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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 550x368, foie-gras-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4771491 No.4771491[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Nightly Vegan Thread. Tonight I had Vegan Pizza. It was a cheat day. I don't plan on cheating anymore though, because bread and shit is addicting. Every time I eat it, a beast is awaken inside me.

Tell me what non-animal food you had for dinner, /ck/?

But also tell me your opinion on Foie gras. People ask me why I don't consume anything animal and I tell them for my health, but I really want to tell them

>because eating animals encourages shit like Foie Gras

This food is specifically extracted in an unusually painful and torturous way. Like all animal products, it is unneeded, but Foie Gras is worse because of the sheer amount of torture that goes along with it.

>> No.4771496

So i'm a vegetarian because i cheat and eat meat every now and then.

>> No.4771500


reread the post. I had vegan pizza.

>> No.4771506

> this is my ethical stance
> but I have cheat days

So, what's better, in your opinion? Being self-richeous and pretending that you believe something but not really believing in it enough to actually stick to it, or just admitting that you're an imperfect being and conceding that there are circumstances under which meat eating is okay?

>> No.4771507


I consider bread and soy cheese to be candy foods. That's why it's a cheat. Real food is raw fruits, raw vegetables, steamed, unseasoned vegetables, legumes, figs, seeds, crushed nuts, unsalted peanut butter. Stuff like that.

>> No.4771508




>> No.4771510
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I love foie gras. The poultry really don't mind either.

Also, bread is vegan is it not? Unless you consider that its killing those poor defensive yeasties

Also, pro-tip: there is no such thing as a vegan.

Please stop posting your shit here, nobody cares.

>> No.4771513


:) Doesn't phase me. I just consider you a frequent fan... XD

>> No.4771521
File: 2.00 MB, 240x180, 1377103563978.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's reaction every morning after making this thread

>> No.4771538


>how meateaters feel when they actually think about the extreme shit they do to consume other animals

Step 1: Feed the animal
Step 2: Shoot the animal in the head
Step 3: Skin the animal
Step 4: Cut the animal up into many parts
Step 5: Cure the dead flesh so it doesn't spoil and kill you upon consumption
Step 6: Season the animal with salts and spices so you can stand the taste of it
Step 7: Cook it because meat is such an awesome food that you can't just eat it raw
Step 8: Eat it

Now let's do an apple, or a carrot.

Step 1: Grow it
Step 2: Wash it
Step 3: Eat it

>> No.4771543


This is bullshit. I ate a cow heart that was raw on the inside, the only reason it was cooked at all was because I couldn't handle the texture.

If you brought some kid up eating cleaned raw meat I'm sure he could handle it. Thus, all meat eating humans could potentially handle it

>> No.4771547


Yeah. Keep lying to yourself. Barely anyone eats raw meat. You just desperate at this point. But I know for a fact a shitload of people eat raw fruits and vegetables.

>> No.4771550
File: 2.33 MB, 1349x4446, PETA UK Vegan Food Awards 2013 Features PETA.org.uk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegan food porn? Vegan food porn

>> No.4771553


Well yeah, but who cares? Me and the rest of us will continue eating meat no matter how much you bitch at us. What's your point? We're gross, unhealthy, unethical? We don't care

>> No.4771558


I'm not trying to convert. I couldn't give a shit.

>> No.4771560

I ate lentil soup the other day. What's something cheaper than bacon, yet smokey and delicious, that I can use to add flavour to it?

Paprika doesn't work very well.

>> No.4771567
File: 71 KB, 500x532, pbs_hamhocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's something cheaper than bacon, yet smokey and delicious, that I can use to add flavour to it?

Can it be meat? There are cheaper smoked pork parts.

>> No.4771579


grilled corn.

>> No.4771575

Shhh, let the vegans answer, they probably have smoked tofu or something.

Ham hocks where I live are really expensive, anyway, since the hipsters love them.

>> No.4771576

>cheaper than bacon

uhm, burnt wood chips?

>> No.4771577


> barely anyone eats it

Ceviche, sashimi, tartare, scallop crudo, fresh oysters, people eat raw meat all the time. If it's fresh and not half-spoiled, there is nothing wrong or unsafe with raw meat. Sure, if it gets contaminated, fine, but raw veg can get contaminated with lysteria and ecoli and shit, too. Food safety really isn't that complicated. Long, bloated, bureaucratic supply chains are what fucks everything up.

>> No.4771581

but...foie gras is amazing....

>> No.4771584
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>vegans actually believe you can't eat raw meat

oh ho ho you guys are seriously fucking retarded.

>> No.4771586


You can. But the majority do not eat meat raw.

>> No.4771589

Sometimes when I'm making a slab of beef, I'll cut off a few slices, salt them, and eat it. Tastes great.

>> No.4771591

And do you know why? Because 90% of the time seasoning and cooking something makes it taste better. This has nothing to do with meat vs. veggies, its fucking common sense.

>> No.4771592

>Faux Gras

Oh the irony. In all seriousness, I wish I could find a place to do bulk orders now that my local place quit doing bulk. Had to buy off amazon last night because I don't know any reliable sites

>> No.4771596

is that picture even accurate? thats such a clusterfuck of random shit piled into miscellaneous groups

>> No.4771598

you should read this article if you are interested in foie.


All any of us can ask for is a kind life and to be treated humanely. After I die, it is not wrong to use my kidney, heart or lungs. that is how I feel about meat. Don't get me wrong, I hate factory farming, but foie gets a bad name for the force feeding when, I am doing something similar to myself as I drink this six pack of beer.

>> No.4771603

if i were to eat vegan it would be for
ethical reasons because
it's really not that healthy

>> No.4771605


holy shit this delusion. yeah, you freely drinking beer is the same thing as OP's picture. Meateater's try to make themselves feel better the dumbest way's. We know you feel shitty about it. Stop lying to yourselves.

>> No.4771608

It doesn't keep well without preparation. Speaking from experience, it's a lot easier to grow potatoes than to raise sheep, which is why the latter is an order of magnitude more expensive than the former.

>> No.4771609


Eating raw fruits and veg and having said raw foods comprise 80% of your diet is the healthiest way to eat. It also happens to be vegan.

>> No.4771612

I'm not going to go through each item, but do a little research for yourself:

>Processed cow fats are many times used to make cookies and salty snacks taste rich and to make lipsticks glide smoothly. Cow proteins show up in shampoo. Collagen, extracted from the inner layer of cattle hide, is used to balm wounds and cosmetically puff up lips. Gelatin, refined from cattle hide and bones, is found in such foods as ice cream, gummy candies and marshmallows -- as well as the capsules encasing drugs.

(Ironically, all the vitamin supplements vegans probably take are most likely encased by cow bits)


>Fishing line, face wash, chewing gum, food packaging, sweetener, antifreeze, synthentic oil, toothpaste, and sugar. These are everyday items that all of us use. If one realized the mass amounts of products they themselves were using with cow parts, they might think twice about saying what a waste it is to eat a cow and then get rid of it.

>> No.4771619

No shit. It's also a lot harder to grow saffron and vanilla bean than it is to grow rosemary and basil, it doesn't mean its unethical or pointless.

>> No.4771622

Lol, we know about the processes used in most medicines and avoid them as much as possible. Beer, capsules, sugar, etc. They sometimes use animal products, but there are brands out there who cater to vegans as we pay more for brands we like

>> No.4771625


Yeah, as long as you shut your brain off and forget that you're explicitly using sentient mammals for food. Sentient mammals that show affection to their children just like we do to ours.

But remember, you can't think about that. They're not mammals like we're mammals. They're different mammals.

>> No.4771627
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hmph, well the more you know. thanks based anon!

>> No.4771630

Who said I was ignoring that fact? I don't eat meat because I think the animals I'm eating don't feel or can't think. I eat meat because I like it and it tastes good. End of story. I'd probably eat you if it were legal and the majority of society agreed with me.

>> No.4771632

Is it wrong for a person with kidney disease to receive a kidney from a donor? Wrong for the hungry to eat meat? I see no difference. I am always surprised that vegans don't differentiate between ethical animal husbandry and CAFOs. It makes you seem an un-nuanced extremist.

>> No.4771636

why raw? your gut actually processes nutrients from properly cooked foods more efficiently and completely.

>> No.4771637
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>> No.4771642
File: 383 KB, 650x2426, peta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically shilling anything put out by PETA

You can tell PETA really cares about animals because they gas them and throw their bodies in a dumpster instead of driving a spike into their brain and actually putting their bodies to use.

>> No.4771643

Hey, I'm not saying anything's wrong with eating meat on a moral level, because the vegans seem to have no trouble doing that themselves.

What I AM saying is that the less labour-intensive something is to make, the cheaper your diet is, the less land it generally takes up, and the better it is all round.

Whether or not you agree with them, vegetarians (and sometimes vegans) are able to live fairly well on cheap diets consisting of foods that usually keep well and are significantly easier to grow at home. There's a lot we can learn from them, even if their diets could be improved with the addition of some poultry, eggs, and dairy.

>> No.4771644


We're the first animals that have the capacity to care for other animals and most of us propagate an industry that kills 10 billion mammals a year.

Da Vinci was right. We're savages. We care more about our taste buds than we do about actual beating hearts. Animals that contain mammalian brains separate from ours. We can't be bothered because we're no better than a fat lady who can't resist chocolate. Complete lack of willpower.

>> No.4771639

They are extremist. They think eating an egg or honey is cruelty. Not even most vegetarians take it that far.

>> No.4771646

O so much edg

>> No.4771648

i hate those fucking assholes

>> No.4771649
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Who the hell cares about raw? Cooking food breaks proteins down and allows us to digest more nutrients in the food-- veggies and meat.

That being said, cooking is a fail-safe to avoid the nastier things that can survive freezing or clean environments.

Dangerous microorganisms in our food are almost non-existent and happen more because of improper handling after food gets home than anything. You could very well eat most of what's in your kitchen raw (except maybe pinto beans- those phytotoxins!) and be fine.

Also, have you ever gardened? that "grow it" part of your plant process is nothing short of warfare. Bugs, fungi, bacteria... Between monsanto pushing their seeds and no regulations on the organic market, I'm afraid your plant produce may not be as sinless as you'd hope.

>> No.4771651


Cooking food also destroys enzymes in food.

>> No.4771653
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>wanting to eat meat = not wanting to eat meat but can't stop myself from eating it

>> No.4771656

>Enzymes are simply protein catalysts that operate at the specific temperature and pH for which they evolved. There is nothing magical about enzymes, and indeed the plant enzymes that raw foodists are so enamored of aren't even meant to function in a mammalian body. In any case, human digestion breaks most proteins (including natural enzymes) down to constituent amino acids fairly quickly, making them nutritious, but inactive. There are some cases where cooking foods can cause the leaching of nutrients (specifically by boiling them); however, this is not true in all cases, and sometimes cooking can even make nutrients more accessible. Finally, those few proteins that aren't broken down quickly by the digestion process can result in a food allergy; many cases exist of people who are allergic to a raw food item but not to cooked versions of the same item.

>> No.4771659

Don't post facts and science, they might have a psychotic episode due to the stress of being wrong.

>> No.4771660

yes, when i eat barbeque, i think about that pig that was so affectionate she didnt let one of her piglets feed, and then ate said piglet after it died of malnutrition...

or the pig who simply rolled over on its young suffocating them...

such noble creatures

>> No.4771661


Well, that may be true. But for me, raw food works. I've never felt better. I feel a hell of a lot better than I did when I ate dead cooked flesh.

>> No.4771664


Pigs have been shown to have a higher capacity for intelligence than canines. Also, humans kill their children in stupid ways every day. Guess we should eat them.

>> No.4771665

That's probably because you're eating better food in general than because you're eating raw food specifically. Are you exercising regularly too?

>> No.4771667


I'm not sedentary, but I don't go to the gym by any means. 174lbs 5'11.

>> No.4771669

>waaaah muh poor honey bees the slaughter look they are taking their honey combs from the poor workers those damn 1% capitalist pigs

>> No.4771671

But anon, I DO care for animals, including goats, that are pets.
I DO demand that my meat be raised lovingly and killed humanely. These are not in opposition and I have yet to hear why one cannot both care for animals, even deeply, and use their meat.

>> No.4771672


You're a child.

>> No.4771675

Because its disgusting anon! You don't see other animals violently murdering and eating other animal flesh DO YOU?

>> No.4771673

We could but eating humans causes kuru whereas eating pigs just makes you fat.

>> No.4771678
File: 101 KB, 620x495, comic8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see animals with teeth designed to eat their kill on the spot, eat animals. I don't see animals with most flat teeth eat their kill on the spot. Pic related.

>> No.4771682
File: 1.23 MB, 450x450, 1377114002175.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks eating honey is a terrible offense to humanity and the animal kingdom
>calls other people children

>> No.4771684

I was expecting a lot more hate in the comments section of TFA than that. I guess the world *isn't* 4chan, after all...

Thanks for that article, btw. Foie gras had bothered me a little (not as much as PETArds), but I'm a lot more comfortable with the dish now.

>> No.4771685

So, why is beekeeping so bad, again, given that they help pollenise pretty much everything you eat?

>> No.4771681


mostly flat teeth*

>> No.4771687

I think it depends on where you buy it from.

>> No.4771688


honey is not something I'm interested in. I don't want it

>> No.4771689
File: 12 KB, 284x177, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are completely correct. This whole eating animals thing is a product of our evil modernistic society and has nothing to do with our history as a species.

>> No.4771691

>that picture

It's like the artist has never seen a human bite wound before.

>> No.4771693

What if I'm interested in it?

>> No.4771694

And how about eggs? Why is it bad to raise chickens in your back yard and eat the eggs they produce every morning?

>> No.4771697

pro-tip: vegans don't operate in this plane of reality.

>> No.4771699

You see carnivores use their Nature-given assets of teeth and claws to consume the food they want.

You see humans using our Nature-given assets of large brains with problem-solving skills to consume the food we want.

What's the difference?

>> No.4771700
File: 999 KB, 500x281, 1371488913369.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about the hundreds of animals that don't actually kill their food, they eat what some other animal has already killed?

Humans are very capable of tearing raw flesh with their teeth. Humans might not be capable of killing a cow by biting it (Some might, who knows?) but if you look at a lot of animals, for example the hyena, they don't kill what they eat.

So, using the argument of "Animals that eat meat have teeth designed to kill their food" is invalid.

Humans evolved the use of tools. We're very capable of killing something with a tool, which you could compare to an animal's claws, horns, etc. We're also very capable of ripping and eating flesh.

I think all you vegans just need hugs. Big, omnivorous hugs.

>> No.4771704

>for example the hyena, they don't kill what they eat.

Not true actually, hyenas are excellent hunters.

>> No.4771708
File: 49 KB, 400x311, Stoats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See these adorable little fuckers right here?

These are stoats. They will chase down rabbits much larger than them until the rabbit is exhausted, then kill it when it's too tired to fight back, from running for its life.

Delicious, terrified, exhausted rabbit for dinner.

>> No.4771709

Bad example. Hyenas are rather vicious and effective pack hunters. They know better than to pick a fight with a pride of lions, though, so when the big cats show up, the hyenas move away from the kill and let them get their fill. Hyenas hunt nocturnally, though, and were until relatively recently only shown approaching a carcass after lions had their fill. Pre-dawn research has since disproven this assumption.

>> No.4771712

So are humans.

>> No.4771716

Exactly. I've shot and killed a deer before, took it to the local German butcher and had them make sausage out of it. It was delicious.

>> No.4771717
File: 268 KB, 1136x684, Sarena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this adorable little fucker?

This is your standard domesticated house cat.

Cats will find and torture small creatures until the animal dies from exhaustion. They might not even be hungry, they just do it.

>> No.4771720

Mice get into shit and spread disease so I would hardly argue that murdering the little fuckers at any opportunity is cruel and unjust.

>> No.4771722

You would if you were a vegan.

>> No.4771724

I honestly wonder if the "eating animals is cruel" subset of vegans actually do advocate letting pests run free because the alternative is to harm them.

>> No.4771725


I guess we should let cats set the example for us, ethically.

>retarded flesh-tomb logic

>> No.4771729

The difference is when farm animals are butchered it's for meat, and every other part of the animal is used as well. Instead of just chasing the cow in circles until its heart explodes then leaving it there.

But the fact you said "flesh-tomb" makes me think your post's a troll, my point still stands to actual vegans who think like you though.

I'm not saying "Hey don't eat vegetables that are designed to taste like meat", I'm just saying doing these troll threads on /ck/ where vegans always try to preach veganism and make eating meat seem bad is pretty stupid.

>> No.4771730

Walk on over to /an/ and ask them how they feel about outdoor cats.

It will look something like this thread here.

>> No.4771736

vegan fag, please answer this

hard mode: no ad hominems or straw men

>> No.4771738
File: 9 KB, 205x300, 3G43L13I45L45I55H6d4ib652dabbe56c186a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Jesus can forgive our sins you can forgive cheat days you food nazi

everytime i try to understand a vegan they are either responding to "steak everyday faggot" of attacking someone that doesnt aadhere to veganism 24/7.

>> No.4771744


No, people who disagree with you are not always mentally ill.

>> No.4771747 [DELETED] 
File: 1.16 MB, 285x228, 1377107559910.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already deleted the post, anon. Don't you look silly

>> No.4771750

Okay. Go eat some raw rhubarb.

>> No.4771762

The vast majority of Vegans didn't become vegans because they think it's healthier. They become vegans because they have a psychological aversion to animals being killed and eaten. (aka nature) They just look for a reason to justify their thinking and just tell everyone it's for heath reasons.

>> No.4771765


Then you've missed the point. Again: if it's important enough that a person would advocate for the lifestyle, why not follow it every day? If I hold that killing people is unethical, I don't get a free pass for killing people on cheat days every couple months. If meat is wrong because cruelty, suffering, inefficient use of resources, meat-eaters are just thoughtless hedonists, etc and you believe in this strongly enough to criticize others for when their choices are different from yours, then you don't get to be above criticism when it turns out you don't actually value your beliefs that highly and that they are subject to the exact same whims of convenience as those of an omnivore. It's an excuse for self-righteousness and pretense disguised as a moral issue, and it isn't being a food nazi to call a spade a spade. Ethical stances don't have cheat days.

>> No.4771771


But this isn't true. The society's with the highest concentration of centenarians have a plant based diet. All of them. Extensive studies have been done. Every single society with an usually high concentration of centenarians ate mostly plants and very little meat, if any at all.

I eat meat, but I don't pretend it's healthy.

>> No.4771774


Sorry, societies*

>> No.4771777


I doubt that. Most of the world's centarians are in Japan, and they are infamous for eating everything that swims, crawls, or walks.

In the US one of the most well known centenarians claims that eating bacon every day is the secret to her long life:


Of course, anyone who's bothered to really study the research knows that extremely long life is the gift of genetics, not diet.

>> No.4771782

It is healthy when eaten in a balanced diet, IE
MOSTLY plants and some meat. The ideal diet lies between old rice farmers in SE Asia and US gluttony. \

>> No.4771783



>> No.4771791

have you ever tried to pet a goose or a duck? those guys are faggots.

>> No.4771792


>I eat meat, but I don't pretend it's healthy

Good thing you don't have to pretend, because it IS healthy.


>correlation without causation

This is why you don't let idiots try to interpret statistical data, nor any kind of scholarly or scientific research.

If someone sincerely believes meat to be unhealthy, then they objectively and unequivocally do not understand basic nutritional science and should never, under any circumstances, be relied upon for advice regarding one's dietary protocols.

It's the equivalent of believing the world is flat, or that the solar system isn't heliocentric. It's that level of bullshit.

Want to know what's healthy? Meat. Vegetables. Fruit. Nuts. Legumes.

Want to know what isn't healthy? Dairy. Gluten. Processed, frozen, and deep fried foods. If it's been processed, laden with additives and food coloring, and freeze-dried for convenience, it's probably not healthy.

You will not find a single person who eats animal proteins, lean vegetables, fruits, nuts, and legumes in a balanced macronutrient ratio (30ish percent for each of the three macros) that is anything other than healthy unless they have outstanding health issues.

Why? Because balanced omnivorous diet = most healthy, most efficient. Don't like it? Too bad, get fucked, no one cares about your shitheel pseudo-science and outdated studies from the 50s on shit like saturated fat because you can't figure out how to read a fucking medical journal.

>> No.4771795

actually geese are aggressive and mean. I was once chased into a tree by them.

>> No.4771797


>the dead flesh I'm consuming can't be unhealthy, c-c-can it? I really like it and I'd hate to admit something bad about it.

>> No.4771799 [DELETED] 

Meat is murder.
Delicious, delicious murder...

>> No.4771802

hey, off topic so sorry, but someone explain why gluten is bad? I think of it as an integral part of home baked bread. Why am I retarded?

>> No.4771806

It's not bad. It's faggots like >>4771797
that try and convince you something we've been eaten since the dawn of our species (meat) is unnatural and unhealthy.

>> No.4771807

Meat is Murder
Delicious, delicious murder...

>> No.4771808


What are allergies?

>> No.4771810

You're not, gluten-haters are. 5% of those avoiding gluten actually have a reason (intolerance caused by a disease). 95% are just hipster yuppie faggots.

>> No.4771819

They are an irritation brought on by leukotrienes (sp) and histamines. Now wtf does that have to do with gluten? I eat everything and do not have any allergies fyi.

>> No.4771827


Some people are allergic to gluten...

>> No.4771829

oh-for sure. But I have seen a recent upward "trend" in this allergy, and it seems that some claim health benefits. I am asking if the claimed health issues are real or naturotard psuedo science.

>> No.4771830

I do encourage Foie Gras, and veal and suckling pig. cruelty is delicious.

>> No.4771832

again, none of that need be cruel. I don't usually say this, but you sound like an edgy fedora. It just seems to be appropriate in this context.

>> No.4771833

Hominids have been eating animals since well before the first human wandered out of the savannah (for ~230 million years), we evolved eating meat, it isn't any more unethical for me to consume a chicken then it is for a Baboon to eat a Gazelle.

>> No.4771837


Oh but it is. You have something other animals don't. The knowledge that you don't have to eat other animals to live...

>> No.4771850

Several nutrients are destroyed from heat. Additionally, today we don't know even 10% of the nutrients which are in the fruits and veg that we eat, so eating them in their normal raw state as nature intended is the healthiest thing to do if you want to try to get all the nutrients you need in a day. Also you kill off enzymes in the foods when you heat them.

>> No.4771854

It would be unethical if the animal in question were sentient or sapient, I do not advocate eating Dolphins or any of the higher order primates. Then again, if we did breed a sentient and sapient animal that knew it existed just to be eaten and wanted to be eaten to fulfill its purpose, would that be worse or better then normal livestock.

>> No.4771858

[citation needed]

>> No.4771859
File: 95 KB, 630x480, humans_are_frugivores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.4771866



You can't fuck with science

>> No.4771868


This explains why so many people in the world are dying of obesity (something that animals rarely die from). They're eating another specie's food.

>> No.4771873

I'd tell you to kill yourself, but you already are.

>> No.4771881

Fruitarian is not the same as frugivore. Frugivores need greens for minerals and nuts in small amounts. If a frugivore ONLY eats fruit they will get mineral deficiencies. Frutarians eat only fruits, no greens or nuts.

>> No.4771882

this is just an unconvincing infographic from a vegan raw foodist website arcoirisuniversal.
so >>4771866 sorry but not science and possibly dangerous.

>> No.4771895
File: 26 KB, 302x480, Michael3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this guy has been doing it for five years and he runs 100 mile marathons

>> No.4771897

but i want to...

>> No.4771904

wow-same picture and dude as last night. Quite a deep well you are drawing from eh?
The more I think about this, the more I see veganism as some pathetic first world affectation. Do you have any idea how much many places would give to have access to consistent animal protein in their diet?

>> No.4771906

foie gras is fucking delicious
i dont give 2 shits what you or those animals have to say
why not stand up for something like starving kids in Africa or suicide bombers in the mid east
theres far greater causes to fight for
veganism is a 1st world problem
stop being such a raging faggot

>> No.4771912


doesn't make it not true, sperglord.

>> No.4771917

>unseasoned vegetables

Why can't you put a little salt and pepper on your fucking vegetables? These are the kind of red flags that deter me from veganism or any other extremist diet.

>> No.4771924

You are right, but your case boils down to one body obsessed health nut whose ability to remain healthy depnds on his ability to live a lifestyle that is abolutely not an option for the average person. So yes, I take you at your word that there is totally this guy who can like, eat celery and walnuts and run a 5k. gotcha.

>> No.4771926


the internet is easy. look him up

>> No.4771931
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Depends all on quality. If you have quality vegetables then they simply don't need to have anything added to them. Unfortunately most places in this world don't have access to really good vegetables. If putting salt and pepper on your vegetables means you'll eat them then by all means do so. You shouldn't punish yourself and your taste buds for having low-quality produce. If it's all you can get then it's good enough and throw a little something in to make it nice. Maybe add some fresh herbs, too.

>> No.4771934

>I can't prove my case, so why don't you do it for me.
I already said I believe you. The more salient question is why are you relying on this one dude night after night instead of some actual evidence.

>> No.4771937


he's a five year case study. That's plenty reliable. So you even into research?

>> No.4771940


love that pic

>> No.4771947

>one person
>valid study
i don't even...
alright I am tired and your conversation is stale.

>> No.4771949




There's a small list of other people. And if you looked at google or researched it you'd find plenty of others. Just because the other anon uses the same picture twice doesn't mean the person in the picture is the only one. There are vegan bodybuilders and athletes who perform outstandingly. Maybe they're simply inspired by that one person.

>> No.4771961

and Bill Clinton too, yes I know. You have me confused with someone who hates vegans automatically. I dont. I respect your right to have a somewhat burdensome diet for whatever reason you wish. What bothers me is the way that many use subjective reasoning and very questionable "science" to claim superiority for having what is, in essence, a way of life based on your values and nothing more. I constantly try and improve my diet and it is only made more difficult when I am told that worcestershire sauce is out because it includes anchovies. An animal raised happilly, killed quickly, and eaten in appropriate portions is a natural food just as is kale.

>> No.4771968


It's based on health. Do your research please.

Ethical is just a side effect

>> No.4771975


>> No.4771988

To each his own. Being vegan isn't a burden for me, on the contrary I enjoy sitting down to a meal that I know will make me feel my best and that will fill me up and make me feel truly satiated. Belladonna is also natural, but is extremely toxic.

In my opinion if a person is eating meat two times a week there's nothing wrong with that. There are several countries where people eat meat a few times a week and they have very few if any health problems. But eating meat every single day at every single meal? I'm not doing that to my body, but anybody is entitled to eat how they wish. If vegan is too extreme for some, following the "Eat to Live" style of eating by Joel Fuhrman is outstanding compared to the SAD diet. But if a SAD dieter is to call veganism extreme I'd like to humbly say that extreme is getting your leg sliced open, a large vein taken out, your chest split open, and getting the vein from your leg sewn into your heart because atherosclerosis disables your heart from getting enough blood. I don't go around preaching people be vegans, but eating more fruits and veg doesn't hurt anybody ;)

>> No.4772005

I had some cucumber slices w/ground peppercorn and a can of V8 for dinner. I've been vegetarian for 3 months now, and I just gave up cheese and milk a couple weeks ago. Almond milk is rather nice, but vegan cheese tastes like shit so there's no subbing that. Gave up bread too, but that's no great loss. Now I'm slowly taking the meat substitutes (soy patties etc.) out of my diet as well. They're just crutches I suppose.

I'd just like to add, however, that vegans who are vegan because of "cruelty to animals" are still, and will always be, trueborn faggots of the most severe degree.

Seriously, get fucked you ignorant sacks of shit.

Omnivores, keep fighting the good fight.

>> No.4772059

what a boring diet

>> No.4772071

You get more nutrition out of cooked meat you idiots. Also the consumption of meat is what led our brains getting larger and evolving. If humans were supposed to eat fruits and veg from the start we would still be Bonobos

>> No.4772074


I eat to live. My life is centered around family and work and my hobbies. Not pizza, fast food, and fried foods.

>> No.4772081

WHAT A FATTY Im 180 and 6'4

>> No.4772085


Aware. Working on it. Getting down to 150. I'm 17^ bf I want to closer to 10%

>> No.4772084

What a sad boring life. I like to feel and taste all life has to offer. I bet you dont like any either

>> No.4772090

hey bonobos are better for the enviroment than any of you psychotic, murdering carnies.
also, natural animals in nature don't kill for a living, they go by mother earth and eat vegan.
Except for the more human tainted animals which we've (you've) raised to eat flesh of other living beings.


>> No.4772096

Funny. Almost every time I see vegans or vegetarians talking about their diets, it's because they're ridiculed, shunned or downright getting called names for not eating meat all the fucking time. It's when they answer to deliberate provocation that they're then called "preachy" and "obnoxious".

Not vegan or vegetarian by any means, by the way.

>> No.4772100

>hey bonobos are better for the enviroment than any of you psychotic, murdering carnies.
They also rape their adolescents while they scream in terror and pain.

We should mimic the shitflingers... is the worst excuse for vegetarian/vegan lifestyles ever. Even worse than something from an idiot that's never been to a place where the geese run to the feeding tubes, because they love being stuffed but have trouble doing it themselves.

>> No.4772101

>Natural animals dont kill
also what are natural animals, I did not know we had unatural animals.
Any ways your a troll 9/10 you got me going

>> No.4772102

Vegans are the LGBT of the culinary world.

>> No.4772104

I know its bait know, calm down, only dreams

>> No.4772106

now not know

>> No.4772167

>>foie gras

>> No.4772183

they're just the T because they are the most unnatural animals

>> No.4772186

That guy also looks terrible.

>> No.4772197

Because a chimp won´t eat meat given the chance.

>> No.4772205

yeah and eddie izzard runs marathons too and uses animal grease lipstick what's your point

>> No.4772213

>everything that isn't raw fruits/vegetables/seeds is fast food

What? You can be perfectly healthy and enjoy eating delicious food, they're not mutually exclusive. You just have to exercise and eat moderate portions.

>> No.4772216

No, people are dying of obesity because, thanks to changes in society and technology, we have essentially unlimited access to food and don't have to exert ourselves physically to get it. People are fat because they eat too much, don't have a balanced diet, and don't exercise, not because they aren't raw food vegans or whatever other diet they're 'supposed' to have.

>> No.4772218

Making sense in a vegan thread is nonsense

>> No.4772312

Enjoy your iodine deficiency. Dumb fuck.

>> No.4772343
File: 94 KB, 454x627, 1304379131698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be such a sad, sad, sad person.

>Hey anon want some bread ?
>Oh no, I'm on my diet, do you have any beetroots ? Or I could just go chew on the grass outside.

>> No.4772443

Dont try and argue with a vegan, its better to let them just stay in the corner and play with their food.

>> No.4773066

I know, I just get tired of seeing this same thread with its same ridiculous claims every day. At least take it to /fit/ or something, in my opinion /ck/ is about enjoying food rather than what food to eat/avoid.

>> No.4773085

You'd be better to eat vegans.

>> No.4773169

My great-grandma did that stuff to geese. But they were just normal geese, they didn't look like the horror-show in OPs pic.

>> No.4773177
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It doesn't even look like a horror show to be honest. They took a picture at the worst possible moment. If you actually watch the process the geese don't even give a fuck that much about it.

>> No.4773310
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Hunter Reporting in.
I often get hungry when I see animals, I've bitten a duikers throat out (small buck in South Africa). So the small canine theory is bullshit. I eat biltong (sun dried, seasoned meat) which is tough as shit, using just my teeth.

I've eaten raw meat from wild animals.
I don't really support how animals are tortured in the meat industry, I kill my own meat.

Im not fat at all, and my cholesterol is non-existent. 6'4 and 90kg. I say this is because wild animals have MUCH less fat than stock animals. Also the fatties from meat eaters is much more to do with the preparation methods they use.

Its also different for woman I think, if you take into account the hunter gatherer mechanic where men where hunters and woman gathered plant based food it makes sense why men would have a higher affinity for meat and huntig, also our physiology is at its peak when eating high protein foods which is hard to gain from eating only veggies. Especially in the survival setting our ancestors would find their selves in, it would be really hard to find enough high protein foodstuffs without meat.

>> No.4773854

we evolved from animals that could rip your face off with their hands, biting was a thing too of course, but it wasn't like we really needed it. more importantly, the development of our weaker muscles was after we became meat eaters, not before.

>> No.4773855

who cares about proteins? its the calories that matter.

>> No.4774718


Not all people who raise ducks for foie gras force-feed them

>> No.4774730

You vegans sicken me, every day animals are made slaves to pollinate your vegetables. Countless bees, flies, ants and other insects are forced to work to produce your food. Fungi are the only harm free form of nutrition since their spores are spread by the wind. Fungitarian for life!

>> No.4774746

While I think foie gras is absolutely delicious and though I'm not a vegan or vegetarian, I still refuse to eat it on moral grounds.

>> No.4774747

You are one retarded vegan.
The only real reason I can see someone becoming a vegan is to boycott the companies that use meat that came from slaughterhouses where the animals were raised in terrible enviroments.

>> No.4774756

Feeling sympathy for animals whose sole purpose in life is to be as delicious as possible is a mental disorder. We created them, without our mouths waiting to eat them they would never have existed in the first place. They are not like us, they do not live interesting fulfilled lives, they will never accomplish anything. Once it's dead it won't care if it felt pain during its life and neither should you.

>> No.4774770

>You know very little about nutrition.

>> No.4774854

see >>4772167

>> No.4774870


>kept in a barn their whole life
>in a tiny fenced area
>massive metal tube stuck down their throat
>force fed

>not cruel

I stand with what I said

>> No.4774895
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Are you retarded?

>> No.4774945


>> No.4774985

And OP is the reason these nightly vegan threads should be bannable.

If you want to do a vegan thread, talk about vegan foods. You wouldn't start a sushi thread, then in the opening ask for whether or not you should serve.country fried steak with the gravy on the side, so you don't post a thread about vegan food talking about nonvegan food.

This board is about food, not moral or ethical issues surrounding food. OP has no interest in discussing food, just berating those who chose to eat meat.

None of this is to say that the ethics and morals of food are not worth discussion, just that this is not the place.

>> No.4774986

Nothing there really happens, though. Good brands don't do that because it's bad for the meat quality.

>> No.4774987

They're not bred for the meat.

>> No.4775031
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>> No.4775051
File: 264 KB, 1077x667, 34564564565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This holier-than-thou asshole is so fucking enlightened. Don't you see? He's trying to help us, and we don't listen. He lectures us nightly about the torture and suffering we inflict on beings that think and love and have emotions and babies that they love. And we cut their throats and dine upon their flesh, because even though we could get everything we need from plants, we choose to be vile, violent heathens that murder for our own pleasures. Don't you all see that? He's good and we're evil. He's trying to convert us. This vegan freedom fighter should be commended for his persistent attention to this cause in which he believes so strongly.
Just kidding. I wish they locked bullshit threads like this one.

>> No.4775057

>Now let's do an apple, or a carrot.
Plant it, tend to it, weed it, water it, fertilize it, protect from pests, wind, cold; pick, douse in preservatives so it doesn't spoil by the time it gets to the store, transport, wash, peel, cut, cook, eat.

>> No.4775075

Why should I care if humans are fruit eaters or not. Eating food and enjoying food is a significant part of my life and I am not going to give it up for MAYBE (probably not too) living a LITTLE longer.

>> No.4775081

You had me up to "fertilize it" Fertilization takes place by dropping Animal Excrement on to the Plant(s). And given the choice of a Baccon Cheeseburger or a Carrot grown out of a patch of shit... I'll take the Cheeseburger....

>> No.4775089


Bro I once made a ox-tail demiglace with a bunch of smoke foie gras thrown in it. So Expensive. So Delicious. So Wasteful. So Dowzer.

Fucking deal with it, foie is tasty.

>> No.4775092

Who are you quoting?

>> No.4775112

Sorry >>4775075
Should've been: >>4775057

>> No.4775116

Damn that sounds nice!

>> No.4775121

The guy that's saying vegetables are just as much a hassle to grow as meat? What's the point?

>> No.4775138

Living is a hassle. Fuck life lets all die.

>> No.4775152

I don't care to eat shit....

>> No.4775157

Or specifically things grown in shit.

>> No.4775273

What's wrong with foi gras? You know ducks have leathery throats, which means the tube doesn't hurt, right?
Also, why do they line up for the feeding?

>> No.4775278

>cows and chickens

>> No.4775323

>posts pic of omnivore

>> No.4775353

>Says they don't care about other people eating meat
>Posts shit like this

This is the only reason I hate vegans.

>> No.4775362

This. Vegetarians can go straight to hell.

>> No.4775386

>organs aren't meat

>> No.4775395
