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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4477629 No.4477629 [Reply] [Original]

So I recently became vegan and I've been cooking a lot of curries, but lately my food is all starting to taste more or less the same. The reason why is that I've been using the same curry powder in everything.

Please share your favorite curry powder recipes as well as what types of foods you generally eat with that particular recipe.

>> No.4477638

There is no such thing as "curry powder" in India, where curry originates.

You need to do some research into the various "curry" dishes that India has to offer.

>> No.4477642

>there is no such thing as "curry powder" in India, where curry originates
That's simply not true. Curry powder is just a mixture of various spices. It almost always contains cumin, coriander, and turmeric at the very least, but there are probably some exceptions.

>> No.4477654

In a pan, combine
2 tsp cumin seeds
2 tsp coriander seeds
2 tsp fenugreek seeds
1 tsp yellow mustard seeds
1 tsp black peppercorns
1 tsp cloves
1 tsp chili powder
2 tsp ground turmeric
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground cardamom

fry them on medium heat until they become fragrant and then grind into a powder using either a mortar and pestle or a grinder.

>> No.4477669
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>my food is all starting to taste more or less the same

aww, thyaaa-aaanks for shy-aaaring. Wow what a non-pretentious valuable human being.

Also it's probably the malnutrition setting in, you need some Iron, preferably from a meat source. You know how you love those poor animals? Don't you think they love you back enough to give you even a few little bites? Just enough to stop the malnutrition, and the inevitable incurable mineral deficiencies that veganism entails. Enjoy your weakness, lethargy and eventual permanent brain damage.

If we were on a plane and we crashed, and I died, I wouldn't mind you eating me

Did you hear about the farmer who tried feeding his horse on nothing? Damn thing died before he could see if it worked!

>> No.4477675

Thanks for your concern, but I get plenty of iron, as well as all the other necessary vitamins and nutrients. My neighbor is in his 70's and lives with his mother (not sure what her age is). They were both raised on vegan diets and are both pretty damn healthy for their ages.

You don't see me barging into your threads and criticizing your diet and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't do that to me either.

>> No.4477702
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I'm puzzled as to why you would tell us you're a vegan? Does it give you a warm feeling of self-satisfaction, and high morality, over the fact that you are so much more caring than your barbarous cousins who still have their canines intact.

I really respect the committed vegans that have their canines removed to show that they have truly renounced meat for good.

Barge away, it's a free country. Or at least we can still pretend it is.

What of all the animal habitats destroyed by farming of vegetables? The millions slaughtered during harvesting?

>> No.4477707

You are the stupidest person on /ck/.

>> No.4477709

>I'm puzzled as to why you would tell us you're a vegan?
Are you stupid? Did you even read my post? What good would it do me to learn a curry powder recipe which was designed specifically to compliment a meat dish?

>> No.4477714

Tell that to the millions of people living in India who have their own curry powder recipes that are handed down from generation to generation

>> No.4477733

They're called masalas there and are used in other dishes than curries.

>> No.4477745

you're just arguing semantics now

>> No.4477750
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Wow, so you only read the first sentence?

I'm betting you still have meat teeth, and, like most vegans, enjoy the odd drive through burger when no-one is looking.

But you enjoy the ability to insist that if you're invited over to eat that they cook you something vegan, because you are such a fucking special little cupcake.

What if you invited a carnivore over to eat, would you take account if their dietary preferences?

>> No.4477754

2 tbs coriander seeds
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp fennel seeds
1/2 tsp ground turmeric

>> No.4477777

>like most vegans, enjoy the odd drive through burger when no-one is looking.
It's been quite a few years since the idea of fast food appealed to me. Fast food is disgusting. I almost always eat home cooked meals except on rare occasions in which I'll eat out at a restaurant.

>But you enjoy the ability to insist that if you're invited over to eat that they cook you something vegan, because you are such a fucking special little cupcake.
This has never come up because I cook my own meals. If I'm going over to someone elses place for a dinner party I eat before I leave, and usually again when I arrive back home (in fact, I just did this 2 days ago)

>What if you invited a carnivore over to eat, would you take account if their dietary preferences?
Of course not. There's nothing stopping them from eating whatever they want, but that doesn't mean I have to provide it for them.

>> No.4477780

Nah he's right, there actually are Indian products labeled "curry powder," they just don't resemble typical yellow curry powder you buy in the store and they're not used the same way. Badshah makes one, for instance.

At least I think that was what the other anon was talking about.

>> No.4477787


Then don't get mad if you go over to an omnivore's house and they don't cater to yours. Or to a restaurant. Or anywhere. Ever.

It works both ways.

>> No.4477808

>Then don't get mad if you go over to an omnivore's house and they don't cater to yours. Or to a restaurant. Or anywhere. Ever.
wasn't planning on it and never implied that this is something I would do. Also, the restaurants I do eat at tend to have a large amount of vegetarian/vegan customers anyways so finding acceptable menu items isn't very hard.

>> No.4477809

Oh and to contribute, make dal, which is basically just lentils cooked with spices and shit. Real easy.

Wash some dal (Indian lentils, they're split in half: don't use regular whole lentils), add it to a pressure cooker with water and turmeric, then cook at pressure for 15 minutes or a little less.

Meanwhile, heat oil in a pot, sputter some cumin /mustard seeds (also cinnamon and cloves if you want), saute some ginger and garlic paste, saute some chopped green chile, then add and saute some onion. Finally add chopped tomato and turmeric, and cook it until it cooks almost to a paste.

Add the cooked dal to the paste, adjust the consistency and season with a shitton of salt. If you want it a little fancier, heat oil to almost smoking in a ladle or a small pot/pan, add a dried red chile (I use guajillo because I keep them around), cumin, mustard seed, and ginger/garlic paste. While the oil is still hot, pour it into the dal.

My roommate's a vegan so I'm pretty used to cooking vegan.

>> No.4477821


Good for you then, you are not one of the insufferable ones.

>> No.4477822
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so, you want special treatment from others, but refuse to reciprocate. Others have to do what you want, but you refuse to do what they want.

Diagnoses:Severe Narcissisism and Anthropomorphication

>> No.4477832

>so, you want special treatment from others, but refuse to reciprocate.
Where did I ever say I want special treatment from others? Do you even read?

>> No.4477837

I'm tempted to become one of the "insufferable ones" just to spite people like >>4477822 though

>> No.4477845

This is actually pretty close to what I've been using besides the fennel seeds. I can't wait to try this and see how it tastes.

>> No.4477847

aww, nobody invites you out to eat, because they don't care enough to make special provision for you. Or you can't bear to watch them eating the yummy, delicious smelling animal with a face

>> No.4477850

Why are you vegan

I can semi-understand vegeterianism but veganism is just full retard

>> No.4477854

once again you are showing your remarkable ability to read without absorbing any information. If you would reread >>4477777 you would see that I was just at a dinner party 2 days ago. Anyways, I'm not going to respond to your posts anymore because you're clearly retarded.

>> No.4477857


>> No.4477862

Because I think it's wrong to have cows repeatedly impregnated and torn away from their children just so that the children can be slaughtered for veal or follow in the same footsteps as their mothers.

Why do you care, anyways?

>> No.4477880
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>If I'm going over to someone elses place for a dinner party I eat before I leave

exactly how is it a dinner party if you didn't eat?

You don't eat ANY animal products, because of milk cows?

What about deer? They need culling or they destroy their habitat. Would you just leave them till they exhaust their food supply? and would you just let the meat rot if you decided on a cull?

Are there any non-evangelical vegans?

>> No.4477899

>exactly how is it a dinner party if you didn't eat?
They had salad (like most well balanced meals) Besides, if you weren't a basement dwelling loser, you'd know that dinner parties are more about socializing than the food.

>You don't eat ANY animal products, because of milk cows?
Of course that's not the only thing, but somehow I doubt you want me to give you an in depth explanation behind why I don't eat each specific animal product. If you do, just watch one of the many vidoes which is out there to help ignorant retards like yourself understand why not all of us think it's ethical to eat animal products.

Truth be told. If I knew someone who had pet chickens or a pet cow and I knew that they were not going to be slaughtered for food, I would consume the milk and eggs. So I guess in theory I'm only vegetarian, but in practice I'm vegan. Also, I'm not sure if I consider it unethical to eat honey, but I don't particularly care for honey (or most sugary things) anyways, so it's not really something I waste my time thinking about.

>> No.4477900

>Are there any non-evangelical vegans?
I don't think you even know what the definition of "evangelical" is. It doesn't apply in any way shape or form to anything which has been discussed in this thread.

>> No.4477907
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You know the weird thing? I had a dream the other night about huge bowls of sliced cucumbers and celery. I do love dat crunchy succulent vegetable salad shit too.

What will happen to all the food animals if we all go veggie?

Also, what about the deer?


evangelical (comparative more evangelical, superlative most evangelical)

Pertaining to the gospel(s) of the Christian New Testament
Pertaining to the doctrines or teachings of the Christian gospel or Christianity in general.
Protestant; specifically, designating European churches which were originally Lutheran rather than Calvinist.
Pertaining to a movement in Protestant Christianity that stresses personal conversion and the authority of the Bible (evangelicalism).
Zealously enthusiastic.

>> No.4477915

>What will happen to all the food animals if we all go veggie?
You're asking that like you think it's a real possibility. We all know it isn't.

>Also, what about the deer?
What about them? Nature is self balancing. They can only survive as long as they have enough food. If they eat all their food and multiply too rapidly, their population will be forced to drop to match their supply of food.

>> No.4477917

>hurr... lets go talk shit to vegans and then complain that vegans are always pushing their opinions on us
Way to reinforce that behavior jackass

>> No.4477919

>referencing the china study

>> No.4477926

>You don't eat ANY animal products, because of milk cows?

The part on eggs is about 3 minutes in

>> No.4477933


But, vegans eat all the reindeers food. You are the reason the will be extinct!

>> No.4477938

If an animal cant survive in the wilderness without human assistance, it has no business existing.

>> No.4477941
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so you dodge the question, implying that your position is simple arrested development and mental immaturity.

Did you know that plants murder each other all the time? It's a tree outgrow tree world out there.

>Nature is self balancing.
Are we not part of nature too? Are we not the worlds Apex predator?

Yeah let's talk shit to vegans, the fucking retards. Like conscientious objectors that want everyone else to fight to protect them, but won't do it themselves.

I told some sheep and cows about you... they laughed and said it's your loss because they taste delicious and enjoy walking about all day eating and such, then becoming useful food after a painless death.

They hate the Halal guys though

>> No.4477943

>implying we wouldn't have that much more room for crops if we weren't slaughtering animals for food.

>> No.4477945

>Yeah let's talk shit to vegans, the fucking retards.
You're missing the part where it makes you a hypocrite. Unless of course you're actually fine with vegans pushing their propaganda on you all the time, in which case keep it up and I'll be sure to create at least 3 vegan propaganda threads per day just to annoy people like you.

>> No.4477946
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>> No.4477949

>2. Zealous advocacy of a cause.

Do you?

There are. Just not very many on /ck/.

Sage for troll thread.

>> No.4477950

What does everyone have to prove they're not pretentious dicks to appease your immediate unfounded assumptions about them that you come bitching and crying with?

The guy wanted to know some good curry recipies that fit with his diet. Nothing else. Douche

>> No.4477951

chop up a russet potato into approx. 1" in cubes. Then take half a head of cauliflower and cut out the center/stock. chop the cauliflower pieces smaller (about the size of the potato chunks). Dice 1 large tomato, half an onion, some ginger, and garlic. Slice a serrano pepper in half and remove the seeds. In a seperate dish, combine 1/2 cup water, 2 tbsp coriander, 1/2 tsp ground cumin, 1/2 tsp turmeric, plus the garlic and ginger you diced earlier.
In a pan heat up a couple tablespoons of oil on medium/medium-high. Toss in the serrano pepper halves and 1tsp of whole cumin seeds. Let it cook until the cumin seeds stop bubbling/spattering. Now add the spice/water mixture. Let it cook for a couple minutes. Add the diced tomato, onions, potatoes and cauliflower. Stir them around and try to get everything evenly coated. Turn the heat down to medium (you want the liquid to be boiling, but you dont want it so hot that the potatos stick to the pan) and cover for about 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

>> No.4477952

>Do you?
Okay well based on that definition, I'm not an evangelical vegan. However, there do seem to be quite a lot of evangelical meat eaters around.

>> No.4477961

>there do seem to be quite a lot of evangelical meat eaters around.
more like 1 very butthurt meat eater

>> No.4478533

ITT: Meat eaters show their insecurity by asserting vegans are the pushy ones. What they don't realize is that their diet is ideologically normalized and they only get mad a vegans for being "pushy" because their existence subverts their unfounded expectations.

Also, to whomever the anon is with all the really bad, really illogical examples, you might want to check out this board >>>/pol/

>> No.4478586

OP, mix it up with rajma:

Sautee onion until golden. Add ginger and garlic. Season with salt, coriander, cumin, cinnamon, hot pepper, turmeric. Add kidney beans and chopped tomatoes. Simmer.

Garnish with chopped cilantro. Serve with rice and greens that have been seasoned with ginger and hot pepper.

>> No.4478768

>ideologically normalized

Go back to bed, Foucault.

>> No.4480038

you sir are a fucking retard...you need some iron..implying that spinach and many other veggies dont have loads of iron in them...vegans have to worry mainly about protein and b- vitamins

>> No.4480051

if you want to learn how to make your own curry recipes and get some authentic recipes from india then try reading a book called "50 great curries of india" by camellia panjabi. it teaches you more then recipes it teaches you how to blend different herbs and spices together and how they will taste. it has lots of nice pictures in it also

>> No.4480053

>vegans have to worry mainly about protein
even protein isn't hard to get. Beans and rice is an excellent source of protein. Additionally, there is also peas, corn, broccoli, cauliflower, and artichokes.

>> No.4480076
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>> No.4480084
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Whoever made this comic has terrible grammar but the point stands.

>> No.4480087


What is grammatically incorrect?

>> No.4480095

my family eats meat and we arent fat. my vegetarian friend is so skinny she looks anorexic.

i think of fat fucks as fat fucks. just because i eat meat doesnt mean im fat.

srsly, where do you get your flavor....?

>> No.4480100

Yeah, except that in this case the fat people really do make up a significant percentage of the people on the other side

>> No.4480101

>srsly, where do you get your flavor....?
Same place as most meat eaters. Spices.

>> No.4480115

>where do you get your flavor....?

Same place we get it with meat. We don't eat raw chicken. We cook and season the shit out of it. Marinades and spices for meat are always herbs, spices, and veggies aka vegan food.

>> No.4480120

I wasn't aware that the browned parts of the hamburger count as a spice

Jesus, where can I buy a bottle of this amazing flavor?

>> No.4480138


Who eats a hamburger patty by itself. We add tomatoes, lettuce, bun, and sauce for flavor and texture.

>> No.4480147

Fuck that noise, I want a burger with just this amazing browned burger spice all over it.

No rabbit food, no bun, just burger and brown.

>> No.4480153

>excluding spices from meat dishes
>Not including garlic and onion in your hamburger patty (at the very least)

>> No.4480157

So you don't use meat rubs or marinades?

>> No.4480158

Don't be a pedantic cunt, bro.

And besides, even perfectly spiced, browned meat tastes better than pale.

>> No.4480180

>No rabbit food, no bun, just burger and brown

Sounds like a disgusting burger. This coming from a burger lover.

>> No.4480212

Obviously the burger lovers you more than you love it.

>> No.4480255
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Nice quints.

>> No.4480279
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Amazing Indian food.

>> No.4480280
File: 120 KB, 480x321, 3348274-831460-pork-meat-with-tomato-pepper-prunes-garlic-and-green-onion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did this on the cheap when i was drunk i winged it and it came out quite nice

>about 1/2 teaspoon of cumin powder
>1 teaspoon onion powder
>1 teaspoon garlic powder
>red pepper flakes add to your desired hotness
>1/2 teaspoon paprika
>some oregano
>3 large tomatoes with seeds taken out then diced
>3 well chopped pices of garlic
>diced 1/2 onion
>2 pieces of chopped celery
>1/3 tsp of sugar
>a splash of red whine, i used some cheap sangria so something sweet.
>pinch of coffee to negate the acidity of the tomatoes and wine
>i put seared some pork shoulder cubes, about a 3rd pound with salt and pepper and jack daniels in a separate pot to add later

fry onion and garlic in olive oil on low, then put the spices in once the onions have browned. once they have started coming together nicely add the celery bits then put on medium heat. let the aroma of the celery start to come out then toss in the tomatoes and put on high heat for about 15 minutes then shut off. start searing pork on medium on a different pan (remember to leave the pork out to allow it to come to room temperature so cook time isnt too long, you want a brown outside and a red inside). Once the outside has been seared add about a shot of jack let it flame up once the flame is gone add it to your tomato sauce. cook at low heat and add about a half cup of sangria. Let the sangria reduce and put your coffee and sugar. cook to your desired thickness i like it all to stick to the meat. Garnish with fresh basil. Serve with a baguette and a side of salad and some jack and coke.

I was really drunk when i made this, but it was an overall win on my part everyone who has tried it thinks im a food nut now

not an actual pic of it but really close to what it looked like

>> No.4480286


>> No.4480300

Please research before you bring arguments. Gorillas have canines too, and the overfarming happening around the world at the moment is to feed cattle that we eat. There is a huge gap in use of ressources in giving tons of grain to an animal and then eating it instead of eating grains themselves.
Shit, I'm not even vegan, but everytime i see someone criticizing vegans it is with the same old shitty arguments which just shows that you have nothing other than it being 'normal' to back it up on. The vegans win every discussion by simply having done 15minuttes research where as you pull arguments from out you anus.

>> No.4480317
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im not a person who thinks we shouldnt eat meat. But i do keep and raise my own chickens and rabbits for meat and i can tell you that keeping and killing your own animals instead of going to the grocery store is a great way to reduce your meat consumption. People do eat way too much of the stuff and it shows in thier bodies. Imagine if everytime someone wanted some meat they had to kill something and cut it up themselves, most people would think twice.

pic related when you pay for meat you are paying for this to be done

>> No.4480415

>rabbits for meat


>> No.4480436

Who cares about the actual killing? It's how they are treated before they die that matters.

I could strangle rabbits all day without flinching, but mistreating one I could never do.

>> No.4480441

>could strangle rabbits all day without flinching,

What the fuck.

>> No.4480448

id think most people would put strangling under the mistreatment category

>> No.4480452

Are they that much more intelligent than lets say fish? I could get used to it if it was a part of my job.

>> No.4480458

Why? You kill them quick and without causing the rabbit pain, and then you eat it.

>> No.4480485


We already have a vegan general thread going. Ask there.


>> No.4480589


That thread got autosaged.

>> No.4480628

>You kill them quick and without causing the rabbit pain

Strangulation doesn't fall under the pain category for you? Words fail me.

>> No.4481199
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when the vegan revolution is complete, will lions still be allowed to feed on antelope? and the Killer Whales on Baby Seals?

>> No.4481205

Well they don't really have a choice. We do. That's the whole point.

>> No.4481206


How is lions eating antelope comparable to humans, who can go to a grocery store and buy thousands of foods that don't involve strangling rabbits to death-?

>> No.4481212

Here we go with the first world problems again....
*eye roll*

>> No.4481215


What do you mean?

>> No.4481219
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but if we killed off the killer whales, cute babby sea lions could survive, but OH NOES the sea lion eats a da fish. Where will it end?

oh wait, killer whales could eat fish and save the poor cute seals. We could edumacate them.

Anyway, if you don't have the courage to have animals killed for your delectation, you have lost the will to survive and thrown away your birthright and destiny as apex preteditor. With a survival instinct as low as yours you will probbly perish if the SHTF, and not produce enough offspring to keep your ancestor's bloodline alive. Think about it, all your ancestors lived off meat, when they could get it.

You are a product of carnivery! Your ancestors weep at the thought of you refusing meat.

it's meat eating, which I believe you are against. We should enforce tolerance on others, even if through intolerent means, for mother gaya

>> No.4481226

>Your ancestors weep at the thought of you refusing meat.

I've no doubt they weep at the thought of not treating women as property, having slaves, not having all gays thrown in prison, etc. as well.

Cultural evolution is the virtue of our species, and that includes diet.

>> No.4481229

>oh wait, killer whales could eat fish and save the poor cute seals. We could edumacate them.
How is the death of a seal any different than the death of a fish? In either case, do you not understand the concept that we have a choice and they don't? I don't think it's justified to force animals to suffer for their entire lives just so I can get a little bit of extra dopamine with each meal.

>Your ancestors weep at the thought of you refusing meat.
They were also primitive and too stupid to understand nutrition well enough to survive without meat. Not exactly the type of person a modern human should be looking up to.

>We should enforce tolerance on others
how ironic coming from the person who barged into a thread about vegan cuisine and started talking shit without any provocation. Way to be a hypocrite faggot

>> No.4481234
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You want curry? I'll give you curry.

>> No.4481249
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Maybe they do, but especially they weep for malnourished children, especially when it is avoidable. Like they weep for faith healing parents who refuse medical treatment.

If your not the preditor, that only leaves the prey.

How long do you think you will last in a famine? Will your genes be fit enough to survive, or will the carnivores be the only ones left to bread?

I do try to see your side of the argument. You want us to feel guilty and have to justify our omnivoreous weighs. Yet it is you who is rejecting your own evolution.

>> No.4481252

>How long do you think you will last in a famine?
The point is that we are not in famine. We have an abundance of all kinds of food. Why would you support the torture and slaughter of billions of animals when you could just as easily choose not to?

>> No.4481266

>How long do you think you will last in a famine?

If there is an apocalyptic famine, factory farming will stop since currently they feed a cow 13 lbs of grain to produce 1 lb of beef. Can feed far more people with 13 lbs of grain than 1 lb of breef, bro.

>> No.4481540

But generally you'd go to your spicegrocer, tell them what you're cooking, and they'd make you your curry powder.

Can't really go wrong with cumin and coriander with a bit of tumeric for colour and a bit of cayenne for heat. Don't buy cumin powder, get a mortar and grind it yourself. It only takes a minute or two, and you end up with cumin that tastes of cumin.

Adding a cinnamon stick to dhals works very well.

If you can find them, fenugreek leaves as a garnish will give you a restaurant taste.

>> No.4481542

No, they'll feed cows grass like in every other country on the planet. 1lb of cow will feed more humans than any amount of grass.

>> No.4481590

>1lb of cow will feed more humans than any amount of grass.
Imagine if one could plant grasslands with valuable crops?

>> No.4481596


Welcome to 2013, where intellect is considered the most important trait in the western world.

Keep worrying about how people want to take "ur meat away" while being fat and unsuccessful.

Something tells me will be the one unable to ensure your genes persist for future generations lol

>> No.4481598

Imagine if steaks and donuts fell from the sky.

We have grazing, because most land is impossible to grow crops on.

>> No.4481801

Im not remotely a vegetarian in any way... But please, PLEASE for the love of god dont fucking kid yourselves by saying that raising stock isnt the environmentally most damaging food source.

Not only does it requires vast amount of fuel and energy to produce meat, the kcal fed to the cow is many times greater than what kcal we can use when its slaughtered.
Lastly, raising stock produces more CO2 and methane gas than transportation (Cars, etc) globally. It is THE single most contributing factor the global warming.....

Stop fucking kidding yourselves. I like meat, but i dont act like it isnt detrimental to the environment in numerous ways.

>> No.4481999

>Stop fucking kidding yourselves. I like meat, but i dont act like it isnt detrimental to the environment in numerous ways.
If you know it's bad then how do you justify it?

>> No.4482031

We don't need to justify it. We eat it to survive

>> No.4482046

>we eat it to survive
Except we all know that's bullshit. You could easily survive by eating other foods that don't contribute towards the suffering of billions of animals

>> No.4482072

If you reply to that at all, you've tacitly endorsed his assertion as fact. It's called "framing", it's one of the most basic tactics in underhanded debate, and shame on you for falling for it.

>> No.4482085

I wasn't actually reading the thread, I just quick replied because I saw retarded vegans being retarded vegans.

>> No.4482092

>it's called framing
It was an honest question. He admitted outright that he likes meat but knows it's bad for the environment. I just was curious how he/she can justify eating meat. It's one thing to do it if you believe there's nothing wrong with it, but if you think something is bad and you do it anyways, what does that make you?

>> No.4482096

You can know something is bad without giving a shit. I am aware that eating, watching TV, using the PC, driving to work and using any non-recyclable plastics are also bad for the environment, but I'm still going to do them. Not all of us are slaves to our guilt.

>> No.4482100

I find that food tastes better if I know that animals suffered in order to make it. Animal suffering is part of a healthy diet and has kept me in good shape for years now.

>> No.4482102

>I just quick replied because I saw retarded vegans being retarded vegans.
You realize this thread was started as a way to separate some vegan discussion from the threads which contain meat eaters. You guys are the one who came into this thread and started talking shit. Considering how many of you claim to be offended by "evangelical vegetarians", you guys sure are hypocrites.

>> No.4482107

I applaud you, OP.
Not just for your choice to go vegan but also for your grace in dealing with the swarm of obnoxious meat eaters polluting this thread.

And more on the topic, I love spinach and tofu:

>> No.4482145

Thanks for the recipe. That looks really tasty. I'll be trying it soon. The curry powder itself might get replaced with another recipe, but I'll try it that way with just cumin and coriander first.

This recipe has also inspired me to look into vegetable broth recipes.

>> No.4482223
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My grandpa strangled rabbits, as a kid I had to watch and eat them later. Unsurpisingly, I was an alcoholic vegetarian till I was 30. Now I'm 40 and just alcoholic. With a taste for rabbit. I'm pretty much like the reincarnation of my dead grandpa.

>> No.4482251

>it was an honest question
Yeah, that's how it works:

- post tenuous assertion with no evidence
- post statement that's conditional on assertion and bound to get replies
- everyone chimes in in reply, establishing tenuous assertion as a premise and lending it validity, even though they probably don't mean to

>> No.4482376

>post tenuous assertion with no evidence
Except I never did that

>- post statement that's conditional on assertion and bound to get replies
Never did that either

All I did was see someone admitting that they still like meat even though they think it's wrong to consume it. I wanted to ask how they can justify that and continue consuming it. That is all. You're looking way too much into this. Why don't you just go on back to your meat threads and let us discuss some vegan recipes in this one?

Here's a recipe I tried today with some minor changes

I doubled the coriander (freshly ground. I put the whole seeds in a pepper grinder), I held the ground cumin (instead I threw whole cumin seeds in the oil at the beginning), I used chili powder instead of cayenne, and I added 1 small diced tomato at the same time as the garbanzo beans. Also, the recipe calls for canned garbanzo beans and says to use the liquid from the can, but I don't like to do that so I actually discarded that liquid, put the garbanzo beans in a strainer in a larger bowl, filled it up, stirred the beans around, and discarded the little husk things that float to the surface. Then I pulled the strainer out of the bowl of water and rinsed the beans and added a little bit of additional water to the pan in order to get the right consistency.

>> No.4482489


I eat meat, but I still feel it's wrong of us to consume it, ethically speaking. I just don't care enough about pulling my weight to contribute to go back to vegetarianism. It's the reason I don't bother voting at elections as well.

For it to have any environmental benefits, many people will have to stop eating meat. One single person not eating meat won't help (unless you actually fight for the cause to inspire others, but again, I don't care enough to warrant spending my free time doing that).

I pick my battles, and sadly vegetarianism isn't one of them even if I have a huge amount of respect for people who do it as I think it's beneficial both to our health and to our planet.

>> No.4482614
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Thai cuisine has amazing vegan food too.


>> No.4484296

No, I'm saying he did that, then you replied. It's designed to sucker you into replying.

At the risk of keeping on topic, http://camel-csa.org.uk/2009/11/27/recipe-no-22-black-eyed-beans-with-mushrooms/ is a great recipe, but doesn't work out-of-the-box.

You want to cook the beans longer at the start to penetrate their tough outer shells, then once they've soaked and you're cooking them through, keep them on the boil til they're the texture of baked beans (way longer than the recipe suggests). Drain them, reserving the liquid, add the drained beans to the rest, and simmer a bit, topping up with the reserved liquid til it looks nice.

The objective is to avoid a long simmer, which will turn everything an unappetising dark brown.

>> No.4484305

Okay OP, listen carefully, and ignore my bad english.

Bake 200 grams minced beef until brown. Add a shitload of currypowder, like 8 cloves of garlic and an onion. then like 300 grams of frozen spinache, which you can find in a freeze-section of your supermarket. another layer of currypowder on top of the frozen spinache, and just heat it. serve with rice

enjoy my man, my mum used to make this all the time

>> No.4484336

Nigga, you just went full retard.

The China Study?! Really? How 'bout you dig out a copy of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion while you're at it.

Sage for thread of butthurt vegans.

>> No.4484340

Subvert? You certainly think highly of yourself - what, your dietary preferences are some insidious memetic terrorism of us poor deluded omnivores, desperately in need of your enlightenment to liberate us from wallowing in the pit of our wretchedly false consciousness?

You are a revolutionary, but only as envisioned by Frank Herbert - the closet aristocrat.

>> No.4484345

Beans are a terrible source of protein - cooked, they're something like 7 - 17% protein, and about twice as much carbs.

>> No.4484348

I support it because I WANT to, not because I need to.

Suffering is the best seasoning, you see.

>> No.4484350

Maybe you do. I eat it because I enjoy it.

The utilitarian argument doesn't make any sense. You don't NEED to have sex to reproduce, do you? Do you really need to chew? Think of the environmental damage of the toothpaste industry. Let's just rip those teeth out. No anesthetic, mind, that's unnatural or something.

>> No.4484351

I suppose you don't eat rice farmed in climates unsuitable for it (delicious methane)? Or wear industrially produced cotton?

>> No.4484352


>> No.4484354

Shut yo mouth bitch, where are the goddamn prawns. WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY

>> No.4484800


Fried tofu is god tier on Thai food.

>> No.4484802

Everyone has a footprint, as has been said, but the meat industry pretty much trumps everything. You can make more of a beneficial impact simply by going vegetarian than you can by almost any other consumer choice.

>> No.4484811

OP here. I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I think it would be best if we ignored them and just stayed on topic.

>> No.4487220

14/88 Vegan Supremacy

Meat-eaters should be put into concentration camps

>> No.4487253

lel lets make them work on vegemarion farms

>> No.4487260


Falafel akbar, brother! Let us purge the infidel!

>> No.4487274
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>every single vegan thread ever
>people who aren't vegan come in and be all-consumingly angry for no reason

I just don't get it

>> No.4487282


A cup of black beans is 15 grams of protein, which is pretty damn good. The carbs are great too, that's energy and fiber

>> No.4487389

baby spinach is what enabled me to go full vegan. spread mayo on a tortilla, fill it with spinach, oil and vinegar, and siracha, and wrap it up.

oh man.

>> No.4487411
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is this nigga serious

>> No.4487447


mayonaise is vegan.

go troll elsewhere >>>/b/

>> No.4487449

Well, it's vegetarian. Not vegan.

I can't even tell if this is a joke considering all the possible shit that comes with a vegan thread.

>> No.4487453


sorry. that's what i meant. my wife says we are vegan-vegetarians because we eat mayo but not dairy or eggs or honey.

sandwiches and cheeseburgers without mayo are just too dry for my taste.

>> No.4487456

Mayonnaise is an emulsion of oil, an acid, and egg yolks. You're straight retarded
Unless you're eating some kind of nasty processed soy based mayo.

>> No.4487458

>claims not to eat eggs
>eats eggs

>> No.4487459
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>eat mayo
>but not dairy or eggs
>or eggs

Holy shit vegans really are dumb.

>> No.4487463

/ck/ has never been friendly to diets not motivated by absolute medical necessity, as they reduce food to a means by which other considerations take centre stage. naturally, you've managed to imagine a witch-hunt, and to write a story of the oppressed, enlightened minority struggling against the barbarous majority.

not umami enough, sorry
8% by weight, versus 12.5% by weight for eggs.

>> No.4487466

This is because /ck/ is for cooking, not for diets. If you want to talk about your vegan diet go over to fitness and health, also known as /fit/.

>> No.4487474


>mayo is vegan my wife told me so ^^
>why is everyone so mean to vegans ;_;

Because every day, half the board is taken up by you misinformed, dumb, ignorant malnourished, stiff shitted hippy fuckweasel cunts. Now get out.

>> No.4487476

hold up, rice is a great source of protein?! Quick, tell the indians!

>> No.4487505

eating egg yolks is not the same as eating eggs, still vegan. Why don't you meat eating pigs just leave?

>> No.4487507

>/ck/ is for cooking, not for diets

no offense, but the name is "food and cooking", and diets are somewhat food related. or are they? maybe not. i'm not good with semantics.

anyway, thanks for the corrections. my wife and i self-classify as vegan-vegetarians because we avoid honey and dairy; it was a mistake to list eggs since we love mayo on everything.

>> No.4487512

Eating egg yolks is not vegan.

>> No.4487526


some people call it modified-vegan to differentiate.

>> No.4487556
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Vegans are the dumbest, the most fucked, ignorant and misinformed group in the world. Only in a place like America could people be so privileged as to pursue meaningless, useless food "fads" for the sake of trying to earn bragging rights among their faggot own-ass-snorting friends.

>> No.4487559

Have you been following the gluten-free fad as of late? It's even more hilarious. I wish I worked in food distribution so I could make ridiculous loads of cash off the retarded masses.

>> No.4487620
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>yfw modern veganism originated in the UK

>> No.4487625

I would become vegan too if I lived in shit-cuisine UK.

>> No.4487628
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It literally does not matter, it's a fad, a joke. It's a clothing lable worn by people who are rich enough to live that lifestyle and literally the only reason to ever "go vegan" is to lord it over people, there is no health benefit to it, you actually suffer for going vegan, ignore the reliance of drug companies to supply you with vitamins (the binders and contents of those pills mind you are made with animal parts.) and you gain the obstinate unwillingness to listen to any logic.

>> No.4487672

As if meat eaters aren't also dumb.

Proof meat eaters are dumb: lumps all vegans together based on one vegetarian who made a mistake.

>> No.4487675


>> No.4487680

I always think comments like this are funny because from my perspective, meat eating is a cult.

Also you're severely misinformed, not to mention a fucking asshole.

>> No.4487681


also, Thom Yorke is vegan. Ironic.

>> No.4490254

Do you even nutrition?
Do you even read?
I said "beans and rice". Not just "rice". Not just "beans". Do you understand the significance of eating those together? No? Then fuck right off dumbass.

>> No.4490353

>Then fuck right off dumbass

a little politeness goes a long way, my friend.

>> No.4490378

>a little politeness goes a long way, my friend.
Evidently that is not true on this board. Nothing but a bunch of intolerant, hypocritical jerkoffs.

>> No.4490609

>meat eating is a cult
Only on 4ch

>> No.4490642

The word "cult" implies a relatively small group of people. It also implies dogmatic veneration towards a belief. I don't know any omnivores who are dogmatic about eating meat. I do however know plenty of vegans and vegetarians obsessed with preaching their belief and worshiping PETA. In every sense, veganism is much closer to a cult than a being an omnivore. Your perspective is retarded.

>> No.4490649

Have you seen the vegan threads on /ck? There is most assuredly a meat cult. Their dogmatic worship of meat is as creepy as the character worship going on in North Korea.

>> No.4490658
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Agreed. The amount of butthurt that appears whenever someone mentions cutting back on meat (or that meat 3 meals a day might not be so great for the health) is astounding. /ck/ meat cultists are like the weddit atheists of cooking. They give everyone else a bad name with their unnecessarily militant attitude.

>> No.4490665

>sensible omnivores pointing and laughing at extremist, restrictive diets built on bad science and a lack of respect for good flavour
>omgg its a cult u guise stop oppressing meeeeee ;_;

>> No.4490667

Lots of people enjoy meat, I really enjoy meat. Nobody actually worships meat, they just really like it because it tastes good. Eating meat is a societal norm, how they fuck could it possibly be a cult? Unless you have your own definition of cult to make you being vegan seem edgy.

Your faggotry made me open up a bag of beef jerky. You just inadvertently killed a cow. How does that make you feel? Enjoy your soy.

>> No.4490668


Going by that logic, there is also an anti-ketchup/well-done steak/seratcha cult.

>> No.4490670

Okay this thread has run it's course. Troll you later meatfags

>> No.4490672


Perfect example right here. Some edgy guy with an internet connection is reminded about vegetables, gets angry, opens a bag of shit tier Jack Links brand prion jerky, and crams it into his abused, ulcerated GI tract in order to prove a point to anonymous strangers on the internet.

Have you ever even had prime dry aged beef before or is that not "muh money's worth" enough?

>> No.4490676

I have beef jerky because a friend gave me a free box of it. I normally don't eat it. I also like vegetables and other plant based food. Sorry to disappoint.

>> No.4490679

>wants to discuss health and fitness
>goes to food board

Take it to /fit/

>> No.4490936

>Eating meat is a societal norm, how they fuck could it possibly be a cult?
>Your faggotry made me open up a bag of beef jerky. You just inadvertently killed a cow

This is why it's a meat cult. It's a societal norm to eat meat. The freaks on /ck just take it to creepy extremes. You make us omnivores look like fucking morons, thanks.

>> No.4490949


For being an Indian spice, Garam Masala is pretty Mediterranean (25% Cinnamon, 25% black cardamom, 25% normal cardamom, 12.5% black pepper corns and 12.5% cloves).

A lot of the bases are really similar too, you need to branch out some. Try making paneer, if you can't get paneer in the store (queso fresco / quiejo frescal de minas / whatever). It's raw milk heated to almost boiling and then broken with vinegar, then left in a mold with a weight on it to press overnight.

>> No.4490952

>pretty Mediterranean

All those spices come from the east - remember that whole deal with Columbus? Yeah, it was to get to India for those spices.

>> No.4490962

Brazil checking in. http://i.imgur.com/2fi1A7t.jpg This is torta da escarola. Three heads of escarola cooked with onion and garlic on a normal pie crust with cheese on top. Blind bake the pie crust and salamander the cheese for best results.

http://i.imgur.com/W6CJKWe.png Rice with french fried white onions and green onions.

AMA about Brazilian cooking.

>> No.4491039


Have a recipe?

>> No.4491043


Make a recipe of a light buttery crust. Put it in a pie shell or a high sided pizza pan and blind back it.

Sautee onion and garlic in neutral oil until the onions area little sweet, chop up escarola and mix in, stir until the escarola wilts and gets tasty. Salt and pepper.

Put that in the blind baked shell, put sliced tomato on top. Put cheese on that. Make sure you leave some of the tomato exposed so that it can get sweet. If you use grape tomatoes, it's awesome because they're really sweet and balance the bitterness of the escarola. Anyway, cheese up and bake untilt he cheese is cooked.