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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 12 KB, 307x164, brit food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4475356 No.4475356 [Reply] [Original]

British feed appreciation thread

>> No.4475363
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>> No.4475370

that can't be brittish cuisine
its not fried or boiled

>> No.4475378
File: 10 KB, 318x158, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4475383

It's all so fatty and calorific. The ultimate comfort food!

>> No.4475386

Your convenience stores sell fucking pies. God bless the u of k.

>> No.4475388
File: 286 KB, 1152x1600, FlXeJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4475395


>> No.4475399
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>> No.4475401
File: 541 KB, 500x509, XiGsl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe one day my cooking will be as fab.

>> No.4475419
File: 52 KB, 625x352, steak-and-kidney-pudding_A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4475423
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>> No.4475424
File: 284 KB, 640x427, sticky toffee pudding 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4475427

What the fuck is wrong with british people ?

>> No.4475429
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>> No.4475433

>dozens dead at retard's dinner party
>eyewitness statement: "I told them not to go for seconds!"

>> No.4475443
File: 143 KB, 500x500, best-pork-british-sausages-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking Germany is on top of the sausage game

>> No.4475450


That one has to be Viz, surely?

>> No.4475455


>pretending that's not the toilet roll holder from your shit encrusted khazi

Yeah, it's totally the kitchen roll holder.

>> No.4475470

>british oral hygeine

>> No.4475474


>> No.4475482
File: 23 KB, 300x273, chuckle_brothers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw British people have the healthiest teeth in the OECD but Americans think otherwise because they regard lurid white artificial teeth/caps as the epitome of dental health.

>> No.4475504
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>> No.4475513


>Taken from the only 3 dentist offices in all of Britain

>> No.4475567


>and only measures 12 year olds, not adults

>> No.4475604

Holy fuck what's your problem Poland

>> No.4475611
File: 563 KB, 582x480, thebigbookofbritishsmiles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is extremely suspect. England is extremely sensitive about its reputation regarding rotten teeth, and you can see public money being thrown at this problem, along with misinformation and fake statistics.

>> No.4475614


>implying British peoples teeth are so fuk'ed up because they don't even get them filled or removed.

>> No.4475616

>polish kids don't know when to shut up

captcha: oppreſs dmaragi

>> No.4475623
File: 253 KB, 610x389, Britain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the amount of decayed, missing or filled teeth will ever decrease as you age.

You must be implying that British people are more likely than Americans to suffer from a deterioration in dental hygiene after the age of 12.

That seems rather unlikely given that British dentistry is subsidised by the state, unlike in America.

Keep clinging to those myths, m8.

>> No.4475629

>>implying the amount of decayed, missing or filled teeth will ever decrease as you age.

Actually I was implying the exact opposite, that it increases, and in the UK it increases more than in other countries. Post adult figures to refute that, because posting figures for 12 year olds is pretty obvious cherry picking

>> No.4475632


pick ONE

>> No.4475643

WHO figures are primarily on infants, go check for yourself. Figures on other age groups are incomplete and dated.

Again, I'm not sure why you would think there would be a greater deterioration in dental health post-12 in a country with socialised healthcare (UK) relative to one with private (US).

>> No.4475646
File: 26 KB, 300x225, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keep clinging to those myths, m8.

British face when....

>> No.4475649


Because your adults have shitty teeth. Not sure why you idiots have beans for breakfast either, but you do.

>> No.4475650


1. See facts
2. Ignore facts
3. Return to previous retarded argument like a dog to its vomit
4. Goto 1

Fucking seppo education innit.

>> No.4475652


It's from the OECD which is generally a pretty reputable source of statistics. Brits do get NHS dental treatment which is either free or £18-49 for the majority of procedures, meaning not many people would walk around with rotting teeth when it's pretty inexpensive to get it treated. If you want to talk about aesthetics, sure, people don't generally have much interest in veneers or excessive bleaching.

>> No.4475653

Wy exactly so Brits think socialized medicine means better care? It means care for everyone but not better.

>> No.4475662

>If you want to talk about aesthetics, sure, people don't generally have much interest in veneers or excessive bleaching.

or brushing. So aside from your conjecture regarding NHS treatment meaning better results, you really have no evidence that Brits have healthy teeth, but you're sticking to it.

>> No.4475665
File: 208 KB, 786x1250, health_care_in_us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means that more people have access to dentists...

There are some very specialised areas of medicine where the US is more capable because of funding, but that is about it.

>> No.4475668

true, but lots of us get private healthcare as well.

Is like saying
>Healthy BMI
pick ONE.

These are from magazines that are read by the plebs of the UK. I guess it's the equivalent of those US rednecks who make "Sketti n' butter"

>> No.4475671

>Is like saying
>>Healthy BMI
>pick ONE.

Which is valid - most Americans are overweight more so than other countries. More Brits have shitty teeth than other countries.

>> No.4475674

You do realise that the constructed image of "healthy teeth" (bleached white and/or artificial teeth) foisted upon you by your media/popular culture is all to do with aesthetics and nothing to do with health, right?

>> No.4475680

But where are the bigger health implications?
>A crooked smile
>Diabetes, heart disease, blood pressure, joint problems etc.

Sure there are extreme cases of messed up teeth, but the frequency of an extreme case detrimental to health is no where near as high as obesity-related illnesses the the US have

>> No.4475686


Sure, and fatasses are even worse to look at. Doesn't change the fact Brits have shitty teeth though.

>> No.4475716

>More Brits have shitty teeth than other countries.

According to who?

Most yanks I know have at least one implant or false tooth, plenty have veneers. That's like saying you've got an awesome castle because you just put stone cladding on your shed.

Americans have shitty teeth because of all the sugar and mountain dew and general obesity - they just cover that shit up with fakery.

It's probably a metaphor or something.

>> No.4475718


>all anecdotes
>repairing dental damage is having bad teeth

Great logic, britfag

>> No.4475719
File: 55 KB, 600x449, 2465076[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>british food thread

no faggots.

fucking faggots.

>> No.4475724

I keep passing by those "Mr. Brains" faggots at the supermarket but I've never bought any.

So tell me, what do faggots taste like?

>> No.4475732

>Great logic, britfag

If you focus, and carefully read the words, you'll see that it's quite logical.

I'm pretty sure you're just going to wrinkle your brow and start mashing away at the keyboard with a gun or a big mac or something. Because that's what ALL AMERICANS do, AND THEY ARE ALL FAT AS HOUSES it must be true, it's what everybody says and I saw it on the simpsons.

>> No.4475738

your last girlfriend kissed a british guy, didn't she?

>> No.4475744


The thread is full of faggots, what you torkin about m8?

That said, faggots aren't the same these days - look at a packet of Mr. Brains. It's all bloody meat these days, not a sign of heart nor lung.

Granted, it's probably horsemeat, or badger or circus animal or something, but it's proper outside meat. Pfft.

>> No.4475756


No, I actually got cut on my dick from a brit girl with crooked teeth going down on me.

>> No.4475761

>If you focus, and carefully read the words, you'll see that it's quite logical.

No, it's not.

>Americans have dental work done to maintain their teeth
>this is proof Americans have bad teeth
>not that they maintain them, unlike the brits

It's as stupid as saying changing your oil is the mark of a bad car - and the way British cars leak oil you obviously don't believe that.

>> No.4475768

The only data posted in this thread shows that Brits have considerably better dental health than Americans.

Until somebody posts data from a reputable source that shows otherwise, shut the fuck up.

>> No.4475772


No, it shows 12 year olds get less work done. Having less fillings doesn't mean squat.

Here's a Telegraph article directly refuting those statistics, btw.


>> No.4475774

aren't they just meatballs?

>> No.4475775
File: 29 KB, 440x400, eton_mess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, what this cunt said. In the meantime, more allegedly delicious britfood.

>> No.4475897

Do you know what publication those are from? I want to find its website or try to find some pdf. Seems like a good laugh.