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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 11 KB, 275x183, browniesyay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4876096 No.4876096 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, was wondering if any of you could help me out!

I'm currently on a cut (/fit/izen) and wondering if there are any recipes for brownies that are at least moderately better for you than the shit that comes in a box.

I know it's a long stretch, but if any of you could help out and provide a bit of nutritional info too, that'd be awesome.

Thank you!

(Any other dessert recipes would also be appreciated! :) )

>> No.4876115



>> No.4876121

Are you talking about less calories or more nutritious?

>> No.4876128


Less calories.

>> No.4876147


Take a box of brownie mix.
Take diet soda of choice (gotta make sure it's freshly carbonated)
Mix it in with the brownie mix
Add some eggwhites, or eggs if that's cool with you
Pop in the oven before the fizziness wears off

Haven't tested this but when I was very sick with an eating disorder people would post recipes and this is one I found.

>> No.4876172

Get a can of unseasoned blackbeans. drain and rinse. Put cleanbeanz back into can. Pour water into can just until it covers the beans. Puree as much as possible. Make this stuff pure smooth creamy grey/brown liquid. Mix with and bag of box brownies and bake per instructions.

Might want to cook slightly higher (+25 degree) and add an extra teaspoon of baking powder (i don't know if there is enough acidity in the box to react well enough with baking soda)

>> No.4876185


choose one

>> No.4876186

I've actually tried this. You can even take it a step further and omit actual flour and use cocoa powder and Splenda instead of sugar. It's not a real brownie, but it's surprisingly passable and satisfies that chocolate craving.

>> No.4876236 [DELETED] 



>> No.4876240

substitute applesauce for the oil. You get rid of a lot of calories and most of the fat

>> No.4877215

>I know it's a long stretch
You got that right. Look, there are some things you can't eat when you're restricting calories and/or carbs and some things you can. Getting your head around that is one of the key things you *need* to do if you want to live a certain lifestyle.

>> No.4878395

Mix all dry ingredients
When adding the melted butter also add half a cup of warm liquid borry.

>> No.4878412

You want better brownies? Switch the oil for applesauce. The ratio is the same. Whatever amount the oil needs to be use the same amount of applesauce and omit the oil.

you can do this for all baked goods with butter and oil. Butter to applesauce ratios are a little different and you can't use it in some things like pie crusts for instance, but swapping oil for applesauce is god tier in baked goods.

>> No.4878695


Why are you asking us? Wouldn't /fit/ know about that kind of stuff, or are you too scared they'll just tell you to make something incredibly fattening so that you may showcase their own gainz with your fat ass?

>> No.4878801

no no no fuck everyone here. Just use a can of unseasoned/unsalted black beans >>4876172

>> No.4878804

Google "black bean brownies".
I make them often when I crave a dessert, and they're great.

>> No.4878810

Black bean hive mind.

>> No.4881325

just put some unsweetened almond milk in a blender with some peanut butter and cocoa powder

>> No.4881332
File: 109 KB, 788x739, 1369522601592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm on a cut
>I want to eat fucking brownies

This is why I stay the fuck away from /fit/ unless I'm in the mood for 10 pages of unadulterated stupidity.

>> No.4881349
File: 1.11 MB, 937x627, 1323780050208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and me both, friend.

>> No.4881394

Are you implying it's impossible to cut while still eating brownies? I doubt you're that much of a moron, but this _is_ 4chan

>> No.4881418

I think he's saying that if you want to cut, maybe you shouldn't be looking for ways to eat brownies, you fucking fat faggot