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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4760334 No.4760334 [Reply] [Original]

dumping pics of this glorious food

>> No.4760337
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>> No.4760338

Enjoy your B&.

>> No.4760341
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>> No.4760349
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>> No.4760373

>banned for posting sushi pics
What, is moot allergic to seafood?

>> No.4760397

The mods dislike nip food threads that consist of only pictures.

>> No.4760425

This eel looks delicious.

>> No.4760479

Ah low grade fish bait.

>> No.4760618

Fuck the mods

>> No.4760644
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>> No.4760647
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>> No.4760649
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Not exactly sushi but in the same vein.

>> No.4760650
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>> No.4760666

is the rice underneath that sushi rice? or just regular?

>> No.4760673

>Those in the back with that liquid over them.

Why do they do that? I have a Chinese restaurant near me that serves sushi, and they always drizzle the bigger pieces with that sauce. I'd rather have it plain.

>> No.4760674


>Welcome to /ck/, Food & Cooking!
>But I don't you DARE post pictures of food or so help us god we will ban you so fast.

>> No.4760678


>Chinese place

Also can't you just ask while ordering your meal for them to hold the sauce?

>> No.4760679

I think it was because it was only food, no label, no conversation, and pretty much just OP dumping pictures that would be akin to searching "japanese food" on google images.

But some anons still get a bit butt flustered over the incident.

>> No.4760682

Plenty of Chinese places serve sushi, at least in my experience in the US. They also serve pizza and fried chicken.

Chinese restaurants don't really have much to do with China.

You don't order it, it's on a buffet. There's a guy there making it sometimes, so I suppose I could ask him next time I catch him.

>> No.4760766

>Chinese buffet sushi
In not a snob by any stretch of the imagination, but you are gonna get raped by anthropomorphic tapeworms with superpowers

>> No.4760773

>raw fish on rice

This isn't food, it's INGREDIENTS

>> No.4760793

wrong, the mods don't like the samefag posting a hundred random pics of whatever shit with FOOD FROM JAPAN! BE NICE EVERYONE! NO WAISISM! every week

>> No.4760795

>implying raw
>implying those are the only ingredients
>implying implications
Stay mad, bro.

>> No.4760800

>welcome to /ck/! You are gonna get raped by anthropormohrphic tapeworms with superpowers. Enjoy your well done steak + ketchup!

>> No.4760814

never had sushi in my life but some of those...sushis? in the pictures look delicious.

>> No.4760815
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This thread made me hungry. Have a wallpaper.

>> No.4760836

Tfw no qtnipponjin3.14 that can make me sushi 3times a day

>> No.4760839

Ah the hipsters are out in force tonight.

>> No.4761034
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I thought sushi is supposed to use short grain rice.

>> No.4761036

Those are just the untrained salmon tentacles under that fish.

>> No.4761049

bo shit

>> No.4761057

I know a lot of people might get upset over this, but I simply love a Philadelphia roll. I like more authentic rolls, and like sashimi as well, but fff- if I don't love a deep fried, cream cheese filled, salmon and cucumber roll, dipped in some kewpie and wasabi.

>> No.4761063

has anyone here seen jiro dreams of sushi

>> No.4761069

>but I simply love a Philadelphia roll.
mmmm cream cheese and fish!

>> No.4761237

i like the variation that has smoked salmon, avocado and cream cheese .. i've seen it called various names, but i can't remember any of them right now

>> No.4761252

I believe it's sushi rice.

>> No.4761258

The one with smoked salmon and cream cheese my friends and I call New York Jewshi. While I've never seen it with added avocado, if the roll's got it in there, it becomes Cali Jewshi, I guess.

>> No.4761269

You mean "Geriatric Turtle is Monetarily Successful At the Expense of His Family Relationships, Treats His Kids Like Shit and Is Horridly Unhappy?"
Yes. Fuck his bullshit. A simpleton can learn to properly season rice in less time than it took that douchebag Koopa Troopa.

>> No.4761279

Yea, Jiro seems like a major asshole. But I heard its the best sushi.

>> No.4761296

Having never eaten his, I can't say.
What I can say is that I've serious doubt how one cuts fish or rolls would drastically alter the flavour of the dish. Seasoning the rice is key, but I believe that to be a skill, not a talent IE it can be learnt through trial and error paired with repitition.
Basically, once one learns to properly season the rice and has utmost quality fish available, I've rather strong reservations that his/her sushi will vary significantly from any other person's properly seasoned rice and good quality fish.
It's a lot of veblenism and emperor's new clothes, I think.

>> No.4761298
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>few grains of rice and strips of uncooked fish

This shouldnt even count as food

>> No.4761307


your butthurt is amazing. please write more.

>> No.4761311

About what exactly? I think that's a perfectly apt description of the film. Do you disagree?

>> No.4761317

Why can't there ever be a sushi thread without people either being elitist fags or "hurr dur raw fish not real food I hate Japan you weabo faggot" fags?

I love sushi but I always seem to get the shits after eating it. Doesn't stop me from eating it though, I love those salmon and tuna rolls too much.

>> No.4761319


The film wasn't that great, but the reason it wasn't that great was that it failed to make me think or feel anything at all. It was just some HD sushi porn with Philip Glass soundtrack #3,942 dubbed over talking.

I'm amused that someone can feel strongly enough to use all those angry adjectives. You seem sincere. Why so mad?

>> No.4761326

>I'm so mad that someone is successful and had a documentary made about them

Maybe a documentary maker will want to follow a neckbeard for a year?

>> No.4761329
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your butthurt is amazing. please write more.

>> No.4761330

why would you save that?

>> No.4761332


What's with japan and believing in magical old people skills? He's literally the kiai master of sushi


>> No.4761334


Yes but you get the shits over everything that isn't white bread with miracle whip and the crusts cut off.

Do /ck/ a favor and hide all threads about sushi, mexican food, indian food, fresh vegetables of any kind, italian food, beer, wine, scotch, ice cream, and any food where there is a vowel in the name. You don't need to tell us about your bowel movements and we don't need to hear about them.

>> No.4761333
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SO a film about your life?

>> No.4761337
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Just look at it there is so much going on in this picture its a perfect blend of emotions and chaos.

>> No.4761346

He sounded like an asshole in the movie, but the sushi looked divine. You can't deny that.

>> No.4761348
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It looked like catfood

>> No.4761351

>I know you are but what am I

At least you didn't say projecting.

>> No.4761352


Ad hominem.

>> No.4761354

Nice appeal to authority.

>> No.4761358


Enough with your straw man.

>> No.4761359


I don't get it. Are you trying to be sarcastic and witty? Because you aren't.

>> No.4761363

I thought the film absolutely brilliant, actually. The depiction of the film's subject, Jiro himself, makes the audience revile him. Oh, and revile him I do.
He forsakes everything at an attempt to be the best at something, but he'll never be the best. Even if he is or becomes the best, he'll never be happy. His family despises him. He has no close interpersonal relationships. He's a sad, lonely, husk who would have been better off had he stayed in SMB World 1-3 rather than go the path he'd chosen.
I'm not angry nor upset at all. I was describing the film to those who hadn't seen it. From the film poster, I assumed he'd be some serene old guy, not an angry douchetard. I was surprised.

>> No.4761364
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5 points for griffindor!

>> No.4761367

The enemy's gate is DOWN!

>> No.4761372

see >>4761363

Absolutely. It looked really rather good, but at what cost, Anon? At what cost?!

>> No.4761420

>would have been better off had he stayed in SMB World 1-3


>> No.4761466

Any tips on getting into sushi? I have had bad experiences and im just starting to believe its all foreigner hype. Friends are always talking about good sushi spots yet when i taste it its nothing to jizz-over about.

>> No.4761490

see >>4761269 and https://www.google.com/images?q=koopa+troopa

>> No.4761492


what is the fish with the silvery flecks on it

>> No.4761521


If you live in a city of less than 5 million and/or your nearest airport doesn't have daily nonstop flights to another continent, forget about sushi. It won't be good.

>> No.4761526

The States of Hawaii, Maine, and Alaska all disagree

>> No.4761529

Chicago fits both of those criteria and sucks dick for sushi

>> No.4761532

Not true. It's just a matter of chance. I live in a kind of populated seaside British town but we have a fancy Japanese restauarant owned and operated by a Japanese family and they have great sushi

>> No.4761535

>implying sushi is some magical mystical food harvested only from blessed japanese waters that have been folded a thousand times

>> No.4761538
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>mfw I live in a huge city with a bustling airport that's about an hour and a half from the ocean

>> No.4761536

That is eel.

>> No.4761542

Protip: it doesn't matter if your flash frozen fish travels 100 or 10000 miles

>> No.4761553

Is the sushi good on the southeastern coast of the US? Specifically florida.

I remember once I went o Seattle/olympia and there was so much sushi there. Way cheaper than where I am, and way tastier. Is it like that in Florida or is it harder to come by?

>> No.4761555

It can be, but the ceviche and local seafood dishes are what really shines in Florida.

>> No.4761556



no it isn't

>> No.4761559

I tried sushi, and it almost made me throw up. One was smoked salmon and cream cheese, and the other was a california roll i think.

>> No.4761562

>implying other foods aren't also made of ingredients

>> No.4761565


so you didn't have anything raw and you threw up

whats your problem

>> No.4761569


I'm not sure if that's exactly what they were, but it was utterly tasteless and revolting. I do not get the appeal.

>> No.4761577

those were actually at least three different people

>> No.4761605

The right presentation can make any food look good.

>> No.4761616

oh man, i just had all you can eat sushi yesterday and thought id be sick of it for some time. SEeing this picture made me instantly crave sushi again, I hope youre happy with yourself...

>> No.4761612

>sushi rice

its called short grain

>> No.4761628

>chooses two of the shittiest rolls you can get
>thinks all sushi is bad
If you ever try it again I'd recommend eel, tamago, and... hm... maybe yellowtail for a couple different types to try.

>> No.4761637

I was using his vernacular to confirm what he was asking.

>> No.4761687
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>> No.4761697

Tamago is amazing. the rolls/nigiri are so damn good.

>> No.4761837

Please refrain from mentioning spicy tuna rolls and/or California rolls while visiting /ck/. Although you may not be aware of this (although I think you are), many people posting on 4chan are not accepting of these things.

Therefore, referring to your taste for eating spicy tuna rolls can be highly offensive to others, as they visit /ck/ to have fun and intellectual discourse, not to be reminded of other people's bad taste (as perceived by society).

I hope you remember this in the future and refrain from using any key words that can be construed as suggesting that a spicy tuna roll is real sushi. It really is not that much to ask and will prevent threads from degenerating into flame/troll disasters.

Some of us also choose to eat Kampyo Maki and our decision to eat a small roll between proper tastings of nigiri-zushi is not in and of itself a badge of shame. The inherent superficial and highly opportunistic behavior of Chinese and Korean "sushi" peddlers is not attractive to every gaijin, and therefore we do not have to be constantly reminded of your kind while on /ck/. It is not necessary and can be considered, "disgusting trashfood" (a very just term).

Thank you very much,

- /ck/

>> No.4761894

>Be working for the guberment
>Too lazy to pack a lunch
>Work way too hard for being a union shill because i dont like cheating tax payers
>Lunch time
>No lunch, go to local asian food mart, buy a slab of sushi grade tuna, some soy sauce.
>Go back to work, cut the tuna with a pocket knife on my desk as best I can, clean and use a staple tray as a soy sauce, use pencils as chopsticks
>Boss walks in to ask me if i want to join them for their afternoon break to work on puzzels and eat donuts (Not even joking)
>Sees me eating as i am, hears me listening to coast to coast
>she nope.jpegs the fuck out of there
>Finish my meal, clean all with chlorox whipes, happy healthy meal fills me all day.

>> No.4761908
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>> No.4761941

Is that ootoro? Fatty tuna?

>> No.4761944

It's salmon...

>> No.4761947


Does anyone who knows what "fatty tuna" is not know that it's called ootoro? What's the point of typing it out twice?

I mean it's not like "sake" where someone could legitimately get confused.

>> No.4762043

I've seen them go by Philly roll & Boston roll

lol. Although I woudln't recommend anyone here asking for a Jewshi roll