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File: 13 KB, 460x307, poached-eggs-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4645488 No.4645488 [Reply] [Original]

How to make a perfect poached eggs?

>> No.4645490

>make water hot
>put egg in water
>eat hot water egg

>> No.4645494

>I have never poached an egg lel

>> No.4645503

>implying I haven't been making three poached eggs a day for five years to master the art, which I then explained in my post

>> No.4645505

find a bald eagles nest take the eggs and fry them up. DONE

>> No.4645510


2 tsp salt
large eggs, as many as you require
Salt and black pepper

Fill a saucepan with approximately 15-20cm of water then add the salt. Place a plate upside down in the bottom of the pan then place the pan over a medium heat and bring the water up to 80ºC.
Allow to poach for 4 minutes.
Remove with a slotted spoon season with salt and freshly ground black pepper.


>> No.4645526

Why the plate?

I laughed.

>> No.4645536

Wasn't there supposed to be a step to swirl the water so that the egg stays in the middle?

Just sayin'

>> No.4645544

I find that it helps, but I think it's optional.

>> No.4645682

No vinegar in the water (who wants vinegar-flavoured eggs FFS?).

Water just off the boil, and plenty of it.

Very fresh eggs are not mandatory but they help form neat, picture-perfect poached eggs.

Eggs at room temp helps, but not mandatory.

If you're putting it on toast or a toasted English muffin, toast first before your eggs go anywhere near the water.

Eggs should not need more than 1-2 minutes to cook, depending on the their size and the temperature they were when they went in the water. That's the reason for the plenty of water — large thermal mass to cook the white as quickly as possible while leaving the yolk runny.

>> No.4645689

crack egg into a shallow dish
bring water to a boil, then turn heat down to simmer
stir the water to form a gentle whirlpool
slip egg into whirlpool

cover and go toast some bread or something while you wait

>> No.4646426

>cover and go toast some bread or something while you wait
Way to overcook your poached egg there m8. Unless your toaster works way faster than mine, which is entirely possible come to think of it.

The whirlpool trick works nicely for forming well-shaped poached eggs (particularly if they're a bit watery because they're not that fresh) but my problem with it is how do you do four eggs at once? It's bad enough if you're just trying to do two for yourself. I'm not going to have two pans of water on just for my eggs, or cook them one at a time!

>> No.4647877

>not using a chem lab magnetic whirlpool stirrer and hotpad for all your poaching needs

>> No.4647886
File: 19 KB, 500x500, 1373969666063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks using a whirlpool makes better poached eggs

>> No.4647895
File: 21 KB, 400x404, paleo-breakfast-poached-eggs8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.4647909


when it comes to techniques, I tend to trust jaques. egg-poaching is at 3:20

>> No.4647911

throw 2tbsp of panko into your egg before poaching.

you're welcome.

>> No.4647915

ITT people over complicate a simple dish out of fear of failure.

>> No.4647940
File: 133 KB, 550x413, meh.ro2202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 10
>father is cheap as fuck so we don't have gas or electricity in our shack
>use a propane grill to cook everything
>grill even during the winter when it's five below and blizzarding
>somehow he makes the perfect poached eggs with just a burner and a pot with water

>mfw I go to do it ten years later in my fancy kitchen with gas and electric, and the egg dissipates in the swirling water and I'm only left with a partially cooked egg yolk
It's fucking cooking sorcery.

>> No.4647947

Why is everyone scared of using vinegar? It doesn't require a lot.

>> No.4647949


he said poached not pouched.

>> No.4647952


>could cook a healthy egg
>nah fuck that, I'm gonna wrap my eggs in polyvinylidene chloride and heat it the fuck up so it can leach piles of DEHA into my eggs and give me cancer

Good idea bro, get them perfect eggs.

>> No.4647956


That's the T-Ball of egg poaching.

>> No.4647957

This. I add about 1/2 a tablespoon to my egg water. You can't taste it at all, but it certainly does help set the egg.

>> No.4647962

The key is to make sure the the center of the water is hotter/less dense than the surrounding water so the egg convects into a torroidal shape while cooking.

It's the same principle as light propagation in a fiber optic cable.

>> No.4647969


No one can afford egg water. Tap or go home. It was just a fad anyways.

>> No.4647979

A tiny bit of vinegar helps the yolk not run so much while cooking

>> No.4648022

Poached eggs are delicious

>> No.4648767

[citation needed]