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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 249 KB, 910x1206, sack-life-04-17-1950-156-M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4717498 No.4717498 [Reply] [Original]

Some of you have probably seen this image before. I know I have.

But I wanted to get your opinion on the actual dishes pictured. They seem weird to me, but I have a feeling they could be made to work with sufficiently good ingredients.

Barbecue Beef and Noodles, and Barbecue Pork and Whole Kernel Corn. BBQ sauce and noodles? What do you think?

>> No.4717518
File: 10 KB, 229x200, I__d_buy_that_for_a_dollar_by_DanBoldy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd buy that for a dollar!

>> No.4717525

BBQ places offer corn as a side dish, so it's not like it's weird or anything. Scraped off the cob and served like that though? ..:/

>> No.4717541


Yeah but *creamed* corn? And the actual "recipe" here says to serve the bbq pork on a bed of it. I'm just not sure about that but, like I said, if all the ingredients were top quality then maybe...

>> No.4717661


I think that, at the time, this was a great technological thing. Those are like frozen entrées from Le Fat Duck.

>> No.4717668
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Old food-ads/recipes are amazing.

>> No.4717678
File: 161 KB, 500x672, enhanced-buzz-2645-1375119576-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you feel about meat for babies, /ck/?

>> No.4717718
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>> No.4717742
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I am going to make this one day.

>> No.4717747

do you think it would make your babby a real tough guy?

>> No.4717764

that sounds fucking awful. who thought this should ever be printed?

>> No.4717779
File: 84 KB, 435x326, 1370811528334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads make me sick to my stomach, and not in a joking way.

I just can't imagine people actually making this shit and enjoying it. It's fascinating, but at the same time it looks absolutely disgusting. It's like they just had random number generators decide what their next recipe would be.

>> No.4717787
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>> No.4717789
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>> No.4717791

please no

>> No.4717792
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>> No.4717795
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it's too late

>> No.4717796
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>> No.4717800
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>> No.4717807
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My great grandmother makes the jello salad>>4717789
It is fucking disgusting. I can not fucking stomach it. But I have to. She is old and sweet.

>> No.4717809

people liked being creative with pre-made packaged foods back then because it was quick (considering all they had was raw ingredients and a stove back then) and it was fun. The advertisers got creative as well and came up with crazy shit for the housewives to create and keep them buying their products.

Obviously like 2 people who made the hawm banana's actually liked the taste, they did it because it was something they couldn't really do before without spending shitloads of time and effort as opposed to dumping a can.

>> No.4717820
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>> No.4717828


I love that they italicize "all meat".

>> No.4717836


All the amazing flavors the world would have never known.

Dayum shaem.

>> No.4717838

oh boy

that one sure is something

>> No.4717843

My ex once gave me a bite of a strange thing she had made. If I remember correctly, it was a slice of toast spread with grape jelly and a slice of muenster or some other cheese on top.
It was not bad at all, and I figured she was some sort of palette wizard.
It looked a lot like the pic.

>> No.4717847


>> No.4717869

This thread makes me incredibly grateful I wasn't alive in the 50s

>> No.4718024

would eat, neat idea

keep them coming

>> No.4718028

I've seen more than one person confess to loving the combination of cheese + syrup. This seems like a logical extension.

Actually if you ever do fancy cheese tastings, its pretty common for a high-end fruit jelly to top a warmed brie. So yeah this is just the ghetto version of that, and for all I know tastes better.

>> No.4718030

>I've seen more than one person confess to loving the combination of cheese + syrup. This seems like a logical extension.

When I was younger I would get high and eat Kraft Mac n' Cheese with maple syrup

>> No.4718034

BBQ sauce and noodles... well, assuming the sauce is a mild, mostly tomato-consisting one, it ought to be fine. Not haute cuisine, but it has that "50's weekday dinner" feel to it, which frankly - OLOLOLOLOL - isn't such a bad thing. Same goes for pork and corn, even if just corn instead of a "proper" starch makes me wonder if the whole load would be just too sweet and unfilling. Growing boys and working men need that fast blast of energy, yo.

As for frank, beans and BBQ sauce, god damnit. I saw this picture an hour ago, and I've been craving to get some ever since, and I'm not even 'merikan nor do I even like baked beans.

>> No.4719957


You think that's gross? I remember I was looking through some old cookbook once and came across a recipe where you basically put ham and sausages and shit in jello. It was supposed to be some sort of meat casserole? I don't really know but I just remember thinking it couldn't be real or that I had to have misread something. I mean who the hell would make that, eat it, then publish it in a recipe book when it obviously tastes like shit?!

>> No.4720075

i can never stop sceaming

>> No.4720093
File: 210 KB, 910x1233, Miracle Pears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not shoving your favorite cold dressing into the middle of fruit

>> No.4720514

This made my stomach turn. That win said they loved their salad dressings

>> No.4720955

Salad Dressing, the one thing Miracle Whip is not good for.

>> No.4720960

wtf like lettuce and olives?

and I thought the shitty canned fruit ones were nasy

>> No.4720962

Also, pears. I do not want to wake up and have my mouth tasting like pears.

>> No.4720994
File: 72 KB, 403x500, 1345712526832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Substitute sour cream or cottage cheese. Anything but Miracle Whip, really.

Tell me how you guys would fix this monstrosity.

>> No.4720998

>People in the 50's ate like they were high.

>> No.4721002

I'd stop at the part where you pour it into the ring mold and have some delicious lime jell-o, because everything after that's a clusterfuck.

>> No.4721009

Seriously it's like some alien tried to cook what he thought was an earth meal for his family.

Or a highly functioning autistic. Perfect if you wish to entertain the Earl of Lemongrab...

>> No.4721013

>tfw ketosis
>rediscover gelatin
Peach is far and above the best flavor. If you haven't had jello in years, you won't be disappointed.

>> No.4721042

fucking disgusting

thats basically dog food for humans.

no wonder baby boomers are such shitcunts, look at the disgusting crap they were brought up on by their parents.

>> No.4721061
File: 216 KB, 814x1118, 1345712561972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is dead and we have killed him.

>> No.4721244

Fucking Jesus Christ

Its so beyond my comfort zone. I bet you could make a hipster resturaunt out of just these recipes.

>> No.4721262

I was going to say that I'd eat that, till I read that the 'sauce' was a can of condensed celery soup.

Fuck that.

>> No.4721266

crappy photos with shit colour aside, it doesn't look bad.

>> No.4721267

That's like a really, really, really, trashy monte cristo. Not bad.

>> No.4721268

It's normal? I mean, baby food contains meat really early, and veggies too.

>> No.4721272

>hating pears

You have issues

>> No.4721273

>baby food contains meat really early
your words, how did you choose them

>> No.4721274

>thats basically dog food for humans.
Actually some studies showed that average dog foos is better than first price human food on many aspect.

>> No.4721276

I mean first age baby food contains meat. If you wait for your kid to have teeth for his first meat meal you did it so wrong you are already in the no return point.

>> No.4721278

I can see where they're coming from with that, but, holy fuck, that pic makes me queasy.

>> No.4721280

I almost want to try this.

>> No.4721285

A fancy cheese plate often features dried fruit and other sweet nibbles. Pungent washed-rind cheese + dried fig is fucking awesome.

>> No.4721328

The thing is that heavily acidic and sugar sweeted sauces such as the BBQ sauce will kill the pasta experience.

tip: do not forget that pasta was originally a dish of it's own that complemented the quality and freshness of the grains used to make it.

>> No.4721333
File: 84 KB, 299x288, 1376400886634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so why isnt your fridge full of it m8?