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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4921123 No.4921123[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ mix into their meat for their boigahs?

>> No.4921128

Tomato paste
Worcestershire sauce
Garlic powder

>> No.4921129
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Ground beef, onion, cheese, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, egg, onion soup mix, garlic, garlic powder, parsley, basil, oregano, rosemary, salt, and pepper.

>> No.4921138


Good quality meat doesn't need anything mixed in to make a good burger. Just some salt on the outside before cooking and it's good to go.

>> No.4921137

Ground beef. Salt and pepper on the outside. I'm making burgers not fucking meatloaf.

>> No.4921141

when pepole say boigah it made me laguhe until the poos come out of me

>> No.4921152

Has anyone tried mixing hamburger helper seasoning into their burgers?

>> No.4921156

no, fuck no i haven't.

I normally grind chuck and barely hand form it into a patty then I only flip it one time on the grill.

>> No.4921159
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>> No.4921161

My roommate uses onion soup mix

>> No.4921171

Just kosher salt while I'm grinding the chuck in my food processor.

>> No.4921183

Beef Burgers:
Ground beef
ketchup (only a little)
worstchirsireisireirei (only a little)
Shircha (only a little)
some onion, if I feel like it.

They come out juicy as fuck

As for my chicken burgers
Ground chicken
lemon juice
soy sauce
a little bit of orange zest

They come out real good

>> No.4921226


>> No.4921282


>> No.4921287

100% tofu

>> No.4921304

Onion salt
Black pepper
Dried parsley flakes

>> No.4921955

My problem with making burgers is not the taste. I just cant get the same texture of the bought ones.

They are "grainy" rather than a whole. I dont want chunks of burger to fall out.

>> No.4922178

Change your burger mongerer.

> Lay down plastic wrap
> space out balled meat
> cover with plastic wrap
> roll out pattys to desired thickness

Protip, no rolling pin? Use a glass or jar w/flat sides. I recommend a can of pesticide for you.

> peel off top cover and season to taste

tfw, pattys don't suck

>> No.4922315

I press them with the burger making thingy.
And yet still the burger doesnt glue itself together.

>> No.4922322


Gluing itself together has little to do with technique, it's a matter of choosing the correct meat.

You want about 20% fat. Meat that is too lean will not stay together and has a grainy texture. If your burger falls apart and has a grainy texture then you're buying meat that's too lean.

>> No.4922319

if you let it cook before flipping it, it would stick together

>> No.4922324

Home ground mcribs

>> No.4922645

I dunno it's a bit of both imo, When i barely press my burger it comes apart because I didn't fucking press it together enough, even with one flip it's kinda dicey.

>> No.4923285

Boring people with boring palates detected.

>> No.4923291

Ground onion, a splash of heavy cream, pepper and a little salt

>> No.4923335


You should be able to loosely for the patty and it should stick together fine. You need more fat or to let it cook longer.

>> No.4923339

Buy a meat grinder. After putting a chunk of meat through it once, put it through again.

This should get rid of the chunkiness.

>> No.4923373


Some faggot never fails to say this.

>> No.4923434

Why would you put in water?

>> No.4923437

Few slices of onion
One clove garlic
Some chili powder
Some pepper flakes
Some Worcestershire
Some tabasco
Egg yolk as binder

If I'm not freezing any and cooking it all at once I'll use processed croutons, pepper flakes, and worcestershire

>> No.4923536

Retard mislabeling their meatloaf sandwich as a burger.

I have no problem with adding things to hamburger meat and cooking it, but call a spade a spade. You add enough shit, and you're out of hamburger territory. And people who usually add things to their burgers, overmix the grind, and make a dry fucking burger. They HAVE to add shit to make it palatable and don't even realize how much they fucked it up in the first place.

>> No.4923591

Fish sauce
Garlic/garlic powder
Black pepper
Pinch of sugar

>> No.4924158

More moist burgers, just a small splash.

>> No.4924189

Congratulations on being one of THOSE guys who thinks this should be universal. And runner-up prize for this dood >>4921226

Protip: don't be that guy.

The quality of meat used for burgers varies, and if it needs help it needs help; angst shouldn't be piled on top of someone who can only afford a cheaper cut that needs a bit of this or that added to it

This bit is for your too >>4921137 People's tastes vary and their philosophy re. burger toppings can be wildly different. Some people rely on condiments to add 'spice' to a burger, in which case a simply seasoned all-meat patty makes sense. Others prefer to put flavourings into the patties and build a relatively simple burger around that.

Neither approach is anything to look down your nose at by someone in the opposite camp. I do both on occasion, depending on my mood.

>> No.4924198

Varies on the day, depending on what I'm in the mood for or what my GF has requested.

Sometimes I do a simple, old-school burger seasoned with grated nutmeg, salt and fresh-ground black pepper. Usually I'll then use just a dollop of ketchup and mayo for the bun, with some lettuce and maybe some sliced red onion.

Other times I make a Tex-Mex burger with plenty of cumin, oregano and and maybe a tiny pinch of cinnamon in the patty mix.

My most complex pattie mix contains at least 6 spices and herbs, salt, sautéed mushrooms as well as a dash of something to add umami, fried onion, a tablespoon of milk-soaked breadcrumbs to help keep it moist during cooking (very large patty) and I may stuff it with cheese as well.

Regardless of ingredients I always flip frequently for the most even cooking, which is especially important with thick patties. Cook to medium usually, although I'll sometimes do one a bit more rare for myself if I'm in the mood.

>> No.4925239

So basically you are saying that I should accept that poor people can't have nice things? I can agree with that.

>> No.4926062

That's why I put in worschtierieisdeirhisre or ketchup

>> No.4926164
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ITT: people who have to dress up their meat like it's prom and they want to lose that v-card.

Seriously, it's like you all are having a dick measuring contest by seeing who all can shove the most ridiculous and unnecessary shit into your patties. I bet those fuckers look more like olive loaf than a god damn burger patty. Looking real hard in your direction >>4924198 Mr. "I think my taste is unique so I'm going to brag to 4chan and talk about umami flavor and hamburgers" Just stop. No one is impressed. You're not being "innovative". It's just sad.

It's a burger for fucks sake. If your cut of meat can't stand for its self, then how will adding a bunch of shit make it better? I bet you all are the kind of people who put 4 grand worth of rims on a busted out, hunk of shit car.

Yes, I have a boss burger recipe, but still its simple as fuck. And I don't even use it all the time. Sometimes meat is good enough on its own. If you're not in it for the beef, then why have a burger in the first place? And if you really have to pretty it up that much just make meatloaf and save everyone the disgust of a franken-burger.

The most you could need.
garlic (never powdered)
onion (never powdered)

that's it.
simple and effective
If you really want to go crazy dice up a jalapeno too.

And if you flip a patty more than once when cooking you're doing it horribly, horribly wrong.

>but anon, my patty is really thick
then it's too thick, just like your skull. No one wants a little burger ball. It's a patty. More than 3/4" and you dun goofed.
>but anon, I want it to cook evenly
it will. leave it the fuck alone and your grill will do it's job. Even if you're grill blows ass the shit only needs to be flipped once. Flipping it more=longer cook time=dryer meat=shit tier burger.

Jesus, fuck you people are annoying as shit. I though /b/ was full of mongs,but it looks like they all migrated to this thread tonight.

>yeah. I'm fucking mad, bro

>> No.4926182

I like you.

>> No.4926231

Also, I can't stand any onion & garlic stuff. Worst flavors ever.
Cayenne pepper is pretty nice, though.

>> No.4926253

my mom used mix onion+salt+pepper before hand then form them into burgers. She would later bake them in the oven. Basically it was meatloaf on a bun but I'd say it wasn't bad, it wasn't hamburger but it wasn't bad.

>> No.4926260

80/20 beef, salt, ground pepper.

if im feeling it i'll add some ground toasted garlic, ground coriander, ground cumin, ground annatto, and some oregano.

>> No.4926280

>Watch Heston's perfect burger episode
>Suddenly I'm fucking 3 michelin star chef

>> No.4926573

No exactly, but close enough.

>> No.4926583

>Seriously, it's like you all are having a dick measuring contest by seeing who all can shove the most ridiculous and unnecessary shit into your patties. I bet those fuckers look more like olive loaf than a god damn burger patty.
Missed this when it was posted the other week I guess:

>Looking real hard in your direction >>4924198 Mr. "I think my taste is unique so I'm going to brag to 4chan and talk about umami flavor and hamburgers" Just stop. No one is impressed. You're not being "innovative". It's just sad.
I wasn't bragging you ignoranus.

If you don't understand umami and its association with burgers then maybe you shouldn't be posting here like some master cook who knows his stuff. What do you think you added with the Worcestershire hmmm?

>And if you flip a patty more than once when cooking you're doing it horribly, horribly wrong.
Well there you go, going full retard.

Testing proves the flip-once brigade are wrong, it does not cook the patty more evenly. You can continue to believe otherwise if you enjoy being wrong.

>Jesus, fuck you people are annoying as shit.
No, not "you people", "people", including you.

>> No.4926636

Two thirds round, one third bacon.

>> No.4926641

I'm giving my secrets for free but just cold chunks of butter. Try it.

>> No.4926644


Why would you do that? The cooking time of the bacon is not the same as the cooking time for the beef.

>> No.4926646

You're not eating your hamburgers well done, are you?

>> No.4926650


Who on earth would want a well done hamburger if they were preparing them themselves. When eating out at a questionable restaurant, sure, but homemade from good meat? I'll pass on dry and flavorless, thank you.

>> No.4926648

>You're not eating your bacon under done, are you?

>> No.4926649
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>B-but Ernest hemingway has an overstuffed burger. So i should too anon.
So if he also gave himself blowjobs while riding a bicycle would you do that too? Also the amount of MSG they suggest adding is alarming. Again, if the meat can't stand on it's own why bother making a burger?

Provides moisture and salt content, I don't drown the meat in it. Taste is barely noticeable in the end. Hardly falls under umami, and i don't go out of my way to accentuate that flavor.

>Testing proves
[citation]. If you can't evenly cook your burger on one flip then it's too thick. This was my previous point that you obviously ignored. What's my proof? Years of grilling, and watching several generations of family apply the same method. A few restaurant owners, and a caterer or two. Always the same. Whether flattop, pan, or grill it's about 5-8 minutes per side with 1 flip in between. Might not be scientific,but if there was a flaw, they wouldn't have gotten to where they are. Also the fucking hemingway link you played like a trump card said the patty was flipped ONCE. Way to go, shitlord.

>annoying people
Sure this is true to some degree. But the people that think they're the next Gordon Ramsay by over-seasoning and poorly cooking food are just inane. You can ruin your own meals and be proud of them, but don't try and convince others to follow.

>> No.4926659


Could you be any more obvious?

>> No.4926660
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>Eat shit and die, faggot.

>> No.4926757

>So if he also gave himself blowjobs while riding a bicycle would you do that too?
Don't be an ass... I know this will be hard for you but try.

I was giving an example for perspective on "over-complicated burger recipe", it was hardly being held up as a paragon.

>Provides moisture and salt content, I don't drown the meat in it. Taste is barely noticeable in the end. Hardly falls under umami, and i don't go out of my way to accentuate that flavor.
It adds lots of umami. Shows how much you know about umami.

One of the "dash of something to add umami" that I referred to in my post was Worcestershire. Soy is another, ditto mustard ketchup, anchovy sauce, Marmite.

>What's my proof? [many people use the 1-flip method]
That's not proof, it's anecdotal evidence. Proof is actual side-by-side comparisons of the two methods, with burger patties (or steaks for that matter) of the same weight and thickness cooked on the same pan at the same temp, with readings taken and visual assessment of the pink-to-grey transition on both faces of the patty/steak.

Just because any number of chefs do something a given way, or tell us X or Y, is not anything to go by unquestioningly because this includes "high heat seals the surface of meat and prevents the juices coming out" which just about everyone now knows is complete rubbish. QED.

>Also the fucking hemingway link you played like a trump card said the patty was flipped ONCE. Way to go, shitlord.
Jesus you're a rude, tiresome dickhead. I was not holding that up as an example of the way anything should be done, if that had been my intent I would have said as much you twat.

I'm bowing out now because after a while wrestling a pig you realise you're just getting dirtier and the pig is enjoying it too much.

>> No.4926824
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>Giving an example
Don't know why you felt that was necessary. This whole thread is full of overly complex burger recipes.

>It adds a lot of umami
Please, explain to me how 2 tsp or Wor-sauce will properly flavor 1lb of beef along with the other additives? It adds enough liquid to prevent dryness and enough salt to enhance the meat. Other then that there is not enough of it to PROPERLY FLAVOR (that bit is key, anon) the burgers.

Side note: If I have to use 80/20 then i'll just use salt. Preferably I'm a 90/10 or less kinda guy.

>anecdotal proof
Better than the evidence you showed. Oh, that's right. You didn't provide any. I'm all for laboratory analysis, it's what I do as a grad student. But empirical evidence (observation and experience) shouldn't be negated either. Maybe, that's a big maybe, relentless flipping will get perfectly symmetric cooking. But I'd rather have a juicy burger that may be unnoticeably asymmetric in doneness then some dry piece of bark that some idiot poked and prodded too much. If your OCD is so bad you have to work that hard to cook a burger you should just an hero and save yourself a lifetime of tedium.

>was not holding that up as an example
Then why the fuck did you include it?

>using the pig wrestling allusion
Fucking hell, you might as well have tipped your fedora. At least you realized what a fucking tool you sounded like with your pedantic babbling.

>> No.4926880

I'm generally with your opinion dude.
I'd rather spent more for some good beef, than add ridiculous stuff.
>Flipping it more=longer cook time=dryer meat=shit tier burger.
BUT that isn't true. Just try it for yourself or look at: http://aht.seriouseats.com/archives/2010/02/the-burger-lab-how-many-times-should-you-flip-a-burger-while-cooking.html

But I'm still a one time flipper because my patties are pretty fucking thin - just for easy and fast cooking - and I'd rather stack two or three than to grill a fat one.

>> No.4927090
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>grad student
>thinks he's in a position to lecture others

>> No.4927125


I find racism can turn a shitty burger into one that justifies a long drive to Texas.

>> No.4927221
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I've wanted to try this for some time.

>> No.4927238
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>having the intelligence to make it into grad school and not settle with a generic BS.
It's got nothing to do with this thread. I never waved it in the air like it gives me some priority over others. Never lectured anyone anyway. All I did was explain my argument.

>You think that I think higher of myself
>showing your true feeling of inferiority toward someone with higher education
>go be butthurt somewhere else

>> No.4927248


good think this ad predates color photography because I can only imagine that the burger with yellow dyed plastic in it would be some horrific puke greenish color.

>> No.4927262


Jeez. Cheez Whiz mixed into the meat, then more Cheez Whiz spooned on top after it's done, AND mayo? You'd never be able to taste the actual meat through all that. Or maybe that's the point. Could be a good way to disguise shitty meat.

>> No.4928249 [DELETED] 


>needing a billion things on it
>also needing to be cooked on top of all the seasoning

No thanks. Ill have an apple.

>> No.4928257

Salt, pepper, splash of worcestershire.

>> No.4928258 [DELETED] 


enjoy your vehicle for seasoning, deadl flesh tombs.

>> No.4928260

Can ground beef even GET shitty enough for that situation to make it better? Without being literally rancid I mean.

>> No.4928269 [DELETED] 
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Typical Dead Flesh Consumer at the Grocery Store:

>hurr durr need me some dead mammal parts!
>okay, got the dead flesh
>now it's time for five bottles of seasoning and salt to cover this delicious MEAT
>better stop at the pharmacy for my blood pressure meds
>also, need to remind myself to grab some diet root beer this time. I'm trying to watch my weight.

Pic related. Do you guys know what it is? It's food.

>> No.4928272

No that's vegetation

>> No.4928277

Rotten b8 m8.
Take your pitiful donkey braying somewhere else.

>> No.4928284 [DELETED] 
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enjoy that EPICMEALTIME brah

>> No.4928285

Never seen it, besides posted here. Enjoy your ignorance and stupidity, shit for brains.

>> No.4928294
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>implying that gif should bother me.

>> No.4928297 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4928301

Sorry, I don't speak to the village idiot. Shoo, now, go talk gibberish somewhere else.

>> No.4928303 [DELETED] 
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go rip open a cow's underbelly with those badass canines

>actually thinking milions of years of evolution led to a digestive system that "needed" to find ways to cut up animals, season them, and cook them
>actually thinking that evolution would lead a species to needing tools to get sustenance
>not just eating vegetation

It's like you have no deductive reasoning skills.

>> No.4928310 [DELETED] 


you faggots are forcing a food down your throats that's outmoded

>> No.4928309

do you guys add an egg to the mix? i've always done that

>> No.4928318


>> No.4928317

growing up my dad would always put brown sugar in with his burgers. Anyone tried this? it's pretty good and now its rare he doesn't make them like that

>> No.4928321

You're an idiot.
Also, I've ripped open a cow's belly. Well, technically, it was a Cesarean section, so it was cutting, not ripping, but you're not going to shock me, honey. Go back to eating your twigs and berries in your 3 floor walkup and let the adults talk.

>> No.4928342

I'm not arguing one way or the other, but 19th century poets weren't exactly great nutritionists. Or food technologists for that matter. He is just arguing from
>muh feelings
>dat barbaric slaughtering

In terms of water, energy, and raw resource efficiency, farming insects, tiny zooplankton, etc. is the best source of good protein. These are animals.

Eating animals on an enormous scale is in fact the future.

So take your Thoreau quote and shove it up your ass. Its dead wrong. People in the future will likely eat the equivalent of hundreds of insects per day for their essential nutrients. (grasshopper, farmed pollock, etc.)

>> No.4928348

I know this might be hard but stop being a faggot and go back to reddit.

>> No.4928352

Only a fat autistic americlap from fatclapistan could argue this hard about meat between bread

>> No.4928355


I am glad that I don't know anyone like you.

>> No.4928375

I add:
-teriyaki marinade when i'm making Big Kahunas

When it comes to flipping:

>> No.4928437

>Kobe beef
>Italian Truffle
>Cheez Whiz

Smoke the Kobe Beef over a pile of burning $1000. Don't be a cunt and try to use $1 bills, the cocaine content is not high enough to give it that distinct coca flavoring. Next grind the meat with the truffle. Throw it on the grill, make sure to get it really hot and dry. Seriously, no juice should be left in that thing. "but i want it medium rare" no, you didn't dish out all this cash just to get tapeworms faggot. Now once this is complete, put it on a bun and top with cheez whiz (preferably the spray can variety) and sricicha sauce. Before you serve it you want to warm it all up a bit so throw it in the microwave for 30 seconds to finish the job.

>> No.4928478

minced garlic and onions
salt and pepper
maybe jalapenos
some parmesan
maybe a little bbq sauce

>> No.4928587

How much? And with anything else? I'd try.

Not the guy you're arguing with, but
Protip: patronizing your "opponent" with "kid" or a phrase like "let the adults talk" is a bad way to go about anything because all it proves is that you're a buttmad child yourself.

>> No.4928902

>You think that I think higher of myself
>showing your true feeling of inferiority toward someone with higher education
>go be butthurt somewhere else
You're the one keeps on posting shit, so who's actually showing how butthurt he is?

And for the record little man, I was arguing with people better 'n' smarter than you before you were a dribble down your mother's ass crack.

Have a nice day now.

>> No.4928907

I'm suddenly reminded of the time I was making hamburgers. I was prepping the meat and my husband dumps huge globs of barbeque sauce on the raw meat and mixes it.

He turned them into a gooey mess. I had to add so much breadcrumbs just to get them to hold and they still fell apart on the barbeque.

>> No.4928994

I love how he waves the evidence card and then conveniently ignores proof of what the other guy was saying.


>> No.4929040
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Worcestershire sauce

Protip: don't ever make stuffed burgers

That's for assholes.

>> No.4929047
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>watching AMC Fear Fest
>commercial break
>see this


>mac and cheese stuffed burger

I was so mad.

>> No.4929161

Mix into? Why would I ruin some good meat by mixing anything into it?

Just put on some salt and pepper before cooking.

Ketchup? Just spread it on the bun, or better yet, don't use it. Onion? Just saute them until nice and brown and use it as filling.

>> No.4929478
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Black pepper and maybe ground dried garlic. Meat is usually salty enough on its own.

>> No.4929573


I used to mix-in bread crumbs, tomato paste, parsley, black pepper, salt, oregano, basil, thyme, oil, eggs, and that's it I think.

>> No.4929600

I can't digest beef anymore but when I make turkey burgers I usually mix in about a tablespoon of McCormick pre-mixed burger seasoning (it's convenient) and about a tablespoon of worcestershire sauce.

>> No.4929714
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>turkey burgers

>that terrible ground turkey smell

>> No.4929900

>Ground turkey
>Horrible smell

Stop getting ground turkey that's gone bad, guy

>> No.4929927

>that terrible ground turkey smell
