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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4528360 No.4528360 [Reply] [Original]

Why would anyone eat at a restaurant that is not all you can eat for a fixed price? Usually they are super affordable as well!

If I ever go eat at a regular old fashioned restaurant they always server me tiny amounts of food and then charge me way more than I'd like to spend.

Are we stupid? Why else do we pay too much?

>> No.4528364

You obviously eat for volume rather than taste. If you're not already you'll soon be a sad fat sack of shit. Stay off my airplane.

>> No.4528367

getting chinese takeout actually yields you way more

for $7 you get a full meal which I have rarely ever seen anyone finish in one sitting, they always give you too much.
for $14 at a buffet you only get to eat your fill once and have nothing for later

>> No.4528385

at least you can choose to only eat the crabs and fried chickens instead of getting a huge bucket of rice

>> No.4528387

definitely philidelphia phil

>> No.4528401

Oh man that cheeseburger smells soooooo good

>> No.4528409

I was in Europe last year and in a few cities they had restaurants where you pay by the weight, no matter whether you only put meat and fish on the plate or a bunch of potatoes and rice. I really liked the concept cause it doesn't make you over-eat but you still get a somewhat buffet experience where there's a lot of choice.

>> No.4528417

You must be fat as fuck because whenever I or anyone I know eats at a regular restaurant the portions are plenty.

>> No.4528433

Because the usually serve bydlo shit. Most people could make something cheaper and healthier at home.

>> No.4528440

>not going to a chinese buffet for the best of both worlds

also, ITT people are actually falling for this badly formed ruse.

>> No.4528453

lol no

but yes quality vs quantity, but most of the time, the quality don't justify the crazy hike in prices

>> No.4528457


Let's see:

1) Most buffet food is poor quality, especially given the price. Furthermore, it's often of dubious freshness and is more likely to be a health risk due to sitting around under a heat lamp for hours, while various people cough near it.
2) I have NEVER been unsatisfied by a restaurant portion. In fact, I usually have food left over.
3) I don't want to eat massive quantities of food. If anything, we should be eating less food, not more of it.
4) If I am paying a premium for food by choosing to eat out in the first place (as opposed to cooking at home), then I'd prefer to relax at the table and have the waiter bring me my food rather than having to go serve myself.

>> No.4528468

>1 increase in health risk is negligeable compared with sit down a la carte restaurants
>2 that's because you most likely eat too little to begin with
>3. >should statements
>4 >implying having to get up to serve yourself is "stressful", implying you can't relax when you don't have to prep, cook and clean up

>> No.4528473

>we should be eating less food, not more of it.

no, that statement only applies to fatties. i am not a fatty.

>> No.4528475
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>> No.4528497

This. Some of us lift and can actually eat as much as we want.

>> No.4528503

we're gonna make it brah

and we get to eat as much as the hambeasts while we're doing it

>> No.4528509
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>> No.4528510

The best thing about buffets is you don't have to deal with entitled waiters and their shenanigans.

>> No.4528512
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>> No.4528514


>making 4K a year take home without tips

Only basement dwellers can feel judged by a waiter

>> No.4528520


They feel entitled to a tip for walking 10 feet

>> No.4528529


That's their job, and tips are their pay. They don't get paid otherwise.

inb4 get a better job then - if everyone did that waiters would make 100K and other jobs pay less.

>> No.4528537

>That's their job
That's great. Walking around a room is their job. I have no problem with that. But what makes them so special that they deserve a tip

Let's call it what it is.

It's pity for having such a servile and pathetic position in life. And I have no pity for them sorry.

>> No.4528542


I agree the tip system is silly, but as they say, there's no such thing as a free lunch. If you didn't tip them then their higher wages would simply be factored into the cost of the food.

It's the same with "free shipping" when you buy something. "Free Shipping" doesn't exist. Someone has to pay UPS/FedEx/Post/DHL/etc to deliver the package. They might say it's free, but in reality they simply raised the price and said that shipping was free.

>> No.4528547

It already is. What is a gratuity fee?

It's usually 15%

>> No.4528557


This. When you don't tip, you're basically counting on other people to cover the cost of waiters for you, as the wait staff wage is wholly based on tips aside from 4K yearly. If there were no tips, there would be no waiters.

Since >>4528537 is such a sensitive flower to be offended by waiters' presumption to be paid for their labor, it might be better if he just stayed in the basement and orders delivery. Or do they not deserve to be paid either?

>> No.4528559


Except that only applies to large top tables.

I love your stupidity, implying waiters just walk the food. Without waiters, you have counter staff, who also have to be paid. It's just taken in the cost of food indirectly in that case.

>> No.4528560


>>What is a gratuity fee?

A tip. Most restaurants don't charge a gratuity fee. When they do, you don't tip. Gratuity and tip are the same thing.

>> No.4528564

lol, it looks like someone couldn't get a job as a waiter and is now carrying around dishes as the 21st century version of a house slave

Good for you.

I don't see people running up and tipping firefighters, or nurses.

4k is being paid, you're paid for what you do and what you do is walk back and forth to a fucking kitchen. To be perfectly honest I rather do it myself than talk to you. That's why I prefer buffets.

>> No.4528571

Most restaurants around me do charge it and what get me is that they still expect a tip. For what really?

Someone answer that please. What is soo difficult about their job that they need all this extra money to keep them comfy?

>> No.4528573

*couldn't get a job as a chef

>> No.4528575

>lol, it looks like someone couldn't get a job as a waiter and is now carrying around dishes as the 21st century version of a house slave

Work on that one, it doesn't parse.

You prefer buffets because you're apparently a non-functional anti-social aspie who's convinced himself his failures are actually character. It's obviously not.

>> No.4528579

No I would rather not talk to a failure. And deal with them licking my shoes and sucking up for a few shekles at the end of my meal.

>> No.4528583


>Most restaurants around me do charge it and what get me is that they still expect a tip. For what really?

Bull fucking shit. Are you going in in parties of 8 people constantly?

Former server (and line cook and owner), the gratuity for large parties is there because large tables rarely tip properly - the odds of a honorless cheapskate trying to cheat go up in a large party, as they assume others in the party will make up for it.

>> No.4528588


There's nothing that difficult about their job. It's just a different custom. Instead of paying them a higher salary and adding that to the cost of your food, you pay them directly. Does it make sense? No. But it's silly to think that you wouldn't have to pay for it either way.

>Most restaurants around me do charge it and what get me is that they still expect a tip

I have never heard of this, and I travel all over the place for business. Where on earth do you live that this happens? That's not only rude as hell (I can see why you would be mad about it), but it's also unheard of. Usually the only time there is a gratuity on a bill is if it is a large party, in which case you don't have to tip. Perhaps there may still be a "tip" line on the receipt, but that doesn't mean you are expected to tip in addition to the gratuity.

>> No.4528592


Proof positive that our ESL and Special Ed programs need better funding

>> No.4528594

Sorry, even the Chili's and Outback Steakhouses (considering these average tier and the lowest I'll go to) charge automatic gratuity.

But that's not really the point. I don't think they deserve it either ofc

>> No.4528599


No. They don't. Chili's had a scandal involving putting a suggested amount on in CA, but it was never added. They only add gratuity automatically for large tables.

>considering these average tier and the lowest I'll go to

People that eat at good restaurants understand tipping, so I'm calling bullshit here too.

>> No.4528605

>for $14 at a buffet
who the hell pays that much?

>> No.4528606

There's nothing more to understand about tipping.

A guy walks 10 feet from kitchen to table. Ask you what you want, delivers the order to people who actually make the food. Interrupts you to beg/suck up/grovel constantly when you're trying to have a conversation or enjoy your meal.

Demands money at the end?


>> No.4528617


And that's the job. You're simply refusing to pay people for that job, while enjoying the service.

Don't want waiters because you don't think their job is valuable? Stop going to places with waiters, dumbshit.

>> No.4528619

I would rather tip the chef actually. But you can't, the greedy little scavengers will steal it.

>> No.4528622

>enjoying the service
I think it's clear that I don't enjoy being bothered with these sorts of people. No matter if they put a little suit on the monkey, I still wish it wasn't around my food.

>> No.4528625


Except the fact that if you weren't tipping him then the price of the meal would be higher, and you'd still be paying for it either way?

Personally I prefer the tip system. As silly as it is, it makes it easier to hide the income from the gov't, which means less taxes, which means that the overall cost to me, the diner, is lower. Silly? damn right. But if it saves me a little money I'm all for that.

>> No.4528629


Then don't go to places with waiters. How is that difficult to understand? You're obviously aware waiters expect to be tipped, so saying 'demands money at the end' shouldn't be a shock.

>> No.4528631

Why eat enough good food when you can eat lots of shit food?

>> No.4528633

I already said that's why I prefer buffets. I think that's how this all got started.

>> No.4528630

I see what you're saying. I like the tip system to, so I can choose not to pay them for what I regard as lower-than menial labor.

>> No.4528640


Because enough is better than lots. Lots is unpleasant. Lots causes fat.

>> No.4528670

A friend once told me
>Everything in moderation. Even moderation.
I like pigging out at buffets once in a while. Feels good, but I don't do it all the time.

>> No.4528760

If you really cared about waiters, you would bring up the issue of restaurants not having to give them minimum wage. Keep in mind this is an American only thing, so don't tell me it can't be done.

>> No.4528812

I eat about the same amount at most restaurants as I do at buffets, except the quality is typically higher. Sometimes I get my leftovers to go and actually get more food from a sit and order.

>> No.4528916


b-but how would I get to feel edgy by calling waiters lazy then?

>> No.4528922

troll thread, but w/e

I'll admit that I've been super hungry after a double shift at work before and I've gone to the shitty chinese buffet across the street from work when I was off. I just needed to fill myself up.

>> No.4529037

Fucking greasy mustard tiger.

>> No.4529074


but restaurants *DO* have to give them minimum wage, unless they can prove that they exceed it via tips. The minimum wage laws apply everywhere, waiters are not excluded.

>> No.4529083


No. That never happens. There's no enforcement for it, and servers don't have the resources to sue. Most servers aren't even aware of that.

>> No.4529084

> unless they can prove that they exceed it via tips

and thats what most restaurants do

>> No.4529091

I always waste my money at any sort of decent buffet (for example the buffet at the Rio iirc in vegas) because I don't eat very much. I try to compensate by grabbing just about one of every single dessert to take 1 bite of though, albeit wasteful

>> No.4529122


Then the servers are just being idiots. All they need to do is report the problem to the local authorities. The state takes minimum wage laws VERY seriously and there will be scary-looking officials knocking on the owners door very very quickly. Of course, if the servers are too stupid to do that, well, I can't help them.

So they ARE being paid at least minimum wage.

>> No.4529153

>using 'entitled' to mean 'with an unwarranted sense of entitlement'

I bet you say 'I could care less' when you mean the exact opposite, don't you?

>> No.4530243

>being paid at least minimum wage

due to their hourly pay AND tips combined

so pretty much you have to be trolling to not understand why tips are important

>> No.4530248

here we go.

>> No.4530275

Oh CiCis, why do you always seem like such a good idea until after everything is eaten?

last time i went I had the hardest shits

>> No.4530317

Buffets are fucking nasty
Enjoy your sickness
Those places have more germs than a Mcdonalds kid play area full of indians

>> No.4530327

You have to be completely autistic with nutrition to believe that.
It's not a matter of eating more or less food, but eating less food that's unhealthy and eating more food that's actually unprocessed and fresh, which is generally what happens when you go to a restaurant or even a buffet as long as it isn't some Shit-tier Amy's Blowjob Restaurant.

You're that kid that was always afraid of getting up to do shit because you were afraid people would judge the shit out of you, weren't you?

>> No.4530330

>I have never worked a job in my life and spend my days on the compootur with a sense of reality that rivals an autist

>> No.4530339

>tfw I would accept a blowjob from Amy

>> No.4530347 [DELETED] 

What you just told me is:
>i've never counted calories in my life.

>> No.4530351

What you just told me is:
>i've never counted calories in my life.

>> No.4530361

unrelated to argument
not even offensive
not creating any kind of argument
unable to rustle anyone's johnnies

>> No.4530372

>It's not a matter of eating more or less food, but eating less food that's unhealthy and eating more food that's actually unprocessed and fresh,
>counting calories
>Unrelated to argument
Is this how you faggots argue on this board?

Eating more than one meal in a sitting is eating way too much. A buffet is fucking worthless because no human should really be eating as much as anyone eats at a buffet.

>> No.4530389

Good buffets are expensive as fuck.

>> No.4530502

You were replying to >>4530330 which said nothing about food intake

It was about being a pathetic unemployed fuck that assumes waiting jobs are simple and that wait staff deserve less than minimum wage

>> No.4530542
File: 32 KB, 600x455, Scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because civilised people cook their own food, so when they do go out to eat, they want nice food, not msg riddled prison grade meat and fried carbohydrates.

inb4 "muh gourmet buffet serves good sushi/steaks", it doesn't.

>> No.4530559

My Golden Corral has good-tasting steak in large quantities. Is it soaked in MSG and seasoned with corn syrup solids and sugar? Unfortunately, yes.

>> No.4530567

Good job replying to the wrong post and thinking you're so able to call everyone a faggot.

Counting Calories is babby's first nutrition. You can eat a filling meal that isn't processed garbage and, though you will need to do some level of physical activity, obviously, you don't have to worry about being fat or anything because you're eating an actual meal that didn't need to get coated with enough sodium to preserve a corpse - and that's not even half of what's wrong with processed food either.

Now calm your crumbling jonathans and learn some things about nutrition outside of the counting calories shit you're limited to in basic schooling.

>> No.4530612

If you're worried about the most food you can get on the least money, then cook your own damned food, fatass.

>> No.4530668

As a swede, buffets are a lot cheaper than going to restaurants, usually 14 $ vs 25 $ (for one dish at a medium tier restaurant)
Buffets' food is kind of shit, but it's what I can afford as an undergraduate, and of course I always overeat the deep fried chicken (thank you based american chinese cuisine)

>> No.4530671

amen I guess I am old fashioned but I hate when go to a nice restaurant and i hear "welcome, help yourself to our salad bar"... I"m like Red from 'that 70's show" if i wanted to make my own salad, I'd have done it at home.( and without, I might add, using the same tongs and serving spoons as the previous umpteen total strangers, including the kid with his finger up his nose, who might or might not have washed their hands after sneezing, coughing or taking a shit. no thanks. Can you bring us two small house salads? sure, but it it will be 4 dollars each. um ok. ( wont be back)

>> No.4530715
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Buffets are filled with low-grade flavorless dog food.
I would much rather pay top dollar for the best I can get.
Have you ever been a decent restaurant, my friend?

Oh right, of course you haven't. I wouldn't expect someone who pays to stuff their face with garbage to know what good food is. If the restaurant doesn't have at least one Michelin star, I wouldn't dare think of eating there.

>> No.4530716

Are American waiters really that pathetic to beg for tips?

>> No.4531580

No, but they do sort of expect them and will kiss your ass to make sure you know that.

>> No.4531585


Yes. Only in America do they beg for tips. They literally get down on their knees and beg for them.

No waiters beg for tips, they expect them.