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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 108 KB, 1024x681, Albert+einstein+vegetarian+quote+3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4577013 No.4577013 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for vegetarian and vegan cooking. Help me remove meat from my diet, /ck

Share your best recipes, sites, and resources. So far I've been using the basic meal suggestions on chooseveg.com, but I'm ready to spread my wings. What ethnic cuisines should I try? Indian is the only one I know that is heavily vegetarian.

No arguing about ethics, the environment, health, or posting anything other than FOOD AND COOKING. There are other boards if you want to have debates, /ck is meant for food so let's keep it that way.

>> No.4577044
File: 33 KB, 300x450, 0409-hail-seitan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is seitan and how do I cook with it?

>> No.4577047

How does it feel that you violated your own disclaimer with your pic?

>> No.4577048
File: 250 KB, 505x513, 1224006917053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do you think you are son?

>> No.4577054


>> No.4577068

Thanks, looks delicious!

>> No.4577085

So many things are vegan. Things you wouldn't expect to be vegan. You can eat so much processed food!

Oreos are vegan, semi-sweet chocolate chips are often vegan, Cliff bars are vegan, NISSIN oriental and chili flavored ramen noodles are vegan, most energy drinks are vegan - personally e-mailed Monster and they confirmed their drinks are vegan. If you live near a Trader Joe's, they label their vegan products with a 'V'. And they have a ton of really delicious vegan products, though you might want to stay away from the refrigerated chick'n strips - I had a bad experience with those. Their frozen faux meats are delicious though. Also try Tofurky Hickory Smoked Deli Slices.

Then all this stuff is vegan: http://www.peta.org/living/vegetarian-living/accidentally-vegan.aspx

Just start reading labels. You can often tell right away if something isn't vegan by seeing the bold allergen statement that tells you if it contains milk. Some common ingredients you might not recognize as not being vegan though would be whey, casein, and gelatin. Lactic acid and stearic acid might be vegan and might not be, so I'd steer clear of those personally.

>> No.4577100

Wow, you can be vegan and still eat garbage?

>> No.4577103


Trader Joe's vegan food tends to be pretty healthy though I think.

>> No.4577104


>> No.4577105
File: 544 KB, 663x382, Orangutan-burnt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trader Joe's, they label their vegan products with a 'V'
Not to split hairs, but Trader Joe's uses palm oil sourced from Borneo and Sumatra in a lot of their products, like their vegan cookies/ice cream sandwiches. For people who are vegan only for dietary reasons that isn't a problem, but since the palm oil industries in Borneo and Sumatra are massacring orangutans with their farming practices, and the species will be extinct within a few years due to it, it's a concern for anyone vegan for ethical/environmental reasons.

Whole Foods has tons of vegan baked goods that also have no palm oil in it.

>> No.4577109

It's a meat-ish type product made from wheat. I use it in stir fries, etc. It's a good replacement for beef or pork as it has a similar texture.
I once made Japanese style curry with potatoes, carrots, etc and used seitan and it turned out pretty damn good.

>> No.4577114

A ton of processed foods are vegan, yeah, you'd never realize unless you read the ingredients. It's basically just because many companies avoid milk since many people are lactose intolerant, and there are often cheaper ingredients, and eggs rarely get used in processed foods since they have a shelf life.

Baking companies have shifted from using milk as an emulsifier in chocolate to using soy, so lots of cookie and baked good brands are vegan as a result. Girl scout cookies, etc.

>> No.4577117

I didn't know about that. Palm oil is very bad for you anyway. I suggested in my last post that OP try to make Japanese style curry, but if you use the premade curry "bricks" they're mostly made of palm oil, probably from the same sources.
It's not hard to make your own using a roux, etc. And it ends up tasting much better.

>> No.4577118

Damn. I love their vegan ice cream. I actually have some Soy Creamy Cherry Chocolate Chip ice cream in the freezer right now. Guess this would be a good reason for me to stop eating junk food.

>> No.4577123

>tfw been vegan for 10 years
>tfw can no longer be vegan because of work

every bite tastes like ashes in my mouth.

>> No.4577132

>three vegan threads on the fist page
>one thread hating on vegans

we've won already, just admit it

>more like omniMAD

>> No.4577135

Yeah, I used to eat their soy icecream and cookies all the time before I found out about palm oil. Sadly palm oil is used by pretty much every company now since it is so cheap and has useful qualities for mass production. Hopefully we'll have sustainable palm oil farming in the US in the future, but by that time orangutans will be extinct. Sad shit.

>> No.4577138

So how do I cook it? Is there any prep needed for it like how you need to squeeze water out of tofu before using it?

>> No.4577161
File: 342 KB, 557x528, 1353540202692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trader joe's
>Whole Foods
My god /ck/, you can be vegan without being a massive pleb moron getting sucked into marketing. Trader Joe's and Whole Foods is over priced as shit; you guys seriously should consider shopping at more local farmer's markets and grocers, for not only are you buying cheaper products that are just as healthy, or in some cases healthier because those stores are filled with processed garbage, you are supporting local economies instead of corporate food. So seriously guys, stop being plebs.

>> No.4577163

Since the stuff usually comes in a can, I usually drain the water and maybe rinse it then pan fry it with a little garlic, soy sauce and maybe ginger, until it's gotten a little tougher. You'll probably just need to experiment and see how you like it.
I'm sure you could just eat it as is, but it's better with a bit of crispiness to the outside

>> No.4577165

If the orangutans didn't want to die, they'd stop getting in the way of the oil palms. Like how mice know to leave a grain field when the harvest comes!

>> No.4577166


Add wheat gluten and stock together to make a sticky ball, then get another pot of stock, split the ball into smaller balls, and simmer the gluten gently in the stock for like 2 hours. The seitan will expand a lot so take that into account when you decide the size of the pot you're simmering in

After that, let it cool down and fry it up in a pan when you want to eat it. You can also add dry ingredients into the dough mix when you add in the stock. A bit of soy sauce thrown in is good too

>> No.4577167
File: 4 KB, 300x163, 1303326972579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing orangutans to mice
>comparing forests to grain fields

>> No.4577168

He was asking to prepare pre made seitan, not make it from scratch.
But I suppose it doesn't seem to be as hard to make from scratch as I envisioned it would be.

>> No.4577179

i'd like to just say that the best thing to do for yourself is to not find a diet, but rather just dishes of various types that fit vegetarian standards.

Food that comes to mind (from my experience):
gypsy soup, green bean casserole, grilled vegetables with rice, home-made burritos (such as beans, cheese, salsa, and lettuce), frozen fruit, smoothies, trial mix, scalloped potatoes, celery with cream cheese and chopped olives, potato and leek soup, etc etc etc.

there are so many delicious things one can make without meat, don't limit yourself to one style, but rather whatever suits your pallet.

>> No.4577190

Whole Foods is cheaper than grocery stores like Safeway for many products where I live. Small town, so no vegan bakeries, making Whole Foods the best bet if I want vegan donuts, cookies, and cake. The founder is Whole Foods is an awesome dude, and they have great corporate policies, so I'm content giving them my money.

>> No.4577197


I don't see the point of going meatless if you're going to be a vegetarian. Dairy is pretty much liquid meat, both in health and ethics

>> No.4577203

Wouldn't doughnuts always be vegan?

>> No.4577206
File: 768 KB, 500x282, 1330156293715.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, OPs pic REALLY fucking bothers me. I hate it when people manipulate the words of someone whom people look up to to further their own cause. THAT is not what Einstein said at all. It is a gross exaggeration and manipulation of what Einstein actually said, which was much more reasonable and neutral. WHICH WAS:

"It is my view that a vegetarian manner of living by its purely physical effect on the human temperament would most beneficially influence the lot of mankind. "

He is neither saying that vegetarianism will increase health, NOR that it will in any way "increase the chances for survival of life on Earth". He is simply saying that it could better people's temperament, which would benefit mankind. FUCK YOU VEG FAGS, FOR BEING WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING.

>> No.4577216

Wow, you are stupid.

>> No.4577218

>gypsy soup
What is this?

>> No.4577228

oh great, more vegefaggot shitposting
just what /ck/ needs

>> No.4577232


Want to give a counter-argument? It has all the same shit in it that meat does that you could argue are unhealthy, and dairy animals don't just stop by to drop off milk, they're imprisoned and slaughtered too

>> No.4577237

And you compound your stupidity. Keep it coming, this is amusing.

>> No.4577243


In other words, "I'm offended but I know I'm wrong"

>> No.4577252

The original has pretty much has the same sentiment, if not even a stronger one since "lot of mankind" = entirety of mankind, which can be interpreted as every facet of our existence.

Looking it up, it looks like it's just a bad English translation of the German. That it got spread hardly makes vegans "wolves in sheep's clothing."

Einstein was vegetarian, felt guilty about eating animals, and even said he didn't think humans were meant to be carnivores. I don't think his quotes are all that neutral.


>> No.4577256

Here's a better quote then:

"As long as there are slaughter houses there will always be battlefields."
― Leo Tolstoy

>> No.4577264

Regardless of your opinion on translation, it's still an incorrect quote, which makes it deceptive. You can't go around changing people's words to suit your own needs. That's call lying, and it's frowned upon in most societies.
Not to mention that he only mentions mankind, not "increases the chances of survival of life on earth". That's been added in by militant vegfags.
tl;dr fuck off

>> No.4577265

Milk is pretty unhealthy. Lots of saturated fat and cholesterol. High consumption of milk (average consumption in America) has been linked to disease and health issues, and Harvard's School of Public Health has advised people to limit their consumption to a couple servings of dairy per day.

>> No.4577271

I'm not mocking anon on that point, just the idea it is liquid meat.

>> No.4577274

It's not the exact same as meat, but it can serve the same purpose in terms of fat/protein

>> No.4577275

The source of the quote is unknown, why are you assuming vegans edited it? Altered quotes get spread around in media all the time, doesn't mean people have any intentions, they just trust the quote is valid. And the quote may actually be valid, with the original source lost, who knows.

Einstein thought vegetarianism would benefit humanity, which is the essence of both quotes. Wording is different, yes, and the quote should be replaced with the verified one. But the fact that Einstein was a vegetarian, and thought it was to humanity's benefit, is the main point and is a fact.

>> No.4577276


Fatal Error: Expecting '/' near 'A thread for vegetarian and vegan cooking. Help me remove meat from my diet, /ck ' on line 1.

>> No.4577278


Obviously I don't mean it's literally meat that's been liquidated, but on the health and ethics side they two are almost exactly the same. It makes no sense to eat/drink dairy but not meat

>> No.4577280

Regardless of the validity of the quote, Einstein was a patent officer, he had no right to argue morals with anyone

>> No.4577281

Well, yeah of course it isn't liquid meat, I think he/she just meant that it has many of the health issues that meat does (saturated fat, cholesterol) and is in liquid form.

>> No.4577284

i'm on board for cheap viable lab grown meat but until then i want my chicken and steak

and all you fuckers against gmo grown foods are fighting against evolution

can't have a test without a few errors

>> No.4577287

Not to mention the same ethics and same effect on quality from better treatment of the animal

>> No.4577289

People can be immoral when it comes to money but moral in other spheres of life. Bill Gates is a cutthroat ass-shat of a businessman, but he does a lot of humanitarian work.

>> No.4577299
File: 94 KB, 671x365, dungen master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come to /ck/ about once a week. Before each time I do, I ask myself -- "I wonder how many threads down I'll get before I see the first vegan shitposter troll thread?"

Usually I make it about 7 or 8 but today you were #2. Congratulations, you're winner!

>> No.4577301

True. I have always found it strange when people go vegetarian for ethical reasons, but still eat eggs and milk. It's a lot more in-your-face to eat an animal directly, I guess, but the egg industry kills millions of male chicks in hatcheries by smothering in trash bags/grinding them up alive. So if one is against killing animals, weird to eat eggs.

>> No.4577302


Why is existing near you considered shitposting/trolling?

>> No.4577303

Says the fat, presumably unemployed neckbeard arguing morals on 4chan. What have you done in your life that's noteworthy?

>> No.4577306


And also the fact that milk cows and egg chickens aren't just released when they're done providing milk/eggs. They get handed over to join the meat industry. The two go hand in hand

>> No.4577308

Jesus christ this thread got faggy.

Eat this shit OP. http://www.budgetbytes.com/2013/04/black-bean-avocado-enchiladas/

And if you're only veggie, these are also delicious http://www.budgetbytes.com/2012/02/hearty-black-bean-quesadillas/

>> No.4577314


have you ever stepped foot inside a trader joes? i don't know where this overpriced bullshit came from but a lot of their stuff is really affordable

>> No.4577318
File: 126 KB, 608x380, 09re-recipepicks-blkbean-burger608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theppk.com has awesome recipes

>> No.4577337

Oh and as far as indian stuff goes, dahl is fucking delicious. Apparently it can be made with a variety of beans, only had the lentil kind myself.

Heres the recipe for the stuff I've made a couple times, also only veggie but could probably be made vegan if you sub something for the milk and butter. http://homecooking.about.com/od/soups/r/blss141.htm

I'm not sure how well soy/almond/coconut/etc milk holds up when cooked yet, some googling should do you good though.

>> No.4577346

>implying you know anything about anyone here. Stop projecting.

>> No.4577349

I can ascertain that you're no Einstein.

>> No.4577352

Neither are you, so I'd watch out for those stones hitting your glass house.

>> No.4577364

>doughnuts: flour, milk, eggs, sugar
totally vegan.

>> No.4577363

>I'm not sure how well soy/almond/coconut/etc milk holds up when cooked yet,
These work amazingly in pretty much every recipe. For creamy, ethnic soups go with coconut milk. Thai cuisine uses coconut milk instead of dairy and it's god tier.

>> No.4577367

I'm not the one who dismissed such an influential and intelligent person as a mere "patent officer", as if the day job he had in his twenties somehow invalidated his opinion on ethical issues like meat consumption and the like.

>> No.4577368

Good to know. My girlfriend loves tomato soup made with real milk and says its awful with soy, which is generally what we have around. Any recommendations for that?

I can't stand drinking coconut milk. I bought some recently and have been forcing my way through it so its not wasted.

>> No.4577370

>People can be immoral when it comes to money but moral in other spheres of life
Nice exceptions with reasoning out of your ass bro.
>but he does a lot of humanitarian work
You're getting it all wrong m8. Gates is a fucking dipshit. His company's image is what drived him to do "humanitarian work", which was donating money. A lot of big companies do this.

>> No.4577375


These look fucking delicious as well. I find so much tasty shit on this site. Could be made vegan by just dropping the cheese, avocado might work well like it does in the vegan enchilada recipe.

I know these are all black bean centric, so if they're not your thing you might not be as excited. Half the reason I'm bordering veggie/vegan all the time is that I've found so many things I like to eat that don't happen to have animal products in them.

>> No.4577378

I'm not the one who said that either..
Are you so stupid as to think only one person on /ck/ thinks your statements are fucking retarded?

>> No.4577379

How is patent officer really an immoral profession? Christ, if we got rid of everyone that offended your constrictive and unrealistic moral outlook society would crumble.

>> No.4577381

Typical overreaction from an oversensitive vegan.

>> No.4577382

I'm not a vegan though.

>> No.4577393

>I can't stand drinking coconut milk.
What kind? The kind they sell in milk cartons for cereal is completely different from the cooking kind. Coconut milk in a can in the Asian aisle of a grocery store is what you want, it's extremely rich.

I've used almond milk in tomato soup and it worked well for me. Try this recipe.

>> No.4577397

Because only a vegan would think it's stupid to say someone can't be ethical because they worked as a patent officer when they were younger and needed money? Has 0 to do with veganism.

>> No.4577398

Isn't that stuff labeled "coconut water" usually?

>> No.4577409

Why do meat eaters get so defensive around vegans?
I'm omnivore btw.

>> No.4577414

No, but vegans do tend toward overreaction and hysterics. As evidenced every single fucking day on /ck/.

>> No.4577416

Oh thats right, I forgot all about the canned stuff. Yeah I've got the carton stuff by the milk. It tastes mostly watery with a hint of coconut. Pretty bleh.

>> No.4577419

Because these people question the morality of meat eaters. Most people would feel bad if they actually saw all the animals they ate being killed or penned up, so it leads to some weird sort of cognitive dissonance surrounding the whole thing. This could be avoided by raising animals or hunting for their own meat.
Occasional meat eater btw.

>> No.4577420

The stuff for cereal is labeled "coconut milk" since you're supposed to use it like milk. Coconut water is different. But yeah, there should be some labeling difference between the coconut milk in milk cartons and the real coconut milk that is used for cooking.

>> No.4577427

No one likes to have their lifestyle questioned, basically.

>> No.4577437

On /ck/ the omnivores are fucking pissed because we get flooded with politically based vegan threads on a daily basis, when this board is supposed to be about food and cooking. If the stupid fucking vegans would just shut the fuck up about being vegan and why everyone should be vegan, they wouldn't get mad. If they want to talk about all-veg foods, that's fine. Make a thread like "Hey, I made this great vegetable casserole, let me share it", or "Does anyone know a good recipe for a black bean burger" WITHOUT mentioning the fucking V word, no one would say a thing, and be more helpful instead. But we're not going to put up with this political bullshit invading our board. Talk about cooking food, or get the fuck out. I'm a die hard omnivore, but I make all veg meals sometimes, and I have no problem with that. But I don't need someone on my recreational cooking board to lecture me on why I shouldn't eat my steak too, because fuck you, that's why. I'm not here to put up with shit, I'm here to talk about food and cooking. It's the same principle as to why we don't want stickies. We don't need someone's personal tastes gumming up the works.

>> No.4577440

And this was supposed to be one of the good threads, you know, about food and cooking. But 2 or 3 guys are shitting it up.

>> No.4577443

Yeah, but the OP also specifically mentioned "going meat free" and "vegetarian" and "vegan". He ultimately invited the political aspect in while protesting that it's not what he wanted.

>> No.4577446

yeah, that whole being attacked thing.

For me personally, I more get pissed at vegans tactics. They often are the food versions of the Westboro Baptist Church, and at that point, I don't care if you are right or wrong, I just know I don't want to share this world with you--not to mention how I am at least tempted to take the polar opposite position just out of principle because they suck so hard at just being human.

>> No.4577449

I agree. Even if they used the "v word" in designated "share your vegan recipe" type threads, it would lead to much less flaming.
It's unfortunate that a good amount of vegans choose to follow that diet just so they can feel superior and act confrontational to meat eaters. If they would be more accepting to other people's diet decisions they would be much more likely to "win over" other non-vegans.
One thing that especially peeves me is when vegans seem to care more about animal welfare than they do about other human beings.

>> No.4577453

>They often are the food versions of the Westboro Baptist Church,

Oh. My. God. That's it. You're exactly fucking right. Fuck. LOL

>> No.4577455

What's wrong with mentioning "vegetarian" or "meat free"? Being so sensitive is ridiculous. People should be able to mention the word "vegan" in recipes without insecure trolls starting a flamwar over it. Not everyone has the same views, people need to learn to live with diversity.

>> No.4577458

What's wrong with picketing and spraying red paint at the funeral for Dave Thomas?

>> No.4577462

Westboro Church acts on hate and targets people who have done nothing wrong but be different from them. Vegans are against unnecessary suffering, and try to live in a way that minimizes it against animals. The comparison is ludicrous.

>> No.4577466

There are some militant animal rights types who are very very similar to those Westboro people. Ever hear about the fur factories that get bombed, killing actual humans?

>> No.4577469
File: 95 KB, 316x324, 1293146808878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG, not only are you vegan, but you're also in total denial of what your brethren are capable of.

>> No.4577476
File: 766 KB, 784x717, food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting anything other than FOOD AND COOKING
>80 posts and 8 image replies omitted.
>scroll down
>not a single reply about cooking.

There is a million vegetables that are awesome, or at least nearly a million. Lentils and beans are just great to fill your stomach. Fennel, asparagus and others have unique flavours nowhere else to be found. Don't get me started on the many sorts of cabbage, I just wish it was winter again to have them in season.

Kohlrabi filled either with spinach and onion or tomatoes and spices. The other thing is bell pepper filled with couscous and onions. Afterwards covered with cheese and grated in the oven.

>> No.4577483
File: 96 KB, 453x700, tumblr_lu20kb7aTb1qfdn20o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't call them human.

But yeah, they could have gone about that in a different way. And I have a feeling that what you're talking about only happened once, if ever.

>> No.4577493

Except I don't ever see vegan related posts start the flames. It's always people that start vegan threads that complain about it, somehow, then jimmies start to get rustled. More like if people stopped being so insecure, and learned to view something objectively without getting emotionally hurt, these threads just wouldn't happen.

But since white thrash, hicks, and /b/ misfits flood this thread, they think it's okay to start shitfests for nothing but validation for their lifestyle. I like your constant bias posting in the thread, by the way. Really mature and not pathetic at all.

>> No.4577494

>Ever hear about the fur factories that get bombed, killing actual humans?
Prove it. What fur farm has been bombed and killed people? ALF has never harmed humans. They go to great lengths to never injure people, since that would only hurt their cause. The only documented cases of attempts to harm people were found by police to actually be staged by hunters themselves in an attempt to make ALF look bad in the media.

They damage property, not people.

>> No.4577499

Name some incidents, then. Holding signs in front of a fur store is not remotely the same as picketing a gay guy's funeral. If someone protests incidents of animal abuse, more power to them. Can't compare that to Westboro protesting against harmless gay people.

>> No.4577500

I'm a vegan myself. All I'm saying is there are some people who take things to the extreme and make us look bad. I prefer to do what I can to minimize suffering on this earth, but I don't do it to wear veganism as a badge of honor. I don't want to affiliate myself with groups like PETA who use shock tactics to get their point across when people can reach the same conclusion through logical reasoning and empathy.

>> No.4577504

You idiot, you are responding to separate people. Not to mention, what you just posted is much more virulent, dramatic and designed to instigate an argument than anything those other people posted. YOU sir, are the shit poster.

>> No.4577507

>They damage property, not people.

Damaging people's private property and livelihoods IS damaging to people, you cuntknuckle. Goddamn, you're stupid.

>> No.4577511

>throwing paint
>posting insults on the internet about people
>screaming and yelling violently at people

Oh no, that's perfectly okay. GTFO.

>> No.4577517

No arguing about ethics, the environment, health, or posting anything other than FOOD AND COOKING. There are other boards if you want to have debates, /ck is meant for food so let's keep it that way.
>posts a pic with a quote that claims shit all up in there
fuck you, OP, fuck you and the vegan faggot train you rode in on

>> No.4577522

>Anally electrocuting 10 foxes for a coat is as harmless as liking the same sex
Gay omnivore here. Fur industry is fucked up. Period. Don't try and compare someone breaking the windows of a business that profits off of rich old woman buying abused animals to the Westboro who hates us gays simply for being who we are.

>> No.4577527

If you think throwing red paint on a fur coat is a hate crime, you might want to educate yourself about the fur industry. I feel about as much sympathy as I would if someone threw paint on Jeffrey Dahmer.

>> No.4577540
File: 162 KB, 670x523, sausages3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Field Roast's sausages are incredible. Tastier than meat sausgaes imo.

>> No.4577561

Are there ever hard chunks in them that you can't chew? Real sausage is terrible if it's made with cheap scrap cuts of meat.

>> No.4577573

Actually, real fur is more environmentally friendly than faux fur. Suck on that.
I don't approve of fur farms, actually. But wild caught fur is where it's at. Much more sustainable and cleaner than faux fur which is made from petroleum based products.

>> No.4577575

In Field Roast? No, they have perfect texture and taste.

>> No.4577580

"It takes nearly three times more energy to produce a fur coat from trapped animals than to produce a synthetic fur, according to a study by Gregory H. Smith, a transportation research engineer at the University of Michigan.

Environmentally harmful products including chromium and formaldehyde are used in the processing of real fur garments to keep them from rotting. Many fur farmers and processors have been fined for releasing toxic waste into the environment. Far from being “natural, renewal resources,” real fur products consume more of our precious and irreplaceable energy resources than do those made from synthetic materials"


>> No.4577588
File: 474 KB, 4032x3024, P9240225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really hungover right now soo bare with me.

The best thing to do is eat meat like Koreans.. wife is korean and I lived in SK for almost 4 years... I used to make fun of them how they eat a small amount of beef bulgogi or whatnot and they were so proud showing me their food.. I was like "in murrika I eat more beef than this by myself than your whole family just ate" anyways..

By this I mean you take say 1/4lb beef and slice it super super thin and add to whatever. Never go full vegetarian you will want to kill yourself after a while, I have gone full vegan for 7 days, it was not that bad but just sooo boring food wise.. But, it gave me an appreciation for this style of cooking. So, I can eat just a nibble of meat in a dish and be happy.

>use minimum meat or eat falafel everyday..

>> No.4577589

-"However, the study in question should be taken with a grain of salt. First of all, the analysis is old—it was published in 1979. Plus, the report makes lots of assumptions without fully explaining how those figures were estimated. Those assumptions may be perfectly valid, but it's hard to know without more supporting information. And while the author does a good job tallying many of the hidden costs of real fur coats—like the gasoline used in checking traplines—he doesn't give a similarly full accounting for synthetic coats.

Finally, the report tends to be wrongly attributed: While the author is a graduate of the University of Michigan and was employed by Ford at the time, the analysis itself was commissioned by the Fund for Animals "to augment its arguments for abolishing the cruelties to animals resulting from the procurement of natural animal furs for human adornment." The fact that the figures come from an advocacy group doesn't necessarily make them suspect. But at the same time, it's a little shady to suggest that they come from a neutral or academic source."


Fuck. Off.

>> No.4577598

Nothing in that contradicts the study. Here's another report with 78 citations.


Fur is meant to rot and decay. It's a natural substance. To make coats possible, companies have to use large amounts of chemicals, which are harmful to the environment.

>> No.4577604

"The 2003 European Commission Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Bureau
“Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for the Tanning of Hides and Skins”
recognizes the tanning industry as “a potentially pollution-intensive industry.”

The Industrial Pollution Projection System rates the fur dressing and dyeing industry one of the five worst industries for toxic metal pollution to the land. And in 1991, the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) fined six fur processing plants $2.2 million for the pollution they caused, citing them for hazardous waste violations and stating that “the solvents used in these operations may cause respiratory problems, and are listed as possible carcinogens.”

The Chinese government is also notably concerned about the pollution caused by fur
dyeing factories. In December 2007, a fur trade publication, The Trapper & Predator Caller
, reported that China was considering imposing a punitive tax on the fur dressing and tanning industries as part of an attempt to penalize “industries causing excessive pollution.”

Faux fur>Fur

>> No.4577621

>implying the humane society is a credible source


>> No.4577622

Please don't tell you were actually being sincere.

>> No.4577623

citations needed

>> No.4577628

>Didn't even look at the report to realize there's 70+ citations by independent organizations, yet comments on accuracy


>> No.4577631

Look at the post immediately above it.

>> No.4577640
File: 156 KB, 453x604, 1315840611692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll keep wearing my leather, my silver fox stole, and eating my meat, and you can all fuck off.

>> No.4577642

Obviously fur is not environmentally friendly, it's a mass-processed material.But who cares, this is about food, not fur. /Ck/ is not filled with old people who get off on wearing dead mink, this isn't the place to discuss it.

>> No.4577651

Welcome to the shitfest the vegans have brought to /ck/.

>> No.4577656

>eat falafel everyday

This guy knows what he's talking about. I actually just got back from the store where I picked up stuff for making falafel this weekend. I had made a chickpea+arugula+delicious spices dish earlier this week and had a bunch of tzatziki left over.

>> No.4577670

Same guy from korean post.. Remember when you fry homemade falafel with the mix or from fresh chickpeas to add bread or something to hold it together if you dont wanna use eggs.. it can be really crumbly, and fry in almost smoking hot oil, you can over cook and it will still be alright. I make falafel burritos this way.. delicious! also if you use chickpeas remember to peel the skin off it might take 20 min but its worth it.

>> No.4577719

I wasn't directing that to the vegans, but the people who started the fur discussion with talking about people bombing fur factories, and trying to compare vegans to Westboro. Those are clearly troll posts meant to rile up argument. It has no place on this board.

>> No.4577727

got a good falafel recipe mane? i've made some pretty decent falafel a few times but never anything that really attacked my tastebuds the way mamoun's or falafel made by arabs does.

this is good advice. thanks bruh. any oil recs btw?

i have some zaatar in the house. thinking about making falafel with a lil or just baking it onto the pita.

>> No.4577742

Mmm garbanzo beans. Love those things more than any steak.

>> No.4577765

>overcompensating for deficiencies

>> No.4577772

FFS, I'm getting sick of people assuming someone is vegan just because they like vegetables or fucking garbanzo beans. Not all of us eat nothing but beef 24/7. Get over yourself.

>> No.4577783

I'll bet you eat those faggy vegan potato fries instead of chicken fries, hippie faggot.

>> No.4577790

Chicken fries? Hippy. Real men eat veal fries, freshly ripped away from their mothers. The confusion and depression tastes even better than the salt.

>> No.4577796

ppk and the laziest vegans in the world blog are good to check out. also, peta has some good recipes and resources.

>> No.4577843

I brought up wbc, not to troll, but because it is true. both are extremist political stances that openly and aggressively attack that.which they don't believe in. both use shock tactics to garner attention and both believe that they are allowed to completely shit on human decency because of their own moral imperative. This is without mentioning that both have abjectly impossible visions for humanity.

>> No.4577861
File: 60 KB, 500x548, 1364440146372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Human rights organizations use horrific footage to garner attention, and openly and aggressively attack that which they don't believe in (abuse and cruelty towards human beings). Would you ever compare them to WBC? No. Because they're fighting for humans. Animal rights is simply fighting for other species, but the goal is the same: an end to unnecessary cruelty and abuse.

You want an extremist political stance that openly and aggressively attack that which they don't believe in? How about people who think it's okay to amputate animals' limbs off because "hey they're just food," then stick them into living conditions so small they can't even move, and deprive them of all light, all to make more money? Or how about the workers at farms who have physically beaten undercover investigators documenting the realities of animal cruelty in farms?

It's the fucked up food system that we have accepted as a cultural norm, not the people fighting against it, that is extremist.

>> No.4577891

Don't put words into my mouth.

Yes, I would compare them, and no I am not just being obtuse. Social conflict happens to be something I know quite a bit about, and whether you choose to believe that or not taking extremist stances helps no one and nothing. All that happens is the problem is exacerbated. See, the issue here is that like with the wbc you cannot have a discourse with vegans. Vegans are.right and everyone else is wrong. When you take an absolutist position and insist on attempting to force it on everyone else (especially while claiming moral superiority) how the hell.do you honestly expect others to react?

Let's turn this sideways for a moment: how many of you converted (or reaffirmed) to christianity because of zealots like the.wbc?

These sort of tactics are wholly ineffectual and just end up pissing people off and driving moderates FROM your position.

>> No.4577893

There are so many fallacies in what you posted, I don't have time to fucking nitpick you, because I actually do have real work to do, but, to sum it up: you're a huge gaping old vagina, like a creampie of lies, and fucking go die in a fire. And when I get home, I'm going to grill a steak and start curing some pork belly in your honor, sugar tits.

>> No.4577897

My wife is Russian, and fur is pretty popular there. She used to wear it a lot, presents from her cousins mostly, and one day 4-5 years ago we were on the subway in Brooklyn when another girl politely tapped her on the shoulder and asked her if her fur coat was real. When my wife said, "Yes" the girl then asked if she knew how fur is made. My wife told her that no, she didn't. So the girl began talking all about it, trying to explain why my wife shouldn't wear fur. They started arguing, and I got so fucking pissed. Told the girl to mind her own fucking business, that I don't want to listen to some ecoterrorist bullshit.

A couple months later my wife removed all her coats from our closet, said she was donating them. I couldn't believe my ears, donating thousands of dollars in clothes. When I asked why she told me she had looked up fur online, that it made her cry. I told her it was bullshit, all scams. But after I researched it myself I was absolutely horrified. Some of the most deprived, twisted, sick things I've seen in my life. The image of a fox blinking as he was skinned alive on a Chinese fur farm will stick with me forever.

I don't know much about our food industries. I'd rather not know. But after learning about fur I can understand why people throw red paint and crash fashion shows. I thought they were crazy ass terrorists before but now I think they're standing up for something good.

>> No.4577905

>When you take an absolutist position and insist on attempting to force it on everyone else (especially while claiming moral superiority) how the hell.do you honestly expect others to react?
Doesn't mean they're wrong. Just means people ego is getting in the way as usual.

>> No.4577906

>I thought they were crazy ass terrorists before but now I think they're standing up for something good.
They ARE crazy ass terrorists. It just so happens to be for a good reason.

>> No.4577911

Just so you know, you can buy certified wild caught furs. I don't believe in fur farms, but I would rarher wear real wild caught than faux. Your wife should have traded her furs in on a wild caught piece.

>> No.4577912

So why didn't you research further and looked up fur companies that don't skin foxes alive?

Assuming you're fine killing them for warm clothes.

>> No.4577913

>extremist stances helps no one and nothing
I don't even agree with veganism and think this is full retard. Look at every social justice movement, and you'll see the forerunners were "extremists" by their standards. Look at Alice Paul, heading the women's suffrage movement in the US. People considered them extremists and enemies of the country when they staked out in front of the White House even during war time, demanding women's right to vote.

Change has never come about from people being moderate pussies. Look at every revolution. The leaders of the Boston Tea Party were fucking extremist terrorist nutjobs in British news.

TL;DR - No one achieves anything by being a pussy.

>> No.4577924

Because there are practically zero laws for welfare of animals in fur protection, and no monitoring agencies. A fur coat is made from a large quantity of animals, with a mink coat being made from 30+ mink. There's no possible way to see the production end of it unless you raise and kill the mink yourself and my wife doesn't want to wear fur that badly. Plus I hated her wasting money on it. Just wish she had sold the coats rather than giving them away. But whatever. If you see a homeless guy in Brooklyn walking around in a fur coat you can think my wife.

>> No.4577926

By the same token, it doesn't mean they are right.

Now the discussion needlessly becomes solely about methodology with the core issues being lost in the mix. It's sadly amusing because what they want is public awareness that leads to significant change but the public awareness is just that vegans consider you the Hess of animals and want nothing more than to tell you how evil you are.

My question is, if you know tactics like this would never sway you yup the wbc side, why practice them expecting people to come to your side? That the.content differs is no matter, it's the form of the message.

But I am apparently a troll just going for attention.

>> No.4577932

All the vegan activists I've met have been incredibly nice people. The people out there doing public awareness and handing out fliers on college campuses are not the same people that throw rocks at McDonald's windows. There are hundreds of millions of vegetarians, and tens of millions of vegans worldwide. The violent activists are a very, very small percent.

>> No.4577941

You honestly have no clue what you are talking about.

I'm not going to claim my credentials on here as I am not about to post my name for real proof for y'all, but I will say this: do some reading in a field called conflict analysis and resolution, then get back to me.

>> No.4577978

Anyone with even basic knowledge of civil rights movements wouldn't say that people accomplish nothing being considered "extremists." It's a spectrum. There are plenty of idiots who think Snowden releasing information about PRISM makes him a terrorist and enemy of the state. While others hail him as a hero of freedom.

One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist. It's all a matter of which side of the line you stand on.

>> No.4578122


The problem is if you don't use the word "vegan," every reply in your thread is going to be "you should put some cheese in that" or "don't forget to add in some sliced chicken"

It's your own problem if a simple word offends you so much. Sometimes I want to make a thread that just gives me relevant replies that I actually want to read. My choices are to either not mention that I don't eat meat/dairy and deal with every post asking me where the meat/dairy is, or explain that I follow a vegan diet and have a couple of dickheads come in and cause a stink about how I don't eat what they eat and how they're so mad about it. YOU people ruin the board, not vegan threads. Go ahead and get mad at the handful of blatant anti-meat troll threads, but there's no reason to act like an asshole every time a vegan steps out of the shadows and says "hey, is it cool if we peacefully discuss plant foods?"

>> No.4578142

Man has a good point.Anyone who gets so upset over people having different diets needs to take a bottle of chill pills.

>> No.4578210

There have been plenty of threads dedicated to plant based foods that turned out fine. The trick - and bear with me here, I know it might come as something of a shock - is to jump in and just start talking about food.

If you "step out of the shadows and say, 'hey, is it cool if we peacefully discuss plant foods?'" you're going to get stabbed in the cock. It's passive aggressive and patronising.

This thread, for instance, claimed to be about food, and to shun debates on ethics, the environment, health and so on. It opens with the subject, 'Quest to Become Meat-Free,' with an 'inspiring' imagequote of Albert Einstein on the ethics, environmental impact, and health effects of plant-based diets. I don't suppose you see the contradiction here.

>> No.4578224


Let me offer a quick example. It's like starting a thread on /tg/ to, as you say, "step out of the shadows and say, 'hey, is it cool if we peacefully discuss D&D 4th Edition?'"

And then the thread, will claim to be about the 4E ruleset, and to shun edition warring. Despite this, it opens with the subject, 'Quest to Become 3.5E Free,' with an 'inspiring' imagequote of on the clear advantages of 4E over 3.5E.

>> No.4578240

How about an example more than 5% of us can understand?

>> No.4578245
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>If you "step out of the shadows and say, 'hey, is it cool if we peacefully discuss plant foods?'" you're going to get stabbed in the cock. It's passive aggressive and patronising.

I think the problem here is that you're way too sensitive and you see hostility where hostility is not. Not everything has to be a battle, man

>> No.4578251

This is the most hostile board towards vegans I've ever seen.

>> No.4578254

I think it's actually that meat eaters are (or tend to be) extremely sensitive, so any time you bring up eating vegan food they get all defensive and start harassing you.

>> No.4578256

Has anyone tried baking or cooking with almond milk?

>> No.4578259

Actually, I'm more interested with baking with vegan substitutes in general. I've heard about using almond milk to replace regular milk, Coconut oil to replace butter, and bananas to replace eggs. But how do they actually work?

>> No.4578261
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Only after we started getting spammed by threads that are not at all food but politics related. Since not a goddamned one vegan post actually involves vegan dishes we've become rather hostile towards the trolling element and as a result anyone that aligns with them.

See what I'm doing here. It's posting food. That is relevant to a food board unlike hurr durr corpsemunchers health issues. I'd like to see some actual fucking food on this board instead of Boca Burgers and Totino's Pizza Rolls, but I assume the reason we have these bullshit vegetarian arguments is because no one on either side has the skills to feed themselves, let alone make something others would want that's not slathered in cheese.

>> No.4578264

Just get yourself a cookbook from one of the top vegan bakeries. People have already spent countless hours mastering vegan baking, so just do what they do. I use the gluten-free vegan baking recipes from BabyCakes bakery in NYC (you can find it in pdf on your pirate bay of choice). Not because I'm vegan or gluten-free, but because all the recipes are INCREDIBLE. Better than any bakery I've ever gone to, and I can make them at home whenever I want.

But yes, in general people use Earth Balance (vegan butter), almond/rice/soy/coconut milk, apple sauce, oil, things like that for vegan baking.

>> No.4578265

This thread began with food, then like the third response was "HURR HURR I'LL EAT MORE ANIMALS TO MAKE UP FOR YOU NOT"

>> No.4578271

Nice, I'll give it shot then. I love baking, but I'm getting a little tired of flour + egg + milk + butter = everything. Also, just recently found out that my acne might be caused by dairy. Not sure yet, since it's only been a few week since I stopped my dairy intake.

>> No.4578273


>> No.4578278

True enough. I would like to claim it was not always so however.

Here have this. I intend to try it very soon.

>> No.4578280

>Meatless Monday
Anyone have success with this? Maybe I will try.

>> No.4578281

>vegan burger
mushroom > beans > oatmeal

>> No.4578285
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Beet burgers are great too.


>> No.4578289
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As a meat eater I would have to argue that lamb cut with fat from smoked pork belly is the greatest, but vegetarian sandwich patties are always a nice change of pace.

Also, you can always top your mushroom burgers with sliced beets, and a fried egg if you're vegetarian and not vegan.

>almond butter

>> No.4578290

That's fucking clever, if you cook it well enough it would be indistinguishable from regular beef burger appearance wise.

>> No.4578296


Ah yes, Albert Einstein, the noted dietician. Who could every forget his theory of relativity, that showed that vegetarian diets were superior?

Truly, the greatest nutritionist who ever lived, that Albert Einstein.

>> No.4578331

Hey, he knew it was healthier decades before nutritional science confirmed vegetarians live longer, have 20% less chance of cancer, and 25% less risk of dying from heart disease. Dude was ahead of his years.

>> No.4578344

Those statistics are circular logic. One could easily argue vegetarians live longer because they are more aware of their diet and eat a wider variety of food and less prepackaged or processed goods. Or they could also argue that vegetarians are less likely to gorge or overindulged on a regular basis. Or that because meat has a correlation with obesity more for economic and cultural reasons, obesity and not consumption of meat is responsible for that health gap.

Correlation is NOT causation. Nor should every human being consume the same diet. Nor should you hold in high esteem the diet of a man who had trouble remembering his own address on the basis that he was a renowned physicist and mathematician.

>> No.4578356

Stop, you're ruining our omnivore image of eating more variety and being healthier.

>> No.4578358

i don't understand why there are so many people defending this thread. no matter how i look at it, it looks like a troll attempt. why would you post this pic and header with that disclaimer? clearly op never had any intension to talk about food in any way

what is wrong with you people that you don't see where the problem is here?

>> No.4578373


Do you cry over every one of the thousands of species that has gone extinct over the course of Earth's history? Stop being a fucking drama queen, there's nothing special about those hideous monkeys.

>> No.4578376


But you gotta admit, it's funny when people say vegans/vegetarians are all nutrient deficient but then have to turn around and try to explain why vegans/vegetarians live longer and in better health than omnis

>> No.4578378

Whoever stands by while another primate species go extinct for fucking cooking oil is a tool and or asshole

>> No.4578379


>Dairy is liquid meat

How fucking stupid do you have to be to consider cheese a liquid at normal temperatures?

>> No.4578385


>dairy animals don't just stop by to drop off milk, they're imprisoned and slaughtered too


Men are imprisoned. Animals are caged.

>> No.4578394

Prison cells are luxuriant mansions compared to gestation crates or battery cages. Know what it's called when a human is put into an area where he can't stand, turn around, or even move, for long periods of time?


>> No.4578396


Did they differentiate between people drank milk and did other healthy stuff (weight lifting, other exercising, and such) and people who did nothing but drink milk while sitting around letting their arteries clog? Or did they lump everyone together and let the otherwise unhealthy people skew the average?

>> No.4578403



>> No.4578405


Will you retards stop saying cholesterol in food is bad. That isn't how one's cholesterol gets elevated.

I understand it's counter-intuitive, but it's true.


>> No.4578411

yes, because he's fucking human.

you're the worst kind of vegan

>> No.4578412


Even if he's the greatest physicist in human history, that doesn't mean he knows shit about nutrition, psychology, or philosophy.

>> No.4578416
File: 52 KB, 605x550, Even the Brain is Fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's not funny. A lot of health problems come from them being fat and constipated. We're not talking about shit that can be solved with mutivitamins, you have to move your lazy ass and not consume 4 times what you need.

Look at this shit. Do you know how much extra pressure being fifty pounds overweight adds to your body? Now imagine one hundred. Then two hundred. Just look at what's left of the bones in this image!

>> No.4578417

Of course they eliminate all extraneous variables as best as they can. Milk being unhealthy isn't surprising, with all the bovine growth hormones, pus, and blood.

>> No.4578418


That's just saying if you eat some cholesterol, your body will synthesize less because your diet makes up for it. That doesn't mean if you eat more than your body wants, that it won't increase your cholesterol levels

>> No.4578421


>This could be avoided by raising animals or hunting for their own meat.

I'm an accountant. Without guys like me, our economy grinds to a halt and crumbles, the government falls apart, sheer anarchy ensues, and we end up with horses eating each other, dogs driving cars, mass hysteria.

So you'll pardon me when I say I have better shit to do that wander into the middle of assbackwards nowhere to sit in a tree with a bow and arrow to kill a deer for dinner every fucking night.

>> No.4578422

I have yet to meet one vegan who's also a decent person. I've met some decent vegetarians, but vegans are just the worst.

>> No.4578423

Stress, fear, pain, depression, agony, all emotions are a very early development in evolution, which animals with central nervous systems have. Humans can create things by combining knowledge over long periods of time. It's an amazing ability, but that doesn't mean we experience pain or suffering more vividly or significantly than other species.

Why do you think cramming people into boxes is torture? Physically, because muscles need to move. Mentally, because we go into panic and depression since it is taking away all our functions in life. All these things apply to chickens and cows.

And I'm not vegan, try again. I'm simply not so stupid as to think only humans suffer when crammed into crates they can't move in.

>> No.4578426


Did you see OP's pic? OP brought the politics of this shit into this topic from the word go.

>> No.4578427


>I have better shit to do that wander into the middle of assbackwards nowhere to sit in a tree with a bow and arrow to kill a deer for dinner every fucking night.

Then you have better things to eat than meat

>> No.4578433

>I have better shit to do
Food is survival. Survival is life. There is nothing better to do, city boy.

>> No.4578438
File: 12 KB, 200x181, Farnsworth 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this crazy idea. I could bag several animals a week, each of which would feed me for nearly a month. Maybe he could trade his accounting skills for my food.

Of course it might be hard to ensure fair exchange. Perhaps we should install some sort of system where both are traded through an entity that issues some form of metal or even paper exchange value.

By god, I think you folks may have solved a several millennial old conundrum!

>> No.4578443


>They damage property, not people.

The WBC doesn't even do that, you stupid fuck. They have never physically harmed anyone, because they know that if they did everyone within 10 miles would take the excuse to beat them dead.

The concept of private property is one of the pillars of this country. Damaging or destroying other people's property because you don't like them is fucking anarchy.

>> No.4578445


Which brings us back to the original point

>Most people would feel bad if they actually saw all the animals they ate being killed or penned up, so it leads to some weird sort of cognitive dissonance surrounding the whole thing. This could be avoided by raising animals or hunting for their own meat.

>> No.4578447

i'm not saying animals can't feel pain or have a thought process, i'm saying they're not human beings and you have to stop somewhere

>> No.4578451


>> No.4578458


>Gay omnivore here

Wanna tell me how your enjoyment of penis is relevant?

>> No.4578467

They would if they had alternatives. A lot of us were raised around it and do not feel bad eating meat.

And no doubt we will now circle back into the same argument about whether or not eating meat is nature or nurture, and of course whether even if it is only nurture, whether it is justifiable or not.

Me. I'm going to finish my last few sips of bourbon and crash. This week isn't getting any easier and I see this discussion going nowhere. But truth be told, it has been nicer in this thread than most, so if you feel like sharing some meat-free cooking, talking about sustainable eating, or just want to post feedback on the sort of vegetarian entrees you enjoy in restaurants I would sure as hell appreciate that over the daily McDonalds and bagged snack foods that infest the board.

Seriously, how is something you can't survive on and something you don't make or watch get maked food OR cooking?

>> No.4578472

Sorry. Right yeah, too much bourbon. Good night man.

>> No.4578478
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>Caring more about money than stupid fucking animals

You're my kind of guy.

>> No.4578486


Go to /fit/. It's only apparent on /ck/ because there is a strangely large group of vegan faggots on this board.

/fit/ will laugh you off of the board for saying the word "vegan."

>> No.4578492


The meat eaters are mostly minding their own business, then the faggot OP comes along and says that if we stop eating meat we'll achieve world peace, thereby implying all war is caused by us eating meat.

Naturally, we're annoyed. And as soon as we say "fuck off, I'm going to eat what I want," the vegan assclowns start waxing lyrical about animal cruelty while furiously masturbating to thoughts of how much more holy they are than the rest of us.

>> No.4578502


I'm not the one eating vegan foods with palm oil or whatever. Clearly the only way to save the useless monkeys is to eat more meat.

>> No.4578507


Coincidently, /fit/ is also one of the dumbest boards on this website. It's called "Health and Fitness" but nobody knows anything about health and they think health is measured by how much you can lift

>> No.4578516


I have an idea. Maybe, and I'm just spitballing here, I go to the Wal Mart and buy the food, instead of going through ALL of the bullshit required in hunting my own food? This way, a farmer produces my food, Wal Mart makes it available to me from the farmer, and I can continue to render my services to Wal Mart and the farmer free from crippling starvation.

There's a reason humanity moved away from sustenance farming a long time ago. It was a HORRIBLY inefficient use of resources, specialization is far superior.

>> No.4578518

Mass meat production is actually responsible for thousands of species having gone extinct. 200 species in North America alone are threatened by habitat loss due to the meat industry even now. 80% of the deforested Amazon rainforest is used for cattle.

>> No.4578521


Here's another idea: you don't earn what you don't kill. You don't need meat, it's a luxury. You're not entitled to it.

>> No.4578524


>Implying that strength, to an extent, isn't correlated with health.

All other things equal, the stronger person is healthier. PROPERLY (this is crucial, 95% of America is retarded on this front) lifting weights increases heart health and bone density.

Though, naturally, roiding off your tits and doing notihng but biceps curls is quite unhealthy.

>> No.4578529


>Perform a service people are willing to pay for
>Obtain money this way
>Give that money to someone else who has worked to provide me with a good

A legally earned paycheck is basically the same as "Here you go, you've earned THIS MUCH worth of goods and services from other people," you stupid chump.

>> No.4578531

>lifting weights increases heart health
Cardio strengthens your heart. Not strength training. Watch someone who does only powerlifting try to run a 5k. They'll keel over into an asthmatic death.

>> No.4578534
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Yeah, being an accountant is hard work and really necessary to society. Fucking cockroach

>> No.4578536


Strength is not a measure of health. You can take steroids and gain your muscle while eating ice cream and fried chicken, and smoke cigarettes every day.

Endurance shows healthiness. Runners/cyclists are who you look at for health. If they aren't healthy, they can't hope to compete. All a weightlifter has to do is pick something up for a few seconds

>> No.4578560

Strength training != powerlifting

Do you even into anything?

>> No.4578589

This guy speaks the truth.

>> No.4578596
File: 34 KB, 700x486, comic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're a vegan, this is you.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.4578625

Mink is a bad example. Their fur quality suffers if they are unhappy. It just so happens they are perfectly happy sitting in a cage, they'd be tearing each others throats out otherwise.
>my question this
Presumably because as people they aren't much different from the blockheads refusing to listen because the presentation doesn't suit their palettes.

>> No.4578642

>Presumably because as people they aren't much different from the blockheads refusing to listen because the presentation doesn't suit their palettes.
your principal is flawed by asserting they are people
most of what is said by the pondscum proselytizers here is any combination of being completely flawed in conclusion, grossly exaggerated in claims, loaded with faulty sources, and flat-out wrong in premise, and no matter how often that is shown, the fucktards keep posting the same stupidity.

>> No.4578670

If you say so

>> No.4578692

I seriously think all vegans don't hold a full time job and just have way too much time to be crying about this shit.

>> No.4578788
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This may also be you

>> No.4578791

>chocolate covered prunes
Aw fuck yes.

>> No.4578793

Not chocolate, potassium-enriched carob.

>> No.4578820

Go back to your commune and pay carbon credits you hipster scum!

>> No.4578872
File: 199 KB, 720x480, indonesia_amo_2013170[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sumatran palm oil, huh? Sumatra's on fire at the moment, choking and burning the orangutans, sun bears, and tigers.

Why's that? To clear land for oil palm cultivation.

>> No.4578875

So, when called out on making quotes up, the vegfag says, "He might have said it! He might even have believed it! I believe it, anyway, what's wrong with that?"

>> No.4578895

I am in Singapore and we are facing the worst environmental problem in decades. The haze has reached epic proportions here. Cats, birds, dogs etc. are dying here. PSI reached 400 over for the first time. The Indon govt have identified 8 companies responsible for the illegal burning practices they commited. Parts of Malaysia, whole of Singapore, Riau etc are engulfed with thick haze now and I am very angry at these assholes. God only knows how much wildlife and forests were lost

>> No.4578898

Let's thanks Trader Joe's, for their palm oil soaked vegan treats! Ethical! Humane!

>> No.4578907
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>> No.4578924

Get the fuck outta town. The earth is 4 billion years old and there are cycles within cycles within cycles... blah blah blah. We didn't start this and we can't finish it. Carbon credits are bullshit taxes designed by morons that exist to tax others while being capable of doing NOTHING.

Like hillary clinton, that thing exists to yammer and screetch. It's too bad that you live on a shit island, try moving, but don't put your problems on me.

>> No.4578932

You arrogant scumbags, it's pretty funny that you want the help from America to save your shit island but when one of us there and maybe throw gum on the street we'd get caned. You seem capable of dealing with your problems then, you have big ass huge buildings, deal with your own problems for a fucking change.

>> No.4578968
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>In the Andes it uses its sharp spines to snare and trap sheep and other animals, which slowly starve to death.

>The animals then decay at the base of the plant, acting as a fertiliser.

>even plants eat animals

>> No.4578972

>throw gum on the street
why would you do that?

>> No.4578976

superstition about swallowing gum combined with being too lazy to find a bin

>> No.4578977


They're also designed so that people can feel good without actually doing anything.

>> No.4579003

Hey, I have a question. I recently started growing a bunch of plants and I was wondering if you guys had any ideas besides salsa.

I have jalapeños, red and green peppers, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, and yellow onions. We bought some red onions but they didn't grow so well; same with cilantro

>> No.4579068

Shit, what a fucking retard. Nowhere in the livestock industry do they hack off limbs

>You want an extremist political stance that openly and aggressively attack that which they don't believe in? How about people who think it's okay to amputate animals' limbs off because "hey they're just food," then stick them into living conditions so small they can't even move, and deprive them of all light, all to make more money? Or how about the workers at farms who have physically beaten undercover investigators documenting the realities of animal cruelty in farms?
>It's the fucked up food system that we have accepted as a cultural norm, not the people fighting against it, that is extremist.

>> No.4579073

one of the best burgers I've ever had in my life was a tofurkey burger. I don't know what it was, but it was awesome. There was some sort of vegemayo on it that was just to die for

>> No.4579088

If vegan food was more sustainable and tastier than real food, the vegan food would be the real food.

>> No.4579105


B-but chocolate covered cherries are already vegan

>> No.4579126


Use the jalapenos, red/green peppers, tomatoes, and onion to make mexican rice. It's good to eat plain, or you can do what I do and buy/make some tortillas, buy/make some hummus (roasted red pepper hummus works best), smear the hummus on a tortilla, and then fill with the rice and wrap it up. On the side serve some sliced avacado sprinkled with lemon pepper seasoning, and maybe drink some kind of fruit smoothie with it. So damn tasty

>> No.4579132

>physicist thinks his opinion regarding nutrition matters

It's funny how people who are good in one field think they're good in every field.

>> No.4579142

Mmm god damn, I've only got an onion and some canned tomatoes and now I've gotta make some mexican rice. Shit is delicious.

>> No.4579151

>was about to post "falafel all day every day"
>2 people basically already said that
muh niggus

>> No.4579185

I've been thinking about trying to make a meat substitute using yeast extract to give it a meaty flavor (like, lots of it, think vegemite levels), but what I'm caught on is how to get the right texture.

Tofu is always too squishy and seitan is like eating soft trail mix, and while I'm sure you could make a paste out of beans and some kind of grain, that will work for burgers but not really approach a full-on slab of meat.

Any thoughts?

I'm not actually vegetarian, at least not intentionally - I eat meat willingly, but eat mostly vegetarian because meat's more expensive and grabbing some veggies out of the fridge is easier in a pinch.

>> No.4579209


Is it possible to make a mix that's part seitan, part beans?

I don't know what you mean about seitan tasting like soft trail mix. Seitan's made from protein and gets chewy and rubbery when it's cooked

>> No.4579244

Yeah, the chewy and rubbery is what I mean. I was thinking of the kind of trailmix that's all oat clusters and soft fruits and junk, but wet and soggy and warm.

It wasn't a very coherent comparison.

>> No.4579308
File: 35 KB, 614x460, Fu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While it's pretty much impossible to make Tofu yourself, Seitan is child's play. Make a dough, knead thoroughly, wait for 30min, then wash it in water. I'm not shitting you, just wash it. At first it will seem to dissolve, but after you knead it in water for about 1 minute you will notice the lumps getting more squishy. That's when you should pour the whole stuff through a sieve to remove the starch solution. Change water, repeat. Lumps will start to aggregate, repeat the process till the water stays almost clear. The resulting spongy lump is pure gluten. Cook it in water to get Fu, in water with Sugar and Soysauce to get Seitan. Can be frozen. Usually used in stir-fries. But while Tofu has complete protein, this one's amino-acid ratio is slightly off. So not a perfect protein on its own.

>> No.4579324
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I just buy already-refined gluten flour

>> No.4579336

That's disgusting.
Seitan is disgusting.
This is terrible and people should feel terrible for eating it.
And no, it's not disgusting because it's gluten (although, that would be very bad for people who can't eat gluten), it's disgusting because there's zero pleasure principle in it while being mariginally decent food. Also, seitan has a disgusting texture.

>> No.4579378
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Any apex predator that voluntarily goes back to to being a pleb tier grazer is mentally ill. There, I said it

>> No.4579386


>> No.4579388

>zero pleasure principle in it while being mariginally decent food
Well, it was originally created by Buddhist monks :)

>> No.4579395

My point exactly. Why eat foods that punish you/are devoid of any pleasure.

>> No.4579401
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Because you eat to live, you don't live to eat.

>> No.4579410

Bullshit. Pure bullshit.
Eating one of the few things that engage all your senses, taste, touch, smell, sight, and even sound. To deny yourself that singular pleasure is to deny living. It's worse than denying yourself sex. It's no life at all.

>> No.4579412

Can mods please delete this thread?

Vegetarian and vegans don't belong on /ck/, they're not real cooks. Go to /r9k/ or /pol/ if you want to spread your faggot drivel.

>> No.4579413
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>Any apex predator that voluntarily goes back to to being a pleb tier grazer is mentally ill

There's a difference between being an apex predator and not being fucked with by other animals. This is a rhino, he is not fucked with by other animals

YOU, as an individual, aren't even close to apex predator status. The only hope you would ever have to take this rhino down is to use an invention someone else made to kill it from a far away distance. You have no natural gifts. You ain't a lion, tiger, or bear. You're a shitty man relying on tools that men smarter than you have made. Strapping a laser beam onto a bunny rabbit doesn't make the bunny rabbit an apex predator

>> No.4579414
File: 202 KB, 1024x768, zarathustra-motivator5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger.

>> No.4579419

Guess what, sometimes it just kills you.

>> No.4579426

>The only hope you would ever have to take this rhino down is to use an invention someone else made to kill it from a far away distance

When rhinos can build a weapon to hunt us, I guess we'll have to concede defeat.

>> No.4579429
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>he thinks rhinos are predators

>> No.4579432


You misunderstand. Because there was one guy who was smart enough to develop a weapon doesn't make YOU smart. Go into rhino territory with no supplies and try to create a weapon out of the environment if you need to and take the rhino down alone. You're not an apex predator

>> No.4579433
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Then I failed, removing me from the genetic pool, making the world a better place.
Srsly, I would love to make a "Cooking with Nietzsche" thread some time, but I'm afraid it would be an "acquired" taste : )

>> No.4579434
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That's actually the opposite of what I said

>> No.4579437

He didn't say that. And they are pretty lethal and unusually aggressive too. They kill more peoples than Lions do.

>> No.4579441

Then bringing up rhinos at all was completely meaningless, because we're discussing predators.

You just mentioned a completely unrelated topic to make yourself look smart.

>> No.4579443

He didn't say it was a predator. He just says they are strong enough that people don't fuck with it.

Humans are more like hippos than rhinos.

>> No.4579448

Hippos are also strong enough that people don't fuck with them. They're like rhinos except even more dangerous and they actually eat meat.

>> No.4579461


I'm saying other animals don't fuck with rhinos for the same reason they don't fuck with us; because we can defend ourselves. Unfortunately, we can only defend ourselves when we're prepared for it. If you happened to stumble upon a tiger, it's going to kill you easily, because a tiger is an actual apex predator

>> No.4579471

Humans are by definition an apex predator, because there are no other species which regular predate us.

It doesn't matter that it's because we can defend ourselves because we use technology and aren't innately badass. That's not what "apex predator" means.

>> No.4579484


Do you go out and kill things to survive? Then you ain't a predator, champ

>> No.4579490

"Predator" is a species-descriptive term, not an individual one. It describes capability, not actual practice.

>> No.4579496
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And you think you're capable of doing it without tools someone else made for you?

>> No.4579500

With time and practice, yes. It is within my capability.

I don't even necessarily need tools. One of the most basic and ancient hunting methods relies on literally running your prey to death.

>> No.4579502


I'd love to watch you run a rhinocerous to death

>> No.4579505

I get it /v/, you can't run 5 miles without dropping dead, but don't project like that.

>> No.4579511

Now you're just being silly and intentionally misinterpreting things.

>> No.4579525

>implying each rhino develops it's armaments individually?

oh yes I am

>> No.4579557


They're all naturally born that way. You aren't born with a loaded gun in your hand, and your body doesn't produce ammo

>> No.4579559


You really think you would be the one chasing the rhino?

>> No.4579564

humans are born with the natural ability to use tools. your move.

Also, I could create and bait a trap with self-made tools, wood etc. are you saying using wood makes me not a predator?

>> No.4579575


Not all humans can make suitable tools. One guy on the other side of the world might invent a great tool, but that doesn't mean you can. I'm not an amazing technological genius inventor just because I'm using a computer right now; I didn't make this thing

If you could go to Africa and make a wooden rhino trap out of the land's resources that can restrain a panicking rhino, then kill it, you'll be an apex predator. If not, fuck off back to scavenger town with the rest of the hyenas

>> No.4579579
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top lel 8/10

>> No.4579578


Oh yeah, and of course make it in a timely fashion because that's your only source of food. Gotta kill to eat, bro

>> No.4579587
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ofcourse I could, but the local store is easier, and I don't even want rhino.

I'm such a clever apex predator that I am able to pay others to do all the predation for me, like kind of above uber apex predator

good luck hunting your lettuces!

>> No.4579619

you are, however, born with an inclination to use objects to further your goals

>> No.4579772
File: 27 KB, 283x300, gardein_frzn_BflsBrgr-283x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat meat but have been cutting back my consumption a lot lately; I love living too much to risk heart disease and cancer all for a meal. Been trying Gardein's products and they're pretty good. When I put the chicken in a dish with other flavors and vegetables it became impossible to tell it wasn't real chicken.

>> No.4579773
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>I eat the food my mom buys me. I are apex predator.

>> No.4579853

lmao and then you take out your wife's tampon, guzzle it down with some fab soda, and then solve a homegrown egg plant up your asshole right?

>> No.4580234


>Implying the economy could survive without double entry bookkeeping and reliable financial statements
>Implying people or businesses would invest money in any business without knowing about the financial position of the business
>Implying that any of you fucking idiots could do your own taxes

Without accountants, businesses would find it impossible to raise capital and you'd all be left to deal with the IRS yourselves. We are the heroes America deserves.

>> No.4580246


>All other things equal

This is important. This means that, controlling for shit like steroid abuse and such, the stronger person is going to be healthier.

As for your insane proclamation that endurance is a sign of health, I knew the cross country team in college. All of them had stress fractures or IT band injuries or other shit. This is because they were all underfed twigs that would break if I bumped into them. Breaking bones JOGGING is not a sign of good health.

Shit, I played an entire year worth of rugby, never missing a game due to injury (playing through bronchitis, like a fucking idiot), while half of the long distance runners missed competition due to injury.

A powerlifter could easily run a mile. It might take all afternoon, but they'd manage. You skeleton looking joggers couldn't deadlift LMAO2PLAYT, let alone something remotely respectable.

>> No.4580250


Watch someone who runs 5Ks try to deadlift 405 pounds (a very light weight by competitive powerlifting standards, even for amateurs). They won't get nearly as far as the powerlifter running will in the 5K

>> No.4580271


Watch someone who deadlifts the weight of a car try to survive to 60.

>> No.4580276


Humans are a pack animal, you fucking idiot. We naturally work together to be better than any of us are individually.

What you're doing is basically bitching at ants because no one ant built the colony.


If the rhino didn't have 2000 lbs on me, thick skin, and a giant ass horn, I wouldn't need a gun. If I had wheels, I'd be a wagon. What the fuck is your point?

>> No.4580281
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Humans are not solitary animals. One wolf would get it's shit pushed in against a moose, but packs hunt moose all the time.

I am not an apex predator, humanity is. I just happen to be a part of humanity.

>> No.4580288


As he already explained, that is irrelevant. Humanity is an apex predator because we've developed tools to kill everything else on the planet, and subsequently, nothing will actively hunt us.

>> No.4580290

Not wanting to play Russian roulette with your food is a pretty good reason to eat less meat. We've come a long way since The Jungle, but it's still the sketchiest food industry out there.

>> No.4580295

Having a healthy heart>Being able to deadlift.

One keeps you alive longer, the other helps you slightly moving furniture. Not a hard decision.

>> No.4580365
File: 222 KB, 500x375, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almond cheese on pizza is God Tier +10

>> No.4580366

I meant cashew cheese. Clearly my subconscious wants me to go eat some almonds.

>> No.4580519


> half of the long distance runners missed competition due to injury.

So then they didn't have much endurance and aren't a measure of good health, huh? Dumbass. You don't need to be healthy to lift weights, you just need to build/have muscle, which can be done while eating shitty foods. You need to be healthy to be able to run consistently for long periods. The guys in your example couldn't do that, so obviously they're not healthy

>> No.4580529


Yeah, I'm planning on picking up a bag of cashews tomorrow so I can soak them and make cashew cheese on Sunday, then make a pizza with it

>> No.4580554


You stupid fuck, lifting strengthens your heart. Do you have any idea how high your heart rate gets when you're setting a 5RM on the squat?

It also makes your bones denser, your joints stronger (provided you're doing it right), it makes you look less breakable, and generally makes you a better person.


>> No.4580556


>lifting strengthens your heart

Sure didn't strengthen Zyzz's heart

>> No.4580571


That faggot didn't lift. He did roids and coke.

And cardio. Cardio will kill your gains, and it will kill you.

>> No.4580628
File: 447 KB, 397x480, funnystuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Zyzz did cardio

>> No.4581615

Thw WBC have never killed anyone or destroyed anyone else's property, they just protest