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4571938 No.4571938 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, where the HELL can I get poutine in the US? I've known about it for years but I've never had the chance to try it. It looks absolutely fantastic but I'm not gonna drive to Quebec just to try it. I live in Massachusetts.

>> No.4571951

Are you serious you amerifat? This might be too hard for you or something but the only things you need are fries, gravy and cheese. That's too hard, right? Epik culinary skills needed. Sage because too many pleb and white thrash threads on front page

>> No.4571950

Unless you live in Wisconsin or somewhere close to the Canadian border, you can't. You'll have to make it yourself.

>> No.4571952

Do it faggot. Nowhere in Boston will you find a mick who will make a solid poutine like the french. youre stuck making it for yourself. Sorry to break it to ya op.

>> No.4571953

First time posting here, I'd say cook it yourself. Cheese curds can be bought at most stores, if not try a dairy farm/farmers market, and I'd pick up the fries and gravy from KFC.

>> No.4571962

I know I could, but that's not my point. Besides, I don't have a deep fryer so I can't make decent fries.

>> No.4571972

Do all of this except get some frozen fries to bake in the oven, and don't get gravy from KFC. That shit is nasty.

One thing you can't skimp on is cheese curds, otherwise it's just cheese fries. You can get those from any dairy farm or farmer's market.

I use this gravy recipe (with some onion powder added, and with the cornstarch omitted; you don't need it, just boil the gravy until it reduces and thickens up): http://www.ricardocuisine.com/recipes/4854-brown-gravy-sauce-for-poutine-and-hot-chicken

>> No.4571973

is it really that far to canada from massachusetts?

>> No.4571985


You don't need a deep fryer. You can use a pot on the stove. Or if you're lazy then just go buy some fries from a local restaurant.

>> No.4571992

my passport is expired. and yes, to Montreal from here it's a 9 hour round trip... I don't mind driving but 20 gallons of gas is a lot for a plate of fries
thanks anon

>> No.4572022

OP, whereabouts in Mass are you?
Also, I had a fucking amazing poutine in Manchester, New Hampshire at a place called... shit. Chez va chon or something?

>> No.4572039

amherst/northampton area

if I can't find poutine I'll probably settle for a plate of Local Burger's buffalo bleu fries

>> No.4572055

NYC has poutine.Joint is called Mile End. They also have Montreal style bagels and smoked meat.

>> No.4572056

It's called disco fries down here - only difference is it uses cheese instead of cheese curds.

>> No.4572060

I don't think it's worth a 4 or 5 hour drive (plus border crossing) just for poutine.

>> No.4572063

Chez Vachon is ok, didn't blow my mind

>> No.4572067

It was the first time I had poutine made by someone who wasn't me, so I enjoyed it heavily

>> No.4572086

I live in Utah, half the bars here have it. Check a bar some time.

>> No.4572098

>tfw living in Wisconsin and there are fresh cheese curds for sale basically everywhere

>> No.4572111

Portland Maine has some amazing spots for poutine. Including a really great Duck confit, poutine, with the fries cooked in duck fat, and nice squeaky local cheese curds

>> No.4572117


>tfw living in Wisconsin and there's JUST cheese curds everywhere

>> No.4572119

new york which is where it was invented, in literally any diner

>> No.4572120

beer too

>> No.4572157

>JUST cheese curds everywhere
well there are all sorts of other cheese related products too

>> No.4572224

Can this be made mixing cottage cheese and gravy?

>> No.4572227

um, no

you are better off using a mild cheddar

>> No.4572238

I think Quebec begs to differ

>> No.4572239
File: 231 KB, 500x374, nostanza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While cottage cheese does contain enough curd to be called a "cheese curd product", it isn't the same thing. The bits of cheese are too small and there's too much whey left in it.

>> No.4572246

they can beg to differ all they want, fries covered in cheese and gravy have been popular as a late night meal in new york since the 1920s, poutine was not created until the 1950s.
Clearly someone was visiting new york, had some there and then brought it back with them, then just changed the cheese to curds because that is what they eat there.

>> No.4572254


Just let them have it, it's really all Quebec has. It's not like they're trying to claim pizza or chicken and waffles.

>> No.4572255
File: 27 KB, 460x230, PoutineFoieGras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, poutine.
Something that's so much better than it looks. If you don't get a shitty one of course. A few years back (I don't think it still exists) there was poutine at Mc Donalds here. Let's just say it tasted like sadness.

>> No.4572274

so adding curds wasn't the americans idea?

Well you lose mother fucker

>> No.4572278

>putting pepperoni on a pizza instead of ham makes it a totally different food gais!!!!

>> No.4572281

Hey OP,

I live in Canada and am lucky to be able to get poutine almost everywhere in town. However, I sometimes like to make it at home and it can be just as good. Here are my tips:

1. If you really don't want to make it yourself, just buy some real cheese curds (or mozza, monterey jack, or something) and put it on a purchased order of fries and gravy. Don't buy 'squeakers' cheese curds, they suck. Go to a real cheese shop.

2. McCain fries (let's say, straight cut superfries) in the oven or deep fried in a pan or pot of oil can be used. You could also buy an order from a local place that makes damn good fries. Sometimes I just cut up a potato and make oven fries but it isn't quite the same.

3. Make sure to choose a gravy you like if you make it at home. DON'T BE FOOLED by Clubhouse brand 'poutine gravy'. You'd be better off with a simple 'brown gravy'.

Good luck and may the poutine gods smile on you.

>> No.4572279

cubed up queso fresco will give you the same squeek , as it is just slightly pressed curd.

>> No.4572283

Hey! I live in Amherst, where is local burger? I want buffalo blue fries! :( Also, nowhere in western mass really has poutine. =[ That place in NH is pretty okay though. I think >>4572022
talked about it pretty decent though

>> No.4572284

I second that queso fresco is a good alternate

>> No.4572311

I can't get cheese curds where I am, but I'm in queso fresco up to my eyeballs. WILL TRY THIS.

>> No.4572388

Cheers. (And lol @ "nostanza")

>> No.4572394

Cheers. Damn thread expansion not showing all the replies to my post :x

>> No.4572562
File: 10 KB, 345x247, kfcbowl1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it with American fast foods that makes them get something so simple all wrong. How many life did the KFC one claimed?

And we all remember the one time they tried selling a suspect mixture of cheese, potato puree, chicken, corn and sauce because if poutine is popular here, any mess with some gravy will be succesful right?

>> No.4573037

It's right in downtown Northampton, on the corner of Main St. and Pearl St. Buffalo blue fries are like $6 for a HUGE basket. I wish I'd checked the thread earlier, we could have split an order!

>> No.4573053
File: 73 KB, 961x594, poutine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4573061


>tfw delicious gas station cheese curds

>> No.4573094

poutine requires more than fries gravy and cheese.
you are not canadian. please shut up.

>> No.4573098


source cuz Drummondville, Victoriaville, Warwick, and Saint-Jean-sur-Richeleu all beg to differ.

>> No.4573105

clearly a bunch of rednecks from the middle of NOWHERE quebec just went on a fricking massive hike to newyork and brought it back. at the least just google poutine before you open your mouth anymore.


>> No.4573134


Your assumptions aside, the other guy is actually right. Disco fries predate poutine.

>> No.4573212


>the wright brothers didnt fly first. hot air balloons predate them.

are we in grade 1?

>> No.4573215

clearly you havent had proper Quebec poutine

>> No.4573223

I'm French Canadian and I agree with everything in that post except the part where it says poutine tastes like shit. We may be a bunch of faggots and poutine may well be the ultimate symbol of that, but it is delicious.

>> No.4573486


Ewww, pretentious poutine is such shit. I live in montreal and have had my fair share of good poutine and everytime I see it in the US they're trying to do some stupid shit like this. It's fucking fries and gravy, that's like putting aged cavier on delivery pizza, just why? Delivery pizza's good, but it's not supposed to be haute cuisine.

>> No.4573492

>poutine requires more than fries gravy and cheese.
No, not at all. Those three are the basic components. Please, fuck off.

>> No.4573502

Should sticky this thread and change the name to something like
>"Thought /ck/ was one of the nice board? You're still on 4chan faggot"

>> No.4573504


maybe outside of quebec, where the poutine all tastes like shit.

>> No.4573509

But fellow Canadbro, you can't use thin fries in a poutine, you think thick cut!

>> No.4573517

I live in Ontario and there's this little Ma and Pa shop in town where this older Quebecois couple make home made poutines. I would kill a man for that poutine.

>> No.4573535

well we all knew quebecers were idiots with no reading comprehension. go read what i was replying to you separatist cockmuncher

>> No.4573560

yeah how about a poutine with curly fries, country gravy, and kraft singles because hey its all the same right ?

>> No.4573575

>where the HELL can I get poutine in the US

You make it. Pretty much every restaurant in existence sucks ass and you can do way better at home.

inb4 BAWW faggots cry about their shit tier jobs in food service. I'm right, you're wrong.

You can make more at home than what those faggots are ALLOWED to make in their shitty restaurants. So do it.

>> No.4573591

>tfw you wish you owned a french fry press.
I used to work in a kitchen and they cut their own fries and we could break down so many potatoes super quick. If I could I would make home made fries every day.

>> No.4573625

Replace the singles with cheddar and fuck yes, I would be all over that.

>> No.4573681

My boyfriend made poutine with his friends over the weekend with fresh mozzarella I stead of cheese curds and I was seriously underwhelmed. Is the curd vs that really that important? If so, where do I get poutine in CA? I have no clue where the hell to get it.

>> No.4573685

*get curds in CA

>> No.4575967

its just fries with gravy and deep fried cheese curds. The only thing that is remotely difficult is getting cheese curds.

>> No.4575975

why not just buy the french fry press. its 15 bucks tops.

>> No.4575976

>deep fried cheese curds
shut up you fucking retard

>> No.4576007

deep frying the cheese curds is mucho better than just cheese curds. ;)