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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4928570 No.4928570 [Reply] [Original]

Do chicks dig cooks? And I mean women.

>> No.4928584


Almost unanimously yes. The ones that don't like men who can cook are usually living some kind of housewife fantasy and are best avoided unless you want four kids and a valium addiction.

>> No.4928601


*tips fedora*

girl power

>> No.4928618



>> No.4928664

Yes, 100%. In fact, making a girl breakfast makes the odds of morning sex very much in your favor. Being able to cook even moderately well puts you ahead of a lot of your competition (unless you're hideously ugly, but even then it can only help)

>> No.4929630


I don't want a boyfriend who cooks. That's just disgusting.

>> No.4929635

Men who don't know how to cook are weak. Needing to rely on women on basic shit like that is sad.

But thus far i have noticed that women really like it in a guy.

>> No.4929640

And as a vegan, no guy who can cook would want you, so everybody wins.

>> No.4929647

You can have mine then, doesn't know how to boil or chop or cook anything, doesn't know how to wash dishes or clothes, and has never once bought groceries and cooked for me. If the house burned he wouldn't know how to put it out either.

>> No.4929649

Are you living some housewife fantasy?

>> No.4931426
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>In fact, making a girl breakfast makes the odds of morning sex very much in your favor.

No. Never make a woman pancakes.

Make her make you pancakes in the middle of the night.

>> No.4931427
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No guy who cooks wants a vegan for a girlfriend.

>> No.4931430

What does being vegan have to do with your statement?

>> No.4931481

>tfw vegan gf
It's mostly OK but it can be a ballache. I can make quite a few vegan things, tasty stuff, but there's not much variety. Plus we can't really eat out anywhere. And she gets vexed about even touching raw meat or being around it, it's quite pathetic actually. She's only been vegan for about a year.

>> No.4931487

What? Why wouldn't they want a vegan girlfriend? If they're actually good cooks they would know how to make delicious vegan food so there would be no problem.

>> No.4931492

>vegan fag detected

>> No.4931499

You can order anything vegan at Taco Bell. They'll sub beans for meat in any item on the menu, take out cheese and dairy-based dressings, whatever. When I worked there, there was always a greasy hippie who'd come in with a long list of shit written down at least once a week.

>> No.4931502

Not a fag but yeah I'm vegan. You'll probably take offense to this because omnivores on the internet tend to be whiny little babies - but our food is cleaner, easier to cook, and tastes way better. So why wouldn't a cook want a vegan girlfriend? Even if they're new to cooking vegan food, a good cook would consider it a new challenge and shouldn't have anything to bitch about.

>> No.4931506

>but our food is cleaner, easier to cook, and tastes way better

Cleaner: Check all of the cases of food born illness. Most come from vegan foods.

Easier to cook: I don't feel anyone can claim this. Cooking is just that, cooking.

Tastes way better: This is a matter of opinion so this will also be disregarded.

>> No.4931517

UK, no taco bell here unfortunately.

>> No.4931525

Haha wow.

>> No.4931542

Your food is filthy. It's literally soaked in feces. You have to be very careful not to cross contaminate. http://www.foodsafety.gov/poisoning/causes/bacteriaviruses/campylobacter/

I remember cooking chicken and other animal products was a pain in the ass. First, peeling and cutting all the nasty bits off, which can take a lot of time and is really gross. Then the fat from animal products is such a pain to clean off dishes and is really disgusting. I know my food is much easier to cook and clean after staying with my grandparents for a few months and cleaning their dishes. Nasty stuff. My food also took on average 15 minutes to make while there's took an hour - 4 hours.

Yes, that last one really was just my opinion, but I think most people would share it if they went vegan for a year or two (depending on if these people actually looked for good recipes and tried to find new vegan foods). Animal products are really an acquired taste. And pretty bizarre acquired tastes...

I can make pretty much everything you eat, but a vegan version. And often my version is better. (This one actually isn't only my opinion, many skeptical omnivores have agreed and begged for my recipes.)

>> No.4931550

>I can make pretty much everything you eat, but a vegan version. And often my version is better. (This one actually isn't only my opinion, many skeptical omnivores have agreed and begged for my recipes.)

>Hee hee Im a better cook than you

As another vegan, fuck off.

>> No.4931555

>Your food is filthy. It's literally soaked in feces. You have to be very careful not to cross contaminate.

That's true for vegetables as well. Mice, bugs, and birds poop all over produce. In fact, there are more recalls for contaminated produce than there are for contaminated meat.

>> No.4931557

My ingredients are just better, that's the point I was trying to make. Things omnivores wouldn't even think to use in their food, and things considered "alternatives", make the food better.

Like coconut milk in cupcakes. Makes them super moist and rich. Fuck eggs.

>> No.4931562

We can wash our veggies, but your chicken is marinated in feces.

>> No.4931564

>>Things omnivores wouldn't even think to use in their food,

Funny you say that given that you're the one who has arbitrarily restricted your diet. There's nothing stopping an omnivore from putting coconut milk in cupcakes..

>> No.4931565

So is yours. Yours is GROWN in it.

>> No.4931566

Your ingredients are nasty though, why would I want to use them? lol

>> No.4931567

I can talk about a lot of other nasty crap that goes into your animal products if you wanna go there.

But your food is nasty enough on its own and I'm kinda lazy so I don't know if it's worth it for me.

>> No.4931568

Do you know where e. coli comes from?

>> No.4931569

Meat might have some shit strewn across it, but veg is literally blanketed by it. One poorly managed batch of manure and thousands of pounds are contaminated with a myriad of diseases.

At least meat usually gets fully cooked, veggies, not always

>> No.4931573

>I can talk a lot about other nasty crap that goes into your animal products
RoundUp and other pesticides along with groundwater runoff from local pollutants.
>I'm kinda lazy so I don't know if it's worth my time.

Typical veg-fag. "Oh no, someone wants research? I'll just say it's obviously bad and then tell them it's not worth my time. Now I can go back to playing Hacky-sack"

>> No.4931583

We can buy organic.
The thing is there is so much garbage in your animal products it would take me a long time to go through it all. So what I'm trying to do now is find a page that summarizes it.


Browse through that. I think it should give you the gist of it.

>> No.4931595

>girls ask what you do
>tell them you're a chef
>Ohhh, so are you gonna cook me something?

Well, that depends.

>> No.4931601

>We can buy organic.
And so can meat eaters, so it's not a valid argument. Try again. Out mass produced meats are just as shitty and contaminated as your mass produced veggies.

>> No.4931608

Not really, no. I can do it just fine myself. But that isn't the issue-- your lifestyle is going to cramp our relationship. I work a 9-5, M-F gig. You work a night time, up til 2am gig. Weekend gig. Holiday gig. That's not going to work for me if we never see each other.

>> No.4931613

Organic animal products are still carcinogenic, still contain hormones, still cause disease and numerous other health problems. And meat is still the cut up corpse of an animal and still contains any contaminants that were on the plants the animal ate throughout its life. Dairy is still a mammary gland secretion that was never meant for humans. Eggs still come from a hen's uterus as part of her reproductive cycle.

>> No.4931619

No, actually. Your mass produced meats are way, way shittier than my mass produced veggies.

Did you even read anything here?

I should add that your mass produced animal products have concentrated contaminants from the mass produced plants they eat.


>> No.4931623


So other than it hurts your feelings, give me a reason why it's bad to hunt wild game and consume their unprocessed meat.

>> No.4931639

See >>4931613

It's fucking retarded too. Unless you really have to do it for survival, what would be the fucking point? You go out of your way to hunt and kill something, then you have to haul the kill, gut it, skin it, dismember it. Do you even use all of it? Then you have to find a way to prepare it, and making it taste good I'm sure is an effort. Why go through all that work? That's not even including buying a gun, getting a permit, and driving miles away to a spot where you can hunt. Why the fuck would you go through so much effort to eat something that's not even good for you and is fucking gross anyway?

>> No.4931650

>it's gross

Your opinion. My opinion is that meat is delicious.

>so much effort

It's not much effort at all if that's what you grew up doing. I have a vehicle, I have several types of weapons that were intended to be used for hunting. I have the skill set to skin and butcher the animals I kill. I can do this once and the yield will last me the whole winter and then some.

Please, let's see some real, scientific reasons. Because the fact you exist right now--the spawn of ancestors who consumed food the way I outlined--is testament to it not being as deadly as you imply that it is.

>> No.4931667

Our ancestors only lived til they were like 20. The meat gave them nutrients and calories in the short run but they didn't live long enough to see the horrible long term effects.

And you're still putting a lot of work into your peasant food no matter how long you've been doing it.

>> No.4931676


It's actually a hell of a lot less work than going to the grocery every week to buy fresh vegetables. Which I still do, because it's too cold where I live to cultivate a garden. But if you're implying my once a season hunt is at all a great deal of work, you are wrong.

And people lived til 20 for far, far more reasons than what they ate. The whole lack of proper shelter and medicine being a primary reason.

So come on. If you're going to have an opinion like that, you need to provide your sources that brought you to that opinion. I'm not here to troll you. I'm here to tell you that if you want to make claims, you have to prove them to have any sort of validity.

>> No.4931692

YOU STILL GO TO THE GROCERY STORE BUT YOU HUNT ANYWAY! LOL, I win. Confirmed for being too much work for what it's worth.

I didn't say they lived til 20 because of their diet. Just that there were a lot more causes for death back then so people didn't live long enough to die from their diet necessarily. Now though, diet is the number 1 cause of death in America.

I don't need to have any sources for my opinion, it's just what should be common sense. Or do you mean my claim that it was unhealthy for such and such and such reasons? It's kind of a pain in the ass for me to list my sources since I have so many and it's not like I bookmark every study. If you're interested in one or more claims I made you can just as easily google it. Sorry.

>> No.4931698

Actually, anyone reading this thread realized a long time ago you never won or lost. You are just a crazy person that babbles nonsense.

>> No.4931700


>> No.4931737

>I win
Troll or retarded child?

>> No.4931754

holy shit are you fucking stupid? you do know that plants not only produce hormones but also reproduce, right? or that honey is basically made from plant sperm, it wasn't made for humans either

>> No.4931781

Who says I eat honey? Yes I knew that, but did you know this?



>> No.4931848

>vegans actually believe this

I wouldn't have an issue with vegans If they didn't have an issue with my eating habits. Also coming from a healthcare background I can tell you how unhealthy vegan diets are. We see such high rates of anemias and deficiencies in vegans it's terrifying.

>> No.4931887

WTF man? Why does everything on /ck/ have to turn into a vegan shitfest?

>> No.4931929

You're full of shit. Vegan diets don't cause anemia unless you have a hard time using the non-heme form of iron which is very rare. I was actually anemic as a meat eater and as a vegan I have more than the necessary amount of hemoglobin in my blood. No supplements. Of course people need to learn basic nutrition, but it's not hard at all to get iron on a vegan diet.

Last time I donated blood they turned two women away for being anemic, most likely meat eaters. They complimented me on my plasma, too.

You're a liar and an idiot.

>> No.4931935

My family comes from a "healthcare background". Dieticians, doctors, pharmacists. And I can tell you you are full of shit. Most of the doctors in my county are vegan and recommend a vegan diet to their patients.

>> No.4931953

>most doctors in my country are vegan herpaderpityvlerp
I'm the queen of France.
See? I can lie on the internet, too.

>> No.4931982

Why don't you google "vegan dietician" or "vegan phd" or "vegan doctor"? I have no need to lie.

Vegan diets are extremely beneficial for countless reasons.

Kaiser Permanente Encourages Plant-Based Diets

They also offer free diet counseling for vegans.

>> No.4931993

Name country.
Show stats that most docs are vegan in said country.
>protip: you can't and won't.

Vegetarians in the west make up about 7% of the population and likely less than that. Vegans make up less than a single person of all people on the entire planet. They're just a very, very, very vocal minority.

>> No.4932000

I said county....

Not giving away any of my details. Also this information is coming from my sister who used to train doctors. I'm not aware that they've taken any kind of survey that would prove it.

>> No.4932003

>implying you're not really the Queen of France

>> No.4932004

Less than a single person? Did you mean percent? Because that's an old statistic. It's 2.5 percent now.


2.5 percent means a lot of vegans.

>> No.4932005

I assumed you left the R out, sorry. So you have no way to prove your ridiculous claim against the common sense understanding that if less than a single percent (I said 'person' in the post above, oops) of all people are vegan, they can't possibly make up the majority of any profession in any governmental designated area, county included.

>> No.4932007

>Also this information is coming from my sister who used to train doctors
Also, Wasted trips to boot

>> No.4932010

Cooking is a generally attractive skill to either gender.

>> No.4932011

You got your statistic wrong as I said above.

And I think vegans are more likely to be educated, so yeah, makes sense.

>> No.4932016

Wasted trips? What's funny about that statement?

>> No.4932019

>whole world
Contrary to what you've been taught, the rest of the world is not America. I said "entire planet," not "United States."

>> No.4932027


Still irrelevant since I was talking about my county. There's a higher percentage in the U.S. I was talking about the U.S. And the percentage of vegans is higher I think with educated people.

>> No.4932028

>more likely to be educated
A liberal arts degree != educated.

>> No.4932031

What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.4932032

Grass fed.

Vegans are so far up their own ass with psuedo-science, it's incredible.

>> No.4932033

Not him but weren't you the one lamenting about education?

>> No.4932042
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I love these threads.

>> No.4932043

Search "cancer meat", "cancer dairy", "cancer animal"- www.scholar.google.com

Did you even read this thread? Holy shit.

>> No.4932183

See >>4931781

>> No.4932258

Most of the girls I know can barely operate a microwave, so everything I make blows them away. I notice girls get pretty lazy in the kitchen too.

>> No.4932348

I knew your name would be fun to follow. Look at what you did.

This thread has to be bait. There is no way a person can be truly that ignorant about food.

I would say stop feeding the trolls, but at least trolls eat meat and veg.

>> No.4932387

Are you retarded or something?

>> No.4932505
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Vegans plz go back to >>>/an/

>> No.4932585

Plz go....anywhere else.

We're talking about food here.

>> No.4932693

My wife is a fairly picky eater, but i think she appreciates that I cook. We would both prefer our daughter to have a vast sampling of food so she's not so picky later on in life.
On that not: She doesn't bitch when I caramelize 3 or more pounds of onions, or when I make something she doesn't like. She will try it anyways, and decide from there if she would like to make something else.
She's not the greatest cook (neither am I by any stretch) but that woman can bake.

>> No.4932741

Vegan girlfriends tend to be of 2 types.
1. The "srsly I'm vegan gais I just make an exception for bacon cheeseburgers" jackass.
2. The militant "no one anywhere should ever enjoy any food" ultrabitch who will throw out the expensive steak you had in the fridge, and that half jug of milk and all your cheeses just for good measure, then decide she needs to clorox the fridge to "get rid of that dead thing smell" leading to everything that was in it going bad and costing you like $50 in spoiled food.

Also, FUCK quinoa. And polenta. And heirloom tomatos. Fucking tomatos should be red, smooth, and tasty in a sauce.

>> No.4932743

Git fucked, turbofag.

>> No.4932756

I like the second one. Girl power!

>> No.4932761

Vegan posters have to make every thread about their struggles and crusade, huh?

>> No.4932769

Because it's
1. Fun, which you seem to hate. /v/ can take lessons from you.
2. Delicious, which you also seem to hate. Not everything needs to be kale wrapped sprouted nut granola, or whatever fad bullshit you hippy fucks claim is good.
3. Helps the environment, in the case of deer hunting. This is pretty much self evident as the whitetail population around here is almost to the point where they're considered vermin to be exterminated.
4. Economical. Freezer full of delicious dead deer carcass for the price of a permit, 1 bullet, and a few hours of sitting in the woods.

Why the hell are you NOT hunting? Do you hate the environment so much that you want them to burn the forests to plant more soy? You disgust me.

>> No.4932774

Don't take it out on quinoa Anon. Quinoa is good.

>> No.4932781

haven't raised chickens since the early 80s

>> No.4932788

Quinoa is fucking shit. It doesn't in any way make up for a lack of meat.It tastes like someone pissed in it no matter how it's prepared. And I think I remember hearing something about the third world farmers who use to live off it starving to death because fucking vegans drove the price up to the point they can't afford it anymore.

Quinoa a shit.

>> No.4932793

omg it's a girl on 4chan

do I'm having to thinkish

>> No.4932801

Bad news, that's not a girl.

>> No.4932806

1. I fail to see how waiting quietly for what could be hours for an animal to show up, shooting the animal, most likely watching it writhe in pain before you delivered the final blow, dragging it back to your car, then gutting it and dismembering the bloody carcass could be considered "fun" for anyone but a sociopathic retard. I'd rather go to the beach, personally.
2. Another meat eater who scoffs at vegan food merely because they never learned how to cook vegetables. https://www.pinterest.com/vfortheanimals/go-vegan-its-easy/
3. http://www.examiner.com/article/top-10-hunting-myths
4. I can buy a ton of chocolate chip cookies loaded with trans fats at the ninety nine cents store, but that doesn't mean I want to load my cart with it.

>> No.4932813

These are delicious. Chiffonade some kale and toss it in, and its a perfect little side dish. http://www.neareast.com/Products/quinoa_blends/

And Bolivians profit from quinoa last I heard.

>> No.4932822

1. That's because you're a faggot. Thanks for proving it.
2. My deer is always accompanied by my gardens vegetables. Parsnip crisps, roasted red peppers, and spinach is my favorite combination. Again, homegrown, and again, you're a faggot.
3. Still a faggot.
4 Non-sequitur. Not faggoty, just odd.

TL;DR: Holy shit, get out of your own ass once in a while.

>> No.4932831

is deer good anon? I know no one who hunts but live in an area where hunting grounds would be a mere 4-6 hour drive away

Want to into hunting my own game, afraid of the investment not turning out profitable should I find the meat unpalatable.
Any suggestions on places I might come across it?

>> No.4932847

Confirmed for lazy hippy. I would call you worthless but someone somewhere might like you. So I cannot make that claim.

>> No.4932852

1. That's because I'm a healthy female not suffering from mental health issues and I love the sunshine and the way the sand feels beneath my toes.
2. Sounds pretty bleh. My grandpa thought he was a good cook when all he did was heat up some broccoli in the microwave in some water then throw some butter on the table. Like, no wonder you don't like vegetable dishes - you have no clue what to do with them.
3. I'm super straight.
4. Yes sequitur. Animal protein is hazardous to your health, like trans fats. Chocolate chip cookies from the 99 cents store probably taste horrible too, just like your cooked deer carcass.

I have never been inside my ass before.

>> No.4932857

I fucking hope so.

>> No.4932858

Female empowerment is not female Nazism.
Of course you seem to be slave to your own emotions.

>> No.4932859

I just don't see the point in going through that much dirty work for something so unnecessary and gross.

And I'm extremely lovable. Most people love me. Last time someone hated me they later told me they were jealous and then they loved me again.

>> No.4932863

I bet you're one of those fat feminist who actually believe they are being oppressed.

>> No.4932865

I choose to believe you. So I will say you're not worthless then. Just really lazy.

>> No.4932866

I bet you're one of those dumb anti-feminists who don't even know the definition of feminist.

>> No.4932869

You're right. I don't actually know what they are. So I have this knee jerk reaction to automatically hate them.

>> No.4932889


It's not going to get any better, anon.

>> No.4932890

noun \ˈfe-mə-ˌni-zəm\

: the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities

>> No.4932894

I don't think you know what sarcasm is.

>> No.4932895

High end restaurants in cities and family butcher shops in the more rural areas, or order it online.

>> No.4932899

No, I've never heard of it. Does it taste good?

>> No.4932906

That made me smile anon. Touche.

>> No.4932914

Are you sure you're not crazy? Because you seem to be really insistent that everyone agree with you and love you and tell you how super-special you are, and you really do keep talking in non-sequesters.
It's OK, you're wrong, and it's OK to be wrong sometimes. You don't need to get so worked up. Just relax.
And red pepper on deer is pretty good, you should try it before you knock it.

>> No.4932924

I'd enjoy it if my fiancee could cook more than eggs for me but I'd go crazy if he was a cook. I would be living a too many cooks in the kitchen situation. Helpful tidbits are one thing, pushing me aside and telling me to do something else is a whole other.

>> No.4932929

You're welcome.

I already know how super-special I am. I don't need people to tell me - it gets too redundant.

You haven't proven me to be wrong. And never will.
You can put truffle oil on a piece of poop but all it's going to be is a truffle scented, oily piece of poop.

>> No.4932934

hahahahahahahahaaaaa. I feel you. When I ask mine to do dishes OR clothes he gets this sorrowful Nam look and I know he won't do shit/have me have to redo everything.

>> No.4932954

I... just... wow.

Some choose to sustain themselves whenever possible. A normal human (read: omnivore) would eat a larger amount of veg in the growing season, and then a larger amount of protein and fat in the cold season.
Hunting was a necessity to be sure. Today, not so much a necessity in our specific culture, but still a viable self sustaining skill.
Gross? To some maybe. But to others, we can see the necessity in the death of the animal for our survival. It's a respect, an honour, a primal acceptance.

Broad strokes, on a small canvas, make a shitty picture.

>> No.4932963

Um, I just said you should chill out and stop trying so hard?

>> No.4932971

I'm not talking about people who hunt animals out of necessity. Someone might drink urine so they don't die from dehydration but that doesn't mean it's not still gross.

There's nothing respectful about killing an animal and nothing honorable about it. If you're killing it to survive, that's just what you have to do. I don't know why people insist on throwing the words honor and respect in with that when it has absolutely nothing to do with it.

>> No.4932974

I'm chill as a cucumber.

>> No.4932995

To people like you, perhaps, there is no respect or honour. But to the hunter feeding their family, they know what went into that food. They honour and respect the world around them. It's not a halloween released slaughterfest. It is sustaining yourself, off the land we live in.
You're the vegan, but I sound a hell of a lot more hippy than you. Open your eyes to the world around you, it's never black and white. It's never clean cut and simple.
Understand and respect nuances that are all around you. Stop judging and labeling.
You can dislike something, and still respect why it is there.

Some patience, kindness, and curiosity would do you well.

>> No.4933008

I don't kill things I respect.

If I had to kill an animal to survive I wouldn't delude myself by saying that was respectful to the animal. I wouldn't try to make myself feel better by calling it honorable. Seriously what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.4933038

/pol/ was right again.
Women cannot into honor.

>> No.4933052

It's not just the animal. Like i said, open your eyes.
It's where the animal came from, everything that has transpired to bring both you, and the life sustaining food.
The lettuce you can harvest in spring, also makes up the deer in the winter. No lettuce in winter, you hunt. Just like you would respect the soil in your garden, nurture it and maintain a healthy balance, you would do so in hunting. You have to have a broad perspective on the environment that sustains you.

Damn. This is rustling my jimmies. I'm borderline wanting to go full out vulgar. 10/10 if troll. Faith in humanity shaken if not.

>> No.4933224

I think your idea of respect is very different from mine. Meaning you have some bullshit hippie definition that doesn't mean anything.

>> No.4933273

You're the reason soil is stripped of it's nutrients, and left as barren dirt.
Get your hands dirty and do something worthwhile. Sustain for once, instead of just consume.

Self entitled delusional suburbanite.

>> No.4933286

No I'm not.

Don't talk to me about getting my hands dirty. You have NO IDEA where my hands have been.

And I've lived in the country and worked with farmers. I'm not a greedy cunt and have no idea where you would even get that assumption. I think you're just insane or a troll.

>> No.4933287

Baby chickens? No because you're frying their parents up.

>> No.4933312

Everything you've written has been a stereotypical example of a delusional self entitled product of after school special television. You bleed ignorance, and have no desire to change that.
I hope you are 20 years old, at most. If you are 30-40, you are a lost cause. Kids can be dumb, and I hope that's all this is.

Life can be 'gross' as you put it, but f you're not willing to get gross and help out, you're just dead weight. Learn and love, stop being such a self righteous cunt.

Omnivore, telling a vegan to respect nature. Holy shit, I must be high. This bitch is troll city.

>> No.4933326

You must be.

Help out with what? What the fuck are you on about? I'm just pointing out facts and what should be common sense and stating my own opinions that meat is nasty and not worth the effort of hunting when there is no fucking need for it. It's just retarded.

Excuse me for being blunt and not humoring your delusions.

>> No.4933348

Effort of hunting, versus the caloric return.
Effort of farming, versus caloric return.

You've never worked a day in your life, have you?

Hunting is not agriculture, or farming. Hunting is a sustainable way to feed your family off the land, when vegetation and fishing are not always viable.
If you didn't have a grocery store, you'd be gone in a week, I swear.
Like I said, you may not like it, but your lack of respect, and wanton ignorance, make you a bad person. You are not helpful in any way, and would not last if you had to try. I actually feel legitimately bad for you, but more for your parents. They can't be proud with what they've done.

>> No.4933372


I'm an extremely hard worker and volunteer to help people all the time. This is so off topic now it's ridiculous, so I'm done. Going to bed now. Goodnight.

>> No.4933388

I crush it in the kitchen & in the bedroom
No Bulls hit
I'm in mid 30's & get hit on almost daily by chick's 10 years younger than me
It almost makes up for the shitty pay

>> No.4933397

His parents probably are ignorant of the failure they've created. Most likely they themselves are a product of ignorance.

>> No.4933400

I'm a she and my mother is very proud of me.

>> No.4933402

Self-absorbed vegan morons can't into honour.
Especially when they're saying whatever they can to get each poster to reply.


>> No.4933411

Nailed it. And her response was the icing on the cake.

>> No.4933424

Leave me alone.

>> No.4933428

>I'm a she

The word is usually woman or in this case that would be derogatory to women. maybe you should realize that if your mom is proud of you she is a dumb cunt like you and you should stop shaming women by calling yourselves the same

>> No.4933433

>she is a derogatory term

It sounds dumb, but really?
That's what you're taking offense to?

>> No.4933450

lolwut? She was the improper term i was just nitpicking lack of grammar to inflame the situation and add fuel to the flames. however, her calling herself a woman, is pretty derogatory to women. anytime a subhuman leech claims to be a member of our race it should be taken as derogatory. I am ashamed she is in our gene pool, and I feel bad that women may get a bad name from her absolute stupidity.

>> No.4933456

>Beat me to it.

>> No.4933467


>> No.4933474

Whatever you say trans-otherkin-faggot.
I can't even remember all the names they call themselves. I'm just going to shorten it to transfag from now on.

Also your mom is a failure for raising a failure.

>> No.4933475

Not sure if this was posted before, don't feel like reading every post but from my experiences women like men who can cook but not ones who do it professionally (with exceptions of course).

Most guys who can cook though are fat so it's not like it's going to make a difference anyways.

>> No.4933484

That's because a lot of men who cook professionally are brusque as fuck, fat, drink a lot, or smoke like a chimney.

>> No.4933494

I know it's downright shit slinging... But I can't help but support the truth.

I don't like that it's gotten so negative... but it seems like the only option. If they won't educate, and empathize... ostracize. It's not noble, but it sure is fun when you give up on trying to reason.

For all 'she' knows, I could be a vicious poacher selling ivory and ape paws on the black market, or I could be a vegan pro-activist investing my money and time into spreading ideas and facts. Doesn't matter, she will never know.

Long story short: If you have a view of things, still be willing to accept other views. Otherwise you will never be taken seriously.

I'm an omnivore, but I don't give two shits about vegetarians or vegans. I like a good lentil burger amongst company like that. It's the absolute bottom of the barrel retards that give them a bad name, that I have a problem with.

>> No.4933495

I'm a single male, I live alone, I cook all my own meals, I think I'm an ok cook but I'm so full of self doubt and I'm terrified of cooking for anyone else let alone a female I want to impress.

>> No.4933517

Quit it!
Try it drunk maybe (both of you). Also, breakfast for dinner is always a great idea on a date night.

If the terrified does not go away, bring her in on it. Cook together. You'll learn shittons about each other quickly, and have a lot of fun. If it's horrible, you can only blame both of you... and make up.
Stupid simple dishes that bring comfort. That's why breakfast for dinner is awesome.

>> No.4933524

>20 years old
>being this wrong

The average age is lower in the past due to an extremely high rate of infant mortality. Most adults could expect to live into their sixties.

Also ignoring the fact that meat cooked over fire gave us enough bioavailable energy and nutrients to grow a brain our size. Without meat, the human race would be nothing but a bunch of sub-humans. Clearly the butthurt vegan making ridiculous claims has already reached that point.

>> No.4933532

I heard the same.

Fire allowed an easier calorie intake for the same effort. Meat, fish especially I heard, gave us an abundance of usable building blocks. Excess of food energy, equaled less work needed, more time to improve and innovate.

To deny ones history, is to be doomed to repeat it. And I like toilet paper too much to regress to a leaf eating hairy assed vegan prey animal.

Science! tells us why meat eaters are smarter! Enjoy your cats and dogs.... meat eaters... smart. Plant eaters, although fast, strong, cute and loving... not that smart.

>> No.4933547

The problem with any ideology is that it is "the bottom of the barrel retards" that you hear from the most.

>> No.4933557

Agreed. Breakfast for dinner is awesome and it works for dates.

>Go out drinking and dancing
>Go back to have breakfast for dinner.

People love breakfast after alcohol. I think it's the syrup on pancakes.

>> No.4933619

> cook professionally
> smoke like a chimney
pick one

>> No.4933620

They didn't ignore that it had nutrients though... They did acknowledge that we needed meat in the past.

And our brains only digest glucose, which comes from plants, just throwing that out there.

>> No.4933622

Dumbest voices are the loudest. It truth.

Shame that it doesn't limit itself to ideologies, in it's place I would put the word 'anything'. Then what you say is 100% truth.

>> No.4933623

eggs over easy, overly buttered toast and good crispy hashbrowns are the dinner-breakfasts of champions.

>> No.4933627

Oi dickhead halloween was last week m80

>> No.4933629

Glucose... every living metabolizing thing. Except maybe chemo-synthetic organisms? Not sure on that specific point.
Brains don't digest anything, except maybe thought.
Glucose is a required energy for everything we eat, plant or animal. Not needed as a dietary addition. Saying you get it from plants is like saying eggs are bad for your heart. Your body makes glucose on it's own, and needs no further introduction of glucose beyond regular daily food intake.

Protip: Your brain is an emulsification of fat and water when it all comes down to it. In a diet lacking on proper fats, after body fat is gone, and muscles start to degrade, the brain is slowly reabsorbed. Fat is the shit for keeping going, so in an extreme diet lacking in fat... Think like a zombie!

>> No.4933632

Throw some bacon and maybe some links in there, and you got yourself a date.

>> No.4933638

Glucose comes from plants....

And plants have fat. Not saying we got all our fat in our evolution from plants, but yeah, nuts and seeds have fat - which would make up a good portion of our diets.

>> No.4933669

Vegans are like the furries of /ck/

>> No.4933675


It would be nice if your husband cooked you a breakfast, wouldn't it?

>> No.4933684

I'm a straight married man... and I would totally go gay for a man who appreciated breakfast on my level. If he sounded like Patrick Stewart, all the better.

Ok, so I'm an almost sorta straight guy with an unhealthy obsession with Captain Picard and first world breakfast choices.

>> No.4934171

Seems like pretty much everyone on 4chan are "bottom of the barrel retards".

>> No.4934178

Have you guys ever wondered if maybe you're retarded but you're too retarded to realize it? And all this time you're calling other people retards when the reality is they're right and you're just too retarded to understand why they're right?

>> No.4934272
File: 63 KB, 500x667, vomiting monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking christ this is the worst thread on /ck/, sort it out

>> No.4934393

British here, and the shopping centre like 5 minutes where I live (lakeside shopping centre, thurrock) has a taco bell