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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4712685 No.4712685 [Reply] [Original]

What's wrong with Britain? What's wrong with their taste buds? How does a country with hundreds of millions of people not have a respected, international cuisine?

>> No.4712689

Because they're a bunch of passive, sexually-repressed wankers. They're too polite to go, "Hey, this stuff tastes like shit," and then develop culinary Stockholm Syndrome.

>> No.4712693
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ew. there'e got to be some mental condition universal to the british population. how did this shit get a green light from ya'll?

>> No.4712700
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>> No.4712716

all this aside, i'd still like to eat at the fat duck

>> No.4712733
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Sounds gastro-nomical

>> No.4712761

There's plenty of countries with high populations with shitty food. Russian, Polish, Filipino...

>> No.4712769

yeah except for that headphones out of the conch shell thing they do. thats a bit silly

>> No.4712822
File: 727 KB, 1400x1050, Borscht Bowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russia has some good food. Unfortunately I only have a picture of the most clichéd dish ever, but I've had and made some other really great food that I'm too toasted to remember right now.

Filipino food is indeed pretty awful. I work with a lot of Filipinos, and most of them are really good people, and never eat their own food.

>> No.4712829

had some beef borscht once that was pretty good. with a side of latkes. not really sure how russian that is, but otherwise...

>> No.4712857

Russian food is boring. You eat borscht once and it's great, now imagine having to eat it every week. Same thing with Polish food. There's no variety.

>> No.4712899

>culinary Stockholm Syndrome
i like this phrase

>> No.4712910
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Filipino food isn't NEARLY as bad as British food.

>> No.4712916

>those egg roll
>those noodles

god DAMN filipinos can cook.

>> No.4712926

I do wonder why Filipino cuisine never caught on in the US. I mean, you'll see Japanese, Chinese, Greek restaurants, etc. every few feet but hardly ever a Filipino restaurant.

>> No.4712931

They adapt quickly, and will adopt other peoples' shit at the drop of a hat.

Also, if I get close to forty and haven't married, I'm going to ask one of my Filipino coworkers to set me up. They age slow, have gorgeous skin, and work hard.

>> No.4712934
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>British Roommate in College
>All around bro
>Wake up at 7:00 AM, it smells like I'm in Baseball Concession Stand
>"Oi Mate, cookin up some Frank and Beans. One of my favorite breakfasts from childhood."

Yes, he was eating sausages and baked beans in the morning. British cuisine is funny because in some ways they do make some wonderful things (my grandmother was from Britian and made top tier Schnitzel), But then they have thinks that even make Americans utterly baffled.

And don't get me started on Canada, they're trying to outfat us. Pic related.

>> No.4712936

Careful mate, they might set you up with a girl just so she can get citizenship in the US.
People pay thousands of dollars to convince American guys to marry a girl for citizenship and if you sound like you'll do it for free they could easily swindle you for someone much closer to them than you are, their family.

>> No.4712941


>>Britain [...] a country with hundreds of millions of people


>> No.4712945

That's pretty much the only reason I haven't married one already lol.

But a couple of these girls I trust, even with my senses intact. And we're talking more about them trying to hook me up with family that are already citizens but are looking for a trustworthy man.

Sometimes they try hooking me up with other friends
Stop it. Shit is awkward.

>> No.4712963

>he was eating sausages and baked beans
when you start worrying about them gains, breakfast just becomes meal #1

>> No.4713006

Sausages and beans make you "truly baffled"? How is this any stretch beyond bacon and eggs?

>> No.4713739

A universal breakfast food
>baked beans
Not a universal breakfast food

>> No.4713749

>baked beans
>not a universal breakfast food


Have you even read a sausage went for a walk

>> No.4713757

Brit here.
What is wrong with our cuisine?
Typical pub grub like sausage and mash is divine! Fish and Chips. Steak & Kidney Pie, Chicken & Mushroom Pie etc.etc.

We've got out scones, victoria sponge, jam roly poly.

What's wrong?

>> No.4713761

>tfw love british cuisine and not british

>> No.4713764

american food =/= universal food

>> No.4713767

reminder that the british have awful taste in tea

>> No.4713773

To be honest, some British people are horrible.
But then some Americans are dumb fat fucks who haven't seen their genitals in 10+ years.

Every country has their fuck-ups.

>> No.4713778
File: 76 KB, 720x540, roast beef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think British cuisine is great.
Commencing some pics of food that I make that is considered British

>> No.4713779

I mean I am not british

not that I hate british people

>> No.4713780
File: 82 KB, 720x540, stew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious beef stew. Britain has an excellent source of beef and as such, it's used in a lot of the food.

>> No.4713783
File: 95 KB, 720x540, steak delight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing Britfags have in common with Americans and many countries around the world is our love of steak.

>> No.4713791
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Simple cauliflower cheese. A lot of British meals are made in one pot or dish.

>> No.4713803
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Victoria sponge. Brits make great cake and desserts.

>> No.4713810
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A lot of Indian cuisine has amalgamated with British cuisine and it's very popular amongst Britfags. We also develop our own curries and put our twist in Indian cooking.

>> No.4713816
File: 2.20 MB, 2592x1552, Squash and chickpea curry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another curry

>> No.4713822


Some Indian cuisine has been majorly altered for Brit's consumption. I.E. Chicken Korma etc.

But i'm talking about traditional stuff, curries came around the 70-80s

>> No.4713884

the steak, stew, roastbeef look awesome. i hate cooked cauliflower. pies can be good but i have been usually disappointed. i have some britbong friends that can make killer homemade pies though. english food fits the climate. oh yes its been raining for 4 weeks and we havent seen the sun....perfect climate for stews and pies and cooked mashed things. nice and warm and heavy and exactly what the doctor ordered. oh and the god-tier fish and chips.....oh god....


...let's try some of these legendary sausages....OH MY FUCKING GOD THATS AWFUL....like is there even meat in here? if i wanted bread in a casing....just no.no. nononono. one of the most shocking and disappointing meal experiences of my life.

i also had my first proper IPA that meal as well. still do not get why adding some awful tasting shit to beer so beer could work in india has turned into "oh this is wonderful." "best beer ever." blaugh. i immediately thought of the film good morning vietnam and the bar scene when he finds out the beer is laced with formaldehyde.

i also dont call curries british. went to a curry place there and succeeded in getting a proper indian curry after finding out the hard way previously that curries are different in england. the brits thought i was crazy and the staff did too. my stomach thanked me though.

>> No.4713896
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Yeah I was seriously disappointed at english sausages as well. I guess I'm too used to the spiced loose bulk sausage you get in murrkan grocery stores.

>> No.4713909

There's a wide spectrum of sausages from shit tier to God tier in England and they are all popular. If you spend a bit, you'll find some really amazing sausages. The typical "breakfast sausage" in England is normally low tier.

>> No.4713917

it was a proper sausage at a proper eating establishment and it was dinner time.

>> No.4713933

I can't explain that one then.

>> No.4713959

How proper? Some places sell some pretty shitty sausages. What you describe sounds like a bad sausage.

>> No.4713979
File: 71 KB, 800x536, mrKiplingCherryBakewells.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canadafag here. i lived in England for 6 months and i actually enjoyed their food. I miss fish n chips and i miss the currys i had because no matter how hard i try i can't imitate the flavor. Complain about their typical meals all you want, hell i tasted mushy peas and they taste the way a loud fart smells, but the British definitely make the best biscuits (cookies) and cakes. To the point that while i was living there i could understand why so many people are obese. I've had this craving for cherry bakewells that's never going to get satisfied because i can't find them here.

>> No.4713982


People making broad assertions about the food culture of a nation of 70 million based on their very limited experiences/rumour

Carry on.

>> No.4714000

Hey, it happens every day with anti-american food threads. Be grateful it's just the one thread and the only thing people are disparaging is the food, rather than the people.

>> No.4714555

>no matter how hard i try i can't imitate the flavor
I bet you're getting the spicing wrong; lots of curry recipes are just spiced stew. (Stews can be awesome.) Probably leaving something critical out.

>> No.4714560

pretty sure curry is not a British dish, but is from Asia and India.

>> No.4714562

The same reason they have no respected composers and are renowned for their incompetence in bed.

British people do not have souls.

>> No.4714568

>What's wrong with Britain? What's wrong with their taste buds?
I'm sorry you've not tried a really good place. They *do* exist and have done for many years (but are a bit more common outside of towns and cities, though fish and chips tends to be better in urban settings due to higher throughput keeping things fresher).

Knowing where to go, which restaurants have good food, that's the tricky bit. There are some terrible places too, alas. (The sooner they go out of business, the better. Let them make way for someone who'll serve good food!)

>> No.4714572

Pretty sure you're wrong.

>> No.4714573

18th and 19th century continental immigrants to America being jealous of Britain and coming up with every possible negative stereotype to attribute to the British.

>> No.4714576

It's cheap.
That is all.

Oh, you're still listening. Look, it's crappy. I won't eat it. The only thing in it's favour is that it is really very cheap and requires virtually no skill to prepare; frozen batter, gravy granules, follow the idiot instructions, done. (Making it from real ingredients is rather more complex, time consuming and expensive, as it produces lots of lovely roast beef as a side product. That's *my* kind of side product.)

>> No.4714584

Edward Elgar and Henry Purcell come to mind.

>> No.4714587
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>> No.4714588
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>> No.4714590
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>> No.4714594
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>> No.4714596
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>> No.4714597
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>> No.4714599
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>> No.4714601
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>> No.4714604
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>> No.4714606
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>> No.4714609
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>> No.4714610
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>> No.4714612
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>> No.4714614
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>> No.4714617
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>> No.4714619

I'd still eat most of those things you posted

>> No.4714620

to be honest there is similar problem with german food. in the cities you usually find shit-decent level german cuisine. (of course you can find fantastic stuff but you have to know where to go.) the shit stuff is usually cheap, shitty ingredients, etc. the better places take better care with the food but it can be really hit or miss. thats why most people bitch about german cuisine. they come and try something at some whatever restaurant and complain and with reason, too. the best i have had is in little places in shitsville-nowhere. the only exception was from the cook at Der Unterfahrt jazzclub in munich. big tubby bavarian,gay as a christmas tree and kept hitting on the straight guys but the schweinsbraten was out of this world. he took pride in his kitchen and food like a doting father and wow....just wow....i'll be back there in a few months and i cant wait.

i think it's similar with england. everyone goes to london which is fucking expensive and either do something like get a pie at a train station and gag or get confused at all the choices and just walk in somewhere. they get meh food and pay too much for it and bitch forevermore about the cuisine.

i need to start thinking of food options as i will be in london in a month and want to have a better go at english cuisine.

>> No.4714621
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>> No.4714625
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>> No.4714626
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>> No.4714628

I can't help but laugh out loud while reading this thread. A gaggle of Americans trying to assert some sort of culinary acceptability by picking on Brits. Who appear to be so used to this juvenile inconfidence of their retarded little cousins that they don't really even care enough to make a serious retort.

>> No.4714629
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>> No.4714631
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>> No.4714633
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>> No.4714636
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>> No.4714638
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>> No.4714641
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>> No.4714643
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>> No.4714649

This. Every Filipino person I know basically acts white as fuck or black as fuck depending on which crowd they fall into.

>> No.4714650
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>> No.4714645
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>> No.4714652
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>> No.4714657
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>> No.4714660
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>> No.4714661
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>> No.4714663
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>> No.4714665

Like many other cultures of Germanic origin, the English cuisine is based more on practicality than trying to be fancy. It also happens to be very open to outside influences as well. Most of the staples of English cuisine (and German is also similar in many ways) are usually rather easy and accessible... plus they usually go very damn well with beer.

>> No.4714668
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>> No.4714669


Because Britain is one of the few countries America feels able to be snobby about. It's just different enough to be different but not different enough to be 'exotic'.

If a bunch of British foods originated in Japan you autists would have daily threads about how only hipsters have onion gravy on their toad-in-the-hole and what the proper chop-stick etiquette is for eating jellied eels.

>> No.4714670
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>> No.4714671
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>> No.4714673
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>> No.4714675
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>> No.4714680
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>> No.4714681

dowland (check the lute works and the songs), gibbons(viola da gamba consort music), lawes(consort music), byrd, jenkins, and dunstable just for starters. for those of you who know anything about music, the easiest way to harmonize is to sing or play in thirds. dunstable was the first to bring it into the mainstream 13-14th century. the new technique took continental europe by storm and to this day we still use thirds constantly to harmonize and give harmonic direction.

to say the english cant do music......just proves you are a rube.
william lawes c minor suite a 6 to go along with some good piping hot heavy english food
and some dunstable with a nice sherry for afterwards. by the way, each voice in this piece is in a completely different time signature but you wouldnt notice.


>> No.4714688
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>> No.4714689

ITT: One seriously assmad britbong.

>> No.4714692
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>> No.4714693
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>> No.4714696
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>> No.4714699

where's the blood pudding, faggot?

>> No.4714701
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>> No.4714702
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>> No.4714706
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>> No.4714709

ya well you guys are still twats, hanging onto your superiority complex because of the empire, trying to find something good about shitty weather, mostly shitty looking fat girls who cant fuck to save their life (like seriously, how do they reproduce?!?!), one of the most ridiculous nanny states in the western world, believing ALL of you are funny when really you are not at all....like holy shit, your entire island is one big living example of Stockholm syndrome which breeds this ridiculous passive aggressiveness that you consider a virtue, and speaking of breeding...you give the backwoods US inbreds a run for their money.

and your food sux ballz

>> No.4714710

Fuck man I made this dish tonight for dinner man that shit was bloody good.

>> No.4714711

I like all three, particularly Polish food. Pinoy can be good, too. I like sinigang sa miso (soybean paste tamarind soup) and kare pininyahang manok sa gata (chicken and pineapple in coconut curry), both of which are examples of nouveau pinoy cookery.
For more classically pinoy dishes, adobong manok, inihaw na isda and kare kare are all very good, too. And have you /had/ Filipino fried chicken? It's quite delicious, too.

>> No.4714712
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>> No.4714715
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>> No.4714721
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>> No.4714726
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>> No.4714729
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>> No.4714732
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>> No.4714751
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>hundreds of millions of people

>> No.4714776


That's fucking suicide worthy.

>> No.4714782

penis status:

[ ] flaccid
[X] erect

>> No.4714783

benjamin britten!

>> No.4714787

Only if you want to go to heaven after you die.

>> No.4714796
File: 108 KB, 500x375, pasti-barm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes that's a pie in a bread roll

>> No.4714817


>Have you even read a sausage went for a walk

the fuck is that

>> No.4714827

ITT: People who have never been to the country chatting shit about things they heard about on the internet

>> No.4714847

Are you really this stupid?
I mentioned Elgar and Purcell as arguments /against/ the notion that Brits can't into music. Way to fly off the handle with zero understanding of what's actually being said. Dear me, if you're an example of kids today, I fear for the future.

>> No.4714876

sux. i hate his music. just detest it.

>> No.4714900

I am a Portuguese who has been three times to the UK and - contrary to popular opinion - I believe that British cuisine is quite good.

> the full British is the best breakfast
> nobody makes baked beans like the British
> I ate lamb with mint sauce and it was delicious
> British stews are awesome
> British beer is quite good (I am very fond of ale)
> Haggis is wonderful

The myth that British food is bad was propagated by the French, who believe that they have the best cuisine in the world.

>> No.4714931

Try sex pistols, GBH etc.

>> No.4714956

My cousin, an Italian, read law in the UK and became a barrister with Gray's Inn. I've gone to visit him several times now and I agree with his sentiments on Brits and their cookery: decent native cuisine, great baking tradition (pastry, which is common attributed to the French is actually of English origin) but absolute rubbish when it comes to interpreting foreign dishes.
Even something as simple as the American hamburger gets ruined beyond redemption by Brits with the addition of eggs and rusk.
Were a Brit offer to treat me to his/her homecooked Sunday roast, I'd be all for it, but if s/he offers to prepare bœuf à la Bourguignonne, I would have to politely decline. Were a Brit to offer me a baked good, I'd snatch up the opportunity so quickly, you'd think I'm jonesing for a fix and I'd just been offered heroine.

>> No.4714987


What the fuck...

I thought OP was just shit posting, but I am literally getting sick just looking at all of these disgusting british "cuisine" pics. Seriously some of the nastiest stuff I have seen, and I've eaten in Haiti and Ethiopia...

>> No.4715083

well dear me my good faggoty chap, i must have pressed YOUR post number, NOT the idiot you were replying to which was my intention. Who would DO such a thing??? what a travesty. but i guess considering the music examples that you most likely didnt check it wasnt clear at all what was meant by my post. it's like giving porterhouse steaks to swine and i wish i wasnt so gracious and just ate them myself. now please good sir, go attempt having sex with the fat, drunken harpies that are you countrywomen whose sheer incompetence at having coitus, much less making the experience in any way enjoyable, interesting, or fun is....oh whatever. your a brit. i hope the bitch just pukes on you in the middle of whatever it is you people do.

go fornicate yourself

>> No.4715094

ethiopian food is good

>> No.4715109


>> No.4715111


>> No.4715113

Canada here. I find that britbongs and yuropoors of the like love to satisfy themselves by ripping on murriclaps every chance they get. Just look at a normal day on /ck/. The inverse happens no where near as much.

The only so-called Filipino cuisine I know from my filipino friends is cocktail sausages and rice.

>> No.4715133
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>hundreds of millions of people
First time visiting /ck/, bye.

>> No.4715144

There's not enough of them all over the place. They're mostly in California, Hawaii or vegas.

>> No.4715149

In the center of the plate, are those just burned tomatoes?
... the fuck?

>> No.4715158

want. So want.

>tfw too lazy to try to cook this and no restaurant makes this

>> No.4715186

oh and what is that god awful christmas concoction that they force everyone to eat. the one they make a month or more before and then let sit there in the back of a cupboard....and then they light it on fire. like fuck, its dead already. ya gonna shoot it next? blaugh, fucking gross. i'd rather eat an entire tube of toothpaste at once. problem is i used to work with a bunch of brits and it was A REQUIREMENT. i literally felt like i was 4 again trying to find ways to make food magically disappear.

>> No.4715227

those vegetables are over cooked.

>> No.4715245
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"put a twist on indian cooking"

>> No.4715443

>We also develop our own curries and put our twist in Indian cooking

>we add even MOAR CREAM

such is the simple process of developing new curries

>> No.4715628
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Of course you're right, British is the only cuisine in the world that ever flambed anything.

>> No.4715774

Actually I'm a lawyer as well :)

I believe that the same thing applies to any other national dish. For instance, I spent some time in Italy and after my days in Italy I simply cannot eat pizza or any italian food in any restaurant abroad because each country tends to reinterpret it according to their national perception of taste and it comes out very different from the original. For instance, I've seen many people putting eggs inside calzones.

If you want good national food, go to that country; anything else is rubbish.

>> No.4715777

Yorkshire pudding? That shit's fucking dank. Especially if you have a really good gravy to go with it.
I agree that most British cuisine is shite, but a good Sunday Roast is fucking godly.

>> No.4716035

Most of the people ragging on the US have never been there either, yet we see anti-American food threads all the time.

>> No.4716047

On the whole, British food is pretty terrible.

That being said, sticky toffee pudding is probably my all time favorite dessert. It's just perfect.

>> No.4716054

cuz i never ate anything that was set on fire before /SARC!

considering it had been sitting in someones cupboard for over a month and then they set it on fire....like wtf? trying to sanitize it or what? (that was sarcasm for you idiots that dont get it)

its like, lets make petrified shit cake using shit from fruit,nut, and granola eating types, and then set it on fire and insist all the guests eat it.
merry fucking christmas.

>> No.4716074

>hundreds of millions of people
The population of britain is about 62 million
>not have a respected, international cuisine?
The British Empire once covered a vast amount of area, thus influencing the cuisine of the mainland by the people in which it conquered. Also, durry IS a british bastardization of Indian cuisine.

>> No.4716075


>> No.4716147

Not particularly fancy or exotic so Americans don't care. There's also a problem of people not taking pride in it, since they're being constantly told how bad it is and not going to the effort - continuing the cycle. The traditional sauce/meat combinations for roast dinners like:

Lamb and mint sauce
Beef and horseradish sauce
Pork and apple sauce
Poultry and bread sauce

Complement each other really well, especially if they're homemade. Britain's got great ale, cheese, pastries, deserts and sausages too. And the fact that the furthest point from the sea in the UK is about 70 miles means getting fresh seafood is a piece of cake. Bread and ham are a bit meh and it's too cold for decent wine, although wine was introduced by the Romans and so the British have been drinking it for as long as any other extant civilisation and have had a little influence on French wine by creating demand for characteristics that were made fashionable in London. Sparkling wine, for instance is believed to have been first appreciated by the English.

I don't think it's the abomination that the rest of the world sees it as, nor do I think it's the world-class cuisine that a few English celebrity chefs want it to be, but it's pretty good and there are a few dishes that deserve to be in your repertoire.

>> No.4716179

Oh look, people who don't know anything are talking again. British food is great and all you are doing by refusing to eat it is denying yourself something you may like. Oh well.

>> No.4716185

BIDF plz go

>> No.4716193

What exactly is wrong with sausages and beans? You Americans always throw a hissyfit over beans when baked beans were invented in America and you never say shit about all of the beans you eat in Mexican food.

>> No.4716195

Can Americans get any more arrogant?

>> No.4716196

actually durry is a better name

>> No.4716206

If you earn the title you wear it, third worlder.

>> No.4716203
File: 1002 KB, 2592x1944, Cumberland sausage 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's try some of these legendary sausages....OH MY FUCKING GOD THATS AWFUL....like is there even meat in here? if i wanted bread in a casing....just no.no. nononono. one of the most shocking and disappointing meal experiences of my life.
What sort of shit sausages have you even been eating?

>> No.4716207

Wait, what in the fuck is classed as a sausage in America? Some cuboid thing?

>> No.4716209
File: 37 KB, 460x276, 5-types-of-sausage-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Britain has more varieties of sausages than Germany. More types of cheeses than France too.

>> No.4716210
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>not getting a proper one from the place they were invented

>> No.4716211

They spice ground meat and forget to put it in any kind of casing. Then they rename it "sausage". God knows why.

>> No.4716215

Curries can't be British in the same way as Marinara source can't be Italian because tomatoes originate in Peru, or pasta is only oriental, not Italian because noodles are Oriental.

>> No.4716218
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>mass produced ready meals are British food
Could you sound any more retarded?

>> No.4716233
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>> No.4716234

>proper eating establishment

I bet it was a fucking Slug and Lettuce. Pubs don't serve good food.

>> No.4716239

That you great ally.

>> No.4716241

Grilled tomatoes.

>> No.4716245
File: 30 KB, 400x323, Christmas-pudding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't like Christmas pudding

>> No.4716247

I fuckin' adore a good christmas pud
It's terrible that you can usually only justify a couple each year

>> No.4716251

So when an American says they are eating a sausage they mean they are eating a blob of minced pork. What's the point?

>> No.4716259

I tried making one recently (along with most of a Christmas dinner) to silence people who say 'If you really liked it, you'd have it all year round'. It's lovely but it feels so wrong when it's not Christmas. Stupid traditions.

>> No.4716264

If that's your logic then apple pie, hot dogs, hamburgers, chilli, pizza, french fries, donuts, mac and cheese aren't American. The only thing you're be left with is american "cheese", corn and pepsi.

>> No.4716310

Apple pie isn't American.

>> No.4716312
File: 74 KB, 550x413, cultural-experience-jellied-eels-faversham[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating a fried chip and giblet butty with extra mint jelly
>see someone insulting my countries exquisite cuisine
You know you want this.

>> No.4716315

That's a shit pasty.
It should be so greasy that's it's impossible to hold without it sinking through your fingers.

>> No.4716322

It's amazing the crap people post on the internet.

>> No.4716323

I'd eat like all of that stuff

Except blood pudding and fish

>> No.4716325

What is this? My addon doesnt show filenames anymore

>> No.4716327

Jellied eels.
Something we like to make tourists eat so we can laugh at them.

>> No.4716511

>>more than germany
prove it.

>> No.4716752


There's too much alcohol in a christmas pudding to spoil. It's doused with brandy when made, which is what's flambed later after being left to mature. Are you the kind of retard who throws a shit-fit because your beef is hung for weeks before you buy it, or that your cheese was made months in advance of you eating it?

I don't, in fact, like christmas pudding personally. But all it is basically is suet, dried fruit and spices: nothing particularly disgusting. It's a traditional celebration dish dating back to the middle ages.