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File: 208 KB, 565x377, chocolate-cupcakes-with-peanut-butter-cookie-dough-frosting-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4642271 No.4642271[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have an interview at a cupcake place on thursday. The guy requested me to make a cupcake, and specified not the typical "vanilla" and "chocolate" cupcake...

So, I have a couple of ideas..

>ube (purple yam/taro?) with a milk coconut frosting.

I'm leaning towards the ube with milk coconut frosting, since it's unique. But I was wondering, how many of you guys actually like coconut? A majority of the people I know personally do not like coconut...

Anyways, it would mean alot of you guys could pin-point which cupcakes would interest you the most. I'm not sure if I should make all four and have the guy sample it, or just make two at most...

Thanks in advance.

>> No.4642275

I was sad when I realized these were four different ideas and not one fantastic cupcake.

>> No.4642282

Well, those were ideas that I had... Should I do one instead of two?

Do you have a flavor in mind that you would consider to be as a fantastic cupcake? c:

>> No.4642290

make a banana cupcake
or a pineapple cupcake

>> No.4642286

Make a lemon cupcake OP. Lemon cupcake is best cupcake, and so unique. Will impress much.

>> No.4642300


I thought my post was pretty clear, you need to make a toffee coffee coconut ube cupcake.

>> No.4642306

I like coconut but most people I know can't stand it in baked goods so I'd pass on that. The taro one is my second fav with coffee looking to be your best bet.

How about go with a coffee and caramel cupcake. It's something different but a familiar flavor profile but not in liquid form.

>> No.4642368

please, don't encourage these fucking stupid cupcake places i hate them so goddamn much they are everywhere in my city dont be a faggot

>> No.4642371

i don't like lemon :c

thanks for the suggestion! coffee-caramel does sound delicious, and a bit more safer than trying to go out of the box with taro. i may have to do the coffee-caramel :)

>> No.4642378

i would do that ube with coconut frosting. uniqueness will set you apart

>> No.4642408
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>i don't like lemon



>> No.4642425

Peanut-butter and jelly cupcake.

-yellow/white/whole wheat cupcake
-peanut butter frosting
-jelly filling or topping of some kind

>> No.4642522

you have to go far from the ordinary

potato or yam cupcake is your calling

>> No.4642540
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Definitely ube/coconut.

>> No.4642586

>Nutella cupcakes

Or maybe try to make some chocolate mousse filled cupcake. I;ve had it in mind but never long enough to actually think about how that would work.

>> No.4642639
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>> No.4642641

I think nutella or chocolate mousse would still count as being "chocolate."

>> No.4642657

>i don't like lemon
Keep in mind, OP, this isn't about you, in the sense that it's not going to be you consuming the cupcake, it'll be the interviewer.

I want to preface my question on a cupcake idea by explaining I've never baked in my life. I love lava cakes. Would it be possible to do a lava cake in cupcake form without it coming off like it's just unbaked in the middle? As for flavor, since you said no chocolate or vanilla, what about a strawberry or whatever local in-season fruit you have?

>> No.4642665

this made me laugh.

nutella sounds awesome

i didn't think about that... :c bummer

i also know some people who don't really like lemon... strawberry sounds delicious! but, if it were cupcakes for a place, wouldn't you want to offer a year-round thing? if that makes sense somehow.

i'm trying to think of how to get the cupcake a nice color on the outside. it seems that cupcakes come out a really like-ugly brown on the outside.

>> No.4642675

>i also know some people who don't really like lemon
>wouldn't you want to offer a year-round thing

Well, sure, for both points, but this is about a job interview, not "Hey come up with a new cupcake for us to sell", right?

I don't know if you watch it, but think of this like Cupcake Wars. You need to make something interesting enough that tastes good to get you past the first round (the interview).

>> No.4642681

How can you not like lemon? I understand not liking to eat actual lemons, who does that. But lemon flavored deserts and candies? Lemonade? What the fuck? Lemon is god-tier. Possibly eldergod-tier.

>> No.4642682
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Geoff wills it

>> No.4642687

yeah, that's a good way to put it too! i should watch some cupcake wars to get inspiration, even though i'm set towards taro/coconut or coffee..

i meant i don't really like lemon desserts.. i like lemonade...

>> No.4642698

Coconut or lemon.

>> No.4642703

>i like lemonade
well, at least I don't have to completely hate you. I have to say though lemon desserts are the best desserts.

>> No.4642709


Pumkin spice cupcake with vanilla latte buttercream

>> No.4642710

My favorite cupcake is root beer with frosting and a marachino cherry on top. I made it from a recipe blog that called it "soda fountain cupcakes" Or something (had to google it - I think this blog got it from some other blog, follow the links if you care):
They're awesome. Rich like chocolate, but not a hint of cocao anywhere; they're unusual but familiar at the same time.

>> No.4642723

this sounds amazing!

i never heard of this, this sounds interesting. but cream soda extract? i've never heard...

>> No.4642735

Make a salted caramel cupcake. Salted caramel is seriously in fashion right now.

>> No.4642738

You're seriously deterred by the frosting...? Make it your own! It's just a recipe. You're not gonna make it in a creative baking job if you can't think by yourself.

I never made the cream soda frosting, it looked dumb (and unappetizing) and you can't buy that extract easily. Vanilla frosting all the way.

Rootbeer extract is pretty easy to buy.

>> No.4642743

I love coconut. It is one of my favorite dessert flavors next to caramel. Coconut and Caramel in a dessert together makes my head explode with deliciousness. Chocolate is optional in the mix. It is delicious with or without it.

>> No.4642741

Doesn't matter if you don't like lemon OP. If you can bake a cupcake that's lemon and good, regardless if you like or not, will show how superior you are in the cooking field.

>> No.4642753

Coffee cupcake with irish cream frosting

>> No.4642755
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>> No.4642758
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>> No.4642759

Pistachio. Just use extra almond extract and a tiny bit of green food dye. Top with a vanilla bean frosting.

>> No.4642763
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>> No.4642765
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>> No.4642774

Good point! i keep seeing this ~*~fleur de sel*~* topped caramels!

aaaaaaaaa this sounds fucking rad too!

>> No.4643372


>> No.4643416
File: 98 KB, 960x810, umeboshi960-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet and salty umeboshi cupcake. Blow his flippin' mind.

>> No.4643441

peanut butter, hnng

>> No.4643473

Coconut and almond.

>> No.4643499

Ground almond based cake topped with rasberries and maybe some toasted almonds.

>> No.4643500

Okay here it is:

Caramel cupcake base.
Chocolate frosting (maybe with chilli?)
Salted caramel decorations - either straight up salted caramel dolloped onto the centre, or shards of caramel arranged nicely in the frosting.

>> No.4643522

I would eat the fuck out of the taro/yam cupcake with coconut frosting.

Plz send me one in the mail OP.

>> No.4643524

> caramel cupcake
> chocolate chili frosting

Gross, no. Too many flavours. Making a chocolate chili cupcake or a caramel cupcake is better. Why would I ever eat a caramel cupcake with caramel and then get chocolate with chili?

Chili chocolate cupcake sounds good though.

>> No.4643529

I've always wondered what would happen if someone made a vanilla cupcake with vanilla frosting and put crushed halls mint cough drops on top
Good for colds? Is that even legal to sell?

>> No.4643534

Dye is unnecessary and makes it look artificial. Plus it usually indicates to me that they're being Jews with the pistachios and trying to make it seem like you're getting lots for a $3 cupcake when you're hardly getting any.

>> No.4643538

rose cupcake, apricot filling, almond frosting... it'll be unique + those 3 flavours go together well.

>> No.4643556

>they're being Jews with the pistachios

What exactly do you mean by that?

>> No.4643595


>pretending to not know jew is synonymous with cheap

>> No.4643597

Sweet yellow cornbread with a butter cream frosting.

>> No.4643604


>> No.4643626

I don't think they'll discount you if they don't like your cupcake flavor choices.

>> No.4643635

Toffee coffee caramel would get me to eat cupcakes so you should do that.

>> No.4643646

hey everyone. thanks for the suggestions! i'm gonna try to make ube/coconut frosting cupcakes. i'll certainly take a picture of the finished product. the second cupcake, i'll prob do coffee mocha or something.

also.. i need to alter some recipes for higher altitude baking (colorado) -_-

>> No.4643650

good luck op I honestly hate these over ambitious cupcakes they always taste to rich and don't go well with alcoholic beverages I honestly wonder why cupcake places stay in business

>> No.4643655

they're trendy right now I guess

I hate these boutique-style cupcakes, over priced and still sub-par food

>> No.4643699

i'm not a big fan of cupcakes either. i'm just looking for work that's bakery related, since i'm somewhat experienced with that. i'd prefer desserts like bars, cookies, brownies, etc.

>> No.4643713
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you could make a dessert bar recipe in a cupcake tin and top it with meringue to get the dome shape. or a miniature tart, same idea.

>> No.4643728

a pie in cupcake form? :D
i just made the "ube" cupcakes... they came out really muffiny-textured :( fuck. im gonna try to coffee ;/