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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4595186 No.4595186 [Reply] [Original]

Crispy oven-cooked bacon and fettuccine in a creamy homemade vodka sauce with fresh buttered french bread. My lunch.

>> No.4595203

Honestly, you described it better than it looks.

I'm sure it tasted great though.

>> No.4595206

On a scale of "obese-to-morbidly obese"

How obese are you OP?

>> No.4595210
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>having bread with pasta

Welcome to "Plebs Tonight"! And here's your host: OP!

>> No.4595209

I haven't so much made anything yet today, just a sandwich for lunch (sourdough, salami, sharp cheddar, toasted - with tomatoes, onions and lettuce, oh and mustard). But later I'm making homemade paneer for palak paneer (that's for tomorrow), and for dinner I'm making currywurst, mashed potatoes, and salad.

>> No.4595215

Soooo, OP....tell us how you made your vodka sauce pls!

>> No.4595221

>buh but Olive Garden
>unlimited breadsticks and lettuce with your entree of pasta

>> No.4595241
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>american fast food chains
>setting standards

>> No.4595242

Eww, I can smell your hideous, fat body from here OP.

>> No.4595248

>implying there's anything wrong with having a smaller amount of pasta and bread on the side
>implying homemade bread isn't delicious and can be eaten with anything
>not wiping plate clean with the bread to get the last bit of delicious sauce

>> No.4595254

>having carbs with carbs
I bet you eat lasagna with a side of fries, too, right?

>implying you make your own bread
>implying you arent a fat fuck for sucking up all the leftover oil from the plate with your white flour wonderbread

>> No.4595259

>someone actually posts about food they've cooked
>gets nothing but shit responses
>meanwhile another vegetarian/meat eating piece of shit thread opens up

I hate all of you.

>> No.4595275

HEY, I was nice to OP. I posted what I was making. And, I ask for his vodka sauce recipe. Not everyone here is an asshole (just most of the poeple, I'm afraid).

>> No.4595283

>I bet you eat lasagna with a side of fries

>implying lasagna sandwich isn't the shit

>> No.4595284

so much hipsters and trolls on ck.

>> No.4595285

Mushroom ramen with poached eggs. Nothing fancy.

>> No.4595293

>implying i don't make my own whole wheat sourdough
>implying there's something wrong with eating 25% bread 75% pasta, instead of just 100% pasta
>implying i don't eat vegetables with almost every meal
>implying oil is bad for you
>implying wasting food is a good thing

>> No.4595304

Seriously, though. How did you make the vodka sauce? Was it good? Is it better than typical white sauce/alfredo stuff?

>> No.4595363


Since when has fat-shaming become hipster or trolling?
Fat people are gross. Maybe someday we'll be able to put them all into camps and starve them skinny.

>> No.4595392

Fat people are gross. Maybe someday we'll be able to put them all into camps and starve them skinny.

I wonder if Hitler thought Jews were too fat during the war.

>> No.4595396

An three-egg omelette shared with my sister.
Had some chili salami and bell pepper in it, and some cheese

>> No.4595399

But you don't know that the OP is fat. That's not a picture of the OP, you do know that right? That's a bowl of noodles and bread. Do you need glasses? You know what happens when we assume, don't you? You make an ASS out of U and Me. Get it? Or did that go over your head just like the OP's post?

>> No.4595402

5 ounce portion of top round and a sweet potato..... just like every FUCKING day.
God damn, I've packed on alot of muscle and lost weight but this nutrition plan shit blows.

>> No.4595440

I haven't assumed a thing. I, and various other posters, are coming to a conclusion that eating a pasta dish with bread, with a fatty sauce no less, is simply a fat thing to eat.
The OP hasn't replied to defend him or herself so the only logical conclusion is that he/she/it has rolled off into the darkness to consume his meal, possibly while sobbing.

Why are you so offended? Are you fat?

>> No.4595444

All vegetables that were on sale thrown together and made into a stew or chili of some sorts, in this case white onion, mushrooms, carrots, bell pepper, tomatoes. Also some green olives and garlic.
Arugula Salad

>> No.4595450

>Why are you so offended? Are you fat?

Not a bit. But you sound like a hysterical child. People eat foods containing fatty ingredients across the globe on a daily basis. That doesn't make them fat. There's this thing called moderation. I'm sorry if you have to restrict yourself to tasteless dry foods because you can't control yourself around the good stuff. That's a personal problem for you, it's not someone else's fault. You should stop taking things like that out on strangers. All that internal stress and anger will give you cancer.

>> No.4595455
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I didn't really care about presentation. It's not like I'm cooking for anyone but myself.
Underweight. I'm 6'0" and I weigh about 150.
That sounds pretty good. Would you mind posting a picture later in the thread for us?
What did a masterchef such as yourself eat today, then?
It was pretty much that. A bit creamier though because of personal preference. I don't really have money to blow on making a very extravagant sauce.
I got the bread fresh baked from the local market. My pasta also doesn't have any leftover oil. Maybe you just suck at making pasta?
It's the curse of those who attempt to create relevant content.
Refer to above.
I have other things to do besides lord over a thread I created in passing.

And here's a picture of me being a fat faggot.

>> No.4595463

Would you like a fat faggot treat? With the hot jizz? Sorry, I couldnt resist.

>> No.4595464

It's okay. I love Louis C.K. <3

>> No.4595468

I love you too O.P.
>I am Louis C.K.

>> No.4595469

Eh. I have a shit-ton of anger. If I didn't have outlets, like this here website, I'd probably be out murdering people left and right.

It still doesn't excuse Op being a fat lard and you being a patronizing patricia.

>> No.4595471

>That sounds pretty good. Would you mind posting a picture later in the thread for us?

Sure, if I remember to take a picture! I'll set my camera on the table so I'll see it when I sit down to eat, lol.

>> No.4595474

And you have no excuse for being the fucktard you are, but that's not stopping ya, is it?

>> No.4595479
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But I'm not fat, man. If it makes you feel any better, here is a salad I had a few days ago.
Thanks, man. I was hoping for more pics from people.

>> No.4595494
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What did the vodka sauce taste like, OP?

I'm cheating by posting something my lunch from a couple of days ago. Maple glazed salmon with roasted sugarsnaps and babby sweetcorn. I wish I could afford to eat salmon daily, I would never get sick of it.

>> No.4595500
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Stirfry cooked in bacon grease, then beaten eggs cooked with the vegitables. Like pan made quiche

>> No.4595511
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I made tea cakes to bring to work tomorrow

>> No.4595515

I'm been wanting to have salmon recently but it's so damn expensive. That looks really fuckin' good. Portion seems a bit too small for me though. I may not actually be fat, but I sure eat like a fat person.

As far as the taste. It's a creamy tomato-y vodka-ish taste. If you want to be really ghetto about it, just buy a jar of tomato sauce, a jar of Alfredo, mix them in a 3/1 ratio, and add a glug of cooked off vodka. Season with garlic and black pepper, a bit of salt and some olive oil. It's definitely not real vodka sauce, but fuck if it doesn't taste good as shit. Also add some butter right before it's done.

Looks a bit too greasy but I'd still eat it. Good job.

>> No.4595519
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I'm cheating too with a pic of my burrito from dinner last night. Grilled steak, grilled peppers, onion, and cactus, pico de gallo, jalapeno, lettuce, cheese, and beans.

>> No.4595520

I've never actually had tea cakes before. What are they like? The look good in a down-home baked goods sorta way.

>> No.4595530

I've never really been a burrito person. It looks good though. The only concern I'd have is that it sounds like there's a lot of stuff going on in it. I'd also opt for something sweeter instead of the savory beef w/pepper and onions combo you had. Perhaps chicken and a mango salsa? Also, how is cactus? I've never eaten it before. My guess is that I think it would taste a bit like bell peppers crossed with cucumbers.

>> No.4595539


well, the name fits. you better have tea or something to drink nearby because after chewing you get the feeling after eating 2 saltines at once, except its buttery and delicious

they're easy to make, i followed this recipe: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/russian-tea-cakes-i/detail.aspx

>> No.4595546

If you live in the UK, Morrison's seem to have pretty good deals on seafood. Two salmon fillets cost me about £2.70. Don't let the small portions deceive you, I only do that for composition reasons. I had half of the other fillet sliced into thin pieces and eaten raw with my fingers.

That sounds good, I don't drink but I'm curious about cooking with alcohols.

>> No.4595545

Cactus is great! It does have a texture much like bell peppers, and a lemony flavor. It's amazing in scrambled eggs, which is my favorite way of eating it. It has mucilage in it, though, so you have to cook it out before adding to something like eggs. You can boil it, or saute it, or grill it, but don't add it to things raw, unless you're adding it to a stew or chili, then it's fine.
I don't normally eat a lot of burritos myself, I'd rather have some other type of mexican food, but occasionally I get the craving for one, and that so happened to be yesterday.

>> No.4595571
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Looks pretty good, OP. Fuck haters with their presentation bias. The fact that you plated the food only mildly well shows that you care more about the cooking and eating than the showing off on fagchan.

Yesterday I made vermicelli pasta nests (don't know what it is with the nests, I guess they tend to come from better brands that produce quality pasta). A saute of fresh garden squash and cherry tomatoes in olive oil and garlic.

On the side, a couple FAT pieces of bruchetta with garden basil, homegrown tamatoes, and mozzarella. Fuck all it was good.

pic related: the wife hiding behind some tomatoes a couple weeks ago

>> No.4595572

I'll try it sometime perhaps. Although baking isn't really my strong point, honestly.
I'll have to try that. I don't know where I'd go about getting Cactus here in Florida though.
It way more expensive here, sadly. Plump, skin on fillet pairs go for about 10 bucks or more where I'm at. It's ridiculous.

And cooking with alcohol is great! Especially when working in a pan. Wines are great for reductions and deglazing. You can make a delicious sauce for anything as long as you have the right wine and good seasonings.

>> No.4595573

Not the anon you were questioning, but they're basically a drier shortbread cookie. Kind of like eating a straight pie crust? I like making ones where you press your thumb into the middle, then fill it with jam!

>> No.4595580

>I'll have to try that. I don't know where I'd go about getting Cactus here in Florida though.

Just go to any hispanic market, or market that carries hispanic foods. They should at least have "nopalitos" which is jarred cactus strips. These taste great too, and are much easier, since they've already been cooked. You just have to rinse them to get the brine off before using. I buy fresh cactus when I go to the mexican market, but on a regular basis, I keep jars of it in the pantry for scrambled eggs and tacos, etc. I've also used cactus in quiche before, and it was delicious.

>> No.4595581

Thank you. I agree. Plating is only a concern if I'm cooking for others, and only particularly important when it is a special occasion. But holy balls that sounds good.

A great recipe that I think you'd like is seared bay scallops in a butter-parsley sauce over angel hair with cherry tomatoes and fresh spinach. Great with a side of bruchetta and finished with lemon. You can also add a bit of white wine into the butter parsley sauce for a bit of a different flavor profile. It's one of my favorite recipes.

>> No.4595583

I'll have to check around then, thanks.
The addition of jams sounds like it would go really well. A lemon tea cake with raspberry jam filling sounds quite good.

>> No.4595620
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Just took some meat off the smoker. Made a rack of ribs, a whole chicken and a whole duck.

>> No.4595622
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>> No.4595630
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>> No.4595643

That looks awesome man. How long did you smoke them? What did you season them with? Are you having anything else with them?

>> No.4595664

Smoked the for about 6 hours at 220. Ribs are seasoned with a rub made ground guajillo, cayenne, brown sugar, garlic and toasted cumin. The chicken and duck were rubbed with a garlic and herb butter.

>> No.4595666

Planning on making some coleslaw as well.

>> No.4595667

no pic but had grilled chicken breast + fresh spinach + smoked cheddar + jerky sauce in a tortilla wrap

real good; having that shit again tomorrow

>> No.4595673

>Vodka sauce

>> No.4595674


I had tofu, spinach, some Chinese vegetable and more spinach.

>> No.4595677

>Porridge with Blueberries
>Fried salmon fillet, cous cous salad, cherry tomatoes, and some baguette
>Chilli with brown rice and some steamed brocolli

Then I cheated and ate 950kcal of double chocolate cookies.

>> No.4595679

lol. 12 yrs old all up in here.

Hows the summer vacation going, big boy?

>> No.4595684

OP I'd suck your dick real good if you'd make me some of that.

>> No.4595685

Never heard of guajillo. What's dat?
Educate yourself, and learn the way of delicious ass pasta sauce.

>> No.4595690

;) sent

>> No.4595692

It's I thing, I've never really understood it either, adds literally no taste.

>> No.4595715

It's a mildly spicy dried chili that has an almost raisin like sweetness to it.

>> No.4595731 [DELETED] 
File: 364 KB, 640x480, Anon 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that is basic as fuck.

This forum is full of pretentious fucks.

>> No.4595737

So what did you make?

>> No.4595798

>>Wow that is basic as fuck.
>>This forum is full of pretentious fucks.

So, just like you then?

>> No.4595803

been living off chicken sandwiches for the past few days holy fuck it's delicious

>> No.4595808

I made a sausage broccoli cheddar quiche
I should have taken pictures, but I at it too quickly

I also topped it off with some provel cheese, so there was this golden creamy crust

>> No.4595826

almost didnt notice that. is that a good ingredient or are you trolling me?

>> No.4595830
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>> No.4595832

I've heard it's pretty popular in southwestern stuff.

>> No.4595874


looks good to me OP ignore they just jelly

>> No.4595913

Nopalitos can be good, but similar to okra in that it has a texture that is off-putting for some. I like them.

>> No.4596381

I made beef rogan josh curry served over jasmine rice that I made using an electric pressure cooker