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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 23 KB, 243x324, snakeoil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4580106 No.4580106 [Reply] [Original]

$10.50. I paid $10.50 at an import store for a jar of this stuff to try as a novelty. How do you fool an entire nation of people like this? I have almost not palette and I just can't find any way to make this stuff appealing. Is it really healthy or something?

Anyone have any tips? I mean, acquired taste is one thing but this...

>> No.4580113


>> No.4580116


it is salty garbage

but you are supposed to butter the bread, and use just a small amount of the gunk

>> No.4580118

Haven't had it. I would try it but i imagine it would be awful.

>> No.4580140

Hot toast, use butter first, spread Vegemite very thin, like super thin. Actually what I do is make two pieces of toast, spread butter on one, Vegemite on the other and sandwich them.
Or do the same with crackers and peanut butter. Anyway, Vegemite is kind of an acquired taste, we all grew up with it and we all have our own way of eating it.

>> No.4580187

I would normally toss that shit out. Alternatively you could use it with some very bland food as a salt substitute.

>> No.4580222

For beginners, spread it very thinly on buttered toast, then put soe grated cheese n top and grill that bad boy.

>> No.4580226
File: 360 KB, 531x321, 1311347599485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Australian comes into our elementary school to tell us about kangarooland
>Being a complete douchebag about how great Australia is compared to the US
>The entire time was hyping vegeshit as a patrician delicacy that us American children probably wouldn't understand
>he gives us each a piece of bread with it on
>tells us to try it
>it tastes like fucking sewer sludge, half the class spits it out on the floor
>teachers dont even yell at them because its that bad
>guy is furious, says he regrets coming
>teachers have had enough of his shit and tell him they regret inviting him

true story. fucking Australia

>> No.4580237

Australians are annoying.

>> No.4580238

yeah well australia people are all descended from thieves and murderers and rapists

>> No.4580239

Dutch immigrants love it.

>> No.4580488

Ausfag here its shit and only 'bogans' and really old faggots from ww2 like it because they don't know any better.

>> No.4580499
File: 169 KB, 500x333, fairy bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once my son invited a new Australian kid at his birthday party, and all the moms decided to bring something to the party as well to have a little potluck. The new mom, the aussie's mom, said she'd bring a traditional Australian treat. We were all excited and thought it'd be something like kangaroo steaks or a pavlova or some shit. What she brought was some buttered wonder bread with sprinkles on it. She said it was 'Fairy Bread' and that they would have it all the time at kid's parties down under. I swear I was getting trolled until I looked it up online later. What kind of white trash society are you running down there Australia?

>> No.4580502

That's your aussie carbon credits in action

>> No.4580510
File: 285 KB, 1800x1800, Elmers_Glue-photo_E304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks about appealing as eating elmers glue.

>> No.4580514

Aussies are kind of like our retarded stepchildren.

>> No.4580527

You ate nothing but fairy bread because your ickle tastebuds were too soft and Mummy couldn't bear to see you cry.

>> No.4580558

>I have almost not palette

What does that even mean?

Anyway. I'm not an Australian, but I'm seeing one. She turned me on to the stuff, and it's fucking delicious.

It's a bit of an acquired taste, but if you like bold, savoury flavours, you shouldn't have any difficulty acquiring it in short order.

The mistake often made by people with simpler, more primitive palates is that they smear it on, reasoning that its dark colouration should indicate an abundance of chocolatey sweetness. Upon contact with their pale, limp tongues, these apes shriek in disgust, and rush off to find a frosted doughnut to lick while they sob and moan, unable to understand the superior tastes that have been presented to them.

>> No.4580569

I don't get where this retarded misconception comes from that Australians are tough as shit animal violators. Australia really is full of white trash, and anyone who isn't white trash is your stereotypical suburbanite trying to make themselves look cool. Australians really don't have to face dangerous animals that often, and when they do, they wait it out indoors.

>> No.4580575
File: 100 KB, 700x466, fishqld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying australians give a fuck what you think

>> No.4580580


>not getting marmite

well there's your probllem

>> No.4580588

retards also don't give a fuck what you think about them.
unsurprisingly there is a lot of overlap between the two groups.

>> No.4580589

It was Steve Irwin, he did it.

>> No.4580598

it's actually pretty nice. I would ignore every suggestion you've got so far, and go toast some bread, and then just take a very small amount and thread it thinly across the toast with nothing else. Some people have butter as well but that makes it disgusting imo. The key is not to put too much.

>> No.4580600

Thats true. It's extremely popular at kids parties and stuff

>> No.4580611

Young, aren't you?

Crocodile Dundee, m8. Australian film industry decided that the only way to get Clapistani money was to play up the FRONTIER SAVAGELAND stereotype.

>> No.4580615

re $10.50/jar, it's pretty expensive here too, but a jar goes along way. I'm 40 and still crave the shit occasionally, though possibly only when I'm lacking vit b. Also like it very thinly on pancakes as hangover food.

>> No.4580632
File: 102 KB, 940x627, hgk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look the americans are angry. Did obama give another trillion tax dollars to private business again?
I'm sorry your country is so fucked America, maybe if you save up your $7 minimum wage for a few decades, you might be able to afford tertiary education and eventually be applicable for Australian citizenship... That's if you are not drafted into some bullshit war and get your face blown off for the benefit of private industry.
Meanwhile I'll be making $35/hour as a part-time courier, utilising free education and health care, and enjoying copious amounts of beer, pussy, and sunshine in a society that is largely absent of niggers.

>> No.4580637
File: 102 KB, 407x405, 1358157641300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegemite is delicious on toast with butter!
The problem is that amerifats in their gluttonous ways spread it an inch thick thinking that more is better.
If you spread it extremely sparingly and you will appreciate it more.
I am also under the impression a lot of American supermarket bread is packed with sugar so it might not go so well without a savory bread.

>> No.4580646

>abbos aren't niggers
>bogans aren't just as bad as niggers

Some serious implications, there.

>> No.4580648

But you eat vegemite, so the jokes on you.

>> No.4580649

shits basically B vitamins and MSG. such strange traditions..
there are so many other sources of nutrients that don't involve left over brewer's yeast

>> No.4580652

I'm quite happy to keep Vegemite.
I'd rather be a nation of vegemite than obese whales stuffing deepfried anything down their gullets.

>> No.4580656

Vegemite is fucking disgusting. It tastes literally like condensed milk and soy sauce.
Why in the fuck do you keep eating it?

>> No.4580657
File: 35 KB, 461x600, cm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4580665

because I enjoy the flavour and eat it sparingly.

I have never tried condensed milk with soy sauce so I would have no idea.
But in a way it is like soy sauce, you put a small amount on a food for flavour but if you overdo it then it will ruin the balance.

>> No.4580717

"are you from a land down under" no copy right infringement intendended . marmite or vegimite and kraft notwithstanding but sometimes you make do with what you have. both taste like shite ta me. but then, I drink liptons and twingings tea, eat peanut butter and though I live in the US I can sing parts of the Canadian anthem and know a little bit about Mexico and the people. I have a great affinity for "oz" Most of "my" people were not pilgrims but one skip and a hop ahead of the sheriff,indentured servants or slaves . and or married with the native tribes. several generations ago. Don't look too closely. you might be surprised. or horrified. I bet my dna is a soup of many races. and no disrespect to Queen Elisabeth, Philip, her family,and i bet it was brutal but we have English common law, the magna carter. the more i talk the deeper i dig myself in a hole but excuse me - of the few remaining monarchies, Britain an the UK are the only ones relevant. and hate to say this but if they fall, there is not much i wanna go see..

>> No.4580734

You can use vegemite in other ways than just on toast!

I made a vegemite macaron not too long ago, as the saltyness of the vegemite goes quite well with a creamy white chocolate ganache. Also you can use a teaspoon or two in a meatloaf, as well as other savoury marinates.

If you want to have it on toast, try it thinly spread and with strips of cheese melted under the grill aka 'tiger toast', or even with slices of fresh tomato

>> No.4580743

Biggest mistake i've seen foreigners do is they spread it thick across the bread, like peanut butter or nutella. It should be used sparingly and spread as thinly layer as possible.

>> No.4580766
File: 31 KB, 320x316, 1349005836466 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the company that makes Marmite went bankrupt
>There will never be any more Marmite

>> No.4580770

Toast some bread slightly, get some butter on it, then with the vegemite you graze it across the surface, chuck some cheddar/tasty cheese on it (not some plastic shit though) - grill that shit.

>> No.4580913

>only bogans eat vegemite

cultural cringe is usually a symptom of personal feelings of inferiority. I wish you all the best.

>> No.4580933

>just use a really small amount

Then what is the fucking point? I can make hot butter toast and put a tiny bit of dog shit on it and it probably wouldn't taste terrible.

I think you convict ABCs eat the shit just because tradition.

>> No.4580937


>muh socialism

Is that all you got?

>> No.4580960
File: 44 KB, 500x345, jk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a lot more than you got.

>> No.4580964

>enjoying copious amounts of beer, pussy, and sunshine
I guess Australia is nice if you're an idiot or a perpetual adolescent.

>> No.4580975

Ausfag here, I never fucking liked this shit, but pretty much everyone I know ate it as a kid and loves it. Friends say I'm weird when I say I hate it.

Also we have tonnes of white trash and our culture essentially derives from a combination of binge drinking, copying the USA and playing into stupid stereotypes other countries have made for us because we're all so shallow.
That being said, it's a pretty nice place to live.

>> No.4580976

>paiying 10 dollar for something you don't evne know if you will like


>> No.4580979

>does not enjoy certain food
>not OP's fault, country's fault
>country should be mocked

Seriously though, it's good on toast, on cheese sandwiches, some psychos have it with honey on bread as well.

It's also a quick flava enhancer for stews and shit like like that.

Good hangover food too.

>> No.4580986

>it is salty garbage


>> No.4580992

What part of concentrated yeast extract sounds good to you?

>> No.4581002
File: 14 KB, 233x216, shitonastick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ameriturds criticizing foreign cuisine
I guess we are too simple to enjoy such culinary staples as spray-on cheese, HFCS, and mutant fish.

>> No.4581006


>admitting vegemite is on the same level as cheap junk food

Yep, you sure have won the argument, dear bogan.

>> No.4581008

>stop liking what I don't like, etc

>> No.4581009

>he thinks that's argument

perhaps the lack of vitamin B rich breakfast spreads has impaired your brain development?

>> No.4581010

Do you even cook? If a recipe calls for a pinch of salt do you add a fucking tablespoon?

>> No.4581021


That has nothing to do with it. Every justification is "it's not nasty if you only use such a small amount you can barely taste it to begin with" Is not that a silly justification for something. And the guy above you is now trying to pretend that vegemite is important as a source of nutrition because no other food that you can eat with toast contains vitamin B.

Just say it's a cultural/regional thing and keep it moving. Why are you even trying to justify it to begin with? Some guy on the internet said it was nasty? Grow up.

>> No.4581043

Canadian here (inb4poutine)
that shits good, its like breakfast on a stick.
Also vegemite is a relative of Marmite (UK) and Cenovis (Switzerland). It's especially good with Kraft single slices a.k.a ameican cheese. Also fairy bread tastes like cake, but goddamn was this post worth it when the majority of Australians cant post like the rest of internet humanity?

>> No.4581052

>And the guy above you is now trying to pretend that vegemite is important as a source of nutrition because no other food that you can eat with toast contains vitamin B.

>cant recognize humour

its all becoming clear.

>> No.4581064


Ausfag here, I've wanted to try poutine ever since I first heard about it. Shit sounds delicious.

That being said, I never understood why people like vegemite.

>> No.4581066

>Every justification is "it's not nasty if you only use such a small amount you can barely taste it to begin with"
Ever had soy sauce?

>> No.4581085

ITT: amerifats projecting hate on a nation over a condiment while in denial about their own national meal (saturated fat)

>> No.4581122


> Aussies butthurt that their watered-down, sweetened copy of the British classic, Marmite, is shit.

> Americans unable to stomach something which isn't fried in mechanically reclaimed freedom-fat

> Canadians who can't post without mentioning "poutine"


>> No.4581145


>> No.4581157

ITT: stop enjoying things


I thought Marmite was the sweeter one.

>> No.4581261

>Brit fag
Its very easy to tell if someone is one.
They'll tell you they are one or
They'll write in a snarky fashion to make them self feel good about them selves.
It is alright, you don't need to tear others down.

>> No.4581363

Let me guess, you slathered it on like it was peanut butter or something.

>> No.4581365
File: 310 KB, 444x460, mcdonalds-Big-Mac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you fool an entire nation of people like this?

>> No.4581391

I'm sorry what, soy sauce is amazing and can be used for so many things, even just some soy sauce and mirin in a bowl chilled is a delicious soba dip

>> No.4581412

And if the first time you encountered it you drank a cup of it to try it out, you would hate it. "Horrible bitter salt water, why would anyone use it anywhere."

>> No.4581416

As with everything, it's really different when you've grown up with it. I don't know why I like it, and I understand why others wouldn't.

>> No.4581452
File: 10 KB, 183x275, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry. god tier yeast spread right here.

>> No.4581460
File: 118 KB, 500x375, Actual marmite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U Wot m8?

>> No.4581480

>sorry. extinct yeast spread right here.
So sorry.

>> No.4581497
File: 42 KB, 273x333, mariasama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4581512

If you're foreign then spread it thin and have butter on the toast. That's about it really.

>> No.4581523

is that kiwi marmite?
good grief

>> No.4581559

Used to be. Before the Marmageddon.

>> No.4581573

You'd be surprised, but it actually taste really nice in soup. Not heaps just a teaspoon for flavour.

>> No.4581588

So.. basically one dingobabby is same fagging the entire thread with "hurt durr fat dum Americans eat only shit and can't appreciate it" while also replying to these posts about how right he is.

>> No.4581592

yeah, basically.Aussies get way to fucking worked up bout
>mah vegemite!
I'm an aussie too, but we like this shit coz it's force feed to us from a very young age and therefore taste like the better side of childhood when people actually fed us.
Mostly it's just bitter salty shit that add's flavour to bread when the only alternative was sweet shit like honey or nutella

>> No.4581643

Another Aussie here. I fucking HATE vegemite, always have. It's nasty as fuck.

The only use I have for it is as Australias version of 'fuck wit a foreigner' food. Just like the Japs have natto and other countries have their own nasty ass shit, it's a fun food to give to visitors here just to see their reaction.

>> No.4582497

ITT: people who don't know how to use Marmite.

>> No.4582514


I hate my phone's autocorrect.

>> No.4582530

>go to sandwich shop
>ask for marmite
>"I ran out of marmite, so I just used vegemite. Hope that's okay.”

Hahah fucking nope

>> No.4582534

"Is fake money okay?"

>> No.4582832


You can make it, you know. You just buy a pound of yeast and simmer it overnight, I think.

>> No.4582989
File: 23 KB, 313x320, Vegemite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never heard of Wikipedia
I'm sorry sir but false.

In short, salt or something is added to trub (brew talk for yeast left from beer fermentation) so that the little yeast beasties go all cannibalistic. The result is then spun in a centrifuge to separate the yeast guts from the cell walls. Some added spices and salt and you have Vegemite.

I love the stuff. Its the only thing that upsidedown land has on the good olde' US of A.

Yes it is an acquired taste that's why haters gonna hate.

>> No.4583261

We have access to every sort of cuisine you can imagine in the world. Sometimes it's authentic, sometimes it's not. You think everyone eats the shit you're talking about?

>> No.4583269

Not trolling, it's actually really nice when prepared properly. The vegemite, butter and crispy bread combo is a signature dish of my childhood that I still enjoy today.

Fairybread (bread with butter and 100's and 1000's is good when you are a child too, but I can't stomach it now though.

>> No.4583296

me. parents are imports to australia

used to want to be like other white kids and have fairy bread and vegimite sandwiches for lunch and a small pack of home brand chips or whole fruit with skin for playtime (recess you faggots).

tried vegimite, bs (though i do enjoy it nowadays)

Fairy bread, bland as fuck.

Whole fruit as a kid with skin? LMFAO

Homebrand chips - lmfao homebrand,

Dont know why I wanted to give up my nutella or jam sandwhiches, lay/doritos/chips and other awesome snacks and prechopped fruits salads my mum made for the bs lazy white parents made for their kids

That feel of embarrassment when my grandma/mum made me two nice sandwiches. one for playtime and one for lunch but i was embarrassed to eat it because like the white kids you are supposed to have a bag of chips for playtime and a vegimite sandwich for lunch.

i used to even want to have prima brand juice like the white kids instead of the golden circle and various ones my mum used to try out

Wanna know some other bs i heard about growing up. Apparantly white kids used to use the leftover oil used to cook their meat for dinner as their sandwich spreads

>> No.4583297

in the words of a great wise man "It tastes like the Queen's yeast infection"

>> No.4583308 [DELETED] 


> Its the only thing that upsidedown land has on the good olde' US of A.

except HDI, high freedom index listing, more livable cities, less immigrants, less pollution etc

AUSTRALIA = paradise on earth (thats why we tell you fucks to fuck off, were full)

US OF GAY = obese retarded nigger and spic infested collapsing country

>> No.4583312

hardest I've laughed this whole day

>> No.4583319

Not sure if serious

>> No.4583335 [DELETED] 

how are you not sure im serious?


>4th for freedom, USA = 7th

>AU has 4 most livible cities in the world (top 10)

and you think im not serious? australia shits all over the USA

go on, tell me how the USA is better, with FACTS only, not opinions.

>> No.4583338

>AU has the 4 most livible cities...

and the worse spelling?

>> No.4583340
File: 141 KB, 964x858, up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NZ Marmite master race reporting in.

The trick is to smother your toast in butter, wait for it to melt in, spread a thin layer of Marmite so it kind of mixes with the butter.


Pic not related but I'm having fosh n chops for dinner tonight

>> No.4583344 [DELETED] 

this is some shitty forum where mine and your posts wont even last a day. this isnt a resume. this isnt a thesis. why do you think spelling and grammer matter? they dont, yet you feel like they do. that is called being pathetic.

you can reply being butthurt all you want, doesnt change the fact that AU is better than USA.

>> No.4583346

I'm sorry, but what

Yes I'm Americlap that's never had Vegemite before

You're telling me that Vegemite is basically salted and spiced leftover beer rot

>> No.4583350 [DELETED] 

yes it is, and its not rot. but thanks for showing how the american education system is one of the worst in the world. either that or you were born ignorant

>> No.4583357

>Never had experience with Vegemite before
>Know that fermentation is generally related to some form of rot and/or decay
>Hurr you're retarded durr

No shit, that's why I asked. Are all Aussies like this?

>> No.4583358 [DELETED] 

>Know that fermentation is generally related to some form of rot and/or decay

HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH the american education system at work!

thanks for proving just how fucking retarded you are.

in the age of google and high speed internet, you have no excuse for not knowing something so fucking EASY to find out

typical retarded ignorant american. thanks for trying though, fatty.

>> No.4583361

Butter + Vegemite is fucking disgusting.
Get a knife and two slices of bread and spread that fucker on thick. Delicious.

>> No.4583365

>Fermenting is leaving something to sit for X time
>Things that sit for X time start to rot
Gee, look at that fermented log over there. I wonder if Grandma's body has fermented yet.

So much for trying to learn something about Vegemite, you Aussies (or you in particular, because not that many people can be this aggressive and ignorant) are a bunch of prancing hipsters hiding the fact you were a prison colony. "WE LIKE IT BECAUSE WE WERE BORN EATING IT YOU FAT NOT-AUSSIES WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND"

I'm out

>> No.4583372
File: 53 KB, 800x800, -v-_background.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be NZ
>primary (elementary for you USA turbonerds)school cooking classes were making huge stacks of cheese ham lettuce and marmite sandwiches and then eating them all by yourself

>> No.4583374 [DELETED] 

>he thinks anything rots in fermentation
>he thinks because organic things start to rot after some time, that EVERYTHING starts to rot in some time

jesus christ you obese american. are you really this fucking retarded?

fermentation is the act of yeast eating sugar and shitting out co2 and alcohol. the alcohol has a preserving property so it will never rot

jesus christ you must be a fucking REATARD if you didnt google it after i hinted for you to do so


thanks for the laugh you fat shit cunt.

>> No.4583376 [DELETED] 

>Fermenting is leaving something to sit for X time
>Things that sit for X time start to rot

Confirmed for retarded American

>> No.4583381

>OP badmouths vegemite
>Australian analholocaust

>> No.4583385 [DELETED] 

its the other way round, look at all the hate posts about australia from americans. its glorious all the tears you obese cunts shed over shit as trivial as this thread

>> No.4583388

What part of my post indicates that I'm American? Your implication proves how fucking assmad you are.

>> No.4583390 [DELETED] 

where did i imply you or your post was american? all i said was "all the hate posts about australia from americans"

is your post a hate post? no it isnt.

you could be american seeing as how you have no reading comprehension and are as retarded as a brick.

read before you post, cunt.

>> No.4583393

>its glorious all the tears you obese cunts shed over shit as trivial as this thread

Have you called anyone else in this thread but Americans fat you retard? Continue the assmad over your jar of shitsmear.

>> No.4583395


Marmite and cheese sandwiches for lunches erry day

>> No.4583397 [DELETED] 

once again, reading comprehension. jesus christ learn to read. your just embarrassing yourself now. holy shit, i wasnt referring to you and yet your getting butthurt enough to make 2 posts about it

you really are a fatmericunt if you get this butthurt at something not directed at you, shit cunt.

>> No.4583399

This is a cooking board not a bitching board.

Food or gtfo

>> No.4583403 [DELETED] 

for the fatmericunts in this thread, EVERYTHING IS FOOD HAHAHAHAHAAHA

except knowledge. you give them the ability to find out everything they would want to know, point them in the right direction and they STILL wont absorb knowledge.

>> No.4583404

>you obese cunts

If two posts is butthurt your anus must have collapsed.

>> No.4583407 [DELETED] 

that all you can say? so pathetic. you know you won the internet argument when obese retards resort to spelling and grammer instead of the actual message of the post

so pathetic, thanks for admiting defeat fat cunts

>> No.4583412

>he doesnt enjoy beer, getting laid, or sunshine

what a sad little man you are

>> No.4583413 [DELETED] 

>plural implies a collective statment, not aimed at you

Confirmed for retarded American who didn't learn anything in school.

>> No.4583422

The irony. If it wasn't aimed at me he would've said "these obese cunts" or "those obese cunts".

"You" means he's grouping me up with the rest of the amerifats.

So desperately trying to retain the honour of vegemite by talking down to Americans.

>> No.4583428 [DELETED] 

You is used to address a collective. No where did he imply or even address you as an invidiual. You are American though, as evident by your lack of reading comprehension. So he was right, and your just a whiny little obese bitch shit cunt.

>> No.4583431

Yeah, he was talking about a separate group of people with my post number in his post. Good luck in secondary school, you'll make friends there eventually.

>> No.4583433 [DELETED] 

>You can only address a single person per post, and that is the person you quoted

Confirmed for retarded obese American bitch. Thanks for trying, you lose!

>> No.4583437

>You doesn't mean you even when he's replying to you

Good luck in that English class, you're going to need it.

>> No.4583441 [DELETED] 

Since you seem to be repeating yourself, despite me already proving you wrong, I will repeat myself again.

You is used to address a collective. No where did he imply or even address you as an invidiual. You are American though, as evident by your lack of reading comprehension. So he was right, and your just a whiny little obese bitch shit cunt.

>> No.4583446

>No where did he imply or even address you as an invidiual.

The part where he replied to me implies that.

>Still implying I'm American
>Using your instead of you're

Just give up.

>> No.4583449 [DELETED] 

Again, since you seem to be an obese retarded American, ill repeat it for you one more time.
You is used to address a collective. No where did he imply or even address you as an invidiual. You are American though, as evident by your lack of reading comprehension. So he was right, and your just a whiny little obese bitch shit cunt.

>> No.4583452

>No where did he imply or even address you as an invidiual.

The part where he replied to me implies that.

>Still implying I'm American
>Using your instead of you're

Just give up.

>> No.4583456 [DELETED] 

You is used to address a collective. No where did he imply or even address you as an invidiual. You are American though, as evident by your lack of reading comprehension. So he was right, and your just a whiny little obese bitch shit cunt.

>> No.4583458

>No where did he imply or even address you as an invidiual.

The part where he replied to me implies that.

>Still implying I'm American
>Using your instead of you're

Just give up.

>> No.4583471 [DELETED] 

You is used to address a collective. No where did he imply or even address you as an invidiual. You are American though, as evident by your lack of reading comprehension. So he was right, and your just a whiny little obese bitch shit cunt.

>> No.4583500

>No where did he imply or even address you as an invidiual.

The part where he replied to me implies that.

>Still implying I'm American
>Using your instead of you're

Just give up.

>> No.4583503 [DELETED] 

You is used to address a collective. No where did he imply or even address you as an invidiual. You are American though, as evident by your lack of reading comprehension. So he was right, and your just a whiny little obese bitch shit cunt.

>> No.4583514

>lazy white parents
>white people buy homebrand chips
>white people use leftover oil as sandwich spreads (lolwtf)
good to see you got over your inferiority complex

>> No.4583516

>No where did he imply or even address you as an invidiual.

The part where he replied to me implies that.

>Still implying I'm American
>Using your instead of you're

Just give up.

>> No.4583517 [DELETED] 

You is used to address a collective. No where did he imply or even address you as an invidiual. You are American though, as evident by your lack of reading comprehension. So he was right, and your just a whiny little obese bitch shit cunt.

>> No.4583532

>No where did he imply or even address you as an invidiual.

The part where he replied to me implies that.

>Still implying I'm American
>Using your instead of you're

Just give up.

>> No.4583536 [DELETED] 

You is used to address a collective. No where did he imply or even address you as an invidiual. You are American though, as evident by your lack of reading comprehension. So he was right, and your just a whiny little obese bitch shit cunt.

>> No.4583550

>No where did he imply or even address you as an invidiual.

The part where he replied to me implies that.

>Still implying I'm American
>Using your instead of you're

Just give up.

>> No.4583554
File: 23 KB, 498x322, 1360484604733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread turned in to a bunch of children crying over some semantics in sentence structure and who is calling who what..

Ignore the dumbshit hyperactive child above, he does not represent Australia in the slightest.

But the spread is delicious and Americans really can't talk about other nations having disgusting food associated with it. No examples required, I think we could all name a few.

>> No.4583558 [DELETED] 

You is used to address a collective. No where did he imply or even address you as an invidiual. You are American though, as evident by your lack of reading comprehension. So he was right, and your just a whiny little obese bitch shit cunt.

>> No.4583562 [DELETED] 

>giving a fuck what some obese fatmericunts think

you are not an ambassador for australia. neither is ANYONE ON THE INTERNET

stop desperatly trying to suck fatmericunt dick, shit cunt

>> No.4583565

Or maybe my family were wealthy Greek businessmen who came to Australia to live a better quality of life and take advantage of the new country. Maybe that, you fat American.

>> No.4583566 [DELETED] 

Really.... why don't you both go back to /b/?
I hope the mods ban you both, reported for shitposting

>> No.4583571 [DELETED] 

its against the rules to announce your reports.

>> No.4583572

You seem mad, why don't you fuck off back to /b/ where you belong?

>> No.4583575 [DELETED] 

>calls me mad after making a post pleading with people to not think im an ambassador for australia, while crying that im a dumbshit hyperacive child

your the one having a fat cry, kid

now if you will excuse me, i have some pasta to paste in reply to other pasta, cunt

>Or maybe my family were wealthy Greek businessmen

fuck off wog cunt

>> No.4583577

Really craving some vegemite toast right now

>> No.4583587

lolwut my grandparents moved here in the 1950s from Holland

>> No.4583630
File: 54 KB, 479x498, 129120324482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4583664
File: 13 KB, 224x225, knag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not eating fermented beer sludge for breakfast

>> No.4583687
File: 18 KB, 512x384, 1369213687304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps it doesn't taste so bad to young children, hence a nation brought up with the stuff would be able to enjoy it. Amerifats need to move out of their comfort zone by not using something in excess; spread it thin and in patches with butter.
If you don't like it, stop complaining. Since when was it common practice for adults to complain about specific foods being 'disgusting'? Typical spoiled teenaged Amerifats.
Also Australians should stop flaunting their nationality like anybody gives a fuck.

>> No.4583698
File: 16 KB, 219x534, theresultsarein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4583706

11.765% of posts (18) are dubs
With 153 replies there was a 57% chance that dubs would have an abundance of over 10% with a 7.7% chance that 18 replies would be dubs.


>> No.4583707
File: 6 KB, 130x179, 1330277624889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The EIU, that's cute. Great resource about everyone's neighborhood

>> No.4583713

Are all Australians as unpleasant as this guy?

>> No.4583716

As a very fit American, I find it sad that he feels so strongly about things he has no comprehension of.

>> No.4583718
File: 17 KB, 600x463, Anglosphere_2007_overweight_rate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the Wikipedia article "Obesity in Australia"

>> No.4583732 [DELETED] 

only if all fatmericunt shit cunts are dumb, obese, retarded, fat. ignorant, overweight dumb cunt shit cunts like yourself

>> No.4583734 [DELETED] 

>implying overweight means obese

most of the western world is "overweight" but having a bit of mass isnt the same as being an obese shit cunt like 100% of fatmericunt shit cunts are

>> No.4583735

>10th most livable city

>> No.4583738
File: 46 KB, 776x602, 1326685161073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4583768

So... no. Well I'm glad the unpleasantness is restricted to you.

>> No.4583844 [DELETED] 

dont you mean yes, you obese ignorant retard? so pathetic

>> No.4583849
File: 426 KB, 800x608, photopw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Claims like that require intelligence and citation, not sarcasm.

>> No.4583855
File: 214 KB, 460x275, 1370421246339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can conclude that each population contains a fuckton of shit people. The sheer number of shit people is represented in this thread by the sheer number of shitposters.

>> No.4583881

im from australia
vegemite tastes like shit
get nutella instead

>> No.4583927
File: 22 KB, 170x240, bonox_jar_230g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in Straya
>have to make Straya themed food in catering class
>decide to make cheese and vegemite flavoured pancakes
>accidentally grab bonox instead
>think "hey that's weird they watered down their vegemite"
>pancakes are the most revolting things under the sun
>cause teacher to throw up in her mouth and yell at me
>manage to pass the class anyway because I know what "braise" means

Bonox. Not even once.

>> No.4583931

M8 I'm sure if you used actual Vegemite they still would've tasted shit

>> No.4583934

I tried them with actual vegemite at home. They were alright, but they would have been better as savoury crepes.

>> No.4583973
File: 43 KB, 399x201, culture-food-vegemite-knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat delicious savory saltiness

im not surprised the clapistanis dont like it. it isnt loaded with sugar or HFCS. they make cheeseburgers with donuts as buns, what makes anyone think they would have the palate to enjoy vegemite?

>no butter
>nice coating of vegemite
>lick the butter knife clean.

master race.

>> No.4583978

>no butter
How can you handle the worlds driest mouth?

>> No.4583985

i dunno. i guess im just not a faggot?

>> No.4583999

light spread camouflage pattern on toast with a little butter

>> No.4584046

No, I mean "no", as in, "you are incorrect". You see, your observation was that everyone in Australia was as unpleasant as you -if- all <blah blah I hate Americans rant>. Since your profane tirade is not true, then by your own conditional statement, it must be equally untrue that everyone in Australia is as unpleasant as you.

For someone pointing out the flaws of others, you seem awfully prone to them.

>> No.4584060

You're nearly three hours late. I doubt his attention span is that long. Also, I think I recognise his distinctive style of shitposting from /k/, making anything you say absolutely pointless.

- love, a less retarded ausfag

>> No.4584108


>> No.4584124

You're probably using too much. You're only supposed to use a tiny bit.

>> No.4584162

Its a marmite thing.
You either love it or hate it.

>> No.4584165 [DELETED] 

confirmed for fucking obese shit cunt fat cunt, have fun being a retarded fat cunt, shit cunt

im still here shit cunt

>> No.4584173

>shit cunt fat cunt
>retarded fat cunt
>shit cunt

I see you haven't calmed down yet...

>> No.4584211 [DELETED] 

only shit cunts get upset when called a shit cunt, shit cunt

>> No.4584225
File: 64 KB, 500x408, 1314855151605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're trying too hard.