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4655124 No.4655124 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone noticed that if they drink what their ancestors drunk, they don't get a hangover?

I have Irish parents on both sides and when I drink whiskey or scotch of any kind I never get a hangover or headache, yet I am incredibly sensitive to all other kinds of alcohol.

>> No.4655128
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>> No.4655137

Well I'm actually Irish and whiskey kills me, so that's out the fucking window.

>> No.4655139
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No because most alcohols are mass produced in giant factory distilleries 'brewing' trillions of gallons of suds for the general retarded population to drown their sorrows in.

>> No.4655142


Yes op it is a recorded phenomenom, my anscestors were german so I drink as much beer as want And I never have a hangover. I will find a study I found that shows this, it has something to do with neuroions and synapsees (sp)

>> No.4655146

OP you're an idiot.

And a faget.

>> No.4655148

It's definitely not placebo, I can drink a liter of whiskey in a day without a hangover. If I tried this with anything else I would want to die.

>> No.4655153


I'm Italian so I can drink a lot of wine and not get drunk and sometimes I fight crime in the late hours of the night by vomitting my stored acidic red wine hydro pumps.

>> No.4655155

But were your ancestors Irish? Were they fancy Dubliners that drank wine?

>> No.4655179
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>single person posting personal anecdote.
Must be scientific fact then. Let me know when they publish the paper.

>> No.4655190

sorry i didn't know this was the autism forums

maybe people could just not take it so seriously and post their own anecdotes, like what the thread was actually suggesting

>> No.4655193
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No, I know exactly how you feel, OP. I'm German and my ancestor were Germanics so I can drink gallons of mead and not get drunk.

>this is what American NEETS actually believe

>> No.4655203

Im Irish. born and raised in Ireland. both my parents and granparents are irish.
I get a hangover just as much from drinking irish drinks as i do any other drinks.
>your point is invalid
>OP is a faggott
>youre american, not Irish
>get over it

>> No.4655218

but my irish ancestors have a constant history of alcoholism

is everyone calling me a faggot because they think i'm implying i'm hardcore for drinking??

>> No.4655225

No ur a faget because u have faget notions
Now shut up, fag

>> No.4655231

you have a small cock till death, ur casket will be lowered at ur funeral with a still small cock, lol

>> No.4655240
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On a scale of one to fourteen, how old are you, and do your parents know you were in the liquor cabinet?

>> No.4655243

your just jealous i can drink more beer than you

>> No.4655249

idk about anyone else but i called you a faggot because your talking like a faggot and you think the fact that you have an irish ancestor has anything got to do with whether or not you get a hangover.


>> No.4655256

are you pissed off I'm pure irish and you're like a puerto rican swedish mix or something i'm sorry

>> No.4655259

I'm of German heritage, and I can drink anyone under the table, if we're drinking beer (or even wine, usually). But throw some tequila in there, or cachaca, or hell, even gin, and I'm FUCKED the next morning.

>> No.4655274

>pure irish
>not born there
>doesnt have an irish passport
>doesnt have an irish accent

yeah im really so mad that youre "pure Irish" whereas i was only born there and lived there all my life and my entire family history on both sides is Irish only.....but yeah man...im real jelly

>> No.4655294

so you're the irish guy and you're just mad because you have 90 IQ compared to ur UK brethren, go eat your taytos then suck a priests willy

>> No.4655302

Hey, his grandad went to ireland once, and he likes potatoes, and wears green every st patricks day. Dude can totally funnel like 3 1/2 bud lites without vomiting. Totally irish to the core.

>> No.4655310

I have a big penis my penis is the sun your penis is mercury

>> No.4655333

Dude, you gotta be up tomorrow to work on your "what I did on my summer vacation" essay. You should get some rest.

>> No.4655346

Half german, half chinese-french (don't know exactly, my Mom was from Madagascar).

Apparently brown eyes can't hold their liquor well, but I can hold down pretty much everything but tequila pretty well. --Maybe not though, because I've had long nights of drinking any hard alcohol kick my ass before, so I mainly stick to beer now.

>> No.4655350 [DELETED] 

>done by the vegan research institute

>> No.4655369

I'm Irish, can't drink whiskey without feeling ill the next day, but I can chug vodka or wine and never feel a slight hangover.
I think it's just a random thing. Not related to anything significant

>> No.4655371
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I'm from a long line of Swedes, so I can drink 10 liters of surströmming and not have a hangover.

>> No.4655782

>Has anyone noticed that if they drink what their ancestors drunk, they don't get a hangover?
No. Nobody has ever noticed this. Except perhaps you facepalm.jpg

>> No.4657473

I've never had a hangover in my entire life.
I don't really understand why, but it's great because I'm not fucked for work the next day, even if I drink a 26oz to myself.

Anyone else never get hangovers?

>> No.4657490
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This is most likely all in your head. Hangover s are made by dehydration and carbon lodging in your brain.

>> No.4657500

>carbon lodging in your brain.
your brain is made mostly out of carbon
does this mean that hangovers make you smarter?

>> No.4657767

I'm Italian-Chinese and I can down a bottle of whiskey in a night and definitely get a hangover

>> No.4657775

Are you still in high school?

>> No.4657778

My cousins are Italian-Japanese. Fancy that.

>> No.4657781

I'm highland scottish, and I can drink a litre of whisky in a night.

I don't, because my hangovers are crippling.

>> No.4657816

OP, I believe you

Its a well known fact in the medical community that innuit people - the locals up in Greenland and such - their livers cannot into booze.

While we can digest a beer's worth of alcohol in an hour, it'll take maybe a week for them to process the same amount of booze - because their livers didn't have several thousands of years to adapt to working alcohol out of their systems. In the rest of the world alcohol has been a common stable in the human diet for thousands of years, on account of alcohol being a fairly good preservative for liquids so stores of beer gave early agricultural communities something to drink during winter.

And no I don't have any medical texts to prove this - but my grandfather had a story on the subject:
My grandfather was a north sea fisherman back in the 60s. He was but one of many in the crew, which was largely made up of danish officers and greenland natives as crew (they were cheaper...)

Now, they knew well of the innuit alcohol issue - so booze was not allowed on ship. Didn't stop the crew smuggling bottles aboard, and my grandfather once experience a situation where the eskimo idiots got completely drunk off their asses and started rioting... because drunk.

Now, factor in that it would take these people up to maybe two weeks to process all the booze in their systems(drunk for two weeks straight!) - and it was cheap shit vodka and whatnot - so they were also facing weeks shit tier hangovers.

It got so bad that my grandfather and the officers simply locked and barricaded themselves in the bridge - they emerged a few days later to find most of the eskimo crew having killed each other, bled to death or otherwise offed themselvse. Because several weeks of nasty hangovers were apparently a really scary prospect, and they had been really drunk.

>> No.4657830

I'm 1/4 Icelandic, and every time I've been there (even though I've traveled to a bunch of countries) I'm simply baffled at the amount of liquor they can handle.

Me, I throw up real easy with liquor. I can handle over 9000 beers just fine though. I'm secretly Irish/German/Japanese? LOL

>> No.4657857
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mfw this thread

>> No.4657860

>innuit people

Make that all native peoples of tundra and frozen wastes. Have the same thing here with Chuckchi.

>> No.4657868


Your ancestors didn't drink scotch, OP. You ancestors drank low-grade hoch distilled in a boot.

>> No.4657905

I bought my mom a 6 pack last week and didn't get hungover at all. OP's onto something.

>> No.4658114

I'm English and I never get a hangover after drinking tea

>> No.4659403
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My dad and grandpa were both alcoholics and their drink of choice was scotch.

First time I got drunk was on a bottle of scotch. I really like the stuff.

And yet no one I know can stomach the shit.

Fucking magic, man.

>> No.4659406

I'm just going to cut to the chase here, OP - you're an idiot

>> No.4659414

No. But if I've learned one thing from my alcoholics it's that my family is/was full of ancestors.

>> No.4659429

OP is fucking retarded beyond belief.

>> No.4659435


That doesn't mean if OP drinks 80 proof whisky that he'll have no hangover opposed to drinking 80 proof vodka. It's purely psychological.

Reaction to ethanol itself is entirely different, and has lots to do with genetics.

>> No.4659450

I'm caribbean with very minute scottish ancestry.
I can drink anything, but god damn, I love me some whisky.

>> No.4659485

Well, this is mildly true. People with European heritage can process alcohol because brewing/distilling was how people in that area made clean water back in the day. Asians have low tolerance because their ancestors made tea. For real, asians can't drink for shit.

But it isn't as specific as you think.