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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4497071 No.4497071 [Reply] [Original]

so at school today, this asshole who everyone hates, is in the saucier station with 2 others. he made a cream of tomato soup with pork in it, sold it as vegetarian.... no one knew except him. a muslim girl bought some, came back to the cashier with chewed pork in her hand, crying, and why there was meat in her soup. no one told her it was pork, we ALL lied and said it was beef. his incompetence just sent a muslim to hell. how does this make you feel?

any other stories of people fucking up like that?

>> No.4497075

Why did you lie to cover for this asshole if everyone hates him?

>> No.4497076

he's a douche and should be fired for tampering with food

best i can do, can't ding him for damning a muslim

>> No.4497081

The type of meat wouldn't have made a difference, because the beef would still need to be Halal to appease the Muslim girl.

Eating non-Halal beef is just as bad as eating ordinary pork.

>> No.4497087

didn't tell the truth for her sake. shes a devoted muslim and a very nice girl.if you touch pork you will go to hell. we couldn't tell her she ate some

>> No.4497090

Well, I can't accept that. I need the whole package.

>> No.4497093

I smell a troll.

Why would there be chunks of meat in a "cream of" soup?

>> No.4497095
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>how does this make you feel?

made me smile

>> No.4497096

I told plenty of jews and muslims my old work's hot dogs were all beef. It's food, not rape or murder. I'm sure they'll be fine.

>> No.4497099

he used a meat sauce as a base and creamed it.

>> No.4497100

im gonna have to call my freind then

hes and expert on damning muslims

>> No.4497102

He should be fired immediately. You don't fuck around in food service. A lo t of people do, and they shouldn't, ideally food service should be pristine.

>> No.4497107

>thinking there are strict religious beliefs behind not eating pork for muslims


>> No.4497108

its culinary school guys. hes not an employee

>> No.4497110

how can you all lie and say it was beef if no one knew? even if it was beef, it's still supposed to be vegetarian. you shouldn't fuck with food like that. just asking to get someone sick or worse. also, unknowingly eating pork, or eating it when nothing else is available won't condemn a muslim. you just upset some girl because your coworker can't be bothered telling the truth.

>> No.4497111

>came back to the cashier

>> No.4497112

>sold it as vegetarian
>a muslim girl bought some
doesn't matter if you're in school or not. you should learn you can't put meat in something and sell it as vegetarian.

>> No.4497114

we have a cafeteria section, a restaurant and a deli. we sell food to help fund the program.

>> No.4497117

i know that. hes a fucking retard. but if it was pork the girl would have been devastated, she was already crying, but beef is better than pork.

>> No.4497119

which means he is an employee

fired = kicked from the program = failed because he may have committed a felony

>> No.4497139

yeah, that was a decent reason to lie. even if it was pork, they're supposed to be forgiven if it was mistaken. your classmate is doing something really wrong though.

>> No.4497144

is this america?

>> No.4497146

I don't really care, Islam is a tool of the devil.

>> No.4497149

I very much dislike the fact that he pawed off something as vegetarian when it was not. Misleading and is disrespectful to both the food and your customers.

>> No.4497160


That's not how Islam handles this. If you eat pork unknowingly or are forced to eat it, there are no repercussions.

>> No.4497213

The cook who called a meat-base soup vegetarian shouldn't be a cook. I'm not sure which would be worse - if he did it knowing it was wrong, he's a massive asshole, and if he didn't know it was wrong, he's a massive retard. Either way, neither of those traits will go away.

Sounds like a supervision failure too though, if nobody noticed what someone like that was doing. I mean you don't want to get in everybody's face, but this guy obviously didn't warrant any leeway.

>> No.4497237
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I will pay top-dollar for a soup made with the tears of a muslim and the flesh of a swine.

>> No.4497302

Like how Christianity handles working on Sundays? I like how people doesnt understand that Islam is as subjective as Christianity, depending on country, Shunni/Shia etc.

>> No.4497309


Fuck that filthy Muslim vermin. If she can't handle First World cuisine, she can go back to whatever Third World trashcan shat her out.

>> No.4497313

>Creamy tomato vegetarian soup with porkmeat
>First World Cuisine

>> No.4497319

anything is better than eating sand and chickpeas

>> No.4497327
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How about this?

>> No.4497337

Fine if you like your food prepared by a cook who wipes his ass with his hand

>> No.4497347

Yeah and we still use customs from hundreds of years ago. The argument can be made that in the more spartan parts of the Middle-East people still use this way, but those people dont fucking cook for you.

>> No.4497350

looks like 5 bucks of veggies and bread sliced up and plated nice with some dip

>> No.4497363

>What are starters

>> No.4497367

>>Uses postmodern deconstruction on food

>> No.4497405

That man rules. Fuck the towelheads

>> No.4497407

>how does this make you feel?

i giggled

>> No.4497412

>but there's meat in it
Yeah, no, that idiot should have been kicked from the program.

>> No.4497414

did she blow up the kitchen afterwards?

>> No.4497418

>Waaah I'm going to hell because I didn't follow some arbitrary rules I was stupid enough to believe in the first place

That said, that guy's a fucking douche.

>> No.4497425


>> No.4497429

>sent a mudslime to hell
>Implying thats a bad thing
>implying hell is real

>> No.4497437


Your picture enrages me more than your story.


Maybe next time he can secretly fry some food in peanut oil and distribute it to random members of the public. Oh the lulz that would be had!

>> No.4497476
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Why would they allow a terrorist into the school?

>> No.4497482

ITT: Bleeding heart liberals and /pol/

Both of you are retarded and should leave

>> No.4497526


Purée some pork, gluten, shellfish, peanuts, tomatoes, alcohol, and a high-lactose cream. "Special today: Hypoallergenic vegan house dressing!"

>> No.4497533

Agree on both points.

>> No.4497536

It doesn't count if it was under false pretenses
source: muslim friend

>> No.4497547

Seconded, accidentally fed muslimfriend some pork when baked.

>> No.4497579

obvious troll is obvious. Rule is wipe with left cook/eat with right, thats why it used to be criminals would have the right hand chopped off. Also religion does not stop you washing your hands, it fucking reinforces it. retard

>> No.4497585


>fucking around in food service
>grounds for firing

You've never been anywhere near a restaurant kitchen have you?

>> No.4497592

Dietary restrictions based on religion is for savages.

>> No.4497596

Well duh.

>> No.4497599

>mfw your diet is restricted by social norms

>> No.4497645

Our vegetarian soup at work is made with chicken stock. It used to be veggie stock, but everyone complained it was too bland. They thanked us when we changed it asking us what the secret was. We told them mushrooms in the stock. We don't have the heart to tell them.

>> No.4497652

>being tied down by religion
>cream of tomatoe soup
>implying tomatoes have cream in them
>lying when you didn't know yourself
>you didn't know
>but you lied about it
>you didn't know
Ur a returd Awhp.
It's just pork, knowing our food industry, she's eaten tainted stuff before, go bitch to those people too.

>> No.4497667

Hello Gordon Ramsay.

>> No.4497675

You actually have no idea what that anon eats.

If they're anything like me, they've been all over youtube and experimented with a very wide array of cuisines from around the world, as closely as we can replicate them. Which is often times pretty damn close, depending on the ingredients you can get your hands on.

So you really don't know what anyone stranger's diet is like.

>> No.4497701
File: 29 KB, 273x200, Oy+vey+_0d083a245d9cb67b8061369db71f5a04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know no arabs or muslims and I've pratically never seen one (except in egypt) but jews are far more repugnant.

Crazy muslims are, percentually, as common as crazy (read: fundamentalist) jews. Both are shit.

With one difference: normal, everyday muslims are not lying pieces of shit defending their bloodthirsty sham country.

the ammount of jewery in this thread is repugnant. Pic related

>> No.4497750

All the muslims I know are in the weed"business", and though some of them say they're deeply religious (some talk about 3 things, weed,Islam and Illuminati+Jews), they also fuck over anyone (even fellow muslims) for a few euros. On the contrary when I visit my mom, the older muslim dude sees I'm home, and when im outside he comes out, bums a cigarette and then we hang for a while, not really conversing, just hanging.

>> No.4497758

Neither do you. What i believe anon was implying was that you cant for example eat human, panda, menstruationblood and other less putrid things we consider taboo depending on where you live.

>> No.4497764

>You don't fuck around in food service.

This is so wrong. Rule #1 is we fuck around. The entire industry is built on the backs of fringe society. We spend all day fucking around. We work our asses off, but we fuck around while doing it.

You want butter? If we're about to close, or the last shift fucked up and didn't prep enough, you're getting your shit tossed in margarine, or butter cut with it hard (Brilliance/Grill-on.) You asked for no seasoning, and we seasoned it? "Drop it in the fryer for a sec, it'll fall off." Nuking things is commonplace, even with the most experienced grillmen I've worked with. If there's a corner to cut, we'll find it. And we're fucking rewarded for doing so. You create the illusion of near-perfection and management loves it. Our chef knows the shit we're doing and selling, but as long as he doesn't see it, he doesn't think twice about it.

If shit smells good, we're selling it. If it smells bad, we'll rinse it. If whoever is working that station deems it smells "good enough," we're selling it.

If anything drops on the floor, a quick look-around happens, I don't need to tell you what goes on from there.

The people making your food are ex-cons, homeless, and/or druggies for the most part. The rest of us just like it back there.

>> No.4497784

Technically, if the muslim was tricked into consuming pork (that is to say, if the muslim has taken reasonable precautions and has no reason to believe that they will be served pork) they get a Get Out of Jahannam Free card.

The punishment then goes to the one who tricked the muslim into eating pork. But he's now muslim anyway, so he wouldn't give a shit.

Everybody's happy.

>> No.4497789

I ate cake and icecream for breakfast.
that normal enough for ya?

>> No.4497792

>With one difference: normal, everyday muslims are not lying pieces of shit defending their bloodthirsty sham country.


>> No.4497804

I work with a catering company. We often serve kosher food but its not truly kosher.

>Be last Saturday
>Working a batmitzah party
>"kosher" bologna on same cutting board as non kosher salami
>"yes the kosher food is right over here"

>> No.4497806

Oops. Not muslim, not now muslim.

>> No.4497816

>Neither do you

Right. And I wasn't the one claiming to know that his diet is restricted by social norms. You, however, were.

Don't know how you missed this part.

>> No.4497834

Do you mean you lie about the food being kosher, or that it is no longer kosher due to contact with non-kosher foods?

>> No.4497977

It's no longer kosher because its touched by chefs and staff who also touch the non kosher food without washing their hands / waiting.

The only way to have a full kosher dinner service is if shellfish and dairy are omitted from the menu

>> No.4497990


>his incompetence just sent a muslim to hell

The fuck? If it's not true for you, why would it be true for her? The muslim religion doesn't just become true when you believe in it

>> No.4497996

All fun and games until someone dies from a food allergy.

>> No.4498069

>ideally food service should be pristine.
Right there with ya, man. Unfortunately, we seem to be in the minority. I get called a germophobe for washing my hands before I prepare food ;x

>> No.4498125

I've posted this before,

My mum works at a meat packing/smoke house. When someone calls and asks for "halal" she takes a packet of meat, says god bless you or allahu ackbar or some shit, whacks on a halal sticker, and out the door it goes

fuck halal/kosher

but labelling the soup vegetarian was the wrong thing to do, he should get the boot

>> No.4498139


It isn't about if there actually is a hell or not, it is the fact that it is illegal to misrepresent ingredients in food and that violated her rights to eat what she wants.

The religious part just makes it extra reprehensible because it could make her believe she was eternally damned for the rest of her life because she was lied to.

Most people would want to spare someone that worry thus the lie. She may or may not go to hell but still illegal as fuck to lie about what is in it.

>> No.4498141

You're a disgusting redneck and so is your mother. I hope you enjoy life in Nebraska.

>> No.4498186

He's lucky it was just religious shit. Voluntary dietary restrictions are a thing, but if a food allergy was involved, he could be charged with assault.
This is not a thing to fuck around with.

>> No.4498201
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it wasnt just religious, it was labelled vegetarian but made with pork

Sydney actually, not a retarded christian redneck. a gif just for you

>> No.4498204

>If anything drops on the floor, a quick look-around happens, I don't need to tell you what goes on from there.

Ah, the five-second rule!

>> No.4498218


“And there is no sin on you concerning that in which you made a mistake, except in regard to what your hearts deliberately intend. And Allaah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful”

[Quran 33:5]

Doesn't matter, she's safe.

>> No.4498220

What constitutes "forced to eat"?

If you are in jail and the only food they serve is pork? One could argue that it would be better to starve to death in the name of Allah before eating pork.

If you are stuck in an island where the only wildlife is porcine in nature and for some inexplicable reason, every plant has little to no nutritional value and is possibly poisonous? One could argue that it would be better to starve to death in the name of Allah before eating pork.

If some crazy maniac has a fistful of pork and is trying to shove it in your mouth? Might be better to choke to death before swallowing it.

It almost seems like there is no excuse to eat pork. Many people who are heavily devoted to their faith are willing to die for it.

>> No.4498225

>Telegu Indians are the exact same thing as other Indians
>they're also the same as non-Indians

>> No.4498233

Wow. I think it would actually be interesting to work this kind of job.

>What do you do for a living?
>Pray to meat before labeling them

>> No.4498824

Boo hoo "muh rights", implying she didnt eat what she wanted.

>> No.4498830

In jail, or prison they try to "accomidate" for people with religious bullshit going. that is how it was in the one I worked. Also there some period of time for the muslims that they couldnt during sunrise or dumbass shit, and we had to wake their faggot asses up so they could eat ealier than the others.

>> No.4498850
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I'm torn. On the one hand, I don't really care about silly dogmas, but on the other, lying about food is grade A douchebaggery. Besides, people are allowed to have silly food wonks as long as they don't impose it on others.

To use a non-religious example, I wouldn't feed an arachnophobe deep-fried spiders and tell him it's midget crabs (even if he'd have to be an idiot to fall for that).

>> No.4498910

>meat plant

Are you sure you're not in some shithouse place like Wollongong? Come on bruh, let's be honest.

>> No.4499709

I'm surprised that religious accommodations exist in prison. Most religions teach people not to be criminal pieces of shit. If they can't even follow their own rules, why should the prisons bend theirs?

There was this case going on in Canada where a Sikh prisoner tried to fight for his right to carry a kirpan (a sword/knife that Sikhs are "supposed to" carry on them). Yeah right, let someone carry a knife in prison because of their religion. Ultimately it fell through because they were worried that everyone would start converting into Sikhs.

One really good point that was made was that prison already takes away your rights. It already takes away your mobility rights, so taking away religious rights doesn't seem all that cruel.

>> No.4499741

Shit. If just touching pork sends Muslims to hell, excuse me while I prepare my bacon launcher

>> No.4499847

I come from a Muslim country and I love bacon. I wasn't a Muslim when I ate it but some of my friends who are still Muslims also ate bacon and loved it. I don't know what the fuck is the big deal, really. People sin every day, why skip on good meat?

>> No.4499897

They should put a tiny piece of ham in bullets used in the Middle East.

>> No.4499915
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> just sent a muslim to hell. how does this make you feel?
Happy. As. FUCK:

He should fucking keep the job and do that to more sand niggers.

>> No.4500266

It's not that surprising, given that religion is probably the only thing a lot of those people have in prison. It's an escape for a lot of them.

>> No.4500298
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>his incompetence just sent a muslim to hell. how does this make you feel?


>> No.4500325


She didn't because it was falsely labeled which is illegal.

>> No.4500343

There's no such thing as hell.
The idea of winding any religious person up with the fear of their own fictional damnation is pretty hilarious though.

>> No.4500349

>Just sent a Muslim to hell

Doesn't work like that OP. Allah is smarter than your coworker and worked a clause for just such occasions into his Quran.

>> No.4500422

>hurr amuhrikkunts numbar 1 durr

Fuck off.

>> No.4500423
File: 2.26 MB, 199x169, tyson.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chef here. I sneak SOME meat juice or fat into every dish because fuck vegetarians. The best was when we convinced a bunch of Habibs that they were eating beef ribs when they were sucking down sweet baby backs. It was AYCE and they fucking went for it! But how could you not know the difference? We all had a nice laugh.

>> No.4500427

>There's no such thing as hell

Thank you for sharing your opinion, I'm sure billions of people around the world, of multiple faiths, will now readily drop their beliefs.

You're a clever guy. Again, thanks.

>> No.4500438

>doesn't know that allah is satan and will take every soul he can get his grubby hands on

>> No.4500462

>All these /pol/ kiddies
Jesus. I'm not a fan of shitty religions either, but she's did nothing but ask for a vegetarian meal and gets shit. What if she had been allergic or something? The least you sociopaths could do is live and let live.

>> No.4500472

>implying deathly allergies to common items aren't also great

I'm not changing for you freak. You're supposed to be dead.

>> No.4500478


All fucking true.

Some bitch pulled up as the manager was locking doors? Welp the three hour old fries are getting an oil bath while the burger patty spends 10 minutes on a barely hot to the touch grill

>> No.4500767

There's a brand of gun oil that is made from pig fat. It sells very well in the south, I heard.