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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4887361 No.4887361 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Your favorite chain

>> No.4887386
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>> No.4887399

In-N-Out son.

>> No.4887408
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>> No.4887455

But why? There's no variety

>> No.4887463
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>> No.4887464

Chipotle viral marketers pls go. I've seen like 12 threads blatantly plugging chipotle in the past 2 days.

>> No.4887465

Sorry, I didn't know. I'm from /tv/, I just really like Chipotle.

>> No.4887472

I actually like it too, a lot. But I'm tired of viral mucking up the board.

>> No.4887476

Th-then let's talk about a different place. Like >>4887463
I mean, what kind of a name is that? Am I right?

>> No.4887477

My personal favorites category:
>Raising Canes
>Chick fil A
>In n Out
>Taco Bell

Overrated as all fuck category:
>Five Goys
>Del Taco
>Pizza Hut

>> No.4887491

There are people who actually like McDonald's, KFC, and Pizza Hut?

>> No.4887499

I haven't met them IRL, but I see them on /ck/ frequently defending all three of those places. Thats some bottom rung stuff.

>> No.4887506


Not the original anon but the McDonalds here is good and I haven't eaten at another. Are there regional or national differences?

I mean, it's not high class food, but it's not shit. It's like snack food. It's good but not worth boasting about.

>> No.4887524

>thinking five guys is overrated
>not realizing it's just that good

>> No.4887533

My girlfriend likes Pizza Hut. It's fucking horrid.
Their anchovies are basically paste.

>> No.4887546
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>> No.4887697

Pics related

>> No.4888109

I've never had smashburger and there's one near my work. Any suggestions on what to get?

>> No.4888118

Any burger that sounds good, plus a shake. Only reason I pick them over Five Guys is because they serve shakes, and that's the best companion to a burger.

>> No.4888161


Pizza hut a shit. My pizza chain preference is this:

Pizza Bolis
Papa John's

>> No.4888165

I miss Jack in the Box. Damn shame a single one does not exist in Maryland. I had that shit at least twice a week when I lived in hawaii.

>> No.4888199

Chick fil A.

They serve some of the best chicken sandwiches, treat their employees nicely, are devoutly religious, and piss off the faggots to no end.

All in all, a great chain.

>> No.4888206

I miss that place so much. I lived in Texas for 25 years and it was my Saturday routine to get a large sweet tea and classic chicken. Moved to Seattle and we have fucking nothing good. And fuck you if you want any sort of fried chicken that isn't KFC. It doesn't exist. God, hippies.

>> No.4888213

We now have two here. They do indeed have great sandwiches, as they did when I lived on the coast, but nothing short of making out with the same gender on the till actually sets them off. It's a fast-food joint nearly the same as any other, and about as Christian a sandwich shop is as a Halloween party store is Celtic or pagan.

>> No.4888218
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>> No.4888222

Real talk though, being closed on Sunday is fucking dumb. I always crave it on Sundays and it tends to be my day off. Fuck.

>> No.4888234

>good thing

I'm absolutely sick of you shitheads on /ck/ Over and over, you continue to be blatantly homophobic by eating at a place that does not support Gay Rights. Over are over you talk about how good their burgers or whatever shit they cook is. Do you know what those burgers are made with? Hatred for men and women who just want the right to love other men and women.

Chick fil A is a fucking monsterous chain, and you are a monster if you eat there.

>> No.4888244

I'll give you a 3/10 because you started out okay but then nosedived right into unbelievable.

>> No.4888248

I can't think of a chain restaurant I like enough to call a favorite. Experience has taught me they're all shitty. If I had to pick I'd go for In-N-Out for tastiest crap, and Taco Bell for cheapest shit that won't make me feel ill after if I order carefully.

>> No.4888252

I always work weird shifts Sundays and I'm pissed I can't get alcohol or eat in half of all restaurants. Never even noticed Chik-a-filet was closed.

I support gay rights, but I also support good food, and trolls. I bet if I took my gayest friend in there, lisp and all, they wouldn't say a goddamned word. Private politics and funding are of course a different matter, I won't buy certain blue jeans not because they're strongly anti-gun, but because they're shitty fucking blue jeans.

>> No.4888254

I prefer 7/11. those hot dogs. that condiment table. the low low prices of slurpees. don't forget the taquitos either!

>> No.4888309

Fucking Wendy's
Panda Express, Id eat kung pao every day
Taco Bell for chicken chalupas

Burger King really used to be but I grew out of it
McDonalds is really trying to compete with Wendys, they're bringing out cheaper quarter pounder varieties to beat Baconator, it's not the same though

How are the McDonald chicken wings?

>> No.4888317

>hot dogs
mah nigga
Drown it in cheese with some chips oh man

>> No.4888417

There are both regional and national differences, yes. I'm ex-Navy and travel a lot for my civilian job, I've eaten McDonald's in 30 states and 25 countries. Some stuff stays essentially the same but may taste different due to different suppliers for the ingredients (their beef is especially true of this). Other places may have entirely different things on the menu depending on local preferences. Some parts of Canada and the northeastern US have McLobster sandwiches instead of a McRib. I remember being in Hong Kong and having pineapple pies instead of apple pies. I never saw a single Japanese McDonald's serving bacon with their breakfast; it was always just ham or sausage.

>KFC and Pizza Hut in "Overrated"
>Popeye's and Chick-Fil-A in "Favorites"

I like you. Popeye's is fucking amazing and KFC can go fuck itself with a rake.

I used to think I liked Pizza Hut, but I later realized it's just that Pizza Hut was the only delivery chain that was near my house when I was growing up, so it was all I ever had. Once I got out into the world and started eating other chains' pizzas, I tried Pizza Hut again a few years later and was shocked at how bad it tasted in comparison.

Jimmy John's is fucking delicious. That and Quiznos are my favorite sandwich chains, by far. Unfortunately, four of my five local Quiznos have shut down in the past year.

>> No.4888428
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this is my favorite chipotle burrito

>> No.4888472

I agree

It's jarring for me to hear someone say they want to eat Mexican and mean Chipotle

I never had so much rice in a burrito before and not even spanish rice

>> No.4888481
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My personal favorite.

>> No.4888511

Wow, That's a very broad question. i like independent chains. there's a chain called Chavolos in Colorado that impartial to when it comes to mexican food. Or Los Betos when i travel to the southwest. Wings N things in the south. and DSP when it comes to pizza.

>> No.4888745

Why do I never see Fatburger listed in these threads? I had one in Vegas and it was fucking gorgeous. (from UK)

>> No.4888765

There's a fatburger here on base literally 3 minutes walk from me and I've eaten there twice. Nobody I've talked to likes it. The consensus is that it's heavily overpriced for what is extremely sub-par burgers. I would much rather have five guys, I'd like 3 pounds of fries if I know I'm getting boned.

>> No.4888775

Are you me? I was in Vegas a few weeks ago and ate at Fatburger. That shit was delicious, especially after the tasteless disappointment my first burger encounter at In n Out earlier that week.

>> No.4888798


>> No.4888800

nevermind, thank you my nigga

variety? fuck variety, every single time I go to in n out I am EXCITED to have the same thing I had the last 10000 times

>> No.4888809
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Andy's Cheeseburgers and Cheese steaks is pretty good considering what it is. I even worked at two of them and would still eat there to this day.

>> No.4888838

Vegasbro here. There's a Fatburger about a mile away from my house.

Although my favorite has to be either Aloha Kitchen or L & L Hawaiian BBQ, this is just a personal taste however, and the fact their Beef Bowls are huge and cheap as fuck.

>> No.4888864

Used to wear a golden chain when I was younger. That was my favorite chain back then. Now I'm older and think chains are stupid.

>> No.4888931
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>> No.4888972
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>> No.4888973

Dude, I know you're trying to shill, but maybe you should head over to >>>/v/ and watch those guys in action. Those are how shills are SUPPOSED to act...

>> No.4889131

Great fucking burgers and ice cream and they aren't as expensive as they could be.

>Noodles & Co.
I know a lot of people think this place is pleb compared to "muh local foreign joint", but I've never had a bad experience. Maybe I'm just lucky.

>Jimmy John's
I don't really crave Jimmy John's, but it always hits the spot when you're in a strange town and hungry and there's one just sitting there in a prime location.

Great fucking food for a gas station. Whoever decided the roast beef sub should actually get quality medium-rare meat and sharp cheddar and horseradish is a saint. And dat iced tea bar.

>> No.4889146

>ctr + f "panera bread"
>0 results

wow you guys are faggots

>> No.4889152

Remember to sage, report and hide viral marketing threads.

>> No.4889165

eh, they used to be good, back before there sandwiches weren't premade and they didn't skimp on everything.

>> No.4889167

>liking panera bread
How' does it feel to spend $6 for a half-cup of from-frozen soup served in a bread bowl made from trucked-in dough.

>> No.4889168
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Remember you're a tremendous faggot and not everyone has the same stick up their ass as you do.

>> No.4889201

I have a Jimmy John's and a Firehouse Subs near my office. Have grown incredibly fond of both places.

Uncle Sam's Subs doesn't really qualify as a chain, since to my knowledge they only have 3 locations, but that shit is delicious.

>> No.4889210


pretty sure people here only go there for cheap mcdoubles

>> No.4889218

Glorious Tier:
Taco Cabana
Taco Bell
Jimmy John's
Buffalo Wild Wings

Overrated but not actually bad tier:
Papa John's
Five Guys
Taco Bueno
Raising Canes
Round Table Pizza

>> No.4889223

nigga where is the dairy queen?
those are top tier burgers

>> No.4889226


>Go to JJ's yesterday
>"Would you like a pickle?"
>"Uh, sure. Why not?"
>I get two equally sized wraps
>Unwrap one, get a sandwich
>Unwrap the other, get a pickle the same size as the fucking sandwich
>Fuckin wat

>> No.4889231

people go to DQ for burgers? I thought it was all about the Blizzards.

>> No.4889238

They have giant pickles now? Damn I miss jj's.

>> No.4889298
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>> No.4889319

most people do because their burgers are moderately more expensive than places like mcdonalds
but I've never had an order messed up there,
and I love the actual char on the juicy patties.

Try a double cheeseburger next time you're there if nothing else.
I get one a month as my 'fast food' fix

>> No.4889368

I still wear my 8th grade chain, it's thin and I forget all about it

>> No.4889382

Jimmy johns, probably. We also have this really ghetto fast food place here in Michigan called happy's pizza, which makes ribs chicken, seafood and pizza. It's great when your drunk but always shitty when your sober.

>> No.4889441

The pickles, is part of the reason I keep going back to JJ's. If they ever started providing garlic dill...omnomnomnom

>> No.4889515
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Been on a burrito bender recently.

but my only options are the standard poncheros or hot harry's with more variety and flavors.

>> No.4889581

Heaven Sent and Ezels are fan-fucking-tastik fried chicken places in Seattle, basically the same places but their fried chicken is equal to or better than most places in the south including my g-ma's and mom's fried chicken.

>> No.4889582

i've never been to Chipotle. if I do go what should I get????

>> No.4889583

Oh fuck are you me? I live in NY now but grew up in Hawaii. I miss Jack in the Box so much.

>> No.4889587

A burrito

it's like Subway, it has all the things in display and they ask you want you want in it. I dont really know what I order either, I just get chicken and whatever rice and beans and fillings look appetizing at the time