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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4865623 No.4865623[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How much money do you spend on groceries per month?

I spend about $150. I eat well, but have to stick to generic brands and buy in bulk when certain items go on sale.

>> No.4865626


I spend so little on food. All my money goes on drugs and booze. I just eat rice, lentil, vitamins, etc.

So cheap. So healthy.

>> No.4865634

>tfw eating better then op for half the cost

>> No.4865639

Thanks to living walking distance to a butcher shop, I picked up about 3lbs of meat last night
1lb of ground pork
some top round steak
and some 3 nice pork cutlets for katsu
all of it cost me about 6bux

that's more than enough meat for the next week for me.
I live on less than ~50 a month normally thanks to rice and a small veggie garden

>> No.4865642

Probably close to $100, but my fiancee eats some of my food and I've been experimenting a lot in the kitchen lately.

>> No.4865653

About $50 a week (I go shopping every saturday)
Then again, I drink a lot of booze and I have the bad habit of getting more stuff if I think I'll come out under $50.

>> No.4865671

>tfw getting more food ingredients for free by boiling down bones

>> No.4865685
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After rent and bills, I usually have around $60 - $70 for food per month.
Lots of chicken, pasta, rice n beans, ramen, and canned things.
I never go hungry, and I sure as fuck aren't gonna turn into one of those food stamp people.
I don't have mountains of food stocked up, but I never go without anything.
I usually have enough left over out of that to treat myself to a 'taco shit day', where I glut myself on taco salad all day long.

My mom taught me how to make my dollars stretch. Lots of soups and things from scratch. Cheap shit that lasts a few days.
I don't buy booze or chips or snacks or shit like that.
I hardly ever eat out.

Its not that hard to make your money stretch. You just gotta shop smart and not blow it on retarded shit.

>> No.4865686


>tfw no evidence / degree to which one is sated by McDonald's is subjective

>> No.4865693

This should be the /ck/ sticky.

>> No.4865706


This, I even made a bunch of buffalo chicken thighs for my friends and made sure they saved the bones. Got about a quart of stock sitting in my freezer now, awwwyeah.

>> No.4865714
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>food budget is 10 dollars a week
>one soda bottle for morning before work
>ramen noodles for breakfast and dinner
>nothing else

>> No.4865716


>$10 a week for food
>buying soda


>> No.4865725

Black beans and yellow rice with some sour cream and green onions.

It's about 70c per serving.


>> No.4865727

>one soda bottle for morning before work

How are you still alive?

>> No.4865729
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I spend about $130 and i eat allot of meat with 4 T-bone steaks a month. You just gotta know when to buy your meat. Go to Target check the sell by dates of it. Go to store the day before or on that date(really early though) and It is usually be marked down 70% with coupons. $1 each lb of ground beef $2 t-bone steaks $1 for a lb of chicken. Then just buy cheap boxed food sides pasta roni and that jazz. Cook allot and eat those leftovers for days. Although for the meat coupons as seen in the picture the red special today stickers are different per stores. some will put multiple coupons on and they use each one at the registers. and some will only put 1.

>> No.4865740

I give myself a $30 grocery budget per week, along with my boyfriend. We buy mostly fresh veggies, cheeses, grains, nuts, legumes, eggs, and bulk necessities (olive oil, spices). Also cheap bulk liquor. Only sissies need mixers.

I also let myself spend an average of $8 a week on restaurants/fast food. Keyword is 'average'. Boyfriend pays sometimes, I pay sometimes. Sometimes we go somewhere nice, sometimes it's the neighborhood Taco Bell.

>> No.4865742 [DELETED] 

>only sissies need mixers

You're real tough for a peter puffer.

>> No.4865749

I spend about $250/month for two people. I buy very little meat, when I do its a whole chicken or a whole fish. Spend as much time in the produce section as I can.

>> No.4865751

Including or excluding booze?

>> No.4865756
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>>implying booze isn't food

>> No.4865769

I live alone and budget $350 a month for food. Though sometimes I spend more if i go out to eat which I usually do. But then again I made around $5000 a month.

>> No.4865795

On groceries, usually somewhere in the range of $300-400 per month.

On going out to lunch 3-4 times a week, probably another $150-200 per month.

>> No.4865797

Jesus Christ you Americans have cheap food, I spend about $800 Australian a month on food and I'm not fat nor do I eat a gourmet diet.

Keep in mind an Australian dollar is worth almost as much as an American dollar.

>> No.4865803

I got a fancy import cheddar from Australia last time I went shopping. Just wanted to say thank you, it's delicious.

>> No.4865806

haha i debone pork roasts and use the boiled down bone juice and pieces if meat i missed from deboning to make tamales and chili sauce fried rice and junk

>> No.4865809

Anyone can eat cheaply if they choose to or are forced to.

Keep in mind the majority of people on 4chan tend to be unemployed and/or students that generally have very little money to spend to begin with.

>> No.4865819

about $400-$500 per month for two people

I eat fucking decadent. There once was a day when I couldn't imagine eating $10/lb lunch meats, and then I tried them and haven't looked back.

>> No.4865825

I live in Australia and I don't spend anywhere near that much, I eat pretty decent food.

Not really sure how much I spend but I could probably get away with 10 bucks a day.

>> No.4865833


that's great but minimum wage is like $20/hr in australia. it's like comparing yens to gold bullions.

>> No.4865836

Does alcohol, tobacco, and drugs count as groceries? Because I spend 3x as much on that as I do actual food. As far as food goes, I'd guess about $50 or so a week.

>> No.4865840


Maybe 60$.