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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4785082 No.4785082 [Reply] [Original]

what's cooking like as a career?

to me, cooking always seemed like one of the most stressful jobs available. i like cooking, but i don't handle stress well. are there any low-stress cooking jobs that i just don't know about?

>> No.4785092

try cooking at a luxury resort. they have shitty human resources so you cant get fired no matter what. and the chefs cant go completly ape shit on you. also you can choose to get over time or not. atleas thats my experiance from the two resorts ive worked at

>> No.4785103

not that great actually

>> No.4785133

that doesn't sound too bad. i'm not really worried about being fired, though. more like being overwhelmed.

why's that?

>> No.4785141
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hope you like books

>> No.4785156

hate 'em. but i'm kinda desperate to get a career in anything going, so i'll take what i can get. got any other books to recommend?

>> No.4785166

If you're too lazy to get any career going, please stay the fuck out of this one.

Consider the soft sciences, they love sad piles of shit like you. I hear gender studies is hot now.

>> No.4785168

Not op but im also interested in starting a career in cooking, pastry chef to benspecific. I know how work is and i think i can handle. Im still hesitating.

I have a degree in audio engoneering but developedd tinnintus and cant seem to realy find any work

Culinary school is my last grasp ...

>> No.4785175


Seconding this. Institutional cooking is fuckin' easy tier. All they care about is that the food is paid for and it's ready on time.

>> No.4785184

>thinks people in "soft sciences" don't have to read a lot
They probably read more than others.

>> No.4785203

i wouldn't say lazy. i'm more than willing to put all the work in that's required for any job, no matter what it is. i'm just a big pile of anxieties.

>> No.4785208

>i'm just a big pile of anxieties.
being in a kitchen probably isn't for you

How old are you? What interests you?

>> No.4785206

My short answer is no, unfortunately.

At least as far as professional kitchens go, the way you learn is by being broken down. You're gonna fuck up. You're gonna be overwhelmed. You're gonna learn.

>> No.4785214


Thanks for killing the joke autismo.

Also, institutional food prep has as much to do with cooking as working in the deli at walmart.

It's easy to get a job in a kitchen, and you will know real fucking quick whether its for you or not. Get over your sperg and give it a go.

>> No.4785216

>Thanks for killing the joke autismo.
Don't be an ignorant prick. You want to talk science then try me asshole. First tell us your current position in life and ambitions.

I'll tear you apart.

>> No.4785225
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Tear me apart rambo

>> No.4785241

>First tell us your current position in life and ambitions.

>> No.4785254

not the answer i wanted, but i think it's the answer i needed. thanks, anon.

23, and i'm kind of into art but still learning. i've considered drawing a webcomic or selling t-shirts for money, but i feel like cooking is a better career choice than that. i've also thought about bartending but i don't think that would be a good idea.

>> No.4785257

>I have a degree in audio engoneering
>Culinary school is my last grasp


If you already have a degree in something like audio engineering do not, DO NOT, get another degree in culinary arts. You will be in debt for the rest of your life. Look at cooking as something to make money while you look for a job in audio engineering. If you find yourself happy cooking, then keep doing it. Unless you are 18 and have a solid plan on going into high end restaurants, a culinary degree is stupid as fuck.

Also, most people don't want to be cooks, even if they enjoy cooking. Every time I hear this I can't help but telling people to get a restaurant job, any restaurant job, just to make sure they know what they are in for. Seriously, most people would consider a cooking job complete torture.

>> No.4785267

>23, and i'm kind of into art but still learning. i've considered drawing a webcomic or selling t-shirts for money, but i feel like cooking is a better career choice than that. i've also thought about bartending but i don't think that would be a good idea.
My gf is in the same position as you. It sucks seeing her, and others, not knowing what they want to do.

You are still young though. What about a trade? If you want a job with decent money and hands-on experience that could be a route.

>> No.4785279


Pretty much this.

If you're not a lazy piece of shit, you can weasel your way into a less shitty position, but at the end of the day they are all shitty positions.

But I still think you should give it a go if you are interested at all, the worst thing you can do is bounce out after a few days, you wouldn't be the first and you wouldn't be the last.

>> No.4785284

yes. be a culinary critic.

>> No.4785301

that sounds alright. think medicine's worth a shot? i've had to take care of a diabetic for a few years, so i got a little bit of a start on that.

can you actually get paid for that?

>> No.4785315
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super exhausted, so i gotta get to bed. i'll check this thread in the morning. thanks for all the advice that you guys gave me, and thanks in advance for any advice posted while i'm asleep. i love you guys.

>> No.4785326
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Cooking without eating it is like sex without an orgasm. I don't get professional cooks.

>> No.4785371

they are prostitutes

>> No.4785410

My life as a professional chef was just summed up accurately in three words. I think I need a drink.

>> No.4786041

My dad is a chef, i worked dishwadher in his restaurantnfor over a year. I knowvexactly what to expect of a restaurant job.

Also culinary schooled is paid for by gov here. All il need is pay the uniforms/personal tools.

>> No.4786468

Where u live?

>> No.4786492

Become a baker. Low stress, high labor. It's therapeutic waking up at 5 and doing hard, honest work.

>> No.4787985


Waking up a 5 AM? Bitch, I don't know what bakery YOU work in, but I'd fucking LOVE to be getting up at 5 AM. Store opens at 5, I'm up at 2 AM and just fucking hope and pray that what we've got proofing hasn't fucked me in the ass and went wrong overnight and that the rest of the hired help makes it in by 3 AM.

>> No.4787992


This. Bakers have an even higher divorce rate than chefs, and that's saying something. I also don't know where you get the idea that it's low stress. Baking is such a ridiculous high wire act compared to savory food. You have to replenish your entire store's inventory every. fucking. morning, and have it all ready at the exact same time every day.