wrong.

>> No.4986575

"Hey man can you stop smoking in my face"
"Well if you stand directly in front of someone who's smoking, you're gonna get smoke on you. I have to exhale somewhere. Why are you even in a smoking room? There's a non-smoking bar next door."

>> No.4986627


I sure hope you don't drive

>> No.4986632

>Self righteous 10th level vegans who can't see someone having a good time at the expense of others


>> No.4986647

Lung cancer rates are .02-.36% for none smokers and .02-.42% for none smokers exposed to second hand smoke.

It's totally within the margin of error based upon samples.

>> No.4986684

What they don't like the smell?
Second hand smoke is only a concern if you walk into a room full of smoke several times a day, not a passing whiff of smoke on the side walk.

>> No.4986710

>I'm a wimp so everyone else should live like a wimp too

>> No.4986711

> The health risks of second-hand smoke are a matter of scientific consensus.

>> No.4986726

>Go sit down in a restaurant
>Order food, chat up with family
>Suddenly, this large figure enters the building
>Standing roughly at around 5"3, looked like he had about 350lbs of fat on him
>Struggling to get through the door almost
>Gets in, and he's panting
>He wipes his sweat off with his fedora
>As he gets seated, I start losing my attention towards him and continue enjoying my day
>He sits behind us
>As the chair creaks and lets out a whoosh of air, I catch a drift of his scent
>Smells like tobacco, semen, and body odor
>Immediately scrunch my face up in disgust
>Wife asks what's wrong, and I point to the guy sitting behind us (He couldn't see me)
>She smiles, then calls over the waitress, and asks if we can move our seat closer to the window, tell her because my child wants to watch the cars drive by
>Waitress laughs and moves us over, but before we get up, I hear a flickering noise and turn
>The man is now trying to light a cigarette
>Waitress turns to him, and tells him to put it out because cigarettes are not allowed in the restaurant, because they give off a bad odor that disrupts customers, and as research shows, second hand smoke can raise cancer rates in children and young adults, as smoking not only affects the user but the people around
>He coughs, letting lose a storm of phlegm as he insults the waitress based on her gender and appearance
>I roll up my sleeves and tuck in my tie, as I grab him by the throat and tell him to back the fuck off
>I say to the man, "If you can't go an hour without puffing on your cancer stick, then get the hell out of this country, because I have the freedom to raise my kids in a safe environment"
>He runs out of the restaurant crying, and I enjoy my meal.

>> No.4986736

Hey cool, it's number 4 on the list of shit that never happened.

>> No.4986892

>non-smoking bar
>existent in anywhere that doesn't have total smoking prohibition laws
yeah okay

besides that, I can tell you from personal experience that free smoking bars/clubs are filled with people who will gladly smoke in the faces of others, especially if they feel like being territorial assholes. prohibition laws literally exist to keep lowlifes like that from endangering the well-being of others to assert their dicks, so any city that has a universal ordinance against indoor smoking is a friend to me

>> No.4986902

Just because you're decent about smoking doesn't mean most smokers are. In fact, the greatest amount of smokers I encounter on my daily commutes literally could not give a shit about anyone else and think that their getting shit on all day by their superiors because they didn't have the good sense to go to Handai entitles them to shit all over the health of whoever is unfortunate enough to pass by them on a crowded avenue or walkway.

For the record, I've never been a major dick to smokers; I've always tried to tell them in the simplest way that I'm not comfortable being smoked around, or that I have a allergy, but I've never preached or raised a shitstorm irl.

>> No.4986909

second hand smoke isn't all about cancer. some people are sick and get aggravated by smoke. some people don't pay attention to where they hold their cigarettes and burn people while passing them. some people have asthma. it shouldn't be a major debate about the long-term consequences of second-hand smoke, because it's universally understood that no one who doesn't smoke enjoys being around lit cigarettes.

>> No.4986921

Last year I was taking a cab home drunk from a friend's place. The cab smelled like cigarette smoke and, halfway to my destination, lit a cigarette with the windows down.

I didn't say anything until I was about to leave. I told him I wasn't going to pay the fare because he smoked, exposed me to cigarette smoke, and broke some laws.

He was LIVID but that packie couldn't do jack shit. Fucking faggot

>> No.4986966

I had an old co-worker that smoked like a chimney and smelled absolutely disgusting because of it.

She was out for sometime because of a car accident and was forced to stop smoking while she recovered. The smell completely disappeared but came back full force when she started chain smoking again.

I don't mean a bit of smoke lingering on the clothes, either. I mean when she talked to you, your eyes would water and many people gagged talking to her. It got so bad HR had to talk to her about the smell.

Tldr, smokers stink like shit so I'm glad you faggots are getting banned left and right.

>> No.4986984

So laws concerning working conditions should be non existent, as any worker can simple chose not to work. Brilliant.

>> No.4986985

good attitude.
>+2 not an asswipe points

>> No.4987156

Smoking should be allowed in restaurants if they put them in a separate smoking room ala smoking rooms in some airports.

>> No.4987167


Easily AIDS living in a 1st world country now its almost a non issue.

>> No.4987180

And John Wayne died of what again? OH YEAH, LUNG CANCER. Not only did he die of it, it assraped his body before he actually popped off from it. Good luck with that, fucktard.

>> No.4987183 [DELETED] 

Fucking drug addict

>> No.4987185

And why should I listen to a fucking drug addict?

>> No.4987222

>little fake cough
Oh god you've reminded me of how I used to do that during primary school.

I ended up smoking for a few years as a teenager.

>> No.4987319
File: 35 KB, 480x480, 58922fart_can_full.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having someone walk infront of you and constantly farting, that's what it's like walking behind a smoker.

In fact, people should probably buy a big can of fart spray and spray around a bit when they pass one of those faggots to remind them of their own stink.

>> No.4987576

2chainz is doing just fine, buddy. I think it's funny that you think it's something that matters to him or is deserving of your pity tho.

>> No.4988850

I live in NYC, I smoke all the time outdoors, and if someone looks at me funny I have the remarkable ability to blow thick streams of smoke with pinpoint precision straight into someone's face. I do this all the time.

Don't give a fuck, come at me.

>> No.4988860

I'd come at you, but don't want to be cut.

>> No.4988870

I think they should ban all smoking in public locations, but the government should have no right to dictate what people do on their own private property, business or residence,.

But there is no excuse for our government to allow people to pollute publicly owned areas like sidewalks and parks. it fucking sucks walking down the sidewalk and getting stuck behind some smoking redneck or asian

>> No.4988898

>but the government should have no right to dictate what people do on their own private property, business or residence,.
>the government has no right to regulate businesses

lol 15 year old Libertarian detected

>> No.4988940

I didn't say it has no right, I said it should not have such a right

Also, the american federal government only has the right to regulate interstate and international commerce, whether or not one allows smoking in their business would not fall under this umbrella

>> No.4988952

>the government shouldn't have the right to regulate business
ahahaha how cute.

>> No.4988963

>>the government shouldn't have the right to regulate business
but thats not what I said.

Large governments should have no right to micromanage small trivial details of small or large businesses on the whim of politicians. Of course local government is an entirely different issue but that is still problematic. The government's role in regulating commerce has absolutely nothing to do with smoking laws, this isn't a commerce issue at all

>> No.4988970

Tea-party peckerwood detected

>> No.4988974

the teaparty was hijacked by religious southerners, a completely different ideology now

>> No.4988978


>> No.4988985

Oh, you mean modern liberals and neocons?

>> No.4989016

Because here in the USA we have the wrong priorities since we care so much about smokers even though it kills a tiny fraction compared to obesity

>> No.4989017

>damage control

>> No.4989020

but food tastes good, unlike cigarettes

>> No.4989032

When you are obese? It's very sick to look at. Almost all the major causes of death are caused by over eating. Over reacting over a small handful of people dying over chain smoking is not enough to justify

>> No.4989038


Second hand smoke is annoying. I really hate it. You spring a boner and you walk past a bunch of smokers outside a building and no more boner.

It's really unpleasant. One of the reasons I smoke is just not to smell other people's cigarette smoke.

>> No.4989040

>people eat too much near me
>wow its fucking nothing
>people smoke near me
>they are fucking up my lungs
>what do we have laws for

Not like I could blame you for sounding so stupid. We've all seen the scan of peoples' brains when they smoke.

>> No.4989055

Second hand smoke should be banned because it smells fucking terrible and is annoying, not because of health reasons

>> No.4989120

I smoke and I never smoke indoors, certainly not inside my own house. The flavor and aroma of fresh smoke is totally different from stale smoke, which is disgusting.

That said, I do wish that I could have some choice in the matter if I wanted to smoke in some sort of establishment.

>> No.4989131

That red spot by the Mississippi is called cancer alley because companies and mills dumps a bunch of toxic shit into the river and it leeches into our ground water.

Has nothing do to with alcohol.

>> No.4989143

wow you're literally a faggot if you don't like the smell/second hand smoke don't fucking blaze it you du

wait nice b8

>> No.4989173

Dangerous is mostly for youth, but it's fucking annoying. You're right though, it should be a choice so people can know what bars to go to if it bothers them or not. I have asthma and it hurts my chest.

Smoker sections in places like casinos are designed for this.

>> No.4989178 [DELETED] 



>> No.4989922
File: 25 KB, 500x360, 1346644315560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw an American was fat near me

>> No.4989968

it's not about patrons, it's about employees. who the employer is liable for. not everyone has the luxury of being able to choose where they work

>secondhand smoke is largely bullshit
[citation needed]

>> No.4989973

ack, was meant to reference >>4984551

>> No.4989984

do you live in the real world? have you ever struggled to find a job? do you think there might be people who do? do you think most parents would refuse a job to support said children simply because they're more concerned about their own health?

>> No.4990028

>not everyone has the luxury of being able to choose where they work

No one is forcing you to work there.
Don't blame other people that the only skill you have is making drinks. Learn to do something worthwhile and you won't have to work in a bar.

>> No.4990029


alcohol is in some ways estrogen simulating. terrible for anything strength related.

>> No.4990034

god damn, everyone's always about freedoms. ever heard of responsibilities? like not presenting unnecessary health risks to other citizens? namely employees.

can anyone even into negligence or duty of care?

>> No.4990035

>can choose not to work
what planet do you live on man?

>> No.4990055

>indisputable fact
pretty much everyone at my gym would dispute that

>> No.4990057

order takeout and never give a tip

eat your food while you slowly poison yourself with cancer sticks in your own trailer-home

problem solved

>> No.4990060

the cool man on tv smokes. seems legit

>> No.4990351

Anon, as someone that has slightly more brain than you, I'll not invite you to go fuck yourself, but rather I would ask you to focalize the attention on the subject. If you are against smokers for personal reasons, and not for the topic, and bring forth the cause without adding some on topic opinion, you lose so much credibility.

>> No.4990359

>using your big boy words
>but not actually saying anything of import
>implying you're intelligent

Yeah, go fuck yourself.

>> No.4990364

>implying you're also intelligent
>accuses one of doing what he's also doing
Care to join me in fucking ourselves?

>> No.4990375

Such mad
Incredible anger
How burthutt

>> No.4990391

>implying there's any good reason to attempt a conversation with a shitposter

Do you even into fucking yourself?

>> No.4990412

Dear dear - when a person, through their own self-harming ways, proves themselves incapable of deciding for themselves, they no longer have "rights". We the people take you into our custody and do our best to keep you from harming yourself and others, even if your potentially intellectually regressed or delusional mind tells otherwise. We can ban you from smoking anytime, anywhere. And lo - we have!

You just didn't know what to do with your life, so adults had to step in and guide you. Next on the list are alcohol, firearms, fast food, soda, and violent sports.

>> No.4990431

For six years our county allowed bars to let people smoke inside of them provided they followed several rules such as smoking and non-smoking being separated, smoking sections must be ventilated, staff can't be located within smoking sections, you couldn't have children on the premises (such as bar-restaurants that separate bar from family dining).

Lo and behold approximately none of the bar owners gave half a shit, so then the county made it illegal to smoke in bars.

Now these same bar owners bitch and moan every time they get fined for endangering their staff and customers.

>> No.4990436

>It should be an individual choice if someone wants to damage other people's health!

That's how you sound OP. If you want to smoke, do it when you don't bother anyone.

>> No.4990992


>> No.4991008

Obesity causes a higher increase in risk of lung cancer than second hand smoke.

Obesity is contagious, people who associate with obese have an increased risk of becoming obese.

Thus fatties should be banned from bars too.

>> No.4993000


>> No.4993014

>Thus fatties should be banned from bars too.
I would support this.

>> No.4993027

That's flawed logic though. It SHOULD be the choice of the owner whether or not they allow smoking, just like it should be the choice of customers whether they want to go there or not. Nobody is going to force a non-smoker to go to a restaurant where people are allowed to smoke.

>> No.4993047

Or separate non fatty sections.

>> No.4993051

>Obesity is contagious, people who associate with obese have an increased risk of becoming obese.
its called genetics bub

>> No.4993058

Associate. Not relate. Association is not relation. Your friends are not genetically connected to you, "bub".

>> No.4993067


I would too. Even the fat women fart a shit ton in college town bars. It's nauseating. I can smell the abuse, dehydration, and overclocked internal organs

>> No.4993142

Sooooo what about exempt bars that still banned it on their own accord? All ox those that did saw a rise in profits

On what level are no smoking laws in the US? You guys are making it seem like no one can smoke anywhere.

>> No.4993145

Varies state to state.

>> No.4993251

The old "I can't help it that I'm fat, so let me eat this big mac in peace"-argument? Oh how I love it.

>> No.4993254

Is it that much trouble to walk outside of the bar to have a smoke? I do.

>> No.4993262

anyone else can't smoke in own home due to city regulations?

>> No.4993265

I kind of like doing that anyway. It's nice after a few drinks to stand out in the cold night and have a quick smoke

>> No.4993266
File: 3 KB, 160x160, 1363479716218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

masculine tv man also consumes alcohol to excess. i guess that means we better light 'em up and chug 'em down, right?

>> No.4993405

I dont have legs

>> No.4993869

>it should be the business owner's decision whether to allow smoking or not in his restaurant or bar.

>allowing people to make their own decisions.
>not letting the government letting you what's best for you

>> No.4994004

My apartment manager got pissy with me for smoking inside. I don't care though, it was getting to be a bad habit. I never intended to start smoking inside, but once you start......