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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 50 KB, 625x352, Chilli_con_carne_A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4593659 No.4593659 [Reply] [Original]

>chilli con carne in Britain is universally just bolognese with kidney beans and possibly a token shake of chili powder, and is always served with rice
>grew up thinking this was normal
>mfw I discovered that American chili is nothing like this and actually includes proper chiles and isn't served with rice like it's a fucking curry or something
>mfw I try making it and it's goddamn delicious and I can't go back to shit tier kidney bean bolognese now

Why does my country suck at food, /ck/?

>> No.4593662

Because you have no teeth to eat proper food. It's karma for dicking over the entire world during your imperial period.

>> No.4593664

Served with rice? You mean they put chili on a bed of white rice?

>> No.4593671

Indians don't even eat curry in rice. I believe rice is an attempt to bland out flavors too rich for Europeans.

>> No.4593673

Yup, in England that is considered the normal accompaniment to chilli.

>captcha: cavity ietwor

>> No.4593688

Rice in the south, unleavened bread in the north.

>> No.4593692

Sounds like what my mom used to make growing up, except it had no beans.

I'm from Louisiana and we(my family) do this. Can't speak for anyone else here, though.

>> No.4593719
File: 133 KB, 1000x750, Zippy's chili and rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same guy here.

Her chili and rice looked pretty close to pic related. Pic is apparently from Hawaii.

>> No.4593770

That's terrible.
I thought people from Louisiana are good cooks

>> No.4593781

hahaah Chili ... Britain... don't even try.
The USA p0wns this one.

You're not even a worthy comp3t3t0r.

The lunatics have taken over the asylum if anyone in the UK thinks they can do chili better than an American.

Here's a good song from you guys, it'll make you feel better.
Fun Boy Three - Lunatics

>> No.4593784

My mom, not so much.

My great-great grandmother(RIP) was definitely a great cook.

Like I said, it was something my mom did. I don't know of anyone else around here who eats anything like that.

>> No.4593796

>mfw I eat american food with a side of rice

>> No.4593803

In a previous chili thread (about Heston Blumenthal's mind-bogglingly amazing chili recipe) some anon pointed out that winners of the International Chili Society's Cook Offs invariably used shop-bought stocks, sauces, and spices.

Why is that?

Here's 2012's winner, for reference (forgive the caps):











>> No.4593810

what's a heston blumenfeld, some brit celebrety chef. As soon as I saw that... tl/dr

>> No.4593818

British people dont have taste buds

>> No.4593820


It's partially the cookoff rules - you have to make it there or bring it in a can. So homemade broth is out, etc. Given you can't develop natural flavor, salt and MSG is your next best tool.

>> No.4593827

it's not unusual for one country to appropriate another's dish and completely take everything great away from it in the process.

It's usually an ingredient-availability problem. Can you even grow hot peppers in England?

I don't think the rice is a problem. Chili with rice is delicious and totally acceptable, especially if you're trying to make a meal out of it.

>> No.4593835

Huh. That's a damn shame.

>> No.4593839

>It's usually an ingredient-availability problem. Can you even grow hot peppers in England?

I'm thinking this is probably the issue, but you absolutely can grow them. They've even started selling chili plants in supermarkets now.

>> No.4593846

Eh, England was too busy taking over the known world and industrializing to really develop a food culture. America had the best of both worlds, industry AND culture.

>inb4 'hurr durr murrica has no culture'

>> No.4593850

Rice is fairly normal with chili in the U.S., too, though it tends to be a regional thing. I'd say it's more common to eat it with cornbread or tortillas, though, if anything other than just a bowl of chili, sometimes with toppings like cheese or sour cream.

>> No.4593851

Chili is a dish that can be made thousands of different ways, but it does sound like British Chili is a bit more diluted than anything I've had before. Sounds like a shame but as long as you're able to make your own from now on you can make it however you wish in difference to the usual servings.

>> No.4593864

It sounds less diluted the Cincinnati chilli. They eat theres over noodles.

>> No.4593868

I have heard of Chili Spaghetti before, but not really as the standard serving choice.

>> No.4593873


Yup, and the bastards even dump the chili beans in it then add cinnamon

>> No.4593898
File: 71 KB, 900x900, c=.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chili on rice is good too, but real chili is awesomer

>> No.4594107

Don't you have any veggies with it?

>> No.4594118

do not acknowledge vegan/vegetarian posters
do not respond to vegan/vegetarian posters
ignore all vegan/vegetarian posters
sage all vegan/vegetarian threads

>> No.4594120

In their defense, fuck humanity in general.

And you don't necessarily suck at food england. Many staple dishes are based on affordability and preparation time in developed countries, because we have jobs and even our children have schedules.

Chili with beans over rice doesn't sound bad, it just isn't "chili". It's certainly no worse than cutting hot dogs up and adding them to meals like I see is common in America, and for some awful reason the South Pacific as well.

>> No.4594124

Because you're a Britbong. Everything is a little off there, as much to make spain normal.

>> No.4594140

chili in sweden is the same thing. i dont really like it either

>> No.4594172

I'd say that's about rice in the third sentence; Bean Chili over rice isn't bad at all, but it certainly isn't "chili". I could really see myself eating it but it just doesn't have that quality that real Chili is supposed to have that makes it a mean in itself if done right. It's kind of like if you had a really good stew but then decided to turn it into a pie; I mean it's still good I guess but it's not really a stew so much anymore.

>> No.4594358

why are you people saying it's not "real" chili if it's with rice?
people put chili on hot dogs
on french fries
on baked potatoes
eat it with corn bread
eat it with fry bread
eat it with tortillas
saying it's not real chili just because it's with or over rice is just not right
some chili is more often served with rice than without (verde)
it's like the freaks who insist it isn't chili because it has beans

>> No.4594370

Or real chili on a bed of rice or mashed potatoes

>> No.4594371

As a britbong, I guess this is more or less true, though I hadn't considered it before. Nothing stopping you using more than just "a token shake of chili powder" though. I use a variety of ground chilis and chili flakes and it comes out fairly hot.

Would like to try american chili though.

>> No.4594373

But American food culture is just cheeseburgers and hot dogs. Food culture in America (note the difference) is essentially foreign cuisines.

>> No.4594375
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>> No.4594396

either you're the kind of murcan I pity most, never knowing any of our culture outside of the commercialized, homogenized, ready-for-export BS, or you just aren't murcan

>> No.4594398

What is American food culture, if not a mix of foreign food cultures?

>> No.4594401
File: 132 KB, 1000x1000, hormel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i believed the end was nigh, i'd definitely be adding this shit to my doomsday stockroom.

>> No.4594406

regional styles of bbq
tex mex
south western
chicago pizza
chicago hot dogs
maine lobster.
baltimore crab cakes
soul food.

yea, we've got nothing in america.

>> No.4594425

What is Italian food culture without the foreign influence it has? French? German? Russian? Name any of those countries' famous dishes, and you can then trace them back to outside influence in one way or another. For myself, some dishes I consider uniquely American are some of my family dishes. Our version of bean soup. Fruit salad (sort of ambrosia style, but not the typical gross stuff you get in grocery stores). Fried okra. Chicken fried steak. Dutch oven roasters. Apple stuffed tenderloin. Cinnamon buns. Green beans with fried onions. Stuffed squash. All sorts of pies.

>> No.4594430


Chilli Peppers grow fine in the UK (although some sensitive varieties require greenhouses to be grown reliably)

You think British don't eat ultra spicy food? Try a proper vindaloo or Phaal (which is a British invention).

>> No.4594435
File: 15 KB, 225x225, 813_0071106061813_IDShot_225x225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best british chilli.

Only stuff you can buy which is genuinely hot.

>> No.4594438

are there any island countries that aren't complete pussies about spices?

>> No.4594441



Seriously, try the hot curries.

>> No.4594445

but are they for real hot or is it like japan where "extra hot" is more like medium?

>> No.4594447

a lot of the islands in the pacific rim and south east asia.

>> No.4594476

Beans are considered filler at times; like in competitions

>> No.4594481

don't forget India

>> No.4594498

you ever been to Sri Lanka?

>> No.4594506

Right, all of india, asia, afrika and europe are basically just a rather large island

>> No.4594507

OP get your self a good American style chili con carne recipe.
Server it over corn bread if you must server it over something.

>> No.4594514

We have that brand here in America. Its not bad for a canned chili.

>> No.4594570


Supermarket stuff is almost always mild but getting it from a proper restaurant will give you the real hot stuff.

It's often made with Naga or Scotch bonnet.

>> No.4594573


Whilst is can be filler, having a variety of textures in food stuff makes it more interesting. Also helps prevent chillis turning into sloppy mush.

>> No.4594576

I don't get British culinary taste.
Like the US in general is bad but you have regions of good cuisine and interesting recipes. But I can't think of a single place in the UK that any good food has come from.

>> No.4594590


The UK has the best 'Indian' curries in the world and keeps inventing new ones. UK created food in general varies wildly so you tend not to get dedicated 'British' restaurants.

Here are a bunch of UK dishes:

Roast beef and yorkshire puddings
Cornish pasties
Steak and Kidney pudding.
Fish and Chips
Bangers and mash
Bubble and squeak
Full English breakfast
Cumberland sausages
Jellied eels
Beef Wellington
Toad in the hole
Shepards/cottage Pie

>> No.4594622
File: 76 KB, 515x768, teaching the differently abled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait... I thought this was chilli con carne.
What do Americans do differently? I wanna eat proper chilli now.

>> No.4594716

All of those are stolen yuropeen foods. No, you don't have anything.

>> No.4594740


Oh wow fucking britbongs can't handle shit for chilli. I sincerely hope americunts don't consider that 'hot'. Maybe 'has some semblance of heat' but 'hot' wow....

>> No.4594753



>> No.4594763

I'm Asian, it's not hot come at me.

Also I had to look up what ITG stood for >>>/reddit/

>> No.4594765

> ah hurrr hurrhruduhhhurruu look at me I live in poverty and eat with my fingers

Of course something is hot when you put several chillis in it. Britbongs and Americlaps are not curryniggers. We don't eat meals laced with 10 chillis three times a day. We are not fed the shit every day from birth.

I would consider a regular-sized can of food to be "genuinely hot" if it contained thee or four decent chillis. Go battle typhoid fever elsewhere, fool.

>> No.4594768
File: 26 KB, 400x300, chip butty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>British food
Not even once

>> No.4594770

Oh, don't ask Americans how to do chili properly. The civil war started chiefly because the south contested the North's right to use beans in chili. It was a hard battle, but he North won. Still some die hard's in the south insist that proper chili is just meat stewed in a sauce of chili peppers and pretty much nothing else.

>> No.4594774

Man, I don't understand the psychology of taking what is essentially pure starch and placing it between to slices of essentially pure starch.

>> No.4594780

I didnt think Britain ate chili
Now that I know how you guys enjoy it im not only shocked, im fucking horrified
Such a simple dish to make & you guys managed to fuck it up
Chili can have multiple flavors yet you somehow made it bland as fuck
Grats, you pretty much just put hamburger helper on a bed of rice

>> No.4594785
File: 8 KB, 300x137, 4181679+_9bc095e933ebf47dbb5300ba68ec25e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't understand british food. fish and chips sounds good but that other pleb tier shit just mind mind boggles me.

>> No.4594788
File: 12 KB, 300x199, crisp sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could always be worse.

>> No.4594795

I'm a britbong and I've never known anyone to eat "chilli" over here.

We all eat curries and indian food.

>> No.4594801

It's sometimes called Tex-Mex stew.

>> No.4594802
File: 95 KB, 471x364, 1341550962632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold up is that potato chips peanut butter and pickles? shit like that doesn't even hold any nutritional value

>> No.4594805

never heard of anyone I know eating it.

>> No.4594807

My family has never lived in the North and we always put beans in ours.

>> No.4594811

you are what they call carpetbaggers

>> No.4594813

European cuisine traditionally has a lower meat content cuz we were so friggin poor and overpopulated. For the first 200 years of it's existence, Murrica was literally just tens of millions of buffalos and a bunch of cowboys. Naturally it's dishes were traditionally meat with meat as a side.

>> No.4594816

Do you know what the word "never" means?

>> No.4594817

yeah, but we're talking about britain and not europe. For some reason british cuisine is just now escaping the shadow of WW2 era rationing and postwar culinary industrialization.

>> No.4594819
File: 47 KB, 640x343, cincinnati-chili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I think you brits would go ga-ga over Cincinnati chili.

Makes me wish I could expat and set up a food truck!

>> No.4594825

because your country sucks in general.

>> No.4594846

>chilli con carne in Britain is universally just bolognese with kidney beans and possibly a token shake of chili powder,
U wot m8?

Plenty of decent chilli heads in the UK now, what with the Internet for doing research and buying in harder-to-find ingredients.

>> No.4594854

>Given you can't develop natural flavor
People think that, but they'd be wrong. It can be done in a short time. You can shortcut the process to at least start the ball rolling, takes only about 20 minutes.

But there's plenty of time to develop flavour the 'old' way.

>> No.4594869

The British people in this thread must have lived very sheltered lives, you can get all different kinds of chilli over here.

>> No.4594887

That looks like absolute shit.

>> No.4594892

We would. We so would. Everyone in Britain loves spaghetti bolognaise, and doing that with chilli would go down well. Probably market it as a curry bolognaise, though. Two British childhood foods.

>> No.4594951

are you shitting me?
im assuming youre some umbro shell-suited chav living off benefits and eats mcdonalds and cigarettes.
Do not think the "brits" in this thread
are anything like the average brit.

>> No.4594963
File: 7 KB, 252x161, chili_chipotle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We really can't into mexican food in the UK.
We don't have the right kind of immigrants.

Go to Tesco and ask them for Ancho or chipotle and they'll look at you like you are made of scabs.
Only chillies we get a Jalapenos, birds eye and habaneros.

You know what else I'd like? Liquid smoke. But you can't get that shit anywhere. Only seen it on eBay.

>> No.4594967



>> No.4594972

Yes, because "chilli" is the preserve of the middle and upper classes...

People eat it here, and yes it's usually mild, with beans and rice, the pedants on this board would not approve. Don't know why people make such a fuss over spicy meat stew.

>> No.4594984

Do you plebs think we eat grey boiled meat and over boiled veg with a cup of tea all day everyday?

>> No.4594986

Institute of Tourist Guiding?

>> No.4594988

Italian food culture without foreign influences is pretty much just bread, pasta, and butter.

>tfw you realize tomatos are a new world crop even though everyone thinks they're a staple Italian food

>> No.4594989

fuck you're mad

>> No.4594996

as are chillies, which everyone thinks of as Indian.
And the potato is from the new world.

>> No.4595001
File: 598 KB, 1296x968, chili4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just meat and vegetables in a pepper sauce, served in a bowl. Opinions vary on whether you should use beans - they were originally used just to make the dish stretch out farther, but personally I like the taste and texture they give the dish. Lots of people skip it, though.

I also like to chunk up a slice of good bakery bread and mix it in, then put cheese on top so it melts.

>> No.4595002

>as are chillies, which everyone thinks of as Indian.
What!? Who the hell thinks that?

You forgot onions.

>> No.4595003

Oh, yes, I did.

>> No.4595009

The starch from beans also helps thicken the chili. And I like my chili like my women; hot, brown, and thick then filled with a little sour cream.

>> No.4595011
File: 89 KB, 640x395, mongo-pawn_in_game_of_life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people in this thread not realizing that chili peppers are native to the Americas

>> No.4595077

See now i dont understand what the fuss is about.
this is how i cook chili except i dont put bread in,sounds good though, and put it with rice.
so are you all shitting on the brittish because we put a different bland starch filler with our chili?
Id still call it chili if it was on pasta or fucking chips!

>> No.4595081

>so are you all shitting on the brittish because we put a different bland starch filler with our chili?
Pretty much, yeah.

Although I think what's really getting people is how much rice there is. In the OP picture, it's like 50/50 rice/chili. It's almost turning the chili into a topping or flavoring to the rice, when we think of the chili as the main dish in and of itself.

>> No.4595098

>not English
>used to put McD fried into my McD burgers
>also like white bread with ketchup

some Asian cuisines combine potato rich curries with rice. I don't see a problem.

>> No.4595102

See this seems even stupider.
So its not necessarily because of the type of side with the dish, its more about the amount of that side?!
Seem like this entire thread is about nothing at all and people have a lot of strong feelings about it

>> No.4595104

they're almost like average 4chan users!

>> No.4595109

Maybe in the past, but you can get good chili over here now if you try. I certainly don't make it that way.

>> No.4595126


>chilli con carne in US is universally just spicy bean stew with ground beef and a token shake of chili powder, and is always served without rice
>grew up thinking this was normal
>mfw I discovered that Real chili is nothing like this and actually includes proper cubed beef and isn't served with beans like it's a fucking stew or something
>mfw I try making it and it's goddamn delicious and I can't go back to shit tier kidney bean stew now

Why does idiots think they know anything about good chili /ck/?

>> No.4595148

Nah mate, the uproar here is basically that the way OP is describing chili being made on his side of the pond is basically what we'd call spaghetti sauce with a couple of shakes of chili powder in it.

Serving it over rice is no big deal. It's really no different from putting crackers in it.

>> No.4595163

I'm American and very much enjoy rice with my chili. I grew up thinking it was normal. But people seem to think it's weird.

>> No.4595170

I'd try that.

>> No.4595214
File: 61 KB, 533x394, taste_america_gay_thong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As bad as UK food is, i think American is worse.

>> No.4595230

Chili with rice - NO

Chili with cornbread, or tortillas - YES

Chili on spaghetti - GTFO

Chili on hotdogs - WELCOME TO AMERICA

Chili with saltines - YOU'RE WHITE

>> No.4595322

That's right we have culture. Out there on every street corner you can see it-culture just coming out of our ears.

Only problem is that it's bacterial.

>> No.4595364

Not every day. I'm sure you eat out on occasion too, like most people.

>> No.4595376


Nope. Chilis aren't from the Old World.

>> No.4595383
File: 6 KB, 97x201, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all fairness. Chili Dogs fucking rule.

>> No.4595411

Oh yeah, they ARE good, I'm just saying chili dogs are hardcore American. Fuck, we're making chili dogs for the 4th.

>> No.4595774

Not bologna or kidney beans; more so ground beef, steak, turkey, or other chopped meats. Also usually something more like refried beans or maybe Pinto beans if you're the type who uses beans, although I guess kidney beans aren't unheard of either. The amount of peppers and spices added depends on the person, same goes for the amount of vegetables or ingredients in general, since everyone makes their chili differently down here and everyone has their own style. Some people like it more vegetable heavy than others, some really love it meat heavy with extra ground beef, and some really like to kick up the spice with some habanero peppers or other tricks for Five Alarm Chili.

>> No.4595785

Yes to chili with tortillas but no to rice? You're a fucking aspie idiot.

>> No.4595833

Come eat Chili in the south. Shit is so cash, yo.

>> No.4595893

Also if it's used as a sauce on rice like in the OP then that kind of drowns out the flavor

>> No.4595896

You probably have no idea what English food tastes like. People hear it's bad, never try it and go on about how bad it is.

>> No.4595918

>I don't know how to cook, so I'll overload something with enough cheese and chili to make anything taste superficially 'good'

Strong seasoning is as pleb as you can get. Give me subtle pairings any day of the week.

>> No.4595933

>(note the difference)

GTFO faggot

>> No.4596589

agree completely
it is a stew, it tastes good
if it can be done cheaper and still taste good, great! that is what stews are all about

>> No.4596623

Texas here. It ain't chili if it has beans you gay boy.

>> No.4596629
File: 70 KB, 530x530, 1370728509769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that is fucking disgusting what the fuck

>> No.4597076

I hate to beak it to you, but the rest of the world does not give a damn about Texas or what Texans think.

>> No.4597081

Our family eats chili with rice (Texas) - it's cheap as hell, so why not?
However, it does seem like we were the only ones who did this for a long time.
Then there was a chili potluck, and we brought rice. Some people tried it out, and from there, more and more people got rice each year.
Now, everyone who goes pretty much expects rice to be there.

>> No.4597086

It's fine to hate on Texas for some trivial things since that's pretty much the standard there, but if you want good Chili then Texas is pretty much the place to be on this occasion. Having a nice BBQ, a well cooked steak, or a well made Chili; everyone has their own specialty based on the region but that's some of what you can expect from Texas in particular.

>> No.4597115

Typical UK style Chilli:

1 tbsp oil
1 large onion
1 red pepper
2 garlic cloves, peeled
1 heaped tsp hot chilli powder (or 1 level tbsp if you only have mild)
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp ground cumin
500g lean minced beef
1 beef stock cube
400g can chopped tomatoes
½ tsp dried marjoram
1 tsp sugar
2 tbsp tomato purée
410g can red kidney beans
plain boiled long grain rice, to serve
soured cream, to serve

See here: http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/3228/chilli-con-carne

>> No.4597125


I grew up in Hawaii and now live in NYC, and I've never had chili without rice. The thought of it just seems unnatural.

>> No.4597132

>USA so insecure they pretend o be brits with imaginary life to promote their daily diarea intake

>> No.4597160

I put kidney beans in my bolognese.

>> No.4597161

>1 tsp chili powder
I'm calling bullshit

>> No.4597166

>Indians don't even eat curry in rice.
Who the fuck told you that shit?

>> No.4597167

Why does my country suck at food, /ck/?

Because your a britfag and you touch yourself at night.

>> No.4597173

Who the fuck cares, that indian shit looks like shit. It's fucking poo. That's what you get if you hire them to work for you too, poo for code. It's less costly to hire an American that do it right the first time than indians who take about 5 times to even approach getting it right. That's budgeting with companies though, the more stuff doesn't get don't right, the more the budget has to be, and the fact is, if it's budgeted out and not spent, then it appears to be bad planning on the part of the directors. Sort of like government shit, if you don't spend what's budgeted it looks like bad planning then they get less next time. The budgeted money can't be returned.

>> No.4597175

Wow, you are stupid.

>> No.4597178

Not stupid, just very experienced at this. Tell me exactly from your own experience what I said that was "stupid?" Or are you a butthurt indian and having an emotional response?

>> No.4597181

You assume Indian cuisine is bad and "poo" because you've had bad experiences with Indian people in other unrelated fields. It's a complete non sequitur.

>> No.4597182
File: 11 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hell? Britain is fucking awesome for food.

You guys have:

Bubble and squeak
Lancashire hotpot
Toad in the hole
Ploughman's lunch
Beef Wellington
Beans on toast
Cumberland sausage
Cornish pasty
Cottage pie
Welsh rarebit
Bangers and mash
Yorkshire pudding

Not to mention some of the best cheese in the world.

What's not to love?

>> No.4597183

I don't assume all indian food looks like poo, it does. That's not an assumption, that's what it is. It looks exactly the same on the plate as it does when I shit it out. It's vile and disgusting. Even Brit food is better than that, and you have nothing on the USA.

>> No.4597184

You must have some unusual and varied looking excrement.


>> No.4597185


Oh look it's that hick who thinks that all Chinese food is some shitty General Tso's from Panda Express and all Indian food is some unsightly greasy garbage from the local curry takeout. Go back to your tuna and green bean casserole topped with dry onion soup mix.

>> No.4597186

All that stuff sounds good to me. It's too bad we had to kick your asses in two wars, and burning down our capitol was a cheap shot, we have long memories.

Impressing our people on the high seas wasn't very nice.

>> No.4597189
File: 37 KB, 456x453, Empirechap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Two wars

>> No.4597191

Actually you should check out this menu, I was suprised myself. It's almost as good as the Chinese only menus from Chinatown NYC.


Chinese food doesn't look like poo, indian food does.

The pig ears with chile sauce is really good, amongst other things, they're good. I'm mega suprised that there's a place like this in upstate NY.

One thing that they don't have that would be really good would be roast pork buns. I have to go to NYC for that one.

>> No.4597194


Confirmed for toddler.

>> No.4597195

Indians write code like toddlers, that's why it always has to be redone by Americans.

>> No.4597196

Cheap and easy never really works out in the end unless as I told you, it keeps the budget high. A lot of corporate directors are like khans in their directorates, and they play a pissing match with eachother to see who will have the highest budget. Getting the job done properly the first time isn't really the point, that's the appeal of outsourcing and india. Some of the chicks are cute, but always dumber than a box of rocks.

>> No.4597197

Revolution and war of 1812, the latter one caused when Brits were impressing our people on our merchant ships on the high seas to be in your shit ass navy. You thought you'd get your colonies back. You thought wrong.

>> No.4597227


You can get Naga and scotch bonnet at most supermarkets round here.

>> No.4597243

Britbong chilli recipe here:

500g minced beef
2 tins of baked beans
2 tins of kidney beans (drained)
1 tin of chopped tomatoes
2 garlic cloves (or garlic powder)
Chilli powder to taste

Simple as fuck, tastes great.

>> No.4597302

But that's wrong. Britain wasnt trying to get the colonies back. USA invaded Canada in 1812, Britain just wanted to be left alone. Britain won 1812.

>> No.4597364

>implying General Tso's is shitty.

I'm under no illusion that it's "Chinese" food, but damn it is good.

>> No.4597371

Actually, not really. Hell, the whole "cowboy" thing is much more of an Oklahoma/Montana/Wyoming thing than it ever was a Texan thing...and yes, this is a very related point as chili started off as a trail food to use up cows that died on the drive.

>> No.4597380


>Hell, the whole "cowboy" thing is much more of an Oklahoma/Montana/Wyoming thing than it ever was a Texan thing

I hate Texan pride, but you're wrong here. Vaqueros started near Texas, and moved northward. Chili con carne comes from native dishes in the badlands west to Arizona, but didn't solidify till it got to Texas with the vaqueros. New Mexico chile is a good example of a precursor dish.

>> No.4597387

Another texan here; fuck you, you goddamn cowfucking queer hick faggot. Chili w/ beans > Chili w/o.

>> No.4597392

my local tescos sells dried ancho and chipotle chilli's

not even like i live in chelsea or some other posh as fuck place either, i'm from leeds

>> No.4598490
File: 68 KB, 640x361, chili_cookoff.1361831852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4598527
File: 12 KB, 194x259, ch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an Arizonan, I must respectfully tell you to fuck a cholla or read a book. I know how much Texans hate to read, so the choice is yours.

>> No.4598540

Now I love peanut butter as much as a horny Alsatian in a specialist eastern European porno, but a crisp sandwich with peanut butter instead of Dairylea? Fucking heresy!

>> No.4598554

I'd give that chili a go, but you'd better not try spaghetti and orange wig nonsense

>> No.4598561

Nah. With the exception of the marjoram, it sounds about right as to how I'd make it. I'd also add a lot more chili powder too.

>> No.4598566


Looks like fucking sloppy joes. There's gotta be some texture, no ground meat, buy some cheap round or chuck instead. Chop up some onions and peppers. Beans are good just don't put in too many or it will fuck it up. No rice, a baked potato works a lot better.

>> No.4598581

And what does that have to do with the chili being superior in Texas? This isn't a history lesson, pendejo, this is current fact.

>> No.4598586

GTFO you maggot eater.