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4483936 No.4483936 [Reply] [Original]

What's every ones opinion on paleo eating? Anyone here actually do it?

>> No.4483945

Your body can't tell the difference between eating processed carbohydrates and whole grains aside from a bit of fiber. Hit your macros and lift weights if you don't want to be fat.

>> No.4483957 [DELETED] 

Nobody is.

>> No.4483959 [DELETED] 


Dude. Chemistry is ... like ... the casino.

>> No.4483966

I try to avoid refined grains as much as possible, and I eat a lot of unusual meat that hasn't been cage-raised or loaded with chems.

Liver function says otherwise. Simpler carbs cause spiking blood sugar, insulin resistance, organ damage, suppression of several chemicals your body normally circulates to protect itself. Hell, wheat can even trigger a damaging immune response in people who are not celiacs.

>> No.4483969

Moronic meatheads imo.

>> No.4483978

Wrong, carbohydrates are carbohydrates are carbohydrates. If your macros are met at the end of the day, your body can't tell the difference between 100g of white bread and 100g of whole grain bread. You're either a faggot or uneducated if you dispute this.

>> No.4483984

better than being vegan but still kinda stupid

>> No.4483986

Celiac disease is a reality, what are you talking about?

>> No.4483991


I've known a dozen vegans, all were awesome, non-ranting people. I've known 5 paleos, and all 5 were constantly preaching about how wheat is a poison and other bullshit.

Paleo is a fad diet, veganism is a lifestyle, let's not compare the two.

>> No.4483996

>Paleo is a fad diet, veganism is a lifestyle
cute but wrong
>know a dozen vegans who never preach

at least don't lie.

>> No.4484012

>things are the same because they share the same approximate amount of carbohydrates
Go back to /fit/ meathead.

> If your macros are met at the end of the day, your body can't tell the difference between 100g of white bread and 100g of whole grain bread.


>> No.4484016

>all of my what

Celiac disease does not differentiate between whole grain or refined gluten. What are YOU talking about?

>> No.4484024

>hes talking about macros
>you bring up micros

hahaha whos the idiot again?

>> No.4484034

"If your macros are met at the end of the day, your body can't tell the difference between 100g of white bread and 100g of whole grain bread."
Apparently greentext escapes you. This is a direct quote. The man is retarded.

>> No.4484051


and apparently basic nutrition escapes you
learn the difference between macro nutrients and micro nutrients and then come back

this is literally stuff you learn the first day if you were to take a class

>> No.4484087

Jesus Christ, you are either completely illiterate or trying to cover your own mistake. READ WHAT HE LITERALLY TYPED ONE MORE TIME.

>> No.4484096

I understand that in pretty much any other dicussion what he said is completely moronic and has no basis.

however in this discussion it does make sense. if you only think about the value of the carbohydrates that both types of bread give then there is no difference, but most nutritional discussions dont focus only on carbohydrates however this one does

it should be obvious that anyone replying to you has read the post you are referring to and has no issues with it in this context. if you still think its stupid you need to explain more rather than just say "just read it and you will see how stupid it is"

>> No.4484106

Alright fine. His statement allows for one of two things to occur, either whole grain bread has zero micro-nutrients, or micro-nutrients are of zero importance.

I don't know how else to explain it. That post is one of the most ignorant and willfully retarded things I have ever seen.

Let me break it down the best I can, although that is hard because his statement was so horribly stupid.

"If your macros (carbs, protein, fat) are met at the end of the day, your body can't tell the difference between 100g of white bread (refined, bleached, stripped, and partially refortified) and 100g of whole grain bread (unrefined, whole grains, more variety and density of micro-nutrients than white bread).

He either stated that there is no difference in how bleached white flour and whole grain behaves in the body, or that micro-nutrients do not matter.

And now it looks like someone is trying to bury it.

>> No.4484124

>He either stated that there is no difference in how bleached white flour and whole grain behaves in the body, or that micro-nutrients do not matter.
he did none of those things, he said the macronutrients in them are no different and then you started stupidly talking about vitamins and minerals, now you are trying to twist your stupid argument in an attempt to come out on top instead of just accepting you said something incorrect and moving on with your life.

>> No.4484128

It's a fad diet for fatasses who just want to eat meat and fat all day. Saturated fat is indisputably bad for you in large quantities. That alone invalidates paleo as a healthy diet.

INB4 someone says "b-but some people will eat healthy stuff like nuts, good fats, and leaner meats". Yeah some will but most won't.

I've been around /fit/ long enough to see keto fags just gorge themselves on eggs, bacon, cheese, and steaks,

>> No.4484130

No you goddamned cumrag. I'm leaving this shitty argument because I can't believe you honestly think he stated anything other than a direct quote I have used three times. The horrible bit of irony is that if he had saif "If your micros are met by the end of-" THE WHOLE FUCKING STATEMENT WOULD HAVE BEEN CORRECT.

But instead you want to redefine the whole argument, likely because you and he are the same, or because you're both meatheads that are just now starting to feel uncomfortable that you bulk with cheap carbs that may some day kill you.

>> No.4484779

I think that it's human nature that people will abuse something that will work if done correctly. I've personally like keto because I enjoy my fats and proteins a lot more than carbs, no sweet tooth, etc.

Still though, calories in-calories out still applies. Those that forget this are going to find themselves in a world of hurt in a hurry.

In the end, I think it's all about sticking with what works best for you personally.

>> No.4484787

A reasonable poster on 4chan? Now I've seen everything!

Is that bacon? I don't think cavemen had cured meat. True Paleo would be foraging for your food and only getting protein when you were lucky enough to kill something or find some eggs.

>> No.4484797
File: 261 KB, 1011x615, ourfroggyfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Paleo. The food is good and a lot of people who eat Paleo are very healthy and positive people. We follow a real food diet, similar in a lot of ways to Paleo, but we eat more whole grains, beans, dairy, and some complex carbohydrates too. We eat meals from Paleo recipes about three times a week because they taste good. It is a little fad diet-y, but overall it is pretty healthy. I don't have a problem with Paleo at all.

>> No.4484884
File: 536 KB, 1500x1125, 1368630206479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think its broscience but it is a million times healthier than the average American diet so I think it is a social good.

>> No.4484889


Its pretty uncomfortable to gorge yourself on eggs and steak hence it forces landwhales into normal portions.

>> No.4484905

I want whatever that is. It looks amazing.

>> No.4484919

I think paleo and keto are more annoying than other fad diets because their supporters/participants tend to defend them with a very weird religious fervor.

They're all equally retarded though, and the hamplanets that do these diets will just yo-yo back to their original weight even if they lose some, because they never learn to eat properly.

>> No.4484942

A friend of mine swears by it. He bitched me out for celery and carrots. He 'advised' me to eat onions and garlic. I told him to kill a wild grass-fed woolly mammoth.

Not everyone here can eat grass-fed meats, and organic vegetables if they wished to. If you wanted to, I wouldn't tell you no. Grass fed meat is like wild, fresh caught fish. It's just better for you. Actually, freshly hunted venison would be better than grass-fed farm meat I guess.

The paleo diet is broscience, bro-tier, and just a reiteration of Atkins, Keto, and all that. A professor of sorts from Colorado State created it, and it's been disproven at this point by other anthropologists as nonsensical.

If it works for you, more power to you, but remember, there's no magic bullet for weight loss other than modifying your diet, exercising strenuously and getting proper rest. Also, as others have said...the standard American diet is horrific. I would avoid fast food, drinking calories, etc.


I can't be nice about it. 99% of the user base is this. If you aren't, congrats, you're the exception.

>> No.4484950

low carb diets are shit. if you want to go on a diet to loose weight just go on a juice diet for a while and then slowly go back to your regular diet. Just as long as you don't as much as you used to. Eat normal sized portions.

>> No.4484956

>this retarded fad diet is stupid
>you should totally do this other retarded fad diet instead!

How about eating a proper, normal, all-around balanced diet and hitting all your fucking macros and micros, with a reasonable caloric deficit? Why is that so fucking difficult?

>> No.4484964

He said if you want to lose weight go on a juice diet and then eat normal portions. Nothing wrong with that if you want to rapidly lose weight.

>> No.4484967


>with a very weird religious fervor.
This too.

It's just another fucking fad to sell books and endanger someone's health.

>> No.4484968

>if you want to loose weight

Can you not read properly? Of course you should eat a balanced meal every day but some people are fat as fuck and thinks that "removing carbohydrates from their diet solves the problem.

>> No.4485011


>Saturated fat is indisputably bad for you in large quantities.


Can you explain the mechanisms by which saturated fat is harmful to the human body in large quantities?

>> No.4485015


>and it's been disproven at this point by other anthropologists as nonsensical.

[citation needed]

>> No.4485037

Also, people that look good on these shitty diets and continue to look good use anabolics. If you like that thing, it's fine. But...let's not have any fucking fantasies about it. Albeit, Androgel might b kewl.

>> No.4485073

It seems like a reasonable enough diet that should be perfectly healthy done right, though it does attract some glorious fuckwits. I heard someone talking about the paleo diet at the gym a few weeks ago, explaining to his friend how it's the kind of healthy, natural diet that people were eating way back in the Iron Age.

>> No.4485104

>High dietary intake of saturated fat is associated with reduced semen quality among 701 young Danish men from the general population

But seriously, I'm sure you can Google Scholar it for yourself. While not all saturated fats are equal, the atherogenic properties of common saturated fats have been researched extensively.

Go read.

>> No.4485118

If simple carbs spike blood sugar, why doesn't agave nectar, which is entirely monosacharrides?

>> No.4485120

I'm not promoting anything or saying anyone else should do it, but after years of trying to work out the best diet for myself, I now eat paleo during the week, and normal but lower in carb well rounded diet on the weekends. Not because I need to lose weight, but because that's the diet that makes me feel the best. I have felt great since I started doing this a year ago, and a few other things have cleared up too, like my skin, and my hair is amazing. But that's what works for ME, I certainly wouldn't say everyone should do it.

>> No.4485124

or they do crossfit

>> No.4485126


Because it does. Agave nectar is pure fructose, it spikes blood sugar even quicker than table sugar.

>> No.4485130

Holy fuck, someone in /ck/ that discussed their diet without me wanting to shoot them in the face.
Praise Jesus.

>> No.4485163

Reasonable people on mah /ck/? What is the world coming to ? ;)

>> No.4485180

It doesn't, though. I've drinken a cup of tea loaded with it and tested my blood sugars before and after and it was fine. It is recommended for diabetics to use it instead of table sugar, because table sugars contain sucrose. I work with diabetic people on a daily basis. Stop your broscience and misinformation.

>> No.4485199
File: 45 KB, 350x315, 54654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Hell, wheat can even trigger a damaging immune response in people who are not celiacs.

Good, hopefully they'll die off before then can breed and pass on their shitty genes.

If they were actual paleo-humans, a saber toothed tiger would have eaten their defective ass long ago.

>> No.4485205


Right, because paleo-humans always ate wheat, which was only domesticated with the rise of agriculture.

>> No.4485210

>thinks we are in the paleolithic era
>on a computer


>> No.4485221

It's replies like these that make me think there are literally tonnes of autistics on /ck/. Every single joke gets these retarded replies.

>> No.4485228

it has more concentrated fructose in it than high fructose corn syrup. real stevia, the green kind not truvia, is a better bet. Agave “nectar” is not made from the sap of the yucca or agave plant but from the starch of the giant pineapple-like, root bulb. The principal constituent of the agave root is starch, similar to the starch in corn or rice, and a complex carbohydrate called inulin, which is made up of chains of fructose molecules.Technically a highly indigestible fiber, inulin, which does not taste sweet, comprises about half of the carbohydrate content of agave.

The process by which agave glucose and inulin are converted into “nectar” is similar to the process by which corn starch is converted into HFCS. The agave starch is subject to an enzymatic and chemical process that converts the starch into a fructose-rich syrup—anywhere from 70 percent fructose and higher according to the agave nectar chemical profiles posted on agave nectar websites.

>> No.4485229

anyone know of any scientific studies, or reputable resources to find out how healthy eating paleo/keto is compared to your average food pyramid?

I've been using this site a lot recently, they use basic scientific principles I'm familiar with and understand while seeming legit.

>> No.4485230

>Implying cavemen all ate the same thing
>implying they didn't eat what was available to them
As much as I want to dive into the everglades and eat salted gator testicles with cabbage palm, I will pass

>> No.4485248

Keep telling us about the benefits of living in paleolithic times.

>> No.4485256

I wasn't even that guy, it's just the fact that he couldn't even tell the post was a joke. He was not saying we currently live in paleolithic times, he was saying IF.

>> No.4485277

I had never heard about this diet until about a week ago. Since then I have read up on it from several different sources. I have to say, in terms of nutrition, I think it is a lot better than an Atkins type diet and WAY better than a low fat diet.
I think I will try it out for two months, continue my exercise regimen, and see what it does. I have to see my doctor then, he just checked my blood levels last week. He will check them again in two months. Worth a shot for two months, right?

>> No.4485280

Sounds interesting. I'd try it.

>> No.4485293

My doctor is a paleo, he's pretty cool


>> No.4485322

I read that web page too.

I only use organic raw nectar which is just made by heating it up to around 45 degree celcius until the starch breaks down into sugar.

>> No.4485339

Anyone do IF? I've been on it for a few months and I really like the results so far. Though, 2000+ calories is a bit tough to fit into one meal.

>> No.4485344

>he thinks his body stores excess energy as poison


>> No.4485345
File: 674 KB, 1202x900, Whats-the-Paleo-Diet-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't sure what "paleo eating" meant so I looked it up and it seems to me that dairy products
would still kinda fall under the heading of paleo, as humans had domesticated animals and were
consuming milk and cheese before they began farming.

Also, I'd say berries and nuts (especially nuts) would have been consumed by early humans in
much greater quantities then then the typical paleo food group charts show.

>> No.4485359
File: 95 KB, 615x410, primitive corn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The primitive natural forms of wheat, barely, rice, etc. would have been consumed by cave men as a kinda porridge.
Admittedly not often, but they would have eaten it when they could find it.

>> No.4485360
File: 497 KB, 349x240, pottydance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is true, then I basically have eaten the paleo way my whole life, except that I occasionally have sweet fruit.

>mfw I started buying cheap deer meat at local hunting processors
>never gone back to beef, even the burgers are better

>> No.4485361
File: 16 KB, 273x409, reagan-soldier-crying_145180222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get called "reasonable" by a pretty cool Anon on 4chan.
>Proudest day of life

>> No.4485366

Coconut and olive oil are in the paleo diet but sweet fruits and dairy products aren't? That's incredibly stupid.

>> No.4485368

Fallon says that is fine, the kind you get from the "blue agave brand" isn't

>> No.4485369


>> No.4485375

Definitely more tasty than most diets, but scientifically questionable.
Some incarnations my be unhealthy though, for instance if you don't use heat to prepare food and read everything raw.
Humans use fire for a long long time, we are likely evolutionary adapted already.

>> No.4485378

that should have grass feed and/or pastured pork,beef, and chicken on there too (for paleo).

>> No.4485384

I use Groovy Foods brand (Hipster as fuck marketing, but the product is high quality and available in supermarkets)

I think the problem lies with the cheap varieties of things. Same with anything that is labeled as bad, even as a vegan, I'll admit that organic grass fed meat isn't that bad for you. In fact, I think wild caught fish (small fish, non-predatory) is good for you.

>> No.4485390

I doubt we were using coconut or olive oil in the paleolithic era and i am pretty sure sweet fruits existed in that time and humans at that time would have not been retarded and eaten them.
You can make cheese and whatever out of human milk. Although that is probably out of the paleo era.

>> No.4485391

Early man would of gorged on sweet fruits


Imagine you were an early hunter gatherer, and you came across a banana tree. Sweet, delicious, filling. You'd eat until you couldn't!

>> No.4485423

Yeah, reading labels is what it is all about. If you found a brand you trust then go with it. I don't like the stuff so I just use rapadura,real cane local syrup, or honey if I HAVE to sweeten something, which is rare. I am trying to find some stevia that doesn't have the erythritol in it and isn't so processed. They don't carry it locally so I will probably have to order it.

>> No.4485506
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> I doubt we were using coconut or olive oil in the paleolithic era

Agreed on coconut oil, but I'd suggest that olive oil could have been developed and
used by early humans in the late-hunter gatherer / early herding (thus pre-agro) period,
as olives were a primary food source in the Mediterranean and Mid East regions.

> i am pretty sure sweet fruits existed in that time

Yes, I don't understand why they're not included in the diet, as cave men would have eaten anything
they could get their hands on.

Speaking of which; where do grasshoppers, grubs and other insects fall in the paleo food chart?

> You can make cheese and whatever out of human milk.

Human milk wouldn't have been available in any sufficient quantity to make cheese, as cave babies
would have been consuming it all.

But I'd guess that goats would have been the first animal domesticated after the dog and they do
provide plenty of excess milk for cheese to be developed, and humans were herding goats and
sheep long before (and continued long after) they began farming.

Hmm, can one make dog milk cheese?

>> No.4485512


You aren't allowed sweet fruits because that shit is sugar and this is a low carb diet with a dollar store caveman mask tacked on to it.

>> No.4485569

I heard good things about it and decided to try it.

It's worked for me and I don't mind it. I used to eat like, pasta and bread only and that was terrible. I now love steak, bacon, meat, etc. Dropped 35 pounds since September, skin cleared up, I don't wake up a zombie in the morning.

I don't know if it's responsible but I think I'll continue doing it. I had a bit of bread the other day and I felt pretty bad afterwards.

I'm also not 100% though. I eat cheese and other than that I do what I can. Most of the time I'm good about it.

If you think it's a load of shit that's fine with me. I won't yell in your face about how 'wheat is poison' and that kind of shit - my mom started after I did and had similar results and she's now that kind of person. It's annoying to be around anyone that preaches their diet and not just this.

If there's other paleos that tell you that kinda shit I apologize for them, we're not all that bad.

>> No.4485596

The fuck is paleo eating?

Pls respond.

>> No.4485633


Google will tell you!

>> No.4485639

Eating in accordance with how people from the Paleolithic era ate.

I'm not too keen on it myself, since people generally didn't live very long back then.

>> No.4485660

>Human milk wouldn't have been available in any sufficient quantity to make cheese, as cave babies
would have been consuming it all.
What about infanticide? It was pretty common in that time so there must have been lactating bitches with no babies. The men would probably drink that shit.
You can make cheese out of any milk.

>> No.4485680

Can somebody explain to me why beans aren't included, but nuts are?

>> No.4485689

It must be hard to convince an Asian or Hispanic person to convert to the paleo diet.

You just can't separate these people from rice & beans. They're too important to them.

>> No.4485695

Probably because beans are cultivated

>> No.4485696

So that's why coconut oil has become a fad lately.

I've tried cooking with it. The flavor is too incompatible to use for everyday cooking. It would be perfect for certain South Asian and South American dishes, but it just does not work with anything else.

>> No.4485700

Most vegetables are cultivated.

And even then, I'm sure there are certain kinds of beans that grow incidentally in the wild.

>> No.4485770
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> What about infanticide? It was pretty common in that time

It actually wasn't pretty common.

Sure, kids died from this and that but starvation would have been less of a concern
for hunter gatherers / nomadic herders then it was for later farmers, as they could
just walk off / drive their herd to a new area with more food.

>> No.4485778

there is flavorless, refined coconut oil and unrefined or "virgin" coconut oil (it has a coconutty flavor). I use both in different circumstances. I am not Paleo though, I just like the versatility of the oil.

>> No.4485781
File: 274 KB, 640x480, Cavegirl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm sure there are certain kinds of beans that grow incidentally in the wild.

Sure, but not the larger and more productive kind of beans we have to today.

Like pre-agro corn, wheat and such, early natural beans would have been
small and difficult to come by; you have to beat the critters to them before
they get all eaten up.

>> No.4485785

it's a horrendous diet that will fuck up your sex hormones for months if not years. Never seen more people complain of impotence.

>> No.4485795

ITT: metaphysics, pseudoscience and lies.

>> No.4485818

>What are micronutrients
>What are enzymes
>What is the human liver
9/10 I mad

>> No.4485825

Is this hardcore or softcore? Please tell me its hardcore.
Anyway i just assumed it was common because the population density was very low back then. Also because mammals tend to kill their infants if they think they have a low chance of surviving, and i would imagine that there were plenty bad births to warrant it.

>> No.4485976
File: 227 KB, 700x664, cave girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Also because mammals tend to kill their infants if they think they have a low chance of surviving,

That's one of things tat separate us fro animals. Modern humans and Neanderthals cared for
injured / old members of the tribe and I'm pretty sure it was going on before them.

The immobility of a farming society would result in a greater incidence of infanticide, due to
food and cultural issues.

> and i would imagine that there were plenty bad births to warrant it.

I could se a physically handicapped baby being felt in the woods "for the gods" but I wouldn't
expect the percentage to be higher way back when compared to today.

In fact, I'd guess we have _more_ handicapped (both mentally and physically) kids nowadays,
due to the Global Corporate Elite putting whoknowswhat in our food and water to make a buck.

>> No.4485990

I'm pretty sure it more of the infant mortality rate going down. So more of things that would not have survived birth make it. The mothers that would not have survived birthing that thing also make it and birth more mutants.

>> No.4486025

An acquaintance of mine's daughter was born at 26 weeks. There was a big charity drive for him because he had like 100 grand in hospital fees even after insurance. But the baby lived.

>> No.4486039
File: 355 KB, 936x616, 936full-year-one-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm pretty sure it more of the infant mortality rate going down.

Sure, modern medicine and all that but I was talking about rates of physical and metal handicaps
within the overall population.

No reason for cave babies to be born retarded beyond the normal percentage. While today, we are
(i.e. the parents or potential parents) subjected to all kinda nasty shit that comes with civilization
which can fuck up genetics or just plain fuck up the babies health.

>> No.4486073

But what about fiber? It'll be harder to digest the white bread than the whole grain bread.

>> No.4486082

NO BEANS? How can I make my chili?

>> No.4486107

All meat and vegetables.

>> No.4486121

I only agree with you because retardation rates have grown much faster in the past 20 years, than infant mortality has dropped in the past 20 years. previous to that there would be a fairly consistent inverse correlation

>> No.4486191

Such lovely paleolithic makeup.

>> No.4486831

>implying eating enzymes does anything
They get destroyed in the breakdown process. It doesn't hurt or help you in any way.

>> No.4486837

It's a comedy that has Jack Black in it, what the fuck did you expect?