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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4773968 No.4773968[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Your chili is not as good as mine. Stay jealous.

>> No.4773974 [DELETED] 


Sceak moved back in the slums?

>> No.4774005

I'd eat your bean soup. That is not chili though.

>> No.4774018

Looks kinda watery.
What makes yours special?

>> No.4774037

looks like chili to me.

>> No.4774051

I work in a bar, and I've seen our toilets look just like that bowl of chilli, OP.

>> No.4774062

is that ground pork? gross

>> No.4774068

>Looks kinda watery.
I'm still letting it cook.

It's a variation of 'gameday chili' or 'tailgate chili' or whatever the fuck people call it. So I'm afraid it is chili.

>> No.4774072


pick one

>> No.4774075

No, its a bean soup. You can't just cook the water out of bean soup and magically create chili.

>> No.4774076

looks almost exactly like the chili I made yesterday. I used a crock pot, though.

actually, no, mine had way more peppers visible in the mix.

>> No.4774079

>beans belong in chili

>> No.4774081

top fucking lel

why no beans?

>> No.4774087

"Tailgate chili"? So that's the definition of your bean soup. Just "chili", though, is a nomination you aren't allowed to use for it. That is a far nobler concept, reserved only for the true, the authentic, and the Texan. True Texan, mind you, not northern immigrant unionist scum.

>> No.4774090

Soooo you don't do this very much, do you?

I'm guessing that making one pot of chili at the beginning of football season every year makes you the "artsy" one in your friends group

>> No.4774100

>implying that is even chili

>> No.4774105

>far nobler concept
it's fucking chili bro


>> No.4774109
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It's not beans in chili that I mind, but
>kidney beans
have no place in chili. If it ain't red or pinto get that shit outta here

>> No.4774116
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>being this mad

>> No.4774118

>Being a snob about the proper beans to add to "chili".

Equivalent to being a snob about the proper brand of ketchup to pour on a steak. Jesus Christ, /ck/.

>> No.4774123

kidney beans are red

>> No.4774126

>my personal taste is the authority for all
fuck off

>> No.4774127

>being a beaner

>> No.4774129

oh my...do i see canned "baked beans" in addition to the kidney beans??? That must be disgusting.

>> No.4774133

Man, I had the same thought.
It's like someone through a ton of beats into the toilet after I had taken a particularly liquid crap.

>> No.4774137


You wouldn't be mad if it wasn't true.

>> No.4774144
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What if I told you guys that I put dark kidneys, 'chili', and black beans all in this CHILI?

And I will travel the globe calling it Chili. You can't stop me.

>> No.4774151

adding cheese to a burger makes it a cheese burger

adding beans to chili makes it chili with beans

wow so hard to understand

>> No.4774156
File: 90 KB, 650x470, Bueno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys know where the racial slur "beaner" originated?

A long time ago in old Texas the dish chili originated as a popular meat dish among frontier settlers, ranch hands, and cowboys. It was a dish consisting of cuts of beef slow cooked with chili peppers, spices, and sometimes tomatoes. As you know there has always been a significantly large Mexican presence in Texas. The local Mexican populace learned of and adopted this delicious meat stew. However due to poverty and economic strife they usually could not afford the beef required to make the dish in its original form, in lieu of meat they began using cheap and readily available beans. Because of this they were given the nickname "beaners" by the locals, which has evolved into a derogatory racial slur.

Now, you know.

>still using beans in chili in the developed world

>> No.4774160

My chili would beat it by default. Your chili soup has beans in it, pleb.

>> No.4774164

>dish originated from gringos
>they gave it a spanish name though, because they were cool like that

Your history is flawed, chief.

>> No.4774166

>actually believing this
Chili con carne was not the innovation of redneck ranch hands.

>> No.4774172

this makes sense

>> No.4774200
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because purple=red

>captcha: potato harder

>> No.4774207

Color doesn't matter. Putting beans in chili makes as much sense as putting potato in chili. Potato harder, indeed.

>> No.4774208
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you should go to the eye doctor bro.

>captcha: still mad

>> No.4774209

that sounds pretty good. i think i'll start using beans and potato to make chili.

>> No.4774219

i just try to keep it simple.

basically you Need beans, preferably Kidney, meat is optional (chili con carne) a tomato base, spices and vegetables is also optional. I like mine on white rice.

bland chili is the worst.

>> No.4774278
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Step it up faget. Also fuck y'all that don't make chili with beans. JK thats fine just don't use cinnamon like retarded Cincinnati.

>> No.4774296

Cincinnati chili uses cinnamon? As a Texan, I have never given a shit about the bean debate, but fucking christ, cinnamon?

>> No.4774298

Cinnamon was historically used in meat dishes. It is more common than you think.

>> No.4774304

>putting cocoa powder in chili
>putting cinnamon in chili
>putting beans in chili

in Hell there's a special place for people like you

>> No.4774306

My roommate put chocolate in his last year. It's criminal if you ask me.

>> No.4774307

Not sure what is wrong with cinnamon.

But corn..fuck corn

>> No.4774380

Why wouldnt you use cinnamon?
I use nutmeg too
You fucking plebs have very narrow minds
Nutmeg & cinnamon have very earthy tastes to them that enhance the chili
Some of the main ingredients like onions & peppers also have very earthy flavors to them

>> No.4774389

I use nutmeg when I brown the meat.

>> No.4774402

>Implying cumin doesn't cover that ground
Fuck you and your India spices!

>> No.4774403

get a piece of bottom round and a pork shoulder. you will need at least a 12 qt pot or better.

debone the pork shoulder, defat it and defat the beef. throw a piece of suet and a piece of porkfat (about 3-4 inches cubic total, diced)into a pan and cook on medium till you have some grease. brown a few of the pork bones in the fat(BIG ones you can't miss), add the bones and the fat to the pot with the steak and pork, roughly chopped in pieces.

turn the heat on high, and let that shit sizzle as you cut up three large diced onions, mash two heads of garlic, deseed and mince 10 jalapeno chilis, 3 habaneros, and 3 poblanos or chili of your choice. find some chili negras if you want to taste is fucking awesome, but they are trouble(deseed, rehydrate, mince etc)

in the pan toss a generous handful of oregano, about 1.5 tablespoons of crushed cumin seed and a pinch of sage and rosemary. pepper well with black pepper and add a tablespoon of brown sugar. heat that through on medium until its sizzling, pour a half bottle of strong beer or about three shots of tequila in to the pan and scrape everything into the pot. this is called deglazing,

add cans of crushed tomatoes alternating with half cans of water until well covered. bring to a boil and simmer on low for about 3-4 hours. it is done when the meat has falled apart in the pot.

notice i have not mentioned beens.
add beens if you want to stretch this recipe, i ain't walking you through cooking up dried beens so do that or get some cans and add them in after rinsing.

serve over rice

don't forget about those pork bones.

>> No.4774418

cumin is a mexifag spice, doosh.

>> No.4774423

I probably make better chili than everyone on this board.

>> No.4774425

You do.

>> No.4774428

he really does, i've eaten it & rubbed it all over my genitals it was so good

>> No.4774696

So what are the regional variations of chili?

>> No.4774703

The secret to good chili has little to do with the ingredients or proprtions of said ingredients, and more to do with what's on top (huge amounts of cheese and sour cream) and the temperature of the chili and of the environment it's being consumed in. Chili is an outdoor food to be served in winter for sustenance and heat, not some fancy dish designed to tickle the pallet with subtleties.

>> No.4774734

>chunks of tomato

confirmed notevenchili/10

>> No.4774765

Some day I want to try chili as it was originally meant to be eaten: meat, fat, and chili peppers pounded into a brick, salted, dried out, carried around in a hot leather satchel for a week and then boiled in a kettle with river water out in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.4774781

enjoy your gut diseases
it'll probably taste good, at least

>> No.4774782

Are you me anon?

>> No.4774886

Beans in chili might be fine, but it really should be a bit thicker than that in order to not be soup.

>> No.4774909


That is what the salt is for

>> No.4774911

what is your opinion on chili oil / fat oils floating on the surface.
I love that on "watery" chili. As opposed to corn starch filled thick stuff.

>> No.4774912

I beg to differ, but there's no way to tell the difference, that means that you're a troll faggot.

You suck tons of man juice. Could be, like a history channel show? It could be?

>> No.4774913

That's good. Get some red oil floating on the top it's good, that tells you it's ready.

>> No.4774915

ha ha I'm going to punch somebody in the face.
(not you)

>> No.4774920

Maybe you'd like to eat rats and cockroaches as they did during the middle ages?

>> No.4774924

I know it's not me, but don't punch anyone in the face, make some good food and get a girlfriend. There's no reason to punch people out unless they don't like Manchester United.

>> No.4774930

No they didn't.

>> No.4774937

You'd be suprised little boy.

>> No.4775086

Cumin is also an Indian spice.

>> No.4775355

But it was. Mexicans don't even eat it, they consider it pleb tier gringo food.

>> No.4775469
File: 73 KB, 579x720, my_doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of the anal anguish in this thread
>over chili

>> No.4775474

thats the stupidest mfw face its not even funny

>> No.4775475

thats the stupidest sage its not even working

>> No.4776721

The whole argument over chili with or without beans is fucking stupid.

Chili was developed as a trail food, like someone already mentioned. It was dried bricks of salt-preserved meat and chilis cowboys carried with them during cattle drives and boiled into stew.

Another even more common staple trail food? Sacks of dried beans, because they were filling and didn't perish in the heat.

If you think that over the course of several decades no cowboy or cattle-drive cook ever thought "I have a chili brick and I have beans, why don't I try mixing the two together?", you're some kind of retard.

>> No.4776729

I'm sur this guy just has a favorite bean soup recipie

anyone care to share a secret chili recpipie?
I love chili and am making some friday night, gonna be good with 2 lbs. ground beef, and 1lb. sausage cut up, and lots of onion, home brew beer and maybe some halipino peppers

>> No.4776781

>halipino peppers

>> No.4776919

i use fillet mignon in my chili, how do you feel?

>> No.4776933

No Texan cowboy ever did this.

>> No.4776942

I swear, I break so many chili taboos.

I use:
>kidney and black beans
>whole tomatoes
>minced garlic
>serrano peppers
>brown sugar

But it's sooo gooooood.

>> No.4777016


I'm drunk, give me a break

>> No.4777060

are you me?

i do the same exact thing minus corn

>> No.4777080

It needs the corn, anon.
Trust me.

>> No.4777113
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>putting beans in chili
>putting corn in chili
>putting bell pepper in chili
>putting tomato puree in chili
>putting beer in chili
>putting brown sugar in chili
>putting coffee in chili
>putting stock cubes in chili
>using pork
>using chicken
>using ground meat

Admit it, you guys have no clue what youre talking about.

>> No.4777139

cinnamon and beer are great additions

>> No.4777188

>chilli without beans

you mean ground beef in tomato soup? thats fucking disgusting

>> No.4777190

well, I do that too
and see how many fucks I give.

>> No.4777193

>tomato in chili

>> No.4777194

That looks like Dal

>> No.4777203


>> No.4777226

Evidently, chili is religion. Chunky, meaty* religion.

*Well, no one here has claimed the recipe to a meatless chili.

>> No.4777228

This looks like what some Yuropoor thought chili is supposed to be.

>> No.4779286

...but Texas is where chili with beans originated.

>> No.4779294

It was the poor Mehicans. See


>> No.4779315

>not using ox tail

stay pleb peasent

>> No.4779332
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>> No.4781884
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>open thread expecting chili recipes or at least some discussion on OP's recipe
>instead people are throwing turds at each other because he used kidney beans
I never knew people could get so mad about chili

>> No.4782175

>not using:
>chili powder
>garlic powder
>onion powder
>diced onions
>pickled jalepeños
>chopped up steak