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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 585 KB, 1366x643, 6NXRvv5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4734459 No.4734459 [Reply] [Original]

Nightly Vegan Thread. I said I was going to make raw pizza, but fuck that. School and such. I just had some bananas and some hummus. Pic related. It's what I dipped into the hummus.

>> No.4734463

Jesus this shit is worse than ramen threads.

>> No.4734471
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You realize stacy's uses animal drippings to flavor the chips right? My uncle works in their factory (its owned by frito-lay btw) and fills me in on all the bullshit you vegans pretend doesn't happen

>> No.4734479
File: 429 KB, 850x579, Sabra-Spinach-and-Artichoke-2010-Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the hummus. Very delicious.

>> No.4734484

>Vegans are up their with "transgender" and "pansexual" for absolute worst people to ever have a conversation with about anything at all.

Vegan food is more like food gore than anything else.

>> No.4734485

It's just one butthurt grill hambeasting it up on 4chan.

She's been at this for a while. Wait until she stops tard raging and then these threads'll fade away.

>> No.4734493

trannies are fun to chat with as long as they're MtF regardless of your opinions of the shit. it's the ones that start out female that are an utter horror to try and chat with

so to sum up, vegans are worse conversation than traps.

>> No.4734498


Vegan Tuna Melt

>> No.4734503
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Sorry, pic related.

>> No.4734508


Vegan Lasagna

>> No.4734512
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lel did it again

>> No.4734520
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Vegan Deep Dish Pizza

>> No.4734521
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came to /ck/ just to see if this thread was here

nightly samefag shitposting thread

>> No.4734529
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i love these threads :3

>> No.4734533
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Peanut Butter Crisps

>> No.4734642

gotta love all these vegans having their discussion, good thread OP, glad you made it again

fucking fag

>> No.4734670


thank god you're here, sheriff.

>> No.4734708

So are you just that stupid? You do that every fucking night.

>> No.4734711

That looks terrible. Look how fucking watery that "pizza" is. What a soppy mess.

>> No.4734717


hahaha holy shit you care so much about 4chan

>> No.4734715

Thanks Doge

>> No.4734721
File: 69 KB, 570x304, purgatory-pizza-teese-pizza-570x304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


agreed. There is a lot better vegan pizza

>> No.4734722

hahaha!!1 I was just pretending to want a discussion!!!!! you people thought I really wanted to talk about being vegan what a bunch of losers!!

epic troll rite?

>> No.4734731
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my lord...

>> No.4734753

Yeah that one does look good.

>> No.4734760

>Pointing out what a dumb fuck you are.
>Some how comes to conclusion that I care about 4chan.
You really are that fucking stupid.

>> No.4734960

Does /ck/ have a hummus recipe? I have looked through a large amount of the vertical recipe archive and i don't think i have seen one.

>> No.4734985

That milky water under the "pizza"(not quiche)
>Lance of Longinuus level of vomit

>> No.4735013

The butthurt from the meat eaters is truly hilarious. Thanks guys.

>> No.4735022

go away OP

>> No.4735036

vegans sod off

>> No.4736178

thanks doge

>> No.4736191 [DELETED] 


OP here. enjoy your murdered flesh. so glad I decided to stop that shit a year ago. fucking savages. you know the reason Joaquin Phoenix, Natalie Portman, Bill Clinton and hundreds of other sophisticated, rich, high-class people don't eat murdered animals? It's because they're better than you. Not trolling either. Once you realize that eating meat is the equivalent of our great ancestors performing ritualistic, human sacrifice... You'll fully understand. It will click. You have no excuse if you're a parent. You have no excuse if you're a dog owner or cat owner. Because with your kid and your pets, you've already admitted to me that you understand the value of mammalian life. What separates a dog from a cow? Surely it isn't intelligence? What separates a pig from a cat? Is it cool to eat a cow's baby? Or a pig's baby? Would it be alright if I eat your kid? Do you not think that animals love their offspring?
Fucking murderer. Would not hang with you. I would moo for the entirety of dinner if I had to eat at the same table as you.
Moooooooooooooooo. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. You're eating a walking animal you fuck.

>> No.4736195
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Well, if you insist.

>> No.4736197
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>> No.4736199
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>> No.4736202

>joaquin phoenix
Top chef lel m8

>> No.4736208
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>> No.4736206
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>> No.4736210
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>> No.4736211

it would easier if you just reported this faggot for >>4736191
which is blatant shitposting and he does it in every thread

don't fuck with his bump limit, as long as this thread is alive he cant make a new one

>> No.4736215
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>> No.4736217
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>> No.4736219
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>> No.4736220

stop bumping this shitty fucking thread

>> No.4736222
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>> No.4736225
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>> No.4736229

>retard bumping a troll thread that has been dead since last night


>> No.4736233
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>> No.4736234
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Well, now that he's gone, I can get back to posting this food porn :3

>> No.4736237

why dont vegans just kill themselfs?

>> No.4736238
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>> No.4736239

great so this thread will hit its bump limit and he will just make a new thread tonight like he always does

as long as this thread is still here he isn't allowed to make another one, you are only making things worse

>> No.4736248
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>> No.4736245
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So much for that filtering eh?

>> No.4736252
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>> No.4736257
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>> No.4736259

>implying only one person thinks what you are doing is retarded

you are probably OP

>> No.4736268
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You're adorable when you are angry

>> No.4736287
File: 348 KB, 599x900, 1372163651879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made some Indian bean stew for dinner, and had Polish pirogies for lunch. It's been a day of some real good food.

The bean stew was based on different beans, ginger, garlic, onion, curry, turmeric and all that regular Indian food stuff. Served it with full grain couscous and sweet sour sauce.

Th pirogies were of three different kinds; one with potato and spinach, one with mushroom and red onion and one with cottage cheese and spinach (vegetarian).

What's the purpose of the picture dump btw?

>> No.4736300

Made some Vietnamese cat fish soup. 10/10 okra is so delicious.
These nightly vegan threads are hilarious btw, how did it start yesterday? With frozen vegan pizza? And now pita chips?

>> No.4736304
File: 61 KB, 540x363, peta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you realize nice innocent "Stacy's" pita chips are a Frito Lay brand? I.e., the same Pepsico subsidiary that produces Doritos etc. and holds a 34% market share of all "savory snacks" sold on earth? Their products use the cheapest sources of Niacin and other federally mandated chemical additives, which are invariably animal-derived if it's an option. The only reason they'd pay more for veggie-derived or synthetic additives is to be able to slap a "vegan" label on the bag, and you don't see one do you? Of course Niacin *could* be derived from plant sources like fresh asparagus, or completely synthesized, but with a global production of 40,000 tons per year, ain't nobody got time fodat.

Enjoy your Frito Lay fish bone and pig kidney chips OP. You should eat some heart too, since you apparently lack one yourself, self righteous prick.

>> No.4736312

See OP. You should just got doritos.

>> No.4736325

I'd eat my cat.

But the big question: What should cat-owning vegans feed their cats?

>> No.4736344
File: 201 KB, 535x720, boycott_sabra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the hummus. Very delicious.

Interesting you're so concerned about animal rights, yet unconcerned about human rights. Torture on bro, torture on.

>> No.4736379

im pretty sure cats actually 4 real need meat to live
sometimes they eat grass when they have the shits or whatever but other than that i think theyre legit carnivores

i hope there arent any vegans out there who feed their cats tofu and supplements

>> No.4736384



>> No.4736429

That's what I'm saying. Is it against vegan code to buy meat for the animal living in the vegan house, even if the animal is a carnivore?

>> No.4736442

don't be such an asshole .I like meat. But if people want to eat vegan it's no problem for me. As long as not IN MY FACE, pretentious, or trying to control every meal or social function ( you know the type- 6 -8 people , but everyone has to eat meatless because one person cannot or will not eat any meat) In my group of friends there are two don't eat meat. when eating at each others homes we try to make sure there are at least one or two dishes that are meatless. which as lead to some intresting situations ( hey, these are great baked beans how do you make them are. it's easy, you start out with two large cans of pork and be...s ug oh.) to their credit they are not fanatical ( 7th day adventists) and when you eat at their home you know there will be no meat or alcohol. Some of the stuff they make is pretty good. though I confess, when I get home I usually make myself a ham and cheese sandwich. and sometimes have a beer. And they are not that strict. If there is some some egg in the potato salad or a piece of chicken or meat touches their salad or casserole they don't throw a screaming fit. on the other hand and some stuff can be good. on the other hand , when I go to the trouble and expense of setting up a charcoal grill I am not gonna cook "morningstar veggie burgers" or tofu dogs and i do grill squash and onions. and after the main event, I usually get a 3-4 lb lean upper round or sirloin, add some salt and pepper, spread the coals out, and lower the lid. about 4 hours. makes some good roast beef sandwiches the next day after the initial investment cheaper and better than any thing you can get in a delie even my vegan friends have eaten a slice( or two, hell, 2/3 was gone). One thing I am is a clean freak concerning food prep. I look at peoples fingernails. if long or dirty, I don't eat the food. everyone is different. live and let live.

>> No.4736465

cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they need animal protein to survive. Humans can lead perfectly fine and healthy lives with a 100% vegan diet. It's not a comparable situation.

>> No.4736504

>Humans can lead perfectly fine and healthy lives with a 100% vegan diet
>assuming they take artificial dietary supplements and live in a first world country with access to various different foods from all around the earth