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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4861177 No.4861177 [Reply] [Original]

Just bought myself a shaker of this stuff. I have no experience with it but I'm excited to try it out. What should I put it in? What should I definitely not put it in? Would it be good in falafel?

>inb4 hurr msg is evil. at least read the wikipedia article about it first.

>> No.4861183


You can add it to anything that you would like to give you diarrhea followed by a high probability of gastrointestinal cancer.

>> No.4861187

never used it on anything not meat. i sprinkle it on meats i intend to grill or pan-griddle. that's it.

>> No.4861203
File: 210 KB, 305x384, suck_it_GRODONRAMSAY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add it to meat and veggies. Keep it to half a teaspoon on fruit and desserts.

Even Gordon Ramsay admitted his chinese food tastes like shit vs traditional recipes with msg.

>> No.4861205
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hehehe good goyimses, consume your brain-destroying MSG


>> No.4861206
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>> No.4861216
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I suggest you do your homework, OP.



>> No.4861287


I'll risk it.


Does it really do anything for fruit/desserts? I've never heard of using it on sweet stuff.

>> No.4861292

>Does it really do anything for fruit/desserts?

Not in my opinion. It's a savory/umami flavor. You use it as a shortcut for natural savory flavors like worcestershire sauce, anchovies, fish sauce, browned drippings from meat, parmigiano-regianno, dark meat broth/stock, etc.

>> No.4861294


Joel sucks!

>> No.4861610

I've worked in several Michelin starred restaurants around the world, and every one of them uses accent in almost every dish.

>> No.4861614


thanks anon, you made me laugh.

>> No.4861627

>intentionally putting msg on your food
I don't even

>> No.4861669

I make a lot of soup, and any time I'm making one without any meat on hand, I'll put a maybe a teaspoon or so for a gallon of soup.

>> No.4861722


Why not?

>> No.4861726
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>using crappy ingredients and covering them up with herbs and spices to hide their subpar flavors

>> No.4861734
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>implying anyone said they would be using crappy ingredients

>> No.4861757

That is Accent's main function. It is implied by just existing.

>> No.4861761


>> No.4861762


As implied above, that's quite a strawman you're creating there. It can improve the taste of dishes composed of quality ingredients just as it can in dishes composed of crappy ingredients.

>> No.4861767

OP here is what surprisingly no one has told you (who am I kidding, this is /ck/)

Don't use MSG, it's basically cheating. Remember that one episode of Spongebob Squarepants where King Neptune makes hundred of burgers that no one liked, but Spongebob made one extradorinary patty because he put his passion into making it perfect? It's like that- put your passion into cooking, not trying to find the easy way out.

>> No.4861773

> Remember that one episode of Spongebob Squarepants

No, and I stopped reading right there.

>> No.4861781


Shit Anon, if you kept reading you would never have needed to watch the show to still understand the moral of what that Anon was saying.

>> No.4861782


But I'm looking for flavor, whether that comes from "passion" or not. And who are you to say that I can't put passion into my cooking and use MSG? Your logic that MSG is cheating is lie saying salt is cheating, or any other spice for that matter.

>> No.4861784

>It can improve the taste of dishes composed of quality ingredients just as it can in dishes composed of crappy ingredients.

No, you can't. If you used quality ingredients and can still improve them it means you are a shitty cook and using shit seasonings like Accent as a crutch.

>> No.4861788

Quality ingredients and good cooking methods are all you need.

/troll thread hidden

>> No.4861790

Thanks for your shitty opinion. I can assure you I put no stock in it. I'll enjoy my food that is already good and made better by a spice that is not a crutch anymore than salt, coriander, oregano, paprika...


Explain to me how MSG is, objectively, not a quality ingredient.

>> No.4861803

ITT: muh purity garbage

MSG is perfectly legitimate to use in a number of dishes. Obviously you can overdo it, just like any seasoning.

>> No.4861818

/pol/ pls go

>> No.4861836

If MSG is so bad for you why is it so delicious?

>> No.4861872


It's like using a microwave to cook all your food and claiming to be a chef. Any dipshit can microwave food, and it almost always turns out worse than cooking it stovetop/oven. MSG is like using the microwave to cheat cook your food.

if you are such a good cook with your nice dishes as you point out in another post, then you have no need for MSG anyways.

Also are you retared? You pose a question on an internet forum, then "put no stock in" someone opinion. Also nice Ad Hominem, confirmed for fucking tard, but we all already knew that since you decided to make a post about MSG. I had nothing better to do tonight so thank you for the entertainment, I'll go to bed knowing my food is good becuase I use quality ingriedients and know how to fucking cook, not use a cheating "spice" that fucks your body up

6/10 because I got emotionally involved.

>> No.4861880


>I'm so mad about other people's choices and the fact that they reject my claim as arbiter of all things good and authentic!

>> No.4861882

>not use a cheating "spice" that fucks your body up

oh, you mean salt?

>> No.4861891

Try sprinkling some of it on buttered bread.

>> No.4861892


You asked for an opinion, and I'm giving it. You're the one who got so defensive because the majority were telling you what you personally didn't want to hear, thus dismissing their entire opinion.

MSG is not salt. Read something other than wikipedia. Saying MSG is salt is like saying H2O and H2O2 are the same things because they are made of the same elements.


Everything is good in moderation. Salt is just wayyyy over used and causes all sorts of health problems, but it does has it's benefits if, like I said, taken/eaten in moderation.

Even things intrinsically healthy for you (let's say apples) can be deadly for you in immense amounts. The seeds in apples contain cyanide, that lovely stuff that Hitler supposedly took to kill himself. Also all that vitamin C can actually poison the body. I shouldn't need to explain what excess sugar can do to a body

>> No.4861897

>However, researchers have found no definitive evidence of a link between MSG and these symptoms. Researchers acknowledge, though, that a small percentage of people may have short-term reactions to MSG. Symptoms are usually mild and don't require treatment. The only way to prevent a reaction is to avoid foods containing MSG

Yeah, there's no point in avoiding this shit if I'm not allergic to it.

>> No.4861901


Everything that's delicious is bad for you.

>> No.4861906

>MSG is not salt.

Of course it's not salt. It's very comparable to salt, in that it is a seasoning that represents a very basic taste in the human palate.

>> No.4861910

>You asked for an opinion

no, he didn't actually. OP asked for dish ideas and you said "don't use MSG, it's cheating."

>> No.4861912

I'd love if you can show me even one proper study that concludes that MSG is harmful, because the only ones I've found so far say the opposite.

>> No.4861918


Salt is not a seasoning, or a spice. It's a catalyst. Ever hear of salting a steak before grilling it? Or putting salt in a cake? Potatoes seem created to be combined with salt. Salt works with other ingredients not to enhance, but flat out directly change the makeup of food.

Salt should never be labeled as a seasoning or spice, don't believe me? smother your food with salt like you would MSG, and try to tell me it tastes great. I dare you.

>> No.4861921

>Salt is not a seasoning, or a spice
Here we go. You know someone's getting desperate when they have to change the definitions of things to suit their argument.

>> No.4861933

>Salt is not a seasoning, or a spice

This is getting ridiculous. So you don't shake salt onto your cooked fries? How is that different than putting pepper on them?


The bottle of accent itself recommends 1/2 tsp per pound of meat. You're getting really desperate here, friend.

>> No.4861934

this stuff kicks the shit out of salt for popcorn.

>> No.4861940

holy shit a troll thread with anon troll trolling OP troll

>> No.4861946


OP here, I'm not trolling, I legitimately bought a shaker of Accent and I'm looking for ideas. I just put a tsp in a batch of falafel mix; it's going to sit in the fridge until I have time to cook it tomorrow, will post results.

>> No.4861975

How retarded are you on a scale of 1-potato? I

>> No.4862008

gees louise that sounds pretty decadent

>> No.4862017

as retarded as how you keep responding to your own thread to in shameless self-bumping.

you're not going to get much more ideas (if any) since everyone at /ck/ except trollfags like you don't use MSG

>> No.4862023
File: 6 KB, 559x100, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP here, that's not me, and again I'm not trolling.

>> No.4862037

What if OP and Anonfag are the same person trolling each other in a heated argument to keep thread on page 1? What If I'm OP?

Good God I'm High. MSN makes everything taste great

>> No.4862242

yah I know right I put that shit on literaly everything
>got bad food? sprinkle some msg
>got good food? sprinkle tons of msg (it hides the caliories)
>got heartburn? that's right, put some msg in that peptobysmal
>got athlete's foot? rip off those toenails and apply msg
>got shit life? well then put some msg in those shotgun shells and give those assholes in the mall a good scare

>> No.4862823


I assume you'd need to use far, far less.

>> No.4863349

OP here, falafel turned out great, noticeably better than previous batches. At first I was worried I used too much (1 tsp for the whole batch) but it seemed like just the right amount.

>> No.4863883

I put a few sprinkles on pretty much everything, haven't really found anything that went bad with it. sanwiches, chilli, fruit, veggies, steak, pizza, etc. etc.

>> No.4863909

>What if OP and Anonfag are the same person trolling each other in a heated argument to keep thread on page 1?

who the fuck doesn't use the catalog anymore?