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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 54 KB, 560x373, IMG_5073-560x373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4752450 No.4752450 [Reply] [Original]

so now that pretzel buns are officially the new trendy bread, how do you feel about it?

I don't mind this one, not as good as when sourdough was the in thing but this is WAY better than ciabatta.
It's about the same tier as flatbread to me except maybe a little better because its more filling.

>> No.4752459

pretzel buns will never compare to the glory that is soft pretzels

goddamn i want to punch the wendy's spokeswoman in the mouth i hate her face so much

>> No.4752488

what about those guys with the pretzel dogs at sonic?

I was just at 7-11, they are doing pretzel bun sandwiches there too

>> No.4752489


the sonic guys are kinda lulzy since most of it is improv

but holy shit if anyone deserves to get raped and killed in a home invasion it's the wendy's chick

>> No.4752502

>not wanting to go face deep in her baconator

>> No.4752503

fuck pretzels

>> No.4752529

I don't care for them, they're not even really "pretzels", they're just Lye Rolls.

>> No.4752533

So what you're saying is the cake is a lye.

>> No.4752534

Let's not.

>> No.4752537

Lye not?

>> No.4752736

Those are fucking lye buns/rolls, not pretzel buns. Pretzel refers to the shape.

>> No.4752737


i'd go face deep in her baconator with arsenic and a baseball bat

>> No.4752816

that looks like a real sodium bomb

>> No.4752836

Fucking America and their fucking food trends. You guys are awful.

>> No.4752846


>> No.4752847

yep we are

>> No.4752885
File: 14 KB, 245x245, martin van buren confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is WAY better than ciabatta.

Haha, that's funny OP, for a second I almost thought it was possible to like any sort of bread more than ciabatta but then I remembered that that's not possible.

>> No.4752901

they're doing pretzel bread sandwiches at dunkin donuts as well,

>> No.4752927

>Implying half of these shitty food trends don't start in the UK, like bacon being a dessert item

>> No.4753965

ciabatta is shit! YOURE SHIT!!!

seriously though, it cuts my mouth

>> No.4754003

They're a trend? We've had lye bread for decades.

By the way, the world is spelled "Bretzel".

>> No.4754009

If you're french, yeah.

>> No.4754017

but its a trend when everywhere starts putting things on it

>> No.4754031

It's amazing how many people on /ck/ always assume I'm French.

>> No.4754033
File: 408 KB, 250x250, 1357778551562.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>By the way, the world is spelled "Bretzel"

7/10, made me angry for a moment.

>> No.4754038

if you are doing things that make people assume you are french and you aren't french you should really assess who you are as a person, chances are you wont like what you find

>> No.4754041

I drop hints that I am from Europe.
I guess France is the only country from continental Europe Americans know.

>> No.4754046

see, insulting americans out of the blue because you are insecure. Very french of you

>> No.4754051

a pretzel is a shape. What you're talking about is lye bread/lye rolls. There are dozens of different doughs out of which you can make pretzels.

>> No.4754054

Yeah, you're right, that might have been a little harsh.

What I meant to say, is that many Americans seem to automatically equate continental Europe with France.

>> No.4754059

not according to the PR department of fast food companies

>> No.4754060

Those faggots are completely unfunny, and recorded improv is as stupid as televised magic.

>> No.4754191

what has France to do with Bretzels?

>> No.4754211
File: 60 KB, 514x366, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what you will, that Wendy's burger is actually pretty damn good. I mean, it's a once-a-month thing at most, and definitely calls for a long run the next morning, but it's worth it.

>> No.4754242

the X is how you know its a pretzel

>> No.4754283

lol so true

>> No.4754326

I tried Wendy's burger last night and it was bretty gud. But, and feel free to call me a pleb here, the cheese was not melted "well." I'd rather they stick with American.

>> No.4754344

EuropeAnon here.
I think American cheese (or one of its many variations) is the best choice for cheeseburgers, fullstop.
Anything else seems a waste and not as enjoyable nor as tasty. Edam? Proper cheddar? Gruyère? Yeah. Nah. You're a cunt. Good ol' merkincheez is best.
I came to this conclusion after judging my five favourite burger places where I live (in the US now, actually) and realised that they all had American cheese in common.

>> No.4754355

I can't eat burgers with American cheese on them, it really hurts my stomach. I'm okay with other cheese for some reason.

>> No.4754363

Totally cool with it, I don't know why it didn't catch on earlier. Agreed with sourdough trend being awesome. Also agree with the ciabatta trend being complete shit. I'm neutral on flatbread, could take it or leave it.

On a similar note, bring on the fucking avocados. Less bacon, more avocado. This trend I am OK with.

>> No.4754372
File: 26 KB, 360x540, tumblr_m9otmjlmLQ1r7syf1o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-you guys don't like the Wendy's girl?! She's a qt.x99999999999999999999.999999999999999999999

>> No.4754375

I can only imagine how delicious that red cunt is.

>> No.4754376

This is the first I've seen of her. She looks a little... downsy...

>> No.4754378

She's a natural blonde though.

>> No.4754383


i once ate a sourdough pretzel

shit was so cash

>> No.4754395
File: 26 KB, 400x300, 4-wendys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying she isn't uncomfortable hot
>implying you've ever been with a girl that attractive

Get the fuck out of here m8, I can't even fathom that there is a straight guy on earth that wouldn't dive into that.

>> No.4754397

avocado was the topping of 2012, thats not happening again for a while. bacon is timeless

>> No.4754398

wasnt the wendys girl tubby? or was that an old one.

>> No.4754401

Thats the actual wendy, this is the wendy the marketing team wants you to associate with the brand

>> No.4754406

are you one of those types who fetishizes diseased looking females with pale skin, spots on their faces, and orange hair?

don't get me wrong I'd wreck that but only because I believe all women can be attractive in their own way.

>> No.4754410

guys who like girls with pale skin and freckles confuse me

>mmmm yeah baby, I find your elevated risk of melanoma so fucking sexy

>> No.4754417
File: 71 KB, 250x375, Morgan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


guys who don't like attractive women confuse me

>mmm I'm gonna get on 4chan and pretend like I'm above being attracted to a tier of woman I'll never in my life know on a physical/sexual level

If by some chance you even happen to have a girlfriend, she IS NOT as hot. I'm not even speculating, I know this.

>> No.4754433


my last gf was Indian and the one before that was half Chinese half dutch. I'm sorry if freakshow melanoma girls are your fetish but you don't have to get so defensive. normal people just aren't accustomed to it.

do you live in Ireland, is that why it doesn't strike you as freakish?

>> No.4754438

there is a certain charm of using the real Wendy.

not the soul marketing drivel they want

>> No.4754442

I would let her be face-deep in my baconator if you know what I mean. Won't eat there, though. Wendy's is a shitty fast food joint with subpar standards and even lower cleanliness standards. I should know. I got fired for citing OSHA violations like slime mold growths in the ice machines and standing water with faulty electrical wiring when I worked at one. My boss dared me to do something about them and I did.

>> No.4754443

Nobody is debating that she's cute, it's the fact that she acts like an enormous cunt in the commercials that annoys people.

>> No.4754451

>half Chinese half dutch

You have no idea how badly I'd like to retort, I'm certain I'd get another 3 day ban though. Sometimes it isn't worth it.

>do you live in Ireland

No, I am half Irish by blood though. Maybe it's in my genes, I love pale redheads and blondes. Also Slavic women, mmmm. Personally I don't understand how people can be attracted to black or middle-eastern women. Just an opinion and preference, don't fucking ban me mod. What I said is no worse than that other guy saying he doesn't into "freakshow melanoma girls" and Irish women.

>> No.4754459

my favorite part is the saturated color and airbrushing on her face

>> No.4754462

Yeah, but it's ok because the new Wendy is the best spokeswoman since Flo.

>> No.4754468

I remember watching a tv documentary on dave thomas and his son is such a fucking baby, hes sitting there crying "he was working so much, its like I never even really had a father" and he starts crying into his hand trying to compose himself.

dude, shut the FUCK up before I smack your fat ass, the man made you a FUCKING BILLIONAIRE.

>> No.4754478

it's OK you can be racist, I was being slightly racist. fair is fair. I just don't get the appeal and apparently the feeling is mutual. but I'd still wreck that cancer victim so I'm less racist than you ;)

>> No.4754486

The fact that you keep calling people with pale skin cancer victims is pretty retarded. You do realize people have pale skin to deal with the lower amount of sunlight up north? I have red hair and pale skin, but I'm probably not going to get cancer soon since I live in fucking Minnesota.

>> No.4754502

whites get skin cancer. blacks get sickle cell anemia. I don't see what's so complicated about this. it's called genetics.

personally I like the kind where you can't see the future tumors growing.

>> No.4754555


>> No.4754587

not a big fan of pretzel. But that is becausce I mostly had dry, hard junk. and then the gigantic chewy ones, like bagels, are way more than I need . and that applies to doughnuts or ice cream. I mostly eat yogurt, greek, not too sweet and portion control. Jezze, I sound like a jesuit priest, and I am not, by any streach of the imagination. Methodist. so I get flack from both sides. but it goes back to e=mc2. whatever. if you take on a lot over along period,its got to go somewhere. It doesn't evaporate. when you call a 1-800 Pilate or jumba hot line, you sitl must follow the directions. and number one is eat less, and walk or exercise if possible. note the fine print. almost impossible to read.(be careful this could be you). Its not your job to question how they got there, its your job to help them out of the pit they are in. and you don't do that by punching them in the face. at 18 I was 180 lbs despite swimming and running. at 54 i got up to 350lbs, and you REALLY DON'T WANT to drop 100 like I did. And I will most likely never be 180 lbs again (until a mortician goes slurp) and that is ok. don't sweat it. do it for yourself. then you can be like me. and impart pearls of wisdom. Seriously? all the programs or dvds in the world ain't worth a damn unless you want to change. And the only person that can do that is you. every day.

>> No.4754641

call me when portuguese rolls are popular outside of the east coast

>> No.4754658

I like how they got rid of fat Wendy in favor for this one. Guess they didnt want to associate fat people with fast food

>> No.4754666

niggers hate pretzels

>> No.4754698

those suck

>> No.4754699

I'm from California bacon and avocado is timeless.

>too bad we can't get the spics to leave behind the avocado and gtfo

>> No.4754706

>kicking out the spics
It's like you want California to be bad

>> No.4754718

>It's like you want California to be bad

california IS bad, just mexico north

>> No.4754719

how so?

>> No.4754721


But why worse?

>> No.4754722

too dry

>> No.4754726

getting rid of black and hispanic people could ONLY improve the standard of living for everybody else in the US. there is absolutely no world in which getting rid of mexicans from california would make it worse.

>> No.4754730

Are you sure youve eaten them? That doesnt sound right.

>> No.4754737

yes, they look like ocarinas

>> No.4754739

>there is absolutely no world in which getting rid of mexicans from california would make it worse.
What is the agriculture sector.

>> No.4754740

Think harder bro.

>> No.4754895

crime rate drops, average IQ improves, obesity rate decreases, education improves, poverty rate declines, and more jobs open up

what damage would them leaving actually cause?

>> No.4754900

>and more jobs open up
more jobs that people refuse to take?

The agricultural sector relies on the Mexicans. There is a reason many states simply pretend to care about the illegal Mexican issue, but in reality don't do anything... the big corporations need cheap labor.

>> No.4754905

when there are no more illegal mexicans the companies will actually have to start taking legitimate tax paying people

>> No.4754917

>when there are no more illegal mexicans the companies will actually have to start taking legitimate tax paying people
And food prices go up and the fatties and poor people cry.

>> No.4754924

the fatties and poor people are mostly hispanic and black so there wont be too many left to cry. The problem fixes itself.
What demographics do you think it is that are keeping mcdonalds in business?
Don't you find it somewhat odd that a group of people that make up less than 15% of the population are represented in more than 70% of mcdonalds commercials?

>> No.4754927

>th-th-th-th-the b-b-b-b-blacks and m-m-m-m-mexicans

>> No.4754930

I gave many reasons, you have none other than it being the "tolerant PC thing to do"

I win

>> No.4754931

The Reconquista is well underway. The Republican party will soon be an impotent relic of a political party and the Mexicans will be the majority.

Deal with it, there is nothing you can do but learn Spanish or move out of their country.

>> No.4754932

>country ruled by democrats and mexicans

trust me I am happy to leave when it happens

>> No.4754939

>trust me I am happy to leave when it happens
Nah, you'll stay and complain because there is no where else to go that fits your worldview. Maybe Saudi Arabia?

>> No.4754956

california is an example of what happens when democrats go out of control, if that is the model the country chooses to follow then I want no part of it.

it will only get worse as they continue to push failed socialist experiments down the throats of people who dont want to live that way.
You know why socialism works in places like sweden? because they are small and homogeneous.
Its no us vs them, its cultural singularity is what makes it work and that is the reason immigration is a bitch in countries like that, they don't want to let other types of people in to screw up what they have going.

I will likely go to hong kong, thailand, or japan, I don't mind being treated like a nigger there because the general public is at least intelligent and physically fit.

>> No.4754978

>this post

Yea, go ahead, deport all the Mexicans. Enjoy not having anyone to build your house and roads and freeways. Enjoy having zero US grown produce because nobody is there to harvest it. All those restaurants you like to eat at, enjoy the newfound non-existent kitchen staff. Enjoy not having roofers, plumbers, exterminators, garbage men, and lawn care people. They aren't taking your jobs, apply to any of these and you'll probably get it. You just don't want to do the work you lazy shit.

Not even Mexican, white as fuck. But Mexican immigrants are mostly bros who are willing to work, and their kids will probably grow up just like any lower/middle class white, many will excel and make great contributions. Those people aren't here to take your job and ruin your society, they come here hoping to provide a better life for their family and children. I respect, I'd do the same if I were born in that shithole. As for the drug violence and cartel problems in Mexico, where there is money to be made there will be evil and corruption. Legalize and put them out of business.

As for blacks........I've all but lost hope. Something is wrong with them, a few are bros but the majority struggle to mesh with our society. Their history here is a sad story, but 200 years is enough. You got your chance decades ago, you are all free and equal, yet you still cannot assimilate and calm down after all these years. Something just doesn't work, Asian immigrants who are first generation off the boat get along better here than blacks who've been born into English speaking families for 200 fucking years. I'd be utterly ashamed of my history, not proud.

Pointless sage for some time wasting /pol/ drivel.

>> No.4755048
File: 117 KB, 715x650, pretzel bun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one type of pretzel bun I wouldn't mind

this is some scooby doo tier shit

>> No.4755088

lol a kid of a mexican will grow up and be treated like a mexican. hard labor work. apply for foodstamps and be threatened into getting a minimum wage job as were whites apply for food stamps. here you go buddy 200 a month for life dont worry about getting a job.

>> No.4755097
File: 32 KB, 500x564, 1377657789371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scooby doo tier

>> No.4755387

the fat one actually owns the company or whatever

>> No.4755622

The fat one is Wendy. Her dad named the company after her.

>> No.4755692

im from germany. pretzelbuns or "laugenbrötchen" are commonplace just like any other laugengebäck.

>> No.4755712

>illegal immigrants don't pay taxes

This is what retards actually believe

>> No.4755718

It depends. If they receive pay under the table no tax to the company or the illegal. They still do pay sales taxes.

>> No.4755753

I would really like to slap who ever it was that came up with your language. same for the swedes

>> No.4755761

>America is still in the process of discovering real bread
This is really cute to read about.

>> No.4755795

>Rediscovering bread.
The 1950's food "culture" hurt America in so many ways.