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4881041 No.4881041 [Reply] [Original]

What are some patrician beers?

pic related - it's considered patrician in North America, but was made for northern England proles

>> No.4881046

I like Newcastle Brown Ale. A lot.

>> No.4881047

Most Gueuzes and westvetleren 12

>> No.4881052

and aventinus eisbock

>> No.4881134

Really? In England we think it's piss.

>> No.4881137

9/10 people here drink Bud Light class beer. Your piss is better than our piss.

>> No.4881146

Well, maybe it's not on that level. I've never had coors, millers, or bud but I can't see them being much worse than stella, fosters or carling.

>> No.4881152

Oh but they are. I almost cried tears of joy when I tried my first Heineken after only drinking Bud. Alright, I'm exaggerating, but it was a huge step up.

>> No.4881202

B-but I like fosters

>> No.4881205


Think of it this way:

>Started drinking on Samuel Adams. Okay it's not the best, but I can't really complain, it's nice.
>Try Bud light after several years. I can barely get it down my throat, it's like flavored water.

Stella is god tier compared to our pisswater.

>> No.4881224


They are genuinely worse.

I live in the UK as well

>> No.4881255

> worse than Carling
oh god wat

>> No.4881281

>Stella is god tier compared to our pisswater.

It seems god tier because things that are foreign or that have novelty value to you are mentally upgraded. Hence the wild success of small craft breweries. No one knows or necessarily cares if it's not very good. It's "muh craft brew" and that makes it automatically good, no matter if it's shit. Of course, once you can articulate its corporate structure in some meaningful way (like, it's connected to a publicly traded holding company), you are allowed to mentally downgrade it again.

Truly, the art of pre-emptively deciding whether a beer is good or bad is a well developed craft to complement a well developed ecosystem of venture capitalists, viral advertising, graphic designers, and of course, an ocean of euphoria.

>> No.4881309

Bu Stella is actually a decent, accessible pilsner. Just like Heineken and Carlsberg and Becks are. European macros are generally decent beers, if nothing special.

>> No.4881315

I'm not sure I'd go as far to call them decent, but they are drinkable if you want a beer. I personally don't care for them. Bud and miller on the other hand, that shit is downright swill tier beer.

>> No.4881317


They may be decent in Europe but they're often in pretty bad shape by the time they get to us in the US. Also, they actually make an effort at having flavor, without actually having a particularly good flavor.

Bud and bud light are perfectly fine. They're meant to be drunk ice cold from the bottle. I would rather have a cheap beer that excels at simply being as inoffensive as possible than a cheap beer that tries to be something it can never be. Beck's is the beer equivalent of a cheap suit from H&M.

>> No.4881322

So bud would be the equivalent of jeans and a t shirt? Cheap but easy and inoffensive?

>> No.4881326


Something like that, yeah.

>> No.4881365
File: 959 KB, 1275x1650, suckone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amerifag here. Newcastle is fucking delicious. And so is Tecate. I refuse to join up with all the pretentious PBR faggots that have sprouted up in recent years.

>> No.4881407
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PBR, Tecate, and Newcastle suck though. Drink something with some real flavor.

>> No.4881410

>MUH ipa

Aren't there other varieties sold in America?

>> No.4881413

Yes it is. Except half the time it's skunky and shitty in bottle form. I guess that's what you get when you ship it across the atlantic and put it on shelves in clear bottles.

>> No.4881416
File: 20 KB, 208x300, alesmith-speedway-stout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure are. IPA's are hands down the most popular craft brews though.

>> No.4881429

They haven't found out about subtlety yet.

>> No.4881483

IPAs are shit tier.

>> No.4881659


Yes, but IPAs dominate the market right now. Your more vocal younger beer enthusiasts tend to trumpet it, not that there's anything wrong with that. There is a massive variety however. For me, while I enjoy an occasional IPA in the right setting the popularity of IPAs here seems to be just due to the adolescence of the reemerging US beer market from the very long shadow of Prohibition.

>> No.4881666


I like H&M. I do want to know why C&A won't come to the US, though.

>> No.4881676


PBR has been a hipster thing since you were in swaddling clothes. It also tastes better than tecate, which is basically just wet cardboard. Get the fuck over yourself.

And to the rest of you:


pick one. beer is the common man's booze. there's nothing uppercrust or dignified about it, even if you are paying nine bucks a bottle. (i say this as a rabid beer advocate)

scotch (not bourbon, not irish whisky) is patrician. wine is patrician. brandies and cognacs are patrician.

>> No.4881689


Have you seen Mondovino? Wine, even very good wine, is not and absolutely should not be patrician.

>> No.4881690

I like wines, prosecco, champagne, and moscato- am I patrician?

>> No.4881713
File: 765 KB, 410x410, Corona-Pacifico-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it comes to Mexican beers, I personally like Pacifico compared to Tecate or Corona.

>> No.4881732
File: 195 KB, 1600x1066, cervezas_mexicanas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely disgusting

>> No.4881759


No, you like sweet grape juice.

A good pomerol enjoyed with a cigar is patrician.

>> No.4881765
File: 207 KB, 689x1024, clementrhumvieux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ruining glorious pomerol with the taste of cigar

oh shit nigger wtf are you doing. just sip on some rum or something along those lines.

>> No.4881778
File: 77 KB, 500x667, smithcross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wine and cigars are meant to be enjoyed together.

but, awww yeah. are you the other patrician rum snob on this board? smith and cross faggot reporting in.

>> No.4881785


not sure, I think there are a handful of rum drinkers on /ck/, certainly much more than wine drinkers. it's #4 behind beer, scotch, and bourbon. I'm more of an everything drinker.

for better or worse I quit smoking 8 years ago and that includes cigars. so I guess I can never take you up on that suggestion.

>> No.4881790


Yeah, there are a lot of rum drinks, but they all drink cap'n morgan and kraken and other party bro shit. me, on the other hand, i'm on a crusade to get dark rum accepted as a manly sipping liquor. that's why i was surprised by your suggestion, because that rum you posted is some first class shit.

also, congrats on quitting tobacky. that shit is terrible for you.

>> No.4881794

Fuck you I'm patrician.

>> No.4881795


Beers aren't patrician. They're rotten grain juice.

It's ewwww.

>> No.4881798
File: 37 KB, 950x178, vegas-robaina-unicos-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm going to come clear with you this once since I'm in a confessional mood, at least half of the spiced rum posts lately have been me trolling.

and yeah, tobacco is terrible. terribly delicious and awesome. I miss it sometimes but it was a money pit.

>> No.4881871

I've heard so many horror stories about bud....I like corona extra and blue moon as my personal favorites.

>> No.4882073

Wine wwith cigars is certainly frowned upon by some people but fuck 'em I like pinot noir with mine.

>> No.4882098

Newcastle is garbage.

Danish, German, or Belgian beers are where you want to start looking.

Ireland has the rare good one too (like Kilkenney)

>> No.4882101

I think Heineken tasted like ass compared to bud

>> No.4882191
File: 2.94 MB, 400x209, welcome_to_Newcastle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Newcastle is garbage.

>> No.4882590
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British beers are terrible piss. Belgian, irish, and American are the best.

Bangers and mash with a pint always related.

>> No.4882649
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If he wants to drink Limey beer at least drink decent stuff like Samuel Smith.

>> No.4882682

I'll keep my eyes out for these. Never seen 'em before and I live in SoCal. For the record, I was only referring to the cheap shit you can get in a supermarket.

>> No.4882687

>it's considered patrician in North America
um, not really at all

>> No.4883382

Just had some bud regular last night at the casino, because they were free. This is coming from a home brewer and craft beer enthusiast.

Would I buy a six pack of it? Nope. Not worth the money when things that cost $2 more and taste 3x better.

Was it as horrid as /ck/ says it is? Nope. It was quite refreshing, easy to drink, and inoffensive. By no means a great beer, but nothing about it was outright bad.

>> No.4883416

>Live in Colorado
>In shouting distance of at least 20 craft breweries

Every time I go to the liquor store it feels like I'm going on safari.

>> No.4883439


You guys do realize that Stella is owned by InBev, the same company that makes our pisswater right? It's less international, more corporational

>> No.4883668

Personally, I tend to stick to either Jack Daniels or Jagermeister, but when I drink beer it's normally Budweiser, cools light or Corona.

I'm from the UK and I'm awake Budweiser and Cools Light are American beers.