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4499412 No.4499412 [Reply] [Original]

I have a four day old ball of bread in my fridge that i want to make into a pizza right now

problem is that it is still cold and will be difficult to stretch

right now its laying in the sunlight warming up so i can stretch it out. any tried and tru methods for getting it warm so i can stretch it out right now?

>> No.4499413

>ball of bread
ball of dough*

>> No.4499416

It won't be that much trouble to stretch. Sack up and get to work.

>> No.4499418

I've also had this problem before.

It'll still take some time, but putting the dough in a plastic bag and submerging it in hot water for a while works pretty well. Depends on temperatures, but could take only 20 minutes if done correctly.

>> No.4499438


Microwave for 30 seconds. Seriously. If you are making pizza out of it, the yeast will hardly have much of an impact on the rise anyway. Most of the rise for pizza comes from high heat and steam generation.

>> No.4499471


also 30 seconds in microwave is not enough time to generate heat that will change any of the protein structure of the gluten. You have to hit about 140 for geletanization of the starches.

I do this all the time.

>> No.4499645
File: 1.20 MB, 2608x1952, HPIM0164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bell pepper/pickled jalapeno/onion/pepperoni

i put the paper to soak up the moisture that i always get at the bottom of my pizzas

>> No.4499661

this pizza lokks pretty good :)

>> No.4499714
File: 1011 KB, 2500x725, pizza9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of flour did you use, OP?

Just let it rest for an hour or so more.

Having a cold dough will just fuck shit up. You won't be able to stretch it properly as it will shrink down.

Don't forget to oil the ball as the surface will dry up and it will get problematic once you start pulling the dough out.

Speeding things up usually end up bad.

>> No.4499728

Didn't read beyond op, but I sometimes turn all of my (stove) burners on high for a minute or three and set the dough between them. Works great for yeast too.

You can let the dough sit next to the burners for about 10-20 minutes while you prep your pizza. Try to work the dough and if it's too tough let it rest again. Took me awhile to get patient with dough.

>> No.4499735

I should mention that the burners are off after the 3 minutes or whatever. It just makes a warm area for the dough to start to proof. Likely works best for those with glass top or coil ranges as well...

>> No.4499813
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>'dem burnt pepperoni edges

c...can ... can i just have a pepperoni, please?

>> No.4499930

What ingredients do you use for your pizza dough and sauce op? Currently just use natural yoghurt/flour/olive oil for the base which I think is nice, I've only ever got the sauce right once though, and that was when I said fuck it and just blended a load of shit together

>> No.4500130

>Just let it rest for an hour or so more.
I ended up not microwaving it
I flattened it like a buscuit for a lil more surface area warming, came down 15 min later and pancaked it for more surface area warming, came down 15min later and it was warm enough to stretch out.
Ill microwave it next time

3cup trader joes all purpose flour
1cup warm water with 3teaspoon of yeast from a bag in the freezer
1tablespoon of salt and 1tbsp sugar
guesstimated 1/4cup of oliveoil
bread machine on 7
-ive noticed the machine isnt kneading it all the way cuase part of the dough looks like this... makes it hard to stretch without tearing

my pizza suace. i love making pizza suace ummm
1.5 white onion roughly diced,
1 bell pepper
a bunch of jalapenos
a crapload of minced garlic from a jar
salt and an assload load of pepper, maybe 2 spoonfuls (i should start using the fresh stuff)
then i turn on high heat and stir that shit in a pot
then i bring down to simmer till it is reaal thick
4oz can tomato suace
32oz can ground tomato
unfinely chop a bunch of roma tomatoes, a lot of them
3 cucumbers and chopped carrots as filler
bout 2 spoonful each of italian seasoning/oregano/basil & 4bayleaf
some lemon
...and more pepper

you all would probably think it taste like shit but for some reason i really like the dark taste of peppery suace, it goes really good with the pickled jalapeno & pepperoni flavour of this pizza. it goes good with the crumbly unkneaded crust and it goes fucking awesome with the meatballs in meatball sandwiches... like generic-combo/supreme-pizza style sandwhich, pepperoni/redonion/greenbellpepper/olives
I want to make a deepdish with it

>> No.4500138

i want to make really thick crust but i cant do cardio anymore so im trying to lay off the carbs soo much since all i eat is pizza, sandwiches and burritos

>> No.4501059

i just ate some food
it wasnt pizza
i feel ill

>> No.4501081

theres some enchiladas sitting at the table

as well as some beans and rice i could heat up for comfort

but then... im drunk... i want pizza

>> No.4503216

Yeah, microwave.

You can also speed-prove dough using a microwave for when you want a pizza and you've left the prep a bit late. I was sceptical when I read about it but it can work really well.

I have access to two microwaves and oddly it works better in the smaller of the two (less chance of a hot spot).

>> No.4506003

That is one sad looking pizza.

>> No.4506017

Four days? It's probably going to be shit. Your yeast will be worn out and the dough will be overfermented. Taste bad, won't rise or brown well. Probably.