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4754008 No.4754008 [Reply] [Original]

School me on poutine. Seems simple enough, but I wanna get it right. I've never had it and I really want to try it, but Canada is a few hundred miles away so I decided I want to make it tonight. I think the problem I'm going to face is with the cheese. What type of cheese do I need to get and any special way of cutting it?

>> No.4754013

they're cheese curds. if you can't get it don't even bother making poutine

>> No.4754018

cheese CURDS. This is important. It's what separates poutine from 'fries with gravy and shredded motza cheese grated on it'.

>> No.4754022


This. Curds are what make poutine actually poutine, and not cheese fries with gravy. If you can't buy any where you are there are some recipes out there for making your own, but they take a while.

>> No.4754026


Is that all? I'm going to the farmers market, they have cheese curds. Just brown gravy?

>> No.4754028

Sorry make it even harder on you but the curds are supposed to be freshly made the day of use too.

They squeak when chewed if fresh.

>> No.4754029

pretty much. the gravy is pretty much always different from place to place. Just make your own gravy.

>> No.4754035


Or "hot chicken sandwich" type gravy in lieu of poutine sauce.

Fries are often twice fried, everything should be piping hot when combined for best results.

Some people even let the mixture bake for just couple minutes to soften the curds a bit.

>> No.4754040


Traditionally it's brown poultry gravy, turkey or capon is best, but chicken does in a pinch if you roast the bones enough. Other gravy works fine though. Also make sure you make your fries a little crispier than you'd normally like them, trust me.

>> No.4754042

As far as "cutting" just break the curds up a little in the bag before opening no need to cut them.

>> No.4754058 [DELETED] 


It's just fries with cheese and gravy. There are infinite variations on it.

Mostly it's just some fries with some powdered beef gravy and cheese curds, which are locally available. It's cheddar, but since they're fresh the taste is more subtle.

Trust me, I've lived in his hellhole all my life.

>> No.4754070 [DELETED] 


Personally, I don't even like the traditional poutine.

>> No.4754106 [DELETED] 
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I don't like it as well.

>> No.4754120


If you're going to talk to yourself Sceak, can you not at least do it inside your head. Spare the rest of us.

>> No.4754130

that does look terrible.

>> No.4754139


that's some shitty poutine m8

>> No.4754145 [DELETED] 


Last one isn't mean.


It's vegan poutine. It was an experiment, like most of the food I make.

>> No.4754153


>I've lived in his hellhole all my life

Why the new trips/ID again Sceak?

>> No.4754154

Oh, so you're admitting to be sceak?

Makes sense as you're both fucking retarded and horribly wrong while putting on airs.

>> No.4754159

Totally caught him.

>> No.4754162 [DELETED] 


>Last one isn't mean.

I meant me. Last one isn't me.

>> No.4754166


>implying sceak is a top.

>> No.4754190


It grinds my gears when people call it poutine sauce. It's just gravy, thick brown gravy, if you know how to make gravy, even from a can will do, that's fine. I personally like my poutine with a bit of red wine in the gravy, as well as some fried onions and mushrooms in said gravy, and some malt vinegar on the side while eating.

That, with a pork chop, some fiddleheads, and a glass of the same red wine you put into the gravy, is a meal fit for a goddamn king. No need to go too all out for the wine either, if you enjoy it that's all that matters.

>> No.4754196
File: 63 KB, 500x284, because-they-are-alive-when-you-kill-it-lobster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In guidostan, "gravy" is tomato sauce that you put on pasta.

Just saying.

>> No.4754228
File: 103 KB, 600x848, e71f084703d10a29ea032bcab7a5d142-worst-covers-in-videogame-history.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


really? I suppose I learned something today.

okay, well, it's not difficult stuff to make, just some meat drippings, with a splash of red wine (optional, but god is it delicious), with a fairly basic rhoux involving flour and butter, you can season it a bit to taste, I'm no chef but garlic, pepper, and onions will always go well. If you don't have meat drippings, I've been told that beef soup stock can be used as well.

it's not difficult stuff, you could probably find some decent recipes for poutine by using google.