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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 195 KB, 768x1024, nuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4948423 No.4948423[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

do you ever do it this way? peanuts in your coke?
or are you more of an RC cola and moon pie kind of guy

>> No.4948442


I grew up eating salted peanuts in Dr. Pepper as a treat. It was what my Dad would get me whenever I went to work with him. So much nostalgia. But, it has to be glass bottles of Coke or Dr. Pepper for me. Plastic bottles just aren't the same (but still tasty, at any rate.)

>> No.4948474

I'm a Coke and Milk kinda guy

>> No.4948481

What does adding peanuts do?

>> No.4948486

i dont put pepsi but I do put almond paste in my sodas. Though only in diet coke and shit, normal sugary coke just doesn't work with it.

>> No.4948487

Milk and Pepsi, man. Milk and Pepsi.
(although Coke is good too, I'm sure.)

>> No.4948499

try and find out....
but nah its a good treat. soft, chewy, salty, sweet, refreshing. all good stuff.
never tried dr. p with it, soundsgoodman

never tried

>> No.4948505

something tells me this is a trap. Like the time my stomach was upset for a whole day after trying pop rocks and coke, then again with mentos and coke

>> No.4948520

it's not, at least I'm pretty sure. There are lots of southern americans that sued to do it.

That pop rocks and coke thing can't be as bad as thh Alka-Seltzer enema I did once. I... I was drunk and it sounded like a good idea...

>> No.4948525

I've had dr pepper and peanuts a few times growing up, was p good.

Don't care for moon pies, or rc really.

>> No.4948551

I love boiled peanuts, but i'd never put them in a coke. That just looks nasty

>> No.4948568

Can someone tell me how this concept works? Do you add the peanuts and drink it right away or do you let them soak? Is it all just a sweet-salty balance thing or is there another purpose to it all?

>> No.4948575

Same here, I kinda want to try this out now.

>> No.4948606

This isnt a trick or anything, its actually good. My grand dad showed me this shit when I was a little kid. I grew up in savannah georgia. So that was like 20 years ago, i was about 7. damn i feel old now. But yeah Id put them in there and drink right away. Make sure to drink like a fifth of the coke first cause if you dont drink enough, the salt makes it fizz up over the top. The peanuts left in the bottom are the shit when you finally get to them. I nostaligd hard.

>> No.4948616

You don't use boiled nuts, just regular roasted and salted.

>> No.4948635

It's only a trap in the sense that if you become addicted to this you'll become an obese diabetic like the southerners who invented it.

>> No.4948661

Where the fuck can I buy RC cola? I've literally never seen one in my life.

>> No.4948675

It's sold in most stores in most areas of the USA, but it's probably rather difficult to find anywhere else. It lacks the reach of Coke or Pepsi.
Don't worry, it's not good enough to merit searching it out.

>> No.4948681

Not very different from most generic colas.

>> No.4948699
File: 43 KB, 459x600, rc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I strongly disagree. It is not a budget brand in my eyes and has a very rich cola flavor, heavy in whatever the bitter ingredient in coke is. I live in Canada and some of the smaller stores sell it. If you can't find it in your area its worth crossing the border and grabbing a couple fridge packs

>> No.4948706

Don't they sell those at Superstore?

Also, it is a cheap brand. They sell for like 50 cents a can compared to the $1 for a coke or pepsi...

>> No.4948740

jauysus, don't be doing that. a long , long time ago Mom would give me a quarter, and we would ride bikes to the swiming pool. you were expected to stay there all day. peanuts in a coke. or a zero bar. in glass bottles. everybody out if it lightning... better be home by 5. different times, but the same. thanks for the memories . of course back then, we walked uphill to school, both ways, in 3 ft of snow. seriously, I think the younger generation is doing good. all we had back then was the encyclopedia britannica, world book, funk and wagnel or websters ( usually holding up one end of the couch). don't sell them short.

>> No.4948755

Huh. I must just live in a shitty region.

>> No.4948753 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 314x267, reaction 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if you're serious or just a really bad troll.

I mean, "we walked uphill to school, both ways, in 3 ft of snow"? That sounds like every old person's story about his childhood ever. Same with the Encyclopedia/World Book stuff.

Also, how old are you? It sounds like you're describing life in the 60s/70s, which would make you much older than the average 4chan poster.

>> No.4948757



>> No.4948768

naw, peanuts in RC cola when I was a kid, but that's just because it was the only drink I could get for cheap and the peanuts made it more bearable

>> No.4948776

have fun making cheese

>> No.4948781

Obviously you never had a proper milk and Pepsi. It does not make cheese, and it won't curdle at all if you pour it correctly, it just blends together. And it's delicious.

>> No.4948786

>Obviously you never had a proper milk and Pepsi

>> No.4948789

Is this an american troll thread?

>> No.4948793

So that's why my fellow Southerner are so fat.

>> No.4948855

Not at all!

It is 'the South'. It's just how they do things there.

>> No.4948862

Oh come on! It's not weirder than Japanese Pizza Hut!

>> No.4948876

Give us more weird southern food cominations.

Also do you leave this to soak or what?

>> No.4948878

no one in the south does that btw

>> No.4948883

Yeah, you're wrong. Very wrong.

You can, but the coke'll go flat pretty quickly.

As to OP, thanks for reminding me about this.

>> No.4948897


I'm more of a milk and sprite kind of person.

>> No.4948914
File: 536 KB, 600x606, ROOTBEAR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe your right, since rootbear floats exist

>> No.4948922

>being this new to /ck/
It's a poster who comments every now and then in a very similar style. There's a pic with some of the better posts in it.
Unless your response is new pastareply to the aforementioned anon, in which case I apologize.

>> No.4948937
File: 132 KB, 640x429, 384469910_ff9d44e73c_z[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>milk and pepsi

>> No.4948949

>we would ride bikes to the swiming pool.
>swiming pool.

city boy detected. whats ammater fagget you fraid of snakes en leeches in a proper wimmin hole?

>> No.4948997

I always used to put non-dairy creamer in my cokes whenever i went out to a diner.

Shit was legendary.

fat and sugar always go well together

>> No.4949024

Sure, if you're a fucking moron who can barely wipe his own ass.
Milk and Pepsi is legendary, it's been a thing since at LEAST the 1950s. That guy is pure evidence of idiocracy. How does it feel to belong to the dumb generation?

>> No.4949047

most of the time its peanuts in my shit. kinda looks like a baby ruth bar.

>> No.4949060

>people dont like some food that is insanely popular to a small subset of people
>they are clearly stupid.

please go.

>> No.4949131

this reminds me of this middle eastern drink that involves some really sweet rose-scented syrup, milk, and almonds/pistachios/peanuts/raisins
didn't know that southerners created an american version of it

>> No.4949144

No, you go. You obviously have no place in this thread, other than as the local shitposter.

>> No.4949166
File: 45 KB, 500x375, png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disagreeing with a strange food combination that isn't as popular as you think

>> No.4949201

GTFO shitfag. Your unwarranted shitopinion isn't needed here. Other people were talking about something they like. You butt in with your crap and expect people to take it seriously? Get fucked.

>> No.4949221


holy shit this made me nostalgia i thought just me and all my beaner friends did this

>> No.4950269
File: 49 KB, 500x380, 467946653290012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4950272

Do you realize there's a shit ton of salt already in soda and that they add more and more sugar to cover the salt up? It is all about making you more thirsty.

Then you go and add salted peanuts.

>> No.4950294

>Coke peanuts
Main dish
>Milksteak with a jellybean side
>Basil, PB and sriracha sandwich

>> No.4950298

I feel that peanuts in coke is a black or mexican innovation. If not that, it definitely feels like a deep south kind of thing

>> No.4950396

you mean real canadian superstore?

>> No.4950399

You'd be amazingly wrong.

>> No.4950401

OP here one days later.
actually having a coke and peanuts right now after a long day of work (I work some saturdays)
no prob, glad to remind you

>> No.4950404

and thats why every coke product says low in sodium. bitch please. get on my level.

>> No.4950563

>30mg per serving (8oz)
>"low" sodium


>> No.4950571

VS a slice of sandwich bread that contains 150 mg. i consider it low meng

>> No.4950581

why does coke hurt my teeth so much, chalky feeling.

I have to pour a huge cup of crushed ice, and let can of soda mix in with it before i can really enjoy it without that chalky feeling

>> No.4950589

phosphate coats your teeth

>> No.4950594

You people are a bunch of tools.

Who cares about the sodium levels, nobody is forcing you to drink a nice tasty coke every day of every week. That's a fact and that's what makes you tools.

I hope that you all die of the butt cancer for even thinking that you know about my life better than I do.

I might drink a 20oz over the period of a couple weeks or so, it's nice for a sip or to. That's not killing me level you fucking vegan ass bullshit faggot tool lesbian bulldike tool ass bloomberg cunts.

>> No.4950598

I never put peanuts in my coke but I'll munch on some and then take a swig. Literally the only time I drink Coke.

Dr. Peppper > All

>> No.4950600
File: 283 KB, 641x493, government-help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're from the government and we're here to help!

>> No.4950610


um, we were gonna take their land regardless. Manifest destiny

>> No.4950619

That's already done, but thanks mr helper.

Who the fuck is they?
And how is it their (?) land if they can't defend it?

>> No.4950621

>Manifest destiny

I never really understood that shit. Like, "We gotta conquer and colonize all this shit ASAP." I wonder if it was really the drive of the common people that started it or if, like today there were big players helping the mindset along?

>> No.4950625

It's because the leaders wanted to create an empire, they just put a fancy name on it to make sound inspirational and good.

>> No.4950626

It has more to do with the natural borders that sort of define the US...kind of like if the Alps didn't exist and spain was like...eh, we're just going to start expanding east.

>> No.4950628

That's a bullshit argument and you know it

>> No.4950630

>forcefully insert penis into woman's vagina against her will
How is it rape (?) if she can't defend her vagina?

Nice logic, faggot.

>> No.4950638

Buzzwords. Stupid people fell for them then, stupid people fall for them today.

>> No.4950646

...eh, actually the history of the world says you are very, very wrong about that.

>> No.4950653

manifest destiny means that white people own shit, we came we conqured and now others are lower level to us. And that's really true when you look at quality of work given the same education and such.

Folk learned this a long time ago. I'm not saying there aren't outliers but in general, just look.

You're looking at a website now, stuff invented by white people. Leave it to others and you'd might, maybe be one step up from muslims in the stone ages.

Let's not be stupid.

>> No.4950656

My theory on the invention?
Cars didn't always have cup holders.
You'd put the peanuts in the cola, park it between your legs, and drive with your windows down. It's a thing of convenience and flavor, both.

>> No.4950661

Sure is getting /pol/ish in here.

>> No.4950664

>order coke floats as child
>somehow don't have 'beetus

>> No.4950668

No, it doesn't. All the history of the world shows is the strong can conquer. That doesn't mean the natives never owned the land

>> No.4950669
File: 6 KB, 256x192, eddie murphy as buckwheat-OTAY!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep that rag on your head nice and tight and believe what you want to believe... buhwhheee say... oooo taay!

>> No.4950670


yeah... i regret making my post now

>> No.4950674


I enjoy non-southerners pretending there isn't a distinct southern culture.

It's like they're trying too hard to make all white people the same

>> No.4950678


Property and international law are white inventions

>> No.4950682

Culture is for niggerz spics and gooks only, you racist

>> No.4950684

>keep that rag on your head nice and tight and believe what you want to believe... buhwhheee say... oooo taay!
Let's see you disprove me.

>> No.4950685

according to the scientists, we're all africans!

So really there are no natives except for them and they're living in fucking huts and ordering KFC on bullshit money. You fucks wonder why the USA wants nothing to do with UN agencies anymore... because the money goes to their bullshit dictators.

>> No.4950688

They're chinese inventions

>> No.4950690

disprove what, you haven't made any assertion.

I'm not looking to disprove you, I don't really care, but make a stupid assertion and I'll have fun with it.

>> No.4950693

RC and salted peanuts

Goes down nice after baling hay all afternoon.

>> No.4950698

>distinct southern culture
Hahahaha! So you consider no culture a culture? America as a whole is void of any real culture. In fact, white people lack culture, in general. That's why they steal everyone else's.

>> No.4950699

>you haven't made any assertion.
You don't know what words mean, do you?

>> No.4950705

wow, sure is ignorant in here tonight.

>> No.4950728

tumblr pls

>> No.4950747

not true at all. torrent rich halls bbc documentary about the american south.

>> No.4950749

Somebody just watched that Black Oil show.

>> No.4950760

Apparently he has done a few documentaries with the BBC. Do you know if they're all good?

>> No.4950772

15 minutes worth of part four of dirty south is on dailymotion...pretty good, imo.

>> No.4950773

Milk + red soda

>> No.4950779

I'm not much of a soda person but I've heard about this before. I haven't had it but I can imagine the taste of the peanuts after the bottle is empty and I can imagine them being pretty good. I might have to try this some time.

>> No.4950783

Anyone every try grape juice (or soda) and snickers? I remember my mother telling me about it one time and saying how she used to love it as a kid but I never tried it and totally forgot about it until now. Can anyone verify this claim?

>> No.4950787


banana/mayonnaise sandwiches on factory white bread

fucking delicious

>> No.4950790



arkansas here. i grew up on nut floats (that's what we called them at least). still rock one 2-3 times a year. it's more of an old-time thing, though. if your gramps or your moms or something gave 'em to you young, you probably still like them

>> No.4950792


Come to the Appalachian range motherfucker. You'll see people doing shit the way they've been doing it for 400 years.

>> No.4950826
File: 80 KB, 239x239, 1311255028276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this edgy

>> No.4950835

>banana/mayonnaise sandwiches on factory white bread
oh yea, I grew up on PB+banana+mayo
I think it had to do with preventing a bread from sogging out in a lunch box, kind of like when tea sandwiches have that butter layer. I like it if the bananas are a touch underripe.

>> No.4950858

this was brought to america by mexican/quatermalen migrant workers

>> No.4950887

Absolutely untrue.

>> No.4950888

Southern Americans are basically Mexicans anyways..

>> No.4950892

Please. Now your just being a dumbass baiter.

>> No.4950901

prove it. we'll be waiting.

>> No.4950910

>desperate mexican't looking for validation detected.

There record, which I've personally seen, of people eating that as a snack back in the 20's and 30's in uber white small Texas towns full of European immigrant descendants where there were NO mexicans at all living there, much less migrant workers. In case you're too ignorant to know, both Coca-cola and crop peanuts, roasted and salted, were white inventions, not mexican. But nice try, Brown Town.

>> No.4950918

A bunch of random google articles talk about it being a southern farmer thing. Makes sense to me.

>> No.4950921

no mexicans in texas? are you actually this stupid? there are mexicans that can trace their ancestry in tx, ok, and nevada back 500 years. remember that texas was part of mexico at one time.
i wont insult you because you take care of that yourself

>> No.4950922

White+Native American = White Southerner
White+Native American = Mexican

If you look at the cultures of poor whites and poor mexicans they're basically exactly the same.

>> No.4950927

Looks like you misread, champ. He said:
>uber white small Texas towns full of European immigrant descendants where there were NO mexicans at all living ther

>> No.4950928

Son of the Republic here, the only person I know well that can trace his roots in Texas farther than me is a Tejano, fucker can get it back to the early 1600s.

>> No.4950929

You are a fucking idiot. There were many small agricultural towns in Texas where there were no mexicans until the 1960s or 70s. Just because Texas had been a part of mexico over 100 years before doesn't mean they were everywhere. I could easily prove that to you by taking a long walk through some old graveyards in several Texas towns. Or just looking at history books, for that matter. You're grasping at straws.

>> No.4950933

true, but you could say that for all poor people and even the rich. its the middle class that really defines a culture

>> No.4950938

Hey bro, Daughter of the Republic reporting. Also grandaughter of a Cattle Baron, and member of the Texas Rangers Association. 10th generation reporting.

>> No.4950939

Have you ever been to Whitewright or Honey Grove?
Next to no Mexicans there, champ.

>> No.4950940

At least you make it easy to tell you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.4950941


>> No.4950942

Again, you're flailing in the deep end, buddy. Just realize you're wrong and bow out.

>> No.4950948

Your an idiot, go look at the graveyards at catholic churches in south Texas and you'll find tons of tejano graves. The Common street bridge in San Antonio had instructions for crossing in English, German, and (wait for it) Spanish. Also, explain Tejano music if there were no Mexicans in rural Texas towns. I'm mostly German and Czech, but one of my great, great some odd grandmothers was named Guadalupe. Ever met a German or Czech girl named Lupe? There was a lot of intermarriage between Mexicans and Germans because they were both catholic.

>> No.4950950


Stick to making fun of my nationality. It makes you look less desperate

>> No.4950953

I don't even know why you bother replying to him when you have nothing left to say.

>> No.4950959

Fucking ignorant.
No, there are LOTS of towns where there were no mexicans. Does Texas end at San Antonio? NO. Sure, in the mission towns and along the border there were mexicans, but not everywhere. You're just trying to make yourself feel better about your half breed great great grandmother. AND, fuckface, not all Germans were Catholic. Many, many of them were Lutheran or Methodist. Fucking Catholics think they own the world...get fucked. Oh, and I've NEVER met a fucking German named Lupe.

>> No.4950962

0/10 You're still trying even though you've failed to make a valid point. Now you're just starting to sound buttmad.

>> No.4950972

What's your point? You didn't disprove anything he said at all.

>> No.4950975

>Does Texas end at San Antonio? NO. Sure, in the mission towns and along the border there were mexicans, but not everywhere.

Tx WAS Mexico. There were Mexicans everywhere because it was a part of Mexico. Theres nothing wrong with being dumb but don't make life so hard on yourself

>> No.4950988

Or do you think there were just roving bands of mexicans that popped up whenever a town was established. YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT.

>> No.4951002

A lot of Germans were catholic, I never said I was. In fact my grandfather was a Lutheran minister in a small Hill Country town. I can trace my first ancestor born in Texas to 1841 (a catholic German), how about you? You don't know shit about Texas history and have some romanticized John Wayne's the Alamo version that you cling to. Civilized Texas did end in San Antonio for quite some time. My guess is you're from poor white Arkansas or Missouri stock and live in either the panhandle, Lubbock, or east Texas (or should I say west Louisiana?). To deny the influence of Tejano culture in Texas is asinine.

>> No.4951006

>To deny the influence of Tejano culture in Texas is asinine.
When the fuck did he do this?
Is this thread just a bunch of Texans putting words in each other's mouths? Christ.

>> No.4951013

Name the Hill Country town, bitch. I'll fucking school you. My ancestors came off the boat.

>> No.4951019

Towns that weren't part of Texas at the founding of the Republic or her admission to the USA. So you can say there are American towns that had no Mexicans, but no Texan (or more specifically Texian) towns.

>> No.4951021

No, that's wrong too. Not every fucking town that was founded during the Republic was full of Mexicans. You just can't stand that thought, can you?

>> No.4951023

>Is this thread just a bunch of Texans putting words in each other's mouths? Christ.
That's all Texans ever do when they get into arguments. They can't argue any other way. They don't listen to what the second party has to say, only what they imagine that person will have said.

>> No.4951030

who said they were full of Mexicans, you said there were no Mexicans.

>> No.4951028

Strange... Texans, despite being associated with the social right, have the same tendencies as the social left.

>> No.4951051


Just shut the fuck up, you ignorant fuck.

>> No.4951056

You know Appalachia stretches far beyond just the southern states, right? So what does this have to do with southern culture, other than that they're all hillbillies?
>You'll see people doing shit the way they've been doing it for 400 years
That's not always necessarily a good thing.

>> No.4951066

> Not every fucking town that was founded during the Republic was full of Mexicans

>> No.4951067


>> No.4951076

at least now you know you were wrong. are you proud about how upset you got because you couldn't accept your faults?

>> No.4951080

Poor b8 m8.
I wasn't wrong at all, I just don't argue with idiots. You know what they say, don't argue with idiots because people won't know who's who. You are a terribly ignorant person who's obviously been spoon fed a certain type of Texas history which isn't true to what actually happened. Go educate yourself. That is all.

>> No.4951088

are you happy you took it this far knowing you were wrong the whole time? it was really that important to you to argue something you know is incorrect? how did your self esteem get so low? we can talk about it if you like, i got hella time

>> No.4951089

wow, you're dumber than I thought. I think you might want to look back through your posts.

My grandfather's first calling was in Maxwell, he was later minister in Fredericksburg (near where he was born) until he retired. Look, I'm not denying that the peanuts and coke thing is a white trash/black thing, I'll give you that. All I'm saying is that there have always been a lot of Mexicans in what was settled at the time of Admission. That is where Spain and Mexico had been sending colonists for years. I recommend you read Michener's Texas, though it is fiction it is really well researched.

>> No.4951096

Californian detected
Proof of uneducated fucktardism. GTFO.

>> No.4951107

Fredericksburg? REALLY. YOU DON'T SAY. Care to give me a last name? I'm quite interested now in your superior knowledge of this subject, please, do go on.

>> No.4951111

lol get a load of this guy. btw op, i dig peanuts n coke too

>> No.4951114

>You'll see people doing shit the way they've been doing it for 400 years.

Yeah, inbreeding, bad teeth, bad diets, willfully ignorant, Jesus-loving, racist, hateful, paranoid of outsiders, etc. That pretty much sums it up.

>> No.4951116

Everyone across the US uses that term. Mostly people that watch, "wrasslin."

>> No.4951129

Not true. That person was feigning to be from Texas, or at least intimately familiar with Texas, and as a born and bred Texan, I can tell you I've never, not once in my entire life, heard anyone here use the word "hella". The only place I've heard it and know it's commonly used it in California, particularly NorCal. Maybe there are other places in the US that use it, but it's absolutely not common in Texas. He gave himself away and now refuses to admit it. He was purely baiting, probably because he's Mexican.

>> No.4951132

No. You only think that because you're a Califag that thinks everywhere is just like Cali.

>> No.4951135

...god I hate people who think they know something.

>> No.4951140

Just come on down, anyone in town will be quite happy to give you a lesson in Texas history. We love tourists.

>> No.4951150

the white man did the surviving spaniards a favor by shooting as many unarmed spaniard men women and children as they could find winning the war and then giving all the spaniard land back to the spanish. whitey made less compitition for me to compete with other hispanic males in defiling as many white women with my dirty spaniard penis as possible! FUCK YEAH NIGGERS!!! WHITE POWER ESSA!!! WHITE FUCKIN POWER!!!! bring on the white women!!

>> No.4951156

The only thing I did as a kid was just mix sodas together. Never heard of putting peanuts or milk in Coke.

>> No.4951160

I'm from there, you idiot. My ancestors were the founders of the town. And no, we don't fucking love tourists, unless you're one of those horrible fucks who own a store on Main Street, in which case you're either an auslander or related to one of the worst families in town. You, sir, can get fucked.

>> No.4951403

can you get any more stupid? the next post from you is gonnd be "lol i was just pretending to be retarded i trole u"

>> No.4951406

The role of stupid idiot is currently being filled by you, so we have no vacancies.

>> No.4951438

Colon crucified beaner detected

>> No.4951454

Most Texan towns north of San Antonio were settled by Germans and Czechs. GG.

And yes, I'm a Texan.

>> No.4951459
File: 43 KB, 431x599, 1384658516399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great reply.
5 star post

>> No.4951467

Do burgers actually do this shit ?
enjoy your diabetes

>> No.4951483

Actually it may very slightly be more beneficial than drinking straight up coke. THe small amount of fiber in the peanuts will slow down the absorption of all the sugar.

>> No.4951486

So is this mostly a middle-south thing? My dad is from Texas and Oklahoma and does this, my mom's from Arkansas and Texas, she does it, too.

Living in Georgia now and I don't know anyone else who does this.

>> No.4951498

You do realize peanuts have a metric fuckton of calories, right?

>> No.4951591


I'm from Norway, and I used to do this as a kid, so I just assumed people did this everywhere, but after googling it, all the pages I've read also mention the american south.

>> No.4951605

been living in Texas for like 21 years now and have never seen this.

>> No.4951612

fiber doesn't work that way. Especially not in a beverage.

>> No.4951638


What does that have to do with anything?

So long as you hit your macros who gives a fuck?

>> No.4951663

I dunno if this is an exclusive Southern combination.
My great grandfather would always crumble some of my great grandmother's homemade cornbread into a glass, fill it with buttermilk, and eat the big pieces with a spoon, drink the rest.

I hate buttermilk, and I never liked Memmaw's cornbread too much (it wasn't sugary enough).

>> No.4951668

over excercising to burn extra calories is jsut as bad for you as letting yourself become obese. You will just catch different body failures when you reach 30-40 year old. Especially if you listen to anything /fit/ tells you. god, /fit/ is such a bad place for health discussion.

>> No.4951684

I'm just saying that adding calories to coke does not make that coke any less likely to lead to diabetes (in response to what >>4951483 said about it being more beneficial). In fact, since it has more calories, it's more likely to lead to obesity, which is linked to diabetes. Obviously if you reduce calories somewhere else, you'll be fine, but that's true for anything.

>> No.4951700
File: 180 KB, 957x491, UTCheer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone in Texas is a Mexican.

>> No.4951731

And they say Asians all look the same. Goddamn.

>> No.4953295

I guess they ran into all the boring land in the middle, and went "there's probably more coastal land if we go far enough, let's expand until we find someplace better than fucking Kansas". Then they eventually got California out of it.

>> No.4953304

Same colour eyes, hair always the same shade of skin, similar heights.

Don't even try.

>> No.4953319
File: 119 KB, 500x276, Spot_the_differences.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you have trouble with these as a kid....last year?

>> No.4953337

I'm from Jersey and I use the term because I picked it up from pals online.

>> No.4953384

defizzes the soda a bit, and the salt cuts down on the sweet a bit.

>> No.4953398

>In fact, since it has more calories, it's more likely to lead to obesity, which is linked to diabetes
Diabetes is caused by a shortage of insulin, which normally absorbs glucose in the bloodstream. Inadequate glucose absorption leads to high blood sugar and the complications associated with diabetes. Obesity is common among diabetics because, hey, they likely became obese with a diet high in sugars that eventually couldn't be properly absorbed. The calories divorced from the sugars likely have a negligible effect on the development of diabetes despite the correlation in consumption among obese diabetics. Not sure how true >>4951483 is, though.

>> No.4953410

>Shortage of insulin

I believe you mean a overproduction of insulin.

>> No.4953440

Is it? My diabetic grandfather takes insulin shots, seems unusual to add more of it if there's already an overproduction.

Hm. Upon further reading, I think there might be different scenarios for it, where there's either not enough insulin produced or there's too much insulin that just doesn't function properly. I only knew of the former type, so that's interesting.

>> No.4953515

Thats type one diabetes, which is a genetic problem from birth.

Type two diabetes is dietary related.

>> No.4953529

Which? Pretty sure my grandfather is type two.

>> No.4953532

cn u do this with dry roasted peanuts?

>> No.4953546

It could be that a overly high insulin resistance could require additional insulin even if body production is high.

>> No.4953562

With type two your cells dont use insulin properly or something. You still make that same amount.

>> No.4953569

Insulin production is directly related to carbohydrate intake. A continual high amount of insulin is what causes the insulin resistance.

>> No.4953572

>drinking pepsi out of a coca cola glass
no wonder he didn't enjoy it

>> No.4953867

Has no one ever had peanuts and candy corn? Tastes exactly like a payday bar.

>> No.4953875

It's not that he didn't enjoy it
it just left him with a kind of neutral feelings
and then he tries to understand if it was good or bad
and he can't
so he just sits there

trust me
it happened to me not 2 days ago

>> No.4953892


sage for viralshit

>> No.4953894

if she cant, it isnt


>> No.4953902

>only being a 10th generation immigrant
fucking FOB over here

>> No.4953932

Both my parents used to do this all the time. I never did because I don't like soda in general, but I'm glad I finally found other people talking about it. I'm from middle GA btw

>> No.4953949


Read John Locke, the mind the founded your country.

>> No.4956191

Was taught to do peanuts in RC cola. It's good in Coke, too.

>> No.4956776

Doesn't help that he used diet pepsi

>> No.4956907

My favorite thing is nuts (particularly cashews) on hot dogs. It's mostly a texture thing, but it's fantastic.