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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4795149 No.4795149[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is this true? you'd have to drink water ofc

>> No.4795163


>> No.4795167

I would imagine you would have to at least take vitamin and mineral supplements. But yeah, one year seems farfetched.

>> No.4795186

no, it would be more like 240 days of fasting, but the 400 lb person in question would probably need to take a break every 40 days.

>> No.4795187

no, you would still starve. I don't even think you could fast with those electrolyte drinks for more than a few weeks.

>> No.4795188

"Live" is a nice way to put it.

>> No.4795273

Ofcourse not.
Your body can only synthesize 12 of the 21 amino acids your body needs to keep functioning.
Simple as that. If you don't resupply the 9 essential amino acids by eating you will die.

>> No.4795831 [DELETED] 


Possibly survive.

The body can stock a fair amount of certain vitamins and cofactors, bone density could be reduced as weight is lost, muscle mass could be reduced as weight is lost, lots of connective tissue, skin.

Possibly survive.

>> No.4796263 [DELETED] 
File: 252 KB, 467x486, trip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, I would guess it's based of a case-study where an American (read: obese) went without food for a year, but under medical supervision.

>> No.4796267

Begone from here.

>> No.4796279


it's not, you'd die

it'd be great if this was how it actually worked, but if a fat shit just stops eating for a year, yeah they'd get thin, they'd get dead too.

>> No.4796302

No, he'd just die in about 10 days or so. Maybe 14 max. He'd become delirious well before the end.

>> No.4796880

If you are very muscular your body will use your muscles to keep the vital organs going. You can live for quite a while.

>> No.4796892

A fatass that huge would probably just kill himself after 6 hours of not eating.

>> No.4796897


Lol no.

>> No.4796901


people have survived over a month with no food. ghandi was 70 years old or something and didn't eat for 21 days

>> No.4796904

>Back in June of 1965, a Scotsman weighing 207 kilograms(456lbs), described as "grossly obese" and hereafter known only as Mr A B, turned up at the Department of Medicine at the Royal Infirmary in Dundee.

>He was sick of being fat and wanted to lose weight by eating nothing and living off his body fat. He told the hospital staff he was going to fast flat out, whatever they said, so they may as well monitor him along the way.

>He ended up fasting for one year and 17 days — that's right, he ate no food at all for over a year. He lived entirely off his copious body fat, in the end losing about 125 kilograms(275lbs) of weight.


>> No.4796919

>In the case of our big Scotsman, Mr A B, the staff in the medical school at the University of Dundee kept a close eye on him. He did not eat any food, but the staff gave him yeast for the first 10 months and multi-vitamins every day. Potassium is essential for the proper working of the heart, and when his potassium levels got a little low around the 100-day mark, he was given potassium tablets for about 70 days. He defaecated infrequently, roughly every 40 to 50 days.

Rapid weight loss

>> No.4796925

>only needing to shit once every 40-50 days
Living the dream.

>> No.4796933

That's gotta be one nasty shit though.

>> No.4796938

>456 pounds described as grossly obese
Man I wish it was still like that; back then where being fat was rare.

>> No.4796939

I can confirm this as I've fasted before and after like a week the shits start to be really foul.

>> No.4796942

I hear they have a unicorn problem

>> No.4796944

no. you need vitamins and junk.

>> No.4796951

This sounds pretty interesting, if only you could simply STOP EATING.

>> No.4796977
File: 53 KB, 640x466, 1346508518631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Googleing the concept of 'not eating at all', I came across this-


>Make mixture of simply vitamins/minerals/basic building blocks of nutrition
>30 days later, dropped weight, can run 7 miles instead of 1, completely healthy
>For more info on this project go here-
>Kickstarter-like plan to buy 'miracle' food in batches direct.

>> No.4796988

first few posts of the thread: ha

of course you still need water and a multivitamin, thats not eating in the sense that anyone is talking about (consuming calories)

>> No.4797016

Gonna need some multivitamins and such, stay mostly immobile.

There was a study done about this if I recall correctly, dude came close to a year.

>> No.4797021

You would die. One, you'd need vitamins. Two your body would break down the fat first, and then muscle, you'd be to the point where you couldn't move within a month.

>> No.4797022

>weigh 400 pounds
>very muscular

The chances of this are not high at all.

>> No.4797027

Weighing 450 pounds is still grossly obese you fucking blimp

>> No.4797038

people are stupid
most people don't realize food is made out of vitamins and proteins and stuff
I'm not saying that anyone would actually do this
but people would take this information and spread it around as if you needed to intake literally nothing if you are obese

>> No.4797070


You'd need supplements after the first week. Its why if you are in hospital and with no food, they still give vitamin injections. It would take a while and it would be uncomfortable as hell but you would be dead within a month. Possibly less if you're 400 lbs and you've got the extra stress that's already put on your body.

>> No.4797071

>made out of vitamins and proteins and stuff
>i maek poost

>> No.4797085


Well one, muscle weighs more than fat as it is denser and less spherical like adipose tissue is.

When he was Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger was considered obese due to the weight he had from musculature.

>> No.4797114

>Well one, muscle weighs more than fat
No, no it doesn't. A pound of fat weighs exactly the same as a pound of muscle.

Yes. Muscle is DENSER, not HEAVIER. There is a difference. 'Obese' isn't about weight, it's about fat percentage. Arnold was not considered obese.

>> No.4797129

>muscle weighs more than fat
>arnold was obese!

I'm sure you're just covered in muscles you stupid fucking blimp.

>> No.4797164

Obesity is an abnormal accumulation of body fat, usually 20% or more over an individual's ideal body weight.

>> No.4797183

There's a pretty well documented case of someone doing this. I think he lost something like 270 pounds in a year without eating.

>> No.4797214

Muscle is heavier because it is denser, tard.

Otherwise, by your logic, everything weighs the same regardless of mass.

>> No.4797215

The stress on your body would be terrible. Your lose your hair and have a lot of loose skin.

>> No.4797223

Is this /fit/'s new sperg button?

>> No.4797253

I'm not even from /fit/. I've been to /fit/ once, to ask for advice for another person.

>Muscle is heavier because it is denser, tard.
No. No it isn't. 16 ounces is 16 ounces regardless of what it is made from. 1 gram, is 1 gram, regardless of material.

"Which weights more, a pound of feathers, or a pound of lead?"

>everything weighs the same regardless of mass.
Wrong. Density. Density effects how much an object of a certain size weighs. But the weight of an ounce is the weight of an ounce, regardless of density or size of the object. You can have an object that is 4'x6' and weighs one pound, and an object that is 6"x6", also weighing a pound. Despite the size difference, they BOTH weigh a pound, because 16 ounces, is 16 ounces, regardless of size.

>> No.4797261

Confirmed retard.

>> No.4797276

Coming from the person who doesn't understand that density isn't the same as weight, that's pretty funny.

>> No.4797285

I am not whom you are arguing with. I just thonk youre a fucking idiot.

>> No.4797291

ounces is a measurement of both weight, or volume

>> No.4797295

>thonk youre
Thanks for playing.

>> No.4797305

An ounce is 28 grams. You're thinking of a FLUID ounce, which is a measurement of volume, not weight.

>> No.4797326


>> No.4797383

a morbidly obese person would be less likely to survive something as taxing on the body as starvation than a healthy person

>> No.4797407

This guy went 20 days without food and is fine apparently:


>> No.4797418

Assuming the fat person actually lived though something so unlikely the stomach would have shrunk to nothing and eating would be a deadly shock.

>> No.4797456
File: 124 KB, 324x358, 5c102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people think that you need to eat special food to lose weight
>mfw they don't know you just need to count calories

You people don't know shit about nutrition. A 400 pound person could eat cotton candy for the rest of his life and as long as they count calories he could reach and maintain his target weight, just as long as calories in equals calories expended.

Sometimes I wonder what kind of country America would be if the education system actually worked. It's like you guys get all your nutrition knowledge from shitty women's magazines.

>> No.4797471

He would also be massively unhealthy and die of scurvy. I don't even want to know what his shit and piss would look like. Are you a troll, dude?

>> No.4797498

Oh look its the calorie counting jerk.
The guy without teeth or muscle and that shits once a week.

How are you, counting man? Liking that all sugar diet? Or that 90% trans fat - 10% carbs new diet?

You sure are intelligent

>> No.4797505

I saved the study on my school computer, but a guy did this for over a year I think, the only thing he ate was vitamin supplements and water. He didn't eat anything caloric.

It works but you would need someone in the know watching your intake of essential vitamins, and monitoring your health.

And if i remember correctly there was no ill effects on the guy from the study.

>> No.4797515

When Jesus did it he started hallucinating and seen the devil. Do you want to see the devil?

>> No.4797552

Fucking /ck/, this thread proves that /fit/ knows more about nutrition than you guys do.

>> No.4797597

Lurk more

>> No.4797598


Or you could just eat proper food and not have to worry about counting calories. I eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains, and if I don't make an active effort to eat more than I feel like eating, I'd lose too MUCH weight. If your diet is high in fiber and low in oils, it's hard to become fat. Eat right, drink water, and just wait. That's all it takes.

>> No.4797613

yes because eating "right" consists of low-calorie foods by nature.. hence counting calories for fatties who can never grasp this concept because they binge on a few calorie dense things that set them back majorly.
knowing that 400 calories of greens can be twice as satiating and healthy as 400 calories of unfulfilling shit can make a load of difference in your diet.

>> No.4797679

>400 calories of greens can be twice as satiating
Probably because it would be a full 5 gallon bucket of leaves

>> No.4797686

Fat people will have always more muscle mass than thin people (same level of excercise).

>> No.4797701

counting calories doesn't work like that
if you're hormones are fucked you can count calories all you want but still gain weight

>> No.4797734

that's the point

>> No.4797742

>if you're hormones are fucked you can change the laws of physics
Or it could be you are a pathetic fatass who lies to himself and tries to lie to anonymous people on the internet.

>> No.4798129

>if you're hormones are fucked you can count calories all you want but still gain weight
No, no it doesn't work that way. It really honestly doesn't. No matter how fucked your hormones are, if you only eat 500 calories a day, you will lose weight.

>> No.4798152
File: 18 KB, 320x240, piccolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what /ck/ actually believes

>> No.4799241

Your body would break down due to the stress.
You'd most likely die.

>> No.4799341

I think there are something like 3600 Calories in 1 pound of fat. Assume a typical guy needs 2000 Calories per day.

365 days x 2000 Calories = 730,000 Calories used per year

400 lbs x 3600 Cal/lb = 1,440,000 Calories in 400 lbs of fat

Looks like you'd burn about half that, so 200 lbs, in one year without eating. That's a pretty good safety cushion, since if you're 400 lbs you wouldn't want to lose it all and need to keep bare minimum 150 lbs.

>> No.4799354
File: 6 KB, 251x247, 1310411782978s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never knew /ck/ was so full of angry fatties.
Holy fuck.
Everyone just relax. No ones taking your burgers away from you.
We're just tyring to tell you that its really unhealthy gorge yourself and to feel 'full' after every meal.

Think of your stomach as like a.. furnace.
It needs to be fed all day, but not too much or too little.
If you keep stuffing it full of shit, it'll have trouble burning, and you get groggy and feel like shit.
Same if you starve yourself.

It doesn't matter 'what' you eat, its more a matter of portions.
Which are grossly fucked up these days.

>> No.4799369

My friend had a girlfriend who had a roommate that said she couldn't finish the day without gorging on a huge dinner. She "needed" that feeling of being absolutely stuffed, ready to burst or else she was unfulfilled and unhappy. I only met her once for like 5 minutes but yes, she was overweight. Once people get used to feeling stuffed they think it's normal and can't handle not feeling that way it seems.

>> No.4799413
File: 7 KB, 194x160, 1374707969430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowhere in any of those posts did anybody say one pound of one thing weighed more than one pound of another. The only thing that was said is that muscle is heavier than fat.

>> No.4799424
File: 501 KB, 2560x1707, 1377906246576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong! Muscle is measured in avoirdupois whereas fat is measured in troy. So in fact, a pound of fat weighs more than a pound of muscle.

>> No.4799427


>> No.4799478

A typical guy needs more like2300 to 2600

>> No.4799483
File: 653 KB, 260x146, 1369151988905.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yes!! you go my man.. tell them! tell them the truth

>> No.4799530

A 400+ pound walrus is not a typical guy.

>> No.4799625

I am dieting and am striving for 1400 or less per day. 6'0", 30 years old if it matters. I really can't comprehend how someone can pack away 2600 calories. Even when I gorge on pizzas I don't come close to that.

>> No.4799647

>I really can't comprehend how someone can pack away 2600 calories.

are you for real

>> No.4799667

I mean an average dude, not some behemoth land whale. It's different if you're into heavy sports, but as someone who loafs around all day I couldn't force myself to eat that much.

>> No.4799692
File: 155 KB, 1680x1050, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a pound weighs more then a pound

>> No.4799730
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>> No.4799745

Obviously a pound weighs more on Earth than it does in space.

>> No.4799747

pizza is pretty full of calories, you idiot

>> No.4799754

That depends entirely on how hot or cold space is.
Cold things weigh more than hot things

>> No.4799761

you need protein, vitamin supplements, water, and salt.

You don't need calories

>> No.4799777

Watching /ck/ stumble through 6th grade level physics is rather humorous.

>> No.4799784

It's amazing to me science has not invented a zero-calorie food. They came close with stuff like Coke Zero, now they just need to focus on a solid version that will trick us into thinking we're full. Also why are there no pills that actively break down fat molecules in the body? If they know the chemical structure of fat it should be easy to come up with some drug that disassembles them.

>> No.4799795

Yes and no. If a person that heavy were to fast for a year, their body would go into ketosis. At that point their bodies adapt tomainly using their body fat for energy. Sure, your body would use some muscle, but not enough to kill you or cause permanent damage if your body is fully in ketosis. One of the reasons people who greatly restrict their calories end up having their muscles eaten at is because they are still eating which puts them in an anabolic state. No food puts you in a catabolic state.

So yes OP this is true. But if its done incorrectly you could harm yourself. Medical supervision is necessary. The side effects of long term fasting aren't pretty.

>> No.4799797

There is a zero calorie food. Miracle noodles yo.

>> No.4799813

those are like eating rubber, though

>> No.4799825

>google Miracle noodles

Oh thank god it's a food. I was afraid it'd turn up pictures of tapeworms.

>> No.4799876

Not really. Dry fry them until they squeak and they're not bad in tomato sauce and whatever else you want to add.

>> No.4799898

>It's amazing to me science has not invented a zero-calorie food.
Yes, because we should spend our efforts inventing a food that fatties can gorge on and not gain more weight.

That is what is important, keeping the gluttonous fatasses satisfied and less guilty.

>> No.4800098

if they get full on 0 calorie mass, they'll lose weight

>> No.4800111

rule of 3s OP, 3 weeks without food 3 days without water 3 minutes with oxygen

>> No.4800147

It will free up food for the rest of the world who is starving.

>> No.4800162


You'd break down weight differently eating nothing than eating a regular diet. IE You'd lose muscle first, and your internal organs would break down before you started losing significant amounts of body fat.

>> No.4800168

That doesn't make sense. The whole purpose of fat is to sustain you in the event you are starving. If your body broke down muscles and organs first that pretty much shoots any chance you would have in a wildness situation of finding more food. Cuz you'd be dead.

>> No.4800231

Depends on the pizza. For mine I calculate the dough to be 880, sauce and mushrooms are near negligible, so it just comes down to the cheese, which I never really measure, but let's just assume 600. That's only about 1500 calories, and I get 8 slices out of it, so that's only about 188 calories a slice and I don't eat the entire thing. Hell even half of it pretty much can last me the entire day.

>> No.4800239


This. You'd digest yourself in the process.

>> No.4800255

TITP pls go.
The fat goes first, that's what it's fucking there for.

>> No.4800258


Sure, your entire digestive system just stops doing its thing. You fucking dolt, you're so fucking ridiculous. Fat is there to compensate for the missing calories gained from your meals necessary to keep you alive, not to replace them entirely.

>> No.4800264

Yes, and it compensates by using that fat as energy instead of food. Feast then famine is how we evolved. We eat a ton of food, get fat, then use that stored energy when the famine arrives.

>> No.4800267


That's how bears work, they hybernate. We were still awake and active, our bodies are different and our digestive system doesn't just stop. Look at for example all those bulemic people. Their intestines are fucked because they get nothing to process.

>> No.4800269

Explain this, then.

>> No.4800273



>> No.4800276

>He defaecated infrequently, roughly every 40 to 50 days.

God it's like a dream come true. The worst part of my life is shitting, I hate it so much. I wish I could shit this infrequent but still keep eating. That would be paradise.

>> No.4800286

Having lived with an eating disorder where I would restrict my calories and fast on top of it, here's what my body did:
Restricting my calories to 200 a day ate at my muscles but it ate at my fat as well. When you're still eating but not enough to maintain or gain, your body will find any source of stored energy to use. It doesn't eat at only your fat nor does it eat at only your muscles and organs; it goes to both.
When your fasting your body isn't receiving enough carbs and/or food to keep itself in an anabolic state. It switches to using your fat as energy instead of using a drastic amount of muscle as well, optimal for surviving periods of famine.

My body was fairly healthy and normal before my eating disorder showed itself. This is what happens to others who restrict/fast.

>> No.4800290

If we're talking about intestinal problems, okay then. But if we're talking about the purpose of body fat, that is a different issue.

>> No.4800317

>The worst part of my life is shitting
Why? Do you have IBD?

I can literally shit in like 30 seconds.

>> No.4800344

I like shitting.
I eat healthy, so my shits come out very nicely and I rarely have to wipe more than twice. Plus I find it relaxing to shit

>> No.4800350

I hate it for the smell and the mess. I always feel dirty afterward, even after 50 wipes. It's just a disgusting habit.

>> No.4800392

>dem perfect, no-wipe shites
I know that feel, bro

>> No.4800877

sup bros.

30second shitting master race

and it releases all my pent up stress during the day

>> No.4800901


All my jelly. My girlfriend can take a dump faster than I can pee.

Meanwhile, it takes me a good twenty minutes sometimes, and half a roll to clean up to boot. Then i have to scrub down the toilet.

>> No.4800902


>> No.4800926

are you this stupid? fat people have a fuckton of muscles.

>> No.4800999

There is a story about a really obese man who fasted for a year with no issue but I am not sure how true this is.

Why the hell is this on /ck/?

>> No.4801066

Aside from giving the obese food to gorge on without the guilt, people do need calories--believe it or not, many people still need to go out and do things and bodies still need calories to function.

What the fuck.

(But yes, it would be nice if they made shit junk food calorie free or close to it so it wouldn't make people as obese as they are).

>> No.4801071

I'll assume you were joking but since I've seen people say this seriously, do know that it is retarded. Developed countries produce tons of food (and throw away tons of it). There is no issue with lack of food, it's just that it never gets to the shitty developed nations that need it due to various political reasons.

>> No.4801077

You need more fiber.

>> No.4801138

>various political reasons
You mean like who's going to pay to ship thousands of tons of spoilage-prone foodstuffs and be held responsible for the consequences.

>feeding starving nations
Yeah because we really need another India.

>> No.4801147

totally untrue
I always hear people telling fat people you HAVE to eat a salad. And thats pretty often.
If your fat I think you have to eat salad like once a month.