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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 29 KB, 462x275, grilledcheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4750531 No.4750531 [Reply] [Original]

how do I grilled a cheese?

>> No.4750534

Melt butter in pan
(I generally cook it slower at around medium low heat)
place two pieces of bread in butter in pan
put fairly thinly sliced cheese on bread (the easier it melts/closer to room temp it is, the thicker you can go).
Once cheese starts to melt, put sammich together.
Depending on how fast your cooking it, wait until the down side is nice and golden, flip it once, let the side that was on top finish, then serve.

>> No.4750537

>Grate a ton of cheese
>Butter both sides of bread
>Make a cheese sandwich
>Place butter in pan
>Medium heat
>Place sandwich in pan
>Place plate over pan to trap the heat and make the cheese melt
>Flip when ready
Easy peasy m8. Don't forget to season!

>> No.4750542

I plug in the foreman, let it heat up
thin layer of mayo on the outside and inside of a piece of bread
put the bread on the foreman
put a slice of american and slice of swiss cheese on the piece of bread
apply mayo to both sides of another slice of bread
put on top
gently close the lid of the foreman
take a peak after the first minute, about every 30 secs after that till it's as crunch as you like.

I often use peanut butter as well

>> No.4750544

Under the grill you mongoloid

>> No.4750588

>grab 2 pieces of bread
>put butter on bread
>heat a pan to a high-medium heat
>use pepper or other spices of personal preference
>put bread butter side down on pan
>put cheese on bread
>put bread ontop of cheese
>put butter ontop of bread ontop of cheese ontop of bread
>grill until crisp

>> No.4750637

I've never used butter. Perhaps if you're using cast iron you might, but you don't need it on teflon.

>> No.4750648

Butter is baby tier bullshit. If you want a nice, golden brown crisp sandwich, do not put any oil or butter in the pan.

Instead, spread a thin layer of mayo on the outside of each slice of bread. And don't worry, you don't taste the mayo at all when it's cooked.

>> No.4750655
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>butter both sides of bread
>both sides

mah nigga. I had a chef ask me how I would make 30 grilled cheese sammies at once, and I started saying "well, I would butter 60 slices of bread on both sides-"
and he interrupted: "BOTH sides?? WHY both sides?"
I told him that is my pereference, gramma showed me that way, and thats how I do grilled cheese.

>mfw he fired me two days later and I know it was because of my both sides buttered comment.

>> No.4750669
File: 125 KB, 768x1024, frozen-grilled-cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ain't nobody got time fo dat. Microwave 60 seconds.

>> No.4750672


>> No.4750679

that isnt real. it says "pan grilled taste in about a"

in about a WHAT??

>> No.4750681
File: 53 KB, 570x345, frozen-grilled-cheese-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pan-Grilled TASTE in about a MICROWAVE MINUTE! Dem sissy boys would still be buttering the other side of their bread.

>> No.4750684

Hahaha, two sandwiches for four dollars.

>> No.4750690


for 2? is that USD? jesus, I could get 4 bars of butter, an 8 oz of extra sharp cheddar and a loaf of white bread for like 6 bucks and make like 10 of those things

>> No.4750695

grilled cheese

>> No.4750705

>Grilled cheese
>Posts picture of a frying pan
>Everyone in the thread is giving directions on how to fry it

What the fuck is going on.

>> No.4750711

That's just what it's called. A grilled cheese is a fried cheese sandwich. There's always one faggot like you in every grilled cheese thread. Give it up.

>> No.4750713

fired anon here. I was going to bake my 30 sammies.

>> No.4750723
File: 1.82 MB, 2048x1536, tjapples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never underestimate the public's ability to pay more money for something they don't have to prepare

>> No.4750729

> implying he's not the lone hero in a sea of greasy American faggotry

>> No.4750746

I'm Scottish and I call it grilled cheese.

>> No.4750750

Because you actually make it under the grill, like most sane residents of the UK.


>> No.4750756

Don't listen to these fags OP. If you want a truly god tier grilled chesse, you need to grill the bread in melted butter, take the bread off, then add more butter, flip the bread, put the cheese on the crispy side and let the now outside get crispy. Add a slice of tomato and some bacon if you like. Slap it together when the cheese is melted and there you go.

>> No.4750758
File: 55 KB, 580x435, toast_01-580x435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother makes grilled cheese using this.

>> No.4750760

Butter isn't about need, it's about flavor.

>> No.4750767


>> No.4750772

>under the grill

Why are you calling an oven a grill?

A grilled cheese is cooked in a pan. Deal with it.

>> No.4750783

Because when you use the grill function, grilling is what it does.
A fried cheese is fried in a pan. Deal with it.

>> No.4750789

>implying there is a "grill" function on US stoves
>implying you're not a shitposter
>implying the world wouldn't be a better place if you added potassium cyanide to your next "fried cheese"
>implying fried cheese isn't when you actually fry cheese
>implying I would honestly and remorselessly kill you given the chance to do so and avoid any kind of jail time.

>> No.4750794

We don't make fried cheese. We make grilled cheese. Under the grill. We're allowed to call it that.

>> No.4750805


Do you mean a broiled cheese? I think that's what you mean. I broiled cheese. Because there is no "grill" function on stoves. Only a Broil function.

Go enjoy your shitty broiled cheese, I'll enjoy my grilled cheese.

>> No.4750807


What we call a "broiler" the Brits call a "grill". It's not the oven in general, tt's the heating element at the top of the oven, also called a salamander I believe. It's just another language idiosyncrasy like skip/dumpster, lift/elevator, lorry/truck, etc.

>> No.4750809

Jesus christ, you autists. It's just a name. Do you cook pot pie in a pot?

>> No.4750812


doesnt everybody?

>> No.4750813

That.. that is the idea, yes.

>> No.4750814
File: 59 KB, 325x250, chippyc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By not frying it you absolute retard. If you were meant to use a frying pan instead of a grill then it wouldn't be called a GRILLED cheese sandwich, would it now?

God americans are so fucking stupid when it comes to food sometimes.

>mfw some americans actually don't put Worcestershire sauce on their grilled cheese

>> No.4750816


No, a pot has side walls that are too high to cook it properly, and also make it difficult to serve. I cook them in either a pie pan, casserole dish, or a normal pan or skillet.

>> No.4750817

Go make a pie in a pot and tell me how it goes.

>> No.4750818

Pot just means a round container brah

>> No.4750819

>changing the definition of words just to support his autism

>> No.4750821

>Pot pie

What sort of autist calls it that? They're just called pies mate. They're baked in ovens you tool.

>> No.4750822
File: 11 KB, 585x284, pot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4750823

Yeah, go make a pie in a pot and tell me how that goes.

>> No.4750824
File: 12 KB, 204x192, 1377027671200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>typical yuropoor who puts fermented shit sauce on everything
>claims other people know shit about food

top kek m8. Don't forget your marmalite.

>> No.4750825

..Except the ones that are called pot pies because they're made in pots. This isn't difficult. A normal pie isn't a pot pie, obviously.

>> No.4750826
File: 40 KB, 450x225, theco443988_235709_jb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying in the US the words griddle and grill aren't used interchangeably
>implying that the "grilled" in grilled cheese isn't more a reference to a griddle
>implying that The Queen's Own Shitposters don't deserve slow, painful deaths for their shitposting

>> No.4750830
File: 15 KB, 250x250, pot pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not seeing your point guys

>> No.4750833
File: 20 KB, 300x350, cf_pot-pie_main_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go make a pie in a pot and tell me how it goes.

> because they're made in pots. This isn't difficult.

Are you genuinely retarded or just pretending?

>> No.4750836

I have no idea what you're trying to convey here.

>> No.4750838


Those aren't pots, pots have lids

>"Great" British education

>> No.4750841

Just because you take the lid off while you cook a pie in it doesn't stop it being a pot, you mongoloid.

>> No.4750839

That's a bowl.

>> No.4750843

And that's a casserole dish.

>> No.4750842

Does my saucepan stop being a saucepan when I take the lid off too?

>> No.4750847

You would prefer we call them casserole dish pies?

>> No.4750845

..Which is a round container used for cooking. It's just a specific usage of pot.

>> No.4750850
File: 1.16 MB, 285x228, 1377107559910.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey guys

w-what if

now hear me out

what if we call things different names because we are from different places?

>> No.4750851

No, it because a saucepan. Saucepans don't have lids, pots have lids.

>> No.4750852

thats fine too

>> No.4750855

What saucepan doesn't have a lid?

>> No.4750867

I've always known them as grilly cheese Sam-sam's so Idk what you guys are going on about

>> No.4750946
File: 116 KB, 852x1136, BSsVp8KCIAEUnIN.jpg-large.jpg-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my grilled cheese.

this thread inspired me.

>> No.4750952

>not crisping cheese on the outside of the sammie

>> No.4750960
File: 548 KB, 2048x1536, 053112140100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic related

>> No.4750963

I'm not a big fan of them made that way. I pretty much just love buttered toast too much, so buttered toast+cheese is all I need.

>> No.4750969

Looks gross.

>> No.4750974

Is it overbrowned or did you put cheese on the outside as well? I'm leaning towards the latter, but it's a pretty blurry picture.

>> No.4750978

I do that also, fucking amazing

>> No.4750980

What kind of cheeses do you faggots use, I like mixing a slice of cheddar and provolone, tastes good and the thick consistency of the provolone keeps it from dripping ouy

>> No.4750981
File: 61 KB, 600x800, BSsZIM4CEAAv5vL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cayenne pepper dried herbs and garlic salt

>> No.4750983
File: 57 KB, 600x800, BSsZLcQCQAENceg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and eating

>> No.4751051

>GRILLED cheese sandwich
>Uses a frying pan

Are all amerifats this stupid?

>> No.4751055

I like making grilled ham & cheeses with capicola and provolone.

>> No.4751064

>Implying this isn't the goat way to make a grilled cheese

Grills are awesome, you can cook pretty much anything worth eating on a foreman grill

>> No.4751066


Cooking on a flattop or in a pan is also called grilling. You do not exclusively need a "grill" for that.

>> No.4751125

Do you or anyone here really fire up the grill to make just a grilled cheese sandwhich?

>> No.4751322

Microwave minute you fucklord.

>> No.4752324

So you're cooking it in oil and flavoring with egg? Interesting, I'll try it.

>> No.4752570

>letting /ck/ influence your meals

iktf. I made some shitty spaghetti carbonara because of that one thread.

>> No.4752717
File: 861 KB, 1840x3264, IMAG0393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate it? Two slices of American with shredded mild cheddar in between. Butter in pan and on both pieces of bread with pepper and onion powder. It's delicious.

>> No.4752746

>buy american cheese slices and bread
>butter bread
>throw slices of cheese on the wall and see how long they stick before falling while eating bread and butter
>hit self in head with cast iron griddle
> go to hospital
> realize what an ass you are while doctors stand around laughing at you.

>> No.4752751


you better have made some campbell's tomato soup with that beautiful piece of ass

>> No.4752754

>put bread in toaster
>{optional} butter one or both pieces of toast
>apply cheese slice on toast
>put other piece of toast on top

>> No.4752763

>butter outside of 2 pieces of bread
>sprinkle garlic powder, salt, habanero flakes on buttered side
>place 1 piece of bread butter side down on med low skillet
>few slices of favorite cheese or velveeta
>place second piece of bread butter side up on top
>once bottom piece is browned flip the sandwich
>flatten sandwich with spatula
>after flipped side browns remove and devour

Enjoy with a bowl of hot tomato soup for dipping.

Every now and then I'll make a "special" grilled cheese thats a bit more involved but, for me, nothing beats the basics

>> No.4752791

Has anyone ever made a pot pot pie? As in a pot pie with pot in it.

>> No.4752870
File: 24 KB, 450x300, 002rayonprep_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4753704

>Has anyone ever made a pot pot pot pie? As in a pot pie with pot in it, made in a pot used to store other pots.

>> No.4753710

Has anyone ever made a pot pot pot pot pie? As in a pot pie with pot in it, made in a pot that's used to make the pots that are used to store other pots.

>> No.4753764

Okay, first of all, you never actually grilled the cheese, you fried the bread with little to no lubricant at too high a temperature until you turned the bread into carbon. Second, you can only grill a cheese by placing a hunk of cheese on a grill. Third and lastly, grilled cheese is an art form much like how trolling is a art and you should just stop making them from now on.

Next time make a nice roast beef and bbq sandwich with cheese, alright?

>> No.4753798

I don't get why you WOULDN'T butter both sides. You flip it over to have crispy sides and butter helps that a lot.

>> No.4753814

Has anyone ever made a pot pot pot pot pot pie? As in a pot pot pie with pot in it, made in a pot that's used to make the pots that are used to store other pots.

>> No.4756160

Throwing this thread a /b/attle rez cuz I really don't think it was adequately answered... We arent talking your grandmothers grilled cheese here.. How the FUCK do you grilled a REAL cheese?

>> No.4756166

You mean like grilling an actual cheese, not a sandwich? Look up Raclette.

>> No.4756271

>debating pies with Americans
>people that can't even distinguish a tart from a pie
Not even once.

>> No.4757096

>not putting ketchup on your grilled cheese

>> No.4757112

what if you put some weed in it?

>> No.4757137
File: 34 KB, 285x242, 1352236340236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was typing out a lenghty reply on the topic of grilled cheese sandwhiches when I suddenly recalled that /ck/ is the most troll/asinine bs infested board on 4chan.
I also remember why I stopped coming here a few months ago.
Thank you for reminding me.

>> No.4757277

Take your pop and shove it up your ass.

>> No.4757354

Austen's grilled cheese:
1. Stove top on medium low
2. lather just a bit of Hidden valley ranch and Cholula hot sauce, not too much though, just enough to cover the bread.
3. add a 2 mm slice of butter to the pan
4. Put some shredded cheese on the bread (as much as you would like to have and place the sandwich on the pan.\
5. Wait for about 1:30 to 2:00 minutes and check that the bread looks a light brown color, add a bit of butter and spread across pan, and flip.
6. wait 50 seconds after you flip and begin to cut the grilled cheese in half (diagonally of course).
7. Upon cutting the Grilled cheese, make sure the cheese has melted to your liking and take it off of the pan and served with baby carrots cut in half.

>> No.4757416

Look out guys we got a master cheese griller over here!