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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4916159 No.4916159[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

As a proud and strong Aryan father, I spend a great deal of time cooking wholesome and filling food for my six growing Aryan boys so that they can one day serve the Fatherland with the strength of their backs. What recipes and techniques does /ck/ use to prepare their Aryan cuisine? I try to incorporate a variety of meats, but I am partial to pork, myself.

>> No.4916164
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>> No.4916172

Shove a fucking kielbasa down their throats and call it a night, ya fucking greasy hun bastard.

>> No.4916181

nonwhite detected

>> No.4916214

bread. lots of bread

>> No.4916225
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make your own sauerkraut and then this, motherfucker, this.

>> No.4916229
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>> No.4916246 [DELETED] 
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Oven and some jews

>> No.4916488

Traditional "common everyday" Teutonic food is terrible.

Most or what you might know is usually more like Holiday or Special event food that's been modernized and culturally remade as "everyday" food.

A meal from my great-great-great-grandmothers recipe book was salt boiled parsnips, slow bread(cracker) with a bitter herb spread, small goat blood sausages, loaf bread with butter and beer.
The only flavor of those items is salt.

>> No.4916545

I recommend some brain, so they might grow some unlike their aryan (adjective for a invented people) father xD

>> No.4916548

For a taste of real Aryan food, take your kids to Ronnie's Burgers. They're great!

>> No.4916563

Raw milk, OP. It is one of the only foods that are white-exclusive. Other races have inferior organs and inferior wills to digest the perfect, whitest beverage from the domesticated bovine.

>blood sausage, beer, parsnips
>no flavor

JESUS, non-white. All of those items are delicious, one even has a flavor in the damn name.

>> No.4916565

It could be worse, he could be French.

>> No.4916567

Vegetables OP. A healthy garden is whiter than anything. Picture this:

>Africa: ogga booga, sho' wish better food grew round here
>Asia: ah soo, rice so hard to grow! Oh well, better make me society do ONLY THAT.
>Europe: blimey/gotten himmel/zut-alours! Growing vegetables rules! I think I'll grow a little of everything!

>> No.4916571

Cabbage OP.

>> No.4916593

You could pickle a roast pork, then smoke it and then roast it in the oven.

>> No.4916603

Some of my favorite aryan food:
>cream cheese and smoked salmon on a bagel
>pastrami/corn beef on rye
>chicken shwarma

>> No.4916608

Im from Scandinavia and sadly we dont really have a strong traditional food culture over here, no wines, very little in the way of spirits, almost no variery in foodstuffs, etc.

You are better served by looking at modern Nordic cuisine and we also have lots of micro-breweries popping up everywhere.

>> No.4916614

Nigga, you best be joking. Scandinavian food is the best.

>> No.4916617

I live here and I have to say its definetily below average when compared to others ive tried.

>> No.4916701

Practice nose to tail eating - as well as preventing the waste of nature's bounty it increases the nutritional content overall and also stops you being overcharged.

>> No.4916707

>beef wellington

>> No.4916720

I'm German and our cuisine is mediocre at its best. Beers and breads are all great, but other than Sunday roasts, we don't have any good warm meals to offer.

>> No.4916754

I'm sure you're already eating a lot of dicks. That;s the only Aryan food I can think of.

>> No.4916796


u wot m8?
kommst du ausm osten?

>> No.4916800

nee man, Niedersachsen. Aber Niedersachsen hat so gut wie keine genießbare Esskultur. Wenn du glaubst mich vom Gegenteil überzeugen zu können, bitte.

>> No.4916812

Nigga, it's Bregenwurst season.

>> No.4916813

You fucking tell that cuisine traitor.

>> No.4916817


ne ne ich kann nicht für niedersachsen sprechen aber ich finde schon das Deutschland mehr zu bieten hat als Schweine- und Sauerbraten. Die ganzen Würste und Eintöpfe und Fischspezialitäten etc.
schau mal hier http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutsche_K%C3%BCche

>> No.4916857

Ich komm aus NRW bzw dem OWL und hier gibt es so gut wie gar keine heimische esskultur. Gut essen gehen kann man zwar trotzdem aber nunmal eher ausländische Küche. Für meinen Geschmack ist die Deutsche Küche ein bisschen zu Schweinfleisch lastig wenn man mal von Fischgerichten absieht, und nein ich bin kein Jude und auch kein Moslem, finde einfach kein Gefallen daran ständig Schwein zu essen.

>> No.4916917
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Aryan food isn't my favorite but it can be tasty if you're in the mood

>> No.4916920
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>> No.4916930


Am I missing something?

>> No.4917028

>Würste und Eintöpfe und Fischspezialitäten
Nee danke du

>> No.4917032


>> No.4917034

Not until they put quinky sauce on the menu.

>> No.4917037

I doubt that's what OP meant, judging by his pic.

>> No.4917039

>/pol/ outside of /pol/

its like you never look at the bans page

>> No.4917077

Quite. Imagine it's behind the other guy's cheeky use of Afghan food, though, and I was just pointing out what was being missed since somebody asked.

>> No.4917100


There are many things I love about Nordic food. I am not that interested in the traditional foods we have, but we do have some awesome ingredients to work with.

>> No.4917106

I am always under impression Germans suffering from diarrhea all the time, i mean eating so much fat and drinking beer at the same time on a daily basis.. fuck me.

>> No.4917139

Niedersachsen bzw der Norden ist super. Schön Grünkohl, Mockturtle, Räucherfisch, Labskaus

>> No.4917142

this thread is ruthlessly efficient and good for the economy

>> No.4917149

I'm German and I take a single solid shit every second day.

>> No.4917155

you mean jewish

>> No.4917162

Laber nich, noch nie Grünkohl gegessen?

>> No.4917167

semen is good, but sure guys get enough of that

>> No.4917243
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Die Deutschen sind mit die schlimmsten Menschen im Internet.
Kaum öffnet jemand einen Thread über deutsches Essen, schon ist alles voll mit Leuten, diue meinen sie müssten Deutsch reden.

>> No.4917274

Wie können wir es bloß wagen, unsere Esskultur in unserer Sprache zu diskutieren! Frechheit!

>> No.4917281
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>> No.4917284

Da ist käse auf den hund heute abend.

>> No.4917333
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my favorite aryan dishes

>> No.4917336

German lunches with cold cuts and cheeses and butter and bread are god tier

>> No.4917373

Such blood

>> No.4917383

First thing you should do is read about Iranian cuisine.

>> No.4917386

it's myoglobin, calm down

>> No.4917398

Over here, raw milk is mostly consumed by Koreans, Chinese, and Indians.

I have yet to hear about white people in the area who consume it, except for the really hipster types.

>> No.4917416

don't worry, every nationality is like that on the internet

>> No.4917427
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At least it's better than Scandinavian food, which is not saying much. That shit is fucking subhuman.

>> No.4917432

Aus Grünkohl und Bregenwurst mach ich mir nix.
Und was hat Mockturtle mit deutscher Küche zu tun?

>> No.4917435

You know, apart from the extremely brown skinned Indians that drink more milk than Europeans do.

>> No.4917436
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das war mein Mittagessen

>> No.4917437

>2 dishes everyone thinks are gross anyway
It's not the most inventive of exciting, but Scandinavia has come a long way with it's food.
Most people who do eat some of those questionable traditional food is just because of tradition.

>> No.4917456

>Implying the face-musculature isn't the best meat on the animal.
>Implying that because a taste-experience is not immediately gratifying it cannot be good
Diversify your palate, pleb
I bet you didn't like wine the first time, either

>> No.4917458

> I am not that interested in the traditional foods we have, but we do have some awesome ingredients to work with.
For sure, the traditional stuff isnt that great but these days there are restaurants like Noma which use domestic ingredients to amke some of the best food in the world.

>> No.4917466
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People eat rotten fish dissolved in caustic soda because of tradition?

>> No.4917489
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>trying to find excuses to redeem an objectively heinous cuisine

>> No.4917548
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i dont know where you assholes come from, but i love my wienerschnitzel and spaetzle

>> No.4917641

>not reading the piece of Aryanism's website


>> No.4917648


Holy shit... aryan food sucks. Eating cooked cereals at room temperature.... could they try and harder to be a bunch of hardasses?

I'm all against the Jewish corruption of our food... but damn man. Grains and cereals aren't even that good for you; how are you supposed to throw off the Jew eating just that?

>> No.4917649

I think a nice, warm soup with some dark, dense bread is the best and most Aryan food combo. Oatmeal in the mornings, soups and stews for other meals.

>> No.4917662

>Rebecca Black tells it like it is!
Oh fuck there go my sides.

>> No.4918990
File: 29 KB, 440x320, aryans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look you dumb shit. The only people who think that the Aryans were who the modern Germans are now were nazis.

Pic related, it's what an aryan actually looks like. The live in Persia, you anti-semitic anthropology drop out.

>> No.4919296


Only plebs don't appreciate our glorious food and beverage culture.

>> No.4919300

Aren't they the same?