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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 44 KB, 427x505, KnuthAtOpenContentAlliance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4966075 No.4966075[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Roll call. How fat are you chi/ck/s?

I'm 159 kilos.

>> No.4966077

177 cm
72 kg

>> No.4966079
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lol, do you even food & cooking?

>> No.4966088

5'10", 165.

I used to be like 210. Feeling good.

>> No.4966091
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>> No.4966096


I probably took a bit of a weight since, but last time I was weighed I was 150. Guess I'm 160-ish now. Gotta work on that.

I feel fat as fuck.

>> No.4966099
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Dude I love it. It's basically a stamp on the delicious foods I make.

>> No.4966101

195 lbs


>> No.4966104
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lel, do you even eat?

>> No.4966118

5'9, 180 pounds

>tfw lost 60 pounds this year
>tfw still fat

A marked improvement though, I must say.

>> No.4966124
File: 58 KB, 463x560, feelguyck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're almost there anon, don't give up now.

>> No.4966128

I knew you were from /b/.

>> No.4966134
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>> No.4966142

>implying that's any better

>> No.4966150
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>> No.4966145

118 lbs

I anorexic now

>> No.4966146

Pushing harder than ever anon, harder than ever. I think 170 would be a good weight for me. I know this sounds like stereotypical fat talk, but I really do have a large frame and bone structure. I feel if I went much below 170 I'd start looking unhealthy. I've already had people tell me if I lose anymore weight I'd fade away, thats just them exaggerating cuz I've lost so much though. Honestly I'm still flabby around the gut and should lose 10-15 more.

>> No.4966155


>>4966088 here. I am feeling good, but like you I still need to knock some off. I think I'll go until my lovehandles disappear, fucking tired of these things.

>> No.4966163

>tfw you can barely do up your pants
At least the weight's slowly coming off, I guess...

>> No.4966170
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>trying to lose weight
>not showing the world how decadent your strudels are in the most descriptive way possible

Top kek gentlemen, or should I say. Gentleladies.

>> No.4966178
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Gotta get that twink body shape, bro. My boyfriend loves it.

>> No.4966184


Last year I was 285 and dropped to 210lbs. Gained a little bit.

>> No.4966188

5'1", 92 pounds. Still look fat as heck, somehow.

>> No.4966194


Don't worry anon, soon you'll get that great feel when you have to put a new notch in your belt -- the OTHER way.

>> No.4966199
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>ITT: /ck/'s Manlets Anonymous

200 cm
155 kg

>> No.4966200
File: 32 KB, 398x388, 3423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even talk to me about being a fucking manlet, dude. I'm fucking 5'3". I had NO chance with how short my parents are.

>> No.4966205

5'8, 115 lb.

>> No.4966211

I was taller than my mom at age 14 and I outgrew my dad at around 16-17. I fucking love these genes.

>> No.4966215
File: 364 KB, 1600x1200, 131116-181035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6' 180
I get to eat like a fatty and look great at the same time

>> No.4966216

It's so fucked up, man. My dad's like 5'8" or some shit and my mom's like 4'9", I definitely got shafted.

My old manager's dad was like 5'5" and her mom was like 5'0" and she some how ended up being about 5'9". How does that shit even happen.

>> No.4966217

5'8" 140 Pounds

>> No.4966218

Do you perhaps shove your cock in asses.

>> No.4966221


Why would your dad breed with a midget? It's like he wanted to fuck you over.

>> No.4966223

I'm going to feel sorry for my son if I ever have one.

>> No.4966227

mirin your no hips

>tfw have broad shoulders and narrow pelvis but but my legs stick like a mofo

>> No.4966228


Just find an goddess and breed with her. At least give him a fighting chance.

>> No.4966229

You either need either an amazon or a slav. The latter worked for me.

>> No.4966231

What if they don't want a manlet?

>> No.4966232

187cm, 93kg

>> No.4966235

Like 67kg

>> No.4966233

5'11'', 150 lbs
tfw skinnyfat vegan

>> No.4966236

55KG, 6'2.
I'm a fucking skeleton.

>> No.4966237


5'9 goddess dating manlett. Some girls like cute guys.

>> No.4966240

Well then, there is hope for me after all.

>> No.4966241

You do realise you can orded a 190cm Russian/Polish/Ukrainian female in whatever hair and eye colour you want and she'll be at the nearest airport in a week after payment is cleared, right?

But that only works if you live in West Europe/NA

>> No.4966244

167cm 68kg
5'5" 160lb? I don't use imperial.

>> No.4966242
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>> No.4966247

6'1" 225

I'm trying to lose weight. I always gain in the summer and lose in the winter. Where I live it's like 115F most days so I sit indoors eating ice cream and playing videogames. Then in the winter I get so disgusted with myself that I brave the cold to do my exercise.

It's like the reverse of most people's holiday season downfall.

>> No.4966249

You can do it anon. Even losing 20 pounds makes a big difference.

>> No.4966251
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There is still hope, anon. Just follow your dreams

>> No.4966264

6'3 and 230.

I'm a fatass, yeah. But I'm working on it, and at least I'm somewhat strong, not bear mode but whatever.
I know I'm never gonna be skinny skinny, I'm broad on shoulder and shit, but I just want more muscle than lard here in the end.

>> No.4966266


>> No.4966269

y-you too

>> No.4966289

I'm opposite. Every year I lose in the spring/summer and gain some weight in the winter. I think it has mostly to do with it getting dark at 5:00. I start eating and drinking when the sun goes down. Thats an extra three or four hours of alcohol consumption and snacking.

>> No.4966295
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5'3" 115lbs

>> No.4966303


(I will not bother translating that into europoor-notion. Such plebs that don't understand imperial notion are not worth communicating with anyways. Learn some math, serf faggots.)

I'm trying to cut down to 170lbs right now. It's hard, because I still drink like an insane hobo given a hotel suite and unlimited funds. I went on a 3 week venture to the wilderness and didn't drink any alcohol, and thought I lost weight, eating beans and rice maybe twice a day and eating some little packs of peanuts and whatever, counting calories and going on even when I was hungry for hours and whatever, but I think I lost 5lbs. Real disappointing, I was counting calories. ~1200 a day, working my ass off, I estimate my consumption at 2500 calories, but maybe, maybe, lost 5lbs from 190lbs.

I'm not real sure how alcohol is metabolized. According to my fuckin' science textbook, alcohol and fat have the same calories. Gasoline has 7750 calories per 'liter' too. I don't think gasoline, fat, food and alcohol are metabolized the same way in the human body. So if I drink a shot of diesel fuel, that'll give me more energy then a handfull of nuts or a full bag of carrots. Not sure how alcohol works here. I kinda doubt the body uses or metabolizes it as readily as it does carbs, sugar, or fat/ grease ect.

>> No.4966317

183cm, 83kg (about 6ft and about 185lbs).

>> No.4966322

really? 54 age 6' 0" 25 get real 260. still a lot. at one point 397. at age 18 180bs and in military 210( if you must run 1.5
mile< 13 min hard on the knees and usaf desk jokey standards. the lighter are the better. I am here to tell ya it ain't easy to drop 100lbs but it is. kindof. keep a food diary. determine a set point, not weight calories. walk or move every day. even a little. and realize. I willl never be 188 again( maybe in the grave, after decomp) but 220 is not bad. never was gonna win any beuty contests. also, at 54, whatecer size, unless swimming put ona t shirt and some shorts. also to ladies, same applies. not to burst anyones bubble. but apre 30, you don't need to wear spedoos short shorts or bikinis. need not be full amissh but have a bit of consideration and respect for others. bad enough to see milye twerking. I don't to see billy ray, chere or elton. doing the same.. I am 54 and nothiing more pathetic is to see a 38 or 48 trying to be 18. again. food and life. if >35 you probably should not be eating gummy bears, boo bery, cannedbesgitios and waiting for your next student loan or pell grant. or waiting for that big gig while waiting tables or delivering pizza .

>> No.4966341


190 lbs

>> No.4966349
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i have an eating disorder tbh

>> No.4966350

>I went on a 3 week venture to the wilderness and didn't drink any alcohol, and thought I lost weight, eating beans and rice maybe twice a day and eating some little packs of peanuts and whatever, counting calories and going on even when I was hungry for hours and whatever, but I think I lost 5lbs. Real disappointing, I was counting calories. ~1200 a day, working my ass off, I estimate my consumption at 2500 calories, but maybe, maybe, lost 5lbs from 190lbs.

If you're on a 1300 calorie deficit each day for three weeks that's a loss of 27,300 calories, which translates to just under 8 pounds, assuming one pound of fat is 3500 calories. Depending on how much water weight you were holding it's entirely reasonable for you to have lost 5 pounds.

Of course, those estimates are hard-and-fast, since human fat tissue isn't pure fat and all that, but you know.

Also, fat is 9 cal/gram and alcohol is 7 cal/gram.

>> No.4966360

148lbs (66kg)

>> No.4966368

5'8" 115 lbs.

I've always been thin but developed gastrointestinal problems a few years ago and need to take loperamide daily in order to get any real nutrition from what I eat.

>> No.4966375

5'5" 130lb

>> No.4966388
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Congratulations! I know how you feel, anon. I've lost almost 50 pounds this year and I definitely see a difference, but I'm still big. I have another 30 to go for my goal, but am told I look great the way I do now. I definitely see that gut though.

Keep working it, anon and do what makes you happy.

>> No.4966425

I'm perfectly round.

>> No.4966438

im not, im 130

>> No.4966460

155 lbs

>> No.4966463


Used to be over 150, but I'm still big... Really need to get fit since I my blood pressure starts worrying me

>> No.4966520
File: 9 KB, 377x326, some happy white faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>135 lbs

>> No.4966544

once upon a time I used to be a professional fighter at 147 and fought as high as 176 as a amateur....stopped fighting now I'm 254. FAT AS FUCK AND HAPPY

>> No.4966546

>I'm 159 kilos.

>96 Kgs. 183 cms
>still feel like a fucking obese piece of shit.

>> No.4966559

148 lbs

Working on getting back down to around 130, was too focused on cardio health for a while (it worked, though, so at least I'm healthier and stronger, if fatter than I was earlier this year).

>> No.4966565

6'1'' 118lbs or 53ish kg

>> No.4966570

5'10'' 197lbs. I've got some work to do.
(At least I'm not 255 anymore.)

>> No.4966571


What in the actual fuck. Did you just get out of Dachau?

>> No.4966580

6'0" and 136 lbs

But it's all fat, I guarantee you, I have like 0% muscle mass so I still look pretty obese. I'd lift but my back was fucked a few years back and doing weights only agitates it worse.

>> No.4966588

6'1 205 here, I'm not fat though

>> No.4966595

walk then.
Having weak muscles will only make your back worse

>> No.4966602

5'10, 250lbs now I think...

> TFW was losing weight and was down past 220 but then I had to get help for depression and suddenly I gained the weight back.

Whatever, not like it matters to anyone else.

>> No.4966622


>had to get help for depression and suddenly I gained the weight back

How did getting help for depression lead to weight gain?

>> No.4966638

totally normal BMI. 167 cm / 55 kilos

>> No.4966646

5'5" 218lbs. don't care.

>> No.4966649

Pills man. Pills. I feel happier now and I'm getting myself to father to prepare for after college. Whatever motivated me that first time will come back. Basically I just counted calories and exercised regularly, no big secret. I lose weight easily when I want to lose weight.

Just doesn't seem important right now in the face of all the other stuff I need to do.

>> No.4966654

5'11" 145 lbs, pretty disgusted with how fat I've become

>> No.4966656

5'9", 59.5kg

I'm a dude

>tfw skinny-fat but not over-weight

>> No.4966661

5'10" 170 lbs/77 kg

I still look fat but im losing weight, this board isn't helping....

>> No.4966666

How much of a risk do light breezes pose?

>> No.4966669

6'1, 320. I've got a lot of muscle from my work, but I've got a lot of fat from being fat.

>> No.4966675

I'm 6'2 and about 100kg

Stacked on some weight when I quit smoking and I really like beer, lots of beer.

>> No.4966698

80 kilos, used to be 93+. Looking to drop more.

>> No.4966729

5'7" 102 lbs

trying to gain a few.

>> No.4966734

54kg 5'8"
im not boney i swear!
atleast im not a vegan/vegitarian

>> No.4966748
File: 90 KB, 462x774, jake_gyllenhaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I congratulate you as well good anon. We're in the same boat and situation, you and I. Don't stop!!! I've had so many people tell me how great I look and comment on how the wind will blow me down if I lose anymore........and I try my best to ignore them. Just because I'm looking good and have lost a significant amount of weight this year doesn't mean I should just quit and be content. I have a fucking goal goddammit. And I will not fucking quit until I get there. The compliments and the beautiful pussy that I feel unworthy of getting (being a fatass 7 months ago) aren't making me content at all. They make me want to work even harder to get better and achieve better.

Just saying, you've done good. But you can do better, don't be getting comfortable. We have some work to do. Pic related is the body type I'd like. I don't want to lift all day and be huge, I think it looks faggish and unnecessary in this day and age. I just want to be lean and cut.

>> No.4966755

Weight doesn't matter, body fat percentage does. A 200 pound guy can look like John Rambo or a walking marshmallow

>> No.4966759

>I don't want to lift all day and be huge, I think it looks faggish
>posts a picture of a fag as the body type he'd like

>> No.4966763


It might just be because he's slouching, but Jake's body looks like pure shit in that picture. Just awkward proportions and no v-taper

>> No.4966767

14% body fat

>> No.4966769

167lbs now. Went down from 197 at the start of the year. Still got about 20-30 lbs to go but I can see a huge difference in fat level. The last pounds are going to be extremely hard to lose I can sense cause it's been hard the last little while already...

>> No.4966770

I look alot like him. Bad body proportions and all. Pelvis is big as fuck, and big head/skull. But yea, since most people wear clothes I bet he'd be getting banged hard looking like that. I'm not in epic muscle gainz mode yet, I'm just trying to be lighter.

>> No.4966783

5'4" 103 lbs
a-and yes, I lift, it's just hard for me to eat enough.

>> No.4967328

5'2.5" 85lbs
I usually don't eat all day because of medication, when I do eat I can't stomach a whole lot either

>> No.4967340


77 kg 177cm. Mostly muscles + beer belly

>> No.4967352

Wait what? I'm 173cm (5'8) and 68kg at roughly the same body fat %. Do you have no muscle mass?

>> No.4967377

I hate to break it to you but your weight is average so technically you can't be diagnosed with an eating disorder

>> No.4967386

6'3, 155lb
Im too fat

>> No.4967387

118 lbs
>tfw pudgy tummy
I'm pretty muscular, minus the mid section, though.

>> No.4967399

6'6", 130kg

>> No.4967402

Add oil/butter to your food

>> No.4967404



I'm about the same size and weight, and I'm still too fat. BMI charts are really for a different species than mine, I think.

>> No.4967446

133 kilos. I'm big boned.

>> No.4967485

6'0", 205 lbs

~9', 450+ lbs in warform

>> No.4967499

5'1 and 110lbs

>> No.4967507

Girls? In my cooking?

Or just short guys.

>> No.4967513


182 lbs
Thats 13 stone for you britfags

Some of you guys are blimps

>> No.4967515

i'm a guy. 5'1 sucks. genetics really fucked me

>> No.4967519
File: 47 KB, 467x487, feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you find pants with legs that short?

>> No.4967524

Levi's 501, at 29x30 fit me pretty well.

>> No.4967525
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This is me too, working on losing that weight.

>> No.4967529
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>> No.4967530

>mfw 6'4.
>mfw can't relate

sorry dood. If it makes you feel better its also impossible to find pants for me.

>> No.4967535

5 foot 11 / 180.34 cm.
117-125 lbs / ~53 kg

>> No.4967537

you are severely underweight

>> No.4967921
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>> No.4967941

140 lbs.

don't actually feel skinny though. I guess I did feel like I was in better overall health when I was around 150-155.

>> No.4968182


I had no idea there were so many manlets on /ck/ pocket people!

>> No.4968188

>implying /ck/ isn't filled with angry little grills from /an/

>> No.4968237
File: 249 KB, 640x459, 6093327045_a6a05e0f70_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>angry little grills
>little grills

>> No.4970504
File: 86 KB, 200x252, nrd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm precisely 6,803,8855,500 micrograms.

>> No.4970509

Correction: 68,038,855,500

>> No.4970521

5'9 100lbs

>> No.4970523

5'8" 75kg approx.

>> No.4970540

expecting in 4 months...

>> No.4970544

179cm, around 68kilos

>> No.4970565

a low bmi isnt the sole criterion for an eating disorder and there are other ED types than just anorexia nervosa. even then, anorexics aren't always >17.5 bmi and there are many scenarios where they could be of average or even overweight. he's at 18.5 which is just the threshold for what's considered healthy and is still well below average.

i swear u nerds love to out-ana each other

>> No.4970567


>> No.4970569



125 lbs

>> No.4970581

r u me?

>> No.4970590

maybe but im a guy dont hit on me silly girls

>> No.4970601
File: 4 KB, 125x97, 1365265672831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've lost about 16kg this year, trying to get it slowly but surely down to 90kg. I can feel in my legs and overall body how much easier it is to move and how less depressing it is when you dont have to try and hide your mantits.
I still have way to go though.

Ironically i havent even gone on some retarded diet or something i just started to eat less and dropping some stuff like potatoes/pasta etc from my meal if i do it myself and going to store everyday to buy small batch of fresh ingredients or eatings somewhere outside during lunchbreak when shit is cheap. Shame i injured my knee bit over a month ago, been bit lazy since then.

>> No.4970617

>dat pic of don knuth
Just thought I would mention that Don Knuth is one of my heroes because his up arrow and -yllion notations are awesome mathematical tools that Academia will never ever adopt.

>> No.4970625


I feel like I could lose a little weight but my BMI is only 24. What I really need to do is more upper body work. I have disproportionately huge legs from going cycling pretty much every chance I get.

>> No.4970664

6' 1"
280 lbs

I lost 80 pounds and was down to 200 for a few months, but I was absolutely miserable. I didn't feel any better about myself and I still looked like a slob when I saw myself in the mirror, but it was even worse because I couldn't comfort myself with food.
So I got a better job that requires sitting all day and I made a lot of money that I spend on food now. I'm fat and a little more happy.

>> No.4970671

6' = 182cm
160 lbs = 72kg

>> No.4970673

150 lbs.

>mfw manlet

>> No.4970681


140 lbs.

>> No.4970693

Lost all muscle mass when my crohn's was uncontrolled, so I'm as weak as a kitten right now. It's hard to build muscle when you don't digest protein very well.

>> No.4970717



I could cradle you like a baby.

>> No.4970749

6' / 183 cm
125 lbs / 57 kg

Not fat
Just bulking

>> No.4970787


I really need to lose some fucking weight.

>> No.4970790

my nigga

>> No.4970796

M, 107kg's, 6'1" Problem is I wear it all on my belly. In before diabetes. I got a great ass though, so there's that.

>> No.4970810

5'10" and 260 lbs.

Fat as fuck, I know, but I'm eating better and starting to lose some.

>> No.4970812

just over 2m tall
but I weight far too much.
189 kg. I don't have any shame.
While on holiday last year in France. They didn't like me at the nude beach. They thought I was American and I let them believe that.

>> No.4970850

5,7 and weight between 50 and 60 kilogams.

Not really sure though, I've been living here and there for some months, and been dropping weight like crazy.

>> No.4971554

6'1, 190lbs. I usually lurk /fit/ but you guys are a nice break from hurr oatz'n'squatz since I enjoy food more than anything.

>> No.4971563

16 stones. 1.8m

>> No.4971564

5'10", 175 lbs.
would be 140 lbs if i didn't drink 1400 kcals. every day

>> No.4971582

5'0" 90-95lbs (weight varies depending on how much i eat that day) and 15% bodyfat

dat joy of having a fast metabolism

>> No.4971589

5'5". 105 lb

>> No.4972044

You fat fucking whale.

>> No.4972051

175cm 68kg which is 5'7" and 149lbs

>> No.4972079

140 lbs

>> No.4972082

are you see through?

>> No.4972085

5'10 135lbs

>> No.4972124

Ha! I'm 172cms 67kgs

>> No.4972131

>159 kilos.
you mean kilograms?
do you two not care about your health? howd you let yourselves go that much? recommend doing something about it before youre dead at ~55 years old
gluttony is really the worst way to die

>> No.4972141

5'5, 125 pounds/165cm, 56.7kg.

i'm not even a girl

>> No.4972284

no he means kilometers you braindead tard

>> No.4972305

6'1", 250lbs

>> No.4972323


63 kg

>> No.4972352

about 18 stone

>> No.4972358


I'm fine.

>> No.4972372


wow who the fuck uses that anymore

>> No.4972378

6'2" Master race


>> No.4972671


>> No.4972683

73kg, 1.80m

>> No.4972689


All my fat is on my belly I nearly look pregnant and I'm a dude. I feel so fat holy shit.

>> No.4972690

I'm not that short holy shit

>> No.4972702

You fat as fuck

>> No.4972710

5'11" 133lb
Trying to lose 15 pounds or so

>> No.4972712

6', 65 kg

My body is still composed of fat though, I know a few guys who weigh less and look way more muscular than me.

>> No.4972715

5' 8"
178 lbs

Let's not kid ourselves though, it'll be rounded out to 180 by the end of the month.

>> No.4972718

If they look more muscular they probably weigh more than you do, at that height.

>> No.4972733


trying to gain weight, but it's not working.

why would you do this

>> No.4972738

No, it's because my legs are tree trunks. Other body types have the additional weight at their shoulders and look less like a scarecrow.

>> No.4972745

5'10" 155lbs, could stand to lose 10-15lbs

>> No.4972746


>> No.4972752


>> No.4972757
File: 54 KB, 243x319, scared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm 159 kilos.

>> No.4972761

Maybe when you start charging for 4chan he won't have as much money to spend on fast food.

>> No.4972763

I haven't weighed or measured myself in a long time so it's probably like:

6'1" - 6'4"

I'd say I'm 6'1" and 220. But my Dad said I'm taller than 6'1" last time I saw him.

>> No.4972772
File: 44 KB, 1024x576, EOzRcTjh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4972773

>why would you do that
I want to get a girly body and become a cute trap.

>> No.4972777


I'm more surprised by all the twigs on a cooking board.

>> No.4972799

some people in the UK, namely myself
was taught it in school and only left some years ago (20 atm), yet wouldnt be surprised if they didnt teach it anymore

>> No.4972802

there's a difference between a girly body and a skellington.
I'm 3 inches shorter than you and about the weight you are going for, and I look like a skellington sometimes.
[spoilers]A girly skeleton. Also, I don't remember if /ck/ has spoilers[/spoiler]

>> No.4972804

6'/183cm 196lbs/88kg

>> No.4972838

Cut the gasoline out of your diet, you shouldn't drink gasoline anon

>> No.4972898

130 lbs last I checked

Sucks hard I have to drive 45 minutes out of my city to even find jeans in my size.

>> No.4972904

>I'm more surprised by all the twigs on a cooking board.

Sour grapes fatty detected.

>> No.4972906

6ft, 175lbs

would like to be in the 160s. But that would mean less beer, so do the ends justify the means?

>> No.4972910
File: 1.40 MB, 320x180, deal with it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

63 kg. come at me.

>> No.4972911


im 6'1'' btw

>> No.4972912

Teach me how to look more feminine please

>> No.4972913

>was taught it in school and only left some years ago (20 atm), yet wouldnt be surprised if they didnt teach it anymore

First of all, why the fuck would a school be teaching ATM? WTF?

Secondly, enjoy ingesting trace amounts of fecal coliform bacteria while you choke on feces-covered penis you sick fuck. 20 ATM? You keep a running tally?

Keep this off of /ck/ please.

>> No.4972915

>so do the ends justify the means?
they do, i used to drink gallons of the stuff and i got to a point where it began to be this flavourless alcoholic beverage you drink out of habit

the less beer you drink the better it tastes when you drink it imho

>> No.4972923

5' 4", 99 lbs

I'm alright.

>> No.4972932

6'2", 165-7 pounds.

Am I healthy?

>> No.4972934

92 lbs

>> No.4972948

Thin =/= girly, rather work on specific muscle groups.

>> No.4972954

120 lbs

>> No.4972964

> concerned Satan is concerned

>> No.4972972

> moobs
110 kg 188cm here
I feel that feel

>> No.4972994

>specific muscle groups
Such as?

>> No.4973000

THE Specific (specificus majorus) muscle group. Learn 2 anatomy.

>> No.4973091


6'3", 165lbs. Sorry I'm not familiar with metric. Fucking America.

>> No.4973113

68kg and 1.75m

I'm really condensed though.

>> No.4973142

If you have no shame you would have told them where you are from.

>> No.4973145

6'2'' 168lbs

>> No.4973176

180 lbs.

I eat chicken and rice.

>> No.4973177


>> No.4973190

5 10 135 lean muscle

>> No.4973202

165 cm
52 kg

good start anon! keep it up!

fuckin saved the picture. shit I love turtles

>> No.4973231

176cm and 69 kg

inb4 do you even food?

>> No.4973283

I'm honestly just surprised this many people browse /ck/.

5'10" 170
could definitely get more muscle to replace fat but weight would stay the same.

>> No.4973318

are pics allowed?

>> No.4973443

take hormones

as long as there is food in the picture, go for it

>> No.4973464

you have much less weight loss to go before you get yourself to your goal weight. The important thing is maintaining a healthy weight once you approach it. Aim for between 155 and 170.

>> No.4973475

you should take some medication or get some therapy for the disorder.

>> No.4973492

My girl is easily pushing 2 bills, but I'm not man enough to ask her if i'm right.

>> No.4973499

weighed myself this morning, 199
just hit my target weight of sub-200 so I need to level out now
lost 150lbs in 12 months.

>> No.4973505


>> No.4973506

please tell me you're over 6 feet tall....

>> No.4973510

I figure I could lose more but I don't know about the health risks of losing half your body weight in a year you know

>> No.4973551


I still remember the glorious feel of looking down at the scale and finally seeing my weight in the 100's. That was a great morning. Same height as you, I'm trying to cut down to around 170. I'm about 182 now.

And fucking grats bro. I hope your healthy though, you lost it too fast. I'd chill on the diet for awhile and maintain where your at, lose the rest slowly over the next year.

>> No.4973573

yeah I seem to be ok, did get gallstones though which they attributed to the weight loss
but fuck, I think it's a fair trade

>> No.4973587

15 stone

>> No.4973773
File: 1.67 MB, 1432x2020, 1384686743397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4973798
File: 8 KB, 200x203, 10 years.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short, fat, and balding.

Every day I wake up and look a little more like him.

At least I can cook.

>> No.4974363
File: 71 KB, 400x388, 1378621548187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat more

every time

>> No.4974523

5'9, 54.3 kilos

Im anorexic (And not a girl)

>> No.4974573

But you do have a girls disease. Funny that.

>> No.4974583


He could cook as well. It didn't help him.

>> No.4974816

5'10 170

lets fight, im stronger

>> No.4974819

5'10 264 lbs

lets fight, im stronger than you both

>> No.4974824
File: 95 KB, 700x500, fuck this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not know, I haven't weighed myself for 3-4 years.

>> No.4974836


>> No.4974843


>> No.4974852


I was 105kg 6 months ago.

>> No.4974866 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 140x140, 101-198EF5C0-1232008-960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahahahahahahha fatty fat fuck. i hope you die of a heart attack. im 76kg at 5' 10" pic related its me. i can call you fat.

>> No.4974877

5'10"-11" (something around there)

Biking and working out and finally started adding a little bit of muscle on. No long stick mode

>> No.4974920

awww mods dont like my booty.

>> No.4974980
File: 53 KB, 171x483, cbt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'9 ~127-132 lbs ish

Pic related, me

>> No.4974984

google image search comes up with nothing. you win this round.

but in all seriousness whats your ethnicity?

>> No.4975000

Mostly English.

>> No.4975009

meritard or brittbong? are you one of the few people on here who actually cooks?

>> No.4975016

Would you like to have my children? I am attractive, poor, and don't have aids.

>> No.4975019

dude does that creepy come with a side of mash? and yes im new here.

>> No.4975027


>> No.4975029

▶Dem shoulders.

>> No.4975030

You obviously don't know how to get women. You have to be really direct, but before you do that you have to stare at them, and rub your hands together in violent anticipation.

>> No.4975056

>implying there is anything wrong with traps.
fuck ive been on /fit/ too long

also i dont think so. just square shoulders bro.

>> No.4975061

American. I used to cook more than I do now.

>> No.4975074


5'11 hover around 135


>> No.4975077

Sorry, not interested in having children or men. We can cook together!

>> No.4975086

i know that feel. went from 265 to 165 the pic of me making fun of the op for being 159kg (350lbs like seriously how do you get that fat.) was removed cus it had my booty in it as well. i guess that shit flies on /fit/

>> No.4975092

I was flattered until I realized you were implying I'm a man rather than complimenting my shoulder musculature (trapezius muscle).

>> No.4975097

seriously whats with all the morbidly obese people in this thread. its like its peak time for americans to be on here or its fucking /fit/ bizzaro world.

>> No.4975122


A cooking board full of people who love to eat, who'd a thunk.

captcha: produce tonGrab

>> No.4975128

idk i just figured people would respect themselves enough to not become gigantic fatties. I looooooove to eat. but i keep my portions small and go to teh gym regularly.

>> No.4975492

55 kg
really super unfit, never go outside, never excercise
used to eat more than my dad, now can't eat half a burger
Still eat shit food all the time tho
still losing weight
health problems too, but haven't had my weight loss checked out yet

>> No.4975496

200cm, 116kg

no muscle weight though... i need to go running or something.

>> No.4975507


About perfect.

>> No.4975540


>> No.4975544

i am perfect

>> No.4975555

70kg/155lb and about ~167cm/5'5". i'm not too sure about my height, since i haven't been measured in awhile, but weighed myself last week!

>> No.4975611

6'4 138kgs

>tfw gained like 20 kgs just in the last 6 months
>have stretch marks everywhere now
>even if I lose weight I'll never look good naked ;_;

>> No.4975643

>6'4 138kg

That's not THAT bad since you're tall.

I think you'll be fine if you can get down to 90kg (200lb).

>> No.4975649
File: 71 KB, 400x280, comeatmebro_piggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

179cm (5'11) 78kgs (171lb)

Borderline overweight.

That weight is maintained by cooking and eating like a pig, and going on long hiking (8hrs = 4000kCal burnt) every week.

I exercise because I want to eat like a pig.

>> No.4975704

185 cm - 6' 1"
60 kg - 132 lb

>> No.4975709


>> No.4975721

256 lb 5'11

>> No.4975741

180 cm
110 kilos

>> No.4975765

Does this really work?

>> No.4975766


>> No.4975788

5'11" 150lbs

Please exercise, people

>> No.4975790


>> No.4975845


>> No.4975950

Seriously, is this a guy or a girl?
>tfw I will never look like this

>> No.4975984

6" - 170 lbs

was 350 lbs a year ago. feels better now

>> No.4976212

>being a lankfat

>> No.4976228


Weighed at 162 but I'm dieting/lifting right now, down from ~170 a couple of weeks ago

>> No.4976229



75 kg's

>> No.4976235


>implying everyone on /ck/ are men

>> No.4976254

fucking a, write a note to my shrink and maybe i can get off these stupid pills