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File: 65 KB, 640x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4937844 No.4937844[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Justice has been served.

"The man accused of writing a racial slur on a waitress' receipt says he is the one who has been victimized and is planning to take legal action against Christina Jenkins and the restaurant chain she works for, Red Lobster.


>> No.4937853

>raised 10k

god the internet is stupid. i home this guy wins a million lobsters

>> No.4937859

ew her last name is a drug made of shit

>> No.4937930

That's jenkem


>> No.4938029

I dont get it, where is the racist bit?
What am I looking at?

>> No.4938034

You have white guilt combined with sites like reddit that encourage white-knight faggotry to thank for that. You'd think they'd learned their lesson after getting a kid falsely accused of the boston bombing.

>> No.4938042

>he and his wife
>the 20 year old

already full of terrible decisions

>> No.4938040

Yeah saw this on Cracked.

Thank God for justice.

>> No.4938046

The waitress claims that the guy wrote "Nigger" on the receipt.

>> No.4938048

>Our employee experienced something no one should have to experience

somebody didn't tip!!!

>> No.4938050

its blurred out in the pic. the customer supposedly wrote "nigger" on the receipt and the server turned to the internet, who published the receipt to throngs of internet faggots who are not sending him death threats.

a forensic handwriting analyst says the guy didnt write it. and now he is suing red lobster for doxing his financials.

but i doubt a teenage red lobster server would do something for attention...

>> No.4938052

He proved he didn't write it. The girl wrote it for attention.


>> No.4938053

Oh wow, they actually blurred it out.
What the fuck is the point in that?

>> No.4938056

She didn't do it for attention, she did it because she got no tip.

>> No.4938057
File: 11 KB, 349x193, KaChing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can write nigger on something, claim some random person handed it to you, and you get $10k?

Why isn't everyone doing this?

>> No.4938058

'MURICA: Land of tipping and electric scooters

>> No.4938059

Oh well that makes it okay. A guy has to rush off for a family emergency and doesn't leave a tip, of course he deserves to have his reputation ruined for not giving that bitch of a server her extra 3$.

>> No.4938060
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I guess we'll never know who wrote it..

>> No.4938061

How the hell could anyone look at his both his signature and everything else and conclude that the same guy wrote all of it? The guy has wonderful handwriting, and "none" looks like the whoever wrote it did it while they were hanging from a chandelier.

>> No.4938062

So now using racial slurs is illegal in 'murrica?

Also how did the internet find out about it unless she released his name and card number or some shit? (Which itself is grounds for termination in any business establishment.)

>> No.4938063

looks like different color ink as well

>> No.4938064

You're both wrong. She did it because she's a moon cricket.

>> No.4938072

>How the hell could anyone look at his both his signature and everything else and conclude that the same guy wrote all of it?
Because "racist white guy" is the new "young black man" as far as the media is concerned.

>> No.4938076

Do you know what comprehension means?

>> No.4938086

Except young black man is still definitely young black man

>> No.4938089

I should have said "internet" instead of "media".

The evil white man is the internet's boogeyman the same way the evil black man is the mainstream's boogeyman that you can easily blame anything on, and people will believe it.

>> No.4938112
File: 9 KB, 299x299, 1284404619736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 20 year old
> Married

>> No.4938118

Depending on where this is from, I will or will not be surprised.

>> No.4938121

the american south so I guarantee that he has a 4 year old child as well and has only been married for a year

>> No.4938133

I'm baffled that the waitress thought this was a good idea or that she would get away with it.

>> No.4938138


>> No.4938140

she did get 10k

>> No.4938152
File: 67 KB, 319x471, supbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol'ed way too hard, think i'm rassist

>> No.4938157
File: 36 KB, 350x190, 215441_v1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't even have her as his server, since his order was to-go
Holy shit

>> No.4938163
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>expecting a tip for takeout

>> No.4938179

And here we have the coup de grâce:

>She also said she would've blacked out his name had she known it was on the receipt.
>had she known it was on the receipt.

So this waitress, who potentially charges dozens of cards every night she works, doesn't know what information comes out on the receipt? She didn't read what she was uploading to the internet?

>> No.4938191


Duh, she's a nigger.

>> No.4938193 [DELETED] 

I've got marfan syndrome and people call me skeleton and shit like that all the time. Where's my lawsuit? Maybe if I was black I could cash in.

>> No.4938199
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>> No.4938204


"You know that niggas can't read, ... Fuck it, c'est la vie."

- Kanye West, Nigga

>> No.4938232
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Uncensored pic because we're not children.

>> No.4938236

I'd let everyone call me a nigger if I got a check for it.

>> No.4938237 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 400x600, BradCox3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is that a picture of

This is my body type minus the dress

>> No.4938245

i don't remember, some guy that gets posted on /fit/

>> No.4938259

>planning to take legal action

Still? This happened a while ago.

In reality, he has no chance of success and not enough money to pay the legal fees.

>> No.4938270

he wouldnt have to pay anything. Lawyers take cases like this when they know there is a possible payout.

>> No.4938276

>when they know there is a possible payout

There isn't. Plus the amount of money it would cost to sue a food chain is far higher than the most optimistic projected payout.

>> No.4938277


This is true.

>> No.4938311

>There isn't.
>implying no cheap southern lawyer would jump on the chance to take their clients out for free Red Lobster dinners for the rest of their life

>> No.4938314

ahahaha hilarious

>> No.4938334


>I'm upset that she posted my stuff on the internet

Lol, any lawyer would only take this case to get all of his money

>> No.4938356

This wouldn't even be an issue at Ronnie's Burgers

>> No.4938363

I called it.

I knew she was just whoring for attention.

Fuck her.

>> No.4938387


>> No.4938392

lol he's screwed and wants to piss his money away

>> No.4938537

So it seems the only worthwhile comments in that article worth reading are the ones with the negative comments. Since the internet pretty much is infested with angsty white edgy racists with extreme views who mainly support those who share the same views as them.

>> No.4938540

How did you call it? Do you think a plaintiff filing a lawsuit = truth? Is this your idea of evidence?

>> No.4938543

exactly. if they're this passive on the internet. they'd be just as passive in real life just as that customer. and would be quick to bark at a black person for pulling the race card on them

>> No.4938549

>negative comments

Derp, I meant negative thumb downs.


Yeah, pretty much.

>> No.4938554

what a fucking bitch. i hope she gets raped by a pack of niggers.

>> No.4938556


Typical niggers with their inability to read

>> No.4938568

Do you think the rulings of a court = truth? Do you actually believe OJ is innocent?

>> No.4938617

>This is my body type
Squats and oats, faggot.

>> No.4938629

No it's perfectly fine for other ethnicities to use them but God forbid a white person uses them. We pretty much start the United States and we get screwed the most in modern times.

>> No.4938636

Cry more faggot. The USA was built by multiple ethnic groups. "White" isn't an ethnic group. Go back to your hillbilly village and fuck your cousin.

>> No.4938647

...and it took a forensic handwriting analyst to figure out that it is completely different handwriting?

>> No.4938651
File: 22 KB, 286x400, shut up hippie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOO!!!! Whites may never say anything good about being white! Never mind that literally every other ethnicity in the nation identifies white-ness as a race and that whites in America share a common culture that is distinct from the cultures exhibited by other races, the oppressive scum must never be allowed to foster such evil racist ideas as pride in themselves and their heritage!

>> No.4938667

>race =/= ethnicity
>race =/= culture

just because your parents took no pride in their ethnic heritage, doesn't mean you can fabricate one (lol "whiteness"). maybe you should spend some time on ancestry.com or someshit and find your roots.

>> No.4938673

What is it with you and wanting to act like a huge faggot?

I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.4938675

what's a matter, don't like hearing the truth? dealwitit

>> No.4938676 [DELETED] 

shes a lying piece of shit

>> No.4938684

>Shits onto his keyboard
>Calls it "the truth"
Listen, kid, there's a forum out there that's just perfect for you: http://reddit.com

>> No.4938695
File: 539 KB, 639x800, niggawatts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christina Jenkins detected

>> No.4938699

>marfan syndrome

your skeleton is just trying to take over. thank you for your sacrifice in fighting the evil skeletons

soon one day we can get rid of the calcium menace

>> No.4938711

different color ink, different handwriting.

She posted a picture of a receipt with customers' personal info, I wonder why did red lobster stand behind her on this? Isn't that grounds for termination right away? well I never go to red lobster anyway, we got real seafood restaurants we can go to

>> No.4938712

>fleshfag getting hiphurt
Listen, meatbag, we don't come to /ck/ much, but we're as much a part of this place as you are. Don't be bringing that "evil skeletons" crap here; it's not true and you know it.

>> No.4938713

>implying Christina Jenkins can spell let alone formulate an argument with her ape like brain

>> No.4938722

mmm, brains...

>> No.4938771

>A recent storm of completely understandable Internet rage came when a Red Lobster waitress posted a customer's $44 receipt featuring the N-word in lieu of a tip. But wait, there's a happy ending to this story: The waitress in question was given an online fundraiser that resulted in over ten grand in donations. Faith in humanity: restored!

When did Cracked become America's Politically Correct Brigade of Social Justice Warriors? I remember they were all about humor like 7 years ago and none of this white (DAS RACISS!) black knight crap.

>> No.4938801

> I know I am not a racist. I don't see color. I have many mixed color friends.

>> No.4938804

The last year or two when their popularity started balooning with reddit types.

Cracked are total, 100%, not even trying to hide it sell-outs. They post what gets traffic. Rainbow-Knight faggotry gets traffic, therefore they post it.

>> No.4938866

the bitches at my local sonic always stand there waiting for a tip. fucking drives me nuts especially since this time they actually did just bring out a bag, it's always a male voice I hear taking my order and I've never, ever, had a male carhop at sonic

>> No.4938869

I hate this molly coddling society we live in now. Boo hooo, someone called you a nigger. Lets give you 10k.

>> No.4938902

I'd say the trend started a bit earlier than that, but I don't feel like going through the archives and trying to pinpoint it, because I don't give Cracked pageviews anymore.

>> No.4938917


The dude is obviously a country boy caught up in an unfortunate situation. No one is prepared to be labeled a racist nationally, and not everyone is a college boy 4chan elitist like yourself

Fuck off

>> No.4939140

Google "Tawanda Brawley". Dey been doin' dis shit fo' decades, dawg.

>> No.4939144

It's not, actually you can't even claim even a pro analyst can say it's not the same person cause they only have 2 words to compare there and a ticket is not a stable surface to write to begin with.

>> No.4939147

This is why it's important to write SOMETHING on the tip line, people.

Don't wanna tip? Put a line through it, or write "zero".

False accusations of racism aside, it's just ample opportunity for assholes to write any tip amount they want.

This is especially important at bars, because there's a higher chance that you'd been drinking, which makes it harder to prove.

>> No.4939148

Or I should say the total line.

Fill every blank, for security reasons more than anything.

>> No.4939167
File: 110 KB, 777x425, rlreceipt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comparing the receipt with her handwriting...

>> No.4939172
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And then his handwriting..

>> No.4939176

Wait wait WAIT.
So that bitch oviously writes "nigger" in her own handwriting on a receipt after the customer already left and gets $10k?
Did i get this right?

>> No.4939177

Another reason why I'm willing to believe that the guy didn't write it is the sheer size of the letters.

Girls tend to write in obnoxious fuckhuge letters that they seem to think look "cute", while guys tend to write really tiny letters.

>> No.4939178

>me and my wife
Apparently he done learn no good at Inglits in skhoul. Now he write like a daggum Farnchmin.

>> No.4939188

she should have used that money to fix her fivehead

>> No.4939331

>prayer requests
>court fees
Oh wow.

>> No.4939350

The word, "Nigger" is now considered a swear word eligible for censorship in the mainstream media in America...


>> No.4939354

Blame white people for creating the slur and using it for centuries. Its your own fault you can't use it

>> No.4939360

So if I hate everyone equally, am I still considered racist?

>> No.4939362

You're considered a lame T-Shirt slogan sold to edgy pre-teens.

>> No.4939364

Good for him. I'm tired of lying, stealing, scheming blacks running amok with no repercussions.

>> No.4939365

Where's your evidence to support this? History books state that the word was used by africans that enslaved rival tribes and sold them to the portugese traders for misc items. Or are you going to spin things around and claim the history books were altered by the evil white man to shift blame from themselves?

By the way does Africa have any notable dishes?

>> No.4939367

>By the way does Africa have any notable dishes?
Starvation and AIDS

>> No.4939373

im consider posting something along the lines of " what a dumb nigger" on the link in op's post. would that get me in trouble

>> No.4939374

Look at the letter "g" in the word, "higher" and the word, "nigger".

She wrote it...

Same pen stroke...

>> No.4939377

Equal opportunity employer they said.
Reap it, Red Lobster, I hope this guy takes you for everything.

>> No.4939380

Yes, the FBI will come and get you for exercising free speech.

>> No.4939407

The capital N is also similarly pointed on the peak and curved on the trough in both of them
I'm no handwriting expert in handwriting but from a layman's point of view it's pretty damning.

>> No.4939412

Lol. I called this when it first came out.
Do blacks really think they have what it takes to get one up on decent white people?

>> No.4939417

Same penstroke too on the capital N. She starts at the bottom and does it all in one movement as opposed to the way I write an "N", which is starting at the top, one line down lift up then the second stroke of a,"V" starting at the left down and up.

>> No.4939418

Half of 4chan called it, you're not special

>> No.4939420

Are you special for pointing that out?
I lean towards yes but I'll await your reply.

>> No.4939422

It's just like, it's just like
a mini

>> No.4939423

The "None" is thick and short strokes. The "Nigger" is thin, fast, long strokes. Also, the "e"s don't match at all.

>> No.4939424

I can only refer to my own writing, but that seems like a pretty weird way to do a capital N.

>> No.4939429

I thought it was the opposite.

That's a very rudimentary way to compare. Rather, it's better to compare common pairings. In English, ER, ED, ES, NG, NE and TH are amongst the most common (there are others, of course). In the examples provided, each example of NE and ER are very, very similar. While NO is not found in high recurrence in the examples given, ND occurs a few times. Comparing ND from one and NO from each along with the other two comparisons mentioned above provides three very good standpoints showing that is very unlikely that the two were written by different persons IE bitch forged the slur.

>> No.4939433

I think it all comes down to personal preference, Fast or slow, writing always brings out the same patterns that have been ingrained through repetition and muscle memory.

There's no right or wrong as long as it's legible, that's why it can always be traced to other writing samples from the same person who wrote it.

>> No.4939435



You're correct, as I'm not an expert, although I do see an almost 99% exact matching "g" especially on the second, "g" of "Nigger".

>> No.4939436

>a trillion words in the English language
>being super obsessed with one word

I don't give a crap if black use a different variation on each other. And don't give me that crap that -er sounds like -a. Nigg(a) literally does not sound like nigg(er). Almost every ethnic group addresses each other as something as a form of acceptance and brotherhood. Every ethnic group - but whites.

The question I have is: why are whites so super obsessed with blacks and wanting to use "nigger"/"nigga" all the time, even on each other? This is what boggles my mind. You're literally super obsessed with it. Every time I come on here, all I see is "my nigga" and that one 'mynigga.jpg' picture being used by folks that more than likely aren't even black. Even in real life I see non-blacks, including Mexicans calling each other 'nigga'. Wtf is people's obsession over this word?

>> No.4939440

Pretty sure this counts as libel or slander if the forensic handwriting dude says it wasnt him he'll win

>> No.4939444

Don't forget a side of Malaria.

Finish of the meal with an ice cold Sickle Cell

>> No.4939446

I like to use 'buddy', 'guy', 'chief' or 'pal', myself.

>> No.4939451

One word: wiggers.
You need to seek a higher class of people.

>> No.4939453


Folks on /b/ started calling each other 'niggers'. I never understood this. I browsed that board from '09 and '10 and never seen that occur. This must be a new thing since '12. But then again the overall quality of that board has been horrible since 2011-2012.

>> No.4939455



Huh. I really wonder what it is about the names of blcak people. They're so weird. Sure, some are native African or something similar but Jamiqual and similar ones? Where do those even come from?

Then again, some Anglo-Saxon names are fucking weird, too. Like Autumn or Crystal. Who names their kids after objects and seasons? Is this even done in any other language than English?

>> No.4939458

>get corrected
>lol ur a faggot

Why do you even bother living?

>> No.4939471

When I was in high school, being extremely poor, a friend and I would go to red lobster during the all-you-can-eat promotions and stuff ourselves full of shitty, fourth-rate lobster.

This red lobster was located in a predominantly white neighborhood. However, it was not uncommong that we were the only two white people in the place.

We marveled at how the trashy diners would treat the staff with such disrespect (black diners and black waitstaff). They also seemed to consume inhuman amounts of shitty fourth-rate lobster products.

To this day, we still use the term 'lobster' to refer to black people. It has confused the hell out of some of them.

>> No.4939481

It's common to call blacks 'Canadians' in the industry because neither one tips and are just general pain in the asses.

>> No.4939482
File: 106 KB, 400x355, 1384183187785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing the new accepted term to call niggers

>> No.4939497


The true irony comes from watching you make a huge fuss over not getting a tip, especially over social media. And then turning around and getting fired over it. Even if you WERE tipped you STILL complain. This is literally an American thing. I can't see any other country reporting about something like this, ever.


>> No.4939507

What do you expect? We've been raising a generation of entitled cunts and the reaping has only begun.

>> No.4939685

I live in Canada and tip 20% pretty regularly

>> No.4939693

That may be so but 20% of a beaver pelt is still pretty worthless in a first world nation.

>> No.4939695


what are you talk

>> No.4939704

>"There is evidence to indicate that Devin Barnes did not write the total entry. No significant handwriting characteristic similarities were noted," the expert, Thomas Vastrick, wrote.

>Vastrick came to the same conclusion for Barnes' wife.

Holy shit, the waitress should be in jail.

>> No.4939747

My friend's name is Shaofen. Her name means "Little Flower" in whatever Chinese dialect her family speaks (Min-nan, I think; in Mandarin, her name means "perfume" or, literally, "little fragrance").
Another friend is a filthy Mongol. Her name is "Nerguy" which literally means "I have no name" in Mongolian. Her brother's name translates as "I am not a person" and is pronounced something like "Cunt Bitch," but I don't remember quite what it is.
My mother's name translates into English as "she who has ascended [into heaven]."

>> No.4939757

Yes and when this guy is found innocent there is still gonna be a small sect of people who will still think he's guilty and call it a travesty of justice.

>> No.4939767
File: 1.16 MB, 285x228, 1377107559910.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.4939775

Blacks aren't especially known for their intelligence and ability to reason.

>> No.4939776
File: 646 KB, 1394x3492, 1364807807632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4939802


Did you retards even read the rest of the article?

>There's, uh, just one little detail. What none of the sites reporting this tale seemed to notice is that the racist word didn't match the client's other writing on the receipt ... and, disturbingly, was closer to the handwriting found in the waitress' Facebook photos.

Kill yourselves.

>> No.4940005
File: 39 KB, 446x388, hoes-be-namin-their-kids-shit-they-cant-afford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4940335

dr. glass, sorry I took so long

>> No.4940338

Yeah but neither are whites. Brown people are where it's at.

>> No.4940959


>> No.4940964

I'm an actual Canadian and 15% is considered stingy, and 10% is considered jewish cheapskate.

My friends pay 40-100% (yes, one hundred percent). They're not rich, they're not even well-off. They're just idiots.

>> No.4940967

In English classes in China, students are encouraged to pick an "English name" to go by.

Some of them are okay. They use normal names like David, Kevin, Raymond, etc.

Then there are the pants-on-head retarded ones, such as White Chair, Elephant, Milk, etc. I even know a guy named "Bright," which isn't as retarded because apparently his real name translates to "radiance" or something.

>> No.4941364

fufu is the most tasteless shit ever
jesus christ

>> No.4941415

>I'm an actual Canadian and 15% is considered stingy

You're full of shit. 15% is what you pay for normal service, or eating out day to day. 20% if you're at a Relais & Chateaux restaurant and you receive service out of this world.

>> No.4941430

That just means you have your head screwed on properly.

I've received so much backlash for tipping under 15%. But since this is Canada, waitstaff get paid a proper wage that is unaffected by tips, so I feel little to no remorse when I tip "too little" or not tip at all.

>> No.4941459
File: 58 KB, 795x595, BRILLIANT_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> accepted practice of deliberate underpayment
> employees to rely on alms from customers to reach sustainable income

>> No.4941499

The word "Nigger" comes from European languages (specifically Latinate ones) and was bestowed upon Africans not as a slur at first but as "well, that's the fucking word us Iberians have for 'black,' I guess!"
Portuguese people are Europeans from Iberia.
'Nigger' comes from an antiquated dialectical pronunciation of 'negro' in the Iberian languages. It is pronounced not "negro" as in "Knee-grow" but as in "neh-groh."
This is the same reason there are two countries in Africa with similar names "Niger" and "Nigeria," both of which are commonly mispronounced by English speakers as "Nye-jur" and "Nye-jeer-ya," respectively, but are more properly pronounced "Knee-jehr" and "Knee-jehr-ya" atributed to French people being awful at pronouncing everything. Both names refer to the blackness of the natives there and come from European languages. Similar to the Melanesia region being named using Old (not Ancient) Greek (another European language) words for "black" and "country." Might as well be called "Schwartzland" or "Niggershire."

>> No.4941517

>claim the history books were altered by the evil white man to shift blame from themselves?
You don't know shit about history, do you?
Here's what's happened:
>history books have been written to put all of the blame on whites
>history books have been written to put all of the blame on blacks
>history books have been written that try to make sense of the mess of primary, secondary, and terciary sources that exist
>history books have been written to make women look evil
>history books have been written to make the GLORIOUS USSR look awesome
>history books have been written to whitewash the treatment of Native Americans
>history books have been written to whitewash the actions of some Native Americans
...many, many books have agendas. Part of learning history is learning how to identify the biases involved and draw your conclusions accordingly.

>> No.4941538

>tfw this fucking bitch will be forced to go on trial surrounded by lawyers and shit with proof she wrote nigger on the letter
>tfw justice will really actually be done

I wonder what will happen, will she get charged with damages and have to pay the guy a decent amount of money? She works at a shitty fast food chain. How would she afford to. I mean what would the judge say she has to do? Knowing that she's a broke ass nigger I mean.

>> No.4941583

It's genius! I get my customers to pay for my staffing directly AND the food!

>> No.4941598

>actually calling it Melanesia

I suppose you also say "Indochina" and refer to Asians as "orientals"

>> No.4941631


You say this like you're going to be able to convince someone on the internet that wikipedia and infowars aren't the best sources of factual information.

>> No.4942522

It's because blacks don't want to use "slave names". It really went wild after the miniseries "Roots" ran back in the 1970s. Suddenly, blacks wanted to find their Inner African, and started taking all sorts of silly names that were vaguely like genuine African names. The black militant movements further encouraged taking non-white-sounding names; the Nation of Islam was big on Islamic-sounding names.

I went out with a black chick a few years ago who went by the name Imani because that was her "Muslim name". I don't think she even knew what a Koran was, but what the hell.

>> No.4942570

OJ was found not guilty. Courts very rarely rule anyone innocent of charges.

>> No.4942621


>argues semantics
>isn't a faggot

pick one and only one

>> No.4942627

its not semantics when not guilty and innocent are completely different.

>> No.4942633

I'm sure Red Lobster will have their lawyers settle this out of court. Guy could be looking at ten thousand dollars or so. Good for him.

>> No.4942638


please explain how the two are different in a practical, APPLICABLE sense and not just the difference between a simple proclamation of blamelessness. Please stop trying to be cute, it's boring everyone.

>> No.4942641

Could be more. He can argue this impacts his ability to earn a living, since when potential employers search for his name online they find out he's "racist" and won't hire him.

>> No.4942643

Either judged "not guilty" or "innocent" OJ still waltzed away without a care in the world.

I mean, he had to pay the Goldmans (oy vey!) money in the civil suit, but that was not the same as his criminal trial.

>> No.4942646

I kind of want to make a reddit account and see if I can raise money for him, just to see some liberal asspains.

>> No.4942671

I love that when this first happened Huffington post had a fucking huge shit storm but now that it's going the other way I don't see anything about it.

>> No.4942844

>russians are asians
>sand niggers are asians
>dot heads are asians
>jews are asians
Man, sure glad we cleared that up.

>> No.4942891

There is a big difference between not guilty and innocent.

>> No.4942906

If the story is legit and the guy has expert testimony to prove he didn't write it on the receipt, then I hope he wins.

>> No.4942945

Hah, Black people at Ronnies Burgers.
Closed on Sundays
Everyday of the Week for Blacks

>> No.4942952

What the hell else are you supposed to call it? I know you're trying to have a point, and that's nice, but you really don't.

>> No.4943012


>> No.4943036

Not legally speaking there isn't.

>> No.4943108

me and my wife is proper english, you only write "" and I when its a Proper Noun, you fucking kindergartner

>> No.4943140

No it's not. It should be "my wife and I".

>> No.4943162

and the UW thing
and Duke

>> No.4943171

I got married at 19
Feels good man

>> No.4943180

>There isn't.
Are you kidding me? Every few years there is some slightly famous case where the wee man takes The MAN to the cleaners

>> No.4943183

>implying that was any sort of argument

>> No.4943219

Enjoy your divorce three years from now.

>> No.4943221

But seriously, we should have never freed the slaves doe

>> No.4943873

What UW thing?

>> No.4943879

And raising kids that aren't biologically yours.

>> No.4943889

oh the UW Madison feminist bitch

>> No.4943890

Hahahaha damn son, you dun goof'd.

>> No.4943909
File: 120 KB, 1000x761, wolf with niggerbait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My sides...

>> No.4944281
File: 1023 KB, 245x370, 1367598341989.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's your name?


>> No.4945013

>19 married
>27 still married
>fuck 2-3 week
>over9000 if we're high
Life isn't so bad.

>> No.4945023
File: 43 KB, 640x480, bright noa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got a problem with the name "Bright", fucker?

>> No.4945070

A chinese friend's mom chose of all things 'Merlin' for her Western name. Whenever we'd throw bricks through their storefront windows and spay paint swastikas on their walls we'd ask, "Hey, where's Maverick and Goose?".

That always confused her.

>> No.4945073

You should have inquired about Archimedes and Wart.

>> No.4945076

Holy flashbacks

>dat sword
>dat stone

>> No.4946606

>naming your child Phone Bill

Hehe. Oh, Williams, you so funny.

>> No.4946613
File: 46 KB, 620x427, notip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since OP's earlier non-tipping travesty (which resulted in over $10,000 of donations for the waitperson), there's been a rash of bigoted insults left by non-tipping customers posted on the internet. This latest was reported yesterday at http://www.nj.com/somerset/index.ssf/2013/11/bridgewater_waitress_dissed_by_anti-gay_customer_she_says.html

>"I'm sorry but I cannot tip because I don't agree with your lifestyle and how you live your life," the receipt said, according to photo attached to the post.

>Morales posted her story on the LGBT-friendly Facebook page, saying the the customer, a mother of two children, was shocked by her short hair.

>"I am THOROUGHLY offended, mad, pissed off and hurt that THIS is what her kids will grow up learning and that I served in the Marines to keep ignorant people like them free," Morales wrote on Facebook.

That's right, she played the gay card, the "Marines keep you free" card, *and* the "won't somebody think of the children" card!

>> No.4946633

Not guilty means that they couldn't prove your guilt with the evidence available. Innocent just means you did not commit the crime.

>> No.4946657

"Im sorry but I cannot tip because I do not __________ with you"
What is it supposed to say on the blank part? Can't fucking read it...

>> No.4946658

>not reading the post it self

Jesus Im an idiot

>> No.4946669

i hate how she says she kept us free. marx describes the army as an option for poor people to feel acceptable in a capitalist nation since they cannot fill their capitalist ideologies. such bullshit, some people need to read up on sociology

>> No.4946696

From her facebook page:

I really wish I had a personal gym buddy...I get tired of workin out by myself, training myself, trying to push myself..it would be great to have a partner..where all my gym rats at?? They gotta be out there and not just on Instagram..smh

Ok so who wants to volunteer to give me a massage?? These two a days at the gym got my body tight, and sore. Every muscle hurts and every step I take or move I make I feel like im getting hit by a linebacker feeling the pain...no pain, no gain


>> No.4946707

there is no innocent
there is guilty and not guilty
you will never be declared innocent at a trial

>> No.4946710

My 3rd anniversary is in 2 months
Better start hiding assets

>> No.4946719

Really? Which one of those groups is represented among the founding fathers of the country...or among the early congressmen and legislators?

>> No.4946723

To be innocent of charges is to be found not guilty. Think about that for a second.